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@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
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@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Observability -
Experiencing the “why” behind the jargon
Abby Bangser
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
In control theory, observability is a measure of how well
internal states of a system can be inferred from knowledge of
its external outputs.
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
In control theory, observability is a measure of how well
internal states of a system can be inferred from knowledge of
its external outputs.
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
“measure of how well” means observability is a scale
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
“measure of how well” means observability is a scale
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
“measure of how well” means observability is a scale
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
“measure of how well” means observability is a scale
How easy is it to answer a new question without deploying new code?
observability observability
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
In control theory, observability is a measure of how well
internal states of a system can be inferred from knowledge
of its external outputs.
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
External outputs help us answer these questions
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
External outputs help us answer these questions
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
External outputs help us answer these questions
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
External outputs help us answer these questions
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
So you might be thinking… “right, monitoring”
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
So you might be thinking… “right, monitoring”
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
So you might be thinking… “right, monitoring”
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
True observability is discovering new behaviours
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
In control theory, observability is a measure of how well
internal states of a system can be inferred from knowledge of
its external outputs.
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Characteristics of what generates valuable outputs
➔ raw events
➔ no pre-aggregation
➔ structured data
➔ arbitrarily wide events
➔ schema-less-ness
➔ high cardinality dimensions
➔ oriented around the lifecycle of the request
➔ batched up context
➔ static dashboards don’t work, it must be exploratory
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Characteristics of what generates valuable outputs
➔ raw events
➔ no pre-aggregation
➔ structured data
➔ arbitrarily wide events
➔ schema-less-ness
➔ high cardinality dimensions
➔ oriented around the lifecycle of the request
➔ batched up context
➔ static dashboards don’t work, it must be exploratory
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Let’s understand a couple of these through examples
➔ raw events
➔ no pre-aggregation
➔ structured data
➔ arbitrarily wide events
➔ schema-less-ness
➔ high cardinality dimensions
➔ oriented around the lifecycle of the request
➔ batched up context
➔ static dashboards don’t work, it must be exploratory
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Let’s understand a couple of these through examples
➔ raw events
➔ no pre-aggregation
➔ structured data
➔ arbitrarily wide events
➔ schema-less-ness
➔ high cardinality dimensions
➔ oriented around the lifecycle of the request
➔ batched up context
➔ static dashboards don’t work, it must be exploratory
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
The promise of monitoring vs my reality
My rollercoaster journey with understanding metrics and
pre-aggregation starts back in 2016...
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Monitorama 2016 - an awakening
Lessons include…
➔ It is not just testing that is dead
➔ Wow! There is a world of available data I have no idea about
➔ These tools are so cool...wait, what are these tools?
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Metrics can track success (and failure) of changes made
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
An ask:
I want to monitor live
An opportunity:
Help create a
client’s first cloud
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
An operations focused project changed my tool chain
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
An operations focused project changed my tool chain
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
And then…
just like testability,
operability became
hard to prioritise
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Two years and many projects later Hobbsy had a plan
Track latency over 4 weeks and alert when current trends exceed 2 standard deviations
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Two years and many projects later Hobbsy had a plan
Track latency over 4 weeks and alert when current trends exceed 2 standard deviations
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
To do this at MOO
s / MOO / any company over a few years old /
➔ 40 services
➔ 4 core languages
➔ 3 eras of architectural decisions
➔ 2 transport protocols (http and gRPC)
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
To do this at MOO
s / MOO / any company over a few years old /
➔ 40 services
➔ 4 core languages
➔ 3 eras of architectural decisions
➔ 2 transport protocols (http and gRPC)
...and a partridge in a pear tree
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
The plan: Standardise metrics across the estate
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Consistency across services created so much learning
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Our data collection made certain assumptions which
in the end required re-collecting in a different way
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
How histograms gets generated in a time series DB
le= 0.05
le= 0.1 le= 0.5 le= 1 le= 5 le= +inf
* “le” stands for “less than or equal to”
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
How histograms gets generated in a time series DB
le= 0.05
le= 0.1 le= 0.5 le= 1 le= 5 le= +inf
* “le” stands for “less than or equal to” in 0.25 seconds
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
How histograms gets generated in a time series DB
le= 0.05
le= 0.1 le= 0.5 le= 1 le= 5 le= +inf
* ���le” stands for “less than or equal to” in 0.25 seconds
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
How histograms gets generated in a time series DB
le= 0.05
le= 0.1 le= 0.5 le= 1 le= 5 le= +inf
* “le” stands for “less than or equal to” in 5 seconds in 0.25 seconds
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
How histograms gets generated in a time series DB
le= 0.05
le= 0.1 le= 0.5 le= 1 le= 5 le= +inf
* “le” stands for “less than or equal to” in 5 seconds in 0.25 seconds
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
We collected counts of how many requests per bucket
le= .05
le= .1 le= .5 le= 1 le= 5 le= +inf
le= .05 le= .1 le= .5 le= 1 le= 5 le= +inf
le= .05 le= .1 le= .5 le= 1 le= 5 le= +inf
le= .05 le= .1 le= .5 le= 1 le= 5 le= +inf
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
The data we had collected, we had to throw away
le= .05 le= 5le= .5le= .1 le= +infle= 1
le= .05 le= .1 le= +infle= 1
le= 5le= .1 le= +infle= 1
le= .05 le= 5le= .1 le= .5
le= .05
le= .5
le= .5
le= 1
le= 5
le= +inf
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
At least the update was made, now we are all set right?
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
le= .05 le= 5le= .1 le= .5 le= 1 le= +inf
Except, that 99th percentile...what does that actually mean?
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Let’s see what our logs say about it
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Just 1% of 500,000 requests applies to 56,000 people
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
To see >10 seconds, I would need the 99.996%
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
So, while consistent metrics
trending over time was a big
step forward...
In retrospect,
these experiences were
not mature observability
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Why avoid pre-aggregation?
