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Wrapping and Securing
REST APIs with GraphQL
Nodejs Edinburgh Meetup
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GraphQL & Relay
GraphQL & RelayGraphQL & Relay
GraphQL & Relay

The document discusses GraphQL, Relay, and some of their benefits and challenges. Some key points covered include: - GraphQL allows for declarative and UI-driven data fetching which can optimize network requests. - Relay uses GraphQL and allows defining data requirements and composing queries to fetch nested data in one roundtrip. - Benefits include simpler API versioning since fields can be changed without breaking clients. - Challenges include verbose code, lack of documentation, and not supporting subscriptions or local state management out of the box. - Overall GraphQL aims to solve many data fetching problems but has a complex setup process and learning curve.

GraphQL With Relay Part Deux
GraphQL With Relay Part DeuxGraphQL With Relay Part Deux
GraphQL With Relay Part Deux

Part 2 of my Indy JS Meetup presentation on GraphQL and Relay, this time covering mostly Relay with a wee bit of DataLoader.

GraphQL Without a Database | Frontend Developer Love
GraphQL Without a Database | Frontend Developer LoveGraphQL Without a Database | Frontend Developer Love
GraphQL Without a Database | Frontend Developer Love

Your frontend developers are pushing to get started with GraphQL, but you don’t have the backend capacity to migrate your existing REST APIs to GraphQL? Or you want to have a GraphQL API next to your existing endpoints that are based on REST, without having to rewrite all your controllers? In this talk I’ll show how to wrap existing REST APIs into one single GraphQL endpoint on both the client and server side. This allows you to access the power of GraphQL without having to change any of your existing code or connect to a database.

Roy Derks
Auth0 Ambassador
#reactjs #ReactNative
Who is this for?
Who is this for?
What is wrong with REST?

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GraphQL across the stack: How everything fits together
GraphQL across the stack: How everything fits togetherGraphQL across the stack: How everything fits together
GraphQL across the stack: How everything fits together

My talk from GraphQL Summit 2017! In this talk, I talk about a future for GraphQL which builds on the idea that GraphQL enables lots of tools to work together seamlessly across the stack. I present this through the lens of 3 examples: Caching, performance tracing, and schema stitching. Stay tuned for the video recording from GraphQL Summit!

GraphQL Introduction
GraphQL IntroductionGraphQL Introduction
GraphQL Introduction

GraphQL is a query language for APIs that allows flexible querying of data from a server. It was originally created by Facebook in 2012 and open sourced in 2015. Some key benefits of GraphQL include allowing apps to control the specific data received from servers instead of receiving all possible data like with REST APIs, and GraphQL queries mirroring the response structure. GraphQL schemas define query and mutation parameters as well as return data types.

GraphQL Introduction
GraphQL IntroductionGraphQL Introduction
GraphQL Introduction

This document introduces GraphQL, describing what it is and isn't. It explains that GraphQL is not a query language like SQL, but rather specifies fields that can be resolved through code. The document provides examples of GraphQL schemas, queries, and mutations. It also discusses GraphQL integration with various technologies like Relay and Java libraries. Finally, it demonstrates GraphQL tooling like GraphiQL and an example DX integration.

REST has multiple
endpoints that return fixed
data structures
Let’s look at an example
What is wrong with REST?
Multiple Endpoints
What is wrong with REST?
Multiple Endpoints

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Scaling your GraphQL applications with Dgraph
Scaling your GraphQL applications with DgraphScaling your GraphQL applications with Dgraph
Scaling your GraphQL applications with Dgraph

A talk which introduces the readers to GraphQL and why complex GraphQL queries need an advanced graph database like Dgraph.

databasegraph databasegraphs
GraphQL Munich Meetup #1 - How We Use GraphQL At Commercetools
GraphQL Munich Meetup #1 - How We Use GraphQL At CommercetoolsGraphQL Munich Meetup #1 - How We Use GraphQL At Commercetools
GraphQL Munich Meetup #1 - How We Use GraphQL At Commercetools

The document describes commercetools' experience with adopting GraphQL for their merchant center application. They were initially fetching category data with multiple REST requests, but were able to fetch it in one GraphQL query along with additional fields like number of subcategories and products. This solved a performance issue and allowed them to easily extend their API. They also migrated other parts of their client to use GraphQL, reducing network requests and complexity. Overall, GraphQL allowed them to optimize queries and extend their API with minimal effort.

