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Presentation title
Why and when should we consider
Stream Processing
in our solutions
Soroosh Khodami
May 17 2023 @ Teqnation
What is Stream Processing?
Frameworks & Platforms
Basic Concepts & Patterns
Demo Time
Benefits & Drawbacks + Considerations
Use Cases For Different Industries
How to start ?
This Talk is For
Software Developers
Tech Leads / Software Architects
Data Engineers / Data Scientist / AI Engineers
Product Owners / Product Managers / Business Analysts
$ whoami
 I’m Soroosh Khodami
 Full-Stack Developer at & Code Nomads
 Working with Stream Processing at Scale in
 Software Architecture Enthusiastic
Slides & Code Repository Link Will Be Shared At The End

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Data Lakehouse Symposium | Day 1 | Part 2
Data Lakehouse Symposium | Day 1 | Part 2Data Lakehouse Symposium | Day 1 | Part 2
Data Lakehouse Symposium | Day 1 | Part 2

The world of data architecture began with applications. Next came data warehouses. Then text was organized into a data warehouse. Then one day the world discovered a whole new kind of data that was being generated by organizations. The world found that machines generated data that could be transformed into valuable insights. This was the origin of what is today called the data lakehouse. The evolution of data architecture continues today. Come listen to industry experts describe this transformation of ordinary data into a data architecture that is invaluable to business. Simply put, organizations that take data architecture seriously are going to be at the forefront of business tomorrow. This is an educational event. Several of the authors of the book Building the Data Lakehouse will be presenting at this symposium.

Modern Data architecture Design
Modern Data architecture DesignModern Data architecture Design
Modern Data architecture Design

The document discusses modern data architectures. It presents conceptual models for data ingestion, storage, processing, and insights/actions. It compares traditional vs modern architectures. The modern architecture uses a data lake for storage and allows for on-demand analysis. It provides an example of how this could be implemented on Microsoft Azure using services like Azure Data Lake Storage, Azure Data Bricks, and Azure Data Warehouse. It also outlines common data management functions such as data governance, architecture, development, operations, and security.

data architecturedata trendscloud computing
Introducing Databricks Delta
Introducing Databricks DeltaIntroducing Databricks Delta
Introducing Databricks Delta

Databricks CEO Ali Ghodsi introduces Databricks Delta, a new data management system that combines the scale and cost-efficiency of a data lake, the performance and reliability of a data warehouse, and the low latency of streaming.

apache sparkspark summit
Why And When Should We Consider Stream Processing In Our Solutions Teqnation 2023
What is Stream Processing?
Event Processing?
Event Driven?
Wikipedia Definition

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Enterprise Architecture vs. Data Architecture
Enterprise Architecture vs. Data ArchitectureEnterprise Architecture vs. Data Architecture
Enterprise Architecture vs. Data Architecture

Enterprise Architecture (EA) provides a visual blueprint of the organization, and shows key interrelationships between data, process, applications, and more. By abstracting these assets in a graphical view, it’s possible to see key interrelationships, particularly as they relate to data and its business impact across the organization. Join us for a discussion on how data architecture is a key component of an overall enterprise architecture for enhanced business value and success.

datadata managementdataversity
Building a modern data warehouse
Building a modern data warehouseBuilding a modern data warehouse
Building a modern data warehouse

Embarking on building a modern data warehouse in the cloud can be an overwhelming experience due to the sheer number of products that can be used, especially when the use cases for many products overlap others. In this talk I will cover the use cases of many of the Microsoft products that you can use when building a modern data warehouse, broken down into four areas: ingest, store, prep, and model & serve. It’s a complicated story that I will try to simplify, giving blunt opinions of when to use what products and the pros/cons of each.

modern data warehousing
Activate Data Governance Using the Data Catalog
Activate Data Governance Using the Data CatalogActivate Data Governance Using the Data Catalog
Activate Data Governance Using the Data Catalog

This document discusses activating data governance using a data catalog. It compares active vs passive data governance, with active embedding governance into people's work through a catalog. The catalog plays a key role by allowing stewards to document definition, production, and usage of data in a centralized place. For governance to be effective, metadata from various sources must be consolidated and maintained in the catalog.

datadata managementdataversity webinars
Stream (Data) Processing
Stream processing is a big data technique that focuses on
continuously reading data, processing the data individually
or joining it with related data sets in real-time or near real-
time, and then sending the output to other applications,
data-stores, or systems.
Event Processing
Trigger Actions
Decision Making
Payment Received
Event Driven Architecture
Stream Processing
Frameworks & Platforms

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Big MDM Part 2: Using a Graph Database for MDM and Relationship Management
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Big MDM Part 2: Using a Graph Database for MDM and Relationship Management

This document provides an agenda and overview for the "Big MDM Part 2" meetup event. The agenda includes presentations on using graph databases for master data management (MDM) and relationship management. Speakers from Caserta Concepts, Neo Technology, and Pitney Bowes will discuss graph databases, MDM use cases, and modeling and managing data with graph databases. The meetup is sponsored by Caserta Concepts and hosted by Neo Technology. It will include networking, five presentations on graph databases and MDM topics, and a Q&A session.

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From my sql to postgresql using kafka+debezium
From my sql to postgresql using kafka+debeziumFrom my sql to postgresql using kafka+debezium
From my sql to postgresql using kafka+debezium

REX How Jobteaser got rid of an old data dump job using change data capture (CDC) with Debezium and Kafka.

Kafka for Real-Time Replication between Edge and Hybrid Cloud
Kafka for Real-Time Replication between Edge and Hybrid CloudKafka for Real-Time Replication between Edge and Hybrid Cloud
Kafka for Real-Time Replication between Edge and Hybrid Cloud

Not all workloads allow cloud computing. Low latency, cybersecurity, and cost-efficiency require a suitable combination of edge computing and cloud integration. This session explores architectures and design patterns for software and hardware considerations to deploy hybrid data streaming with Apache Kafka anywhere. A live demo shows data synchronization from the edge to the public cloud across continents with Kafka on Hivecell and Confluent Cloud.

Stream Processing Universe
Stream Processing Universe
Code will be executed on a Runner Standalone / Alongside other frameworks
Stream Processing Universe
Cloud Platforms
Hardened at Scale
Powered By Flink

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Bridge to Cloud: Using Apache Kafka to Migrate to GCP
Bridge to Cloud: Using Apache Kafka to Migrate to GCPBridge to Cloud: Using Apache Kafka to Migrate to GCP
Bridge to Cloud: Using Apache Kafka to Migrate to GCP

Watch this talk here: Most companies start their cloud journey with a new use case, or a new application. Sometimes these applications can run independently in the cloud, but often times they need data from the on premises datacenter. Existing applications will slowly migrate, but will need a strategy and the technology to enable a multi-year migration. In this session, we will share how companies around the world are using Confluent Cloud, a fully managed Apache Kafka® service, to migrate to Google Cloud Platform. By implementing a central-pipeline architecture using Apache Kafka to sync on-prem and cloud deployments, companies can accelerate migration times and reduce costs. Register now to learn: -How to take the first step in migrating to GCP -How to reliably sync your on premises applications using a persistent bridge to cloud -How Confluent Cloud can make this daunting task simple, reliable and performant

confluentconfluent cloudgoogle
Change data capture
Change data captureChange data capture
Change data capture

This document discusses change data capture (CDC) and its components. CDC is an approach that identifies, captures, and delivers changes made to enterprise data sources. It feeds these changes into a central data stream that can be combined with other data sources in real-time. The document outlines Kafka Connect, Debezium, Schema Registry, and Apache Avro which are key parts of the CDC architecture. It also discusses future steps like supporting additional databases and improving deployment, as well as open issues around performance and compatibility with certain databases.

