Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Introduction (blurbWP)[]

Isolated for centuries, the exotic Dragon Empire is finally ready to join the United Federation of Planets. But first the emperor's eldest son must marry the only daughter of his oldest enemy, bringing to an end decades of civil war. Without the wedding, there can be no peace -- and no treaty with the Federation.

As honored guests of the Dragon Empire, Captain Picard and the crew of the Starship Enterprise must ensure that the royal wedding occurs on schedule, despite the Empire's complicated and difficult codes of honor. And Dr. Beverly Crusher finds her loyalties torn when she wins the confidence of the unusually reluctant bride-to-be.

More than just a treaty is at stake, for a vicious race of alien conquerors will stop at nothing, from assassination to invasion, to keep the Empire out of the Federation. Picard must now use all his skills to save the Empire... and preserve the Dragon's Honor.


The bulk of the story takes place in the Dragon Empire.



Nanci Atherton • Chih-li • Cameron Craigie • Beverly Crusher • Chuan-chi • Data • Gar • Hsiao Har • Kakkh • Kamis • Kan-hi • Barbara Kesel • Geordi La Forge • Li Po • Lu Tung • McKenna • Melilli Mera • Meng Chiao • Mu • Nan Er • Jean-Luc Picard • William T. Riker • Selar • Tor • Deanna Troi • Tsai-lung • Tu Fu • Worf • Yao Hu
Referenced only
Reginald Barclay • Charles • Jack Crusher • Wesley Crusher • Diana • Henry VIII • Guinan • Lore • Q • Kyle Riker • Thomas Riker • Sarek • Noonien Soong • Lwaxana Troi

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Enterprise-D (Galaxy-class) • Fang (S'sssr'ss-class)
Referenced only
USS Nisqually


Dragon Nebula • High Hall of Ceremonial Grandeur • Imperial Palace of the Dragon • Pai
Referenced only
Alaska • Angel I • Chambers of the Degraded Priests • China • Dark Horse • Deep Space 6 • Demilitarized Zone • Gallery of Hushed Meetings • Hall of Supreme Harmony • Memorable Room of the Grand Couch • New Peking • Pavilion of the Emerald Peacock • Peking • Risa • Salon of the Forgotten Cap • Snokomie IV

Races and cultures[]

Andorian • Bajoran • Benzite • Betazoid • Bolian • G'kkau • Human (Pai) • Klingon • Vulcan
Referenced only
Borg • Ferengi • Gorn • Romulan

States and organizations[]

Dragon Empire • Sacred Order of the Extended Digits • Starfleet • United Federation of Planets

Other references[]

anbo-jyutsu • assassination • bachelor party • beard • Blessings of Summer's Last Rejoicing • candle • ch'i • concubine • crocodile • cycee • dart • Dragon's Grand Chamberlain • Denebian slime devil • dilithium • dog • dragon • Dragon Emperor of the Dragon Nebula and Environs • Dragon-Heir • Dragon's Tail • dress uniform • duranium • earring • elephant • fireworks • fu t'ou • harem • honor • huang lang shu • Huch • hypospray • ivory • jade • kao tzu • lao shu • Ma erh tsai mao tan ch'ing • mandarin • The Mikado • monkey • Penultimate Bestowing of the Undomesticated Seeds • p'u tzu • phaser • poker • Prime Directive • ragoji • rahgid • rain • rat • Romulan ale • sark • silk • slug • sword • Thousand-Year Eyes • transparent aluminum • tricorder • universal translator • verapnerharmon • VISOR • water • wedding • wine


Although the stardate is given as 47146.2, the Pocket Books Timeline adjusted the stardate to 47616.2 to fit a time frame shortly before "Eye of the Beholder".


published order
Previous novel:
The Last Stand
TNG numbered novels Next novel:
Rogue Saucer
Previous novel:
Devil in the Sky
Novels by:
Greg Cox
Next novel:
The Black Shore
Previous novel:
First Star Trek novel
Novels by:
Kij Johnson
Next novel:
Most recent Star Trek novel
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
Memory Beta Chronology Next Adventure:
Eye of the Beholder
Previous Adventure:
Pocket Next Adventure:
Eye of the Beholder
Previous Adventure:
Voyages of the
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)
Next Adventure:
Eye of the Beholder

German : Die Ehre des Drachen, translated by Uwe Anton. (Heyne)

External links[]

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