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And other Tips & Tricks to make you a “Performance Expert”
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Andreas Grabner - @grabnerandi
Deep Dive Into Top
Performance Mistakes
Confidential, Dynatrace, LLC
700 deployments / YEAR
10 + deployments / DAY
50 – 60 deployments / DAY
Every 11.6 SECONDS
Not only fast delivered but also delivering fast!
-1000ms +2%
Response Time Conversions
-1000ms +10%
+100ms -1%

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From Zero to Performance Hero in Minutes - Agile Testing Days 2014 Potsdam
From Zero to Performance Hero in Minutes - Agile Testing Days 2014 PotsdamFrom Zero to Performance Hero in Minutes - Agile Testing Days 2014 Potsdam
From Zero to Performance Hero in Minutes - Agile Testing Days 2014 Potsdam

As a Tester you need to level up. You can do more than functional verification or reporting Response Time In my Performance Clinic Workshops I show you real life exampls on why Applications fail and what you can do to find these problems when you are testing these applications. I am using Free Tools for all of these excercises - especially Dynatrace which gives full End-to-End Visibility (Browser to Database). You can test and download Dynatrace for Free @

load testingwebperfhibernate
HSPS 2015 - SharePoint Performance Santiy Checks
HSPS 2015 - SharePoint Performance Santiy ChecksHSPS 2015 - SharePoint Performance Santiy Checks
HSPS 2015 - SharePoint Performance Santiy Checks

The document provides an overview of key performance sanity checks for SharePoint, including 7 steps to check SharePoint health, how to analyze SharePoint usage, and how to identify slow pages. It discusses checking end user health, site health, system health, IIS health, AppPool health, SQL and service health, and web parts. The document also covers avoiding common deployment mistakes and provides a real-life example of troubleshooting a slow page load for a frustrated user.

application performance managementsharepointwebperf
DevOps Pipelines and Metrics Driven Feedback Loops
DevOps Pipelines and Metrics Driven Feedback LoopsDevOps Pipelines and Metrics Driven Feedback Loops
DevOps Pipelines and Metrics Driven Feedback Loops

The goal behind devops is Faster Lead Times What this really means for Software Delivery -> my Kodak/Smart Phone Analogy How and Which Metrics to use along the Delivery Pipeline to make better decisions along the way.

user experiencecontinuous deliverycontinuous integration
#1: Which Geo has which
“User Experience”?
#2: Who are
these users?
Daily Deployments + Mkt Push
Increase # of unhappy users!
Drop in Conversion Rate
Overall increase of Users!
Satisfied Users Click more Content
Tolerating Users click less content

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Java Performance Mistakes
Java Performance MistakesJava Performance Mistakes
Java Performance Mistakes

Too many database queries, too much data loaded into memory, overloaded html pages, bad architectural decisions, ... These are all reasons why Java Applications are slow. In this presentation - first given at Boston Java Meetup - shows 6 real life examples on why Java-based Applications failed - and you may even heard about this in the news. All examples and the technical details were captured using Dynatrace which is available as a 30 Day Free Trial - - with an option to extend it for another 180 Days in case you share some of your results with us

hibernateapplication performance managementjava
Sydney Continuous Delivery Meetup May 2014
Sydney Continuous Delivery Meetup May 2014Sydney Continuous Delivery Meetup May 2014
Sydney Continuous Delivery Meetup May 2014

I gave this presentation at the Sydney Continuous Delivery Meetup Group. The main goal was to talk about Performance Metrics that you should monitor along the pipeline. I examples in 4 different areas where deployments failed and how metrics would have helped preventing these problems

continuous integrationapplication performance managementcontinuous delivery
(R)evolutionize APM
(R)evolutionize APM(R)evolutionize APM
(R)evolutionize APM

This presentation was given as part of a Dynatrace Lunch & Learn event. APM (=Application Performance Management) allows us to transform the way we develop, deploy and run software. Here are some ideas how APM can be (r)evolutionized

application performance managementdevopsdynatrace
Frustrated Users mainly click on Support
Update of Dependency Injection Library
impacts Memory & CPU
App with Regular
Load supported by
10 Containers
Twice the Load but 48
(=4.8x!) Containers!
App doesn’t scale!!
Does it really scale?
How to
analyze perf?
Confidential, Dynatrace, LLC

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London WebPerf Meetup: End-To-End Performance Problems
London WebPerf Meetup: End-To-End Performance ProblemsLondon WebPerf Meetup: End-To-End Performance Problems
London WebPerf Meetup: End-To-End Performance Problems

6 Real Life Performance Problem Scenarios: Why They failed, How to Avoid it and the Metrics to spot these problems

webperfperformanceapplication performance management
Boston DevOps Days 2016: Implementing Metrics Driven DevOps - Why and How
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How can we detect a bad deployment before it hits production? By automatically looking at the right architectural metrics in your CI/CD and stop a build before its too late. Lets hook up your test automation with app metrics and use them as quality gates to stop bad builds early!

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DevOps Days Toronto: From 6 Months Waterfall to 1 hour Code Deploys
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Slides used for In 2011 we delivered 2 major releases of our on premise enterprise software. Market, technology and customer requirements forced us to change that in order to remain competitive. Now – in 2017 - we are deploying and providing feature releases every 2 weeks for both our on premise and SaaS-based offering. We deploy 170 SaaS production changes per day and have a DevOps pipeline that allows us to deploy a code change within 1h if necessary. To increase quality, we built and provide a DevOps pipeline that currently executes 31000 Unit & Integration Tests per Hour as well as 60h UI Tests per Build. Our application teams are responsible end-to-end for their features and use production monitoring to validate their deployments which allows them to find 93% of bugs in production before it impacts our end users. In this session I explain how this transformation worked from both “Top Down” as well as “Bottom Up” in our organization. A key component was the 4 people strong DevOps Team who developed and “sell” their DevOps Pipeline to the globally distributed application teams. I will give insights into how our pipeline enables application teams to design, code, test and run a new feature for our user base. I will also talk about the “dark moments” as change is never without friction. Both internally as well as with our customers who also had to get used to more rapid changes.

qualitymonitoringapplication performance management
Time: Wall Clock, CPU, I/O, Wait/Sync, Susp, Page Load
Throughput: # of Requests per Timeinterval
Resources: CPU Cycles, Memory, I/O, Log Messages, ...
Pools and Queues: Sizes, Utilization, Acquisition Time,
# Publishers vs # Subscribers, Process Time
Interactions: # SQLs, # Messages, # Services, # Images, # CSS
Errors: Exceptions, HTTPs, TCP Packet Loss
Top Java Performance Problems and Metrics To Check in Your Pipeline

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JavaOne 2015: Top Performance Patterns Deep Dive
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JavaOne 2015: Top Performance Patterns Deep Dive

Most common Frontend & Backend Performance Problems. Automatically find them in your CI by looking at the right Metrics.

continuous integrationjavaperformance
Top .NET, Java & Web Performance Mistakes - Meetup Jan 2015
Top .NET, Java & Web Performance Mistakes - Meetup Jan 2015Top .NET, Java & Web Performance Mistakes - Meetup Jan 2015
Top .NET, Java & Web Performance Mistakes - Meetup Jan 2015

Top .NET, Java & Web Performance Problems. Why these apps failed, how to avoid it and which metrics to look at, e.g: # of Busy vs. Idle Worker Threads, Connection Pool Acquisition Time, # Exceptions Thrown, ...