Graphql Intro (Tutorial and Example)
Graphql Intro (Tutorial and Example)Graphql Intro (Tutorial and Example)
Graphql Intro (Tutorial and Example)

GraphQL is an application layer query language developed by Facebook that allows clients to define queries for retrieving multiple resources from an API in a single request. It uses a type system and schema to define the data and operations available. GraphQL aims to solve issues with REST APIs like over-fetching and under-fetching data by allowing clients to specify exactly what data they need.

What is wrong with REST?
Multiple Endpoints
What is wrong with REST?
Multiple Endpoints
Why not create one endpoint
with all information?
What is wrong with REST?
Multiple Endpoints

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GraphQL Europe Recap
GraphQL Europe RecapGraphQL Europe Recap
GraphQL Europe Recap

In this talk, we shared some of our highlights of the GraphQL Europe conference. You can see the full coverage of the conference here:

software developmentengineeringschema-driven-development
Introduction to GraphQL
Introduction to GraphQLIntroduction to GraphQL
Introduction to GraphQL

As presented at DevDuck #3 - JavaScript meetup for developers ( ----- Get know more about GraphQL ----- Looking for a company to build you an electron desktop app?

React and GraphQL at Stripe
React and GraphQL at StripeReact and GraphQL at Stripe
React and GraphQL at Stripe

There are a lot of tools and processes involved in modern front-end development: Component development, design, data fetching, testing, and more. At Stripe, our team have put a lot of effort into making these things work together in a way that's more than the sum of their parts.

What is wrong with REST?
Multiple Endpoints
What is wrong with REST?
Multiple Endpoints
Why not specify parameters
you want to receive?
What is wrong with REST?

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Adding GraphQL to your existing architecture
Adding GraphQL to your existing architectureAdding GraphQL to your existing architecture
Adding GraphQL to your existing architecture

In this talk, I go over some of the concerns people initially have when adding GraphQL to their existing frontends and backends, and cover some of the tools that can be used to address them.


This presentation explores the concepts around facebook query language for information retrieval & transformation.

graphqlfacebookquery language
React Flux to GraphQL
React Flux to GraphQLReact Flux to GraphQL
React Flux to GraphQL

This document discusses transitioning a web application from a REST API to a GraphQL API. It covers why the company adopted GraphQL to address over-fetching and under-fetching issues, choosing the Apollo GraphQL client library, and a staged approach to transitioning including creating a GraphQL server, isolated GraphQL components, and updating legacy stores with component queries. It also provides tips on handling caching keys, response headers, mobile REST clients, server rendering, and taking a staged approach to the transition.

software developmentgraphqljavascript
What is wrong with REST?
What is wrong with REST?
What is wrong with REST?
But how does this affect the first
version of the application?

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Web Applications of the Future with TypeScript and GraphQL
Web Applications of the Future with TypeScript and GraphQLWeb Applications of the Future with TypeScript and GraphQL
Web Applications of the Future with TypeScript and GraphQL

Type systems like TypeScript are the next thing when developing JavaScript applications. They make sure that your props are passed in the correct form and shape throughout your application. Together with GraphQLs query language based on types, you can create the web application of the future!