Because you can never regain the original context and detail,
you can only ever ask predetermined questions
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Let’s understand a couple of these through examples
➔ raw events
➔ no pre-aggregation
➔ structured data
➔ arbitrarily wide events
➔ schema-less-ness
➔ high cardinality dimensions
➔ oriented around the lifecycle of the request
➔ batched up context
➔ static dashboards don’t work, it must be exploratory
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Data is not the same as information
Step one is accepting that while sentences may be readable.
<key : value> pairs are more easily queried.
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Even from the first “Hello World” we humans logged
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
And from there we wanted more information
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
And from there we wanted more information
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
So then we backfilled in structure
grok {
match => [
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
And of course, from there we wanted more
mutate {
split => { "uri_array" => "/"}
add_field => {
"uri_root" => ["/%{[uri_array][1]}"]
"uri_first" => ["/%{[uri_array][2]}"]
"uri_second" => ["/%{[uri_array][3]}"]
"uri_root_first" => "%{uri_root}%{uri_first}"
"uri_root_second" => "%{uri_root}%{uri_first}%{uri_second}"
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
And even looking past the bad fields values, lots of
servers means lots of intermingled logs
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
And even looking past the bad fields values, lots of
servers means lots of intermingled logs
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon are logs written during a request?
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Detailing how logs get written during a request
public ResponseEntity flipImage(@RequestParam("image") MultipartFile file,
@RequestParam(value = "vertical") Boolean vertical,
@RequestParam(value = "horizontal") Boolean horizontal) {
if (file.getContentType() != null) {
LOGGER.warn("Wrong content type uploaded: {}", file.getContentType());
return new ResponseEntity<>("Wrong content type uploaded: " + file.getContentType());
}"Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType());
byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal);
if (flippedImage == null) {
return new ResponseEntity<>("Failed to flip image", HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
}"Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId());
return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Detailing how logs get written during a request
public ResponseEntity flipImage(@RequestParam("image") MultipartFile file,
@RequestParam(value = "vertical") Boolean vertical,
@RequestParam(value = "horizontal") Boolean horizontal) {
if (file.getContentType() != null) {
LOGGER.warn("Wrong content type uploaded: {}", file.getContentType());
return new ResponseEntity<>("Wrong content type uploaded: " + file.getContentType());
}"Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType());
byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal);
if (flippedImage == null) {
return new ResponseEntity<>("Failed to flip image", HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
}"Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId());
return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Detailing how logs get written during a request
public ResponseEntity flipImage(@RequestParam("image") MultipartFile file,
@RequestParam(value = "vertical") Boolean vertical,
@RequestParam(value = "horizontal") Boolean horizontal) {
if (file.getContentType() != null) {
LOGGER.warn("Wrong content type uploaded: {}", file.getContentType());
return new ResponseEntity<>("Wrong content type uploaded: " + file.getContentType());
}"Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType());
byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal);
if (flippedImage == null) {
return new ResponseEntity<>("Failed to flip image", HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
}"Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId());
return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
}"Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType());
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Detailing how logs get written during a request
public ResponseEntity flipImage(@RequestParam("image") MultipartFile file,
@RequestParam(value = "vertical") Boolean vertical,
@RequestParam(value = "horizontal") Boolean horizontal) {
if (file.getContentType() != null) {
LOGGER.warn("Wrong content type uploaded: {}", file.getContentType());
return new ResponseEntity<>("Wrong content type uploaded: " + file.getContentType());
}"Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType());
byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal);
if (flippedImage == null) {
return new ResponseEntity<>("Failed to flip image", HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
}"Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId());
return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
}"Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType());
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Detailing how logs get written during a request
public ResponseEntity flipImage(@RequestParam("image") MultipartFile file,
@RequestParam(value = "vertical") Boolean vertical,
@RequestParam(value = "horizontal") Boolean horizontal) {
if (file.getContentType() != null) {
LOGGER.warn("Wrong content type uploaded: {}", file.getContentType());
return new ResponseEntity<>("Wrong content type uploaded: " + file.getContentType());
}"Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType());
byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal);
if (flippedImage == null) {
return new ResponseEntity<>("Failed to flip image", HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
}"Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId());
return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Detailing how logs get written during a request
public ResponseEntity flipImage(@RequestParam("image") MultipartFile file,
@RequestParam(value = "vertical") Boolean vertical,
@RequestParam(value = "horizontal") Boolean horizontal) {
if (file.getContentType() != null) {
LOGGER.warn("Wrong content type uploaded: {}", file.getContentType());
return new ResponseEntity<>("Wrong content type uploaded: " + file.getContentType());
}"Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType());
byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal);
if (flippedImage == null) {
return new ResponseEntity<>("Failed to flip image", HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
}"Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId());
return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Detailing how logs get written during a request
public ResponseEntity flipImage(@RequestParam("image") MultipartFile file,
@RequestParam(value = "vertical") Boolean vertical,
@RequestParam(value = "horizontal") Boolean horizontal) {
if (file.getContentType() != null) {
LOGGER.warn("Wrong content type uploaded: {}", file.getContentType());
return new ResponseEntity<>("Wrong content type uploaded: " + file.getContentType());
}"Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType());
byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal);
if (flippedImage == null) {
return new ResponseEntity<>("Failed to flip image", HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
}"Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId());
return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
}"Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId()");
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Detailing how logs get written during a request
public ResponseEntity flipImage(@RequestParam("image") MultipartFile file,
@RequestParam(value = "vertical") Boolean vertical,
@RequestParam(value = "horizontal") Boolean horizontal) {
if (file.getContentType() != null) {
LOGGER.warn("Wrong content type uploaded: {}", file.getContentType());
return new ResponseEntity<>("Wrong content type uploaded: " + file.getContentType());
}"Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType());
byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal);
if (flippedImage == null) {
return new ResponseEntity<>("Failed to flip image", HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
}"Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId());
return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
}"Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId()");
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Detailing how logs get written during a request
public ResponseEntity flipImage(@RequestParam("image") MultipartFile file,
@RequestParam(value = "vertical") Boolean vertical,
@RequestParam(value = "horizontal") Boolean horizontal) {
if (file.getContentType() != null) {
LOGGER.warn("Wrong content type uploaded: {}", file.getContentType());
return new ResponseEntity<>("Wrong content type uploaded: " + file.getContentType());
}"Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType());
byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal);