.netperformanceapplication performance management
Metrics-Driven Devops: Delivering High Quality Software Faster!
Metrics-Driven Devops: Delivering High Quality Software Faster! Metrics-Driven Devops: Delivering High Quality Software Faster!
Metrics-Driven Devops: Delivering High Quality Software Faster!

Becoming the next Uber is only possible if you can deliver your code updates faster to your end users. But for your organization, does delivering code faster present a higher likelihood of failing faster? Discover four metrics you should be tracking starting from your workstation all the way through CI and into Ops. Learn how companies like Facebook, CreditOne, and others apply metric-driven DevOps. See use cases of crashed rapid deployments and how they used the metrics to detect the root cause. Learn how to apply these metrics to steer your pipeline to build better code and deploy faster, without failing faster!

application performance metricssoftware testingsoftware development
“In Your Face” Data!
Where do your
Stories come
Top Java Performance Problems and Metrics To Check in Your Pipeline
Share Your PurePath -

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How to keep you out of the News: Web and End-to-End Performance Tips
How to keep you out of the News: Web and End-to-End Performance TipsHow to keep you out of the News: Web and End-to-End Performance Tips
How to keep you out of the News: Web and End-to-End Performance Tips

Too many websites make it too the news when they fail to deliver, e.g: eCommerce when they go down on Cyber Monday, Tax Software on Tax Day or Online Banking when people want to check on their latest pay check. In this presentation - presented at several Web Performance, Java, .NET, ... Meetups I walk through the most common performance mistakes people made in recent history. I explain in technical detail what the problem was and how to find these problems earlier as you dont want to wait until your site crashes and you end up in the news.

Troubleshooting ASP.NET and IIS Scalability Hotspots
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Troubleshooting ASP.NET and IIS Scalability Hotspots

Running ASP.NET applications on IIS? Do you understand how requests are processed by every component involved: IIS Native, IIS Modules, and ASP.NET? Scaling any type of application requires you to understand the inner workings of IIS and ASP.NET so queues and pools don’t become a bottleneck in your end-to-end execution flow. Join us for this webcast that shows you how to identify performance and scalability hotspots under different load conditions. You'll learn: How communication flows between browser, IIS, ASP.NET and back-end services including database How to monitor and tweak IIS and ASP.NET queues and pools to achieve optimal performance How to troubleshoot performance hotspots in IIS, Native and Managed Modules and ASP.NET How to identify synchronization issues in multi-threaded applications You will leave with specific ideas of where to start optimizing your queues, pools, and code implementation.

application managementapplication application monitoring
DevOps Transformation at Dynatrace and with Dynatrace
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DevOps Transformation at Dynatrace and with Dynatrace

Presentation given at CMG Boston - April 20th 2017 #1: How to explain DevOps Transformation? #2: How Dynatrace transformed from 6months waterfall to 1h code deploy #3: The role of Monitoring in DevOps / CI/CD #4: Using Dynatrace for your DevOps Transformation

devopscontinuous deliverycontinuous integration
3rd parties
Dynatrace Server
Session Storage
Rich Client
Web Interface
Method Level Hotspots
+ Exceptions, Logs, Memory
Allocation, Threads, Actual Code ...
Export & Share
Share Your PurePath -
Top Java Performance Problems and Metrics To Check in Your Pipeline

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3 Tips to Deliver Fast Performance Across Mobile Web
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3 Tips to Deliver Fast Performance Across Mobile Web

3 Tips to Deliver Fast Performance Across Mobile Web On-Demand Webinar Seems like everyone’s doing Responsive Web Design these days! Are you using React, Angular or others to create a mobile-friendly web experience? Newsflash: Mobile-friendly doesn’t always equal customer-friendly, when it comes to performance. We’re talking about 60% of your traffic—how do you avoid disaster? Learn the basics of high-performance mobile development through the examination of real-world, performance-killing code examples. You’ll also hear about: Why 4.5 seconds on Chrome can be 15 seconds on a Galaxy S5 Chromium How to identify major issues within mobile page construction Best practices for managing CSS and JavaScript Things to consider going global with your Web application Join web performance experts Klaus Enzenhofer and Stefan Baumgartner from Dynatrace to ensure your mobile properties are delighting your customers!

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Why you have to rethink your monitoring strategy when moving or building apps for new stack cloud based environments: #1: Why "the old way" of monitoring doesnt work any longer! #2: How the Cloud and New Stack has transformed Dynatrace! #3: How Dynatrace Redefined Monitoring for Cloud Applications

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Five steps to Continuous Delivery
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The document discusses enabling continuous integration and delivery by having developers commit code changes often with version control, integrating changes automatically through an integration server. The server compiles, runs unit and acceptance tests on each change and notifies who broke integration if tests don't pass. Successful changes are delivered and reported. This allows organizations to work together, reduces build times from 8 hours to 10 minutes, and provides the capability to deliver changes now. It also shares lessons learned and how others can implement continuous integration themselves.

Top Java Performance Problems and Metrics To Check in Your Pipeline
Top Java Performance Problems and Metrics To Check in Your Pipeline
Frontend Performance
We are getting FATer!

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This document discusses DevOps concepts and examples. It describes DevOps as a culture and practice that emphasizes collaboration between software developers and IT operations. The document provides examples of infrastructure as code, building and packaging applications, and deployment. It discusses using tools like Azure Resource Manager, Docker, and VSTS Release Management to automate processes like continuous delivery. coredevopsvisual studio release management
Taking AppSec to 11 - BSides Austin 2016
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Taking AppSec to 11 - BSides Austin 2016

This document summarizes Matt Tesauro's presentation "Taking AppSec to 11" given at Bsidess Austin 2016. The presentation discusses implementing application security (AppSec) pipelines to improve workflows and optimize critical resources like AppSec personnel. Key points include automating repetitive tasks, driving consistency, increasing visibility and metrics, and reducing friction between development and AppSec teams. An AppSec pipeline provides a reusable and consistent process for security activities to follow through intake, testing, and reporting stages. The goal is to optimize people's time spent on customization and analysis rather than setup and configuration.

devopsapplication securityagile software development
CMG 101 - Understanding performance
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CMG 101 - Understanding performance

Web performance is good, understanding performance is better. What you need to understand in order to be able to have IT systems that perform well at a reasonable cost.

web applicationperformancecmg
Mobile landing page of Super Bowl ad
434 Resources in total on that page:
230 JPEGs, 75 PNGs, 50 GIFs, …
Total size of ~
20MB during Worldcup
8MB of background image for STPCon (Word Press)
Availability dropped to 0%
Availability And Response Time

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Taking AppSec to 11: AppSec Pipeline, DevOps and Making Things Better
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Taking AppSec to 11: AppSec Pipeline, DevOps and Making Things Better

