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2 Seconds is the New Slow:
How businesses can build a
better web
We’re Under2 Digital:
We existto build fast stuff for the web
Whether that’s a website, plugin or tool
We can build it and make it fast. No Bloat, No BS, Just quality dev
work at fair prices
Everything loads in Under 2 seconds!
I’m Chris Simmance
• I love Digital
• I run Under2
• I’ve worked with some great brands
• I have a technology addiction
• I also have an awesome dog!
• I speak at top events
• Why the web is broken
• Common site speed myths
• Bottleneck spotting
• Web dev issue identification
• Questions

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Satisfying the Need for Speed (By Aleh Barysevich of SEO PowerSuite, SMX Lond...
Satisfying the Need for Speed (By Aleh Barysevich of SEO PowerSuite, SMX Lond...Satisfying the Need for Speed (By Aleh Barysevich of SEO PowerSuite, SMX Lond...
Satisfying the Need for Speed (By Aleh Barysevich of SEO PowerSuite, SMX Lond...

Page Speed can make or break your business in 2018, as it is equally important for user experience, revenue, and SEO. Mobile page speed is becoming a Goolge ranking factor in July 2018, or is it already as of May 2018? To get an idea about the current state of the industry, SEO PowerSuite conducts an experiment for 1 mln pages to find the correlation between mobile page speed in the position in mobile SERPs. In this presentation, delivered by Aleh Barysevich at SMX London, you'll find the results of the experiment, as well as the latest tools and tips on improving page speed.

seogooglepage speed
SEO for Large Websites
SEO for Large WebsitesSEO for Large Websites
SEO for Large Websites

How does SEO change on large websites? How do you work with mountains of data? How do you find problems when crawling is hard?

Nine Things we're Checking for a Mobile First Index by Nichola Stott in The I...
Nine Things we're Checking for a Mobile First Index by Nichola Stott in The I...Nine Things we're Checking for a Mobile First Index by Nichola Stott in The I...
Nine Things we're Checking for a Mobile First Index by Nichola Stott in The I...

Nichola Stott outlines 9 things webmasters should check for a mobile-first index, including mobile handling, HTTP/2, front-end optimization, tag management, structured data, service workers, URL hierarchy, content experience, and journey experience. Checking these areas can help provide a great user experience for mobile users and improve site speed, which can reduce abandonment rates and help sites rank higher in mobile search results. Stott emphasizes the importance of testing sites using a device lab to avoid making assumptions about mobile performance.

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Webinar with Craig Smith, Founder, and CEO of Trinity Insight, in which I talk about how to get more work done faster with fewer resources to drive the performance of your SEO program and increase traffic.

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Automated Duplicate Content Consolidation with Google Cloud Functions

Avoid duplicate content and don’t leave money on the table with unoptimized groups of pages linked by canonical declarations! Particularly in e-commerce, you can increase Google’s confidence by making sure your groups of product URLs are perfectly canonicalized and clear to search engines.

Solving Complex JavaScript Issues and Leveraging Semantic HTML5
Solving Complex JavaScript Issues and Leveraging Semantic HTML5Solving Complex JavaScript Issues and Leveraging Semantic HTML5
Solving Complex JavaScript Issues and Leveraging Semantic HTML5

On this presentation we go deep on Chrome developer tools, JS debugger and breakpoints, technical optimization and capabilities of browser service workers to improve SEO and performance

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• Speed plugins are not the be-all and end-all
• Many speed plugins have other factors such additional PHP and
SQL look ups that can negate some of the impact
• Image optimisation plugins sound great, but sometimes aren’t!

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SEO for Large/Enterprise Websites - Data & Tech Side

There is a lot to cover about SEO for large websites/enterprise. In this talk we'll cover primarily the data analysis and the technical SEO side of things. In future presentations we'll look at more.

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Do you want to find out, how inefficient use of JS is preventing you from passing CWV and what to do about it? Click through!

Headless CMS – the foundation of modern SEO
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Headless CMS – the foundation of modern SEO

In this talk, Cory Schmidt explains the SEO implications of migrating to a headless CMS. He will use the story of his company's recent migration and its challenges, and the huge impact on organic search...