if (flippedImage == null) {
return new ResponseEntity<>("Failed to flip image", HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
}"Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId());
return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Log outputs
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
In contrast, how an event is created during a request
public ResponseEntity flipImage(...) {
EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType());
EVENT.addField("action", "flip");
EVENT.addField("image_id", file.getId());
EVENT.addField("flip_vertical", vertical);
EVENT.addField("flip_horizontal", horizontal);
..."Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType());
byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal);
..."Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId());
EVENT.addField("action.success", "true");
return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
In contrast, how an event is created during a request
public ResponseEntity flipImage(...) {
EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType());
EVENT.addField("action", "flip");
EVENT.addField("image_id", file.getId());
EVENT.addField("flip_vertical", vertical);
EVENT.addField("flip_horizontal", horizontal);
..."Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType());
byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal);
..."Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId());
EVENT.addField("action.success", "true");
return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
In contrast, how an event is created during a request
public ResponseEntity flipImage(...) {
EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType());
EVENT.addField("action", "flip");
EVENT.addField("image_id", file.getId());
EVENT.addField("flip_vertical", vertical);
EVENT.addField("flip_horizontal", horizontal);
..."Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType());
byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal);
..."Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId());
EVENT.addField("action.success", "true");
return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType());
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
In contrast, how an event is created during a request
public ResponseEntity flipImage(...) {
EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType());
EVENT.addField("action", "flip");
EVENT.addField("image_id", file.getId());
EVENT.addField("flip_vertical", vertical);
EVENT.addField("flip_horizontal", horizontal);
..."Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType());
byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal);
..."Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId());
EVENT.addField("action.success", "true");
return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType());
EVENT.addField("action", "flip");
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
In contrast, how an event is created during a request
public ResponseEntity flipImage(...) {
EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType());
EVENT.addField("action", "flip");
EVENT.addField("image_id", file.getId());
EVENT.addField("flip_vertical", vertical);
EVENT.addField("flip_horizontal", horizontal);
..."Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType());
byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal);
..."Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId());
EVENT.addField("action.success", "true");
return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType());
EVENT.addField("action", "flip");
EVENT.addField("image_id", file.getId());
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
In contrast, how an event is created during a request
public ResponseEntity flipImage(...) {
EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType());
EVENT.addField("action", "flip");
EVENT.addField("image_id", file.getId());
EVENT.addField("flip_vertical", vertical);
EVENT.addField("flip_horizontal", horizontal);
..."Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType());
byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal);
..."Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId());
EVENT.addField("action.success", "true");
return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType());
EVENT.addField("action", "flip");
EVENT.addField("flip_vertical", vertical);
EVENT.addField("image_id", file.getId());
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
In contrast, how an event is created during a request
public ResponseEntity flipImage(...) {
EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType());
EVENT.addField("action", "flip");
EVENT.addField("image_id", file.getId());
EVENT.addField("flip_vertical", vertical);
EVENT.addField("flip_horizontal", horizontal);
..."Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType());
byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal);
..."Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId());
EVENT.addField("action.success", "true");
return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
}"Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType());
EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType());
EVENT.addField("action", "flip");
EVENT.addField("flip_vertical", vertical);
EVENT.addField("image_id", file.getId());
EVENT.addField("flip_horizontal", horizontal);
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
In contrast, how an event is created during a request
public ResponseEntity flipImage(...) {
EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType());
EVENT.addField("action", "flip");
EVENT.addField("image_id", file.getId());
EVENT.addField("flip_vertical", vertical);
EVENT.addField("flip_horizontal", horizontal);
..."Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType());
byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal);
..."Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId());
EVENT.addField("action.success", "true");
return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType());
EVENT.addField("action", "flip");
EVENT.addField("flip_vertical", vertical);
EVENT.addField("image_id", file.getId());
EVENT.addField("flip_horizontal", horizontal);
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
In contrast, how an event is created during a request
public ResponseEntity flipImage(...) {
EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType());
EVENT.addField("action", "flip");
EVENT.addField("image_id", file.getId());
EVENT.addField("flip_vertical", vertical);
EVENT.addField("flip_horizontal", horizontal);
..."Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType());
byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal);
..."Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId());
EVENT.addField("action.success", "true");
return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
}"Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId());
EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType());
EVENT.addField("action", "flip");
EVENT.addField("flip_vertical", vertical);
EVENT.addField("image_id", file.getId());
EVENT.addField("flip_horizontal", horizontal);
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
In contrast, how an event is created during a request
public ResponseEntity flipImage(...) {
EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType());
EVENT.addField("action", "flip");
EVENT.addField("image_id", file.getId());
EVENT.addField("flip_vertical", vertical);
EVENT.addField("flip_horizontal", horizontal);
..."Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType());
byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal);
..."Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId());
EVENT.addField("action.success", "true");
return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType());
EVENT.addField("action", "flip");
EVENT.addField("flip_vertical", vertical);
EVENT.addField("image_id", file.getId());
EVENT.addField("flip_horizontal", horizontal);
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
In contrast, how an event is created during a request
public ResponseEntity flipImage(...) {
EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType());
EVENT.addField("action", "flip");
EVENT.addField("image_id", file.getId());
EVENT.addField("flip_vertical", vertical);
EVENT.addField("flip_horizontal", horizontal);
..."Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType());
byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal);
..."Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId());
EVENT.addField("action.success", "true");
return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
EVENT.addField("action.success", "true");
EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType());
EVENT.addField("action", "flip");
EVENT.addField("flip_vertical", vertical);
EVENT.addField("image_id", file.getId());
EVENT.addField("flip_horizontal", horizontal);
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Comparing the outputs
Multiple logs
A single event
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Making the information easy to query
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
And keeping the information in context
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Most importantly, making it easy to add more!