Apache Kafka and API Management / API Gateway – Friends, Enemies or Frenemies?
Apache Kafka and API Management / API Gateway – Friends, Enemies or Frenemies?Apache Kafka and API Management / API Gateway – Friends, Enemies or Frenemies?
Apache Kafka and API Management / API Gateway – Friends, Enemies or Frenemies?

Microservices became the new black in enterprise architectures. APIs provide functions to other applications or end users. Even if your architecture uses another pattern than microservices, like SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) or Client-Server communication, APIs are used between the different applications and end users. Apache Kafka plays a key role in modern microservice architectures to build open, scalable, flexible and decoupled real time applications. API Management complements Kafka by providing a way to implement and govern the full life cycle of the APIs. This session explores how event streaming with Apache Kafka and API Management (including API Gateway and Service Mesh technologies) complement and compete with each other depending on the use case and point of view of the project team. The session concludes exploring the vision of event streaming APIs instead of RPC calls. Understand how event streaming with Kafka and Confluent complements tools and frameworks such as Kong, Mulesoft, Apigee, Envoy, Istio, Linkerd, Software AG, TIBCO Mashery, IBM, Axway, etc. A Streaming API Data Exchange provides streaming replication between business units and companies. API Management with REST/HTTP is not appropriate for streaming data.

+ Examples
Stream Processing
Basic Concepts & Patterns
Bounded Stream / Unbounded Stream
Past Future
Unbounded Stream
Bounded Stream #1
Start End
Past Future
Bounded Stream #2
Start End
Event Time & Processing Time
Event Time
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Delivery Guarantees
Learn More (Important)
Streaming Concepts - Exactly Once Fault Tolerance Guarantees
Rundown of Flink's Checkpoints -
Understanding exactly-once processing and windowing in streaming pipelines -
At Most Once
At Least Once
Exactly Once
Messages can be lost, but never duplicated (Fire & Forget)
Messages can be duplicated
Messages are delivered & processed exactly once

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Data Democratization at Nubank
 Data Democratization at Nubank Data Democratization at Nubank
Data Democratization at Nubank

Nubank is the leading fintech in Latin America. Using bleeding-edge technology, design, and data, the company aims to fight complexity and empower people to take control of their finances. We are disrupting an outdated and bureaucratic system by building a simple, safe and 100% digital environment. In order to succeed, we need to constantly make better decisions in the speed of insight, and that’s what We aim when building Nubank’s Data Platform. In this talk we want to explore and share the guiding principles and how we created an automated, scalable, declarative and self-service platform that has more than 200 contributors, mostly non-technical, to build 8 thousand distinct datasets, ingesting data from 800 databases, leveraging Apache Spark expressiveness and scalability. The topics we want to explore are: – Making data-ingestion a no-brainer when creating new services – Reducing the cycle time to deploy new Datasets and Machine Learning models to production – Closing the loop and leverage knowledge processed in the analytical environment to take decisions in production – Providing the perfect level of abstraction to users You will get from this talk: – Our love for ‘The Log’ and how we use it to decouple databases from its schema and distribute the work to keep schemas up to date to the entire team. – How we made data ingestion so simple using Kafka Streams that teams stopped using databases for analytical data. – The huge benefits of relying on the DataFrame API to create datasets which made possible having tests end-to-end verifying that the 8000 datasets work without even running a Spark Job and much more. – The importance of creating the right amount of abstractions and restrictions to have the power to optimize.

apache spark

 *big data


Squirreling Away $640 Billion: How Stripe Leverages Flink for Change Data Cap...
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Squirreling Away $640 Billion: How Stripe Leverages Flink for Change Data Cap...

Flink Forward San Francisco 2022. Being in the payments space, Stripe requires strict correctness and freshness guarantees. We rely on Flink as the natural solution for delivering on this in support of our Change Data Capture (CDC) infrastructure. We heavily rely on CDC as a tool for capturing data change streams from our databases without critically impacting database reliability, scalability, and maintainability. Data derived from these streams is used broadly across the business and powers many of our critical financial reporting systems totalling over $640 Billion in payment volume annually. We use many components of Flink’s flexible DataStream API to perform aggregations and abstract away the complexities of stream processing from our downstreams. In this talk, we’ll walk through our experience from the very beginning to what we have in production today. We’ll share stories around the technical details and trade-offs we encountered along the way. by Jeff Chao

stream processingbig dataapache flink
Pipelines and Data Flows: Introduction to Data Integration in Azure Synapse A...
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Pipelines and Data Flows: Introduction to Data Integration in Azure Synapse Analytics (Presented at Global Azure Norway on April 16th, 2021)

azureazure synapseazure synapse analytics
IoT Farm
 +1000 Sensors
 Multiple Sensors per location
 Not reliable internet connection
 Large amount of continious sensors data
 Aggregated Sensors Data Per Location
 Correct Order Of Data
 No Duplicates
Read Source
Operators & Transform
Transforms Sink
Operator(s) Operator(s) Operator(s)
Basic Building Blocks
Read Soil Moisture Sensors
Operators & Transform
IOT Farm Example
Read Optical Sensors
Read Temperture Sensors
Filter Selected
Locations Join & Aggregate
Operators & Transform
Images From:
Analyzing tweets using Cloud Dataflow pipeline templates

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Modernizing to a Cloud Data Architecture

Organizations with on-premises Hadoop infrastructure are bogged down by system complexity, unscalable infrastructure, and the increasing burden on DevOps to manage legacy architectures. Costs and resource utilization continue to go up while innovation has flatlined. In this session, you will learn why, now more than ever, enterprises are looking for cloud alternatives to Hadoop and are migrating off of the architecture in large numbers. You will also learn how elastic compute models’ benefits help one customer scale their analytics and AI workloads and best practices from their experience on a successful migration of their data and workloads to the cloud.

Data Architecture Best Practices for Advanced Analytics
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Data Architecture Best Practices for Advanced Analytics

Many organizations are immature when it comes to data and analytics use. The answer lies in delivering a greater level of insight from data, straight to the point of need. There are so many Data Architecture best practices today, accumulated from years of practice. In this webinar, William will look at some Data Architecture best practices that he believes have emerged in the past two years and are not worked into many enterprise data programs yet. These are keepers and will be required to move towards, by one means or another, so it’s best to mindfully work them into the environment.

