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Ruth Everett
Technical SEO & Content Executive
Machine Learning and
Python for Marketing
Allow: /dogs
Allow: /SEO
Allow: /python
My coding partner in crime
Marketers are busy

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TechSEO Boost 2018: SEO, WPO, SPA, AMP, PWA & Other Acronyms: Performance tha...
TechSEO Boost 2018: SEO, WPO, SPA, AMP, PWA & Other Acronyms: Performance tha...TechSEO Boost 2018: SEO, WPO, SPA, AMP, PWA & Other Acronyms: Performance tha...
TechSEO Boost 2018: SEO, WPO, SPA, AMP, PWA & Other Acronyms: Performance tha...

The document appears to be a series of slides by Tim Kadlec on various technical SEO topics. Some key points covered include: - The benefits of AMP for page speed due to reduced payload and third party requests. However, AMP pages initially render slower due to asynchronous loading of custom elements. - Caching and pre-rendering pages on a CDN improves AMP performance versus loading from the main domain. - Google contributes the vast majority of code to the AMP Project and many see it as a way for Google to influence web standards. - Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are discussed as an alternative to native apps that can provide app-like experiences through the browser.

seotechnical seoweb performance
TechSEO Boost: Machine Learning for SEOs
TechSEO Boost: Machine Learning for SEOsTechSEO Boost: Machine Learning for SEOs
TechSEO Boost: Machine Learning for SEOs

People generally react to machine learning in one of two ways: either with a combination of fascination and terror brought on by the possibilities that lie ahead, or with looks of utter confusion and slight embarrassment at not really knowing much about it. With the advent of RankBrain, not even higher-ups at Google can tell us exactly how some things rank above others, and the impact of machine learning on SEO is only going to increase from here. Fear not: Moz's own senior SEO scientist, Britney Muller, will talk you through what you need to know.

seotechnical seomachine learning
TechSEO Boost 2018: The Statelessness of Technical SEO
TechSEO Boost 2018: The Statelessness of Technical SEOTechSEO Boost 2018: The Statelessness of Technical SEO
TechSEO Boost 2018: The Statelessness of Technical SEO

Is there a state of technical SEO? Or is it simply a function of what’s happening with tech in broader disciplines like data/analytics, digital marketing, and web development? Join this session to get Mike King’s take on the state, or rather, statelessness of technical SEO. He’ll share the things you need to know to build an authentic picture of your technical SEO program and get on Google’s level.

technical seoseosearch engine optimization
Enter Machine Learning and Python
What is Machine Learning?
What We’ll Cover
Automation Possibilities
Powering Machine Learning
with Python
@rvtheverett@DeepCrawl(there may also be a few dogs)
“Machine learning is an application of artificial
intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability
to automatically learn and improve from
experience without being explicitly programmed.”

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TechSEO Boost 2018: Implementing Hreflang on Legacy Tech Stacks Using Service...
TechSEO Boost 2018: Implementing Hreflang on Legacy Tech Stacks Using Service...TechSEO Boost 2018: Implementing Hreflang on Legacy Tech Stacks Using Service...
TechSEO Boost 2018: Implementing Hreflang on Legacy Tech Stacks Using Service...

One of the challenges faced at enterprise SEO level is often the legacy platforms and tech stacks that you inherit. Finding a cost-effective way of implementing international SEO best practice is often a barrier to internationalisation. Edge technology is creating new opportunities to optimise websites independently of the inherited technological barriers. In this session,’s Dan Taylor will explore their findings from implementing Hreflang using cutting edge technology to remove these barriers.

seotechnical seodigital marketing
SearchLove Boston 2016 | Paul Shapiro | How to Automate Your Keyword Research
SearchLove Boston 2016 | Paul Shapiro | How to Automate Your Keyword ResearchSearchLove Boston 2016 | Paul Shapiro | How to Automate Your Keyword Research
SearchLove Boston 2016 | Paul Shapiro | How to Automate Your Keyword Research

