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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Infection is a TNG novel by John Gregory Betancourt.


Like the twisted strands of mutant chromosomes, an insidious alien conspiracy winds its way through the entire Alpha Quadrant, just as it stretches across several years of Starfleet history—beginning near the very start of Captain Picard's command of the starship Enterprise!
It is only the first year of the USS Enterprise-D's ongoing mission when a virulent epidemic strikes the populace of Archaria III, endangering the lives of thousands and provoking acts of mob violence against those believed responsible for the spread of the disease. While Data and Natasha Yar team up to uncover the true origins of the virus, Dr. Crusher finds that the implacable sickness resists all her efforts to find a cure. The desperate quest for a cure becomes even more urgent when Deanna Troi succumbs to the dreaded plague… again and again.



Anders (Nurse) • Barran • Cherbach • Clarke (Ensign) • Crane (Ensign) • Beverly Crusher • Clarence Darling • Data • Detek • Jenni Dricks • Charles Ehrhart • the General • Gorman (Captain) • Habbib • Icolah • Kirk Jordan • Karqq • Krot • Geordi La Forge • Ian McCloud • Newkirk • Norman (Ensign) • Miles O'Brien • Macus Onetree • Brother Paul • Jean-Luc Picard • William Riker • Schultz (USS Enterprise-D) • Armand Sekk • Skall • Smith (USS Enterprise-D) • Solack • Solomon (24th century) • Benjamin Spencer • Ian Tang • Berke Teague • Joshua Teague • Deanna Troi • Jules van Osterlich • Father Veritas • Worf • Wrenn • Natasha Yar
Referenced only
Bili Beller • Jack Crusher • Wesley Crusher • Edmund Deere • Dracula • David Dricks • Derek Dricks • Jason Dricks • Thomas Dricks • Vera Dricks • John Glenn • God • Silas Jones • Neelam • Denny Sekk • Derek Sekk • Eric Sekk • Mira Sekk • Robin Sekk • T'Pona • Tr'grxl-gn'ta • Zedeker

Starships and vehicles[]

aircar • USS Constitution (Galaxy-class explorer) • USS Enterprise-D (Galaxy-class explorer) • Event Horizon (T'Poy-class) • Falcon's Talon • Halibut • Hemlock • Junco Jett • Klingon freighter • Langley • Middlemarch • Nesfa • Paladium • planet-hopper • Prax cruiser • Prushnikov • truck
Referenced only
Alpha Queen • Aspen • Belgrade • Brillman's Dream • Zythal's Revenge


Referenced only
Cardassia • Ferenginar • Farpoint • Gentree • Kra'togh IV (Kra'togh) • Lomax • Parvo IV (Parvo) • Rigel Colony (Rigel) • Risa • Starbase 40

Races and cultures[]

Alpha and Beta Quadrant races and cultures
android • Betazoid • Bolian • Human (Archarian • Roman) • Klingon • Peladian • Vulcan
Referenced only
Bajoran • Cardassian • Eshashu • Etrarian • Ferengi • Praxx • Romulan • Tholian

States and organizations[]

The Brotherhood • Purity League • Starfleet • Teague Luxury Aircars • United Federation of Planets
Referenced only
Clayton-Dvorak Consortium • House of Mok • Interstellar Corn and Grain Combine • Orion Syndicate

Science and classification[]

astronomy • communications • containment field • energy • force field • hurricane • level-1 containment field • lifeform • magnetism • magnetic lock • matter • measurement • medicine • technology • teleportation • time • weapon • xenobiology


galaxy • moon • orbit • planet • quadrant • space • star • star system • universe


access code • captain's log • captain's log, USS Enterprise-D • captain's log, USS Enterprise-D, 2364 • combadge • comm unit • communicator • data padd • database • diagram • Hamlet • identification tag • language • log entry • magnetic lock • monitor • security scrambler • slang • subspace transmitter


humanoid • lion • pigeon • Romulan clam • virus

Materials and substances[]

atmosphere • blood • duracrete • durasteel • gas • metal • NXA protein strand • particle • pentium xolinate • prion • subviral particle • Tricillin PDF • water
Food and drink[]
blood wine • breakfast • Double Bergamot Earl Grey • melon • Saurian brandy • tea


astrometrics • chronometer • hour • minute • quadrant • stardate • week • year


anatomy • antiviral drug • biobed • biofilter • blood • blood sample • chromosome • containment field • contamination suit • dioxymosis converter (F) • endochronic thiotimoline pump • follicle stimulator • hospital • level-1 containment field • medical computer • medical tricorder • morgue • mutant • NXA protein strand • prion • quarantine • sickbay • subviral particle • thermo-entogram modulator B-6 • Tricillin PDF • virus
throat • skull
Medical conditions[]
AIDS • cancer • coma/comatose • disease • plague • Plimpton's disease • polio • Rhulian flu • Stigman's disease

Technology and weapons[]

chronometer • biobed • biofilter • combadge • comm unit • computer • containment field • contamination suit • data padd • database • dioxymosis converter (F) • disruptor • endochronic thiotimoline pump • follicle stimulator • helmet • key • level-1 containment field • medical computer • medical tricorder • mek'leth • microscanner • monitor • motorized cart • nanotechnology • nuclear missile • phase resonance detector • phaser • phaser rifle • replicator • security scrambler • starship • subspace transmitter • tactical nuclear missile • thermo-entogram modulator B-6 • transporter • transporter buffer • tricorder • turbolift

Occupations and titles[]

body processor • captain • command division • commander • commanding officer • doctor • ensign • Federation Starfleet ranks • Federation Starfleet ranks (2350s-2360s) • general • governor • janitor • nurse • officer • operations division • peace officer • prisoner • rank • sciences division • security officer • soldier

Other references[]

alien • backwater • beach house • beard • bench • boot • bridge • catcall • city • clothing • colony • conspiracy • corridor • cup • curfew • empathy • execution • government • history • jumpsuit • jungle • mixer • nightmare • noroid • pocket • prejudice • races and cultures • racism • science • sock • Sondarian fret • sophomore • Starfleet uniform • Starfleet uniform (2350s-2366) • state • survival test • terrorism • title • Trojan horse • uniform • war


Archaria III is settled by a group of Human fundamentalists. At the same time, the Peladians also establish a colony on the planet, but neither side would become aware of each other for several years.
After eight years, Human and Peladian settlers finally encounter each other on Archaria III. A series of small wars follow.
William T. Riker's sophomore year Starfleet Academy survival test had him endure a hurricane for six days on a jungle planet.
stardate 41211.0, 2364 (2360s chronology, Enterprise-D voyages)
Enterprise travels to Archaria.





published order
Previous novel:
Dyson Sphere
TNG numbered novels Next novel:
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
The Naked Now
Pocket Next Adventure:
Code of Honor
Previous Adventure:
The Naked Now
Voyages of the
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)
Next Adventure:
Code of Honor

German : Infektion, translated by Stephanie Pannen. (Cross Cult)

External link[]
