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Nine Things we're Checking for a Mobile First Index by Nichola Stott in The Inbounder London
Nichola Stott
Nine Things We’re
Checking for a Mobile
First Index
“experiment over the coming months
…and we’ll ramp up this change
when we’re confident that we have a
great user experience.”
Webmaster Central:Nov.16
Opportunity to BlowAway Competitors

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From Website to Web App - Indexing, Optimizing, and Auditing Experiences for ...
From Website to Web App - Indexing, Optimizing, and Auditing Experiences for ...From Website to Web App - Indexing, Optimizing, and Auditing Experiences for ...
From Website to Web App - Indexing, Optimizing, and Auditing Experiences for ...

The document discusses optimizing web apps for search engines. It covers indexing web apps by using clean URLs, canonical tags, and server-side rendering. It also discusses optimization techniques like making the app mobile friendly, adding structured data for search results, and improving speed by optimizing images, inlining critical CSS/JS, code splitting, and following the PRPL pattern. The document provides tips on rendering web apps for search engines and users to improve both indexing and user experience.

web app seopwa seodistilled
How To Get a 100% Lighthouse Performance Score
How To Get a 100% Lighthouse Performance Score How To Get a 100% Lighthouse Performance Score
How To Get a 100% Lighthouse Performance Score

This talk walks you through what it takes get a 100% Lighthouse performance score for your website. It gives you real examples of the types of optimisation you need to do, and more importantly, what it will achieve. You will learn what earns you the most points and where to focus your efforts.


Be honest, you want it too – more clients, more success, more money. But how can you achieve that? I tell you how, by increasing your organic search traffic by up to 500%. I will let you in on a SEO secret to increase your traffic 5x. Don’t you want that for your company as well?

seogoogle penguinbrightonseo
“Multiplexing is a method… by
which multiple HTTP requests can
be sent and responses can be
received asynchronously via a
single TCP connection.”
MultiplexingTutorial:QNIMATE -Link
Opportunity to BlowAway Competitors
Site Speed
19 Seconds
Average Load Time
>3 Seconds
53% Abandonment Time
Make no assumptions
Check sample in device lab
01.Check MobileAgent/ClientHandling

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Modern Day Link Building by Jon Cooper
Modern Day Link Building by Jon CooperModern Day Link Building by Jon Cooper
Modern Day Link Building by Jon Cooper

The document discusses modern link building strategies and tactics. It provides tips on using tools like Ahrefs and Majestic for competitive analysis. It also recommends observing international and local markets for link opportunities. Specific tactics mentioned include targeting brand websites with review content, news sections for discounts, and sponsored sub-forums. The document also lists tools for tasks like getting link metrics, finding broken links, prioritizing opportunities, and prospecting for links.

seolink buildingjon cooper
SearchLove Boston 2016 | Mike King | Developer Thinking for SEOs
SearchLove Boston 2016 | Mike King | Developer Thinking for SEOsSearchLove Boston 2016 | Mike King | Developer Thinking for SEOs
SearchLove Boston 2016 | Mike King | Developer Thinking for SEOs

Despite the huge shift to content marketing in recent years, the technical end of SEO has gotten increasingly complex and our tools are not keeping pace. As SEOs, we must develop strong working knowledge of the optimal usage of technology to get implementations accomplished. In this talk, Mike will walk through case studies, the impact of different technical implementations, and how to pull together small solutions when nothing on the shelf works for your needs.

The Technical Seo Renaissance - Mike King
 The Technical Seo Renaissance - Mike King   The Technical Seo Renaissance - Mike King
The Technical Seo Renaissance - Mike King

This document discusses the rise of technical SEO due to changes in web technologies like JavaScript, AngularJS, and ReactJS. It notes that search engines are now able to crawl sites rendered with JavaScript through headless browsers. It emphasizes the importance of log file analysis and ensuring sites are crawlable, including through proper prerendering setup. The document argues that technical SEO skills are now essential for SEO professionals due to the increased complexity of modern web development.

mike kingipullrankseo
Head of line – resources Multiplexed resources
Priority queue – ‘educated’ guess Prioritised by type & context
Queue held on client Browser to server
Keep-alive – stated Keep-alive enabled default
• Image optimisation –
change driver
• Google’s RAIL
03.Speed/Front-End/Image Spriting
Image spriting - top 5
change-driving performance
Image spriting
HTTP/1.1 still beat
HTTP/2 in these
Octo: Dec 15