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
In order to combate tribal knowledge based guessing
when debugging our complex systems, we need:
A low friction way to add fields to your
logs for structure and searchability
Allowing application and user context to
be wrapped in a business context
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Let’s understand a couple of these through examples
➔ raw events
➔ no pre-aggregation
➔ structured data
➔ arbitrarily wide events
➔ schema-less-ness
➔ high cardinality dimensions
➔ oriented around the lifecycle of the request
➔ batched up context
➔ static dashboards don’t work, it must be exploratory
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Debugging distributed systems is hard
Especially when business impact is on the line.
Let’s talk outages
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Hmmm, a warning alert has come in
This is an automated alert based on a warning production service sending a high percent of 500’s in production!
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Yup, definitely an issue
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
All hands on deck, what is happening...and why?
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
All hands on deck, what is happening...and why?
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
All hands on deck, what is happening...and why?
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
All hands on deck, what is happening...and why?
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
All hands on deck, what is happening...and why?
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
2+ hrs and still aren’t sure we know what happened
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
And then it keeps happening
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Oncall engineers are not amused
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
But the service owners weren’t just lounging around
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
And these were some awesome dashboards
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Let’s break down what this dashboard shows
Request Counts Response Latency
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Let’s break down what this dashboard shows
Enhanced Images
Original Images
Enhanced Images
Enhanced and resized
Request Counts Response Latency
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
This dashboard helped limit impact
~3 hours
40 min
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
And eventually, powerful human pattern matchers
solved the problem
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
So what happens to this dashboard now?
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
They have been sent to a farm… with their other friends
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Why ditch the dashboards?
The scar tissue of your past outages is not a sufficient
replacement for the creativity required to investigate your
future incidents
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Let’s revisit those characteristics
➔ raw events
➔ no pre-aggregation
➔ structured data
➔ arbitrarily wide events
➔ schema-less-ness
➔ high cardinality dimensions
➔ oriented around the lifecycle of the request
➔ batched up context
➔ static dashboards don’t work, it must be
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Let’s revisit those characteristics
➔ raw events
➔ no pre-aggregation
➔ structured data
➔ arbitrarily wide events
➔ schema-less-ness
➔ high cardinality dimensions
➔ oriented around the lifecycle of the request
➔ batched up context
➔ static dashboards don’t work, it must be
The only way to ask new questions
is to keep the original raw data
available and queryable
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Let’s revisit those characteristics
➔ raw events
➔ no pre-aggregation
➔ structured data
➔ arbitrarily wide events
➔ schema-less-ness
➔ high cardinality dimensions
➔ oriented around the lifecycle of the request
➔ batched up context
➔ static dashboards don’t work, it must be
Make data easy to
add details to and
easy to query
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Let’s revisit those characteristics
➔ raw events
➔ no pre-aggregation
➔ structured data
➔ arbitrarily wide events
➔ schema-less-ness
➔ high cardinality dimensions
➔ oriented around the lifecycle of the request
➔ batched up context
➔ static dashboards don’t work, it must be
Empower creative
and shared
exploration based
on business context
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Let’s revisit those characteristics
➔ raw events
➔ no pre-aggregation
➔ structured data
➔ arbitrarily wide events
➔ schema-less-ness
➔ high cardinality dimensions
➔ oriented around the lifecycle of the request
➔ batched up context
➔ static dashboards don’t work, it must be
The only way to ask new questions
is to keep the original raw data
available and queryable
Make data easy to
add details to and
easy to query
Empower creative
and shared
exploration based
on business context
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Looking back journeys are never clear, so why do we
still expect them to be when we start a new one?
Science Major
Data analysis for
A desire to
learn how to
An “analyst”
A “DevOps”
engaged me
in his work
An infrastructure
Engineering @
scuba diver
A (slight)
obsession with
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Start where you are.
Use what you have.
Do what you can.
- Arthur Ashe
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
➔ All of tech and product is now asking more interesting questions
➔ We are expecting more of our tooling
➔ We are building new awareness about our services and system
Start where you are.
Use what you have.
Do what you can.
- Arthur Ashe
@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
Thank you!

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Observability - Experiencing the “why” behind the jargon (FlowCon 2019)

  • 1. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon My slides are / will be available for you at: @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Observability - Experiencing the “why” behind the jargon Abby Bangser
  • 2. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Observability In control theory, observability is a measure of how well internal states of a system can be inferred from knowledge of its external outputs.
  • 3. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Observability In control theory, observability is a measure of how well internal states of a system can be inferred from knowledge of its external outputs.
  • 4. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon “measure of how well” means observability is a scale
  • 5. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon “measure of how well” means observability is a scale
  • 6. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon “measure of how well” means observability is a scale Incident triage Incident triage happening?!
  • 7. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon “measure of how well” means observability is a scale How easy is it to answer a new question without deploying new code? Incident triage Incident triage happening?! observability observability observability
  • 8. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Observability In control theory, observability is a measure of how well internal states of a system can be inferred from knowledge of its external outputs.
  • 9. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon External outputs help us answer these questions
  • 10. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon External outputs help us answer these questions
  • 11. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon External outputs help us answer these questions
  • 12. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon External outputs help us answer these questions
  • 13. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon So you might be thinking… “right, monitoring”
  • 14. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon So you might be thinking… “right, monitoring”
  • 15. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon So you might be thinking… “right, monitoring”
  • 16. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon True observability is discovering new behaviours
  • 17. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Observability In control theory, observability is a measure of how well internal states of a system can be inferred from knowledge of its external outputs.
