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Internet & Websitegeneral-to-specific
Data transfer via
submarine cables
A submarine communications
cable is a cable laid on the sea
bed between land-based stations
to carry telecommunication
signals across stretches of ocean
and sea. Modern cables use
optical fiber technology to carry
digital data, which includes
telephone, Internet and private
data trafficю
Internet exchange
An Internet exchange point (IX or
IXP) is the physical infrastructure
through which Internet service
providers (ISPs) and content
delivery networks (CDNs)
exchange Internet traffic between
their networks (autonomous

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Keep the Web Fast
Keep the Web FastKeep the Web Fast
Keep the Web Fast

With the growth of mobile devices, performance is now more important than ever. But the web is actually getting slower! Fight back by learning how to monitor performance, the critical rendering path and finding where to optimize.

Altitude San Francisco 2018: HTTP Invalidation Workshop
Altitude San Francisco 2018: HTTP Invalidation WorkshopAltitude San Francisco 2018: HTTP Invalidation Workshop
Altitude San Francisco 2018: HTTP Invalidation Workshop

One of the most powerful tools that Fastly offers is worldwide, instant purge. Come learn the ins and outs of how HTTP invalidation works in general and how purge and surrogate keys can be used to improve your site's delivery and get even more value from Fastly. This talk will also cover the purge blast radius Surrogate Keys are an amazing way to purge your content from cache, but they can be a bit scary when you aren't sure how many URLs this surrogate key is tied to or what kind of affect this will have on origin. Join the USA Today Network as we explain how we leverage big data tools, Go APIs, New Relic, and Sumo Logic to provide our users a suite of tools for purging content from Fastly. Developers love knowing the blast radius of their surrogate keys, while our engineers love the real-time metrics and notifications we get when developers are hard-purging content.

Varnish more than a cache
Varnish more than a cacheVarnish more than a cache
Varnish more than a cache

The document discusses using Varnish to cache and load balance web application requests across multiple backend servers. It describes 4 steps: 1) activating caching on a single backend server, 2) introducing a new backend server for certain requests, 3) connecting the applications using Edge Side Includes, and 4) load balancing between two backend servers using a round-robin director. Varnish is configured using VCL files to define backends, directors, caching, and request routing rules.

Some issues
● If project is based in Australia and the customer is in Europe
○ Data will be transferred across the whole world → Network latency for each request
○ Many requests → Slower website
What actually happens when you open
a website?
Let's look at it in the context of the website
1. DNS
2. Sockets and extra tech stuff
5. Browser
#1 DNS lookup
DNS (Domain Name Server)
resolution is the process of
translating IP addresses to
domain names. When a profile is
configured to look up all numeric
IP addresses.

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WordPress Theme Performance - WP Vienna meetup 8.6.2016
WordPress Theme Performance - WP Vienna meetup 8.6.2016WordPress Theme Performance - WP Vienna meetup 8.6.2016
WordPress Theme Performance - WP Vienna meetup 8.6.2016

This document discusses WordPress theme performance. It provides data from testing over 3,800 themes on metrics like speed score, number of resources, file sizes, and response bytes. The median theme in 2016 had a mobile speed score of 53, 432KB in total assets, and response bytes of 125KB for HTML, 101KB for CSS, and 155KB for JavaScript. Recommendations include optimizing assets by consolidating and minifying files, deferring non-essential scripts, and conditionally loading resources. The document emphasizes including performance in designs from the start and selecting themes that meet defined performance budgets.

The Case for HTTP/2
The Case for HTTP/2The Case for HTTP/2
The Case for HTTP/2

HTTP/2 addresses limitations in HTTP/1.x by multiplexing requests over a single TCP connection, compressing headers, and allowing servers to push responses. It leads to more efficient use of network resources and faster page loads. While browser support is good, server implementations are still maturing and need to fully support HTTP/2 features like streams, dependencies, and server push to provide optimizations. Efficient TLS is also important to avoid delays in taking advantage of HTTP/2 performance benefits.

web performancehttp/2
Http Status Report
Http Status ReportHttp Status Report
Http Status Report

This document summarizes the status of HTTP implementations in 2008. It finds that while HTTP is widely implemented, many features are only partially or not supported across clients, servers, intermediaries and caches. It encourages continued standardization work to clarify HTTP specifications and improve interoperability. It also identifies several areas for potential HTTP extensions, such as PATCH, Prefer and Link headers, to better address the needs of modern web applications and services.