Are you tapping into automation for keyword research? If not, why not? When it comes to SEO, automation is awesome. For starters, it can help free up a lot of time that is normally spent on menial tasks. What’s more, it can also aid deep analysis, and even facilitate innovation. If you are still doing keyword research manually, this is a must-attend session. Paul will show you how to get started with automated keyword research, using some easy-to-use tools. You’ll see first-hand how they can help you uncover valuable insights automatically. Overall, you will walk away with an immediately actionable plan to start automating your keyword research today.

marketingautomationdigital marketing
TechSEO Boost 2017: Making the Web Fast
TechSEO Boost 2017: Making the Web FastTechSEO Boost 2017: Making the Web Fast
TechSEO Boost 2017: Making the Web Fast

This document discusses various techniques for measuring and improving website performance. It provides links to tools for monitoring page speed metrics and the loading performance of different sites. Specific techniques are recommended for optimizing assets like JavaScript, CSS, images and HTTP requests to enhance performance. New technologies like HTTP/2 that can help and methods for testing performance variations are also referenced.

website performancedigital marketingmarketing
Run a script to
train the
using a dataset
and Visualise
the dataset
Evaluate the
RankBrain NLP
Twitter Curated Timelines

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TechSEO Boost 2017: Fun with Machine Learning: How Machine Learning is Shapin...
TechSEO Boost 2017: Fun with Machine Learning: How Machine Learning is Shapin...TechSEO Boost 2017: Fun with Machine Learning: How Machine Learning is Shapin...
TechSEO Boost 2017: Fun with Machine Learning: How Machine Learning is Shapin...

This document discusses how machine learning is shaping Google and technical SEO. It addresses how TF-IDF is not the best algorithm and that BM25 and machine learning take other factors into account. Wikimedia Research has released machine learning ranking models on GitHub. The document also discusses how Google may use click-through rate as a ranking factor alongside other signals processed by machine learning algorithms, and how techniques like query disambiguation, semantic relevance analysis, content deduplication, and evaluating click satisfaction should be focuses for technical SEO.

machine learningdigital marketingsearch engine marketing
How Agile Technical SEO Can Add Value To Your SEO Campaign, by Adam Gent
How Agile Technical SEO Can Add Value To Your SEO Campaign, by Adam GentHow Agile Technical SEO Can Add Value To Your SEO Campaign, by Adam Gent
How Agile Technical SEO Can Add Value To Your SEO Campaign, by Adam Gent

Google is constantly evolving and a webmaster’s ability to react to changes is key to any successful SEO campaign. However, what happens when you can’t get technical SEO recommendations over the line? This slideshow focuses on how you can be more Agile and implement technical SEO recommendations that add value.

digital marketingsearch engine optimizationsearch marketing
Generating Qualitative Content with GPT-2 in All Languages
Generating Qualitative Content with GPT-2 in All LanguagesGenerating Qualitative Content with GPT-2 in All Languages
Generating Qualitative Content with GPT-2 in All Languages

Vincent Terrasi discusses using AI models like GPT-2 and BERT to generate qualitative content in different languages. He outlines the steps to fine-tune a GPT-2 model for a new language using SentencePiece to compress the training data into byte-pair encodings. With sufficient training data in that language, the model can generate fluent multi-sentence texts that pass quality checks by a native speaker and language analysis tool. However, limited training data results in weaker performance. Terrasi provides resources to experiment with a French GPT-2 model and encourages adapting the approach for other languages.

seotechnical seo
Salesforce Einstein
Facebook Chatbots
Personalised Recommendations
Data is the fuel for
Machine Learning

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Atlassian User Group NYC April 27 2017 Presentations
Atlassian User Group NYC April 27 2017 PresentationsAtlassian User Group NYC April 27 2017 Presentations
Atlassian User Group NYC April 27 2017 Presentations

This document provides an overview of an event being held by Adaptavist in various cities in North America to demonstrate their ScriptRunner product. The agenda includes introductory presentations on ScriptRunner and how it can be used for support delivery and within Confluence, JIRA, and Bitbucket. There will also be a session demonstrating how to extend the user interface in JIRA. Participants can sign up to receive the presentation slides. The evening agenda includes a further overview of ScriptRunner and its new editor, followed by a question and answer session.