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Become a Performance Diagnostics Hero
Become a Performance Diagnostics HeroBecome a Performance Diagnostics Hero
Become a Performance Diagnostics Hero

Andreas Grabner maintains that most performance and scalability problems don’t need a large or long running performance test or the expertise of a performance engineering guru. Don’t let anybody tell you that performance is too hard to practice because it actually is not. You can take the initiative and find these often serious defects. Andreas analyzed and spotted the performance and scalability issues in more than 200 applications last year. He shares his performance testing approaches and explores the top problem patterns that you can learn to spot in your apps. By looking at key metrics found in log files and performance monitoring data, you will learn to identify most problems with a single functional test and a simple five-user load test. The problem patterns Andreas explains are applicable to any type of technology and platform. Try out your new skills in your current testing project and take the first step toward becoming a performance diagnostic hero.

software testing
4 4
2 2
4 1
Sum: 19
Count: 5
4 4
6 4
• Divides an unbounded, continuous data stream into
smaller, finite segments
• Allows to perform operations and calculations on
manageable chunks of data.
• It’s not feasible to load/keep entire stream into memory
• Useful for analyzing data over specific time periods or
fixed numbers of events.
Window of Data
Learn More
Basics of Windowing -
Advanced Windowing Concepts -
4 4
2 2
5 seconds
Time Based Windows
No Overlaps between windows elements
Tumbling/Fixed Window
5 seconds 5 seconds
2 1
Count: 4
Sum: 19
Count: 5
Sum: 5
Count: 2
2 3
4 4
2 2
Size Based Windows
2 3
Sum: 11
Count: 4
Sum: 17
Count: 4
Sum: 13
Count: 4
2 3
2 3
2 3
4 4
2 2
Time & Size Based Windows
2 3
Sum: 11
Count: 4
Sum: 17
Count: 4
Sum: 7
Count: 3
5 seconds 5 seconds 5 seconds
Sliding Window
Success Success
WARN Error
Window #1 Window #2 Window #3 Window #N Window #N+1
Time Based Windows
Error Error
Error Error
Error Error
Success : 4
Warn : 0
Error : 0
Success : 3
Warn : 0
Error : 1
Success : 1
Warn : 2
Error : 1
Success : 0
Warn : 0
Error : 4
Last 10 Second Every 5 Seconds + Overlaps Between Windows
Session Window
User #1
Heart Beat
Seek Heartbeat
Heart Beat Heartbeat Heartbeat
Window #1 Window #2
10 sec
User #2
Heart Beat
Window #1 Window #2
20 sec
Close the window based on GAP Duration = 10 sec

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[WSO2Con EU 2018] The Rise of Streaming SQL
[WSO2Con EU 2018] The Rise of Streaming SQL[WSO2Con EU 2018] The Rise of Streaming SQL
[WSO2Con EU 2018] The Rise of Streaming SQL

This session takes an in-depth look at: - Trends in stream processing - How streaming SQL has become a standard - The advantages of Streaming SQL - Ease of development with streaming SQL: Graphical and Streaming SQL query editors - Business value of streaming SQL and its related tools: Domain-specific UIs - Scalable deployment of streaming SQL: Distributed processing

by WSO2
streaming analytics
JavaOne 2015: Top Performance Patterns Deep Dive
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Most common Frontend & Backend Performance Problems. Automatically find them in your CI by looking at the right Metrics.

continuous integrationjavaperformance
Introduction to Stream Processing
Introduction to Stream ProcessingIntroduction to Stream Processing
Introduction to Stream Processing

Independent of the source of data, the integration of event streams into an Enterprise Architecture gets more and more important in the world of sensors, social media streams and Internet of Things. Events have to be accepted quickly and reliably, they have to be distributed and analyzed, often with many consumers or systems interested in all or part of the events. Storing such huge event streams into HDFS or a NoSQL datastore is feasible and not such a challenge anymore. But if you want to be able to react fast, with minimal latency, you can not afford to first store the data and doing the analysis/analytics later. You have to be able to include part of your analytics right after you consume the data streams. Products for doing event processing, such as Oracle Event Processing or Esper, are available for quite a long time and used to be called Complex Event Processing (CEP). In the past few years, another family of products appeared, mostly out of the Big Data Technology space, called Stream Processing or Streaming Analytics. These are mostly open source products/frameworks such as Apache Storm, Spark Streaming, Flink, Kafka Streams as well as supporting infrastructures such as Apache Kafka. In this talk I will present the theoretical foundations for Stream Processing, discuss the core properties a Stream Processing platform should provide and highlight what differences you might find between the more traditional CEP and the more modern Stream Processing solutions.

Window #1 Window #2
5 seconds 5 seconds
Window #1 Window #2
5 seconds 5 seconds
Learn More
Basics of Windowing -
Advanced Windowing Concepts -
Basic Concepts & Patterns
 Bounded Stream / Unbounded Stream
 Operators & Transforms
 Event Time & Processing Time
 Event Delivery Guarantee
 Windowing ( Fixed , Sliding, Session, Watermark )
 States & Stateful Stream Processing
 Joining Streams & Enrichment Pattern
Learn More
Stream Join in Flink: from Discrete to Continuous - Xingcan Cui
Webinar: 99 Ways to Enrich Streaming Data with Apache Flink - Konstantin Knauf -
5 3
1 2
3 4 5
Temperature Sensor
Moisture Sensor
Window Window Inner Join
1 1
Window Cross Join
Joining Streams & Enrichment Pattern
Device-2 , Temp : 28
Device-2 , Moisture : 876
Moisture : 876
Temp : 28
Inner Join
States & Stateful Stream Processing
Learn More
Introduction to Stateful Stream Processing with Apache Flink - Robert Metzger
Webinar: Deep Dive on Apache Flink State - Seth Wiesman -

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Designing a SharePoint 2010 Global Deployment. Drill down on understanding the Farm Trusts and Publishing and Consuming Service Apps.

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SpringOne Tour by Pivotal Denver Spring Boot & Spring Cloud on Pivotal Application Service by Pieter Humphrey

States & Stateful Stream Processing
Last Threshold Breach : Nullable
Last 15 Minutes
Enrich With Previous
Breache and Update
Last Breach
Group By IP
Brute Force Login Monitoring
Learn More
Introduction to Stateful Stream Processing with Apache Flink - Robert Metzger
Webinar: Deep Dive on Apache Flink State - Seth Wiesman -
Filter Above
Group By Key / KeyBy [4Geeks]
Heart Beat
Heart Beat
Group By Action
Group By Customer Seek Heartbeat
Heartbeat Seek
Learn More
Apache Flink Specifying Keys
Branching & merging PCollections with Apache Beam -
Apache Beam Code
Why And When Should We Consider Stream Processing In Our Solutions Teqnation 2023

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Speed Wins: From Kafka to APIs in Minutes

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This document discusses Spring and Pivotal Application Service (PAS). It notes that PAS provides market-leading support for Spring technologies and an ecosystem of services for Spring applications. It covers why developers use Spring and PAS, how PAS supports Spring features like Boot, Security, and Cloud, and the services available on PAS like MySQL, RabbitMQ, and Redis. It concludes with next steps around contacting an account team, trying hosted PAS software, and signing up for roadmap calls.

Top Java Performance Problems and Metrics To Check in Your Pipeline
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Why is Performance Important? What are the most common reasons applications dont scale and perform well. Which technical metrics to look at. How to check it automated in the pipeline

testingcontinuous integrationapplication performance management
IP Monitoring ( Apache Beam )
IP Monitoring ( Apache Beam )
What You Just Saw
Hidden Code Behind
The Functions
Order Enrichment With Customer Data [4Geeks]
Apache Beam + Dataflow vs Spring Boot
Customers Events (CDC)
Orders Events
Enriched Orders With
Customer Data
Enrich Order Data
Code Repository & Slides

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How fluentd fits into the modern software landscape
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The document discusses using Fluentd to manage logs. It provides an overview of Fluentd, including how it can aggregate and route logs from multiple sources to various outputs like Elasticsearch. It also discusses approaches to scaling Fluentd in distributed environments like Kubernetes, including using sidecars. Real-world challenges with log management are addressed, such as the need to consolidate logs from many distributed services and support multiple analytics tools.