What to do with DNS to speed it up?
Good practice 👍
● ✅ Using Cloudflare
● ✅ Choosing AWS Route 53
● Using GoDaddy and others
Not so good (bad) practice 👎
● Using local DNS server
● Using CPanel💩 DNS feature *
✅ Included in our Cloud Hosting Solution
* #why-we-dont-recommend-using-cpanel-plesk-etc
#2 Tech magic
A lot of tech stuff like
● System sockets, TCP
packet crafting, ...
ACK, SEQ, FIN, ...
● ClientHello, ServerHello, …
● …
A lot of tech stuff like
● Cryptography (A LOT OF)
● Handshakes 🤝
● Certificates, Keys,
Certificate Authorities, ...
● ...
How to speed up HTTPS and improve security?
● ✅ Provide SSL certificates (free and renewable Let's Encrypt certificates)
● ✅ Use Strict SSL settings (A+ on
● ✅ Use HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) mechanism
● ✅ Use HTTP/2 and Server Pushes
✅ Included in our Cloud Hosting Solution

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RESTful design
RESTful designRESTful design
RESTful design

This presentation provides an introduction to RESTful service design patterns by starting at the HTTP basics, then looking at good designs and finally covering good and bad practices.

Web performance mercadolibre - ECI 2013
Web performance   mercadolibre - ECI 2013Web performance   mercadolibre - ECI 2013
Web performance mercadolibre - ECI 2013

The document discusses techniques for improving web performance, including reducing time to first byte, using content delivery networks and HTTP compression, caching resources, keeping connections alive and reducing request sizes. It also covers optimizing images, loading JavaScript asynchronously to avoid blocking, and prefetching content. The overall goal is to reduce page load times and improve user experience.

ecimercadolibreweb performance optimization wpo site speed fronte
Ajax Patterns : Periodic Refresh & Multi Stage Download
Ajax Patterns : Periodic Refresh & Multi Stage DownloadAjax Patterns : Periodic Refresh & Multi Stage Download
Ajax Patterns : Periodic Refresh & Multi Stage Download

Periodic refresh and multi-stage download are design patterns for updating content. Periodic refresh checks the server at regular intervals for new information and notifies users. Multi-stage download loads basic functionality initially and additional components in the background over time to improve the user experience for both fast and slow connections. Examples include ESPN scoreboards, Gmail notifications, and Microsoft

ajax patternmulti stage downloadperiodic refresh
HTTP is a protocol which allows
the fetching of resources, such
as HTML documents. It is the
foundation of any data exchange
on the Web and it is a
client-server protocol, which
means requests are initiated by
the recipient, usually the Web
browser. A complete document is
reconstructed from the different
sub-documents fetched, for
instance text, layout description,
images, videos, scripts, and
HTTP: Request - … - Response
And what is going on inside step by step?
1. Request from the browser is received by web-server
2. Request is handled and transported to PHP (application server)
3. PHP starts working
a. Initiates CS-Cart/MV/Magento/Wordpress/Laravel/... core
b. Opens connection to the database (database server)
c. Application does its work
i. MySQL queries, PHP routine
ii. Some magic 🦄
d. Closes connection to the database
e. Generates HTML document as a result
4. HTML document is transported to web-server
5. Web-server sends the HTML document to the browser
It looks like this

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AJAX is a new approach to web application development that uses asynchronous JavaScript and XML to transmit small amounts of data in the background without interfering with the display and behavior of the existing page. Some key aspects of AJAX include asynchronous data retrieval using XMLHttpRequest, data interchange formats like XML/JSON, dynamic display using the DOM, and JavaScript binding it all together for a more responsive user experience compared to traditional full page loads. Common AJAX design patterns address issues like predictive fetching of likely next data, throttling frequent submissions, periodic refreshing of data, and multi-stage downloading of pages and components.


