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Is Serverless The New Swiss Cheese?
Chase Douglas, CTO,
PHB: We need a new service to process
messages from our gizmos

You: (Oh man oh man, I think I can do this
with serverless, it’s the new hotness!)

You: Sure, we can build that in half a day.
Is Serverless The New Swiss Cheese?
Hi. I’m Alexa. I’m so easy your 5 year old son could figure out
how to program me.

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Using Postman to Automate API On-Boarding
Using Postman to Automate API On-BoardingUsing Postman to Automate API On-Boarding
Using Postman to Automate API On-Boarding

As the API Integrations Specialist at iQmetrix, I’m a frequent user of Postman. Postman has helped me streamline our onboarding and integration processes. Working with pre-request scripts, I can create environment templates that can be quickly updated with the environment variables required for the rest of the flow. I have designed Postman Collections that include both iQmetrix and partner APIs, allowing me to work with the Postman Collection Runner. With these processes in place, tasks that once took hours now only take a few minutes to complete. Using these sharable tools, I am able to create resources, share them with other teams, and create clear documentation with examples for use in client training scenarios.

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AWS DevOps Event - AWS Services enabling DevOps - Continuous Integration & Au...
AWS DevOps Event - AWS Services enabling DevOps - Continuous Integration & Au...AWS DevOps Event - AWS Services enabling DevOps - Continuous Integration & Au...
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In this technology focussed session from Seb Stormacq, AWS Technical Trainer, we will illustrate how AWS services can change the way in which applications are developed and deployed.

amazon web servicesclouddevops
Serverless Application Model - Executing Lambdas Locally
Serverless Application Model - Executing Lambdas LocallyServerless Application Model - Executing Lambdas Locally
Serverless Application Model - Executing Lambdas Locally

This document discusses using the Serverless Application Model (SAM) to develop serverless applications locally. It describes how SAM templates allow defining Lambda functions and APIs that can then be run locally using the SAM CLI. This avoids needing an internet connection to test functions and allows using local tools like debuggers. Examples are provided for local development workflows involving APIs, Lambda functions, DynamoDB, and S3 event processing. Key links are also provided to learn more about SAM templates, the SAM CLI, and running DynamoDB locally.

Is Serverless The New Swiss Cheese?
Is Serverless The New Swiss Cheese?
AWS Lambda invokes your code only when
needed and automatically scales to support the
rate of incoming requests without requiring you
to configure anything. There is no limit to the
number of requests your code can handle.
The Promise:
The Reality:
AWS Lambda invokes your code only when
needed and automatically scales to support the
rate of incoming requests without requiring you
to configure anything. There is no limit to the
number of requests your code can handle.
(suggested edits)

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POST/CON Keynote 2019
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POST/CON Keynote 2019

This document provides an overview and summary of Postman's keynote presentation at POST/CON. It discusses Postman's growth in metrics like monthly active users, organizations, and collections created. It highlights trends in APIs, microservices, and cloud providers that are driving demand for API management. It also summarizes Postman's goals of establishing common workflows, practices, and tools to help teams better collaborate on APIs. Examples of developer, product, test automation, and API-first workflows that can be supported through Postman tools are also outlined.

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This document contains information about deploying Ruby on Rails applications on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. It includes the URLs for the Elastic Beanstalk management console, documentation on deploying Ruby on Rails apps, the AWS Ruby programming language page, and links to slideshows about Elastic Beanstalk.

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Postman supercharges my testing efforts everyday. In this presentation, I will paint a portrait of my experience with Postman (and Newman) from the perspective of craftsman software tester. I'll share what I've reaped from daily, hardcore usage of the tool, with plenty of victories, a few frustrations, a couple of workarounds to show and tell.

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Serverless Development Lifecycle Gaps
• Access And Permission Management

• Collaboration Mechanisms

• Testing

• Monitoring And Instrumentation
Access And Permission
Access And Permission Management
Scenario: A serverless function that

1. Is triggered by an uploaded image to S3 Bucket

2. Resizes the image

3. Saves the image to S3 Bucket “resized”

4. Updates a record in DynamoDB table “resize_records”
Access And Permission Management

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I Don't Test Often ...
I Don't Test Often ...I Don't Test Often ...
I Don't Test Often ...

