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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A missing jewel may bring war to an entire world… and death to Commander Riker!—Fortune's Light is a Star Trek: The Next Generation novel by Michael Jan Friedman. It was published in January 1991, the 15th book in the Pocket Books series of numbered TNG novels.


Dante Maxima VII—a world known to its inhabitants as Imprima. A world where madragi—huge social-economic entities wealthy beyond compare—control the fate of millions…
Years ago, William Riker was part of the Starfleet delegation that opened Imprima to the Federation. Now the disappearance of an old friend—Teller Conlon, who also served on that team—draws Riker and the Enterprise across the galaxy, back to Imprima.
Because the jewel known as Fortune's Light—one of Madraga Criathis's most priceless possessions—has been stolen. And Teller Conlon stands accused of its theft. Now Riker must discover the truth behind the disappearance of both his friend and Fortune's Light, no easy task on a world where treachery and intrigue are commonplace… and where even an old friend's embrace may conceal the deadly bite of a dagger's blade.


The Enterprise is ordered to the planet Imprima, where, eighteen years previous, Will Riker helped negotiate a trade agreement that saw the Imprimans adopt the Federation as their main trade partners instead of the Ferengi. His friend Teller Conlon remained behind as the trade liaison. Now he has gone missing, along with Fortune's Light, a seal needed to formalize a merger between two of the madragi, the trade alliances that run the planet, Criathis and Terrin.

Riker is partnered with Lyneea Tal, a retainer working for Criathis. Conlon is the main suspect in the theft of the seal but Riker maintains his innocence. However, an old friend, Norayan, admits she was having a secret relationship with Conlon and that he had become a smuggler. Riker and Lyneea follow a clue she left and find Conlon's body, along with evidence that Kobar, a member of a rival madragi, the Rhurig, was responsible. Riker has an encounter with Kobar and believes he is innocent. He is then wounded by a knife throw.

Since no-one can leave the festival that is in progress, Beverly Crusher beams down to treat Riker. The two of them examine Conlon's body again and find a tracking device leading to Fortune's Light. Conlon was hired by the Rhurig to steal it and plant it at the home of Terrin leader Larrak. Riker and Lyneea go to retrieve it but in the process find out what Conlon learned and what led to his murder: Larrak is secretly negotiating with the Ferengi, intending to sign a trade deal with them once the merger is completed.

Larrak goes to sign the merger treaty, leaving Riker and Lyneea behind as prisoners. Riker uses his communicator to summon help and Data and Worf rescue the pair. Together, they interrupt the ceremony and expose both the Terrin and the Rhurig's deceptions. Kobar is injured protecting Norayan, who had planted the evidence against him mistakenly believing he was the murderer, and Larrak is arrested.



Aquino • Augustyn • Reggidor Bosch • Tom Castle • Cherry (baseball player) • Teller Conlon • Cordoban • Beverly Crusher • Wesley Crusher • Daran (Impriman) • Data • Noah Denyabe • Galanti • George (security guard) • Griziba • Guinan • Kevin Houlihan • Jackson (baseball player) • Katie (girl) • Kelnae • Kobar • Geordi La Forge • Larrak • Maggin • Norayan • Miles O'Brien • Jean-Luc Picard • Ralk • William T. Riker • Robby • Muri Sakahara • Orfil Solis • Lyneea Tal • Terwilliger • Deanna Troi • Worf • USS Enterprise-D personnel • relatives of regular and recurring characters
Referenced only
Miroslav Bogdonovich • Julius Caesar • Rob Clemmons • Drohner • Gilderbaum • Giordano • God • Henry IV • Sherlock Holmes • Fortune (goddess) • George Kilkenney • Lal • Ledbetter • John Masefield • McNab • Mukhurjee • Elizabeth Riker • Kyle Riker • William Shakespeare • Ray Sparrow • Jake Stutzman • Tonelli • Zondrolla

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Enterprise-D (Galaxy-class explorer) • shuttle
Referenced only
USS Hood (Excelsior-class cruiser) • USS Potemkin (Excelsior-class cruiser) • USS Yorktown (Excelsior-class cruiser)


