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Key Performance Sanity Checks
Andreas Grabner (@grabnerandi)
Welcome to SharePoint Saturday Houston
• Please turn off all electronic devices or set them to vibrate
• If you must take a phone call, please do so in the hall so as not
to disturb others
• Special thanks to our Title Sponsor, ProSymmetry
Thank you for being a part of the
5th Annual SharePoint Saturday
for the greater Houston area!
Thanks to all our Sponsors!
• Speaker presentation slides should be available
from the SPSHOU website within a week or so
• The Houston SharePoint User Group will be
having it’s next meeting Wednesday April 15th.
Please join us at

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How to keep you out of the News: Web and End-to-End Performance Tips
How to keep you out of the News: Web and End-to-End Performance TipsHow to keep you out of the News: Web and End-to-End Performance Tips
How to keep you out of the News: Web and End-to-End Performance Tips

Too many websites make it too the news when they fail to deliver, e.g: eCommerce when they go down on Cyber Monday, Tax Software on Tax Day or Online Banking when people want to check on their latest pay check. In this presentation - presented at several Web Performance, Java, .NET, ... Meetups I walk through the most common performance mistakes people made in recent history. I explain in technical detail what the problem was and how to find these problems earlier as you dont want to wait until your site crashes and you end up in the news.

Top Java Performance Problems and Metrics To Check in Your Pipeline
Top Java Performance Problems and Metrics To Check in Your PipelineTop Java Performance Problems and Metrics To Check in Your Pipeline
Top Java Performance Problems and Metrics To Check in Your Pipeline

Why is Performance Important? What are the most common reasons applications dont scale and perform well. Which technical metrics to look at. How to check it automated in the pipeline

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Mobile User Experience: Auto Drive through Performance Metrics

Believe it or not - 85% of mobile apps are removed after first usage! In this presentation - given at the APM Meetup in Singapore in April 2015 - I talked about the challenges, best practices and especially metrics to avoid this situation. Key Points of the Presentation The two key trends "Internet of Things" and "DevOps" play a big role in our life when we talk about User Experience and especially mobile user experience. In this presentation I tell you what metrics to use to make sure you deliver your ideas faster to your mobile end users but also ensuring the right quality and user experience so that your users stay loyal and dont delete the mobile app after first usage.

devopsmobileuser experience
That’s why I ended up talking at HSPS
What are these 4 Ideas?
1. 7 Steps to check SharePoint Health
2. Avoid common Deployment Mistakes
3. Analyze SharePoint Usage
4. Which Pages are Slow and Why?
Bonus: Real Life Troubleshooting Example
7 Step SharePoint Health Check
#1: End User Health #3: System Health#2: Site Health
#4: IIS Health #5: AppPool Health #6: SQL & Service Health
#7: Web Parts

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Sydney Continuous Delivery Meetup May 2014
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I gave this presentation at the Sydney Continuous Delivery Meetup Group. The main goal was to talk about Performance Metrics that you should monitor along the pipeline. I examples in 4 different areas where deployments failed and how metrics would have helped preventing these problems

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JavaOne 2015: Top Performance Patterns Deep Dive

Most common Frontend & Backend Performance Problems. Automatically find them in your CI by looking at the right Metrics.

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OOP 2016 - Building Software That Eats The World
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OOP 2016 - Building Software That Eats The World

According to VC and web pioneer Marc Andreessen software is eating the world. Evidence proves he is right. Uber, the biggest taxi company, has no cars, AirBnB, the biggest hotel service, has no rooms and there are many more examples. Looking at these success stories there is a clear blueprint how to build software that eats the world. Just a quick heads up: It is not about building your typical web application any more.

virtualizationcontinuous integrationperformance
Check #1: End User Health
#1: Geo Location
#2: User
#3: Errors
Check #2: Site Health
#1: Load #2: Failures
#5: End User
Check #3: System Host Health
#1: CPU & Memory
#3: Process Check: Need to
#2: I/O: Static & Logs
Check #4: IIS Health
#1: Threads
#2: Throughput
#3: Page Size

