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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Diplomatic Implausibility is a TNG novel by Keith R.A. DeCandido.


The expanding Klingon Empire found a frozen world rich in deposits of the mineral topaline. They named the planet taD — Klingon for "frozen" — and they called the people jeghpu'wI' — conquered.
The Klingon Empire invaded Cardassia, breaching the Khitomer Accords and causing a break with the Federation. On taD, depleted Klingon forces were overthrown in a small coup d'état, and the victorious rebels took advantage of the disruption to appeal for recognition from the Federation.
The Klingons have returned to taD and re-established their control. But the stubborn rebels insist on Federation recognition. A solution to the diplomatic impasse must be found, a task that falls to the Federation's new ambassador to the Klingon Empire — Worf.
Worf thinks of himself as a fighter, not a negotiator, but the Federation disagrees. Now, for the sake of the Federation and the Empire, a Klingon warrior must weave a fragile peace out of a situation ripe for war!



Jeremy Aster • B'Elath • B'Oraq • Beverly Crusher • Data • Drex • em'Rlakun • ge'Tvrona • Goran • Grul • Zak Kebron • Kegren, son of Pers • Kiln • Klag • Kori • Krevor • Kurak • Geordi La Forge • Larok • Leskit • M'Rep • ma'Frnats • Martok • Mark McHenry • me'Grmat XIX (formerly te'Osbron) • Morketh • Jean-Luc Picard • re'Trenat • William T. Riker • Rodek, son of Noggra • Soleta • T'Latrek • Takus • Tiral • Toq • Vall • Worf • Giancarlo Wu
Referenced only
Aktuh • Marla Aster • Azetbur, daughter of Gorkon • Julian Bashir • Ch'Targh • Ezri Dax • Jadzia Dax • Robert DeSoto • Duras, son of Ja'rod • David Glasgow Farragut • Gowron • K'Ehleyr • K'mpec • Kahless the Unforgettable • Kahless II • Kalax • Kargan, son of Talak • Kor • Krim • Lornak • Lukara • M'Raq, son of K'Ton • Marra • me'Grmat • me'Grmat VI • me'Grmat XVIII • Melota • Odan • Odo • Pers • Reyga • Kyle Riker • William Ross • Alexander Rozhenko • Helena Rozhenko • Nikolai Rozhenko • Sergey Rozhenko • Shakaar Edon • Benjamin Sisko • Deanna Troi • Tasha Yar

Starships and vehicles[]

IKS Azetbur • IKS Baruk • USS Defiant • USS Endeavour • USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) • USS Excalibur • IKS Gelk • Glione • IKS Gorkon • IKS Gowron • IKS Hegh'ta • IKS K'Lan • IKS K'mpec • IKS K'mqar • IKS Lallek • IKS Negh'Var • IKS Pagh • IKS Rotarran • IKS Sompek • IKS Sword of Kahless • Zabag


Allicar sector • Bak'u • Betazed • Bronx • Cardassia • Carraya IV • Deep Space 9 • Dralnok • Goqlath Castle • Gre'thor • he'Vant Mountains • HuDyuQ • Khitomer • Kol'Vat • Koosbane • Korvad system • Marcan V • Narendra III • Organia • Qo'noS • Rura Penthe • Starbase 10 • Sto-Vo-Kor • taD (formerly al'Hmat) • Ty'Gokor • Vacca VI • Woodlawn Cemetery
Referenced only

Races and cultures[]

al'Hmatti • Andorian • Argosian • Boraalan • Borg • Breen • Brikar • Capellan • Chalnoth • Ferengi • Jem'Hadar • Kreel • mugato • Nausicaan • Q • Romulan • Tamarian • Vorta • Yridian
Referenced only
Koosbane native

States and organizations[]

Federation Council • House of K'Tal • House of Palkar • Klingon Defense Force • Klingon High Council • Order of the Bat'leth • Rector Institute • Science Institute • Starfleet • Starfleet Academy • United Federation of Planets

Science and classification[]

Element 604 • ice • metaphasic shield • starship • warp coil

Ranks and titles[]

ambassador • assistant chief engineer • bekk • bodyguard • captain • chief engineer • emperor • engineer • ensign • first officer • governor • Hero of Marcan • jeghpu'wI' • lieutenant • military governor • nursemaid • rebel • second officer

Other references[]

archaeology • B'Arq's defense • Battle of HarOs • Battle of Marcan • bloodwine • bok-rat liver • bregit lung • "The Campaign at Kol'Vat" • cha'DIch • chech'tluth • coup d'etat • Dominion War • gagh • General Koord Medal of Honor • ghojmoHwI' • gladst • glob fly • grapok sauce • grishnar cat • jatyIn • keva • Khitomer Massacre • Kilog's gambit • krada legs • lingta • Lubbockian slime devil • matzoh ball soup • Mauk-to'Vor • mek'leth • mong'em maneuver • par'Mach • pipius claw • pirogi • planet • plastiform • prune juice • R'uustai • racht • raktajino • ramjep • rokeg blood pie • saline • skull stew • Spican flame gem • sword • Sword of Kahless • targ • tik'leth • topaline • zilm'kach


Related media[]



Star Trek: Klingon Empire stories
Novels A Good Day to Die • Honor Bound • Enemy Territory • A Burning House
Short stories "A Song Well Sung" • "loDnI'pu' vavpu' je" • "Family Matters"
Preceding stories Diplomatic Implausibility • "The Final Artifact"


published order
Previous novel:
Tooth and Claw
TNG numbered novels Next novel:
Maximum Warp
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
The Left Hand of Destiny, Book Two
Pocket Next Adventure:
Many Splendors
Previous Adventure:
Voyages of the
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E)
Next Adventure:
Dead Zone
The above chronology placements are based on the primary placement in 2376.
The Pocket Books Timeline places events from this story in one other timeframe:
Previous Adventure:
Forever Dark
Next Adventure:
The Quiet Place

External link[]