Running in the Cloud - First Belgian Azure project
Running in the Cloud - First Belgian Azure projectRunning in the Cloud - First Belgian Azure project
Running in the Cloud - First Belgian Azure project

The document discusses how ChronoRace, a company that provides timing services for sports events, migrated their infrastructure to Windows Azure to handle unpredictable traffic bursts during large events. Key aspects covered include identifying current infrastructure limitations, migrating the VS2003 website and SQL database to Azure, implementing auto-scaling functionality, and addressing issues with video streaming and PDF generation. The migration allowed ChronoRace to scale their infrastructure as needed for events while reducing monthly costs compared to their previous setup.

1 Dataflow Worker with Default Spec
120k message processed in 3 minutes
Apache Beam + Dataflow
Order Enrichment Test Results
Note: Please note that the insights provided above are not derived from a fully accurate benchmark.
~ 700 msg/second
Higher Costs
For Keeping Job Running
Tested on Minimum Kubernetes Hardware on GCP
120k message processed in 5 minutes
Spring Boot
~ 400 msg/second
Lower Costs
For Keeping Job Running
Order Enrichment With Customer Data [4Geeks]
Enrich Order With
Customer Data
Orders Read
Store Customer
in Redis
Get Customer
Information from Redis
Spring Boot + Redis
Order Enrichment With Customer Data [4Geeks]
Orders Read
Update Customer in State
Customer(123) (123, Customer(123)) (123, Customer(123))
Order(1005, CustomerId =123) (123, Order(1005, CustomerId=123)) (123, Order(1005, CustomerId=123))
- Order
- Customer
Learn More
Stream Join in Flink: from Discrete to Continuous - Xingcan Cui
Webinar: 99 Ways to Enrich Streaming Data with Apache Flink - Konstantin Knauf -
Apache Beam + Dataflow
Why Should We Consider It
Benefits, Drawbacks & Considerations

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Running in the Cloud - First Belgian Azure project
Running in the Cloud - First Belgian Azure projectRunning in the Cloud - First Belgian Azure project
Running in the Cloud - First Belgian Azure project

The document discusses how ChronoRace, a company that provides timing services for sports events, migrated their infrastructure to Windows Azure to handle unpredictable traffic bursts during large events. Key points covered include identifying pitfalls of their current on-premise solution, migrating their website and database to Azure, implementing auto-scaling to dynamically scale resources during events, and testing the Azure-based solution at an upcoming large event. The migration overall was successful in addressing ChronoRace's needs, though one component requiring registry access could not be migrated and remains on-premise.

Data Ingestion in Big Data and IoT platforms
Data Ingestion in Big Data and IoT platformsData Ingestion in Big Data and IoT platforms
Data Ingestion in Big Data and IoT platforms

StreamSets Data Collector is an open source data integration tool that can ingest data from various sources in both batch and streaming modes. It uses a record-oriented approach to data processing which avoids issues caused by combinatorial explosion. Pipelines can be developed visually using an IDE interface, allowing non-technical users to build integrations. StreamSets originated from ex-Cloudera and Informatica employees and focuses on continuous open source development.

iotstream-data-integrationnosql dataservice soa bigdata
Apache Beam (incubating)
Apache Beam (incubating)Apache Beam (incubating)
Apache Beam (incubating)

Presenter: Kenn Knowles, Software Engineer, Google & Apache Beam (incubating) PPMC member Apache Beam (incubating) is a programming model and library for unified batch & streaming big data processing. This talk will cover the Beam programming model broadly, including its origin story and vision for the future. We will dig into how Beam separates concerns for authors of streaming data processing pipelines, isolating what you want to compute from where your data is distributed in time and when you want to produce output. Time permitting, we might dive deeper into what goes into building a Beam runner, for example atop Apache Apex.

apache apexapache beam
Benefits & Drawbacks
 Fast & High-Throughput
 Easy to Scale
 Exactly Once Processing / Fault Tolerant
 Customizable
 Advanced features in scale: Windowing,
Watermarks, Stateful Functions and ..
✖ Complexity
✖ Implementation & Maintenance
✖ Testing & Debugging is challenging
✖ Changing the data pipelines are hard
✖ Error handling is not simple
✖ Data consistency is not easy
Stream Processing Frameworks
Stream Data Integration vs Stream Analytics
Learn More
Stream Processing – Concepts and Frameworks (Guido Schmutz, Switzerland) |
(Stream ETL)
Stream Data Integration Stream Analytics
 Reading Input
 Map
 Filter
 Simple Enrich
 Stateful Processing
 Pattern Matching
 Complex Calculations / Aggregations
Learn More ( Important )
Apache Flink Worst Practices - Konstantin Knauf -
Learning Curve Project Timeline Hard to Find Developer
Limited Docs/Resources Community Support Costs
Stream Data Integration
1 – 2 Weeks
Stream Analytics
2 – 3 Months
3 – 4 Engineers
4 – 6 Months
0 -> Stability
Cloud Providers Helps a Bit
Stream Processing
When should we consider it in our solutions?

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Introduction to Stream Processing
Introduction to Stream ProcessingIntroduction to Stream Processing
Introduction to Stream Processing

Independent of the source of data, the integration of event streams into an Enterprise Architecture gets more and more important in the world of sensors, social media streams and Internet of Things. Events have to be accepted quickly and reliably, they have to be distributed and analysed, often with many consumers or systems interested in all or part of the events. Storing such huge event streams into HDFS or a NoSQL datastore is feasible and not such a challenge anymore. But if you want to be able to react fast, with minimal latency, you can not afford to first store the data and doing the analysis/analytics later. You have to be able to include part of your analytics right after you consume the data streams. Products for doing event processing, such as Oracle Event Processing or Esper, are avaialble for quite a long time and used to be called Complex Event Processing (CEP). In the past few years, another family of products appeared, mostly out of the Big Data Technology space, called Stream Processing or Streaming Analytics. These are mostly open source products/frameworks such as Apache Storm, Spark Streaming, Flink, Kafka Streams as well as supporting infrastructures such as Apache Kafka. In this talk I will present the theoretical foundations for Stream Processing, discuss the core properties a Stream Processing platform should provide and highlight what differences you might find between the more traditional CEP and the more modern Stream Processing solutions.

Measure() or die()
Measure() or die()Measure() or die()
Measure() or die()

In this Meetup Arik Lerner – Liveperson Team lead of Java Automation, Performance & Resilience , will talk about How we measure our services, By End2End testing which become one of the most critical Monitor tool in LP . Over 200K tests runs per day providing statistics and insights into the problem as they happen. Arik will go through different topics and stages of the journey and share details that led to current results . Part of the menu topics are : The Awakens of the End2End Insights • How we measure our services using synthetic user experience • Measuring through analytics & insights • How we collect our data • How we debug our services? Hint: video recording, HAR (Http archive), KIbana , Dashboard analytics & insights • Future logs App correlation with End2End data • Our tools: Selenium, Jenkins and cutting edge technologies such as Kafka & ELK (Elastic search, Logstash and Kibana) In this Meetup, Arik will host Ali AbuAli- NOC Team Leader , who will talk about the e2e usage on his day 2 day work.