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Deploy Faster Without Failing Faster - Metrics-Driven - Dynatrace User Groups...
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Do it like the "DevOps Unicorns" Etsy, Facebook and Co: Deploy more frequently. But how and why? Challenges? Deploying Software Faster without Failing Faster is possible through Metrics driven Engineering. Identify problems early on using a "Shift-Left in Quality". This requires a Level-Up of Dev, Test, Ops, Biz See some of the metrics that I think you need to look at and how to upgrade your engineering team to produce better quality right from the start

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Nginx performance monitoring with Dynatrace
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Nginx performance monitoring with Dynatrace

This document discusses monitoring the performance of Nginx web servers using Dynatrace. It describes how to install and configure Dynatrace agents to monitor Nginx and collect performance metrics. The Dynatrace architecture is explained and it shows how to set up system profiles, deploy sensors for PHP applications, and view performance data in PurePaths.

How to explain DevOps to your mom
How to explain DevOps to your momHow to explain DevOps to your mom
How to explain DevOps to your mom

These are the slides used in my #devone ( keynote presentation: DevOps is one of the most abused and overrated marketing terms in the last years! That’s not an alternative fact! It’s just Andi’s opinion! Yet - it is a very real thing that allowed many software companies to transform the way they think about software engineering. DevOps can mean something totally different thought depending on who you are and what type of business your company is doing. To clarify things, Andi gives us insights on how he explains the benefits to “DevOps Newbies” and how software companies around the world implement it in their own ways. Andi will answer: What does it really mean for developers, testers and operators? What will change? How does Facebook deploy twice a day without big issues? How does DevOps work in financial, government or healthcare where you have tight regulations? Does it mean Devs are responsible for Ops? Does it only work in the cloud? Or can we apply it to “old fashioned” on premise software as well? Learn for yourself and make up your own mind on whether DevOps is just a marketing term or something that can benefit you!

monitoringagileapplication performance management
Check #5: AppPool Health
#1: Memory #2: Garbage Collection
#3: Worker Threads
Check #6: SQL & Service Health
#2: Connectivity Issues
#1: Excessive SQL Roundtrips
Check #7: Web Parts
#1: Performance #2: Deployment
#3: Bad Coding: 211 SQL!
Connectivity, Missing Files, Permission, …

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How can we detect a bad deployment before it hits production? By automatically looking at the right architectural metrics in your CI/CD and stop a build before its too late. Lets hook up your test automation with app metrics and use them as quality gates to stop bad builds early!

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DevOps Pipelines and Metrics Driven Feedback Loops

The goal behind devops is Faster Lead Times What this really means for Software Delivery -> my Kodak/Smart Phone Analogy How and Which Metrics to use along the Delivery Pipeline to make better decisions along the way.

user experiencecontinuous deliverycontinuous integration
Metrics Driven DevOps - Automate Scalability and Performance Into your Pipeline
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Metrics Driven DevOps - Automate Scalability and Performance Into your Pipeline

Continuous Delivery only works if you combine automation with automatic metrics driven quality gates focusing on architectural, scalabilty and performance metrics. In this presentation I start with several dashboard examples explaining key metrics in production and explain how to automate these metrics into your delivery pipeline.

user experiencedynatracecontinuous delivery
Who’s talking with whom?
How many Web Sites are
actually running?
How many requests make it
to SharePoint’s AppPool?
Do we call any external
Is our SQL Server
Any Deployment Mistakes? HTTP 5xx, 4xx?
Which errors are thrown by which page?
Which Errors impact
how many users?
Any Bad WebPart?
WebParts that can’t
be loaded!
Here is the page that
uses this WebPart
Connectivity Issues between Services?
Watch out for Connection
This is the page that
tries to connect to
that backend service!
Root Cause:
Configuration Issue

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Dyna trace
Dyna traceDyna trace
Dyna trace

This document discusses the browser performance analysis tool dynaTrace. It provides an overview of dynaTrace's capabilities such as cross-browser diagnostics, code-level visibility, and deep JavaScript and DOM tracing. It also covers key performance indicators (KPIs) like load time, resource usage, and network connections that dynaTrace measures. Best practices for improving performance, such as browser caching, network optimization, JavaScript handling and server-side performance are outlined. The document aims to explain why and how dynaTrace can help users find and address web performance issues.