How Netflix tests in production to augment more traditional testing methods. This talk covers the Simian Army (Chaos Monkey & friends, code coverage in production, and canary testing.

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Intro to js august 31
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Intro to js august 31

This document provides an introduction to JavaScript. It outlines the agenda for the workshop, which includes learning key JavaScript concepts, completing assignments with support from TAs, and reviewing answers. It then covers topics like variables, functions, if/else statements, comparing values, and parameters within functions. Examples are provided for each concept. The document suggests ways for participants to continue learning, including Thinkful bootcamps which provide 1-on-1 mentorship and career support to help students transition into new careers.

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AWS Lambda makes it easy for you to run your code in the cloud, without managing servers. In this session, we will show you how to build a development pipeline for a serverless application using AWS Chalice and AWS Lambda. Using Chalice, we will show you how to author a Restful service, and deploying the application to multiple stages using AWS CodePipline, AWS CodeBuild and the Serverless Application Model. We will teach you how to test your code and troubleshoot issues. By the end of the session, you will have enough information to build a solid continuous delivery pipeline for your Python serverless application.

Access And Permission Management
Shouldn’t this just work?


(And that’s a good thing)
Is Serverless The New Swiss Cheese?
Access And Permission Management
Access To Do Anything In
Every S3 Bucket In AWS
Access And Permission Management
Need To Scope Access To Specific Actions

Need To Scope Access To Specific

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How Accelerates With Serverless
How Accelerates With ServerlessHow Accelerates With Serverless
How Accelerates With Serverless has accelerated innovation using serverless technologies on AWS. They describe how they used AWS Step Functions for parallel processing and failure handling. Amazon EventBridge was used for event-driven architectures and batching feedback events. This allowed for more scalable and reliable systems while reducing costs and maintenance. Moving to a serverless model with feature teams also improved development speed and business agility.

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Deploy, Manage, and Scale Your Apps with OpsWorks and Elastic Beanstalk
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Deploy, Manage, and Scale Your Apps with OpsWorks and Elastic Beanstalk

AWS offers a number of services that help you easily deploy and run applications in the cloud. Come to this session to learn how to choose among these options. Through interactive demonstrations, this session will show you how to get an application running using AWS OpsWorks and AWS Elastic Beanstalk application management services. You will also learn how to use AWS CloudFormation templates to document, version control, and share your application configuration. This session will cover topics like application updates, customization, and working with resources such as load balancers and databases.

cloudamazon web servicescloud computing
Lessons Learned from building a serverless API
Lessons Learned from building  a serverless APILessons Learned from building  a serverless API
Lessons Learned from building a serverless API

We had to build a fast and reliable API for a public-facing phone application. Why use a shiny new technology to build this API when there are already proven ways to do it? In this talk I will explore why we decided to use AWS Lambdas and how it was different from developing and deploying a “conventional" API. Hear about lessons learned throughout the journey, from just playing with Lambdas at home through to successfully shipping a functional product. Learning outcomes. - What serverless is - How building a serverless architecture differs from a conventional one. - What kind of projects could benefit from a serverless architecture.

Access And Permission Management
- Effect: Allow
- Action:
- s3:GetObject
- s3:PutObject
- Resource:
- arn:aws:s3:::uploads
- arn:aws:s3:::resized
Access And Permission Management
I Have To Do This For Every Function And

Access And Permission Management
Option A: Manual Generation And Provision

1. Developer Hand-Codes IAM Policies

2. Principal Architect Reviews Policies

3. DevOps Deploys Policies

4. You Can Finally Use Your Policy
Is Serverless The New Swiss Cheese?

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Release the Monkeys ! Testing in the Wild at Netflix

This document discusses Netflix's use of "chaos monkeys" to deliberately cause failures in their systems to test resiliency. The chaos monkeys include Chaos Monkey which terminates instances, Chaos Gorilla which simulates an availability zone outage, and Chaos Kong which simulates a full region outage. The monkeys help validate redundancy, improve designs to avoid failures, and ensure systems can handle degradation without affecting other services. The chaos testing is released as open source and helps Netflix understand how systems will behave during random failures.

