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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Lieutenant Worf must find a killer—with the life of a planet at stake! — Sins of Commission is a TNG novel by Susan Wright.


While on a mission to save the planet Lessenar from environmental collapse, the crew of the USS Enterprise is crippled by an emotional onslaught as the surviving aliens respond in anger and pain to the death of their comrade.
Worf must overcome this alien influence and find the true killer with the destruction of the Starship Enterprise, the survival of Lessenar, and his Klingon honor hanging in the balance…


The Enterprise has been assigned to the planet Lessenar to deal with an environmental disaster caused by poor management of industrial byproducts. Supplies are delivered but Riker is frustrated that the government seem more interested in making political capital out of the Federation's presence than providing genuine help.

A Federation tourist ship, the Prospector, enters the system to view the unusual stellar activity. Its captain, Jacob Walch, is an old friend of Worf's foster parents. The ship is transporting five Sli, a mysterious race capable of enhancing the emotions in those around them. First contact with them resulted in both a Federation and Klingon ship being destroyed in unknown circumstances. Since then, they have only dealt with the Ferengi, one of whom, Mon Hartog, acts as the quintet's manager.

An explosion aboard the Prospector results in the crew and passengers being evacuated to the Enterprise. One of the five Sli is killed, and the presence of the other four causes a loss of emotional control among the crew, notably Worf, who is full of doubt about his ability to parent Alexander, and Simon Tarses, still ashamed of his Romulan heritage.

Investigations show the explosion was caused by an explosive on the outer hull. Walch is suspected, as is Worf when he is reluctant to share details of private transmissions discussing Alexander. However, the culprit is revealed to be Hartog, who left an explosive in the waste disposal to be ejected. Picard scares off a Ferengi marauder by pretending to have communicated this to the Sli, who are sent to Starbase 81 in the hope of establishing peaceful contact.

Riker discovers that a coup has overthrown the planet's government, using the communicators the Federation provided to co-ordinate. The new council requests a Federation science ship to advise them on the long road to environmental recovery.



Cyrano de Bergerac • Brund • Christian • Chryso • Beverly Crusher • Data • De Groodt • Du Guiche • Guinan • Mon Hartog • Hassett • Korn • Kurn • Geordi La Forge • Marca • Navarre • Alyssa Ogawa • Paddy • Jean-Luc Picard • Potter • Puckee • Reeves • William T. Riker • Ro Laren • Maria Rosso • Alexander Rozhenko • Helena Rozhenko • Sergey Rozhenko • Saart • Sebast • Standish • Simon Tarses • Timnia • Deanna Troi • Jacob Walch • Wiccy Ron Micc • Worf
Referenced only
Reginald Barclay • BeBe • Jack Crusher • Wesley Crusher • Cuthbert • Duras • Jono • K'Ehleyr • Benjamin Marley • Moodet • Rostand • Norah Satie • Soloman • Spot • T'chal • Trinid • Lwaxana Troi • Vina • Miriah Walch


Adjunct Chamber • Earth • the galaxy • Lessenar • Qo'noS • Romulus • Starbase 17 • Starbase 81 • Ten-Forward • Theatre de Bourgogne
Referenced only
Acamaria • Argus Array • Betazed • Bolton • Earth Station Facility • Europe • Khitomer • Kulunda steppes • Lake Chany • Moscow • Organi III • Qizan Qal'at (Qal'at • Qizan) • Setti Alpha III • Siberia • Sketti Iota III • Starbase 1 • Starbase 87 • Talont Colony • Tyken's Rift • Unett • Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards

Starships and vehicles[]

cargo shuttle • emergency pod • USS Enterprise-D (Galaxy-class) • lifepod • Prospector (Passenger Starliner B2004) • shuttlecraft • Tampanium (Ferengi marauder) • Voltaire
Referenced only
IKS BIr Hud (warship) • USS Bridger • USS Crockett (scout) • USS Galaxy • USS Intrepid • Minat Rii • IKS Pagh • train • tug • USS Von Neumann • USS Yamato

Races and cultures[]

android • Bajoran • Betazoid • El-Aurian • Ferengi • Human (French • Russian) • Klingon • Lessenarian • Romulan • Sli • Tricon
Referenced only
Antarian • Borg • Cardassian • Intaran • Sabratic • Talarian • Vulcan

States and organizations[]

Advisory Council of Lessenar • Ferengi Alliance • Ferengi Consortia • People's Coalition • Starfleet • United Federation of Planets
Referenced only
Federation Council • Gatherers • Klingon Empire • Peristroika, Inc. • Picanou Protectorate • Romulan Star Empire • Starfleet Academy • Starfleet Command • Starfleet Diplomatic Corps

