Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki


From the back cover: Eighty years ago, bodiless entities brought a plague of violence and bloodshed to the planet Vulcan. The nightmare ended only when the entities were trapped inside special containers.

Now, on the eve of a galaxy-scale scientific exposition, the containers have been opened, freeing the malevolent entities to possess the minds and bodies of all they encounter, including the crew of the Starship Enterprise. Friends turn into foes, and no one can be trusted, as Captain Picard faces a deadly and insidious threat. Unless the entities can be stopped once more, they will spread their madness throughout the entire Federation.


  • Sequel to Demons.
  • The novel shows Ferengi being subjected to telepathic attacks as well as empathic scans, yet comments from the various TV series make mention that the Ferengis' differing brain-structure makes them immune to such attacks. (However, this was explicitly against Betazoid telepathic influence, which could be a mitigating factor.)



Jaeder Bron • Beverly Crusher • Kyla Dannelka • Data • Dervin • Ellis • Barbara Evans • Guinan • Johannsen • Geordi La Forge • Martinez • Mata • Nabon • Alyssa Ogawa • Jean-Luc Picard • William T. Riker • Alexander Rozhenko • Senat • Singh • Skel • Tiyo Soga • George Tarmud • T'Lal • T'Reth • Deanna Troi • T'Son • Worf, son of Mogh
Referenced only
Alvarado • Duras • Janice Ito • K'Ehleyr • Roger Korby • Noonien Soong • Lwaxana Troi • Tasha Yar

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Constitution (Galaxy-class) • USS Enterprise-D (Galaxy-class) • USS Odyssey • Skal Torr


Hydrillian sector • Rh'Iahr • Vulcan

Races and cultures[]

android • Betazoid • El-Aurian • Ferengi • Human • Klingon • Vulcan
Referenced only
Borg • Romulan

States and organizations[]

Starfleet • United Federation of Planets • Vulcan Science Academy
Referenced only
Romulan Star Empire

Science and technology[]

hologram • shields • starship

Ranks and titles[]

captain • commander • DaiMon • doctor • healer • lieutenant • master scientist

Other references[]

bridge • katra • Universal TechnoFair • year


published order
Previous novel:
Rogue Saucer
TNG numbered novels Next novel:
The Soldiers of Fear
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
Pocket Next Adventure:
Rules of Acquisition

German : Wahnsinn, translated by Uwe Anton. (Heyne)

External link[]

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