powerupsatlassian user group nycatlassian
#ATAGTR2020 Presentation - Relish your journey to Software Testing Masterchef
#ATAGTR2020 Presentation - Relish your journey to Software Testing Masterchef#ATAGTR2020 Presentation - Relish your journey to Software Testing Masterchef
#ATAGTR2020 Presentation - Relish your journey to Software Testing Masterchef

The document discusses a presentation about the journey to becoming a software testing master chef. It provides an overview of IBM Cloud Paks for Integration and Data, including the components included. It then discusses a use case of using these products to analyze customer spending history and behaviors. It outlines the testing methodology and challenges encountered with the products, and how they were resolved to delight stakeholders. Finally, it discusses best practices for testing and collaboration to improve quality.

atagtr2020agile testing allianceglobal testing retreat
Atlassian User Group NYC April 27 2017 ScriptRunner Workshop
Atlassian User Group NYC April 27 2017 ScriptRunner WorkshopAtlassian User Group NYC April 27 2017 ScriptRunner Workshop
Atlassian User Group NYC April 27 2017 ScriptRunner Workshop

Slide deck from April 27 2017 Atlassian User Group NYC session with speakers from Adaptavist: Riz Hassan Jamie Echlin Harp Athwal Mark McCormack

jira administrationjirascriptrunner
- Ethem Alpaydin
Machine learning will help us make sense
of an increasingly complex world. Already
we are exposed to more data than what our
sensors can cope with or our brains can

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Inbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEO
Inbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEOInbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEO
Inbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEO

Historically, SEO was a very technical discipline. Over time, that shifted as Strategists began touting the death of SEO and claiming all you need is great content. Today, SEO is going back to those technical roots. From simple data markup to more complex proprietary technologies like AMP; now more than ever SEOs & marketers have to be technical masters. Learn why it's important to embrace these technical roots, what technologies we should be learning now, and how to stay ahead of the curve.

seotechnical seoinbound
Solving Complex JavaScript Issues and Leveraging Semantic HTML5
Solving Complex JavaScript Issues and Leveraging Semantic HTML5Solving Complex JavaScript Issues and Leveraging Semantic HTML5
Solving Complex JavaScript Issues and Leveraging Semantic HTML5

On this presentation we go deep on Chrome developer tools, JS debugger and breakpoints, technical optimization and capabilities of browser service workers to improve SEO and performance

javascriptseopage speed
SearchLove Boston 2016 | Mike King | Developer Thinking for SEOs
SearchLove Boston 2016 | Mike King | Developer Thinking for SEOsSearchLove Boston 2016 | Mike King | Developer Thinking for SEOs
SearchLove Boston 2016 | Mike King | Developer Thinking for SEOs

Despite the huge shift to content marketing in recent years, the technical end of SEO has gotten increasingly complex and our tools are not keeping pace. As SEOs, we must develop strong working knowledge of the optimal usage of technology to get implementations accomplished. In this talk, Mike will walk through case studies, the impact of different technical implementations, and how to pull together small solutions when nothing on the shelf works for your needs.

Machine Learning is becoming more accessible and
will free us up to work on higher level strategy.
Allowing us to spend time finding the solution not the
- Britney Muller
Spend 5 hours a week using excel
Thats 20 hours a month
Over 200 hours a year
(35 hours in dog time)
(140 hours in dog time)
(1400 hours in dog time)
Average salary for Digital
Marketing Executive in Milton
Keynes: £25,000
Average £12 per hour
£2,400 you could save
Imagine what we could
achieve if we spent
this time (and money)
on other important

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TechSEO Boost 2021 - Rendering Strategies: Measuring the Devil’s Details in C...
TechSEO Boost 2021 - Rendering Strategies: Measuring the Devil’s Details in C...TechSEO Boost 2021 - Rendering Strategies: Measuring the Devil’s Details in C...
TechSEO Boost 2021 - Rendering Strategies: Measuring the Devil’s Details in C...