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A Single Page Application with Flask and Vue. Slides to Talk "Pain Free Web Development" of PyConWeb 2018 in Munich

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To take advantage of Atlassian Connect, the Gliffy team had to re-architect several components of our popular diagramming plugin. Learn about the challenges we faced, how we overcame them, and tips on how you can take your P2 plugin to the cloud.

summit 2014summit14diagramming
Access And Permission Management
Option B: Let Everyone Do Whatever They
Access And Permission Management
Option C: Use A Framework That
Automatically Generates Permissions
Access And Permission Management
Automatically Generate
Permissions At Deployment
Access And Permission Management
Framework-based permission management

Faster development

Less errors

Compliance benefits for the organization

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Event driven infrastructure
Event driven infrastructureEvent driven infrastructure
Event driven infrastructure

The document discusses event-driven infrastructure and how infrastructure can react to different types of events. It describes how infrastructure as code tools like Puppet, Chef, and Ansible can be used to configure infrastructure. It also discusses how serverless architectures using AWS Lambda allow infrastructure to scale automatically in response to events with no administration. Finally, it considers how event-driven infrastructure affects operational practices for DevOps.

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Amazon Web Services offers cloud website hosting solutions that provides businesses, non-profits, and governmental organizations with a flexible, highly scalable, and low-cost way to deliver their websites and web applications. Our agenda is "How to deploy a dynamic website using Amazon Web Services". We will discuss some special services on amazon that is AWS Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2), Relational Database Service (RDS), Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), Route 53 (R53).

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Is Serverless The New Swiss Cheese? - AWS Seattle User Group
Is Serverless The New Swiss Cheese? - AWS Seattle User GroupIs Serverless The New Swiss Cheese? - AWS Seattle User Group
Is Serverless The New Swiss Cheese? - AWS Seattle User Group

How to manage the Holes In The Serverless Development Lifecycle. Updated for the AWS Seattle User Group Presentation on 1/29/2019.

awscloudcloud computing
We’re Done Here, Right?
Collaboration Mechanisms
Serverless is cheap enough for every developer to
have their own application instances

Serverless local development and testing is hard

I want all my developers to be able to provision into
my team’s shared AWS account

But resources require unique names
Collaboration Mechanisms
Solution: Namespace resource names

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DevOps on AWS: Deep Dive on Continuous Delivery and the AWS Developer Tools
DevOps on AWS: Deep Dive on Continuous Delivery and the AWS Developer ToolsDevOps on AWS: Deep Dive on Continuous Delivery and the AWS Developer Tools
DevOps on AWS: Deep Dive on Continuous Delivery and the AWS Developer Tools

Today’s cutting-edge companies have software release cycles measured in days instead of months. This agility is enabled by the DevOps practice of continuous delivery, which automates building, testing, and deploying all code changes. This automation helps you catch bugs sooner and accelerates developer productivity. In this session, we’ll share the processes that Amazon’s engineers use to practice DevOps and discuss how you can bring these processes to your company by using a new set of AWS tools (AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeDeploy). These services were inspired by Amazon's own internal developer tools and DevOps culture.

devopssoftware developmentcloud computing
Serverless: State Of the Union
Serverless: State Of the UnionServerless: State Of the Union
Serverless: State Of the Union

A serverless architecture using AWS Lambda, API Gateway, S3, DynamoDB and other services allows developers to build applications without having to manage servers or capacity. The summary discusses steps a developer took to build a serverless app, including finding sample code, customizing it in the Cloud9 IDE, setting up CI/CD pipelines, and connecting the app to legacy systems by limiting concurrency and integrating APIs with a VPC.