This document summarizes Matt Tesauro's presentation on improving application security (AppSec) through the use of AppSec pipelines and DevOps strategies. The key points are: 1. AppSec pipelines are designed to optimize AppSec personnel by automating tasks and increasing consistency, tracking, flow and visibility of work. This allows AppSec teams to focus on custom work rather than setup. 2. Integrating AppSec tools and workflows into development pipelines can help drive up consistency, reduce friction with developers, and increase the number of assessments an AppSec team can complete without increasing headcount. 3. Continual experimentation and optimizing the critical resource - in this case AppSec personnel - is important for

rugged devops appsec automation cicd pipelines
Test Automation In The Hands of "The Business"
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Test Automation In The Hands of "The Business"

Evolution to and overview of Specification By Example (SBE) and Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD)

bddsbebusiness testing
Metrics to Power DevOps
Metrics to Power DevOpsMetrics to Power DevOps
Metrics to Power DevOps

Tech Mahindra and CollabNet have worked together on a number of mission-critical projects, and over the course of their partnership have developed unique expertise in lifecycle, development-to-production metrics. Gain an understanding not only of what metrics are important, but also practical approaches to building reports and dashboards that deliver a single-pane view of all your delivery pipelines across the enterprise. Participants will learn: KPI’s of end-to-end dashboard driven development and delivery Best practices for metrics in Agile / DevOps environments Role of technology frameworks for integrated planning and reporting

agile software developmentapplication developmentdevops
Tip for handling Spike Load: GO LEAN!!
1h before
SuperBowl KickOff
1h after
Game ended
Make F12 or Browser Agent your friend!
Key Metrics
# of Resources
Size of Resources
Total Size of Content
HTTP 3xx, 4xx, 5xx
# of Domains
Top Java Performance Problems and Metrics To Check in Your Pipeline

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Practices of Good Software Architects
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Practices of Good Software Architects

This presentation shows some practices of good Software Architects and what Software Architecture actually means.

software architecture
AWS re:Invent 2016: Fraud Detection with Amazon Machine Learning on AWS (FIN301)
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In this session, we provide programmatic guidance on building tools and applications to detect and manage fraud and unusual activity specific to financial services institutions. Payment fraud is an ongoing concern for merchants and credit card issuers alike and these activities impact all industries, but are specifically detrimental to Financial Services. We provide a step-by-step walkthrough of a reference solution to detect and address credit card fraud in real time by using Apache Apex and Amazon Machine Learning capabilities. We also outline different resource and performance optimization options and how to work data security into the fraud detection workflow.

reinvent2016amazon web servicesfinancial services
Fall newsletter-2009
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This document summarizes initiatives that are improving healthcare access and outcomes. It discusses increasing healthcare access through mobile clinics, telemedicine, and nurse training programs. It also covers improving maternal and child health by focusing on safe deliveries, obstetric care, and preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV. The document advocates that basic training can expand basic healthcare provision and addresses scarcity of resources through clinical officer programs in places like Southern Sudan.

Top Java Performance Problems and Metrics To Check in Your Pipeline
Backend Performance
The Usual Suspects
• Symptoms
• HTML takes between 60 and 120s to render
• High GC Time
• Developer Assumptions
• Bad GC Tuning
• Probably bad Database Performance as rendering was simple
• Result: 2 Years of Finger pointing between Dev and DBA
Project: Online Room Reservation System
Developers built own monitoring
void roomreservationReport(int officeId)
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
Object data = loadDataForOffice(officeId);
long dataLoadTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
generateReport(data, officeId);
Avg. Data Load Time: 45s!
DB Tool says:
Avg. SQL Query: <1ms!

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Hum1020 fa2014 exam 4 study guide
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This document provides definitions and summaries of important people, places, events, and concepts from European and American history between 1500-1800. It covers topics related to art and architecture in Renaissance and Baroque Europe, the absolutist monarchy in France under Louis XIV at Versailles, Enlightenment philosophy, and the American and French Revolutions. Key figures and events mentioned include Ignatius Loyola, El Greco, Versailles, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the Boston Tea Party, the storming of the Bastille, and Napoleon Bonaparte's rise to power.

#1: Loading too much data
24889! Calls to the Database API!
High Memory Usage results in GC
resulting to high GC to keep all
data in Memory
#2: On individual connections 12444!
Classical N+1
Query Problem
Individual SQL
really <1ms
#3: Putting all data in temp Hashtable
Lots of time spent
in Hashtable.get
Called from their
Entity Objects
• … you know what code is doing you inherited!!
• … you are not making mistakes like this 
• Explore the Right Tools
• Built-In Database Analysis Tools
• “Logging” options of Frameworks such as Hibernate, …
• JMX, Perf Counters, … of your Application Servers
• Performance Tracing Tools: Dynatrace, Ruxit, NewRelic,
AppDynamics, Your Profiler of Choice …
Lessons Learned – Don’t Assume …

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This short document discusses creativity and taking risks. It cautions against going somewhere that seems risky or uncertain at first. It then asks who considers themselves creative and hints that being open-minded may help one see opportunities that were not obvious before.

Power point harp seal
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Power point harp seal

The harp seal population is facing extinction due to threats to its habitat at the North Pole from global warming and due to being killed. Its habitat is threatened by climate change and it is also under threat from being hunted, so actions must be taken to stop global warming and seal hunting to save the harp seal from extinction.

Magna carta
Magna cartaMagna carta
Magna carta

The Magna Carta was signed in 1215 and challenged King John's absolute authority by establishing limitations on royal power and protections for barons, the church, and common people. It gave people the right to due process and trial by jury, made the church independent from royal interference, and ensured basic rights and laws that strengthened democracy. Many principles of the Magna Carta were incorporated into modern constitutions as it set an important precedent for individual liberties.

middle ages
Key Metrics
# of SQL Calls
# of same SQL Execs (1+N)
# of Connections
Rows/Data Transferred
Or we just throw a lot of
Exceptions 
Log Hotspots in Frameworks!
callAppenders clear CPU and I/O Hotspot
Excessive logging through Spring Framework
Debug Log and outdated log4j library
#1: Top Problem: log4j.callAppenders
-> 71% Sync Time
#2: Most of logging done from
fillDetail method
#3: Doing “DEBUG” log
output: Is this necessary?

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Hum2310 sp2015 syllabus
Hum2310 sp2015 syllabusHum2310 sp2015 syllabus
Hum2310 sp2015 syllabus

This document outlines the syllabus for a Mythology in Art & Literature course. The course will examine world mythology through various methods and consider how mythological ideas are applied in the humanities. Students will analyze how mythology is used by different cultures to explain the world, interpret cultures through their myths, and articulate connections between ancient and modern mythology. The course involves lectures, films, exams, a research project, and cultural event attendance. Students will be evaluated based on participation, assignments, quizzes, exams, a research project, and event attendance. The syllabus provides policies on attendance, late work, academic honesty, and guidelines for written work.