Measure() or die()
Measure() or die() Measure() or die()
Measure() or die()

In this Meetup Arik Lerner – Liveperson Team lead of Java Automation, Performance & Resilience , will talk about How we measure our services, By End2End testing which become one of the most critical Monitor tool in LP . Over 200K tests runs per day providing statistics and insights into the problem as they happen. Arik will go through different topics and stages of the journey and share details that led to current results . Part of the menu topics are : The Awakens of the End2End Insights • How we measure our services using synthetic user experience • Measuring through analytics & insights • How we collect our data • How we debug our services? Hint: video recording, HAR (Http archive), KIbana , Dashboard analytics & insights • Future logs App correlation with End2End data • Our tools: Selenium, Jenkins and cutting edge technologies such as Kafka & ELK (Elastic search, Logstash and Kibana) In this Meetup, Arik will host Ali AbuAli- NOC Team Leader , who will talk about the e2e usage on his day 2 day work.

(FRs + NFRs +
Cost (Capex)
Cost (Opex)
Complexity Limitations Industry Best
When should we consider it in our solutions?
Case: Stream Data Integration
Context / Conditions
When should we consider it in our solutions?
Case: Stream Data Integration
Context / Conditions
• Events / second < 1K
• Experience of Stream processing : No
• Business queries are changing frequently
• Time to market : Very tight
• 3 – 4 Mid-Senior Developers
Learn More
Apache Flink Worst Practices - Konstantin Knauf
Note: The cases incorporated within this presentation are designed to demonstrate the reasoning process.
When should we consider it in our solutions?
Learn More
Apache Flink Worst Practices - Konstantin Knauf
Context / Conditions
Case: Stream Analytics
• Events / second > 10K
• Experience of Stream processing : No
• Business queries are clear and not changing frequently
• Real time/near real time insights are crucial ? Yes
• 3 – 4 Mid-Senior Developers
Note: The cases incorporated within this presentation are designed to demonstrate the reasoning process.

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Introduction to Stream Processing
Introduction to Stream ProcessingIntroduction to Stream Processing
Introduction to Stream Processing

Independent of the source of data, the integration of event streams into an Enterprise Architecture gets more and more important in the world of sensors, social media streams and Internet of Things. Events have to be accepted quickly and reliably, they have to be distributed and analysed, often with many consumers or systems interested in all or part of the events. Storing such huge event streams into HDFS or a NoSQL datastore is feasible and not such a challenge anymore. But if you want to be able to react fast, with minimal latency, you can not afford to first store the data and doing the analysis/analytics later. You have to be able to include part of your analytics right after you consume the data streams. Products for doing event processing, such as Oracle Event Processing or Esper, are avaialble for quite a long time and used to be called Complex Event Processing (CEP). In the past few years, another family of products appeared, mostly out of the Big Data Technology space, called Stream Processing or Streaming Analytics. These are mostly open source products/frameworks such as Apache Storm, Spark Streaming, Flink, Kafka Streams as well as supporting infrastructures such as Apache Kafka. In this talk I will present the theoretical foundations for Stream Processing, discuss the core properties a Stream Processing platform should provide and highlight what differences you might find between the more traditional CEP and the more modern Stream Processing solutions.

Responsibilities of Fleet Managers and How TrackoBit Can Assist.pdf
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Enhance the top 9 user pain points with effective visual design elements to improve user experience & satisfaction. Learn the best design strategies

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Quick Look On
Stream Processing Use Cases
Video Streaming
Playback Analytics
GPS Tracking
Billing / Charging System
Fraud Detection
User Analytics
Gaming Industry
Video Platforms
Use cases
Playback Analytics
Content Provider Shares
Pay Per Minute
Fraud Detection
Learn More
Massive Scale Data Processing at Netflix using Flink - Snehal Nagmote & Pallavi Phadnis
Custom, Complex Windows at Scale using Apache Flink - Matt Zimmer (Netflix)
SF 2017: Monal Daxini - Stream Processing with Flink at Netflix
Real-time Processing with Flink for Machine Learning at Netflix - Elliot Chow
Gaming Industry
Use cases
Learn More
Kafka and Big Data Streaming Use Cases in the Gaming Industry
Let's Play Flink – Fun with Streaming in a Gaming Company
(NPC, Quests, .. )
Chat Service

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Unlock the full potential of mobile monitoring with ONEMONITAR. Our advanced and discreet app offers a comprehensive suite of features, including hidden call recording, real-time GPS tracking, message monitoring, and much more. Perfect for parents, employers, and anyone needing a reliable solution, ONEMONITAR ensures you stay informed and in control. Explore the key features of ONEMONITAR and see why it’s the trusted choice for Android device monitoring. Share this infographic to spread the word about the ultimate mobile spy app!

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Unlock the full potential of your data by effortlessly migrating from PostgreSQL to Snowflake, the leading cloud data warehouse. This comprehensive guide presents an easy-to-follow 8-step process using Estuary Flow, an open-source data operations platform designed to simplify data pipelines. Discover how to seamlessly transfer your PostgreSQL data to Snowflake, leveraging Estuary Flow's intuitive interface and powerful real-time replication capabilities. Harness the power of both platforms to create a robust data ecosystem that drives business intelligence, analytics, and data-driven decision-making. Key Takeaways: 1. Effortless Migration: Learn how to migrate your PostgreSQL data to Snowflake in 8 simple steps, even with limited technical expertise. 2. Real-Time Insights: Achieve near-instantaneous data syncing for up-to-the-minute analytics and reporting. 3. Cost-Effective Solution: Lower your total cost of ownership (TCO) with Estuary Flow's efficient and scalable architecture. 4. Seamless Integration: Combine the strengths of PostgreSQL's transactional power with Snowflake's cloud-native scalability and data warehousing features. Don't miss out on this opportunity to unlock the full potential of your data. Read & Download this comprehensive guide now and embark on a seamless data journey from PostgreSQL to Snowflake with Estuary Flow! Try it Free:

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Application Analytics
Use cases
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Implementing Google Analytics: A Case Study - Making Sense of Stream Processing by Martin Kleppmann
Martin Kleppmann — Event Sourcing and Stream Processing at Scale
Singles Day 2018: Data in a Flink of an eye
Learn More
7 Reasons to use Apache Flink for your IoT Project
Fleet management / GPS Tracking
Anomaly detection
Smart home automation
Energy management
Environmental monitoring
Predictive maintenance
Self-Driving Cars
Internet Of Things
Use cases
Billing Network Optimization Security Fraud Detection
Learn More
Maciej Próchniak - Stream processing in telco - case study based on Apache Flink & TouK Nussknacker @ Devoxx Poland
Use cases
Fraud detection
Algorithmic trading
Risk management
Real-time portfolio analysis Customer analytics
Regulatory compliance
Profit & Lost Insights
Learn More
Real Time Fraud Detection with Stateful Functions
Fast Data at ING - Martijn Visser & Bas Geerdink (ING)
Stream ING Models – Real time model deployment of ML Capabilities
Financial Systems
Use cases

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Mindfire Solutions specializes in DevOps services, facilitating digital transformation through streamlined software development and operational efficiency. Their expertise enhances collaboration, accelerates delivery cycles, and ensures scalability using cloud-native technologies. Mindfire Solutions empowers businesses to innovate rapidly and maintain competitive advantage in dynamic market landscapes.