Serverless - State Of the Union
Serverless - State Of the UnionServerless - State Of the Union
Serverless - State Of the Union

A serverless architecture using AWS Lambda, API Gateway, S3, DynamoDB and other services allows developers to build applications without having to manage servers or capacity. The summary discusses steps a developer took to build a serverless app, including finding sample code, customizing it in the Cloud9 IDE, setting up CI/CD pipelines, and connecting the app to legacy systems by limiting concurrency and integrating APIs with a VPC.

Collaboration Mechanisms
Option A: Namespace Resources Manually
service: new-service
provider: aws
name: ${opt:stage}-hello
handler: handler.hello
name: ${opt:stage}-world
Collaboration Mechanisms
Option B: Framework Namespaces

Function Name: hello

Environment Name: dev

AWS Lambda Name: dev-hello
Collaboration Mechanisms
My Own


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DevOps on AWS
DevOps on AWSDevOps on AWS
DevOps on AWS

The document discusses DevOps practices at Amazon Web Services (AWS). It begins with an overview of DevOps and how it has helped Amazon deploy code faster and more frequently. It then discusses specific DevOps tools and services offered by AWS, including AWS CodeCommit for source control, AWS CodeBuild for builds, AWS CodeDeploy for deployments, AWS CodePipeline for release orchestration, and AWS CodeStar for application development. The document explains how these services work together to enable continuous integration and continuous delivery workflows. It also discusses how AWS has implemented DevOps practices like infrastructure as code and monitoring within its own systems to deploy millions of times per day while maintaining quality, security and reliability.

AWS Customer Presentation - Conde Nast
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AWS Customer Presentation - Conde Nast

Customer Presentation by Conde Nast at the AWS Cloud for the Enterprise Event in NYC on October 19, 2009

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Building Serverless Web Applications - DevDay Austin 2017
Building Serverless Web Applications - DevDay Austin 2017Building Serverless Web Applications - DevDay Austin 2017
Building Serverless Web Applications - DevDay Austin 2017

This document provides an overview of building serverless web applications on AWS. It discusses AWS Lambda and its benefits over traditional server-based computing. Common serverless use cases and event sources that can trigger Lambda functions are described. Design patterns for building serverless applications including monolithic and microservices architectures are covered. Amazon API Gateway and AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) are introduced as tools for developing serverless applications.

awsaws cloudaws devday
Serverless Does Not Change Testing!

Serverless Changes How You Run Tests
Unit Tests: Same As Always

System Tests: ???

Integration Tests: ???
System And Integration Tests: Two
Schools Of Thought

A: Always Test In The Cloud

B: Fake Services For Local Testing
Integration Tests In The Cloud

Pros: Faithful representation, possible

Cons: Slower, requires cloud access

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Introduction to the Serverless Cloud
Introduction to the Serverless CloudIntroduction to the Serverless Cloud
Introduction to the Serverless Cloud

This document provides a summary of serverless computing and the state of serverless applications. It discusses how serverless applications provide scaling, availability, and pay-per-use billing without the need to manage servers. The document outlines steps for developing a serverless application, including finding examples, customizing apps, and connecting to existing systems. It also discusses the expanding ecosystem for serverless including new services, features, and languages supported.

aws-loft-dublincloudcloud computing
How to Build Scalable Serverless Applications
How to Build Scalable Serverless ApplicationsHow to Build Scalable Serverless Applications
How to Build Scalable Serverless Applications

As serverless architectures become more popular, customers need a framework of patterns to help them identify how they can leverage AWS to deploy their workloads without managing servers or operating systems. This session describes re-usable serverless patterns while considering costs. For each pattern, we provide operational and security best practices and discuss potential pitfalls and nuances. We also discuss the considerations for moving an existing server-based workload to a serverless architecture. The patterns use services like AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, Amazon Kinesis Streams, Amazon Kinesis Analytics, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon S3, AWS Step Functions, AWS Config, AWS X-Ray, and Amazon Athena. This session can help you recognize candidates for serverless architectures in your own organizations and understand areas of potential savings and increased agility. What’s new in 2017: using X-Ray in Lambda for tracing and operational insight; a pattern on high performance computing (HPC) using Lambda at scale; how a query can be achieved using Athena; Step Functions as a way to handle orchestration for both the Automation and Batch patterns; a pattern for Security Automation using AWS Config rules to detect and automatically remediate violations of security standards; how to validate API parameters in API Gateway to protect your API back-ends; and a solid focus on CI/CD development pipelines for serverless –that includes testing, deploying, and versioning (SAM tools).