GraphQL: The Missing Link Between Frontend and Backend Devs
GraphQL: The Missing Link Between Frontend and Backend DevsGraphQL: The Missing Link Between Frontend and Backend Devs
GraphQL: The Missing Link Between Frontend and Backend Devs

Engineers working on backend data services are often focused on operational concerns like data consistency, reliability, uptime, and storage efficiency. Because each situation calls for a specific set of tradeoffs, one organization can end up with a diverse set of backend databases and services. For the people building the UI and frontend API layers, this diversity can quickly become an issue, especially if the same client needs to call into multiple backends or fetch related objects across different data sources. GraphQL is a language-agnostic API gateway technology designed precisely to solve this mismatch between backend and frontend requirements. It provides a highly structured, yet flexible API layer that lets the client specify all of its data requirements in one GraphQL query, without needing to know about the backend services being accessed. Better yet, because of the structured, strongly typed nature of both GraphQL queries and APIs, it's possible to quickly get critical information, such as which objects and fields are accessed by which frontends, which clients will be affected by specific changes to the backend, and more. In this talk, I'll explain what GraphQL is, what data management problems it can solve in an organization, and how you can try it today.

Michelle Garrett - Build the API you want to see in the world (with GraphQL) ...
Michelle Garrett - Build the API you want to see in the world (with GraphQL) ...Michelle Garrett - Build the API you want to see in the world (with GraphQL) ...
Michelle Garrett - Build the API you want to see in the world (with GraphQL) ...

Have you ever used a third party API, and it didn't work the way you wanted? You don't have to live with it! I'll be sharing my experience transforming unruly JSON into the GraphQL API of my dreams. I'll speak about how GraphQL helped me get the data I wanted, and share some strategies for designing schema you'll love. By the end of this talk, you'll understand how GraphQL can improve the quality of your data, and your life.

codemotion berlin 2018codemotiontech conference
What is wrong with REST?
V1 V2 @gethackteam
What is wrong with REST?
V1 V2
Different endpoints
What is wrong with REST?
V1 V2
Different endpoints
Different parameters
What is wrong with REST?
V1 V2
Different endpoints
Different parameters
Different datastructures

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Michelle Garrett - Build the API you want to see in the world (with GraphQL) ...
Michelle Garrett - Build the API you want to see in the world (with GraphQL) ...Michelle Garrett - Build the API you want to see in the world (with GraphQL) ...
Michelle Garrett - Build the API you want to see in the world (with GraphQL) ...

Have you ever used a third party API, and it didn't work the way you wanted? You don't have to live with it! I'll be sharing my experience transforming unruly JSON into the GraphQL API of my dreams. I'll speak about how GraphQL helped me get the data I wanted, and share some strategies for designing schema you'll love. By the end of this talk, you'll understand how GraphQL can improve the quality of your data, and your life.

codemotioncodemotion berlin 2018technology
Wrapping and Securing REST APIs with GraphQL
Wrapping and Securing REST APIs with GraphQLWrapping and Securing REST APIs with GraphQL
Wrapping and Securing REST APIs with GraphQL

The document discusses building a GraphQL API that fetches data from REST endpoints. It describes using JSON web tokens (JWT) for authentication by passing them in request headers to the REST API. It also discusses using Apollo data sources, which help with caching requests and fetching authentication data from request headers to pass to REST APIs. The document provides examples of building a GraphQL server with Express and Apollo that implements these techniques.

GraphQL-ify your APIs - Devoxx UK 2021
 GraphQL-ify your APIs - Devoxx UK 2021 GraphQL-ify your APIs - Devoxx UK 2021
GraphQL-ify your APIs - Devoxx UK 2021

This document summarizes and compares several GraphQL libraries for Java: graphql-java, graphql-java-kickstart, and dgs-framework. It discusses their features for defining schemas and types, handling data fetching and caching, performing mutations, handling errors, testing functionality, and code generation capabilities. Overall, dgs-framework requires the least amount of boilerplate code, supports testing and code generation more fully, and is designed specifically for use within Spring Boot applications.

