Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

"The Ensigns of Command".


After a century of silence, the Enterprise-D receives a message from the Sheliak system informing the Federation that they have discovered a Human colony on a world in their sector. As they will be colonizing the planet themselves in four days time, the Sheliak want the Enterprise to evacuate all Humans from their territory. The planet in question is in a high radiation zone and no one can understand how any Human could be living there. As Data is immune to the radiation he is sent to the planet to arrange for the inhabitants' departure. Once there however, he finds there is a population of 15,000 and is informed they have no intention of leaving. While Picard must find a way to get more time from the Sheliak, Data enlists the help of one of the locals in his attempt to convince them to leave.



Beverly Crusher • Wesley Crusher • Data • Gosheven • Haritath • Kentor • Geordi La Forge • Ard'rian McKenzie • Miles O'Brien • Alfonse Pacelli • Jean-Luc Picard • William T. Riker • Deanna Troi • Worf • Wright (Ensign) • Sheliak Director
Referenced only
Trenka Bron-Ken • Philip Peter Bryce • Jascha Heifetz • Mozart • Ortiz (Ensign) • Galen Pizzorno

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Enterprise-D (Galaxy-class) • Onizuka (type-15 shuttlepod) • Sheliak colony ship
Referenced only
SS Artemis (colony ship)


bridge • observation lounge • ready room • Tau Cygna V • Tau Cygna system
Referenced only
de Laure belt • Earth • Mars • Septimis Minor • Shelia system • Sheliak homeworld

Races and cultures[]

Android • Betazoid • Human • Klingon • Sheliak
Referenced only
Grizzela • Vulcan

States and organizations[]

Federation • Federation Commander Pool • Sheliak Corporate • Starfleet • Starfleet Command

Other references[]

2255 • 2279 • 2366 • aqueduct • As You Like It • calculator • cello • class H • classification R-3 • colony • dedication plaque • diagnostic circuits • director • duotronic • Eine kleine Nachtmusik • Failure Consequence Assessment System • Federation-Sheliak Conflict • guidance system • hydrogen • hyperonic radiation • kiss • neural pathway • phaser • planet • positronic • positronic brain • pumping station • reverse psychology • robotic dog • sensor • servocircuit • Sheliak language • spacecraft • string quartet • test cylinder • transporter • Treaty of Armens • tricorder • type-2 phaser • viola • violin • virotherapy • yellow alert


Related stories[]


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Shades of Gray
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TNG episode aired Next episode:
The Survivors
chronological order
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Pocket Next Adventure:
Gulliver's Fugitives

External links[]