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AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xhtml+xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/rss+xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/javascript
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-javascript
Show fullscreen version of non optimised image
• Compression tools
• (Mac app and website service)
• Test different compression rates to test your results

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11 Advanced Uses of Screaming Frog Nov 2019 DMSS
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11 Advanced Uses of Screaming Frog Nov 2019 DMSS

This document provides an overview of 11 advanced uses for the SEO tool Screaming Frog. It begins with an introduction to Screaming Frog and its history of updates. It then discusses using Screaming Frog to crawl tricky sites like those with JavaScript, large sites, or password protection. Other sections cover scheduling crawls, integrating APIs like Google Analytics and Ahrefs, and performing post-crawl analysis of things like pagination, Hreflang, and XML sitemaps. Later sections discuss visualizations, auditing structured data and page speed, and using Screaming Frog for content marketing tasks like scraping news sites. The document concludes with some bonus uses like reviving old Google Search Console reports and scraping SERP features.

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The New Renaissance of JavaScript
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The New Renaissance of JavaScript

This document discusses various techniques for improving JavaScript rendering for SEO purposes, including: - Using automated tests to prevent JavaScript-related SEO errors before deployment. Unit and end-to-end tests can check for issues like missing tags. - Choosing an appropriate rendering technique depending on how often content changes, whether it be pre-rendering, server-side rendering, or dynamic rendering. - Leveraging universal JavaScript to avoid accidental cloaking issues and ensure consistency between what users and search engines see. Workarounds are discussed when universal JavaScript is not practical.

javascripttechnical seopwa
SEO Meets Automation
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SEO Meets Automation

Presentation for SEMrush Live with Nitin Machanda. You can find the recording here

Show fullscreen version of non optimised image
Show fullscreen version
of 90% optimised image and overlay the filesize in kb
Show fullscreen version
of 80% optimised image and overlay the filesize in kb
Show fullscreen version
of 70% optimised image and overlay the filesize in kb

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Lessons from the other side
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Lessons from the other side

The document summarizes lessons from a WordCamp event. It discusses Gutenberg, the new WordPress editor, and how it will work. It also provides tips on diagnosing WordPress issues using tools like Query Monitor, monitoring logs, and developing effective website briefs. Additional topics covered include using XDebug for debugging, working remotely with other developers, developing WordPress apps over 5 years, and search engine optimization best practices.

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Technical SEO for international markets - Leonie Mann - Brighton SEO 2021

This talk will focus on the key considerations that need to be made for technical SEO in new international markets. From choosing the correct domain structure for your needs, to ensuring your new website is setup to start ranking from day one, this talk will cover learnings from successful, and a few unsuccessful, global website launches and what to do to ensure optimal performance once live.

Inbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEO
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Inbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEO

Historically, SEO was a very technical discipline. Over time, that shifted as Strategists began touting the death of SEO and claiming all you need is great content. Today, SEO is going back to those technical roots. From simple data markup to more complex proprietary technologies like AMP; now more than ever SEOs & marketers have to be technical masters. Learn why it's important to embrace these technical roots, what technologies we should be learning now, and how to stay ahead of the curve.

seotechnical seoinbound
Show fullscreen version
of 70% optimised image and overlay the filesize in kb
Show fullscreen version
of 70% optimised image and overlay the filesize in kb
• Shorter CSS selectors and class names = smaller filesize
400bytes 342bytes

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Join us for our sixth Greenville HUG meeting of 2023 and learn how to fix common website issues including improving website performance, enhancing SEO for a website, optimizing a website for mobile, implementing website security best practices, and website personalization.

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Everybody loves fast websites. Use these techniques to increase the site speed. Presentation was held during the Dutch Joomla!days 2010 24-04-2010 #jd10nl

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An overview of the areas where we are focusing our efforts on front end performance on Presented at the Toronto Web Performance Group's meetup on September 23, 2015.
• Minification
• Concatenation
• Refactoring your code down to make the same functionality
in less code
• Removing JS plugins that are not needed.
• Only including functionality on pages that it's needed on
• Remove anything that you don’t need
• Merge multiple CSS files into as few as possible
• Merge multiple JS files in as few as possible – then async or
• Optimise images for less requests
• Lazy load images below the fold
• Move external scripts into Google Tag Manager or load after
page load

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Rapid Prototyping with Sass, Compass and Middleman by Bermon Painter
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Rapid Prototyping with Sass, Compass and Middleman by Bermon Painter