Building CI/CD Pipelines for Serverless Applications - SRV302 - re:Invent 2017
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Building CI/CD Pipelines for Serverless Applications - SRV302 - re:Invent 2017

Building and deploying serverless applications introduces new challenges for developers whose development workflows are optimized for traditional VM-based applications. In this session, we discuss a method for automating the deployment of serverless applications running on AWS Lambda. We first cover how you can model and express serverless applications using the open-source AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM). Then, we discuss how you can use CI/CD tooling from AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeBuild, and how to bootstrap the entire toolset using AWS CodeStar. We will also cover best practices to embed in your deployment workflow specific to serverless applications. You will also hear from iRobot about its approach to serverless deployment. iRobot will share how it achieves coordinated deployments of microservices, maintains long-lived and/or separately-managed resources (like databases), and red/black deployments.

Integration Tests Locally With Service Fakes

Pros: Faster, does not require cloud access

Cons: Skew in behavior vs cloud, not very well
supported today

Upstream projects are trying to make this possible/
easier (e.g. AWS SAM Local)
Integration Tests: Advice

(For Today Only!)

If application is only API endpoints +
Functions, do local tests

Otherwise, deploy into cloud and test
So How Do I Make A Test Environment In
The Cloud?

We Solved This Already With
Namespaced Resources!
With The Right Approach, Serverless Is
Just As Testable As Other Architectures

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AWS DevOps: Introduction to DevOps on AWS
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AWS DevOps: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

Technology has evolved over time. And with technology, the ways and needs to handle technology have also evolved. The last two decades have seen a great shift in computation and also software development life cycles. We have seen a huge demand for AWS certification. let’s focus on one such approach known as DevOps and AWS DevOps in particular. Visit by :-

Dev ops on aws deep dive on continuous delivery - Toronto
Dev ops on aws deep dive on continuous delivery - TorontoDev ops on aws deep dive on continuous delivery - Toronto
Dev ops on aws deep dive on continuous delivery - Toronto

This document provides an overview of continuous delivery and the AWS developer tools that can be used to implement continuous delivery practices. It discusses how software delivery has changed and the need for tools to automate testing and deployment. It then describes AWS CodePipeline for modeling release processes, AWS CodeBuild for building code, AWS CodeDeploy for deploying applications, and how these services can be integrated. The document demonstrates how to build a continuous delivery pipeline using these tools and discusses best practices for testing and deploying applications.

DevOps On AWS - Deep Dive on Continuous Delivery
DevOps On AWS - Deep Dive on Continuous DeliveryDevOps On AWS - Deep Dive on Continuous Delivery
DevOps On AWS - Deep Dive on Continuous Delivery

Deep dive on DevOps, continuous delivery pipelines, and AWS tools that help to accelerate software delivery process

Monitoring And
Monitoring And Instrumentation
How We Do It Today

1. Organization picks a set of monitoring tools

2. Ask everyone to always instrument the same way

3. Pray

4. Draconian measures
Is Serverless The New Swiss Cheese?
Monitoring And Instrumentation
How We Should Do It

1. Pick a set of monitoring tools

2. Define instrumentation rules centrally

3. Framework auto-instruments every function

4. Cake

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Building Serverless Web Applications - DevDay Los Angeles 2017
Building Serverless Web Applications - DevDay Los Angeles 2017Building Serverless Web Applications - DevDay Los Angeles 2017
Building Serverless Web Applications - DevDay Los Angeles 2017