This document discusses various rendering strategies and their impact on Core Web Vitals metrics. It begins by defining the Core Web Vitals metrics - Largest Contentful Paint, First Input Delay, and Cumulative Layout Shift. It then examines different rendering strategies like client-side rendering, server-side rendering, static rendering, and rehydration. For each strategy, it outlines potential issues that could lead to poor Core Web Vitals and provides mitigation tactics to address those issues. The goal is to help understand how rendering strategies affect page speed and provide ways to optimize for Core Web Vitals.

technical seoseo
TechSEO Boost 2017: The State of Technical SEO
TechSEO Boost 2017: The State of Technical SEOTechSEO Boost 2017: The State of Technical SEO
TechSEO Boost 2017: The State of Technical SEO

A discussion of trends in the technical SEO industry covering a wide array of topics from industry health metrics, budding technologies, standards adoption and future expectations.

technical seosearch engine optimizationsearch engine marketing
Training Chatbots and Conversational Artificial Intelligence Agents with Amaz...
Training Chatbots and Conversational Artificial Intelligence Agents with Amaz...Training Chatbots and Conversational Artificial Intelligence Agents with Amaz...
Training Chatbots and Conversational Artificial Intelligence Agents with Amaz...

Building a conversational AI experience that can respond to a wide variety of inputs and situations depends on gathering high-quality, relevant training data. Dialog with humans is an important part of this training process. In this session, learn how researchers at Facebook use Amazon Mechanical Turk within the ParlAI (pronounced “parlay”) framework for training and evaluating AI models to perform data collection, human training, and human evaluation. Learn how you can use this interface to gather high-quality training data to build next-generation chatbots and conversational agents.

Possibilities with
Machine Learning
Social Media
Automation Content Creation
Predictive Analysis Social Listening
SEO Possibilities with
Machine Learning
Content Quality
Log File
Automating Meta
Descriptions &
Title Tags
User Engagement
Internal Linking
Google’s NLP Model
Natural Language uses machine learning to reveal the structure and meaning of text.
Analyses text to understand the sentiment, as well as extract key information.

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TechEvent 2019: Artificial Intelligence in Dev & Ops; Martin Luckow - Trivadis
TechEvent 2019: Artificial Intelligence in Dev & Ops; Martin Luckow - TrivadisTechEvent 2019: Artificial Intelligence in Dev & Ops; Martin Luckow - Trivadis
TechEvent 2019: Artificial Intelligence in Dev & Ops; Martin Luckow - Trivadis

This document provides an overview of artificial intelligence trends and applications in development and operations. It discusses how AI is being used for rapid prototyping, intelligent programming assistants, automatic error handling and code refactoring, and strategic decision making. Examples are given of AI tools from Microsoft, Facebook, and Codota. The document also discusses challenges like interpretability of neural networks and outlines a vision of "Software 2.0" where programs are generated automatically to satisfy goals. It emphasizes that AI will transform software development over the next 10 years.

techeventartificial intelligencedevops
Big Data Week 2013 Flow
Big Data Week 2013 FlowBig Data Week 2013 Flow
Big Data Week 2013 Flow

The document provides information and instructions for accessing APIs from various organizations to use for a hackathon, including the Guardian API, Semantria API, DataSift API, and Amazon datasets. It includes tips for initial queries to make using the Guardian API, how to sign up and activate licenses for the DataSift API, and potential ideas for projects using clean energy and Olympic drug use data.

viafourabig data weekryersondmz
Serverless Machine Learning
Serverless Machine LearningServerless Machine Learning
Serverless Machine Learning

From data ingestion, processing, model deployment to prediction - machine learning is hard! Join me to learn how serverless can make it all easier so you can stop worrying about the underlying infrastructure layer, and focus on getting the most value out of your data and development time.