  • 18. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Characteristics of what generates valuable outputs ➔ raw events ➔ no pre-aggregation ➔ structured data ➔ arbitrarily wide events ➔ schema-less-ness ➔ high cardinality dimensions ➔ oriented around the lifecycle of the request ➔ batched up context ➔ static dashboards don’t work, it must be exploratory
  • 19. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Characteristics of what generates valuable outputs ➔ raw events ➔ no pre-aggregation ➔ structured data ➔ arbitrarily wide events ➔ schema-less-ness ➔ high cardinality dimensions ➔ oriented around the lifecycle of the request ➔ batched up context ➔ static dashboards don’t work, it must be exploratory ByTwitter,CCBY4.0,
  • 20. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Let’s understand a couple of these through examples ➔ raw events ➔ no pre-aggregation ➔ structured data ➔ arbitrarily wide events ➔ schema-less-ness ➔ high cardinality dimensions ➔ oriented around the lifecycle of the request ➔ batched up context ➔ static dashboards don’t work, it must be exploratory
  • 21. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Let’s understand a couple of these through examples ➔ raw events ➔ no pre-aggregation ➔ structured data ➔ arbitrarily wide events ➔ schema-less-ness ➔ high cardinality dimensions ➔ oriented around the lifecycle of the request ➔ batched up context ➔ static dashboards don’t work, it must be exploratory
  • 22. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon The promise of monitoring vs my reality My rollercoaster journey with understanding metrics and pre-aggregation starts back in 2016...
  • 23. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Monitorama 2016 - an awakening Lessons include… ➔ It is not just testing that is dead ➔ Wow! There is a world of available data I have no idea about ➔ These tools are so cool...wait, what are these tools?
  • 24. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Metrics can track success (and failure) of changes made
  • 25. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon An ask: I want to monitor live systems An opportunity: Help create a client’s first cloud infrastructure @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon
  • 26. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon An operations focused project changed my tool chain
  • 27. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon An operations focused project changed my tool chain
  • 28. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon And then… just like testability, operability became hard to prioritise
  • 29. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Two years and many projects later Hobbsy had a plan Track latency over 4 weeks and alert when current trends exceed 2 standard deviations 2standarddeviations
  • 30. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Two years and many projects later Hobbsy had a plan Track latency over 4 weeks and alert when current trends exceed 2 standard deviations 2standarddeviations
  • 31. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon To do this at MOO s / MOO / any company over a few years old / ➔ 40 services ➔ 4 core languages ➔ 3 eras of architectural decisions ➔ 2 transport protocols (http and gRPC)
  • 32. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon To do this at MOO s / MOO / any company over a few years old / ➔ 40 services ➔ 4 core languages ➔ 3 eras of architectural decisions ➔ 2 transport protocols (http and gRPC) ...and a partridge in a pear tree
  • 33. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon The plan: Standardise metrics across the estate
  • 34. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Consistency across services created so much learning
  • 35. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon But...
  • 36. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Our data collection made certain assumptions which in the end required re-collecting in a different way
  • 37. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon How histograms gets generated in a time series DB le= 0.05 http_requests_seconds_bucket le= 0.1 le= 0.5 le= 1 le= 5 le= +inf * “le” stands for “less than or equal to”
  • 38. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon How histograms gets generated in a time series DB le= 0.05 http_requests_seconds_bucket le= 0.1 le= 0.5 le= 1 le= 5 le= +inf * “le” stands for “less than or equal to” in 0.25 seconds
  • 39. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon How histograms gets generated in a time series DB le= 0.05 http_requests_seconds_bucket le= 0.1 le= 0.5 le= 1 le= 5 le= +inf * “le” stands for “less than or equal to” in 0.25 seconds
  • 40. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon How histograms gets generated in a time series DB le= 0.05 http_requests_seconds_bucket le= 0.1 le= 0.5 le= 1 le= 5 le= +inf * “le” stands for “less than or equal to” in 5 seconds in 0.25 seconds
  • 41. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon How histograms gets generated in a time series DB le= 0.05 http_requests_seconds_bucket le= 0.1 le= 0.5 le= 1 le= 5 le= +inf * “le” stands for “less than or equal to” in 5 seconds in 0.25 seconds
  • 42. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon We collected counts of how many requests per bucket le= .05 http_requests_seconds_bucket le= .1 le= .5 le= 1 le= 5 le= +inf Offset 1week2week3week4week le= .05 le= .1 le= .5 le= 1 le= 5 le= +inf le= .05 le= .1 le= .5 le= 1 le= 5 le= +inf le= .05 le= .1 le= .5 le= 1 le= 5 le= +inf
  • 43. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon The data we had collected, we had to throw away http_requests_seconds_bucket Offset 1week2week3week4week le= .05 le= 5le= .5le= .1 le= +infle= 1 le= .05 le= .1 le= +infle= 1 le= 5le= .1 le= +infle= 1 le= .05 le= 5le= .1 le= .5 le= .05 le= .5 le= .5 le= 1 le= 5 le= +inf
  • 44. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon At least the update was made, now we are all set right?
  • 45. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon le= .05 le= 5le= .1 le= .5 le= 1 le= +inf Except, that 99th percentile...what does that actually mean?
  • 46. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Let’s see what our logs say about it
  • 47. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Just 1% of 500,000 requests applies to 56,000 people
  • 48. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon To see >10 seconds, I would need the 99.996%
  • 49. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon So, while consistent metrics trending over time was a big step forward... In retrospect, these experiences were not mature observability
  • 50. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Why avoid pre-aggregation? Because you can never regain the original context and detail, you can only ever ask predetermined questions
  • 51. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Let’s understand a couple of these through examples ➔ raw events ➔ no pre-aggregation ➔ structured data ➔ arbitrarily wide events ➔ schema-less-ness ➔ high cardinality dimensions ➔ oriented around the lifecycle of the request ➔ batched up context ➔ static dashboards don’t work, it must be exploratory
  • 52. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Data is not the same as information Step one is accepting that while sentences may be readable. <key : value> pairs are more easily queried.