This talk will cover some of the benefits of building a rapid prototyping framework with Sass & Compass along with the static site generator, Nanoc. you’ll discover how to rapid prototype pages, widgets and interactions that can be used for usability testing and to help concept ideas. Since it’s all built on Ruby it’s easy to migrate over to the real application later or toss away

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Delivering Fantastic Brand Experiences With Low-Code
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Delivering Fantastic Brand Experiences With Low-Code

From our Delivering Fantastic Brand Experiences With Low-Code Webinar on June 23rd 2022. Utilising a low-code strategy and solution and enable businesses to better manage their website challenges, streamline slow development workflows and create better experiences for their customers.

workflowweb developmentuser experience
• The web is old and creaky
• Stop being lazy and think more
• Build stuff better for all our sakes
Thanks for your attention

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2 Seconds is the New Slow - Chris Simmance - under2

  • 1. ChrisSimmance @under2builds Under2 2 Seconds is the New Slow: How businesses can build a better web
  • 2. We’re Under2 Digital: We existto build fast stuff for the web Whether that’s a website, plugin or tool We can build it and make it fast. No Bloat, No BS, Just quality dev work at fair prices Everything loads in Under 2 seconds! WHO AREWE?
  • 3. I’m Chris Simmance • I love Digital • I run Under2 • I’ve worked with some great brands • I have a technology addiction • I also have an awesome dog! • I speak at top events WHO AM I?
  • 4. • Why the web is broken • Common site speed myths • Bottleneck spotting • Web dev issue identification • Questions WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT?
  • 12. • Speed plugins are not the be-all and end-all • Many speed plugins have other factors such additional PHP and SQL look ups that can negate some of the impact • Image optimisation plugins sound great, but sometimes aren’t!
  • 14. AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/xml AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xml AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xhtml+xml AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/rss+xml AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/javascript AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-javascript
  • 15. PROPER IMAGE OPTIMISATION BEST PRACTICE Show fullscreen version of non optimised image
  • 16. • Compression tools • • • (Mac app and website service) • Test different compression rates to test your results
  • 17. PROPER IMAGE OPTIMISATION BEST PRACTICE Show fullscreen version of non optimised image
  • 18. PROPER IMAGE OPTIMISATION BEST PRACTICE Show fullscreen version of 90% optimised image and overlay the filesize in kb
  • 19. PROPER IMAGE OPTIMISATION BEST PRACTICE Show fullscreen version of 80% optimised image and overlay the filesize in kb
  • 20. PROPER IMAGE OPTIMISATION BEST PRACTICE Show fullscreen version of 70% optimised image and overlay the filesize in kb
  • 21. PROPER IMAGE OPTIMISATION BEST PRACTICE Show fullscreen version of 70% optimised image and overlay the filesize in kb
  • 22. PROPER IMAGE OPTIMISATION BEST PRACTICE Show fullscreen version of 70% optimised image and overlay the filesize in kb
  • 24. • Shorter CSS selectors and class names = smaller filesize 400bytes 342bytes 276bytes HOW TO SOLVE SITE SPEED BOTTLENECKS – CSS
  • 25. • Minification • Concatenation • Refactoring your code down to make the same functionality in less code • Removing JS plugins that are not needed. • Only including functionality on pages that it's needed on HOW TO SOLVE SITE SPEED BOTTLENECKS – JS
  • 26. • Remove anything that you don’t need • Merge multiple CSS files into as few as possible • Merge multiple JS files in as few as possible – then async or defer • Optimise images for less requests • Lazy load images below the fold • Move external scripts into Google Tag Manager or load after page load HOW TO SOLVE SITE SPEED BOTTLENECKS – Requests
  • 29. • The web is old and creaky • Stop being lazy and think more • Build stuff better for all our sakes
  • 30. Thanks for your attention @under2builds