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Troubleshooting ASP.NET and IIS Scalability Hotspots
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Troubleshooting ASP.NET and IIS Scalability Hotspots

Running ASP.NET applications on IIS? Do you understand how requests are processed by every component involved: IIS Native, IIS Modules, and ASP.NET? Scaling any type of application requires you to understand the inner workings of IIS and ASP.NET so queues and pools don’t become a bottleneck in your end-to-end execution flow. Join us for this webcast that shows you how to identify performance and scalability hotspots under different load conditions. You'll learn: How communication flows between browser, IIS, ASP.NET and back-end services including database How to monitor and tweak IIS and ASP.NET queues and pools to achieve optimal performance How to troubleshoot performance hotspots in IIS, Native and Managed Modules and ASP.NET How to identify synchronization issues in multi-threaded applications You will leave with specific ideas of where to start optimizing your queues, pools, and code implementation.

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Metrics-Driven Devops: Delivering High Quality Software Faster!
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Metrics-Driven Devops: Delivering High Quality Software Faster!

Becoming the next Uber is only possible if you can deliver your code updates faster to your end users. But for your organization, does delivering code faster present a higher likelihood of failing faster? Discover four metrics you should be tracking starting from your workstation all the way through CI and into Ops. Learn how companies like Facebook, CreditOne, and others apply metric-driven DevOps. See use cases of crashed rapid deployments and how they used the metrics to detect the root cause. Learn how to apply these metrics to steer your pipeline to build better code and deploy faster, without failing faster!

application performance metricssoftware testingsoftware development
Authentication Issues?
How many users have
authentication issues?
Which pages are users
trying to access?
User Permission Problems?
#1: Permission Issue Detected!
#2: Related to
#3: Here is the
problematic page
Missing Lists?
List not found Exception!
Here is the page that
references this list!
Missing Columns?
Somebody deleted a
Here is the page that
shows that column!

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Slides used for In 2011 we delivered 2 major releases of our on premise enterprise software. Market, technology and customer requirements forced us to change that in order to remain competitive. Now – in 2017 - we are deploying and providing feature releases every 2 weeks for both our on premise and SaaS-based offering. We deploy 170 SaaS production changes per day and have a DevOps pipeline that allows us to deploy a code change within 1h if necessary. To increase quality, we built and provide a DevOps pipeline that currently executes 31000 Unit & Integration Tests per Hour as well as 60h UI Tests per Build. Our application teams are responsible end-to-end for their features and use production monitoring to validate their deployments which allows them to find 93% of bugs in production before it impacts our end users. In this session I explain how this transformation worked from both “Top Down” as well as “Bottom Up” in our organization. A key component was the 4 people strong DevOps Team who developed and “sell” their DevOps Pipeline to the globally distributed application teams. I will give insights into how our pipeline enables application teams to design, code, test and run a new feature for our user base. I will also talk about the “dark moments” as change is never without friction. Both internally as well as with our customers who also had to get used to more rapid changes.

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These are the slides of my JavaOne presentation. The abstract goes like this: How do companies developing business-critical Java enterprise Web applications increase releases from 40 to 300 per year and still remain confident about a spike of 1,800 percent in traffic during key events such as Super Bowl Sunday or Cyber Monday? It takes a fundamental change in culture. Although DevOps is often seen as a mechanism for taming the chaos, adopting an agile methodology across all teams is only the first step. This session explores best practices for continuous delivery with higher quality for improving collaboration between teams by consolidating tools and for reducing overhead to fix issues. It shows how to build a performance-focused culture with tools such as Hudson, Jenkins, Chef, Puppet, Selenium, and Compuware APM/dynaTrace

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Trilegiant 1
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Trilegiant provides identity theft protection services to prevent becoming a victim of identity thieves. Identity theft is a growing problem, as thieves can access personal information through stolen mail, credit card skimmers, or phishing emails requesting private details. To protect against identity theft, it is important to shred financial documents before discarding, monitor bank statements and credit reports, and use services like Trilegiant for additional identity protection.