Find out how Google is understanding your content, and
your competitor’s content
Scalable auto translation model.
Train a custom model based on your specific content needs.
Speech to Text
Repurpose content from audio to text.
Automatically transcribes proper nouns and context-specific formatting.
Long-form audio, videos, voice commands.
Filter out inappropriate content.
BETA testing automed punctuation.
Understand and target
your customers
Personalised content,
social posts, email and
Predictive analysis
Automation throughout a
customer’s journey

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ChatGPT and Beyond - Elevating DevOps Productivity
ChatGPT and Beyond - Elevating DevOps ProductivityChatGPT and Beyond - Elevating DevOps Productivity
ChatGPT and Beyond - Elevating DevOps Productivity

In the dynamic field of DevOps, the quest for efficiency and productivity is endless. This talk introduces a revolutionary toolkit: Large Language Models (LLMs), including ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude, extending far beyond traditional coding assistance. We'll explore how LLMs can automate not just code generation, but also transform day-to-day operations such as crafting compelling cover letters for TPS reports, streamlining client communications, and architecting innovative DevOps solutions. Attendees will learn effective prompting strategies and examine real-life use cases, demonstrating LLMs' potential to redefine productivity in the DevOps landscape. Join us to discover how to harness the power of LLMs for a comprehensive productivity boost across your DevOps activities.

Apache spark empowering the real time data driven enterprise - StreamAnalytix...
Apache spark empowering the real time data driven enterprise - StreamAnalytix...Apache spark empowering the real time data driven enterprise - StreamAnalytix...
Apache spark empowering the real time data driven enterprise - StreamAnalytix...

Apache Spark is one of the most popular Big Data frameworks today. It is fast becoming the de facto technology choice for stream processing, real-time analytics, data science and machine learning applications at scale. It has moved well beyond the early-adopter phase, is supported by a vibrant open source community and is enjoying accelerated adoption in enterprises. Join our guest speaker from Forrester Research, VP & Principal Analyst, Mike Gualtieri and StreamAnalytix, Product Head, Anand Venugopal for a discussion on the trends and directions defining the growing importance of Apache Spark for stream processing, machine learning and other advanced data analytics applications.

apache sparkreal time data analyticsmachine learning
MongoDB World 2018: Building Intelligent Apps with MongoDB & Google Cloud
MongoDB World 2018: Building Intelligent Apps with MongoDB & Google CloudMongoDB World 2018: Building Intelligent Apps with MongoDB & Google Cloud
MongoDB World 2018: Building Intelligent Apps with MongoDB & Google Cloud

Building intelligent apps involves combining real-time analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to provide personalized recommendations and automate tasks for customers. Developers can use MongoDB and Google Cloud to build intelligent apps in 3 steps: 1) create a base ecommerce app, 2) add a recommendation engine using machine learning, and 3) enable shopping via chat with artificial intelligence. This brings data scientists and developers together to create applications that understand and assist customers.

mongodbmongodb worldgoogle
Constantly optimises automation for better response.
Refines subject lines, discovers best time to send
emails, tracks user engagement.
Code written in the
Results generated
Open-source interactive programming
Interpreted line by line
Data extraction & analysis
Scientific Computing
Natural Language Processing
Machine Learning

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Google Cloud: Data Analysis and Machine Learningn Technologies
Google Cloud: Data Analysis and Machine Learningn Technologies Google Cloud: Data Analysis and Machine Learningn Technologies
Google Cloud: Data Analysis and Machine Learningn Technologies

Introduction to Google Cloud data analysis and machine learning technologies, including DialogFlow and ML APIs.

googlecloudcloud computing
OSMC 2023 | Experiments with OpenSearch and AI by Jochen Kressin & Leanne La...
OSMC 2023 | Experiments with OpenSearch and AI by Jochen Kressin &  Leanne La...OSMC 2023 | Experiments with OpenSearch and AI by Jochen Kressin &  Leanne La...
OSMC 2023 | Experiments with OpenSearch and AI by Jochen Kressin & Leanne La...