  • 53. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Even from the first “Hello World” we humans logged
  • 54. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon And from there we wanted more information 7a82dd3a
  • 55. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon And from there we wanted more information 7a82dd3a
  • 56. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon So then we backfilled in structure grok { match => [ "Request", "%{URIPROTO:request_uri_scheme}:// %{HOSTNAME:request_uri_host}(?::%{POSINT:request_uri_port}) ?%{URIPATH:request_uri_path}(?:%{URIPARAM:request_uri_query})?" ]} }
  • 57. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon And of course, from there we wanted more mutate { split => { "uri_array" => "/"} add_field => { "uri_root" => ["/%{[uri_array][1]}"] "uri_first" => ["/%{[uri_array][2]}"] "uri_second" => ["/%{[uri_array][3]}"] "uri_root_first" => "%{uri_root}%{uri_first}" "uri_root_second" => "%{uri_root}%{uri_first}%{uri_second}" }
  • 58. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon And even looking past the bad fields values, lots of servers means lots of intermingled logs
  • 59. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon And even looking past the bad fields values, lots of servers means lots of intermingled logs
  • 60. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon are logs written during a request?
  • 61. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Detailing how logs get written during a request @PostMapping("flip") public ResponseEntity flipImage(@RequestParam("image") MultipartFile file, @RequestParam(value = "vertical") Boolean vertical, @RequestParam(value = "horizontal") Boolean horizontal) { if (file.getContentType() != null) { LOGGER.warn("Wrong content type uploaded: {}", file.getContentType()); return new ResponseEntity<>("Wrong content type uploaded: " + file.getContentType()); }"Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType()); byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal); if (flippedImage == null) { return new ResponseEntity<>("Failed to flip image", HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); }"Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId()); return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK); }
  • 62. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Detailing how logs get written during a request @PostMapping("flip") public ResponseEntity flipImage(@RequestParam("image") MultipartFile file, @RequestParam(value = "vertical") Boolean vertical, @RequestParam(value = "horizontal") Boolean horizontal) { if (file.getContentType() != null) { LOGGER.warn("Wrong content type uploaded: {}", file.getContentType()); return new ResponseEntity<>("Wrong content type uploaded: " + file.getContentType()); }"Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType()); byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal); if (flippedImage == null) { return new ResponseEntity<>("Failed to flip image", HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); }"Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId()); return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK); }
  • 63. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Detailing how logs get written during a request @PostMapping("flip") public ResponseEntity flipImage(@RequestParam("image") MultipartFile file, @RequestParam(value = "vertical") Boolean vertical, @RequestParam(value = "horizontal") Boolean horizontal) { if (file.getContentType() != null) { LOGGER.warn("Wrong content type uploaded: {}", file.getContentType()); return new ResponseEntity<>("Wrong content type uploaded: " + file.getContentType()); }"Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType()); byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal); if (flippedImage == null) { return new ResponseEntity<>("Failed to flip image", HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); }"Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId()); return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK); }"Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType());
  • 64. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Detailing how logs get written during a request @PostMapping("flip") public ResponseEntity flipImage(@RequestParam("image") MultipartFile file, @RequestParam(value = "vertical") Boolean vertical, @RequestParam(value = "horizontal") Boolean horizontal) { if (file.getContentType() != null) { LOGGER.warn("Wrong content type uploaded: {}", file.getContentType()); return new ResponseEntity<>("Wrong content type uploaded: " + file.getContentType()); }"Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType()); byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal); if (flippedImage == null) { return new ResponseEntity<>("Failed to flip image", HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); }"Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId()); return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK); }"Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType());
  • 65. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Detailing how logs get written during a request @PostMapping("flip") public ResponseEntity flipImage(@RequestParam("image") MultipartFile file, @RequestParam(value = "vertical") Boolean vertical, @RequestParam(value = "horizontal") Boolean horizontal) { if (file.getContentType() != null) { LOGGER.warn("Wrong content type uploaded: {}", file.getContentType()); return new ResponseEntity<>("Wrong content type uploaded: " + file.getContentType()); }"Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType()); byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal); if (flippedImage == null) { return new ResponseEntity<>("Failed to flip image", HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); }"Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId()); return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK); }
  • 66. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Detailing how logs get written during a request @PostMapping("flip") public ResponseEntity flipImage(@RequestParam("image") MultipartFile file, @RequestParam(value = "vertical") Boolean vertical, @RequestParam(value = "horizontal") Boolean horizontal) { if (file.getContentType() != null) { LOGGER.warn("Wrong content type uploaded: {}", file.getContentType()); return new ResponseEntity<>("Wrong content type uploaded: " + file.getContentType()); }"Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType()); byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal); if (flippedImage == null) { return new ResponseEntity<>("Failed to flip image", HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); }"Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId()); return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK); }
  • 67. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Detailing how logs get written during a request @PostMapping("flip") public ResponseEntity flipImage(@RequestParam("image") MultipartFile file, @RequestParam(value = "vertical") Boolean vertical, @RequestParam(value = "horizontal") Boolean horizontal) { if (file.getContentType() != null) { LOGGER.warn("Wrong content type uploaded: {}", file.getContentType()); return new ResponseEntity<>("Wrong content type uploaded: " + file.getContentType()); }"Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType()); byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal); if (flippedImage == null) { return new ResponseEntity<>("Failed to flip image", HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); }"Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId()); return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK); }"Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId()");
  • 68. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Detailing how logs get written during a request @PostMapping("flip") public ResponseEntity flipImage(@RequestParam("image") MultipartFile file, @RequestParam(value = "vertical") Boolean vertical, @RequestParam(value = "horizontal") Boolean horizontal) { if (file.getContentType() != null) { LOGGER.warn("Wrong content type uploaded: {}", file.getContentType()); return new ResponseEntity<>("Wrong content type uploaded: " + file.getContentType()); }"Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType()); byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal); if (flippedImage == null) { return new ResponseEntity<>("Failed to flip image", HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); }"Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId()); return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK); }"Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId()");
  • 69. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Detailing how logs get written during a request @PostMapping("flip") public ResponseEntity flipImage(@RequestParam("image") MultipartFile file, @RequestParam(value = "vertical") Boolean vertical, @RequestParam(value = "horizontal") Boolean horizontal) { if (file.getContentType() != null) { LOGGER.warn("Wrong content type uploaded: {}", file.getContentType()); return new ResponseEntity<>("Wrong content type uploaded: " + file.getContentType()); }"Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType()); byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal); if (flippedImage == null) { return new ResponseEntity<>("Failed to flip image", HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); }"Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId()); return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK); }
  • 70. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Log outputs