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How To Tackle Enterprise Sites - Rachel Costello, Technical SEO, DeepCrawl
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How To Tackle Enterprise Sites - Rachel Costello, Technical SEO, DeepCrawl

How do you extract meaningful insights from the largest websites, spanning millions of URLs? Digging into that amount of data to find insights, or even knowing where to start can be daunting, but at DeepCrawl we've already done the hard work for you. In this talk, Rachel will share real-world examples of how we worked with some top-tier, world-class brands to dissect and analyse their enterprise sites, and how that data was used to inform impactful changes that improved the quality of their websites.

deepcrawldigital marketinginternal seo
TechSEO Boost 2017: SEO Best Practices for JavaScript T-Based Websites
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While providing a dynamic and fast user experience, JavaScript-based sites (SPAs/PWAs) are not always “SEO friendly.” Therefore, it is crucial for developers to understand how search engines crawl, parse, eventually render, and index dynamic websites, to make sure bots get the experience they developed and the content of the site.

technical seosearch engine optimizationsearch engine marketing
Ashley Berman Hale "SEO Alchemy: Location-Based Mobile Search" - MozLocal 2017
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The intersection of location-based search and mobile search creates complexities, data gaps to be aware of, new security risks and new opportunities. Having the right strategy and focusing on accessibility will shape how you think about mobile and how you position your business for success.

mobileseomobile marketing
Google Developers:Link
RAIL Guideline
Response Response <100ms
Animation Frame 10ms (scrolling/touch drag)
Idle • Use to complete deferred work
• Keep pre-load to minimum
Load Deliver <1000ms
04.Tag Handling
Make no assumptions
Check if different/dynamic

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Can Google properly crawl and index JavaScript? SEO Experiments - Results and...
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Can Google properly crawl and index JavaScript? SEO Experiments - Results and...

The document discusses the complexities of JavaScript SEO. It summarizes the results of experiments testing how search engines like Google crawl and index various JavaScript frameworks. The experiments found that while some JavaScript is indexable, frameworks that rely on inline JavaScript are indexed better than those using external JavaScript files or Ajax calls. It also notes that crawlers have limited resources, so JavaScript-heavy sites may not be fully crawled or indexed.

seojavascriptjavascript seo
SEO Crawl Rank And Crawl Tank - Brighton SEO April 2016
SEO Crawl Rank And Crawl Tank - Brighton SEO April 2016SEO Crawl Rank And Crawl Tank - Brighton SEO April 2016
SEO Crawl Rank And Crawl Tank - Brighton SEO April 2016

WHY YOU SHOULD CARE ABOUT TAKING CARE OF CRAWLS (INTELLIGENT USE OF CRAWL ALLOCATION (BUDGET)). Investigating 'crawl budget', 'crawl rank', 'crawl tank' and 'crawl scheduling by Search Engines'

seo servicesseotechnical seo
Modern SEO Players Guide
Modern SEO Players GuideModern SEO Players Guide
Modern SEO Players Guide

This document discusses various tactics for improving SEO and site performance. It provides tips on keyword research using persona targeting, content strategy, internal linking to distribute link equity, log file analysis to understand crawl budget opportunities, auditing JavaScript sites, gaining real estate in SERPs through featured snippets and domain stacking, speed optimizations like code ordering and preloading/prerendering resources, and using analytics to better predict user behavior.

seoadvanced seomike king
04.Tag Handling
• Free Chrome Extension
• Analyse andfix
• Audit andcompare
• Navigate toURL
• Use devtools tospoof agent
04.Tag Handling/GTM
GTM takes tags out of inline code.
Speed down = site performance up.
Of mobile
searches are
voice search
SEL:May 16Link

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TechSEO Boost 2017: Working Smarter: SEO Automation to Increase Efficiency & ...
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TechSEO Boost 2017: Working Smarter: SEO Automation to Increase Efficiency & ...