Bad Filter Settings?
Bad filter settings
result in Exceptions
Here is the page that
uses that bad filter!
Who is using What, How from Where?
How are people navigating through SharePoint?
Which browsers do
people use?
Where are they from?
Which Office?
How do they navigate
through the site?
How fast/slow are
these pages for
Maybe impacted by
bad network
Which Lists/Views are Used?
How often used? How fast/slow? Time spent in SQL Server?
Same information
interesting per View
High Failure Rate?

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Hum1020 sp2015 syllabus
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This document provides an introduction and syllabus for an Introduction to Humanities course taught by Professor Will Adams. The course will explore concepts in art, religion, architecture, music, language, politics, and philosophy from a historical perspective and how they continue to impact the contemporary world. The course objectives are to understand human development critically through artistic and intellectual contributions, learn about diverse civilizations' influences, develop critical thinking skills through research and essays, and analyze philosophical development. Students will be evaluated based on attendance, a cultural event reaction paper, a research project, quizzes, and a final exam. The syllabus outlines the schedule, assignments, policies, and expectations for the course.

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El documento habla sobre las funciones y usos de los teléfonos móviles, incluyendo la capacidad de comunicarse con otras personas a distancia, descargar aplicaciones populares como Facebook y Twitter desde tiendas de aplicaciones, y la opción de comprarlos con tarjetas de crédito o débito.

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This document provides an overview and syllabus for a course on mythology in art and literature. The course will examine myths from various world cultures and how they are applied to humanities subjects. Students will analyze myths, interpret cultural meanings, and consider mythological influences on modern culture. Assessment includes class participation, a research project, exams, and attending a cultural event with a written response. The syllabus outlines course objectives, policies on attendance, late work, plagiarism, and expectations for written assignments.

Which Web Parts are used?
How to identify them?
What are the top slowest end user pages?
How Fast/Slow for
the end user?
How much of that
is Server Time?
What makes them slow?
How do these
pages load?
Lots of JavaScript that
loads slow? Maybe
cache on a Proxy/CDN?

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Obesità e stress ossidativo: una relazione pericolosa.

The document discusses how obesity leads to increased production of reactive oxygen species through the secretion of adipokines like leptin, TNF-α, and IL-6 from adipose tissue, which induce oxidative stress. Adipokines are bioactive substances produced by adipose tissue that regulate processes like food intake, insulin sensitivity, and inflammation. Chronic oxidative stress and reduced antioxidant defenses that result from obesity lead to endothelial dysfunction and increased risk of diseases like atherosclerosis.

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Client and Server Side
Many reasons for bad performance
• Frontend
– Overloaded and complex Pages
– Too much JavaScript slows down older browsers
– Bad content caching
• Backend
– Bad/Too Much Database Access
– Bad Coding of custom code
– Overhead due to configuration issues and resulting logs/exceptions
– High Memory Consumption
– Wrong Deployment Configurations (e.g: worker threads, …)
Overloaded Pages
2.6MB for Home Page !
Don’t overload with too
much information!
Database Impact: too many requests
211! SQLs per
Page Request

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Susan Fowler, Director of Programs for Direct Relief International, received a prestigious humanitarian award from the Diwaliben Charitable Trust of India for her work alleviating suffering in developing countries. As Direct Relief's liaison in India for 15 years, Fowler has overseen the distribution of tens of millions of dollars in aid, including after a devastating 2001 earthquake. Direct Relief President Thomas Tighe praised Fowler for embodying the organization's mission of respecting those served and empowering self-sufficiency.

Daily routines by Valerie
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Daily routines by Valerie
Database Impact: Same SQLSame SQL called many
times per page!
Database Impact: Whom to blame?
• Overloaded Pages with too many Web Parts
• Badly implemented custom web parts
• 3rd party WebParts or Controls
Bad Coding of Custom Web Parts - #1
ALL List Items are retrieved from the Database
int noOfItems = SPContext.Current.List.Items.Count;
Item Count is kept redundant in the AllUserData table and also kept in memory
int noOfItems = SPContext.Current.List.ItemCount;
Bad Coding of Custom Web Parts - #2
for (int itemIx=0;itemIx< SPContext.Current.List.Items.Count;itemIx++) {
SPListItem listItem = SPContext.Current.List.Items[itemIx];
// do something ...
Every access to Count and Items Property queries the whole SharePoint list
We end up with 202 SQL Executions with a total exec time of > 1s

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¡Visita Tabasco!