Gamers are vocal about their displeasure when games are slow to download. Worse yet, if a game is unavailable due to too much traffic or a DDoS attack, gamers are, rightly so, incensed. And, if you have customers in China, Japan, Korea or Russia, performance can suffer due to distance induced latency. Find out how to protect your applications while ensuring fast downloads with dynamic web acceleration and DDoS mitigation. A dynamic content acceleration network not only ensures fast application downloads, but also accommodates peaks in traffic during a game launch. DDoS mitigation offloads attacks to special sponge PoPs, so your customers are not affected. Takeaway In this session you will learn how to speed up and secure your gaming application throughout the world, including in China, Japan, Korea and Russia. Your gamers will thank you.

online gamingglobal gamingchina cdn
Service workers: what and why UmbUKFest 2018!
Service workers: what and why UmbUKFest 2018!Service workers: what and why UmbUKFest 2018!
Service workers: what and why UmbUKFest 2018!

This document compares the performance of normal web page loads to loads that utilize a service worker. It shows that service workers can improve performance by caching resources so that repeat visits are much faster, with the DOM content loading in under 200ms and transferring 0KB of data compared to over 2 seconds and transferring 3KB without a service worker. Resources for learning more about service workers and examples of sites that use them are also provided.

umbracoservice workerjavascript
And now we got “Time to first byte” (TTFB)
Time to first byte (TTFB) is not only the server performance metric ⚙
The largest and the main part of this metric is the work of the application itself and
its code and database queries.
How to speed up HTTP-connection & backend?
● ✅ Use the latest server software
● ✅ Apply performance patches
● ✅ Use optimized configs for each part of system (don’t use the default ones)
● ✅ Find the slowest stuff in the application server (PHP), profile everything
● ✅ Find the slowest SQL queries in the database server
● ✅ Monitor everything and make changes if needed
✅ Included in our Cloud Hosting Solution
#6 Browser
Once the server supplies the
resources (HTML, CSS, JS,
images, etc.) to the browser, it
undergoes the process below:
● Parsing
● Rendering
○ Construct DOM Tree
○ Render Tree
○ Layout of Render
○ Painting the render
○ ...
Behind the scenes of the Browser: Slowest stuff
More code → More resources and execution time. Remember it!
1. A lot of images and extra third-party resources
2. Excessive DOM size
3. Big main-thread work
○ Long JavaScript execution time
○ Async JavaScript requests
4. And other frontend developers stuff
Also, read this article Things That Can Go Wrong With Your Store Aside Of Server

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AJAX for Scalability
AJAX for ScalabilityAJAX for Scalability
AJAX for Scalability

AJAX allows web pages to be updated asynchronously by exchanging data with a web server behind the scenes, allowing parts of a page to change without reloading the entire page. Tuenti uses AJAX extensively to update parts of their single-page application, caching content on both client and server sides for scalability. They route requests to different server farms based on client location and cache content to improve performance. Tuenti serves billions of images per day using multiple CDNs and pre-fetches content to minimize load times.

Computer Networks: An Introduction
Computer Networks: An IntroductionComputer Networks: An Introduction
Computer Networks: An Introduction

The document discusses computer networks and the internet. It covers topics like how the internet works by explaining URLs, DNS, HTTP requests and responses, and how web pages are delivered. It also discusses creating basic web pages using HTML tags, hosting web pages freely or renting server space, and how responses need not be HTML but can include different file types and structured data. Security topics like authorization, authentication, and restricting access are also briefly covered. The document suggests it will discuss either "The Internet" or "The Network" and poses questions to help explain networks and how multiple devices connect and communicate over a shared medium.

getting started with varnish
getting started with varnishgetting started with varnish
getting started with varnish

Varnish Cache is a web application accelerator that can speed up websites. It works by caching content and serving it to subsequent requests, reducing load on backend servers. The document outlines 9 steps to implement Varnish Cache, starting with easy steps like caching static assets and compression, then progressing to more complex techniques like caching semi-static content, graceful degradation, and advanced invalidation methods using custom headers. Implementing the initial steps provides minor speed improvements, while fully utilizing Varnish Cache through techniques like content composition and invalidation can yield high performance gains.