Editor's Notes

  2. These are the current internet cables that allow for connections worldwide. These are only the sea cables, there are many many trunk cables over land too.
  3. This is the map of the most recent audit of the UK’s trunk cables. There are many many more cables that provide businesses and homes with the net.
  4. THE WEB – THE KEY ISSUES It is not used as originally intended It was originally intended to be used for sharing of non-real time plain text resources and educational papers etc the high bandwidth items now being sent are only able to be coped with due to the new capabilities of the fibreoptics and compression tools. There is a diminishing return as the pipes cannot keep being laid and compression can only go so far.   Instead of using the faster speeds to offer better experiences, websites now fit in more “stuff” onto pages. More tracking scripts to sell you stuff, more images, more video, more feeds from other sources, more faff because of lazy developers.     For example, 1 CNN article has: - 11 web fonts = 444KB - 4 stylesheets = 314KB - 20 different frames - 29 XML HTTP requests = 500KB
  5. The internet infrastructure is not built for heavy media files There are security risks on the physical cables that need mitigating The number of people online is only going to increase Currently 50%+ of the traffic on the web is robots, this will grow IoT is only adding to this strain The pipes themselves are almost 20 years old now
  6. THE WEB – THE FUTURE The future of the web is……. Slow Too much pushing through a shit network Net Neutrality? Paying for access on faster pipes and nodes to get websites faster. 2 tier web for those who pay for speed and those who don’t. The use of satellite? Using microwave satellites can transmit 1000GBPs pass data long distances Brute force changes Laying more, wider and more packed cables. EXPENSIVE
  7. Using heavy media without compression Images, tools, video fonts Over reliance on 3rd party APIs and tools An API has to be called, sent and then loaded. If the API has low bandwidth or if it were high traffic volumes then it will load slowly. People want shiny things Lots of new tech that people like to adopt isn’t always as optimal for the user or load time but early adoption is a natural state of people. Installing lots of plugins and widgets without considering the impact Plugins often have SQL or PHP calls that require lots of lookups and thus slow things down. Shane to go into more detail Using free code sources that are not optimal for their needs The likes of Twitter Bootstrap – Shane to give a live example of a site using it and the elements it wastes Same goes for the use of free or premium web themes As above showing a site that is built on a page builder and premium theme that’s slow (Show WP and Squarespace)
  8. Speed plugins are not the be-all and end-all Stats on the number of users of each plugin WP SuperCache – 1.3mi WP Rocket – 463k W3 Total Cache – 1.2mi Autoptimize – 650k Many speed plugins have other factors such as PHP and SQL look ups that can negate some of the impact Shane to run through these stats Caching should be done at server level rather than locally (DON’T JUST CACHE – MEMCACHE, REDISCACHE, VARNISH, OBJECT CACHE) Shane to run through why this is the case and take questions – this is explained in detail later on Image optimisation plugins sound great, but aren’t! Onto next slide What are typical hosting issues? To many sites on the same server, too many apache processes running = slower response times. Cheap hosting etc How to ensure hosting isn’t the load time issue Package to suit the needs of the user. TTFB The faster the server and the more well connected the data center, the better your time to first byte and server response times. When is a fast host is not the issue? Fast hosts aren’t fast if you’re using PHP v5 of out of date code for example Explained in detail later on in the silides Shared hosting or not shared hosting? Is shared hosting ever a suitable option (Viruses and GDPR)
  9. When an issue or group of issues cause a ‘blockage’ that restricts the flow of data Common bottlenecks include Shared server bandwidth Out of date server software Reliance on shared resources (APIs) Trying to send too much through the pipe (HTTP Requests) Poorly coded websites EXAMPLE 2.2k rebuilt to 17 lines 59% of the code was bloat and the rest was lazy front end code from pagebuilder Tools available online - Gtmetrics, Pingdom etc  Server tools – NewRelic, Command line tools etc Browse around the staging server to see if it's sluggish