How does GraphQL
solve these problems?
How does GraphQL
solve these problems?
Multiple Endpoints
How does GraphQL
solve these problems?
Multiple Endpoints
How does GraphQL
solve these problems?
Multiple Endpoints
Under-fetching (N+1)

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React, GraphQL и Relay - вполне себе нормальный компонентный подход (nodkz)
React, GraphQL и Relay - вполне себе нормальный компонентный подход (nodkz)React, GraphQL и Relay - вполне себе нормальный компонентный подход (nodkz)
React, GraphQL и Relay - вполне себе нормальный компонентный подход (nodkz)

The document discusses React, Relay, and GraphQL. It describes them as a "quite normal component approach" and provides overviews of each technology. For GraphQL, it highlights how GraphQL allows for single requests with nested data and any combinations of backend data sources. For Relay, it explains how Relay correlates components with GraphQL types and fragments to define necessary fields and render instructions. Live demos of a GraphQL server and Relay app are also referenced.

Build the API you want to see in the world
Build the API you want to see in the worldBuild the API you want to see in the world
Build the API you want to see in the world

The document discusses problems the author encountered with a third-party REST API and how GraphQL helped solve these issues. Some of the key problems included components being too tightly coupled to the API response, sending unnecessary data to clients, and inability to change data sources without rewriting the app. GraphQL provided instant documentation, allowed fetching related data in one query instead of multiple requests, encouraged better app structure, and provided more resilience to changing data sources. The author recommends GraphQL for applications that need to serve multiple clients, combine multiple data sources, or enforce better coding practices.

GraphQL Will Do To REST What JSON Did To XML
GraphQL Will Do To REST What JSON Did To XMLGraphQL Will Do To REST What JSON Did To XML
GraphQL Will Do To REST What JSON Did To XML

Why GraphQL will become the new standard for accessing external data in your React Native app. I will show how using GraphQL instead of REST services the development process becomes even more declarative as GraphQL will take away the (imperative) hassle of tying data from multiple endpoints together. This will increase the level of complexity in React Native development, while also increasing the performance of the application.

How does GraphQL
solve these problems?
Multiple Endpoints
Under-fetching (N+1)
Over-fetching Versioning /
GraphQL has a single
endpoint that returns flexible
data structures
How does GraphQL Solve This
Multiple Endpoints
How does GraphQL Solve This
Multiple Endpoints

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What could go wrong with a GraphQL query and can OpenTelemetry help? KubeCon...
What could go wrong  with a GraphQL query and can OpenTelemetry help? KubeCon...What could go wrong  with a GraphQL query and can OpenTelemetry help? KubeCon...
What could go wrong with a GraphQL query and can OpenTelemetry help? KubeCon...

GraphQL is convenient for developers because it allows them to ask for exactly what they want and get the data they need without hassle. But running GraphQL in production can be incredibly challenging. Pinpointing the exact source of a GraphQL error is like searching for a needle in a haystack. It requires sifting through layers of data fetching logic, resolver functions and upstream services, hoping to stumble upon the culprit. But OpenTelemetry can help... Recording:

GraphQL Introduction with Spring Boot
GraphQL Introduction with Spring BootGraphQL Introduction with Spring Boot
GraphQL Introduction with Spring Boot

This document provides an introduction to GraphQL, including: 1. It summarizes REST and some of its limitations like overfetching/underfetching and multiple network requests. 2. GraphQL is introduced as a new approach focused on the client's data needs through queries rather than the server's resources. It allows clients to request specific data fields from multiple objects in a single request. 3. The document explains GraphQL concepts like queries, mutations, subscriptions, schemas defined using SDL, and query resolvers that map the schema to execution. 4. It provides an example of implementing GraphQL with a blog service using Spring Boot and discusses some performance tradeoffs and challenges of GraphQL.

graphqlspring bootjava
Graphql presentation
Graphql presentationGraphql presentation
Graphql presentation

It is a basic presentation which can help you understand the basic concepts about Graphql and how it can be used to resolve the frontend integration of projects and help in reducing the data fetching time This presentation also explains the core features of Graphql and why It is a great alternative for REST APIs along with the procedure with which we can integrate it into our projects

How does GraphQL Solve This
Multiple Endpoints
How does GraphQL Solve This
Multiple Endpoints
How does GraphQL Solve This
Multiple Endpoints
How does GraphQL Solve This
Single endpoint