Science and classification[]

alien • astronomy • biology • cartography • communications • matter • measurement • technology • weapon
accelerator • access port • access tube • airfreshener • airlock • altitude jet • antigravity pallet • antigrav sledge • antigrav stretcher • antimatter • arithmetic • atmosphere • atmospheric ion generator • atom • barastatic filter • barometer • bast • biofilter • bioscanner • biosphere • blood • bomb • brain • carbon • Celsius • centimeter • chandelier • Class IV probe • combadge • communicator • computer • contact node • cycling bin • Cytherian probe • data bank • deflector generator • dilithium crystal articulation frame • DNA • drug • eco-regeneration • electron • environment module • fire • flagship • force field • fountain • galaxy • gas giant • generator • geometry • graviton field • gravity • hair • hand probe • heart • helium • holodeck • holodiode • hologram • holographic projection base • holo-imagery padd • hour • hydrogen • hypospray • ice • impulse engine • indicator • inertial damping system • ionization • isolation tank • kaleidoscope • keyboard • kilometer • lamp • library computer • lifeform • life support • liter • low-pressure suit • lung • magnetic boots • matter • matter-antimatter reaction assembly • medical tricorder • megawatt • memory bank • memory chip • mesosphere • meter • methane • microgyro • millisecond • minute • mirror • missile • monitor • moonbase • neural transmitter • nitrogen • nitrous oxide • ODN • optical recording sensor • orbit • ozone • padd • pattern buffer • phaser • photon torpedo • photosynthesis • plasma • power cell • probe • radiation • radio • reaction chamber • replicator • scanner • second • sensor • shell star • shields • snowflake • snowstorm • space • speaker • spectroscopy • star • star system • starship • stasis field • static field • structural integrity field • subprocessor • subspace • subspace beacon • subspace relay • sulfate • tentacle • thruster • tractor beam • tranquilizer • warp factor • warp field


galaxy • planet • quadrant • space • star • star system • time • universe


anatomy • lifeform • medicine
Anatomy and medicine[]
bacteria • psychology
animal • bat • bird • bacteria • humanoid


distress signal

Materials and substances[]

atmosphere • metal • yttrium

Cartography and measurement[]

angstrom • century • day • quadrant • timeline • year

Technology and weapons[]

starship • transceiver • transmitter chip • transport container • transporter • tricorder • turbolift • universal translator • viewport • viewscreen • VISOR • warp core • warp engine • warp grid • warp nacelle • warp reactor core

Occupations and titles[]

actor • admiral • artist • assassin • captain • chief engineer • chief medical officer • command division • commander • Council Head • counselor • crewman • crew • DaiMon • diplomat • doctor • duty officer • engineer • ensign • Federation Starfleet ranks • Federation Starfleet ranks (2360s-2370s) • first officer • lawyer • lieutenant • lieutenant commander • manager • medic • medical technician • navigation officer • officer • physician • pilot • psychologist • rank • samurai • sciences division • scientist • second officer • security chief • security guard • security officer • senior officer • spy • teacher • technician • trader • transporter chief • warrior

Other references[]

alpha shift • amphitheatre • arboretum • assassination • away team • bridge • bulkhead • capital city • card • cargo bay • clothing • emotion • government • hair • races and cultures • science • Starfleet uniform • Starfleet uniform (2366-2373) • state • title • uniform
animide • Atmospheric Studies • barbeque • bell • benzodiazepine • binary system • boomerang effect • burgundy fizz • candle • cat • cereal • chocolate • chocolate sundae • chocolate syrup • Cho'DevwI • Cho'DIb • church • circus • city • Class K planet • Class M • clothing • colony • comet • comic • continent • copper • court martial • cow • croc'rog • Cyrano de Bergerac • dagger • day • decathlon • demond • deuterium • Dobatlh PuqloD • dog • doll • emotion • empathy • engineering • English language • fencing • Ferengi language • ferret • Fifth Chalice of Riis • flower • fluoride • French language • frog • Gallic • Gascon • glass • gold • government • gymnasium • gypsum • hammock • headpiece • history • Holbri • Holy Rings of Betazed • homeworld • horseshoe • hull • humanoid • ice cream • jar • Jeffries tube • jellyfish • jewel • juHqo • Kamakura period • keiyurium • kilopascal • Klingon language • knife • ladder • language • leather • logic • maggot • Magotu • mask • massage • metal • milk • miskazi • model • month • mountain • mummify • music • neurasthenia • observation lounge • oil • paint • pearl • philosophy • planet • plant • plectrum • poetry • poker • polynylon • prejudice • Prime Directive • probation • quantum transport • quarters • ready room • rec room • relay code • rock • rokeg blood pie • sabotage • sage • saline • saucer section • sauna • scabbard • school • science • sealant pack • seashell • sector • seed • shark • shield • shore leave • shuttlebay • sickbay • silicon • silk • silver • sofa • song • soup • spider • squid • stalagmite • statue • steel • swimming pool • sword • synthehol • synthetic plasticide • targ • taj • tea • telepathy • terrorism • tigress • time-slip • tin • toy • transporter room • tritanium • truss frame • uniform • university • vase • velvet • Vibration Room • vinyard • Vulcan lyrette • water • waterfall • whipped cream • wine • wood • year • yellow alert


17th century
23rd century


Related media[]




published order
Previous novel:
Here There Be Dragons
TNG numbered novels Next novel:
Debtors' Planet
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
Future Shock
Pocket Next Adventure:
The Perfect Mate

German : Der Mörder des Sli, translated by Uwe Anton. (Heyne)

External link[]