varnishvarnish summit
How to speed up the browser side?
Yes, server can do it 😉
● ✅ Provide correct cache headers
● ✅ Provide static content directly from the web-server
○ or ✅ use the Content Delivery Network (CDN)
● ✅ Use the server-push technology
● ✅ Use the Brotli compression
● ✅ Optimize images and remove excessive meta-data
● Optimize HTML/CSS/JS code
● Use correct resolution of images for the website
○ Big images don’t look as you wish them to on mobile phones, but it slows down the website
○ Serve images that are appropriately-sized to save cellular data and improve load time
✅ Included in our Cloud Hosting Solution
Performance testing
Why performance tests suck sometimes?
1. Slow or out-of-date device or browser (laptop, mobile phone, ...)
2. Slow network speed / Low throughput network, some latency issues
3. Any tests without metrics (numbers)
a. It looks that …
b. I think ...
When performance tests suck?
1. You use third-party services and do not read or analyze their reports
a. You are scared by the score but you don’t understand what it means
b. You don't understand the parameters the test measures
2. You don’t know how, why and what you should test
a. And what to do with the results

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Site Performance Optimization for Joomla #jwc13
Site Performance Optimization for Joomla #jwc13Site Performance Optimization for Joomla #jwc13
Site Performance Optimization for Joomla #jwc13

It's easy to improve the speed of your Joomla website. Just follow the tips & tricks of this presentation about Site Performance Optimization. These are the slides used during the Joomla World Conference 2013 in Boston #jwc13

joomlasite speed optimizationspo
The 5 most common reasons for a slow WordPress site and how to fix them – ext...
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The 5 most common reasons for a slow WordPress site and how to fix them – ext...

Presentation given in WP Meetup in October 2019. Includes fresh new tips from summer/fall 2019! A Must read for all WordPress site owners and developers.

wordpresswebsite optimizationsoftware speed
SEO for Large Websites
SEO for Large WebsitesSEO for Large Websites
SEO for Large Websites

How does SEO change on large websites? How do you work with mountains of data? How do you find problems when crawling is hard?

Data, Analysis, Metrics, Knowledge: This is the key
● All services will show you only that they want to
○ and won’t provide the clear view
○ they want to sell you something (extra checks, bigger reports, ...)
● You don’t know if the score is correct
○ Mobile networks from the out-of-date devices
○ Old servers with HDD disks
CS-Cart performance: The easy way: Step 1
CS-Cart performance: The easy way: Step 2
How-to: Check CS-Cart/MV performance issues
1. Log in to CS-Cart/MV admin panel and add to URL “?debug=true”
○ Should be like
2. Open the slow page of the website
3. Click the “bug”
○ Page generating time 0.0483 s (bottom right corner)
i. If more than 0.5 s → issues in the code and SQL queries
○ SQL: 218 queries 0.0668 s (right sidebar)
i. If more than 500 requests → issues in the code
ii. If takes more than 0.2-0.3 s → issues in the code and SQL queries
○ Blocks: 20 (0 from cache) blocks rendered in 0.2736 s (right sidebar)
i. If 0-5 blocks from the cache → code side issues (broken caching system)
ii. If rendering takes more than 0.5 s → issues in the code and SQL queries

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Optimising Web Application Frontend
Optimising Web Application FrontendOptimising Web Application Frontend
Optimising Web Application Frontend

This document discusses various techniques for optimizing the frontend performance of web applications. It provides 5 rules: 1) Only optimize when it makes a meaningful difference. 2) Download resources in parallel to reduce page load time. 3) Eliminate unnecessary requests through techniques like merging, inlining, sprites and caching. 4) Defer parsing of JavaScripts when possible to improve perceived page load speeds. 5) Consider factors like server location and content delivery networks to improve global performance.

Web performance optimization - MercadoLibre
Web performance optimization - MercadoLibreWeb performance optimization - MercadoLibre
Web performance optimization - MercadoLibre

The document provides techniques and tools for improving web performance. It discusses how reducing response times can directly impact revenues and user experience. It then covers various ways to optimize the frontend, including reducing time to first byte through DNS optimization and caching, using content delivery networks, HTTP compression, keeping connections alive, parallel downloads, and prefetching. It also discusses optimizing images, JavaScript loading, and introducing new formats like WebP. The overall document aims to educate on measuring and enhancing web performance.

