Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Publisher's description[]

From the back cover: Long ago, before the dawn of civilization, they were banished to the realm of nightmares. Now the terrors are real...

A generation ago, another Starship Enterprise fought off a ship of exiled aliens intent on conquering all of the Alpha Quadrant. Starfleet thought the foe had been repelled forever -- until now. The Furies have returned in mighty warships even more powerful than before. But their weapons are more than merely physical, for these aliens are the origins of all the demons and monsters of ancient myth, and they have found a way to project fear directly into the minds of their enemies. To defeat the Furies, and save the Federation, Picard and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise must first conquer the darkest terrors of their unconscious minds.



Airborne • Anderson • Etta Cassidy • Beverly Crusher • Data • Dea • Dreod • Eckley • Guinan • Ikel • Judy • Kirschbaum • Kobe • Geordi La Forge • Mael • O'pz • Orne • Jean-Luc Picard • Prote • Sam Redbay • William Riker • Deanna Troi • Vedil • Wilcox • Wong • Worf • Robert C. Young • Ythion
Referenced only
Wesley Crusher • Gowron • Paul Higginbotham • Kahless • James T. Kirk • Jim Kiser • Leonard McCoy • Moest • Mogh • Sse • Tam • Lwaxana Troi • Zennor • Zlitch


Alpha Quadrant • Brundage Station • Furies Point
Referenced only
Bajor • Bajoran wormhole • Brundage Mountain • Casius II • Chala IV • Deep Space 9 • Delos IV • Earth • Idaho • Louvre • McCall • Nyo colony • Paris • Regal III • Risa • Sun Valley

Starships and vehicles[]

IKS DoHQay (Klingon bird-of-prey) • USS Enterprise-D (Galaxy-class) • Erinyes (Fury starship) • IKS HohIj (Klingon bird-of-prey) • USS Idaho (Galaxy-class) • Kalyb (Fury starship) • Lewis (Starfleet shuttlecraft) • USS Madison (Galaxy-class) • Polo (Starfleet shuttlecraft)
Referenced only
USS Farragut • USS T'Pau

Races and cultures[]

Ak'lin • Betazoid • El-Aurian • Furies • Human • Klingon • Zebub
Referenced only
Bajoran • Borg • Cardassian • Craxithesus • Ferengi • Jequat • Romulan • Sakill • Tholian • Unclean • Vulcan

States and organizations[]

Klingon Empire • Starfleet • United Federation of Planets

Other references[]

bat'leth • demon • devil • Earl Grey • Hebrew • Hippocratic oath • holodeck • holosuite • interspace • Jeffries tube • Judeo-Christian • klaxtal • KloqPoq • Nestafarian brandy • poker • poppet • Redbay Maneuver • root tea • skiing • theragen • vergo • VISOR • wormhole • Xotic flu • Yahweh



  • The events of The Soldiers of Fear are mentioned in Time's Enemy, The Final Fury and Ring Around the Sky.
  • The series featured a four-panel cover by Keith Birdsong showing characters from each book surrounding a broken image of one of the Furies. The complete cover art was used for the omnibus edition, but the Furies character's face was obscured by the title. The face could be seen in a promotional poster for the series. Additionally, on this volume it was decided to feature the Enterprise.



Star Trek: Invasion! Novels
First Strike | The Soldiers of Fear | Time's Enemy | The Final Fury


published order
Previous novel:
TNG numbered novels Next novel:
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
Chapter 12, Sections 9-10
Pocket Next Adventure:
Star Trek Generations

German : Soldaten des Schreckens, translated by Andreas Brandhorst. (Heyne)

External link[]