  • 71. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon In contrast, how an event is created during a request @PostMapping("flip") public ResponseEntity flipImage(...) { EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType()); EVENT.addField("action", "flip"); EVENT.addField("image_id", file.getId()); EVENT.addField("flip_vertical", vertical); EVENT.addField("flip_horizontal", horizontal); ..."Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType()); byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal); ..."Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId()); EVENT.addField("action.success", "true"); return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK); }
  • 72. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon In contrast, how an event is created during a request @PostMapping("flip") public ResponseEntity flipImage(...) { EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType()); EVENT.addField("action", "flip"); EVENT.addField("image_id", file.getId()); EVENT.addField("flip_vertical", vertical); EVENT.addField("flip_horizontal", horizontal); ..."Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType()); byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal); ..."Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId()); EVENT.addField("action.success", "true"); return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK); }
  • 73. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon In contrast, how an event is created during a request @PostMapping("flip") public ResponseEntity flipImage(...) { EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType()); EVENT.addField("action", "flip"); EVENT.addField("image_id", file.getId()); EVENT.addField("flip_vertical", vertical); EVENT.addField("flip_horizontal", horizontal); ..."Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType()); byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal); ..."Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId()); EVENT.addField("action.success", "true"); return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK); } EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType());
  • 74. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon In contrast, how an event is created during a request @PostMapping("flip") public ResponseEntity flipImage(...) { EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType()); EVENT.addField("action", "flip"); EVENT.addField("image_id", file.getId()); EVENT.addField("flip_vertical", vertical); EVENT.addField("flip_horizontal", horizontal); ..."Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType()); byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal); ..."Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId()); EVENT.addField("action.success", "true"); return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK); } EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType()); EVENT.addField("action", "flip");
  • 75. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon In contrast, how an event is created during a request @PostMapping("flip") public ResponseEntity flipImage(...) { EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType()); EVENT.addField("action", "flip"); EVENT.addField("image_id", file.getId()); EVENT.addField("flip_vertical", vertical); EVENT.addField("flip_horizontal", horizontal); ..."Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType()); byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal); ..."Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId()); EVENT.addField("action.success", "true"); return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK); } EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType()); EVENT.addField("action", "flip"); EVENT.addField("image_id", file.getId());
  • 76. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon In contrast, how an event is created during a request @PostMapping("flip") public ResponseEntity flipImage(...) { EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType()); EVENT.addField("action", "flip"); EVENT.addField("image_id", file.getId()); EVENT.addField("flip_vertical", vertical); EVENT.addField("flip_horizontal", horizontal); ..."Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType()); byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal); ..."Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId()); EVENT.addField("action.success", "true"); return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK); } EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType()); EVENT.addField("action", "flip"); EVENT.addField("flip_vertical", vertical); EVENT.addField("image_id", file.getId());
  • 77. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon In contrast, how an event is created during a request @PostMapping("flip") public ResponseEntity flipImage(...) { EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType()); EVENT.addField("action", "flip"); EVENT.addField("image_id", file.getId()); EVENT.addField("flip_vertical", vertical); EVENT.addField("flip_horizontal", horizontal); ..."Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType()); byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal); ..."Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId()); EVENT.addField("action.success", "true"); return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK); }"Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType()); EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType()); EVENT.addField("action", "flip"); EVENT.addField("flip_vertical", vertical); EVENT.addField("image_id", file.getId()); EVENT.addField("flip_horizontal", horizontal);
  • 78. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon In contrast, how an event is created during a request @PostMapping("flip") public ResponseEntity flipImage(...) { EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType()); EVENT.addField("action", "flip"); EVENT.addField("image_id", file.getId()); EVENT.addField("flip_vertical", vertical); EVENT.addField("flip_horizontal", horizontal); ..."Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType()); byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal); ..."Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId()); EVENT.addField("action.success", "true"); return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK); } EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType()); EVENT.addField("action", "flip"); EVENT.addField("flip_vertical", vertical); EVENT.addField("image_id", file.getId()); EVENT.addField("flip_horizontal", horizontal);
  • 79. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon In contrast, how an event is created during a request @PostMapping("flip") public ResponseEntity flipImage(...) { EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType()); EVENT.addField("action", "flip"); EVENT.addField("image_id", file.getId()); EVENT.addField("flip_vertical", vertical); EVENT.addField("flip_horizontal", horizontal); ..."Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType()); byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal); ..."Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId()); EVENT.addField("action.success", "true"); return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK); }"Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId()); EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType()); EVENT.addField("action", "flip"); EVENT.addField("flip_vertical", vertical); EVENT.addField("image_id", file.getId()); EVENT.addField("flip_horizontal", horizontal);
  • 80. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon In contrast, how an event is created during a request @PostMapping("flip") public ResponseEntity flipImage(...) { EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType()); EVENT.addField("action", "flip"); EVENT.addField("image_id", file.getId()); EVENT.addField("flip_vertical", vertical); EVENT.addField("flip_horizontal", horizontal); ..."Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType()); byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal); ..."Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId()); EVENT.addField("action.success", "true"); return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK); } EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType()); EVENT.addField("action", "flip"); EVENT.addField("flip_vertical", vertical); EVENT.addField("image_id", file.getId()); EVENT.addField("flip_horizontal", horizontal);
  • 81. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon In contrast, how an event is created during a request @PostMapping("flip") public ResponseEntity flipImage(...) { EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType()); EVENT.addField("action", "flip"); EVENT.addField("image_id", file.getId()); EVENT.addField("flip_vertical", vertical); EVENT.addField("flip_horizontal", horizontal); ..."Receiving {} image to flip.", file.getContentType()); byte[] flippedImage = imageService.flip(file, vertical, horizontal); ..."Successfully flipped image id: {}", file.getId()); EVENT.addField("action.success", "true"); return new ResponseEntity<>(flippedImage, headers, HttpStatus.OK); } EVENT.addField("action.success", "true"); EVENT.addField("content.type", file.getContentType()); EVENT.addField("action", "flip"); EVENT.addField("flip_vertical", vertical); EVENT.addField("image_id", file.getId()); EVENT.addField("flip_horizontal", horizontal);
  • 82. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Comparing the outputs Multiple logs A single event
  • 83. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Making the information easy to query
  • 84. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon And keeping the information in context
  • 85. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon@A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Most importantly, making it easy to add more!
