Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow: The following content contains spoilers!
The timestream.
years: 2366 2367 2368 2369 2370 2371 2372

(stardates from 2369.0[1], or 46000.0–46999[2])

decades: 2330s 2340s 2350s 2360s 2370s 2380s 2390s
centuries: 23rd century - 24th century - 25th century

2369 was, on Earth's calendar, the 70th year of the 24th century, and the tenth and final year of the 2360s decade. Besides this time period's Human dates, in stardates this era begins with stardate 2369.0[1] in some systems of dating, and runs from stardate 46000 to 46999 in others.[2]




Federation politics[]

Bajoran politics[]

Starfleet operations[]

Promotions and transfers[]

Astronomical events[]


Births and deaths[]

  • Kes is born on Ocampa. [citation needed]
  • Kai Opaka is killed in the Gamma Quadrant. She is revived by nanomachines but unable to leave the planet.[13]

Notable people[]


References and notes[]


Title Series Date Media Notes Image
Time's Arrow

Part II
The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46001.3
episode Datas head
Watching the Clock

Chapter 10
(pages 234-249)
Star Trek January 2369 novel Watching the Clock cover
The Best and the Brightest

Year One: Chapters 1-3
The Next Generation 2369 novel Best and Brightest
Realm of Fear The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46041.1 - 46043.6
episode Barclay transporter
Man of the People The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46071.6 - 46075.1
Light of the Day The Next Generation 2369 comic No stardate was given the specify the placement of this comic, however it is set in TNG's sixth TV series and must take place before the episode "Relics" when the shuttlecraft featured in the comic is taken from the Enterprise. Light of Day coverA
Strange New Worlds II

Calculated Risk
The Next Generation 2369 short story SNWII
Relics The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46125.3
episode novelization Relics cover
Engines of Destiny

Chapter 3
Star Trek 2369 novel Engines of destiny
Schisms The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46154.2 - 46193.8
Here There Be Dragons The Next Generation 2369 novel Here There Be Dragons cover
Strange New Worlds VII

Future Shock

Second & Third entries
The Next Generation March 3-10, 2369 short story Strange new worlds 7
True Q The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46192.3 - 46193.8
Strange New Worlds VII

Future Shock

Forth & Fifth entries
The Next Generation March 17-24, 2369 short story Strange new worlds 7
DC TNG Special - 1995

Old Debts
The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46225.4
comic TNG 1995
Rascals The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46235.7 - 46236.3
Bridges The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46253.3
comic TNG 39
Bone of Contention The Next Generation 2369 comic TNG 40
Separation Anxiety The Next Generation 2369 comic TNG 41
Second Chances The Next Generation 2369 comic TNG 42
Strange Bedfellows The Next Generation 2369 comic TNG 43
Restoration The Next Generation 2369 comic TNG 44
Strange New Worlds VII

Future Shock

Sixth & Seventh entries
The Next Generation March 30 - April 6, 2369 short story Strange new worlds 7
A Fistful of Datas The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46271.5 - 46278.3
The Amazing Stories

On the Scent of Trouble
The Next Generation 2369 short story The Amazing Stories
Strange New Worlds VII

Future Shock

Eighth & Nintth entries
The Next Generation April 13-20, 2369 short story Strange new worlds 7
A Fury Scorned The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46300.6
novel A Fury Scorned cover
Childish Things The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46301.8
comic TNG 45
The Quality of Life The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46307.2 - 46317.8
The Maze The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46318.6
comic TNG 46
Strange New Worlds VII

Future Shock

tenth-twelfth entries
The Next Generation April 27 - May 10, 2369 short story Strange new worlds 7
A Stitch in Time

Part 3: Chapters 3 & 5
Deep Space Nine 2369 novel Stitch
The Worst of Both Worlds The Next Generation 2369 comic TNG 47
The Belly of the Beast The Next Generation 2369 comic TNG 48
The Armies of the Night The Next Generation 2369 comic TNG 49
And Death Shall Have No Dominion The Next Generation 2369 comic TNG 50


Chapters 9, 10, 12 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 & 26
Deep Space Nine 2369 novel Millennium3

The Fall of Terok Nor

Chapter 1
Deep Space Nine 2369 novel Millennium1
Debtors' Planet The Next Generation 2369 novel Debtor'sPlanet
Chain of Command The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46357.4 - 46360.8
The Captain's Table

Once Burned

"The Interview" - "The Hearing"
New Frontier 2369 novel Once burned
Seven Deadly Sins

Freedom Angst
Star Trek 2369 novella Seven Deadly Sins
Terok Nor

Dawn of the Eagles

Chapter 25, Epilogue
The Lost Era 2369 novel Dawn of the Eagles
Pliable Truths The Next Generation 2369 novel PliableTruths

Chapter 2-12
Deep Space Nine 2369
Stardate 46379.1 - 46393.1
episode novelization Emissary
Prophecy and Change

Deep Space Nine 2369 short story ProphecyandChange
Strange New Worlds VI

Deep Space Nine 2369 short story Strange new worlds 6
Past Prologue Deep Space Nine 2369 episode Past Prologue
Strange New Worlds VII

Future Shock

Thirteenth entry
The Next Generation May 27, 2369 short story Strange new worlds 7

Chapter 2, section 12
Voyager 2369 novel Pathways
Guises of the Mind The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46401.9
novel Guises of the Mind
A Man Alone Deep Space Nine 2369
Stardate 46421.5 - 46421.5
episode A Man Alone

