Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki


When a famous Federation scientist dies, his son puts his inventions up for sale to the highest bidder -- whether Federation, Klingon, Romulan or Cardassian. Among the items at auction are medical devices, engineering advances -- and a photon pulse cannon capable of punching through a starship's shields with a single shot.

Meanwhile, at the Academy, Wesley Crusher comes to the aid of his best friend -- and finds himself kidnapped by renegade Ferengi bent on controlling the universe through commerce. When they also set their sights on the photon cannon, Captain Picard must find a way to save the Starship Enterprise and the Federation from the deadliest weapon ever known - with every race in the galaxy aligned against him!



Hugh AkstonBernard BoxxCharterisChirokBeverly CrusherWesley CrusherDakvasDataDoraxiJenny DuBoisFubarGuinanHeavenlyKahlessJina KefFrederick KimbalKurakKurnCarl La FongGeordi La ForgeNanci LeesMingS. MuldowneyMunk/BrubrakOttoJean-Luc PicardRaymond RedhefferWilliam T. RikerRoltDmitri SmytheSpotGeorges St. JeanAlison SwainDeanna TroiLwaxana TroiTunkLyle WolfeWorfZekunnamed Caraqunnamed Coroustaiunnamed Elphasiansunnamed Fomoriansunnamed Simaks
Referenced only
Joshua AlbertAllendeAxelB'EtorCore BellorusBlutBuckminster BoomPhillip BoomBophur the UnholdableZefrim CochraneCorrigonDagragas NaiDaxalDorak HalfhandDuBoisDurasDyrealAlbert EinsteinCrystal EstesViscomte Nicholas Fouquet XIHuckKahless the UnforgettableLa FongSilva La ForgeLigwasNicholas LocarnoLouis XIV of FranceLursaMoghPindogRoqadoxRumpelstiltskinSito JaxaSurEdward TeachTivanaztThe TravelerMark TwainTyrdakVernorVingeBradford Zorka, JuniorJaymi Zorka

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Enterprise-D (Galaxy-class) • Glutton (Madison-class) • USS HeisenbergIKS Hiding FishKings of the High FrontierUSS LexingtonNämemeWrite Off
Referenced only
USS Constellation (NCC-55817)USS HoodRyan-class


EarthNovus AlamogordusSector delta-alpha-hotel
Referenced only
Acquisition UniversityAdelphus-BDeep Space 5Delta QuadrantFederation Museum of Earth ArtifactsGamma Amar IVGamma QuadrantKeynes CollegeLotriRubilator ColonyStarbase 2Starbase 6Trillby 13Versailles

Races and cultures[]

Referenced only

States and organizations[]

Federation Association for the Advancement of ScienceFederation Chamber of CommerceFederation Exo-Vironmental Research CouncilFerengi AllianceFerengi High CommandFerengi High CouncilHatheby's BrokeragePeter Blood StudiosStarfleetStarfleet AcademyStarfleet Diplomatic CorpsTurn War CollegeUnited Federation of Planets

Science and classification[]

Dirac numberholoplayholosuiteKimbal Clockphotonic pulse cannonslidewalkstevedore robotVingeSys-666

Ranks and titles[]

dabo girlGrand Naguspiratevedek

Other references[]

Boomba Jamak the Quadrant TourchaseumdaboEarl GreyEugenics WarsEugenics Wars Bas-ReliefsFerengi Acquisitional Educational facilityFerengi digfishFerengi Rules of Acquisitiongoldgold pressed latinumhectobarJournal of Plasma ExtrusionsThe Pirates of Penzancepokerskat knifeThe Treasure of Bludy SeaTreasures of Inner Mongolia



  • The warp five restriction from "Force of Nature" is here referred to as General Order 44556-34.
  • The stardate given as 47283.7 would place this adventure before the events of "Force of Nature", and is therefore likey to be an example of a non-sequential stardate.


External link[]

published order
Previous novel:
TNG numbered novels Next novel:
Blaze of Glory
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
Thine Own Self
Pocket Next Adventure:
Previous Adventure:
Thine Own Self
Voyages of the
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)
Next Adventure:

German : Gleichgewicht der Kräfte, translated by Andreas Brandhorst. (Heyne)
French : Équilibre des forces. (Fleuve Noir)
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