  • 86. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon In order to combate tribal knowledge based guessing when debugging our complex systems, we need: A low friction way to add fields to your logs for structure and searchability Allowing application and user context to be wrapped in a business context CustomerID:234567VersionOfApp:2 RequestedUri:www.
  • 87. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Let’s understand a couple of these through examples ➔ raw events ➔ no pre-aggregation ➔ structured data ➔ arbitrarily wide events ➔ schema-less-ness ➔ high cardinality dimensions ➔ oriented around the lifecycle of the request ➔ batched up context ➔ static dashboards don’t work, it must be exploratory
  • 88. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Debugging distributed systems is hard Especially when business impact is on the line. Let’s talk outages
  • 89. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Hmmm, a warning alert has come in This is an automated alert based on a warning production service sending a high percent of 500’s in production!
  • 90. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Yup, definitely an issue
  • 91. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon All hands on deck, what is happening...and why?
  • 92. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon All hands on deck, what is happening...and why?
  • 93. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon All hands on deck, what is happening...and why?
  • 94. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon All hands on deck, what is happening...and why?
  • 95. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon All hands on deck, what is happening...and why?
  • 96. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon 2+ hrs and still aren’t sure we know what happened
  • 97. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon And then it keeps happening
  • 98. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Oncall engineers are not amused
  • 99. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon But the service owners weren’t just lounging around
  • 100. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon And these were some awesome dashboards
  • 101. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Let’s break down what this dashboard shows Request Counts Response Latency
  • 102. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Let’s break down what this dashboard shows Enhanced Images Original Images Enhanced Images Enhanced and resized Request Counts Response Latency
  • 103. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon This dashboard helped limit impact ~3 hours 40 min
  • 104. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon And eventually, powerful human pattern matchers solved the problem
  • 105. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon So what happens to this dashboard now?
  • 106. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon They have been sent to a farm… with their other friends
  • 107. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Why ditch the dashboards? The scar tissue of your past outages is not a sufficient replacement for the creativity required to investigate your future incidents
  • 108. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Let’s revisit those characteristics ➔ raw events ➔ no pre-aggregation ➔ structured data ➔ arbitrarily wide events ➔ schema-less-ness ➔ high cardinality dimensions ➔ oriented around the lifecycle of the request ➔ batched up context ➔ static dashboards don’t work, it must be exploratory ByTwitter,CCBY4.0,
  • 109. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Let’s revisit those characteristics ➔ raw events ➔ no pre-aggregation ➔ structured data ➔ arbitrarily wide events ➔ schema-less-ness ➔ high cardinality dimensions ➔ oriented around the lifecycle of the request ➔ batched up context ➔ static dashboards don’t work, it must be exploratory ByTwitter,CCBY4.0, The only way to ask new questions is to keep the original raw data available and queryable
  • 110. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Let’s revisit those characteristics ➔ raw events ➔ no pre-aggregation ➔ structured data ➔ arbitrarily wide events ➔ schema-less-ness ➔ high cardinality dimensions ➔ oriented around the lifecycle of the request ➔ batched up context ➔ static dashboards don’t work, it must be exploratory ByTwitter,CCBY4.0, Make data easy to add details to and easy to query
  • 111. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Let’s revisit those characteristics ➔ raw events ➔ no pre-aggregation ➔ structured data ➔ arbitrarily wide events ➔ schema-less-ness ➔ high cardinality dimensions ➔ oriented around the lifecycle of the request ➔ batched up context ➔ static dashboards don’t work, it must be exploratory ByTwitter,CCBY4.0, Empower creative and shared exploration based on business context
  • 112. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Let’s revisit those characteristics ➔ raw events ➔ no pre-aggregation ➔ structured data ➔ arbitrarily wide events ➔ schema-less-ness ➔ high cardinality dimensions ➔ oriented around the lifecycle of the request ➔ batched up context ➔ static dashboards don’t work, it must be exploratory ByTwitter,CCBY4.0, The only way to ask new questions is to keep the original raw data available and queryable Make data easy to add details to and easy to query Empower creative and shared exploration based on business context
  • 113. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon QA TWU Looking back journeys are never clear, so why do we still expect them to be when we start a new one? Political Science Major Data analysis for investments A desire to learn how to code Automation FTW! An “analyst” computer A “DevOps” friend engaged me in his work onitorama An infrastructure project Platform Engineering @ Professional scuba diver A (slight) obsession with observability
  • 114. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. - Arthur Ashe
  • 115. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon ➔ All of tech and product is now asking more interesting questions ➔ We are expecting more of our tooling ➔ We are building new awareness about our services and system Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. - Arthur Ashe
  • 116. @A_Bangser @FlowConFR #FlowCon Thank you! AbigailBangser @A_Bangser