The document provides information about building serverless web applications using AWS Lambda and other AWS services. It begins with an overview of serverless computing using AWS Lambda and how it avoids the need to provision and manage servers. It then discusses various AWS compute offerings and when to use EC2, ECS, or Lambda. The rest of the document discusses serverless design patterns, demonstrates building a serverless web application using services like API Gateway and DynamoDB, and how to define and manage serverless applications using the AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM).

awsaws cloudaws devday
Agility and Control from AWS [FutureStack16]
Agility and Control from AWS [FutureStack16]Agility and Control from AWS [FutureStack16]
Agility and Control from AWS [FutureStack16]

The document discusses how DevOps practices can help organizations operate at hyper scale with AWS. It notes that software delivery has changed and disruption is faster than ever. It outlines some key DevOps tools needed like CI/CD pipelines for managing releases, testing, and deploying applications. The document discusses how Amazon transformed its development practices using microservices and pipelines to allow for faster delivery. It provides examples of how other companies have benefited from DevOps. Finally, it highlights some key AWS services that can help with DevOps practices like monitoring, infrastructure as code, and continuous integration/delivery pipelines.

futurestack16new relicaws
Managing Your Cloud Assets
Managing Your Cloud AssetsManaging Your Cloud Assets
Managing Your Cloud Assets

Cost is often the conversation starter when customers think about moving to the cloud. AWS helps lower costs for customers through its “pay only for what you use” pricing model, frequent price drops, and pricing model choice to support variable & stable workloads. In this session, you will learn about the financial considerations of owning and operating a traditional data center or managed hosting provider versus utilizing AWS. We will detail our TCO methodology and showcase cost comparisons for some common customer use-cases. We’ll also cover a few AWS cost optimization areas, including Spot and Reserved Instances, EC2 Auto Scaling, and consolidated billing. Presenter: Amit Sharma, Solution Architect, Amazon Internet Services Krishnenjit Roy, Director IT Operations, Freshdesk

amazon web servicesawsexecutivesummit2014india
Monitoring And Instrumentation
How Can A Framework Auto-instrument?
Monitoring And Instrumentation
Monitoring And Instrumentation
Monitoring And Instrumentation
Now Just Update The Handler:

index.handler => instrumented.handler

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AWS re:Invent 2016: Getting Started with Serverless Architectures (CMP211)
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AWS re:Invent 2016: Getting Started with Serverless Architectures (CMP211)

Serverless architectures let you build and deploy applications and services with infrastructure resources that require zero administration. In the past, you had to provision and scale servers to run your application code, install and operate distributed databases, and build and run custom software to handle API requests. Now, AWS provides a stack of scalable, fully-managed services that eliminates these operational complexities. In this session, you learn about the concepts and benefits of serverless architectures and the basics of the serverless stack AWS provides (e.g., AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway). We discuss use cases such as data processing, website backends, serverless applications and "operational glue". After that, you get practical tips and tricks, best practices, and architecture patterns that you can take back and implement immediately.

awsintroductory (200 level)cloud
AWS and Dynatrace: Moving your Cloud Strategy to the Next Level
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AWS and Dynatrace: Moving your Cloud Strategy to the Next Level

AWS and Dynatrace: Moving your Cloud Strategy to the Next Level On-Demand Webcast AWS re:Invent was an exciting time for Dynatrace and we received a lot of “Wows” on our capabilities. We got to demonstrate the only AI-based, full-stack monitoring solution to thousands of AWS prospects and users. We announced our AWS Certified DevOps Competency partnership, and we introduced DAVIS, our natural-language voice interface, to thousands of attendees. We know that many of you couldn’t attend the event in Las Vegas, so we wanted to share some of the key highlights from the show. And for those of you who were there, you may not have seen all of the benefits Dynatrace provides in the AWS ecosystem due to time constraints of sessions and the large tradeshow floor. Listen to this 30 Minute webcast where Alois Reitbauer and Franz Karlsberger recap some of the highlights of the event, including: How Dynatrace, as an AWS certified Migration Competency partner, uniquely supports enterprise migrations to AWS How to achieve faster feedback and improved lead times with AWS CodePipeline and Dynatrace An overview of the first ever VoiceOps and ChatOps interface via DAVIS, based on our AI approach to full-stack monitoring

cloud performance managementawsapplication monitoring
Serverless Architecture
Serverless ArchitectureServerless Architecture
Serverless Architecture