Het personeelsbestand van gemeenten vergrijst, terwijl de instroom door bezuinigingen klein is. Hoe kan daar vanuit het perspectief van HRM op worden ingesprongen?

peter ramautarsingstrategische personeelsplanningpersoneelsbeleid
Good Coding of Custom Web Parts - #2
SPListItemCollection items = SPContext.Current.List.Items;
foreach (SPListItem listItem in items) {
// do something ...
Only first access to the collection queries the data
Telerik Grid Control Going Wild
#1: Data Driven Problem
Depending on the user input
on that request we see up to
493! SQL Calls per request
Root Cause: Every Grid Cell
executed a new SQL
#2: Statements not prepared
None of these executions has
been prepared
High Garbage Collection
Memory Heavy Apps
result in High GC that
impacts Performance
High GC Result of High Memory Usage!
Long Running GCs!
Analyze Memory

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MomentReel connects consumer brands with their customer through media-sharing. MomentReel is a new and powerful service that allows brands to promote their campaigns and run contests by inviting consumers to contribute their moments to branded Reels (Digital albums of pictures and videos)

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Jean Sutherland has over 22 years of experience in marketing, branding, and customer experience roles. She is currently looking for a new position that can utilize her expertise in developing growth strategies, implementing marketing concepts and brand strategies, and creating successful customer experience platforms. Throughout her career, she has consistently delivered results such as increased revenues, cost savings, and improved brand metrics. She is a proven leader seeking new challenges.

High GC: Performance Heap Analysis
Which classes stay
on the heap?
Which have the
biggest impact?
Who is keeping
them in memory?
The journey of a frustrated SharePoint User
Frustrated User report bad Response Times
Frustrated User
Slow Page Load caused by Browser JS Time
Slow Page Load caused by Server-Side Processing
Really slow page
6.8s to deliver Default.aspx page
Involved Web Parts
Most of the Time spent
In waiting

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The HOAVA Omega-3 egg is enriched with vitamins, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids, and other nutrients beneficial for health. It is free from antibiotic residues, aflatoxins, salmonella, and E. coli which can cause foodborne illnesses. Consuming the HOAVA Omega-3 egg drink is a healthy option in summer as it provides protein and nutrients without adding extra heat to the body.

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WebPart uses multiple parallel Threads
Async Threads are busy with I/O
First Remote Call is Very Slow
Web Service call by ContentEditorWebPart
HttpWebRequests uses ServicePoint internally
First Web Serivce Requests takes 5.8s to return
Thread Limit lets all other Threads wait!
We have 10 parallel calls in our background threads
The other background threads spend their time
“waiting” in the ServicePoint
Solution: Change Defaults

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Top Application Performance Landmines
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Covering the top performance landmines that we see in live production systems and how to avoid them with proper testing

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SenchaCon Roadshow Irvine 2017
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SenchaCon Roadshow Irvine 2017

Web applications are becoming increasingly data intensive and complex. Yet, users demand a great user experience, including blazingly fast speeds, across many device types. In this talk, we will show you how you can dramatically improve the performance of your web applications by using Sencha Ext JS and Ext Speeder. You will learn how to: accelerate your back-end data requests up to 10x by leveraging sophisticated in-memory, object-oriented techniques, significantly improve application responsiveness without making any modifications to your client Ext JS application, and quickly get started with database acceleration in standard J2EE environments.

