Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

"All Good Things…" was the final episode of The Next Generation, released with both a novelization and comic adaptation.


In the last seven years, Captain Picard and the crew of the starship Enterprise have visited strange new worlds, encountered life in all its galactic diversity, and faced deadlier enemies than man has ever known. They have truly gone where no one has gone before, and in the process made Star Trek: The Next Generation into the most successful syndicated dramatic program of all time. Now, after seven years, their television journey is coming to a close. Pocket Books is proud to present the novelization of the classic final episode.
Seven years ago, Captain Jean-Luc Picard first faced the judgment of the Q Continuum—a race of beings with godlike powers over time and space who presumed to gauge humanity's fitness to exist in the galaxy. Seven years ago they suspended judgment, but now their decision has been reached: The human race will be eliminated, not only in the present, but throughout time. Humanity will never have existed at all.
The only chance to save mankind lies with Captain Picard. An old enemy has granted him the power to revisit his life as it was seven years before, and to experience his life twenty-five years in the future. With the help of friendships that span time and space, Picard struggles to defeat the plans of the Q Continuum. But even as he fights to save the human race from total extinction, he has been set up to be the unwitting agent of mankind's destruction.
In his effort to save humanity, Picard must sacrifice himself and all those he loves… perhaps more than once. And if their sacrifice fails, all mankind is doomed.


Jean-Luc Picard bounces between three time periods after suspicious visits from characters from Q's first encounter with Picard. Q sits in judgment of mankind, while providing behind-the-scenes assistance to Picard in allowing him to shift in time.



Episode characters[]

Androna (female) • Armstrong • Nell Chilton • Beverly Crusher • Data • Fletcher • Gaines • Gates • Jae • Jessel • Kellogg • Geordi La Forge • Tujiro Nakamura • Miles O'Brien • Alyssa Ogawa • Jean-Luc Picard • Andrew Powell • Q • Paul Rice • William T. Riker • Tomalak • Deanna Troi • Darien Wallace • Worf • Natasha Yar
Referenced only
Leah Brahms • Alandra La Forge • Bret La Forge • Sidney La Forge • Albert Lee • Munoz • Isaac Newton • Rippert • Norah Satie

Novelization characters[]

Androna (male) • Reginald Barclay • Ben • Calan • Nell Chilton • Collins • Beverly Crusher • Wesley Crusher • Data • Fletcher • Gaines • Genovese • Sonya Gomez • Guinan • Jessel • Geordi La Forge • Sam Lavelle • Robin Lefler • Mayhew • Mot • Tujiro Nakamura • Miles O'Brien • Alissa Ogawa • Jean-Luc Picard • Ben Prieto • Katherine Pulaski • Q • William T. Riker • Alexander Rozhenko • Sutcliffe • Tomalak • The Traveler • Deanna Troi • Lwaxana Troi • Worf • Natasha Yar
Referenced only
Leah Brahms • Jack Crusher • Robert DeSoto • Alidar Jarok • Stephen Hawking • K'Ehleyr • Korina • Alandra La Forge • Bret La Forge • Sidney La Forge • Albert Lee • Makur • Maturin • Benjamin Maxwell • McBurney • Christian McCloy • Munoz • Isaac Newton • Torar Olaffok • Patrick • Robert Picard • Rippert • Ro Laren • Norah Satie • Selar • Elizabeth Shelby • Sito Jaxa • Zul

Comic adaptation characters[]

Androna (female) • Beverly Crusher • Data • Fletcher • Geordi La Forge • Tujiro Nakamura • Miles O'Brien • Alissa Ogawa • Jean-Luc Picard • Q • William T. Riker • Tomalak • Deanna Troi • Worf • Natasha Yar
Referenced only
Leah Brahms • Alandra La Forge • Bret La Forge • Sidney La Forge • Albert Lee • Munoz • Isaac Newton • Norah Satie


