Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki


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Beverly Crusher • Data • Guy of Gisbourne • Jones • Kellogg • Geordi La Forge • Nelson • Jean-Luc Picard • Q • William T. Riker • Dennis Russell • Deanna Troi • Van Orton • Vash • Darien Wallace • Worf, son of Mogh • USS Enterprise-D computer
Referenced only
Achilles • Alan-a-Dale • Friar Tuck • Klarc-Tarn-Droth • Little John • Maid Marian • Robin Hood • Switzer • Will Scarlet • Sheriff of Nottingham

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Enterprise-D (Galaxy-class)


Earth • England • Nottingham Castle • Sherwood Forest • Tagus III • Ten-Forward
Referenced only
Risa • Sarthong V • Y'zjete H'ieh City

Races and cultures[]

Algolian • Android • Betazoid • Bolian • Human • Q • Vulcan
Referenced only

States and organizations[]

American Continent Institute • Federation Archaeology Council • Memory Alpha Cultural Institute • Merry Men • Q Continuum • Starfleet • United Federation of Planets • University of Alpha Centauri • University of Betazed • University of Hawaii • Vulcan Science Academy

Other references[]

archaeology • Arnold Era • arrow • bow • counselor • Daboub-Magdaleno Excavation • death penalty • doctor • horga'hn • Jacobson Excavation • kiss • Klabnian eel • long sword • maiden • Palinski Excavation • Post-Ramirez Era • Pre-Neskoromny Era • senior staff • Sepulveda Period • Sordal-Palka Excavation • Speckman Excavation • sword


Related stories[]


published order
Previous episode:
The Nth Degree
TNG episode produced Next episode:
The Drumhead
Previous episode:
The Nth Degree
TNG episode aired Next episode:
The Drumhead
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
The Nth Degree
Pocket Next Adventure:
The Forgotten War


External links[]
