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Preparing for CDN

Why and How
Aaron Peters
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
Kyle Young
Examples of CDN Failure
Multi-continent outage for 17 minutes
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
100% broken in North-America and Europe.
Up and down for days, some ASNs only
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
Zoomed in on May 4 and May 5 …
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
Japan, all networks: 5 hours of bad
Three days later, it happened again …
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
#1 eyeballs network in Germany
Single country, single ASN perf degradations are not uncommon in CDN land …
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
“System Maintenance”
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
Expect your CDN to fail on you
They won’t tell you about it
Monitoring CDN
Synthetic monitoring
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
Pingdom, cron+curl, ThousandEyes, Interns, etc.
Synthetic monitoring
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
The Pros
Very Specific
Known Intervals
Controlled Locations
Lots of Information
Synthetic monitoring
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
The Cons
Limited Locations
Hyper-idealized Client Model
Synthetic monitoring
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
Still better than nothing.
RUM for Page Load Time
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
CDN must serve HTML + resources
Third party content adds noise
Can’t capture CDN failing
Not very useful
RUM with Test Object
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
Fetch small object from CDN(s) after onload
Beacon timings, or a Fail
Use Nav Timing for best insight
get your JS on other sites too, to capture CDN failing
RUM for Page Resources
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
Resource Timing API
Send assets with TAO header
Onload => beacon timings
Easy, right? Not so fast …
Starting Points
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
Did the asset come from CDN?
Did it load fast enough?
Was it a good response (200/304)?
Fetched from network?
if (total time > 20 ms) { // from network }
RT API has many quirks
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
DNS time and Connect time always zero in IE
No data for 4xx/5xx responses, except in IE
Nothing in RT API until asset fully loaded, except in IE
FF doesn’t tell the truth
How measure CDN perf with RT API
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
inline JS, high in HEAD, exec only if
setTimeOut(checkRTAPI, 5000);
at onload or when timer ended:
if ( main.css in RT API && connectTime > 3 ) { loaded fine from network } else { meh }
Too slow: Fail
transferSize attribute, FTW!
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
transferSize = byte size that came over the wire
if ( transferSize != 0 ) { // from network }
Status: no browser is implementing this yet
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
Measure Fail Ratio too, not just Speed
Use RUM for real-world performance insight
And Synthetic monitoring for deep visibility
Beware of the many bugs in Res Timing API
Mitigating CDN Failure:
Selecting your CDNs
Feature & Behaviour Parity
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
Doing Multi-CDN
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
Perf data
Decision making
High volume, high quality
Make good sense of the data, quickly
Very granular, very accurate
Where switch CDNs?
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
in DNS in HTML
Traffic management in DNS
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
resolver authoritativeclient
I see the request comes
from NL, based on
resolver IP address …
… so I’ll handout the
CNAME to the CDN
configured for NL
Static Geo
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
Always route to that CDN in that geo
Easy: no need to monitor perf
But what if CDN has boo boo?
Dynamic Geo
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
Always route to best CDN per geo
Needs solid perf data (RUM !)
Geo targeting accuracy important
Dynamic Geo + ASN
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
Holy grail: gives best results
Really needs RUM data, and lots of it
Targeting accuracy even more important
Geo targeting gone wrong
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung authoritativeclient
I see the request comes
from MY, based on
resolver IP address …
… so I’ll handout the
CNAME to the CDN
configured for MY
CDN B - best in India !CDN A
EDNS0 to the rescue !
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung authoritativeclient
I see the request comes
from IN, based on client
IP address /24 …
… so I’ll handout the
CNAME to the CDN
configured for IN
CDN B - best in India !CDN A
Decision Making
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
Look at everything, not just ‘Response Time’
Use multiple statistics, not just median
Make your ‘decider’ sensitive to Fail Ratio !
Tuning your logic takes time
Coping with low volume data
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
Don’t make changes
Make decisions with lower confidence
Have a dynamic targeting granularity
Experiment: do a Pat Meenan !
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
Hi, I’m Pat
Example CDN Perf Program
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
Example CDN Perf Program
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
Example CDN Perf Program
Not Practical for Monitoring
Humans are Required
Misses Important Factors (EG SSL)
Hard to Commit to Bandwidth
War Story
Seattle Down
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
or How we Started Caring About MultiCDN
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
Yay, Monitoring!
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
Support Lines - A Tale of Lowered Expectations
IT Crowd - Fremantle Media
Batman - 20th Century Fox
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
SLA Reminder
99.9% 8 hours
99.99% 52 minutes
99.999% 5 minutes
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
Best Effort
Switch over to an alternate CDN for the
entire service, across the globe, as per
the “Holy S#!t Handbook”.
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
This Isn’t Pretty
Cold Cache
Backend Thrashing
3 to 4 hours of Intermittent Failure
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
Lessons Learned
Hot Standby
Geographic DNS Control, and Optimization
More Monitoring
@aaronpeters & @ksgyoung
Thank you.
@aaronpeters -
@ksgyoung -

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