JS digest. Decemebr 2017
JS digest. Decemebr 2017JS digest. Decemebr 2017
JS digest. Decemebr 2017

JavaScript news in December 2017 edition: + Kill Internet Explorer + Google Chrome 63 Released + How to Cancel Your Promise + Parcel + Turbo + Average Page Load Times for 2018 + Vulnerable JavaScript Libraries + New theming API in Firefox + Bower is dead + Extension Tree Style Tab: Reborn + React v16.2.0 + WebStorm 2017.3.1 + The Best JavaScript and CSS Libraries for 2017

javascriptjsinternet explorer
Can we provide a performance report?
Sure, we can do it for you with some extra features 😉
● ✅ Website PHP/SQL profiling report with detection of bottlenecks
● ✅ Load-testing
● ✅ Reports about PHP errors and notices
● ✅ Report about issues in the code
○ ✅ Based on Best Practices for each CMS and PHP Standard Recommendation (PSR)
✅ Included in our Cloud Hosting Solution
Examples and weird stuff
Who is it? 🔥

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What is Nginx and Why You Should to Use it with Wordpress Hosting
What is Nginx and Why You Should to Use it with Wordpress HostingWhat is Nginx and Why You Should to Use it with Wordpress Hosting
What is Nginx and Why You Should to Use it with Wordpress Hosting

Floyd Smith and the team from NGINX presented at the Wordpress San Francisco MeetUp group in June 2016. In this presentation, he illustrated how NGINX can vastly improve your Wordpress hosting performance.

nginxweb developmentapache
Optimization of modern web applications
Optimization of modern web applicationsOptimization of modern web applications
Optimization of modern web applications

My talking points for the presentation on optimization of modern web applications. It is a huge topic, and I concentrated mostly on technical aspects of it.

Scaling to millions of users with Amazon CloudFront - April 2017 AWS Online T...
Scaling to millions of users with Amazon CloudFront - April 2017 AWS Online T...Scaling to millions of users with Amazon CloudFront - April 2017 AWS Online T...
Scaling to millions of users with Amazon CloudFront - April 2017 AWS Online T...

Learning Objectives: • Learn how to use CloudFront dynamic delivery features • See a live demo and learn how to take advantage of Cloud Front newest features Traditionally, content delivery networks (CDNs) were designed to accelerate static content. Amazon CloudFront supports delivery of an entire website, including dynamic, static, streaming and interactive content using a global network of edge locations. CloudFront integrates with other AWS services that are built to scale massively. Together, the solution can automatically scale to millions of users by leveraging the global reach of CloudFront and the auto scaling capability of AWS platform. In this talk, we introduce you to various design patterns and best practices to build a massively scalable solution using CloudFront. We discuss how this scale can be achieved without compromising on availability, security or cost.

awswebinarcloud computing Srsly?! Or this is a shitty test?
You need to think critically
Google pagespeed report
1. 📱75 🖥98
2. 📱61 🖥96
3. 📱59 🖥94
4. 📱46 🖥65
5. 📱45 🖥75
6. 📱41 🖥91
7. 📱37 🖥92
8. 📱34 🖥88
9. 📱2 🖥24 (Wish is primarily a mobile marketplace )
1. TTFB is a complex metric
a. It's mostly a metric of the application and the quality of its code
b. It’s a metric of PHP and SQL queries
2. Performance testing should be done manually with result analysis
a. All third-party performance testing systems don't give a damn about quality
b. All these testing systems have their own “premium”💰 checkers and optimizations
i. They want to sell it in the first place, not to help you 😉
3. A lot of extra things make your website slower
a. Old and out-of-date devices (PC, modems or routers, laptops, mobile phones, ...)
b. Old software (OS, browsers, drivers, ...)
c. Slow speed or limited access networks, …
d. …

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Advanced web application architecture - Talk
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Advanced web application architecture - Talk

This document discusses web application architecture and frameworks. It argues that frameworks should not dictate project structure, and that the code should separate domain logic from infrastructure logic. This allows focusing on the core problem domain without concerning itself with technical details like databases or web requests. It also advocates splitting code into ports that define intentions like persistence, and adapters that provide framework-specific implementations, allowing for independence of the domain logic from any particular framework or technology. This architecture, known as hexagonal or ports and adapters, facilitates testing, replacement of parts, and future-proofing of the application.