Earth • Cambridge • Chavez system • Dorvan V • Devron • Earth Station McKinley • Farpoint Station • France • H'atoria • LaBarre • Romulan Neutral Zone • Starbase 247 • Ten-Forward
Referenced only
Alaska • Alpha Tiberia • Beta Retimnion • Betazed • Black Sea • Bol • Caldos colony • Canada • Galorndon Core • Kesprit • Krios • Kurlan • Lake Cataria • Marjono prison camp • Maxia Zeta • Memp'ha outpost • North America • Rigel III • Romulus • Starbase 24 • Tau Ceti • Triannis • Turkana IV

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Enterprise-D (Galaxy-class starship) • Galileo (type-6 shuttlecraft) • IKS Chang (Voodieh-class) • IKS Fek'lhr (Voodieh-class) • USS Pasteur (Olympic-class starship) • USS Repulse (Excelsior-class) • IRW Terix (D'deridex-class warbird)
Referenced only
USS Bozeman • USS Concord • USS Phoenix • USS Stargazer • USS Yorktown

Races and cultures[]

Android • Bajoran • Betazoid • Bolian • El-Aurian • Human (Eskimo • Russian) • Klingon • Malcorian • Romulan • Terellian
Referenced only
Andorian • Bandi • Cardassian • Ferengi • Prophet • Tellarite • Tholian • Vulcan

States and organizations[]

Cambridge University • House of Mogh • Klingon Empire • Q Continuum • Romulan Star Empire • Starfleet • Starfleet Command • United Federation of Planets
Referenced only
Bajoran Resistance • Daystrom Institute • Klingon High Council • Starfleet Academy • Starfleet Intelligence • Starfleet Medical

Science and technology[]

acetylcholine • anti-time • cerebral cortex • cloaking device • dilithium • holodeck • hologram • Irumodic Syndrome • peridaxon • phaser • photon torpedo • protomorphosis disease • quantum mechanics • starship • subspace • tachyon • temporal displacement • Terellian plague • trypamine • VISOR • warp nacelle • warp speed

Ranks and titles[]

admiral • ambassador • captain • gul • housekeeper • Lucasian Chair • professor

Other references[]

21st century • balalaika • batlh • b'lednaya • boatswain's whistle • choctoq • Dagavarian maltmilk • Earl Grey • Grim Reaper • habak • The Iron Feather • jenka • mugato • Occupation of Bajor • planet • poker • Post-Atomic Horror • Prime Directive • Sacred Chalice of Rixx • Sherlock Holmes • stardate • telepathy • Treaty of Algeron • vodka • year


Related media[]





published order
Previous episode:
Preemptive Strike
TNG episode produced Next episode:
last episode
The screen adventures of the Enterprise-D continue in Generations
Previous episode:
Preemptive Strike
TNG episode aired Next episode:
last episode
The screen adventures of the Enterprise-D continue in Generations
Previous story:
TNG novelizations Next story:
Previous novel:
Star Trek hardcovers Next novel:
Previous novel:
Shadows on the Sun
Novels by:
Michael Jan Friedman
Next novel:
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
Pocket Next Adventure:
The Collaborator
Previous Adventure:
The Soldiers of Fear
Voyages of the
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)
Next Adventure:
Tribble in Paradise
The above chronology placements are based on the primary placement in 2370.
The Pocket Books Timeline places events from this story in four other timeframes:
Previous Adventure:
Sections 1, 4, 8 & 10
3.5 billion years ago
Chapter 20
Next Adventure:
Chapter 13
Previous Adventure:
Encounter at Farpoint
Chapter 3
Chapters 11, 12 & 25
Next Adventure:
Surak's Soul
Chapter 2, Section 4
Previous Adventure:
Encounter at Farpoint
Stardate 41148 - 41153.7
Next Adventure:
Chapter 32
Previous Adventure:
Staying the Course
2395 Next Adventure:
The Ashes of Eden

Italian : Ieri, oggi, domani..., translated by Gabriella Cordone and Alberto Lisiero. (Fanucci)
German : Die Verurteilung, translated by Andreas Brandhorst. (Heyne)
French : Toutes les fêtes ont une fin, translated by Isabelle Troin-Joubaud. (Fleuve Noir)

External links[]