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The Power of RxJS in Nativescript + Angular
The Power of RxJS in Nativescript + AngularThe Power of RxJS in Nativescript + Angular
The Power of RxJS in Nativescript + Angular

Learn the basics of use and power of RxJS in NativeScript & Angular in this presentation given at NativeScript Developer Days in New York City September 2017

nativescriptjavascriptangular 4
GraphQL - A query language to empower your API consumers (NDC Sydney 2017)
GraphQL - A query language to empower your API consumers (NDC Sydney 2017)GraphQL - A query language to empower your API consumers (NDC Sydney 2017)
GraphQL - A query language to empower your API consumers (NDC Sydney 2017)

The shift to microservices, cloud native and rich web apps have made it challenging to deliver compelling API experiences. REST, as specified in Roy Fielding’s seminal dissertation, has become the architectural pattern of choice for APIs and when applied correctly allows for clients and servers to evolve in a loosely coupled manner. There are areas however where REST can deliver less than ideal client experiences. Often many HTTP requests are required to render a single view. While this may be a minor concern for a web app running on a WAN with low latency and high bandwidth, it can yield poor client experiences for mobile clients in particular. GraphQL is Facebook’s response to this challenge and it is quickly proving itself as an exciting alternative to RESTful APIs for a wide range of contexts. GraphQL is a query language that provides a clean and simple syntax for consumers to interrogate your APIs. These queries are strongly types, hierarchical and enable clients to retrieve only the data they need. In this session, we will take a hands-on look at GraphQL and see how it can be used to build APIs that are a joy to use.

We Are Developers - Modern React (Suspense, Context, Hooks) - Roy Derks
We Are Developers - Modern React (Suspense, Context, Hooks) - Roy DerksWe Are Developers - Modern React (Suspense, Context, Hooks) - Roy Derks
We Are Developers - Modern React (Suspense, Context, Hooks) - Roy Derks

Since the introduction of React a few years ago, a lot has been changed. Were React used to be a library with just a limited amount of features, it now can handle complex use-cases like state management or lazy-loading with just its APIs. This talk will show how these new features can help you develop in React with fewer packages and above all, less code.

How does GraphQL Solve This
Single endpoint
How does GraphQL Solve This
Single endpoint
Describe the data structure
How does GraphQL Solve This
Single endpoint
Describe the data structure
Set the possible queries
How does GraphQL Solve This
Single endpoint

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Rails Vs CakePHP
Rails Vs CakePHPRails Vs CakePHP
Rails Vs CakePHP

The document compares PHP and Ruby, and the web frameworks CakePHP and Ruby on Rails. It discusses the key features and differences between PHP and Ruby, and demonstrates how a simple blog application can be created from scratch in under a minute using Ruby on Rails with no coding required, compared to the additional coding needed in CakePHP. The document argues that Ruby on Rails is more productive and fully-featured compared to CakePHP.

cakephpphpcampruby on rails
Spring GraphQL
Spring GraphQLSpring GraphQL
Spring GraphQL

SpringOne 2021 Session Title: Spring GraphQL Speakers: Andreas Marek, Software Architect at Atlassian; Rossen Stoyanchev, Senior Staff at VMware

core frameworkmodern web
GraphQL with .NET Core Microservices.pdf
GraphQL with .NET Core Microservices.pdfGraphQL with .NET Core Microservices.pdf
GraphQL with .NET Core Microservices.pdf

In this Webinar, will talk on GraphQL with .NET, that provides a modern and flexible approach to building APIs. It empowers developers to create efficient and tailored APIs that meet the specific needs of their applications and clients.