In today’s always-on world our “to do” lists never seem to shrink. Fortunately, when it comes to SEO there are ways to work faster AND better. One sure-fire way to increase efficiency and effectiveness is automation. Join Catalyst’s Paul Shapiro as he discusses specific ways to use automation to deliver better results in less time. You’ll leave with an understanding of how automation technology can simplify technical SEO processes. Audiences will learn how to: • Leverage SQL databases to automatically collect data from Google search console over time • Automate keyword research with an open-source tool called KNIME • Use programming concepts, such as regex for data extraction, and work with APIs to enhance your data analysis • Implement data visualization strategies to quickly recognize critical patterns and trends

marketingtechnical seosearch engine optimization
TechSEO Boost 2017: Making the Web Fast
TechSEO Boost 2017: Making the Web FastTechSEO Boost 2017: Making the Web Fast
TechSEO Boost 2017: Making the Web Fast

This document discusses various techniques for measuring and improving website performance. It provides links to tools for monitoring page speed metrics and the loading performance of different sites. Specific techniques are recommended for optimizing assets like JavaScript, CSS, images and HTTP requests to enhance performance. New technologies like HTTP/2 that can help and methods for testing performance variations are also referenced.

website performancedigital marketingmarketing
Competitor Site Audits with Free Tools and Data - Sophie Gibson - BrightonSEO...
Competitor Site Audits with Free Tools and Data - Sophie Gibson - BrightonSEO...Competitor Site Audits with Free Tools and Data - Sophie Gibson - BrightonSEO...
Competitor Site Audits with Free Tools and Data - Sophie Gibson - BrightonSEO...

Slides from BrightonSEO 2020 - Competitor Site Audits using Free Tools and Data by Sophie Gibson, SEO Strategist at Rise at Seven. These slides will cover how to use free tools and data to audit a competitor site from a technical point of view, how to put monetary figures on the issues found, and how to use this information to your advantage – using no enterprise solutions and only free tools and free online data. A case study on the Next website.

seosite auditsfree seo tools
• Be top 3
• Answer on the Page
• structured data for lists,
tables, charts
Get intoFeatured
FeaturedSnippets :RobBucci-STAT
“star wars
06.Service Workers
Seek to solve biggest problem – no connectivity
Replacement to AppCache
Browser runs in background – separate to web page
06.Service Workers
SEE Pierre Far – MobileSEOGuide:Link
06.Service Workers/MoreReading
Service Worker API – W3C Schools
Using Service Workers – Mozilla
Service Workers: An Introduction - Google

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Google's Mobile-First Indexing could allow content without URLs to rank in search results. Google home and Google Assistant may be about to fundamentally change SEO forever.

seomobileapp indexing
Quality Content at Scale Through Automated Text Summarization of UGC
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Quality Content at Scale Through Automated Text Summarization of UGC

The document discusses using automated text summarization techniques to generate quality content at scale from user-generated content like online product reviews. It proposes a technical plan to download Amazon reviews, remove duplicate sentences using neural semantic textual similarity, and then generate frequently asked questions and corresponding FAQ schema by feeding the review text into a neural question generation model. The goal is to leverage user content and machine learning to automatically create helpful content for websites.

seoartificial intelligenceuser experience
Are you there Page Experience? It's Me, DevTools.
Are you there Page Experience? It's Me, DevTools.Are you there Page Experience? It's Me, DevTools.
Are you there Page Experience? It's Me, DevTools.

This document summarizes a presentation about using Chrome DevTools to test and optimize websites for Google's upcoming Page Experience update. It discusses the components of the update like mobile-friendliness and core web vitals. It provides guidance on using DevTools to test for issues in areas like intrusive interstitials, HTTPS security, and core web vitals metrics. The presentation emphasizes that field data may differ from lab tests in DevTools, and it outlines many resources for further information on the Page Experience update and related topics.

core web vitalspage experience update
07.URL Hierarchy/Ecosystem
Desktop AMP
Don’t Rely on Alternate/Canonical to infer hreflang!
08. ContentExperience
rate on mobile
08. ContentExperience
• Use words efficiently
• Natural language helps voice and scan
• If not mobile first – then mobile smart design
“…needs to provide the user with
journey(s) and functionality to
complete their priority tasks .”
09.Journey Experience
ThinkWith Google

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Are you there Page Experience? It's me, DevTools
Are you there Page Experience? It's me, DevToolsAre you there Page Experience? It's me, DevTools
Are you there Page Experience? It's me, DevTools

