Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Introduction (blurb)[]

The puckish super-being called Q has bedeviled Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the Starship Enterprise since their first encounter at Farpoint Station. But little was known of Q's enigmatic past or that of the transcendent plane where he sometimes dwells. Now Picard must discover Q's secrets -- for the sake of all that exists.

While the Enterprise struggles to survive an alien onslaught, Captain Picard has been kidnapped by Q and taken on an astounding journey back through time to that immeasurably distant moment when the Continuum faced its greatest threat. But far more is at stake than simply the mysteries of the past, for an ancient menace is stirring once more, endangering the future of the galaxy, and neither Q nor Starfleet may be able to stop it!


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(*)Fendor arOxRhosan arOxArwenReginald BarclaySondra BerglundClarzeBeverly CrusherDanielsDataKinya FaalLem FaalMilo FaalGoldschlagerSonya GomezGorganGeordi La ForgeBaeta LeyoroNasua0Alyssa OgawaThe OneLapu OrdalnJean-Luc PicardCaitlin PlummerQFemale QQ (Junior)William T. RikerGlevi ut SovDeanna TroiZtrahs
Referenced only
Miles O'BrienOdoOzariWorf

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Enterprise-E


Ozari-thulTemple of Ozari
Referenced only
Deep Space 9RzomTower of BabelWsor

Races and cultures[]

Referenced only

States and organizations[]

StarfleetTkon EmpireUnited Federation of Planets
Referenced only
Great LinkRzom AllianceStarfleet Science

Science and technology[]

alienboneearthquakeGreat Endeavorhairheartimplantphaserpsi-transmitterstartemperaturetime

Ranks and titles[]

ambassadorattendantcaptaindowager empressempressFounderEmpress of the Tkon Empirefirst ministerhigh priestesslieutenantministerphysiciantechnologist

Other references[]

Age of MaktoAge of XorabridgecolonycouchcrystaldaydecadedemonempiregodhistoryhomeworldmonthmoonplanetprayerquartzRitual of Ascensionrobesacred emblem of the Endless Flamesardonyxscepterslipperthronevovellewalking stickwoodyear


Related Stories[]


published order
Previous novel:
TNG numbered novels Next novel:
Previous novel:
Novels by:
Greg Cox
Next novel:
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
Pocket Next Adventure:
Previous Adventure:
Voyages of the
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E)
Next Adventure:
The above chronology placements are based on the primary placement in 2374.
The Pocket Books Timeline places events from this story in one other timeframe:
Previous Adventure:
Chapter 2
1 billion years ago
Chapter 2
Next Adventure:
The Escape
Chapters 12, 17, 19 & 23

German : Die Entführung, translated by Andreas Brandhorst. (Heyne)

External links[]