Chapter 2, sections 13-14
Voyager 2369 novel Pathways
Ship in a Bottle The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46424.1
Babel Deep Space Nine 2369
Stardate 46421.5 - 46425.8
episode Babel
Strange New Worlds VII

Future Shock

Fourteenth entry
The Next Generation June 10, 2369 short story Strange new worlds 7
Aquiel The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46461.3

The Lion and the Lamb
The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46479.3
comic Cover Shadowheart1

Dealers in Darkness
The Next Generation 2369 comic Shadowheart2

My Brother's Keeper
The Next Generation 2369 comic Shadowheart3

The Prince of Madness
The Next Generation 2369 comic Shadowheart4
Captive Pursuit Deep Space Nine 2369
Stardate 46477.5
episode OBrien and Tosk
The Siege Deep Space Nine 2369 novel Ds92 the siege

Chapter 8, section 15 & Chapter 10, sections 6-8
Voyager 2369 novel Pathways
Cold Equations

The Persistence of Memory

Chapter 9
The Next Generation 2368 - 2369 novel Overview of Noonian Soong's stops between Pacifica and Alpha Centauri IV, ending more than six months before January 2370.

Also includes various memories, spanning 2304 - 2335.

Persistence large
Face of the Enemy The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46519.0
The Sky's the Limit

The Next Generation 2369 short story Takes place immediately after "Face of the Enemy" The Sky's the Limit
Q-Less Deep Space Nine 2369
Stardate 46531.2 - 46532.3
episode Qless
Tapestry The Next Generation 2369 episode Tapestry
No Limits


Sections 2-4
New Frontier 2369 short story NoLimits
Dax Deep Space Nine 2369
Stardate 46910.1
episode Daxds9season1
Seven of Nine

Voyager 2369 novel SevenofNine
DC TNG Special - 1993

Good Listener
The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46541.2
comic TNG 1993

Part I
The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46578.4
The Passenger Deep Space Nine 2369 episode Thepassenger

Part II
The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46579.2
The Star Ghost Deep Space Nine 2369 novel The Star Ghost
Move Along Home Deep Space Nine 2369 episode Movealonghome
Buying Time

Chapter 6, section 3 & Chapter 7, section 2
SCE 2369 eBook SCE32
The Nagus Deep Space Nine 2369 episode Quark as Nagus
Starship Mine The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46682.4
The Death of Princes The Next Generation 2369 novel
Lessons The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46693.1 - 46697.2
Vortex Deep Space Nine 2369 episode Vortex
Double Helix

Red Sector

Chapters 11-25
The Next Generation 2369 novel Red Sector
The Chase The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46731.5 - 46735.2
Crossroads of Time Deep Space Nine 2369
Stardate 46871.6 - 46874.0
video game Although the stardate suggests a later placement, the presence of Kai Opaka means the game must take place before DS9 episode: "Battle Lines". Crossroads of Time title screen
Bloodletter Deep Space Nine 2369 novel Bloodletter
Battle Lines Deep Space Nine 2369 episode Battlelines
A House Divided The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46759.2
comic A House Divided
Frame of Mind The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46778.1
To Storm Heaven The Next Generation 2369 novel
Dark Passions, Book One Star Trek 2369
Stardate 46722.4
novel duology DarkPassions1
Dark Passions, Book Two Star Trek 2369
Stardate 46722.4
novel duology DarkPassions2
The Storyteller Deep Space Nine 2369
Stardate 46729.1
episode Thestoryteller
Suspicions The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46830.1 - 46831.2
Double Helix

Double or Nothing

Seven Years Earlier
The Next Generation 2369 novel Double or Nothing cover
Progress Deep Space Nine 2369
Stardate 46844.3
episode Ds9progress
Rightful Heir The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46852.2
episode Boreth
Warped Deep Space Nine 2369 novel Warped
If Wishes Were Horses Deep Space Nine 2369
Stardate 46853.2
episode Ifwisheswerehorses

Chapter 2, sections 15-17
Voyager 2369 novel Pathways
The Rich and the Dead! The Next Generation 2369 comic TNG52
Reductions & Deductions The Next Generation 2369 comic TNG53
Hidden Agendas! The Next Generation 2369 comic TNG54
The Good of the Many! The Next Generation 2369 comic TNG 2 55
Companionship The Next Generation 2369 comic TNG 56
The Romulan Stratagem The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46892.6
novel The Romulan Stratagem cover
Guises of the Mind

The Next Generation 2369 novel Guises of the Mind
Second Chances The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46915.2 - 46920.1
Star Trek: Special

A Rolling Stone Gathers No Nanoprobes
The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46918.6
comic Star Trek Special
Foreign Foes The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46921.3
novel Foreign Foes cover
The Forsaken Deep Space Nine 2369
Stardate 46925.1
episode Theforsaken
Stowaways Deep Space Nine 2369 novel
Dramatis Personae Deep Space Nine 2369
Stardate 46922.3 - 46924.5
episode Dramatispersonae

Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & Epilogue
The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46931.2
novel Requiem TNG cover
Timescape The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46944.2 - 46945.3
Duet Deep Space Nine 2369 episode Duet
What's Past


Main story
SCE 2369 eBook Progress
Strange New Worlds V

The Farewell Gift
The Next Generation 2369 short story Strange new worlds 5
Descent The Next Generation 2369
Stardate 46982.1 - 47025.4
episode novelization Descent
In the Hands of the Prophets Deep Space Nine 2369 episode Inthehandsoftheprophets

Images from 2369[]

External link[]