Learn about what a serverless architecture is, why they are growing in popularity, and who the key players are in a serverless API build on the AWS platform. Then get started building your own servless API!

software developmentsoftware architectureapi
Monitoring And Instrumentation
Great Monitoring Solutions For Serverless
(Diatribe in person because this changes
quickly over time and I don’t want to be
called out for 2 year old slides)
Monitoring And Instrumentation
Monitoring And Instrumentation
Monitoring And Instrumentation

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스타트업과 개발자를 위한 AWS 클라우드 태권 세미나
스타트업과 개발자를 위한 AWS 클라우드 태권 세미나스타트업과 개발자를 위한 AWS 클라우드 태권 세미나
스타트업과 개발자를 위한 AWS 클라우드 태권 세미나

This document provides guidance on building a minimum viable product (MVP) and scaling a startup using AWS services. It recommends starting with a simple MVP focused on the core idea with minimal features. Traditional hosting poses scaling challenges, so AWS is suggested for its ability to fail faster at lower cost through services like Elastic Beanstare and auto-scaling. The document outlines iterative steps to scale from MVP to supporting millions of users through refining the architecture, adding services like S3, CloudFront, databases, and analytics on EMR. Overall it emphasizes the Lean Startup approach of failing fast and adapting quickly using AWS capabilities.

Serverless Modernization Tech Talk
Serverless Modernization Tech TalkServerless Modernization Tech Talk
Serverless Modernization Tech Talk

This document discusses modernizing monolithic applications to microservices architectures using serverless technologies. It notes that monolithic apps can have high costs due to inefficient scaling, and slow development cycles. Serverless computing can help reduce costs by allowing individual services to scale independently and reducing operational overhead. The document provides examples of companies that were able to reduce costs by modernizing from monolithic to serverless architectures and breaking applications into independent microservices. It also acknowledges that modernizing is challenging due to complexity but provides recommendations around refactoring APIs, using cloud-native building blocks, visualizing infrastructure changes, and securely managing environments.

Serverless Development To Production Pipeline
Serverless Development To Production PipelineServerless Development To Production Pipeline
Serverless Development To Production Pipeline

What does the development environment to production pipeline look like? In this presentation we look at all the tools and services needed to effectively build and deploy applications!

Monitoring And Instrumentation
Error Aggregation
Serverless Development Lifecycle Gaps
• Access And Permission Management

• Collaboration Mechanisms

• Testing

• Monitoring And Instrumentation
How Will You Manage The Gaps?
Build All The Things Yourself

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Square Peg Round Hole: Serverless Solutions For Non-Serverless Problems
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Square Peg Round Hole: Serverless Solutions For Non-Serverless Problems

Ever wondered how to manage connections to SQL databases from serverless applications, or how to rate limit and build serverless state machines? This presentation discusses patterns you can use to build the most complex serverless applications!

Serverless Development To Production Pipeline
Serverless Development To Production PipelineServerless Development To Production Pipeline
Serverless Development To Production Pipeline

What does the development environment to production pipeline look like? In this presentation we look at all the tools and services needed to effectively build and deploy applications!

CloudFormation Dark Arts
CloudFormation Dark ArtsCloudFormation Dark Arts
CloudFormation Dark Arts

This document discusses best practices for infrastructure as code (IAC) when building serverless applications. It covers permission scoping, namespacing resources, parameterization to avoid hardcoding secrets, using custom resources to integrate with external systems, and reusing existing resources between environments. The overall message is that IAC allows developers to consistently deploy serverless applications at scale by managing infrastructure as code.

Build All The Things Yourself
Use A Toolkit That Does It For You
Thank you!
Chase Douglas, CTO @

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