Become a Performance Diagnostics Hero
Become a Performance Diagnostics HeroBecome a Performance Diagnostics Hero
Become a Performance Diagnostics Hero

Andreas Grabner maintains that most performance and scalability problems don’t need a large or long running performance test or the expertise of a performance engineering guru. Don’t let anybody tell you that performance is too hard to practice because it actually is not. You can take the initiative and find these often serious defects. Andreas analyzed and spotted the performance and scalability issues in more than 200 applications last year. He shares his performance testing approaches and explores the top problem patterns that you can learn to spot in your apps. By looking at key metrics found in log files and performance monitoring data, you will learn to identify most problems with a single functional test and a simple five-user load test. The problem patterns Andreas explains are applicable to any type of technology and platform. Try out your new skills in your current testing project and take the first step toward becoming a performance diagnostic hero.

software testing
JUG Poznan - 2017.01.31
JUG Poznan - 2017.01.31 JUG Poznan - 2017.01.31
JUG Poznan - 2017.01.31

Avoiding software fails. Few metrics to improve application reliability by Sławomir Michalik. Presentation reviewed 4 distribution.

big data analyticsomnilogyapplication performance monitoring
Overhead caused by Exceptions
fillInStackTrace is Top 2 in CPU Hotspots
All these Exceptions that never show up in
a log file are consuming all CPU
Too Many Exceptions vs Log Messages
2-5 Log Messages per 5 Min
Looking at the important
(SEVERE, FATAL, …) log messages
Up to 20000 Custom Exceptions
That’s about 4000x the number
of Exceptions per Log Message
Key Metrics
# of Log Entries
Size of Logs per Use Case
Pools & Queues
Proper Sizing!!

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DevOps: Find Solutions, Not More Defects
DevOps: Find Solutions, Not More DefectsDevOps: Find Solutions, Not More Defects
DevOps: Find Solutions, Not More Defects

The promise of DevOps is that we can push new ideas out to market faster while avoiding delivering serious defects into production. Andreas Grabner explains that testers are no longer measured by the number of defect reports they enter, nor are developers measured by the lines of code they write. As a team, you are measured by how fast you can deploy high quality functionality to the end user. Achieving this goal requires testers to increase their skills. It’s all about finding solutions—not just problems. Testers must transition from reporting “app crashes” to providing details such as “memory leak caused by bad cache implementation.” Instead of reporting “it’s slow,” testers must discover “wrong hibernate configuration causes too much traffic from the database.” Using three real-life examples, Andreas illustrates what it takes for testing teams to become part of the DevOps transformation—bringing more value to the entire organization.

Starting Your DevOps Journey – Practical Tips for Ops
Starting Your DevOps Journey – Practical Tips for OpsStarting Your DevOps Journey – Practical Tips for Ops
Starting Your DevOps Journey – Practical Tips for Ops

To watch, please see: Starting Your DevOps Journey: Practical Tips for Ops In this webinar, Andreas Grabner, Chief DevOps Activist at Dynatrace, shares practical tips that all IT groups from Dev to Ops can use to start their DevOps journey quickly. With experience from hundreds of DevOps deployments, Andi provides insights it would take your team months or years to learn firsthand. - Learn how everyone on your Ops team can use APM to better understand and monitor SLAs, Performance and End User Impact of their applications. - Foster better collaboration between Ops and architects by extending basic system monitoring to monolith and microservices architectures. - Shift-left your testing and QA by working with metrics that you and the architects agreed on up front, resulting in early relevant feedback and faster code deployments. - Hear why changing the cultural mindset from “fear of change” to “Continuous Innovation and Optimization” is critical for success. Andi is joined by guest speaker, Brian Chandler, Systems Engineer at Raymond James, who shares commonly used Ops dashboards that increase collaboration across IT teams and pro-actively break down silos!

application performance managementend-user experience monitoringapplication performance monitoring
Why And When Should We Consider Stream Processing In Our Solutions Teqnation ...
Why And When Should We Consider Stream Processing In Our Solutions Teqnation ...Why And When Should We Consider Stream Processing In Our Solutions Teqnation ...
Why And When Should We Consider Stream Processing In Our Solutions Teqnation ...

Session Recording on Youtube - Session Description Do you find yourself bombarded with buzzwords and overwhelmed by the rapid emergence of new technologies? "Stream Processing" is a tech buzzword that has been around for some time but is still unfamiliar to many. Join this session to discover its potential in software systems. I will share insights from Apache Flink, Apache Beam, Google Dataflow, and my experiences at (the biggest e-commerce platform in the Netherlands) as we cover: - Stream Processing overview: main concepts and features - Apache Beam vs. Spring Boot comparison - Key Considerations for Using Stream Processing - Learning strategies to navigate this evolving landscape.

teqnationstream processingapache flink
Wrong Pool Sizes Configured
Do we have enough DB
Threading Issues
Threading Issues (Analysis) Tip: I like the Thread Column as it tells me
where we spawn off async threads and
where the “main threads” might be waiting
Sync / Wait
1.63s in Object.wait
Means that this thread is put to hold
Waiting on the next
Connection to become

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Performance Oriented Design
Performance Oriented DesignPerformance Oriented Design
Performance Oriented Design

This document discusses performance-oriented design and what metrics should be measured. It emphasizes that performance is important and organizations should care about it. Key metrics that should be measured include arrival rate, service time, throughput, queues, method counts, response times, and other application and system-level metrics. References for further reading on performance engineering and capacity planning are also provided.

qconspcapacity planningperformance
STP 2014 - Lets Learn from the Top Performance Mistakes in 2013
STP 2014 - Lets Learn from the Top Performance Mistakes in 2013STP 2014 - Lets Learn from the Top Performance Mistakes in 2013
STP 2014 - Lets Learn from the Top Performance Mistakes in 2013

1) Performance issues often stem from architectural decisions, disconnected teams, flawed implementations, pushing changes without proper planning, blindly reusing components, and lack of agile deployment practices. 2) Common metrics that help identify performance problems include number of requests/user, log messages, exceptions, objects allocated/in cache and cache hit ratio, images, SQL statements, SQLs per request, HTTP status codes, and page size. 3) Tracking key performance indicators and metrics across automated unit and performance tests can help identify regressions and keep performance/architecture in check.

application performance managementdatabaseweb 2.0
Atmosphere 2016 - Andreas Grabner - Metrics Driven-DevOps: Delivering High Qu...
Atmosphere 2016 - Andreas Grabner - Metrics Driven-DevOps: Delivering High Qu...Atmosphere 2016 - Andreas Grabner - Metrics Driven-DevOps: Delivering High Qu...
Atmosphere 2016 - Andreas Grabner - Metrics Driven-DevOps: Delivering High Qu...

Becoming the next Uber is only possible when bringing your ideas faster to your end users. Some aspects of DevOps are perfect for that as it only works if Ops and Dev work closely together. But what does this mean for you as a developers? Delivering code faster with the high chance of failing faster? In my opinion we need to look at Key Technical Metrics such as Memory Usage per User or Request, # of SQLs, # of Service Calls, Transferred Bytes, ... - these are metrics you need to track starting at your workstation all the way through CI into Ops – and don’t forget the Business: How often is the new feature really used? What does it cost to run it? Let these metrics act as Quality Gateways and stop builds early before they Crash your System: faster than ever. In this session we look at how companies like Facebook, CreditOne and Co apply metric-driven DevOps. We look at use cases that crashed rapid deployments, identify metrics that identify the reason of the crash and learn how to use these metrics to steer your pipeline to build better code, deploy faster, without failing faster!