BrightonSEO, March 2021 With Google's Page Experience ranking signal update rolling out in May 2021, you're running out of time to put in the budget line items for all the fancy SEO tools you'll need! Don't panic. Rachel Anderson and Jamie will show you how to optimize for humans (and algorithm updates) using an underestimated SEO ally: Chrome DevTools.

technical seoseodevtools
Web Performance in the Age of HTTP2 - Topconf Tallinn 2016 - Holger Bartel
Web Performance in the Age of HTTP2 - Topconf Tallinn 2016 - Holger BartelWeb Performance in the Age of HTTP2 - Topconf Tallinn 2016 - Holger Bartel
Web Performance in the Age of HTTP2 - Topconf Tallinn 2016 - Holger Bartel

Web performance optimisation has been gaining ground and is slowly getting more of its deserved recognition. Nevertheless, much of our time on the web is still used up by waiting. To decrease our wait time and improve the web’s overall performance, this integral part of user experience needs further promotion. Waiting and the perception of time itself, is reason enough to explore some of the psychological effects time has on our users, too. Passing time also plays a big role in the evolution of technologies. Through the history of HTTP we have reached the latest version as HTTP/2, which will turn some of our existing web performance best practices on their head and into the new anti-patterns of today.

web performanceweb designhttp/2
Speed & Performance Optimisation: How to Meet Users' High Expectations - Rach...
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Speed & Performance Optimisation: How to Meet Users' High Expectations - Rach...

1. The document discusses optimizing website speed and performance to meet users' expectations. It outlines techniques like prioritizing above-the-fold content, progressive enhancement, and tailoring experiences based on device and connection. 2. Speed testing tools are recommended to analyze performance like PageSpeed Insights, WebPageTest, Chrome DevTools, and GTmetrix. 3. Future optimizations discussed include using resource hints, the Network Information API, and code improvements like preloading and graceful degradation. Developers should be consulted to learn more.

seosemsearch engine optimization
09.Journey Experience
Simple UX review and scoring system for
top revenue driving landing
pages/templates if wide-range ecommerce
Appendix: Ten Things We’re checking
01. Mobile Handling
02. HTTP/2
03. Front End
04. Tag Management
05. Structured Data
06. Service Workers
07. URL
08. Content
09. Journey
Lostin Space
Star TrekInsurrection
Appendix: Filmsof 1998
Thanks for listening: Nichola Stott, theMediaFlow, Opus House Stables, Herriard, +44(0)1256
Nine Things we're Checking for a Mobile First Index by Nichola Stott in The Inbounder London

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Planning Your Migration to SharePoint Online #SPBiz60
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Session from online event on June 18th, 2015. It’s always best to begin with a plan, and this session will provide a framework for developing your own migration plan. While tools will help automate some aspects of the content move, much of the complexity of a SharePoint migration happens before a tool is installed. This session will help analysts, project managers and admin of SharePoint to reduce migration time and increase success.

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Can't decide if your organization should build a mobile app or responsive website? Do you interact with consumer-facing products or large scale developments? This guide gives you an idea of what Responsive is, why you should use it, and then DIGS deep into the technical aspect and how to optimize for performance. By: David Bohorquez & Rick Nelson

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All is not completely rosy in microservice-land. It is often a sign of an architectural approach’s maturity that in addition to the emergence of well established principles and practices, that anti-patterns also begin to be identified and classified. In this talk Daniel will introduce the 2016 edition of the seven deadly sins that if left unchecked could easily ruin your next microservices project... This talk will take a tour of some of the nastiest anti-patterns in microservices, giving you the tools to not only avoid but also slay these demons before they tie up your project in their own special brand of hell. Topics covered include: Envy - introducing inappropriate intimacy within services by creating a shared domain model, and how many teams deploy and use data stores incorrectly; Wrath - failing to deal with the inevitable bad things that occur within a distributed system; Sloth - ignoring the importance of NFRs; and Lust - embracing the latest and greatest technology without evaluating the impact incurred by these choices. This is an all-new 2016 version of Daniel's popular 'deadly sins talk' that was recently presented at QCon NY. The talk received 94% highest rating, and was the fifth most attended talk at the conference. Daniel plans to continually improve the presentation based on his learnings and attendee feedback.


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