Imprima (Dante Maxima star system, the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrant)
Besidia • Golden Muzza • Maze of Zondrolla
Referenced only
Beta Bilatus (Beta Bilatus VII) • Beta Sargonus IV (Beta Sargonus) • Delta Ganymede • Dibdina • Earth (London • New Orleans • Paris: Rive Gauche, Salle Guillaume • Rome • San Diego • Valdez, Alaska: Execution Rock) • Gamma Tobin colony (Gamma Tobin) • Gamma Trilesias • Starbase 80 • Starbase 89

Shipboard sections[]

USS Enterprise-D
Holodeck 1 • sickbay • Ten-Forward

Races and cultures[]

Andorian • android • Betazoid • Ferengi • Human • Impriman • Klingon • Maratekkan • Pandrilite • Rhadamanthan
Referenced only
Dibdinagii • Tetracite • Alpha and Beta Quadrant races and cultures

States and organizations[]

American League • ascetics • Church of the Center Field Bleachers • Fairbanks Icebreakers • Madraga Alionis • Madraga Criathis • Madraga Ekariah • Madraga Porfathas • Madraga Rhurig • Madraga Terrin • madragi • National League • Phoenix Sunsets • Raat • San Diego Padres • Starfleet • Starfleet Academy • Starfleet Medical • United Federation of Planets

Science and classification[]

earthquake • electron • energy • lifeform • matter • measurement • medicine • moon • oil lamp • planet • planetoid • quantum mechanics • Siamese twins • space • star • star system • subspace • technology • time • universe • weapon


Alaskan pine • ape • apple • canary • cat • chameleon (animal) • geese • guinea pig • humanoid • lemon • lizard • python • tree

Materials and substances[]

alcohol • atmosphere • blood • cloud • dimexidrine • dolacite • drink • duranium • food • gas • hydranium • ice • liquid • metal • molecule • plastic • silk • snow • synthehol • vinegar • water
Food and drink[]
alcohol • apple • brandy • coffee • Dibdinagii brandy • Earl Grey • hot dog • lemon • lemon meringue pie • liqueur • pie • ratatouille • spice • synthehol • tea • vinegar • water • wine




anatomy • dimexidrine • fever • Korrus fever
clavicle • collarbone

Technology and weapons[]

beamlight • biobed • biofilter • blaster • communicator • computer • energy shield • holodeck • intercom • javelin (weapon) • knife • morningstar (mace) • phaser • pistol • positronic memory • projectile weapon • regenerator • sensor • starship • sword • television • transmitter • transporter • tricorder • video monitor • warp drive • water cooler

Ranks and titles[]

baseball player • captain • catcher • chief engineer • chief medical officer • clown • command division • commander • commanding officer • counselor • diplomat • doctor • ensign • Federation Starfleet ranks • Federation Starfleet ranks (2360s-2370s) • flight controller • first officer • hitter • lieutenant • lieutenant commander • medic • operations manager • operations division • sciences division • pitcher • second officer • security • security chief • security guard • security officer • tactical officer • tailor • umpire

Other references[]

amphitheatre • baseball • baseball bat • Baseball Compendium • baseball glove • baseball uniform • bat • beard • book • boot • chair • chit • conn • corgodrill • couch • credit • clothing • curveball • dugout • fireplace • Fortune's Light (artifact) • globe • goblet • government • home run • hospital • hotel • Great House • i'ekra • Impriman Trade Agreement • isak • jacket • jazz • jumpsuit • korsch • the Light • locker • mace • menigirri • Mistress of Libations • muzza • nohnik • nation-state • ops • pillow • pipe • Priority One mission • races and cultures • rank • rakannad • retainer • robe • sharash'di • stadium • Starfleet uniform • Starfleet uniform (2366-2373) • table • Table of Officials • tavern • title • Trade Carnival • tunic • uniform • wallet • World Series


20th century
21st century
22nd century
Riker and Teller Conlon negotiate to open Imprima. (prior to story)
2366 (2360s chronology, Enterprise-D voyages)
Enterprise travels to Imprima.





published order
Previous novel:
TNG numbered novels Next novel:
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
The Offspring
Pocket Next Adventure:
Sins of the Father

German : Das verschwundene Juwel, translated by Andreas Brandhorst. (Heyne)
Italian : Un'ombra dal passato, translated by Anna Maria Bonavoglia. (Fanucci)

External link[]