Key Metrics
Pool and Queue Sizes
Time in Sync & Wait
Architectural Mistakes with
„Migrating“ to (Micro)Services
Example #2: Online Sports Club Search Service
Response Time
1) Started as a
small project
2) Slowly growing
user base
3) Expanding to
new markets –
1st performance
4) Adding more markets
– performance becomes
a business impact Users
4) Potentially start
loosing users
Early 2015: Monolithic App
Can‘t scale vertically endlessly!
2.68s Load Time
94.09% CPU

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Twitter's operations team manages software performance, availability, capacity planning, and configuration management for Twitter. They use metrics, logs, and analysis to find weak points and take corrective action. Some techniques include caching everything possible, moving operations to asynchronous daemons, and optimizing databases to reduce replication delay and locks. The team also created several open source projects like CacheMoney for caching and Kestrel for asynchronous messaging.

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Fixing Twitter and Finding your own Fail Whale document discusses Twitter operations. The operations team manages software performance, availability, capacity planning, and configuration management using metrics, logs, and data-driven analysis to find weak points and take corrective action. They use managed services for infrastructure to focus on computer science problems. The document outlines Twitter's rapid growth and challenges in maintaining performance as traffic increases. It provides recommendations around caching, databases, asynchronous processing, and other techniques Twitter uses to optimize performance under heavy load.

Proposal: Service approach!
Front End
to Cloud
Scale Backend
in Containers!
7:00 a.m.
Low Load and Service running
on minimum redundancy
12:00 p.m.
Scaled up service during peak load
with failover of problematic node
7:00 p.m.
Scaled down again to lower load
and move to different geo location
Testing the Backend Service alone scales well …
Go live – 7:00 a.m.
Go live – 12:00 p.m.

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Fixing twitterFixing twitter
Fixing twitter

Fixing Twitter and Finding your own Fail Whale document discusses Twitter operations. The Twitter operations team focuses on software performance, availability, capacity planning, and configuration management using metrics, logs, and science. They use a dedicated managed services team and run their own servers instead of cloud services. The document outlines Twitter's rapid growth and challenges in maintaining performance. It discusses strategies for monitoring, analyzing metrics to find weak points, deploying changes, and improving processes through configuration management and peer reviews.


Twitter's operations team manages software performance, availability, capacity planning, and configuration management. They use metrics, logs, and analysis to find weak points and take corrective action. Some techniques include caching everything possible, moving operations to asynchronous daemons, optimizing databases, and instrumenting all systems. Their goal is to process requests asynchronously when possible and avoid overloading relational databases.

Transcend Automation's Kepware OPC Products
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Transcend Automation is the authorized business partners for Kepware Technologies in India. We Market, Promote, Integrate their products for customers in India

redundancy master opc server indiakepware indiatranscend automation
What Went Wrong?
26.7s Load Time
5kB Payload
33! Service Calls
99kB - 3kB for each call!
171!Total SQL Count
Architecture Violation
Direct access to DB from frontend service
Single search query end-to-end
The fixed end-to-end use case
“Re-architect” vs. “Migrate” to Service-Orientation
2.5s (vs 26.7)
5kB Payload
1! (vs 33!) Service Call
5kB (vs 99) Payload!
3!(vs 177) Total
SQL Count
Top Java Performance Problems and Metrics To Check in Your Pipeline

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AI-Powered DevOps: Injecting Speed & Quality Across Verizon’s Cloud Pipelines

Customer experience is a top priority for Verizon, so they turned to DevOps best practices to address technical issues. The result was tremendous – 3x faster build times and a 50% drop in reported bugs – all within the first six months! This success evolved to an automated delivery pipeline approach that leveraged cloud and container technology, and teams were able to deploy new features faster, directly into production. With faster releases came vast technical complexity. Using Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered monitoring, Verizon was able to transcend this problem, and today easily manages complex, web-scale DevOps in the cloud. • Learn the DevOps “shift-left” quality model Verizon embraced to find issues before they reached production. • Discover best practices that accelerated Verizon’s build and test cycle times by 3x in just six months. • Understand what AI-powered technology is, and how it can help you master the complexity of DevOps cloud environments. • Learn how Verizon uses DevOps and cloud monitoring as part of one integrated application delivery chain. You’ll gain best practices and insights you can use immediately!

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Software Performance Metrics that you should look at throughout your Build Pipeline and not just when your app crashes in productiong. Find performance and scalability problems as soon as executing your first Unit Test. Simply focus on metrics such as #SQLs, #LogMessages, #Objects on Heap, ...

continuous deliverywebperfdevops
You measure it! from Dev (to) Ops
Build 17 testNewsAlert OK
testSearch OK
Build # Use Case Stat # API Calls # SQL Payload CPU
1 5 2kb 70ms
1 3 5kb 120ms
Use Case Tests and Monitors Service & App Metrics
Build 26 testNewsAlert OK
testSearch OK
Build 25 testNewsAlert OK
testSearch OK
1 4 1kb 60ms
34 171 104kb 550ms
#ServInst Usage RT
1 0.5% 7.2s
1 63% 5.2s
1 4 1kb 60ms
2 3 10kb 150ms
1 0.6% 4.2s
5 75% 2.5s
Build 35 testNewsAlert -
testSearch OK
- - - -
2 3 10kb 150ms
- - -
8 80% 2.0s
Metrics from and for Dev(to)Ops
Re-architecture into „Services“ + Performance Fixes
Scenario: Monolithic App with 2 Key Features
Key Metrics
# of Service Calls
Payload of Service Calls
# of Involved Threads
1+N Service Call Pattern!
Tips & Tricks
And more Metrics of course 

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Ship code like a keptn
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Ship code like a keptn

Keptn is an open-source project that provides tools to enable continuous delivery and automation for modern applications using Kubernetes. It allows developers to focus on code and DevOps teams to focus on tools rather than building custom pipelines. Keptn provides automated multi-stage delivery pipelines, automated quality gates, self-healing deployments, and enables zero-touch toolchain integration and updates. It also supports automated problem remediation in production for continuous operations. Keptn follows cloud-native design principles and provides a common way for organizations to achieve autonomous delivery and operations.

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NetApp is a global cloud-led, data-centric software company. They are an industry leader in hybrid cloud data services and data management solutions. Their platform enables their customers to store and share large quantities of digital data across physical and hybrid cloud environments. NetApp Engineering’s Site Reliability Engineering team is tasked with supporting their internal build environment, test, and automation infrastructure. After collecting their time-stamped data in InfluxDB, they are using Kapacitor to push alerts directly to Slack via webhooks. Their globally distributed SRE team are able to seamlessly collaborate and troubleshoot. Discover how NetApp uses a time series platform to detect trends in real time that can result in failures within their environments, and to provide key metrics used in SRE postmortems. Join this webinar as Dustin Sorge will dive into: NetApp's approach to monitoring their SRE team's metrics — including SLO's and SLI's Their best practices and techniques for monitoring memory usage and CPU usage How they use InfluxDB and Telegraf to detect trends and coordinate fixes faster.

influxdbsretime series database
Apex triggers i
Apex triggers iApex triggers i
Apex triggers i

This document provides an overview of Apex triggers in Salesforce. It discusses what Apex triggers are, how they can be used to support record management and build process-driven logic. The document compares triggers to process builders and explains the order of execution. It also covers sandbox and developer environments, the developer console for debugging, and includes an Apex trigger demo.

