Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

"Conspiracy" was the 25th episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, in the show's first season, first aired during the week of 9 May 1988. The episode was written by Robert SabaroffMA and Tracy TormeMA and directed by Cliff BoleMA.


TNG Magazine
Key officers in Starfleet Command are acting strangely. So strangely, in fact, that Picard returns to Earth to investigate. But the plot thickens when he meets some old friends — they're not who they appear to be!



Aaron • Bennett (Ensign) • Beverly Crusher • Data • Diana Giddings • Walker Keel • Geordi La Forge • Longo • Jean-Luc Picard • Gregory Quinn • Dexter Remmick • William T. Riker • Rixx (Bolian) • Savar • Tryla Scott • Deanna Troi • Worf • USS Enterprise-D computer • bluegills • spawnmother
Referenced only
Jack Crusher • Delaplane • Onna Karapleedeez • Anne Keel • Melissa Keel • McKinney • Ryan Sipe • Seth Goldberg • Jimmy Arakaki • Andrew Probert • Cari Thomas

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Enterprise-D (Galaxy-class explorer) • USS Horatio (Ambassador-class cruiser) • USS Renegade (New Orleans-class frigate) • USS Thomas Paine (New Orleans-class frigate) • orbital shuttle
Referenced only
USS Albert Einstein (Nebula-class explorer) • USS Aleo • USS Atlantis • USS Callisto • USS Copernicus (Oberth-class scout) • USS Constellation • USS Elmer Fudd • USS Endeavour • USS Equicon • USS James Fenimore Cooper • USS Ganymede • USS Gremlin • USS Heart of Gold • USS John F. Kennedy • USS Matte Fringe • USS Max Planck • USS Minnow • USS Mustang • USS Nightwing • USS Non Sequitur • USS Omaha Nebraska • USS Puget Sound • USS Robert Louis Stevenson • USS Sherlock Holmes • USS Ticonderoga • USS Tranquility Base • USS Tycho • USS Unicorn • USS White Sands • Wanderer-class


Dytallix B • Earth • Starfleet Headquarters
Referenced only
Gamma Argus • sector 500 • Starbase 0834 • Starbase 4077 • Kling • Romulan Neutral Zone • Sarpeid • Aldeberan • Alpha Carinae • Alpha Centuri • Alpha Majoris • Beta Aurigae • Beta Geminorum • Beta Lyrae • Beta Niobe • Beta Portalan • Capella • Deneb • Eminiar • Fabrina • Gamma Trianguli • Ingraham B • Omega Cygni • Orion • Pallas 14 • Phylos • Regulus • Rigel • Sirius • Sol • Talos • Tau Ceti • Alfa 177 • Altair VI • Andor • Arret • Ariannus • Babel • Benecia • Berengaria VII • Camus II • Canopus III • Daran V • Gamma Canaris N • Holberg 917G • Janus VI • Kzin • Lactra VII • Makus III • Marcos XII • Marnak IV • Memory Alpha • Mudd • Omega IV • Organia • Pollux IV • Psi 2000 • Pyrix VII • Remus • Romulus • Theta III • Vulcan • Procyon A • Mira Antliae • Sector 10 • Procyon B • Gamma Argus II • Manark IV • Kaferia • Starbase 45 • Daran • Lalande 21185 • Kandari sector • Ross 154 • Procyon • Bolarus IX • Andorian system • Pacifica • Starbase 12

Races and cultures[]

android • Betazoid • bluegills • Bolian • Human • Klingon
Referenced only
Gamma Argus II native

States and organizations[]

Dytallix Mining Company • Starfleet • United Federation of Planets • Starfleet Inspector General Office
Referenced only
First Federation • Tholian Assembly

Science and classification[]

neural parasite • variable star

Communications and language[]

code 47 • explored galaxy • first officer's log • first officer's log, USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)

Technology and weapons[]

mark V personal phaser • swimming pool • starship

Ranks and titles[]

bridge crew • commanding officer • vice admiral • rear admiral • one star admiral • Federation Starfleet ranks (2350s-2360s)

Other references[]

swimming • crime and punishment • memory • Starfleet ship losses • Starfleet General Orders and Regulations


Altairian Conference
Starfleet conspiracy


Related media[]

The parasites have had a number of appearances in the DS9 relaunch significantly building on their history and motivations:
Set before Conspiracy establishing the Federation's first contact with the parasites.
The Mission Gamma series sets up a parasite attempt to take over the Bajor Sector.
Unity continues the story begun in Mission Gamma.
The parasitic aliens have also appeared attempting to start a civil war on the planet Onglaatu in Broken Moon.




published order
Previous episode:
We'll Always Have Paris
TNG episode produced Next episode:
The Neutral Zone
Previous episode:
We'll Always Have Paris
TNG episode aired Next episode:
The Neutral Zone
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
We'll Always Have Paris
Pocket Next Adventure:
The Neutral Zone

External links[]