How does GraphQL Solve This
Single endpoint
Set dynamic parameters
Specify which data
to return
How does GraphQL Solve This
Single endpoint
Set dynamic parameters
How does GraphQL Solve This
Single endpoint
How does GraphQL Solve This
Single endpoint
Predictable return result

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Writing highly scalable WebSocket using the Atmosphere Framework and Scala
Writing highly scalable WebSocket using the Atmosphere Framework and ScalaWriting highly scalable WebSocket using the Atmosphere Framework and Scala
Writing highly scalable WebSocket using the Atmosphere Framework and Scala

- The document discusses the Atmosphere Framework, an open-source Java library that allows web applications to communicate in real-time via WebSocket or Comet techniques. - It provides a uniform API that hides the complexities of different browser and server WebSocket implementations and allows fallback to alternative techniques like Comet. - The framework integrates with various Java web servers and frameworks and supports Servlet, RESTful, and native WebSocket APIs to build scalable real-time applications.

Cqrs api v2
Cqrs api v2Cqrs api v2
Cqrs api v2

The document discusses approaches to designing REST APIs, including CRUD and Commanding patterns. CRUD uses standard HTTP verbs like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE on resource URLs to perform basic operations. Commanding adds verbs as endpoints to initiate actions on resources. For example, POST /barns/11/reroof to trigger roof repair. It recommends separating commands from queries using CQRS and following DDD principles to model the domain accurately in the API.

Crafting APIs
Crafting APIsCrafting APIs
Crafting APIs

The document discusses tips for crafting APIs according to REST principles. It outlines best practices like using nouns for resource identifiers, applying CRUD operations consistently via POST, GET, PUT, DELETE, and including hypermedia links to allow navigating through application states. Other topics covered include API versioning, error handling, and choosing an implementation technology based on performance needs like number of daily accesses. The document emphasizes designing APIs pragmatically with the goal of making them easy for application developers to use.

Sounds great! How can I
implement this?
Existing services
Third-party API

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GraphQL vs. (the) REST
GraphQL vs. (the) RESTGraphQL vs. (the) REST
GraphQL vs. (the) REST

What comes to you if you want to have some fun with GraphQL? Join us for the meetup in Munich and enjoy the interesting talk about ‚GraphQL vs. (the) REST ‘. In this session our colleagues Tsvetan Nikolov (Senior Developer at coliquio) and Tom Sedlmeier (Senior Developer at coliquio) will discuss the basic concepts and how to use them. We will present you GraphQL on the backend and on the client side with Apollo.

Web Applications of the Future: GraphQL and TypeScript | React Alicante
Web Applications of the Future: GraphQL and TypeScript | React AlicanteWeb Applications of the Future: GraphQL and TypeScript | React Alicante
Web Applications of the Future: GraphQL and TypeScript | React Alicante

Presented at React Alicante 2022, Spain Type systems like TypeScript are the next thing when developing JavaScript applications. They make sure that your props are passed in the correct form and shape throughout your application. Together with GraphQLs query language based on types, you can create the web application of the future!

Why GraphQL is Perfect for Node.js Microservices - IJS London 2022
Why GraphQL is Perfect for Node.js Microservices - IJS London 2022Why GraphQL is Perfect for Node.js Microservices - IJS London 2022
Why GraphQL is Perfect for Node.js Microservices - IJS London 2022

GraphQL and microservices architectures are perfectly compatible. You can use GraphQL as a data layer for these microservices and combine data from all these services into one universal API. This way, you can break the core of your services into different microservices while still providing one endpoint that your clients can interact with. In this talk, we dive into GraphQL, microservices in Node.js, and why they are the perfect combination. Find the code example here

Existing services
Third-party API
Existing services
Third-party API
Node.js API Server

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Why GraphQL Is Perfect For Microservices - CityJS London 2022
Why GraphQL Is Perfect For Microservices - CityJS London 2022Why GraphQL Is Perfect For Microservices - CityJS London 2022
Why GraphQL Is Perfect For Microservices - CityJS London 2022

GraphQL and microservices architectures are perfectly compatible. You can use GraphQL as a data layer for these microservices and combine data from all these services into one universal API. This way, you can break the core of your services into different microservices while still providing one endpoint that your clients can interact with. Before diving into GraphQL, let's explore what microservices are and why it can be helpful to add GraphQL.