Tip: Layer Breakdown over Time
With increasing load: Which LAYER
doesn’t SCALE?
Tip: Exceptions and Log Messages
How are # of EXCEPTIONS
evolving over time?
messages to we write in
relation to Exceptions?
Tip: Failed Transactions
FAILING (HTTP 5xx, 4xx, …)
under heavier load?
Tip: Database Activity
Do we see increased in AVG #
of SQL Executions over Time?
Do TOTAL # of SQL Executions
increase with load? Shouldn’t
it flatten due to CACHES?

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This talk was given at KCD Munich - July 17 2023 Abstract “Kubernetes is a platform for building platforms. It’s a better place to start: not the endgame”, tweeted by Kelsey Hightower in November 2017. 6 years later the Cloud Native Community is faced with 159 different CNCF projects to choose from. Entering CNCF can be overwhelming! Cloud Native Platform Engineering with white papers, best practices and reference architectures are here to convert this dilemma into an opportunity. Internal Developer Platforms (IDP) are being built as we speak enabling organizations to harness the power of Kubernetes as a self-service platform. Join this talk with Andreas Grabner, CNCF Ambassador, and get some insights on tooling, use cases and best practices so we can all fulfill the idea that Kelsey put out years ago.

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GitOps, with tools like Argo and Flux, are preferred platform tools managing configuration in cloud native environments. But it is hard to troubleshoot a failed deployment of a complex application as there is no built-in deployment lifecycle observability, standardized hooks nor the concept of an application vs individual workloads. The CNCF project Keptn addresses those challenges by extending the Kubernetes Pod scheduler to provide OpenTelemetry Traces and Prometheus metrics for end-2-end deployment observability. Keptn introduces automated application-aware pre- and post-deployment lifecycle hooks to enforce dependency checks, send notifications or evaluates SLOs that otherwise need a custom K8s operator. Join this talk and learn how the Keptn Lifecycle Toolkit (KLT) Operator extends observability into GitOps deployments and how it enables declarative deployment lifecycle orchestration!

Don't Deploy Into the Dark: DORA Metrics for your K8s GitOps Deployments
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This talk was given at Boston Cloud Native Meetup on Feb 9th 2023 DORA’s Four Key DevOps have gained much attention as they provide critical insights into an organization’s maturity in automating the delivery of high-quality software. Google provides a blueprint implementation which requires extending your existing delivery pipelines (Jenkins, Argo, Flux, GitHub, GitLab …) to push those metrics to an external database. While doable, many platform engineers we spoke to are seeking an alternative solution and more cloud-native approach. The CNCF project Keptn saw this as an opportunity to provide a K8s- & Cloud-Native solution that provides 100% coverage, WITHOUT changing pipelines and using OpenTelemetry as standard collection framework. Join this talk where Andi (Andreas) Grabner, DevRel at Keptn, will show you how you can use Keptn’s Lifecyle Toolkit to get your DORA metrics within 5 minutes. Andi also covers how the Lifecycle Toolkit brings application-awareness into your deployments and allows you to execute pre- and post-deployment checks as serverless functions – all declaratively as part of your existing K8s CRDs.

Tip: Database History Dashboard
How many SQL Statements are
What’s the overall Execution
Time of different SQL Types
For more Key Metrics
Questions and/or Demo
Get Tools:
YouTube Tutorials:
Contact Me:
Follow Me: @grabnerandi
Read More:
Andreas Grabner
Dynatrace Developer Advocate

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Observability and Orchestration of your GitOps Deployments with Keptn
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Observability and Orchestration of your GitOps Deployments with Keptn

GitOps has become the default way to manage configuration in cloud native environments with tools like Argo or Flux keeping Git and K8s in sync. But GitOps lacks end-2-end traceability when GitOps operators make changes on the target environments. And as k8s lacks application awareness its hard to enforce pre- and post-deployment orchestration task such as sending notifications upon successful app delivery or validating all SLOs are healthy for a new version. The CNCF project Keptn is addressing those challenges by automatically providing End-2-End Observability through OpenTelemetry as well as introducing an application deployment lifecycle events enabling pre- and post-deployment checks natively on k8s. Keptn therefore extends your GitOps approach with the missing observability and orchestration needed for successful cloud native development.

Release Readiness Validation with Keptn for Austrian Online Banking Software
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Release Readiness Validation with Keptn for Austrian Online Banking Software

Marco and Andreas work at Raiffeisen Software who provides banking software for many Austrian financial institutions. In this session they show us how Keptn is used to automate the validation of key SLOs as part of their release process.

Adding Security to your SLO-based Release Validation with Keptn
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Adding Security to your SLO-based Release Validation with Keptn

This talk was given at DevSecOps Days Boston and DevOps & Security Meetup Vienna in 2021 Automatic Release Validation, aka Quality Gates, is not a new concept but often only covers functional or performance metrics. Keptn’s open SLO-based evaluation allows DevSecOps to have their favorite security tool report SLOs such as number of detected vulnerabilities as part of delivery automation


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Performance Metrics for your Build Pipeline - presented at Vienna WebPerf Oct...Performance Metrics for your Build Pipeline - presented at Vienna WebPerf Oct...
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Andreas Grabner
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Top Java Performance Problems and Metrics To Check in Your Pipeline