This document discusses two experiments using large language models (LLMs) to make OpenSearch more accessible. The first experiment uses ChatGPT to automatically generate OpenSearch queries based on natural language questions by mapping data fields. The second experiment explores using Retrieval Augmented Generation to give LLMs access to vector databases for more contextual responses. Initial results showed ChatGPT was only able to generate the correct query 33% of the time. Further improvements are needed, such as fine-tuning models or providing more mapping information. The document also provides an overview of semantic search capabilities in OpenSearch using its neural search plugin.

osmcopen sourcemonitoring
Atmosphere Conference 2015: The 10 Myths of DevOps
Atmosphere Conference 2015: The 10 Myths of DevOpsAtmosphere Conference 2015: The 10 Myths of DevOps
Atmosphere Conference 2015: The 10 Myths of DevOps

Speaker: Seth Vargo Language: English Although not officially coined until 2009, DevOps ideals have been explicitly discussed since at least 2006. Recently, however, the term "DevOps" has gained increasing popularity across a variety of fields and industries. DevOps is not a development methodology or technology; DevOps is an ideology. It is a way to facilitate organizational prosperity and growth while increasing each individual employee's happiness along the way. As DevOps has gained in prominence, a gap has been created between the original definition of DevOps and this new "enterprise-ready" buzzword. For organizations beginning DevOps practices, this talk will provide a 10,000ft view of DevOps and how you can properly implement DevOps practices in your organization. For organizations that are currently practicing DevOps, this talk will cover common pitfalls, ways to sustain a happy culture, and new tips to foster organizational prosperity. Visit our website:

atmosphere conferencedevopsmyths
Easy to learn and simple to
Intuitive and accessible syntax
Open source
Additional libraries
"Python has been an important part of Google
since the beginning, and remains so as the
system grows and evolves. Today dozens of
Google engineers use Python, and we're
looking for more people with skills in this
"Python is fast enough for our site and
allows us to produce maintainable
features in record times, with a minimum
of developers"
Data extraction and analysis
to solve complex problems
Future-proofing your job
Efficiency and time-saving
Automating repetitive tasks

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TechDayPakistan-Slides RAG with Cosmos DB.pptx
TechDayPakistan-Slides RAG with Cosmos DB.pptxTechDayPakistan-Slides RAG with Cosmos DB.pptx
TechDayPakistan-Slides RAG with Cosmos DB.pptx

This document discusses using retrieval augmented generation (RAG) with Cosmos DB and large language models (LLMs) to power question answering applications. RAG combines information retrieval over stored data with text generation from LLMs to provide customized, up-to-date responses without requiring expensive model retraining. The key components of RAG include data storage, embedding models to index data, a vector database to store embeddings, retrieval of relevant embeddings, and an LLM orchestrator to generate responses using retrieved information as context. Azure Cosmos DB is highlighted as an effective vector database option for RAG applications.

#aimvpartificial intelligence
Bagels & Bytes: Data Scientist Event
Bagels & Bytes: Data Scientist EventBagels & Bytes: Data Scientist Event
Bagels & Bytes: Data Scientist Event

An overview of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning on AWS Join us to gain an understanding of a spectrum of easy-to-use AWS Machine Learning services such as Amazon Recognition, Amazon Polly and Amazon Comprehend that rely on AWS pre-built Machine Learning models. In addition, hear how Amazon SageMaker allows Machine Learning practitioners to collaborate on building models using Jupyter notebooks. Craft custom Deep Learning algorithms using popular libraries such as TensorFlow, Keras, MXNet, or work with traditional Machine Learning algorithms such as XGBoost. You will also learn how to detect anomalies using Amazon Kinesis Analytics.