Word press optimizations
Word press optimizations Word press optimizations
Word press optimizations

Optimizing a WordPress site can improve page speed and user experience. A speed test identifies issues like large images, unnecessary JavaScript, and third-party plugins as potential problems. Solutions include image optimization and sprites, JavaScript consolidation and proper placement, code compression, caching, and reducing third-party assets. With these optimizations, a site can improve its speed grade from a D to an A.

Web Performance Optimization
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Web Performance Optimization

Pragathi Technical Session 'Web Performance Optimization' By, Athira Vinod Pragathi - Tech & Socio Cultural Activity Group Livares Technologies #livares #pragathi #technicalsession #technology #technicaldiscussion #WebPerformanceOptimization

livareslivares technologiesdigital marketing
Don't hesitate to
contact me
Sincerely yours,
Roman Ananev,
Head of SRE & Cloud Hosting
rananev (at)
Homework ;) is this metric correct? is this metric correct?

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introduction to web application development
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This document provides an introduction to web application development, including the history of the World Wide Web and how it works. It describes the basics of web clients and servers, URLs, HTML, and how communication is established over the internet. It then distinguishes between static and dynamic web pages, and discusses client-side scripting like JavaScript and Java applets as well as server-side scripting using languages like PHP, ASP, and JSP to generate dynamic web content. Finally, it lists some common web development tools.

Fluent 2018: Tracking Performance of the Web with HTTP Archive
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Fluent 2018: Tracking Performance of the Web with HTTP Archive

Have you ever thought about how your site’s performance compares to the web as a whole? Or maybe you’re curious how popular a particular web feature is. How much is too much JavaScript? The HTTP Archive has been keeping track of how the web is built since 2010. It enables you to find answers to questions about the state of the web past and present. Paul Calvano explores how the HTTP Archive works, how people are using this dataset, and some ways that Akamai has leveraged data within the HTTP Archive to help its customers.

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MongoDB Evenings Houston March 22, 2016 at The Iron Yard Implementing EDW Using MongoDB Purvesh Patel, Chief Technology Officer, Cardtronics

cardtronicsnosqledw is this metric correct? is this metric correct? is this metric correct?
Any questions?
Sincerely yours,
Roman Ananev,
Head of SRE & Cloud Hosting
rananev (at)

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20 tips for website performance
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20 tips for website performance

Lets look at an example of what a performant website can look like. This discuss what concepts should we be considering when looking at website performance. Next we will go over two areas pertaining to website performance: 1) website performance tweaks that you as a web developer can directly make 2) website performance tweaks that you may have to work with your hosting provider or IT department to achieve

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Mail is received as a commodity from the cloud, also Collaboration. However, in many client meetings we often hear the question, where are we heading with the hundreds of Notes applications? Which strategy is most effective and cost efficient at the same time? Is cloud a practical answer? With sound and proven methodology Notes applications can be transformed into valuable web applications in the cloud. It turns out that today the time has come for cloud platforms. A side view of large customer projects, already transforming their Notes applications to the cloud - for example to IBM SoftLayer - is helpful. This Track helps you understand that strategies that are implemented and lets you understand the costs and risks involved.

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Demystifying web performance tooling and metrics

Web performance has been one of the most talked about web development topics in the recent years. Yet if you try to start your journey with the speed optimisations, you might find yourself in a pickle. With the tooling, you might feel overwhelmed—it looks complex and hard to comprehend. With the metrics: at first glance all of them seem similar, not to mention that they change over time and you cannot figure out which of them to take into account.