  • 1. And other Tips & Tricks to make you a “Performance Expert” More @ – Tools @ Andreas Grabner - @grabnerandi Deep Dive Into Top Performance Mistakes
  • 3. 700 deployments / YEAR 10 + deployments / DAY 50 – 60 deployments / DAY Every 11.6 SECONDS
  • 4. Not only fast delivered but also delivering fast! -1000ms +2% Response Time Conversions -1000ms +10% +100ms -1%
  • 5. #1: Which Geo has which “User Experience”? #2: Who are these users?
  • 6. Daily Deployments + Mkt Push Increase # of unhappy users! Drop in Conversion Rate Overall increase of Users!
  • 7. Satisfied Users Click more Content
  • 8. Tolerating Users click less content
  • 9. Frustrated Users mainly click on Support
  • 10. Update of Dependency Injection Library impacts Memory & CPU
  • 11. App with Regular Load supported by 10 Containers Twice the Load but 48 (=4.8x!) Containers! App doesn’t scale!! Does it really scale?
  • 13. Time: Wall Clock, CPU, I/O, Wait/Sync, Susp, Page Load Throughput: # of Requests per Timeinterval Resources: CPU Cycles, Memory, I/O, Log Messages, ... Pools and Queues: Sizes, Utilization, Acquisition Time, # Publishers vs # Subscribers, Process Time Interactions: # SQLs, # Messages, # Services, # Images, # CSS Errors: Exceptions, HTTPs, TCP Packet Loss
  • 18. Where do your Stories come from?
  • 20. Share Your PurePath -
  • 22. Dev/Arch Method Level Hotspots + Exceptions, Logs, Memory Allocation, Threads, Actual Code ...
  • 23. Export & Share Share Your PurePath -
  • 28. Frontend Performance We are getting FATer!
  • 29. Mobile landing page of Super Bowl ad 434 Resources in total on that page: 230 JPEGs, 75 PNGs, 50 GIFs, … Total size of ~ 20MB
  • 30. during Worldcup Source:
  • 31. 8MB of background image for STPCon (Word Press)
  • 32. Availability dropped to 0% Availability And Response Time
  • 33. Tip for handling Spike Load: GO LEAN!! 1h before SuperBowl KickOff 1h after Game ended
  • 34. Make F12 or Browser Agent your friend!
  • 35. Key Metrics # of Resources Size of Resources Total Size of Content HTTP 3xx, 4xx, 5xx # of Domains
  • 39. • Symptoms • HTML takes between 60 and 120s to render • High GC Time • Developer Assumptions • Bad GC Tuning • Probably bad Database Performance as rendering was simple • Result: 2 Years of Finger pointing between Dev and DBA Project: Online Room Reservation System
  • 40. Developers built own monitoring void roomreservationReport(int officeId) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Object data = loadDataForOffice(officeId); long dataLoadTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; generateReport(data, officeId); } Result: Avg. Data Load Time: 45s! DB Tool says: Avg. SQL Query: <1ms!
  • 41. #1: Loading too much data 24889! Calls to the Database API! High Memory Usage results in GC resulting to high GC to keep all data in Memory
  • 42. #2: On individual connections 12444! individual connections Classical N+1 Query Problem Individual SQL really <1ms
  • 43. #3: Putting all data in temp Hashtable Lots of time spent in Hashtable.get Called from their Entity Objects
  • 44. • … you know what code is doing you inherited!! • … you are not making mistakes like this  • Explore the Right Tools • Built-In Database Analysis Tools • “Logging” options of Frameworks such as Hibernate, … • JMX, Perf Counters, … of your Application Servers • Performance Tracing Tools: Dynatrace, Ruxit, NewRelic, AppDynamics, Your Profiler of Choice … Lessons Learned – Don’t Assume …
  • 45. Key Metrics # of SQL Calls # of same SQL Execs (1+N) # of Connections Rows/Data Transferred
  • 46. Logging WE CAN LOG THIS!! Or we just throw a lot of Exceptions  LOG
  • 47. Log Hotspots in Frameworks! callAppenders clear CPU and I/O Hotspot Excessive logging through Spring Framework
  • 48. Debug Log and outdated log4j library #1: Top Problem: log4j.callAppenders -> 71% Sync Time #2: Most of logging done from fillDetail method #3: Doing “DEBUG” log output: Is this necessary?
  • 49. Overhead caused by Exceptions fillInStackTrace is Top 2 in CPU Hotspots All these Exceptions that never show up in a log file are consuming all CPU
  • 50. Too Many Exceptions vs Log Messages 2-5 Log Messages per 5 Min Looking at the important (SEVERE, FATAL, …) log messages written Up to 20000 Custom Exceptions That’s about 4000x the number of Exceptions per Log Message
  • 51. Key Metrics # of Log Entries Size of Logs per Use Case
  • 53. Wrong Pool Sizes Configured Do we have enough DB CONNECTIONS per pool?
  • 55. Threading Issues (Analysis) Tip: I like the Thread Column as it tells me where we spawn off async threads and where the “main threads” might be waiting
  • 56. Sync / Wait 1.63s in Object.wait Means that this thread is put to hold Waiting on the next Connection to become available!
  • 57. Key Metrics Pool and Queue Sizes Time in Sync & Wait
  • 59. Example #2: Online Sports Club Search Service 2015201420xx Response Time 2016+ 1) Started as a small project 2) Slowly growing user base 3) Expanding to new markets – 1st performance degradation! 4) Adding more markets – performance becomes a business impact Users 4) Potentially start loosing users
  • 60. Early 2015: Monolithic App Can‘t scale vertically endlessly! 2.68s Load Time 94.09% CPU Bound
  • 61. Proposal: Service approach! Front End to Cloud Scale Backend in Containers!
  • 62. 7:00 a.m. Low Load and Service running on minimum redundancy 12:00 p.m. Scaled up service during peak load with failover of problematic node 7:00 p.m. Scaled down again to lower load and move to different geo location Testing the Backend Service alone scales well …
  • 63. Go live – 7:00 a.m.
  • 64. Go live – 12:00 p.m.
  • 66. 26.7s Load Time 5kB Payload 33! Service Calls 99kB - 3kB for each call! 171!Total SQL Count Architecture Violation Direct access to DB from frontend service Single search query end-to-end
  • 67. The fixed end-to-end use case “Re-architect” vs. “Migrate” to Service-Orientation 2.5s (vs 26.7) 5kB Payload 1! (vs 33!) Service Call 5kB (vs 99) Payload! 3!(vs 177) Total SQL Count
  • 69. You measure it! from Dev (to) Ops
  • 70. Build 17 testNewsAlert OK testSearch OK Build # Use Case Stat # API Calls # SQL Payload CPU 1 5 2kb 70ms 1 3 5kb 120ms Use Case Tests and Monitors Service & App Metrics Build 26 testNewsAlert OK testSearch OK Build 25 testNewsAlert OK testSearch OK 1 4 1kb 60ms 34 171 104kb 550ms Ops #ServInst Usage RT 1 0.5% 7.2s 1 63% 5.2s 1 4 1kb 60ms 2 3 10kb 150ms 1 0.6% 4.2s 5 75% 2.5s Build 35 testNewsAlert - testSearch OK - - - - 2 3 10kb 150ms - - - 8 80% 2.0s Metrics from and for Dev(to)Ops Re-architecture into „Services“ + Performance Fixes Scenario: Monolithic App with 2 Key Features
  • 71. Key Metrics # of Service Calls Payload of Service Calls # of Involved Threads 1+N Service Call Pattern!
  • 72. Tips & Tricks And more Metrics of course 
  • 73. Tip: Layer Breakdown over Time With increasing load: Which LAYER doesn’t SCALE?
  • 74. Tip: Exceptions and Log Messages How are # of EXCEPTIONS evolving over time? How many SEVERE LOG messages to we write in relation to Exceptions?
  • 75. Tip: Failed Transactions Are more TRANSACTIONS FAILING (HTTP 5xx, 4xx, …) under heavier load?
  • 76. Tip: Database Activity Do we see increased in AVG # of SQL Executions over Time? Do TOTAL # of SQL Executions increase with load? Shouldn’t it flatten due to CACHES?
  • 77. Tip: Database History Dashboard How many SQL Statements are PREPARED? What’s the overall Execution Time of different SQL Types (SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, …)
  • 78. For more Key Metrics
  • 79. Questions and/or Demo Slides: Get Tools: YouTube Tutorials: Contact Me: Follow Me: @grabnerandi Read More:
  • 80. Andreas Grabner Dynatrace Developer Advocate @grabnerandi