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Splunk Presentation

Stream Processing
How to start learning ?
How to start learning?
1 2 3 4
Creating a Stream Processing service isn't as straightforward as crafting CRUD APIs. Relying solely on Google, development
tools, Stackoverflow, and copy-pasting won't get you far. It's crucial to dedicate ample time to thoroughly learn and
understand the underlying concepts.
Google Cloud Apache Beam
Debi Cabrera
Apache Beam Step By Step
Atul Raina
Official Documentation
Slides & Code Repository
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Why And When Should We Consider Stream Processing In Our Solutions Teqnation 2023

  • 1. Company/speaker Presentation title #teqnation2021 CO-SPONSORS MAIN SPONSOR Why and when should we consider Stream Processing in our solutions Soroosh Khodami May 17 2023 @ Teqnation
  • 2. Agenda What is Stream Processing? Frameworks & Platforms Basic Concepts & Patterns Demo Time Benefits & Drawbacks + Considerations Use Cases For Different Industries How to start ?
  • 3. This Talk is For Software Developers Tech Leads / Software Architects Data Engineers / Data Scientist / AI Engineers Product Owners / Product Managers / Business Analysts
  • 4. $ whoami  I’m Soroosh Khodami  Full-Stack Developer at & Code Nomads  Working with Stream Processing at Scale in  Software Architecture Enthusiastic @SorooshKh Slides & Code Repository Link Will Be Shared At The End
  • 7. What is Stream Processing? Event Processing? Event Driven?
  • 9. Stream (Data) Processing Stream processing is a big data technique that focuses on continuously reading data, processing the data individually or joining it with related data sets in real-time or near real- time, and then sending the output to other applications, data-stores, or systems.
  • 10. Event Processing Trigger Actions Decision Making Event Payment Received
  • 14. Stream Processing Universe 2023 Code will be executed on a Runner Standalone / Alongside other frameworks
  • 16. Hardened at Scale Powered By Flink
  • 17. + Examples Stream Processing Basic Concepts & Patterns
  • 18. Bounded Stream / Unbounded Stream Time Now Past Future Unbounded Stream Bounded Stream #1 Start End Time Now Past Future Bounded Stream #2 Start End
  • 19. Event Time & Processing Time Processing Time Event Time 1 Login 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 Search 3 View 4 View 5 View 6 Play 1 Login 2 Search 3 View 4 View 5 View 6 Play 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  • 20. Delivery Guarantees Learn More (Important) Streaming Concepts - Exactly Once Fault Tolerance Guarantees Rundown of Flink's Checkpoints - Understanding exactly-once processing and windowing in streaming pipelines - At Most Once At Least Once Exactly Once Messages can be lost, but never duplicated (Fire & Forget) Messages can be duplicated Messages are delivered & processed exactly once
  • 21. IoT Farm Context  +1000 Sensors  Multiple Sensors per location  Not reliable internet connection  Large amount of continious sensors data Requirements  Aggregated Sensors Data Per Location  Correct Order Of Data  No Duplicates
  • 22. Read Source Operators & Transform Transforms Sink Operator(s) Operator(s) Operator(s) Basic Building Blocks
  • 23. Read Soil Moisture Sensors Operators & Transform Sink IOT Farm Example Operator(s) Operator(s) Read Optical Sensors Read Temperture Sensors Filter Selected Locations Join & Aggregate Operator(s) Operator(s)
  • 24. Operators & Transform Images From: Analyzing tweets using Cloud Dataflow pipeline templates
  • 25. Time 5 4 4 1 7 2 2 6 4 1 Windowing Sum: 19 Count: 5 2 3 6 4 4 7 2 2 6 4 1 2 • Divides an unbounded, continuous data stream into smaller, finite segments • Allows to perform operations and calculations on manageable chunks of data. • It’s not feasible to load/keep entire stream into memory • Useful for analyzing data over specific time periods or fixed numbers of events. Window of Data Learn More Basics of Windowing - Advanced Windowing Concepts -
  • 26. Time 5 4 4 1 7 2 2 6 4 1 5 seconds Time Based Windows No Overlaps between windows elements Tumbling/Fixed Window 5 1 4 7 2 4 5 seconds 5 seconds 4 2 1 Sum:11 Count: 4 Sum: 19 Count: 5 Sum: 5 Count: 2 Time 5 2 3 4 4 1 7 2 2 6 4 1 Size Based Windows 5 2 3 1 4 7 2 4 4 2 6 1 Sum: 11 Count: 4 Sum: 17 Count: 4 Sum: 13 Count: 4 2 3 2 3 Time 5 2 3 4 4 1 7 2 2 6 4 1 Time & Size Based Windows 5 2 3 1 4 7 2 4 4 2 6 1 Sum: 11 Count: 4 Sum: 17 Count: 4 Sum: 7 Count: 3 5 seconds 5 seconds 5 seconds
  • 27. Sliding Window Time Success Success Success Success Success Error WARN WARN Error WARN Window #1 Window #2 Window #3 Window #N Window #N+1 Time Based Windows Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Success : 4 Warn : 0 Error : 0 Success : 3 Warn : 0 Error : 1 Success : 1 Warn : 2 Error : 1 ……….. Success : 0 Warn : 0 Error : 4 Last 10 Second Every 5 Seconds + Overlaps Between Windows
  • 28. Session Window Time User #1 Play Heartbeat Heart Beat Seek Seek Heartbeat Seek Heart Beat Heartbeat Heartbeat Seek Pause Window #1 Window #2 10 sec User #2 Play Heartbeat Heart Beat Seek Heartbeat Heartbeat Window #1 Window #2 20 sec Close the window based on GAP Duration = 10 sec
  • 29. Watermarks 1 2 3 4 7 Window #1 Window #2 5 seconds 5 seconds 1 2 3 4 7 Window #1 Window #2 5 seconds 5 seconds 4 Learn More Basics of Windowing - Advanced Windowing Concepts -
  • 30. Basic Concepts & Patterns  Bounded Stream / Unbounded Stream  Operators & Transforms  Event Time & Processing Time  Event Delivery Guarantee  Windowing ( Fixed , Sliding, Session, Watermark )  States & Stateful Stream Processing  Joining Streams & Enrichment Pattern
  • 31. Learn More Stream Join in Flink: from Discrete to Continuous - Xingcan Cui Webinar: 99 Ways to Enrich Streaming Data with Apache Flink - Konstantin Knauf - 2 5 3 2 1 2 1 3 4 5 Temperature Sensor Stream Moisture Sensor Stream Window Window Inner Join 2 1 1 2 Window Cross Join (CoGroup) 3 2 1 5 2 1 Joining Streams & Enrichment Pattern Device-2 , Temp : 28 Device-2 , Moisture : 876 Device-2 Moisture : 876 Temp : 28 Inner Join
  • 32. States & Stateful Stream Processing Learn More Introduction to Stateful Stream Processing with Apache Flink - Robert Metzger Webinar: Deep Dive on Apache Flink State - Seth Wiesman - State Stateful Operator Streams Stateless Operator Stateless Operator Stateless Operator Stateless Operator Stateless Operator Stateless Operator Stateful Operator Stateless Operator Stateless Operator Stateless Operator State
  • 33. States & Stateful Stream Processing Login Attempts State: Last Threshold Breach : Nullable Read Windowing Last 15 Minutes Count Enrich With Previous Breache and Update Last Breach Group By IP Brute Force Login Monitoring Sink Security Alerts Learn More Introduction to Stateful Stream Processing with Apache Flink - Robert Metzger Webinar: Deep Dive on Apache Flink State - Seth Wiesman - Login Attempts Login Attempts Filter Above Threshold