Workshop State-management in React with Context and Hooks
Workshop State-management in React with Context and HooksWorkshop State-management in React with Context and Hooks
Workshop State-management in React with Context and Hooks

This document discusses state management in React using Context and Hooks. It introduces Context as a way to pass data through the component tree without drilling props. Hooks like useContext, useReducer, and custom hooks are demonstrated as ways to consume Context values and update state. The document compares Context to other state management solutions and recommends Context is best for global state while local component state may still be handled with useState.

GraphQL Authentication
GraphQL AuthenticationGraphQL Authentication
GraphQL Authentication

This document outlines Roy Derks' workshop on authentication in GraphQL. The workshop includes an introduction to JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) and OAuth flows, as well as demonstrations of handling authentication via the GraphQL context, resolvers, and schema. It also covers encoding and decoding JWTs using a secret. The workshop concludes with exercises for attendees to practice these authentication concepts in breakout rooms.

Node.js API Server
Apollo Express GraphQL Server
Match data 

to schema

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Web Applications of the Future with TypeScript and GraphQL
Web Applications of the Future with TypeScript and GraphQLWeb Applications of the Future with TypeScript and GraphQL
Web Applications of the Future with TypeScript and GraphQL

Type systems like TypeScript are the next thing when developing JavaScript applications. They make sure that your props are passed in the correct form and shape throughout your application. Together with GraphQLs query language based on types, you can create the web application of the future! The code can be found here

Testing GraphQL in Your JavaScript Application: From Zero to Hundred Percent
Testing GraphQL in Your JavaScript Application: From Zero to Hundred PercentTesting GraphQL in Your JavaScript Application: From Zero to Hundred Percent
Testing GraphQL in Your JavaScript Application: From Zero to Hundred Percent

This document discusses strategies for testing GraphQL applications from the initial development phases through integration and end-to-end testing. Key aspects that can be tested include GraphQL schemas through importing and mocking the schema, resolvers which are pure functions that are easy to test in isolation, integration through schema mocking and resolver testing with server mocking, and client-side testing by mocking the GraphQL client. End-to-end testing involves testing against real servers, and load testing can also be done to test performance. The document emphasizes that testing GraphQL applications involves static type checking, unit tests, integration tests, end-to-end tests, and load testing.

Open-sourcing JavaScript at the City of Amsterdam - All Things Open 2019
Open-sourcing JavaScript at the City of Amsterdam - All Things Open 2019Open-sourcing JavaScript at the City of Amsterdam - All Things Open 2019
Open-sourcing JavaScript at the City of Amsterdam - All Things Open 2019

Did you knew the City of Amsterdam has developed over 125 open-source projects? Also, many of those are build using JavaScript and are using other open-source packages and tools included in the JavaScript ecosystem. The City of Amsterdam is pioneering the field of open-source development by local governments worldwide. But how do we incorporate Open Standards into our projects, choose which packages to use, maintain our repositories and keep our codebase reliable?

javascriptopen sourceopen government
Retrieve data 

from source
Retrieve data 

from source
Get information

from headers

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Handling Large-Scale State-Management with React Context and Hooks

State-management could make your application feel bloated, especially when handled on a large-scale. The React core team has been working hard to add features to take this trouble away. By using the new Context and Hooks feature I'll show how to handle state-management for large scale applications.

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Using ReasonML For Your Next JavaScript Project

ReasonML is based on the OCaml programming language and was created at Facebook, by the same creator as React! It shares a lot of features, but with the benefits of a statically typed functional programming language. ReasonML compiles to JavaScript and can therefore be used to create strongly typed React applications.

Boilerplates Are The New Copy-Paste
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Boilerplates are often used to kickstart the development process of a JavaScript application. However, this leads to a lot of copied code that isn't needed for most projects, while developers aren't exactly knowing what they are doing.