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Website & Internet + Performance testing

  • 1. - Internet & Website - Performance testing
  • 3. Data transfer via submarine cables A submarine communications cable is a cable laid on the sea bed between land-based stations to carry telecommunication signals across stretches of ocean and sea. Modern cables use optical fiber technology to carry digital data, which includes telephone, Internet and private data trafficю
  • 4. Internet exchange point An Internet exchange point (IX or IXP) is the physical infrastructure through which Internet service providers (ISPs) and content delivery networks (CDNs) exchange Internet traffic between their networks (autonomous systems).
  • 5. Some issues ● If project is based in Australia and the customer is in Europe ○ Data will be transferred across the whole world → Network latency for each request ○ Many requests → Slower website ●
  • 6. What actually happens when you open a website?
  • 7. Let's look at it in the context of the website 1. DNS 2. Sockets and extra tech stuff 3. HTTPS 4. HTTP 5. Browser
  • 8. #1 DNS lookup DNS (Domain Name Server) resolution is the process of translating IP addresses to domain names. When a profile is configured to look up all numeric IP addresses.
  • 9. What to do with DNS to speed it up? Good practice 👍 ● ✅ Using Cloudflare ● ✅ Choosing AWS Route 53 ● Using GoDaddy and others Not so good (bad) practice 👎 ● Using local DNS server ● Using CPanel💩 DNS feature * ✅ Included in our Cloud Hosting Solution * #why-we-dont-recommend-using-cpanel-plesk-etc
  • 10. #2 Tech magic A lot of tech stuff like ● System sockets, TCP packet crafting, ... ● 🤪AS, TTL, ISN, SYN, ACK, SEQ, FIN, ... ● ClientHello, ServerHello, … ● …
  • 11. #3 HTTPS A lot of tech stuff like ● Cryptography (A LOT OF) ● Handshakes 🤝 ● Certificates, Keys, Certificate Authorities, ... ● ...
  • 12. How to speed up HTTPS and improve security? ● ✅ Provide SSL certificates (free and renewable Let's Encrypt certificates) ● ✅ Use Strict SSL settings (A+ on ● ✅ Use HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) mechanism ● ✅ Use HTTP/2 and Server Pushes ✅ Included in our Cloud Hosting Solution
  • 13. #5 HTTP HTTP is a protocol which allows the fetching of resources, such as HTML documents. It is the foundation of any data exchange on the Web and it is a client-server protocol, which means requests are initiated by the recipient, usually the Web browser. A complete document is reconstructed from the different sub-documents fetched, for instance text, layout description, images, videos, scripts, and more.
  • 14. HTTP: Request - … - Response
  • 15. And what is going on inside step by step? 1. Request from the browser is received by web-server 2. Request is handled and transported to PHP (application server) 3. PHP starts working a. Initiates CS-Cart/MV/Magento/Wordpress/Laravel/... core b. Opens connection to the database (database server) c. Application does its work i. MySQL queries, PHP routine ii. Some magic 🦄 d. Closes connection to the database e. Generates HTML document as a result 4. HTML document is transported to web-server 5. Web-server sends the HTML document to the browser
  • 16. It looks like this Server request response
  • 17. And now we got “Time to first byte” (TTFB) Time to first byte (TTFB) is not only the server performance metric ⚙ The largest and the main part of this metric is the work of the application itself and its code and database queries.
  • 18. How to speed up HTTP-connection & backend? ● ✅ Use the latest server software ● ✅ Apply performance patches ● ✅ Use optimized configs for each part of system (don’t use the default ones) ● ✅ Find the slowest stuff in the application server (PHP), profile everything ● ✅ Find the slowest SQL queries in the database server ● ✅ Monitor everything and make changes if needed ✅ Included in our Cloud Hosting Solution
  • 19. #6 Browser Once the server supplies the resources (HTML, CSS, JS, images, etc.) to the browser, it undergoes the process below: ● Parsing ○ HTML, CSS, JS ● Rendering ○ Construct DOM Tree ○ Render Tree ○ Layout of Render Tree ○ Painting the render tree ○ ...
