Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

"Timescape" is a TNG episode.



Beverly Crusher • Data • Diana Giddings • Jae • Jera • Geordi La Forge • Mareth • Martinez • Jean-Luc Picard • Relam • William T. Riker • Takket • Taul • Tomek • Towles • Deanna Troi • Worf, son of Mogh
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Spot • Dr. Mizan • Professor Wagner • Ernst Vassbinder


USS Enterprise-D (Galaxy-class) • runabout • Romulan warbird


bridge • sickbay • transporter room three • main engineering • Jefferies tube
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Devidia II • bridge • Neutral Zone

Races and cultures[]

Android • Betazoid • Human • Klingon • quantum singularity being • Romulan
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cat • Ktarian

States and Organisations[]

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Starfleet • Romulan Star Empire • Federation


Parrises squares • year • Worf's calisthenic program • long-range sensors • life support • automatic helm control • empath • thesis • interspecies mating rituals • empirical research • counselor • phylobiology • seminar • memory record • physiognomy • workshop • lecture • dissertation • ionization • warp nacelles • psychology • hypnotic • plasma field • symposium • warp energy • bath • energy • bio-scans • biological • chronometer • diagnostic • time • attitude control • antimatter pod • plasma conversion sensor • fuel consumption log • fruit • bowl • hull integrity • thrusters • space-time continuum • impulse • subspace field • cloaking device • phase discriminator • subspace force field • emergency transporter armband • subspace emitters • tricorder • equilibrium • phaser • disruptor • captain • warp core breach • warp core • flash point • cloud • visual detection threshold • deep sea divers • nitrogen narcosis • temporal narcosis • power utilization monitor • evacuation alert • artificial quantum singularity • temporal fragmentation • tricorder emissions • neural shock • temporal flux • bioelectrica patterns • temporal aperture • cellular clusters • mitosis • gravity well • black hole • nest • delta-band • phaser array • number one • pot • rotation schedules • personnel assignments • department heads • bridge shift • boils • aphorism • water • kettle • whistling • plexing

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