Initialise the

Node.js / GraphQL

Data Sources
Data Sources
Data Sources
Fetch REST endpoint

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Sustainability requires ingenuity and stewardship. Did you know Pigging Solutions pigging systems help you achieve your sustainable manufacturing goals AND provide rapid return on investment. How? Our systems recover over 99% of product in transfer piping. Recovering trapped product from transfer lines that would otherwise become flush-waste, means you can increase batch yields and eliminate flush waste. From raw materials to finished product, if you can pump it, we can pig it.

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In the modern digital era, social media platforms have become integral to our daily lives. These platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Snapchat, offer countless ways to connect, share, and communicate.

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Cool, let’s add Authentication
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Add Authentication

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If you’ve ever had to analyze a map or GPS data, chances are you’ve encountered and even worked with coordinate systems. As historical data continually updates through GPS, understanding coordinate systems is increasingly crucial. However, not everyone knows why they exist or how to effectively use them for data-driven insights. During this webinar, you’ll learn exactly what coordinate systems are and how you can use FME to maintain and transform your data’s coordinate systems in an easy-to-digest way, accurately representing the geographical space that it exists within. During this webinar, you will have the chance to: - Enhance Your Understanding: Gain a clear overview of what coordinate systems are and their value - Learn Practical Applications: Why we need datams and projections, plus units between coordinate systems - Maximize with FME: Understand how FME handles coordinate systems, including a brief summary of the 3 main reprojectors - Custom Coordinate Systems: Learn how to work with FME and coordinate systems beyond what is natively supported - Look Ahead: Gain insights into where FME is headed with coordinate systems in the future Don’t miss the opportunity to improve the value you receive from your coordinate system data, ultimately allowing you to streamline your data analysis and maximize your time. See you there!

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Presented at Gartner Data & Analytics, London Maty 2024. BT Group has used the Neo4j Graph Database to enable impressive digital transformation programs over the last 6 years. By re-imagining their operational support systems to adopt self-serve and data lead principles they have substantially reduced the number of applications and complexity of their operations. The result has been a substantial reduction in risk and costs while improving time to value, innovation, and process automation. Join this session to hear their story, the lessons they learned along the way and how their future innovation plans include the exploration of uses of EKG + Generative AI.

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The presentation showcases the diverse real-world applications of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) across multiple industries: 1. **Manufacturing**: FDM is utilized in manufacturing for rapid prototyping, creating custom tools and fixtures, and producing functional end-use parts. Companies leverage its cost-effectiveness and flexibility to streamline production processes. 2. **Medical**: In the medical field, FDM is used to create patient-specific anatomical models, surgical guides, and prosthetics. Its ability to produce precise and biocompatible parts supports advancements in personalized healthcare solutions. 3. **Education**: FDM plays a crucial role in education by enabling students to learn about design and engineering through hands-on 3D printing projects. It promotes innovation and practical skill development in STEM disciplines. 4. **Science**: Researchers use FDM to prototype equipment for scientific experiments, build custom laboratory tools, and create models for visualization and testing purposes. It facilitates rapid iteration and customization in scientific endeavors. 5. **Automotive**: Automotive manufacturers employ FDM for prototyping vehicle components, tooling for assembly lines, and customized parts. It speeds up the design validation process and enhances efficiency in automotive engineering. 6. **Consumer Electronics**: FDM is utilized in consumer electronics for designing and prototyping product enclosures, casings, and internal components. It enables rapid iteration and customization to meet evolving consumer demands. 7. **Robotics**: Robotics engineers leverage FDM to prototype robot parts, create lightweight and durable components, and customize robot designs for specific applications. It supports innovation and optimization in robotic systems. 8. **Aerospace**: In aerospace, FDM is used to manufacture lightweight parts, complex geometries, and prototypes of aircraft components. It contributes to cost reduction, faster production cycles, and weight savings in aerospace engineering. 9. **Architecture**: Architects utilize FDM for creating detailed architectural models, prototypes of building components, and intricate designs. It aids in visualizing concepts, testing structural integrity, and communicating design ideas effectively. Each industry example demonstrates how FDM enhances innovation, accelerates product development, and addresses specific challenges through advanced manufacturing capabilities.

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GraphQL can be built on top of
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