  • 20. Behind the scenes of the Browser: Slowest stuff More code → More resources and execution time. Remember it! 1. A lot of images and extra third-party resources 2. Excessive DOM size 3. Big main-thread work ○ Long JavaScript execution time ○ Async JavaScript requests 4. And other frontend developers stuff Also, read this article Things That Can Go Wrong With Your Store Aside Of Server
  • 21. How to speed up the browser side? Yes, server can do it 😉 ● ✅ Provide correct cache headers ● ✅ Provide static content directly from the web-server ○ or ✅ use the Content Delivery Network (CDN) ● ✅ Use the server-push technology ● ✅ Use the Brotli compression ● ✅ Optimize images and remove excessive meta-data ● Optimize HTML/CSS/JS code ● Use correct resolution of images for the website ○ Big images don’t look as you wish them to on mobile phones, but it slows down the website ○ Serve images that are appropriately-sized to save cellular data and improve load time ✅ Included in our Cloud Hosting Solution
  • 23. Why performance tests suck sometimes? 1. Slow or out-of-date device or browser (laptop, mobile phone, ...) 2. Slow network speed / Low throughput network, some latency issues 3. Any tests without metrics (numbers) a. It looks that … b. I think ...
  • 24. When performance tests suck? 1. You use third-party services and do not read or analyze their reports a. You are scared by the score but you don’t understand what it means b. You don't understand the parameters the test measures 2. You don’t know how, why and what you should test a. And what to do with the results
  • 25. Data, Analysis, Metrics, Knowledge: This is the key ● All services will show you only that they want to ○ and won’t provide the clear view ○ they want to sell you something (extra checks, bigger reports, ...) ● You don’t know if the score is correct ○ Mobile networks from the out-of-date devices ○ Old servers with HDD disks
  • 26. CS-Cart performance: The easy way: Step 1
  • 27. CS-Cart performance: The easy way: Step 2
  • 28. How-to: Check CS-Cart/MV performance issues 1. Log in to CS-Cart/MV admin panel and add to URL “?debug=true” ○ Should be like 2. Open the slow page of the website 3. Click the “bug” ○ Page generating time 0.0483 s (bottom right corner) i. If more than 0.5 s → issues in the code and SQL queries ○ SQL: 218 queries 0.0668 s (right sidebar) i. If more than 500 requests → issues in the code ii. If takes more than 0.2-0.3 s → issues in the code and SQL queries ○ Blocks: 20 (0 from cache) blocks rendered in 0.2736 s (right sidebar) i. If 0-5 blocks from the cache → code side issues (broken caching system) ii. If rendering takes more than 0.5 s → issues in the code and SQL queries
  • 29. Can we provide a performance report? Sure, we can do it for you with some extra features 😉 ● ✅ Website PHP/SQL profiling report with detection of bottlenecks ● ✅ Load-testing ● ✅ Reports about PHP errors and notices ● ✅ Report about issues in the code ○ ✅ Based on Best Practices for each CMS and PHP Standard Recommendation (PSR) ✅ Included in our Cloud Hosting Solution
  • 31. Who is it? 🔥
  • 34. Srsly?! Or this is a shitty test?
  • 35. You need to think critically Google pagespeed report 1. 📱75 🖥98 2. 📱61 🖥96 3. 📱59 🖥94 4. 📱46 🖥65 5. 📱45 🖥75 6. 📱41 🖥91 7. 📱37 🖥92 8. 📱34 🖥88 9. 📱2 🖥24 (Wish is primarily a mobile marketplace )
  • 36. Conclusion 1. TTFB is a complex metric a. It's mostly a metric of the application and the quality of its code b. It’s a metric of PHP and SQL queries 2. Performance testing should be done manually with result analysis a. All third-party performance testing systems don't give a damn about quality b. All these testing systems have their own “premium”💰 checkers and optimizations i. They want to sell it in the first place, not to help you 😉 3. A lot of extra things make your website slower a. Old and out-of-date devices (PC, modems or routers, laptops, mobile phones, ...) b. Old software (OS, browsers, drivers, ...) c. Slow speed or limited access networks, … d. …
  • 37. Don't hesitate to contact me --- Sincerely yours, Roman Ananev, Head of SRE & Cloud Hosting rananev (at)
  • 39. is this metric correct?
  • 40. is this metric correct?
  • 41. is this metric correct?
  • 42. is this metric correct?
  • 43. is this metric correct?
  • 44. Any questions? --- Sincerely yours, Roman Ananev, Head of SRE & Cloud Hosting rananev (at)