Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki


With their sun about to go nova, the people of Epictetus III face annihilation. Although the USS Enterprise has come to lead the rescue operation, there is no way to evacuate a population of over twenty million, leaving Captain Picard to make an agonizing decision. Should he try to salvage the planet's children, its greatest leaders and thinkers, or its irreplaceable archeological treasures? No matter what he decides, millions must be sacrificed—unless another solution can be found.
With time running out, Data proposes a revolutionary scientific experiment that could save all of Epictetus III, or doom both the planet and the Enterprise as well.


The Enterprise has been sent to Epictetus Three, a Federation colony that is about to be wiped out by its suns going nova. The best the Enterprise can manage is to evacuate a few thousand of the planet's millions of inhabitants. After a consultation with the planet's ruling council, it is decided that three thousand of the planet's children will be chosen at random for evacuation.

Data is intrigued by a monitoring station apparently set up by the planet's original inhabitants and works out a way to use it to the channel the power of the sun through the Enterprise's equipment and open up a wormhole, that will allow Epictetus Three to travel to another star system. However, this will hasten the nova and be dangerous to both the Enterprise and the planet.

Further drama occurs when, during the evacuation, a fringe group who believe the native nereid sea creatures are sentient take some of the children hostage to try and force the Enterprise to transport two nereids. The hostages are freed and transported but Troi is among those left behind on the planet as the wormhole is opened. The section she is on is sliced off by the edge of the wormhole but she and the other survivors are beamed aboard.

The Enterprise and the planet ultimately survive the crossing with Epictetus Three taking up its new orbit. Although thousands died in the journey, the survivors have a chance to rebuild their world.

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Barbieri ��� Parviz Bodonchar • Jacques Bulero • Beverly Crusher • Wesley Crusher • Jeremy Curtis • Jake Dane • Data • Griffin • Guinan • Hughes Holman • Jensen • Chang Jun-Shing • Geordi La Forge • Iris Liang • Lxiti Lons • Ganesa Mehta • Vida Ntumbe • Miles O'Brien • Anita Obrion • Krystna Peladon • Jean-Luc Picard • William T. Riker • Alexander Rozhenko • Veronica Sorby • Raymond Tam • Deanna Troi • Jane Webber • Worf, son of Mogh • Raul Zender


Ariel • Carlo • Emilie Casimir • Dixon-Martins • Dorcas Dydion • Edmond • Mariamna Fabre • Dalal Ganesa • Kathryn Henries • Kristin Henries • Gena Huong • Asela Ibanez • Robin Knowles • Andrew Kolodny • Kwame Landon • Lecturer • James Mobutu • Ashley Morris • Olivia • Czelaw Ponselle • Hakim Ponselle • Lev Robert • Samas Rychi • Teodora Tibawa • Lise Turano • Ford Veniam • Paulo Wiegand • Zavir Yesed

Starships and vehicles[]

Carpathia • USS Enterprise-D • Olympia


Epictetus III • the galaxy • Korybantes Desert
Referenced only
Galen IV • Pellegrini IV

Races and cultures[]

android • Betazoid • El-Aurian • Human • Klingon

States and organizations[]

Council of the United Federation of Planets • Starfleet • Starfleet Command • United Federation of Planets • Velensos Family

Science and technology[]

alien • cargo transporter • computer • hair • hour • lifeform • life support • nova • stabilizer • starship • subspace • sun stabilizer • time • transporter • viewscreen • wormhole

Ranks and titles[]

admiral • captain • commander • counselor • doctor • ensign • Federation Council President • lieutenant • lieutenant commander • minister • Number one • officer • pilot • professor

Other references[]

20th century • bird • boarding party • bobbing bird • bridge • colony • court martial • day • death • emotion • glass • month • nap • physical • planet • quarters • ready room • sickbay • stool • suicide • technology • toy • tsunami • water • week • year



published order
Previous novel:
TNG numbered novels Next novel:
The Death of Princes
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
Future Shock
8th and 9th entries
Pocket Next Adventure:
The Quality of Life

German : Verhöhnter Zorn, translated by Uwe Anton. (Heyne)

External link[]