  • 34. Group By Key / KeyBy [4Geeks] Play Heartbeat Heart Beat Seek Seek Heartbeat Seek Heart Beat Heartbeat Heartbeat Seek Group By Action Play Play Play Group By Customer Seek Heartbeat Heartbeat Heartbeat Seek Play Play Learn More Apache Flink Specifying Keys Branching & merging PCollections with Apache Beam -
  • 37. IP Monitoring ( Apache Beam )
  • 38. IP Monitoring ( Apache Beam )
  • 39. What You Just Saw Hidden Code Behind The Functions
  • 40. Order Enrichment With Customer Data [4Geeks] Apache Beam + Dataflow vs Spring Boot Customers Events (CDC) Orders Events Enriched Orders With Customer Data Enrich Order Data Code Repository & Slides @SorooshKh
  • 41. Insights 1 Dataflow Worker with Default Spec 120k message processed in 3 minutes Apache Beam + Dataflow Order Enrichment Test Results Note: Please note that the insights provided above are not derived from a fully accurate benchmark. ~ 700 msg/second Higher Costs For Keeping Job Running Tested on Minimum Kubernetes Hardware on GCP 120k message processed in 5 minutes Spring Boot ~ 400 msg/second Lower Costs For Keeping Job Running
  • 42. Order Enrichment With Customer Data [4Geeks] Customer CDC Read Enrich Order With Customer Data Sink EnrichedOrder Orders Read Store Customer in Redis Get Customer Information from Redis Spring Boot + Redis
  • 43. Order Enrichment With Customer Data [4Geeks] Customer CDC State: Customer Read CoGroupByKey EnrichOrderWithCusto merData Sink EnrichedOrder Orders Read KeyBy CustomerID KeyBy CustomerID Update Customer in State Customer(123) (123, Customer(123)) (123, Customer(123)) Order(1005, CustomerId =123) (123, Order(1005, CustomerId=123)) (123, Order(1005, CustomerId=123)) OrderWithCustomerData - Order - Customer Learn More Stream Join in Flink: from Discrete to Continuous - Xingcan Cui Webinar: 99 Ways to Enrich Streaming Data with Apache Flink - Konstantin Knauf - Apache Beam + Dataflow
  • 44. Why Should We Consider It Benefits, Drawbacks & Considerations
  • 45. Benefits & Drawbacks  Fast & High-Throughput  Easy to Scale  Exactly Once Processing / Fault Tolerant  Customizable  Advanced features in scale: Windowing, Watermarks, Stateful Functions and .. ✖ Complexity ✖ Implementation & Maintenance ✖ Testing & Debugging is challenging ✖ Changing the data pipelines are hard ✖ Error handling is not simple ✖ Data consistency is not easy Drawbacks Benefits Stream Processing Frameworks
  • 46. Stream Data Integration vs Stream Analytics Learn More Stream Processing – Concepts and Frameworks (Guido Schmutz, Switzerland) | (Stream ETL) Stream Data Integration Stream Analytics  Reading Input  Map  Filter  Simple Enrich  Stateful Processing  Pattern Matching  Complex Calculations / Aggregations
  • 47. Considerations Learn More ( Important ) Apache Flink Worst Practices - Konstantin Knauf - Learning Curve Project Timeline Hard to Find Developer Limited Docs/Resources Community Support Costs Stream Data Integration 1 – 2 Weeks Stream Analytics 2 – 3 Months 3 – 4 Engineers 4 – 6 Months 0 -> Stability Cloud Providers Helps a Bit
  • 48. Stream Processing When should we consider it in our solutions?
  • 49. DECISION MAKING FACTORS Requirements (FRs + NFRs + Roadmap) Development Cost (Capex) Maintenance Cost (Opex) Complexity Limitations Industry Best Practices
  • 50. When should we consider it in our solutions? Case: Stream Data Integration Context / Conditions
  • 51. When should we consider it in our solutions? Case: Stream Data Integration Context / Conditions • Events / second < 1K • Experience of Stream processing : No • Business queries are changing frequently • Time to market : Very tight • 3 – 4 Mid-Senior Developers Learn More Apache Flink Worst Practices - Konstantin Knauf Note: The cases incorporated within this presentation are designed to demonstrate the reasoning process.
  • 52. When should we consider it in our solutions? Learn More Apache Flink Worst Practices - Konstantin Knauf Context / Conditions Case: Stream Analytics • Events / second > 10K • Experience of Stream processing : No • Business queries are clear and not changing frequently • Real time/near real time insights are crucial ? Yes • 3 – 4 Mid-Senior Developers Note: The cases incorporated within this presentation are designed to demonstrate the reasoning process.
  • 53. Quick Look On Stream Processing Use Cases
  • 54. Usecases Video Streaming Playback Analytics IOT GPS Tracking Telecom Billing / Charging System Finance Fraud Detection E-Commerce User Analytics Gaming Industry Anti-Cheat
  • 55. Video Platforms Use cases Playback Analytics Content Provider Shares Pay Per Minute Fraud Detection Personalized Recommendation Learn More Massive Scale Data Processing at Netflix using Flink - Snehal Nagmote & Pallavi Phadnis Custom, Complex Windows at Scale using Apache Flink - Matt Zimmer (Netflix) SF 2017: Monal Daxini - Stream Processing with Flink at Netflix Real-time Processing with Flink for Machine Learning at Netflix - Elliot Chow
  • 56. Gaming Industry Use cases Learn More Kafka and Big Data Streaming Use Cases in the Gaming Industry industry/ Let's Play Flink – Fun with Streaming in a Gaming Company Game Telemetry Analytics Rewards (In-Game) Live In-Game Changes (NPC, Quests, .. ) IoT Integration Loyalty Service Anti-Cheat Chat Service Monitoring Match Making Payment Fraud Detection In-Game Recommendation Advertiseme AI Training Payment
  • 57. Application Analytics Use cases Learn More Implementing Google Analytics: A Case Study - Making Sense of Stream Processing by Martin Kleppmann Martin Kleppmann — Event Sourcing and Stream Processing at Scale Singles Day 2018: Data in a Flink of an eye
  • 58. Learn More 7 Reasons to use Apache Flink for your IoT Project Fleet management / GPS Tracking Anomaly detection Smart home automation Energy management Environmental monitoring Predictive maintenance Self-Driving Cars Internet Of Things Use cases
  • 59. Billing Network Optimization Security Fraud Detection Learn More Maciej Próchniak - Stream processing in telco - case study based on Apache Flink & TouK Nussknacker @ Devoxx Poland Telecommunication Use cases
  • 60. Fraud detection Algorithmic trading Risk management Real-time portfolio analysis Customer analytics Regulatory compliance Profit & Lost Insights Learn More Real Time Fraud Detection with Stateful Functions Fast Data at ING - Martijn Visser & Bas Geerdink (ING) Stream ING Models – Real time model deployment of ML Capabilities Financial Systems Use cases
  • 61. Stream Processing How to start learning ?
  • 62. How to start learning? [1] [2] [3] [3] [4] [4] 1 2 3 4 IMPORTANT NOTE Creating a Stream Processing service isn't as straightforward as crafting CRUD APIs. Relying solely on Google, development tools, Stackoverflow, and copy-pasting won't get you far. It's crucial to dedicate ample time to thoroughly learn and understand the underlying concepts. Google Cloud Apache Beam Debi Cabrera Apache Beam Step By Step Atul Raina BEAM SUMMIT & FLINK FORWARD Official Documentation
  • 63. Slides & Code Repository Any Question ? Send me a message on twitter or Linkedin Thanks for your Attention ! @SorooshKh Please Rate This Session And Share Your Feedback

