Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki


In the darkest hours of the Dominion War, as the Federation's downfall seemed ever more certain, Jem'Hadar and Cardassian forces conquered Betazed, the homeworld of Deanna Troi. Their victory sent shock waves through the Alpha Quadrant, and put the Dominion within striking distance of Vulcan, Andor, Tellar -- and possibly Earth itself.

To secure their position in the very heart of the Federation, the Cardassians begin constructing space station Sentok Nor in orbit of Betazed. The station is to serve as both the seat of the Dominion occupation and the site of horrific experiments by Cardassia's foremost exobiologist, the infamous Dr. Crell Moset.

With Starfleet's forces spread too thinly in the ongoing struggle to retake Betazed outright, the U.S.S. Enterprise, along with some old and new friends, is deployed to carry out a dangerous and desperate plan. But no matter what the outcome, the consequences could alter Betazed irrevocably, forcing Deanna Troi to choose between her world's survival and its very soul.



Adana • Chaxaza • Dal Corbin • Lorella Corbin • Beverly Crusher • Daniels • Data • Ellum • Cort Enaren • Cort Enaren II • Damira Enaren • Sark Enaren • Georgianos • Hernandez • Geordi La Forge • Lanolan • Lemec • Luaran • Crell Moset • Nog • Miles O'Brien • Okalan • Kell Perim • Jean-Luc Picard • Nerissa Povron • William T. Riker • Stein • Hent Tevren • Barin Troi • Deanna Troi • Lwaxana Troi • Elias Vaughn • th'Vraas • Worf • Sorana Xerix
Referenced only
Jadzia Dax • Dukat • Tam Elbrun • Elim Garak • A.E. Housman • William Ross • Prynn Tenmei • Ian Andrew Troi


Betazed • Darona • Docking pylon • Docking ring • Jarkana • Jarkana Mountains • Loneel Mountains • Loneel Valley • Sentok Nor (Nor-class space station) • Starbase 19 • Starbase 133
Referenced only
Alpha Centauri • Andor • Arvada III • Bajor • Berengaria VII • Beta VI • Betreka Nebula • Bolarus • Condar • Deep Space 9 • Earth • Lappa IV • Northern School District • Ridani spaceport • Rigel system • Tellar • Vulcan

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Defiant (Defiant-class) • USS Enterprise-E (Sovereign-class) • Galor-class • Jem'Hadar attack ship • USS Katana (Saber-class) • USS Nautilus • USS Scimitar (Saber-class) • USS Tulwar (Saber-class)
Referenced only
USS Sentinel

Races and cultures[]

Andorian • android • Betazoid • Cardassian • Ferengi • Human • Jem'Hadar • Klingon • Tavnian • Trill • Vorta
Referenced only
Bajoran • Changeling • Vulcan

States and organizations[]

Betazed resistance • Dominion • First House of Betazed • Fourth House of Betazed • Starfleet • Starfleet 8th Fleet • Starfleet 12th Fleet • Starfleet Special Operations • Third House of Betazed • United Federation of Planets
Referenced only
Bajoran Resistance • Betazed Defense Force • Carvan Institute • Psionic cult • University of Culat

Science and technology[]

Bubonic plague • cloaking device • Fostossa virus • ketracel-white • Myrmidon wind devil • neurocortical monitor • phased polaron beam • photon torpedo • plant • poison • psilosynine • pulse phaser • quantum torpedo • Rigelian fever • root • Ryetalyn • space station • spiral wave disruptor

Ranks and titles[]

commander • doctor • exobiologist

Other references[]

2275 • 2297 • Andorian punch • Battle of Rigel • Blessed Books of Katara • cavat • Corzon • Crystilia • Daronan spring water • Diomedian scarlet moss • Dominion War • Draebidium calimus • fish juice • fistrium • Frangipani • hara cat • Legate's Crest of Valor • Poinciana tree • psychobabble • Sacred Scepter of Betazed • Sadi • surface operations blacks • The Taming of the Shrew • Tarna • telekinesis • teskali tree • Tomed Incident • toranium • Vulcan nerve pinch • zan periculi • Zintaba


Related media[]



published order
Previous novel:
A Hard Rain
TNG unnumbered novels Next novel:
Do Comets Dream?
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
Mirror Eyes
Pocket Next Adventure:
Twilight's Wrath
Previous Adventure:
Mirror Eyes
Voyages of the
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E)
Next Adventure:
Star Trek: Insurrection
The above chronology placements are based on the primary placement in 2375.
The Pocket Books Timeline places events from this story in one other timeframe:
Previous Adventure:
Uninvited Admirals
3rd flashback
Chapter 3, Sections 3-4
Next Adventure:
Chapter 6, Section 3 and Chapter 10, Sections 4-5

German : Die Rache des Dominion, translated by Andreas Brandhorst. (Heyne)

External link[]