  10. Shared server bandwidth: Dedicated – You own 100% of the resources of that site VPS – You own 100% of the resources on the site and can host multiple sites on there, you control the sites this server shares the resource with. Reliance on 3rd party software: External Scripts with Google Tag Manager Create a new tag and give it a relevant name Choose Custom HTML tag type Paste in your external script into the HTML area In the Trigger Configuration choose to fire this tag on DomReady Change the triggering to trigger on all pages or choose selected pages DEFER OR ASYNC IT DO YOU REALLLY NEED IT TO DO A TASK OR IS IT LAZINESS? Out of date server software: Server software - Apache, IIS etc  DB Software  Language Processors – PHP, IIS, Ruby, etc PHP = 83.5% of the internet PHP 5.5 IS END OF LIFE AND NO LONGER SUPPORTED FOR SPEED/SECURITY Up to date server software also good for security as well as speed increases. Chart shows requests per second (rps) for a WordPress website     Compression of images, files and headers  GZIP - CAN BE DONE ON CPANNEL VIA COMPRESSION LINK OR BY ADDING CODE TO .HTACCESS ON APACHE. SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT ON NGINX niginx.conf file add the following GZIP ON; Server Caching: The best option Server caching works as a proxy server between the content and the users Usually stores flat files in the cache for additional speed an minimal server resource Files are periodically checked vs file server to keep cache up to date. Varnish cache is the most popular File Caching: Has a similar approach to Server Caching just without the Proxy Server Some hosting companies do not allow this type of caching Our hosting, WP Engine and some others actually Ban Caching plugins Browser Caching: Still requires the server hit on the first load then stores files on the users machine.  
  11. HOW TO SOLVE SITE SPEED BOTTLENECKS - Images Proper image optimisation: JPG PNG GIF SVG – Can be added with no HTTP requests New / Modern image types Progressive JPEG: Increases in quality during load – fade in effect - Not supported in older browsers. A tickbox on PSD WebP - Google Image format: Typically 26% smaller than PNG's and 25-36% smaller than Jpegs - Some CDN's have WebP enabled by default Base64 encoding: Can load images without an HTTP request BUT does in fact increase the HTML size of the page. Don’t use for all images
  12. Proper image optimisation: JPG PNG GIF SVG – Can be added with no HTTP requests New / Modern image types Progressive JPEG: Increases in quality during load – fade in effect - Not supported in older browsers. A tickbox on PSD WebP - Google Image format: Typically 26% smaller than PNG's and 25-36% smaller than Jpegs - Some CDN's have WebP enabled by default Base64 encoding: Can load images without an HTTP request BUT does in fact increase the HTML size of the page. Don’t use for all images
  13. Original Image 655kb
  14. 90% - 549kb
  15. 80% - 318kb
  16. 70% - 229kb
  17. 60% - 181kb
  18. 50% - 150kb
  19. HOW TO SOLVE SITE SPEED BOTTLENECKS – TTFB & HTML Cutting down TTFB: Increase your server RAM Increase your server CPU Better hosting CDN's Rule of thumb – Under 100ms is pretty good  Using only the essential HTML needed with no bloat: - CNN Code – 168 lines of code 23.39kb - My rewrite – 49 lines of code @ 2.09kb (1.62kb minified) Reducing CSS and JS weights Reducing HTTP requests CDNs
  20. Minification Shorter CSS selectors and class names = smaller filesize Use of shorthand CSS CSS Specificity Above the fold content Forward thinking on functionality of the site and creating common code blocks for your HTML that use the same CSS rather than individual CSS ALTERNATIVELY USE SHORTHAND
  21. HOW TO SOLVE SITE SPEED BOTTLENECKS – JS Not needed = Do you really need a lighbox plugin when you can create your own basic one with a few lines of code
  23. HOW TO SOLVE SITE SPEED BOTTLENECKS – CDN Creates copies of your site on various servers around the world.  Allows users a shorter path to view your content 
  24. HOW TO SOLVE SITE SPEED BOTTLENECKS – CDN Look at developers previous work for warning signs Send over a list of requirements early on Keep on top of the development team to ensure the list isn’t missed Keep communication really clear and include everyone Always keep asking about the speed of the site during development Are they building your site with an off the shelf theme or framework? Are they using any CSS frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation etc? Are the really building your website with speed at the forefront? Are they doing everything right with image optimisation Off the shelf frameworks include EVERYTHNG even if you're only using 10% of the theme Example for WordPress, are they creating specific thumbnail sized based on your designs or are they shrinking larger images in the browser to fit a smaller space?
  25. WHAT’S MY POINT AFTER ALL THIS? Look at developers previous work for warning signs Send over a list of requirements early on Keep on top of the development team to ensure the list isn’t missed Keep communication really clear and include everyone Always keep asking about the speed of the site during development Are they building your site with an off the shelf theme or framework? Are they using any CSS frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation etc? Are the really building your website with speed at the forefront? Are they doing everything right with image optimisation Off the shelf frameworks include EVERYTHNG even if you're only using 10% of the theme Example for WordPress, are they creating specific thumbnail sized based on your designs or are they shrinking larger images in the browser to fit a smaller space?