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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Sarah.
For other uses, see Heather.
See MacDougal for other articles with titles that contain, either by relationship or by coincidence, this character's surname.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow: The following content contains spoilers!
Sarah MacDougal

Sarah MacDougal.

Lieutenant Commander Sarah MacDougal (also known as Heather MacDougal) served as one of the USS Enterprise-D's two chief engineers under Captain Thomas Halloway in 2363, splitting her duties with Michael Argyle. She was responsible for the operation and maintenance of the ship's systems. (TNG novel: The Buried Age, TNG short story: "Meet with Triumph and Disaster")

They were both still in the position at the time of launch under Captain Jean-Luc Picard, but she departed not long later. (TNG episode: "The Naked Now", TNG novel: A Time for War, A Time for Peace)

MacDougal stayed with the stardrive section when Captain Picard ordered a saucer separation to increase the odds of escaping from an alien creature. (TNG novel: Ghost Ship)

In 2369 MacDougal serves as chief engineer onboard USS Oceanside. (TNG novel: Pliable Truths)

MacDougal was assassinated circa 2371 by a Zortai with a grudge against the chief engineers of the Enterprise. (TNG comic: "Suspect")

MacDougal was named "Heather" in The Buried Age.
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Chief engineers of the starships Enterprise
Enterprise (NX-01) Tucker • Kelby • Burch Enterprise assignment patch.
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) Kursley • Marvick • Powell • Fourrier • Pitcairn • Barry • Louvier • Grace • Burnstein • Hemmer • Pelia • Scott USS Enterprise assignment insignia.
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) (Kelvin timeline) Olson • Scott 2250s alt ops badge
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) (other alternate realities) Scott 2250s alt ops badge
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) Scott Starfleet 2280s insignia
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A)
(alternate realities)
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-B) Buonarroti • Jennings
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-C) Kodell
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) MacDougal • Argyle • Logan • Lynch • La Forge Starfleet 2360s insignia
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) (alternate realities) Argyle • Crusher Starfleet 2360s insignia
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) La Forge Starfleet 2370s insignia
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) (alternate realities) Argyle • Crusher Starfleet 2370s insignia
ISS Enterprise (NX-01) Tucker Emblem of the Terran Empire.
ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701) Scott • DeSalle
ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) La Forge
ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) O'Brien
Free Starship Enterprise Barclay
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) engineering personnel
Federation icon image. Ajanian • Aleakala • Ampalayon • Andrews • Argyle • Barclay • Bartel • Blake • Bracken • Brewer • Bruner • Butler • Carpelli • Clancy • Cliff • Costa • Danilova • De Shay • Della Guardia • Dern • DiBiasi • Donna • Duffy • Eddies • El'sryk • Farrell • Forest • Friedel • Gomez • Heavenly • Hessan • Hinner • Hubbell • Jones • Kandel • Kelso • Kihn • Kociemba • Kolb • Kopf • Kornblum • Kwan • La Forge • LaVelle • Li • Lefler • Logan • Lynch • MacDougal • Maireid • McRobb • Moezer • Myers • Nagurski • Nara • O'Brien • O'Connor • Oblata • Oliver • Otto • Palmeiro • Redbay • Robinson • Sherman • Shimoda • Shipley • Singh • Stone • Sutter • Taurik • T'Kaal • T'Lota • Varley • Vukcevok • Wallace • Yee • Zelenetsky Starfleet icon image.
see also: medical personnel • pilots & flight control personnel • operations personnel • security & tactical personnel • sciences personnel • senior staff • unnamed

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