On-page SEO for Drupal
On-page SEO for DrupalOn-page SEO for Drupal
On-page SEO for Drupal

The presentation is showing what type of SEO techniques you can apply to optimize your Drupal site and all this only with contributed modules.

drupalonpage seo
Make data driven decisions
Allowing us to focus on other
important optimisation efforts
Confidence in recommendations
Provide concrete insights
Better understand data
Once you specify the sitemap the
script will;
Read the sitemap.xml file
Check the response code of each
Export all 404 error URLs to a text
Github Link
Average Time Taken
Download and install script: 20 minutes
Crawl site: 10 minutes
Total: 30 minutes

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Web Applications of the Future: GraphQL and TypeScript | React Alicante
Web Applications of the Future: GraphQL and TypeScript | React AlicanteWeb Applications of the Future: GraphQL and TypeScript | React Alicante
Web Applications of the Future: GraphQL and TypeScript | React Alicante

Presented at React Alicante 2022, Spain Type systems like TypeScript are the next thing when developing JavaScript applications. They make sure that your props are passed in the correct form and shape throughout your application. Together with GraphQLs query language based on types, you can create the web application of the future!

The Rise of the DataOps - Dataiku - J On the Beach 2016
The Rise of the DataOps - Dataiku - J On the Beach 2016 The Rise of the DataOps - Dataiku - J On the Beach 2016
The Rise of the DataOps - Dataiku - J On the Beach 2016

Many organisations are creating groups dedicated to data. These groups have many names : Data Team, Data Labs, Analytics Teams…. But whatever the name, the success of those teams depends a lot on the quality of the data infrastructure and their ability to actually deploy data science applications in production. In that regards a new role of “DataOps” is emerging. Similar, to Dev Ops for (Web) Dev, the Data Ops is a merge between a data engineer and a platform administrator. Well versed in cluster administration and optimisation, a data ops would have also a perspective on the quality of data quality and the relevance of predictive models. Do you want to be a Data Ops ? We’ll discuss its role and challenges during this talk

data sciencebig datadevops
Pinterest - Big Data Machine Learning Platform at Pinterest
Pinterest - Big Data Machine Learning Platform at PinterestPinterest - Big Data Machine Learning Platform at Pinterest
Pinterest - Big Data Machine Learning Platform at Pinterest

This was presented by the Yongsheng Wu, head of big data and ML platform at Pinterest, at the Alluxio bay area meetup. Yongsheng shares Pinterest's journey to build a fast and scalable big data and ML platform in AWS for Pinterest to handle the requests and complexity in data at scale. In this talk, he will cover different aspects from the requirements of the platform, the challenges encountered, the technologies chosen, and the tradeoffs that were made.

big datamachine learningdata platform
Optimise a single image
optimize-images ./
Optimise a folder with
multiple images
Github Link
Original Optimised
Average Time Taken
Download and install script: 20 minutes
Optimise 1 image: 2 minutes
Total: 22 minutes

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People are complex. Office 365 is complex. Add the two together and you get some of the most challenging, difficult, and stressful situations, especially if you are responsible for facilitating shared understanding between them. Join Richard Harbridge to learn about actionable techniques to improve, simplify and amplify your leadership, business analysis and information architecture efforts with Office 365. Walk away with improved confidence when dealing with business and non-technical related challenges of Office 365, and be familiarized with effective tools and techniques that make Office 365 implementations more successful.

office 365office 365 adoptionoffice 365 strategy
Twitter analysis by Kaify Rais
Twitter analysis by Kaify RaisTwitter analysis by Kaify Rais
Twitter analysis by Kaify Rais

This document describes a Twitter analysis project performed in RStudio using R programming. The analysis included collecting tweets containing the hashtag "#Kejriwal", performing sentiment analysis to score the tweets as positive, negative or neutral, and visualizing the results. Text mining was also conducted on the tweets. The sentiment analysis found most tweets had a negative sentiment towards Kejriwal, while text mining showed the most common words in tweets were "Kejriwal", "power", "cut" and "Modi".

rstatstwitter analysisstatistics
Top Python development Companies to outsource
Top Python development Companies to outsourceTop Python development Companies to outsource
Top Python development Companies to outsource

If you want to hire a python development company to outsource your project, first, you need to know what it takes to choose the best one out of many. While many articles talk about the list of companies, we talk about how to find the best fit. Read on to know the necessary information before you reach out to outsource any company!

pythonpython developerspython programmers
Understand and solve problems
Understand what’s driving
Optimise marketing campaigns
Improve customer experience