Editor's Notes

  1. More detailed stories can also be found on our blog: All examples have been found using Dynatrace Free Trial –
  2. Several companies changed their way they develop and deploy software over the years. Here are some examples (numbers from 2011 – 2014) Cars: from 2 deployments to 700 Flicks: 10+ per Day Etsy: lets every new employee on their first day of employment make a code change and push it through the pipeline in production: THAT’S the right approach towards required culture change Amazon: every 11.6s Remember: these are very small changes – which is also a key goal of continuous delivery. The smaller the change the easier it is to deploy, the less risk it has, the easier it is to test and the easier is it to take it out in case it has a problem.
  3. But it is not only about delivering features faster – it is also about delivering fast features! These stats come from here:
  4. Monitor your end users after you deployed something
  5. Monitoring user experience and impact on conversion rate
  6. Understand user behavior depending on who they are and what they are doing. Screenshot from
  7. Does the behavior change if they have a less optimal user experience? Screenshot from
  8. Seems like users that have a frustrating experience are more likely to click on Support Screenshot from
  9. Even if the deployment seemed good because all features work and response time is the same as before. If your resource consumption goes up like this the deployment is NOT GOOD. As you are now paying a lot of money for that extra compute power
  10. We look at metrics – lots of them
  11. Yes – I am working for a tool vendor – BUT – you can try this with most of the tools in the APM, Tracing, Diagnostics space out there.
  12. Your chance to leave now in case you think this session is about optimzing your java code by 0.01ms
  13. Its about looking at common performance metrics and trying to figure out why your application really doesnt scale or perform
  14. Because – thanks to my really awesome job – and thanks to dynatrace – I am allowed to travel the world and meet a lot of people that deal with real problems
  15. People send me data and I analyze it for them
  16. Quick overview of how APM tools such as Dynatrace work!
  17. This is the data we collect!
  18. And this is how easy it is to share data with me
  19. This is a sample of what I send people back -> thats the input to many stories I have to tell
  20. Based on my experience 80% of the problems are only caused by 20% problem patterns. And focusing on 20% of potential problems that take away 80% of the pain is a very good starting point
  21. Most of the problems can easily be identified by just looking at the right metrics. Most performance problems can also be found by looking at metrics while your app is not even under load -> a simple click through / functional / unit or integration test will do
  22. We will start at the frontend but spend most time on the backend. Its important though to look at both sides
  23. Lets start with the Frontend for all Web Developers
  24. My all time favorite is the mobile landing page for a softdrink company during SuperBowl 2014 – 400+ individual images of selfie uploads aligned in a 20x20 grid. Pushed to my iPhone 4 in very high resolution causing 20MB data download and my phone to shrink each picture to be shown in a 20x20 grid on my small display
  25. Another common problem are individual very large images – or in this case a very large favicon which should normally only be a couple of bytes
  26. Or people forgetting to shrink their high resolultion images before putting it on public websites
  27. Synthetic Availability Monitoring -> Clearly something went wrong
  28. If you have a peak period coming up – consider switching to an optimized landing page for that period – just as GoDaddy did during the SuperBowl.
  29. In case you didnt know – Hit F12 in your browser and you get all these metrics. Even better – you can automate that while running your browser driven tests
  30. Done with the Frontend
  31. Lets look at the backend 
  32. Now to the backend
  33. This story is from Joe – a DB guy from a very large telco arguing with his developers over performance problems of an online room reservation system which has evolved from a small project implemented by an intern to an application that is now used in their entire organization
  34. Devs buillt custom monitoring to proof their point! Contradicting what Joe‘s DB Tools had to say
  35. Reading this Transaction Flow showed what the real problem was: Loading Too Much Data from the Database causing High Memory Usage and therefore high CPU to cleanup the garbage
  36. Every SQL was executed on its on Connection
  37. The intern back then implemented its own OR Mapper by loading the full database content into a HashTable using individual queries
  38. Thanks toi Splunk, Elastic Search and others we are able to analyze every log message we put out – but – does this really make sense?
  39. When logging becomes your performance issue -> misconfiguration of frameworks lead to CPU and I/O issues -> be aware of that!
  40. Wrong Log level and outdated log libraries can lead to serious performance impacts
  41. Thanks toi Splunk, Elastic Search and others we are able to analyze every log message we put out – but – does this really make sense?
  42. Everybody seems to migrate to MicroServices -> but be aware of the common mistakes
  43. They had a monolithic app that couldnt scale endlessly. Their popularity caused them to think about re-architecture and allowing developers to make faster changes to their code. The were moving towards a Service Approach
  44. Separating frontend logic from backend (search service). The idea was to also host these services potentially in the public cloud (frontend) and in a dynamic virtual enviornment (backend) to be able to scale better globally
  45. The Backend Search Service Team did a lot of testing on their backend services. Scaling up and down on demand. All looked pretty good! They gave it a Thumbs Up!
  46. On Go Live Date with the new architecture everything looked good at 7AM where not many folks were yet online!
  47. By noon – when the real traffic started to come in the picture was completely different. User Experience across the globe was bad. Response Time jumped from 2.5 to 25s and bounce rate trippled from 20% to 60%
  48. The backend service itself was well tested. The problem was that they never looked at what happens under load „end-to-end“. Turned out that the frontend had direct access to the database to execute the initial query when somebody executed a search. The returned list of search result IDs was then iterated over in a loop. For every element a „Micro“ Service call was made to the backend which resulted in 33! Service Invokations for this particular use case where the search result returned 33 items. Lots of wasted traffic and resources as these Key Architectural Metrics show us
  49. They fixed the problem by understanding the end-to-end use cases and then defined backend service APIs that provided the data they really needed by the frontend. This reduced roundtrips, elimiated the architectural regression and improved performance and scalability
  50. Lessons Learned!
  51. If we monitor these key metrics in dev and in ops we can make much better decisions on which builds to deploy We immediately detect bad changes and fix them. We will stop builds from making it into Production in case these metrics tell us that something is wrong. We can also take features out that nobody uses if we have usage insights for our services. Like in this case we monitor % of Visitors using a certain feature. If a feature is never used – even when we spent time to improve performance – it is about time to take this feature out. This removes code that nobody needs and therefore reduces technical debt: less code to maintain – less tests to maintain – less bugs in the system!
  52. I love looking at Layers / APIs / Services -> if you have the chance to run a load test with slightly increasing load just monitor which of your APIs/Services/Methods behaviors „out of the norm“ -> thats your breaking point
  53. I always look at Exceptions vs Log Messages. Especially with frameworks such as Hibernate/Spring you can end up with a lot of „internal exceptions“ that impact performance but there is no „visible“ entry in any log file. Thats why I chart them and assume they correlate. If not – you know that something is wrong
  54. Same is true for Failed Requests vs. Load -> at which point does your app break and return HTTP 4xx, 5xx?
  55. Looking at Avg number of SQL Queries -> Do we have a data driven problem? Looking at Total # of SQL -> should show a flatten curve as we assume we can cache some of the data
  56. Are we preparing SQLs – how many INSERTS, UPDATES, DELETES -> do we have certain periods during the day when heavy REPORTS or clean up jobs run?