Editor's Notes

  1. What is Stream Processing ? Why We Should Learn It ?
  2. Developer By Day, Furniture Assembelr By Night I learned that using Right tool is the most important part of assembling
  3. Question 1: Who has heard these technologies a lot ? Question 2: Who has used this technologies in production ? Everyday that we wake up, we hear some new Apache technologies ..
  4. Okay, Not for me I'm not fan of complex definitions. let's get to a simple definition
  5. reading data multiple source processing Data itself. payload itself individually or joined with other data sending out to another system
  6. Event processing is a technique that focuses on listening for specific events or patterns of events within a system, enabling decision-making and triggering actions based on the information contained in the events.
  7. Services communicates with Events
  8. We need to chunk the data to make it feasible to process
  9. Bounded Stream Example : Processing list of last month records for Train Check in – Checkout for Analysis purpose
  10. 1 Minute : You are watching netflix on Airplane / Subway . Your actions will be synced afterward
  11. We have three type of guarantees, no gurantee , at least one delivery, exactly once delivery Flink -> Checkpointing Don’t forget to check learn more
  12. Ok, wait. Hold your horse , So you said a lot of definitions, what is the usecase ..
  13. Transforms are Filter , Map , Aggregate , Join, Custom Functions
  14. 30s – 1 Minute
  15. 1 minute
  16. 1 minute We cannot carry two watermelon with one hand We need to chunk the data to make it feasible to process Ok, right. We should devide . but how we are going to divide the data ?
  17. It’s very similar to a shuttle, isn’t it ?
  18. Let’s imagine that we are receiving request logs
  19. Watching Video on in the Subway or during the flight Phone Call How Stream Processing can do this ? Session Window is based on Group By Key
  20. 1 Minute : Thing that we need to learn, they are too much. So we make it easier by Examples ! How can we do it in our current applications, without Stream processing frame works ?
  21. Some times we need to store some data, and later looking back to stored data similar to what we used to do with Redis / Database.
  22. Key By is most commong Transformation partition the data stream similar to group by in SQL Some times we need to group some of the data together Some times it may cause a network shuffle that will partition the stream on different nodes
  23. 5 minute
  24. val failedLogins = p.apply("Read PubSub Messages", readFromPubSubSubscription()) val ipCounts = failedLogins .apply("Window", failedLoginWindowingStrategy()) .apply("Map to KV <IP,MSG>", mapToKVIPAddr()) .apply("Group by Key IP-Addr", GroupByKey.create()) .apply("Count per IP", countNumberOfAttempts()) val alerts = ipCounts .apply("Filter by Threshold", isCountOfAttempAboveThresholdFilter()) .apply("Enrich with Old Breaches Last Month", enrichWithOldBreachesLastMonth()) alerts.apply("Write Alerts to PubSub", publishToPubSubTopic())
  25. val failedLogins = p.apply("Read PubSub Messages", readFromPubSubSubscription()) val ipCounts = failedLogins .apply("Window", failedLoginWindowingStrategy()) .apply("Map to KV <IP,MSG>", mapToKVIPAddr()) .apply("Group by Key IP-Addr", GroupByKey.create()) .apply("Count per IP", countNumberOfAttempts()) val alerts = ipCounts .apply("Filter by Threshold", isCountOfAttempAboveThresholdFilter()) .apply("Enrich with Old Breaches Last Month", enrichWithOldBreachesLastMonth()) alerts.apply("Write Alerts to PubSub", publishToPubSubTopic())
  26. Stream Processing Applications and especially when you start to have Stateful functions are not really easy.
  27. Complexity Handling out-of-order events, windowing, and state management Increased complexity compared to batch processing Implementation and Maintenance Expertise required in distributed systems, fault tolerance, and specific stream processing frameworks Maintenance effort for business logic and data flow changes Testing and Debugging Complex testing scenarios and simulation of various events and failures Difficulties in debugging due to real-time and distributed nature of processing Error Handling Managing errors and edge cases can be challenging Recovery mechanisms and failure scenarios require careful consideration Data Consistency Ensuring exactly-once processing and data consistency can be challenging Requires robust handling of distributed systems and failures Learning Curve and Project Timeline 2-3 months for a medior developer to become proficient 4-6 months for a project to reach stability from start Resource Intensiveness Real-time processing may consume more resources than batch processing Cloud services can help mitigate infrastructure costs
  28. In Short Stream Data Integration is Map Transform Filter Enrich Stream Data Integration is also using States , Windowing , State Management, Event Pattern
  29. Learning Curve Stream Data Integration : 1 – 2 weeks Stream Analytics: 2 – 3 months For not very basic project, expect 2-4 months from project initiation to reach stability It’s not easy to find developers with extensive stream processing experience. For most of Stream processing frameworks, there are not many step by step documentation & stack overflow questions with working answers. You need to connect the dots yourself. Decent community support available, but not as extensive as Spring or other popular frameworks Stream processing can be resource-intensive, ( Cloud services helps us here )
  30. Case Stream Data Integration: (Map, Filter, Basic Enrichment) You are not getting much out of using Stream processing frameworks. You can achieve almost same results with other tools with possibility to scale up. Case Stream Analytics : You should start investing on your stream processing solution and building a team by help of professional consultants to lead/faciliate/boost the process. In the mean time, you can use other available tools to support part of your business requirements. ( Like BigQuery, Monitoring tools)
  31. Case Stream Data Integration: (Map, Filter, Basic Enrichment) You are not getting much out of using Stream processing frameworks. You can achieve almost same results with other tools with possibility to scale up. Case Stream Analytics : You should start investing on your stream processing solution and building a team by help of professional consultants to lead/faciliate/boost the process. In the mean time, you can use other available tools to support part of your business requirements. ( Like BigQuery, Monitoring tools)
  32. Case Stream Data Integration: (Real time ETL) You are not getting much out of using Stream processing frameworks. You can achieve almost same results with other tools with possibility to scale up. Case Stream Analytics : You should start investing on your stream processing solution and building a team by help of professional consultants to lead/faciliate/boost the process. In the mean time, you can use other available tools to support part of your business requirements. ( Like BigQuery, Monitoring tools)
  33. Anomaly detection: Stream processing can help identify unusual patterns or behaviors in IoT device data, enabling early detection of potential issues or failures. For example, it can be used to monitor sensor data from industrial equipment or vehicles to detect anomalies that may indicate a malfunction or maintenance need. Smart home automation: In a smart home environment, stream processing can be used to analyze data from various sensors and devices to trigger automated actions, such as adjusting lighting or temperature based on occupancy, time of day, or user preferences. Fleet management: Stream processing can analyze data from GPS trackers, vehicle sensors, and other devices in real-time to optimize fleet operations. This may include route planning, vehicle maintenance scheduling, fuel efficiency analysis, or driver behavior monitoring. Environmental monitoring: IoT devices can be deployed to monitor various environmental parameters, such as air quality, water levels, or temperature. Stream processing can be used to analyze this data in real-time, enabling rapid response to environmental changes or potential hazards. Energy management: Stream processing can be used to analyze energy consumption data from smart meters, IoT devices, and sensors in real-time, helping to optimize energy usage and reduce costs. This can be applied to smart grids, microgrids, or individual buildings. Predictive maintenance: By analyzing IoT sensor data in real-time, stream processing can help predict when a machine or equipment may require maintenance or is likely to fail. This allows for proactive maintenance scheduling, reducing downtime and increasing operational efficiency.