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Provenance in Production-Grade Machine Learning
Provenance in Production-Grade Machine LearningProvenance in Production-Grade Machine Learning
Provenance in Production-Grade Machine Learning

Over the next few years, every company must develop a strategy to leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning to stay relevant and beat out competitors. This requires hiring talented data scientists as well as DevOps and data engineers who can put these into production. Today, finding that perfect combination of talent can be difficult, but a focus on retraining and productivity tools can increase a small team’s impact on business ROI by over 10x. In this technical talk, we discuss how enterprises can better prepare their employees to deploy artificial intelligence and machine learning into production by using the same techniques used in software to add provenance, reliability, and efficiency to these processes. Specifically, we describe the benefits of adding provenance including reliable deployments and builds, A/B testing, continuous deployment, and automation and show how they can decrease the time to business ROI by over 10x.

artificial intelligencedata sciencemachine learning
Tools, Systems, & Websites to Grow a Profitable Business on Social Media - Ta...
Tools, Systems, & Websites to Grow a Profitable Business on Social Media - Ta...Tools, Systems, & Websites to Grow a Profitable Business on Social Media - Ta...
Tools, Systems, & Websites to Grow a Profitable Business on Social Media - Ta...

You'll learn about proven systems and effective workflows to maintain a consistent and engaging social media strategy. Additionally, you'll gain actionable strategies and practical tactics to drive engagement, increase followers, and convert them into loyal customers.

digital marketingmarketingsales
Mobile Marketing in the form of ppt document
Mobile Marketing in the form of ppt documentMobile Marketing in the form of ppt document
Mobile Marketing in the form of ppt document

Mobile marketing presentation with ppt tag to easily editing and easy to use

mobile marketingmarketmarketing
More accurate lead scoring
- Gerry Brown, July 2017
By 2020, real-time personalised advertising
across digital platforms and optimised
message targeting accuracy, context and
precision will accelerate
Machine learning is becoming more
accessible, freeing up valuable time for
higher level work
Automation with machine learning provides
the ability to personalise messages, optimise
campaigns and understand complex
Understanding large sets of data allows
more data driven decisions to be made and

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Importance of SEO to support holistic marketing strategies and the rise of n...
Importance of SEO to  support holistic marketing strategies and the rise of n...Importance of SEO to  support holistic marketing strategies and the rise of n...
Importance of SEO to support holistic marketing strategies and the rise of n...

A presentation for the Digital Marketing World Forum by Jessica Redman and Andrew Fox. Discussing how SEO supports across numerous marketing channels and how user search behaviour is changing. Discover how to optimise social media posts for discoverability and learn about Topical Domination.

seomarketingsocial media
TAMPIL CANTIK! WA 081225036194, Long Dress Wanita Hijab Simple by Rumah Jahit...
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TAMPIL CANTIK! WA 081225036194, Long Dress Wanita Hijab Simple by Rumah Jahit...

TAMPIL CANTIK! WA 081225036194, Long Dress Wanita Hijab Simple by Rumah Jahit Azka, Pusat Jahit Langganan Rumah Jahit Azka, Pusat Jahitan Modern Rumah Jahit Azka, Jasa Jahit Berkualitas Rumah Jahit Azka, Model Dress Polos Rumah Jahit Azka, Menerima Jahit Segala Fashion Rumah Jahit Azka Jahit Custom by Rumah Jahit Azka Mekarsari Rt 01 / Rw 05 Kutowinangun, Kebumen Jawa Tengah (54393) Order by WA Owner : 0812–2503–6194 IG @azkalabel_ / @rumahjahitazka / @azkalabel_catalog / @imperriumboutiqueazka / @jahitcustom.azka #bestdresspolos #modeldresspolos #bajudresspolos #jahitbahan #dresscantik #jahitsilk #bridesmaiddress #jahitbagus #dresswanita #rumahjahitazka

How to Get High-Quality Backlinks in 2024
How to Get High-Quality Backlinks in 2024How to Get High-Quality Backlinks in 2024
How to Get High-Quality Backlinks in 2024

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