Understanding XHProf: Pinpointing Why Your Site is Slow and How to Fix it - S...
Understanding XHProf: Pinpointing Why Your Site is Slow and How to Fix it - S...Understanding XHProf: Pinpointing Why Your Site is Slow and How to Fix it - S...
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This document discusses using the XHProf tool to profile Drupal sites and pinpoint performance bottlenecks. XHProf measures execution time, memory usage, and CPU usage to identify slow functions, queries, and other issues. It can help optimize entity loading, caching, database queries, and other areas. The document provides examples of issues XHProf may uncover and performance improvements found, such as static caching of data to reduce duplicate calculations. The goal is to use XHProf to create a targeted plan to reduce page execution times and improve the user experience.

Key Points to Take Home
#1: End User Health: Happy or
Frustrated? Desktop or Mobile?
#3: System Health: CPU, Memory,
Process Distribution, …
#2: Site Health: Any Errors? Any
Performance Issues?
#4: IIS Health: Bandwidth?
Threads? HTTP 4xx, 5xx?
#5: AppPool Health: Memory,
CPU, GC, Exceptions, Logs …
#6: SQL & Service Health: # Roundtrips,
Data Amount, CPU, Memory, I/O
#7: Web Parts: 3rd Party &
Custom. Bad Coding and Bad
Deployments lead to crashes
More Links for You
• Tools:
• More Stories:
• YouTube Tutorials:
• Follow Me: @grabnerandi
• Contact Me:
Please Leave Feedback During Q&A
Please submit feedback by
going to
or by scanning the QR code to
the right

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HSPS 2015 - SharePoint Performance Santiy Checks

  • 1. 0 Key Performance Sanity Checks Andreas Grabner (@grabnerandi)
  • 2. 1 Welcome to SharePoint Saturday Houston • Please turn off all electronic devices or set them to vibrate • If you must take a phone call, please do so in the hall so as not to disturb others • Special thanks to our Title Sponsor, ProSymmetry Thank you for being a part of the 5th Annual SharePoint Saturday for the greater Houston area!
  • 3. 2 Thanks to all our Sponsors!
  • 4. 3 Information • Speaker presentation slides should be available from the SPSHOU website within a week or so • The Houston SharePoint User Group will be having it’s next meeting Wednesday April 15th. Please join us at
  • 5. 4 That’s why I ended up talking at HSPS
  • 6. 5 4
  • 7. 6 What are these 4 Ideas? 1. 7 Steps to check SharePoint Health 2. Avoid common Deployment Mistakes 3. Analyze SharePoint Usage 4. Which Pages are Slow and Why? Bonus: Real Life Troubleshooting Example
  • 8. 7 7 Step SharePoint Health Check #1: End User Health #3: System Health#2: Site Health #4: IIS Health #5: AppPool Health #6: SQL & Service Health #7: Web Parts
  • 9. 8 Check #1: End User Health #1: Geo Location #2: User Environment #3: Errors
  • 10. 9 Check #2: Site Health #1: Load #2: Failures #3: Performance #4: Infrastructure #5: End User Index
  • 11. 10 Check #3: System Host Health #1: CPU & Memory #3: Process Check: Need to RE-DEPLOY? #2: I/O: Static & Logs
  • 12. 11 Check #4: IIS Health #1: Threads #2: Throughput #3: Page Size
  • 13. 12 Check #5: AppPool Health #1: Memory #2: Garbage Collection #3: Worker Threads
  • 14. 13 Check #6: SQL & Service Health #2: Connectivity Issues #1: Excessive SQL Roundtrips
  • 15. 14 Check #7: Web Parts #1: Performance #2: Deployment #3: Bad Coding: 211 SQL!
  • 16. 15 AVOID COMMON DEPLOYMENT MISTAKES Connectivity, Missing Files, Permission, …
  • 17. 16 Who’s talking with whom? How many Web Sites are actually running? How many requests make it to SharePoint’s AppPool? Do we call any external services Is our SQL Server overloaded?
  • 18. 17 Any Deployment Mistakes? HTTP 5xx, 4xx? Which errors are thrown by which page? Which Errors impact how many users?
  • 19. 18 Any Bad WebPart? WebParts that can’t be loaded! Here is the page that uses this WebPart
  • 20. 19 Connectivity Issues between Services? Watch out for Connection Exceptions! This is the page that tries to connect to that backend service! Root Cause: Configuration Issue
  • 21. 20 Authentication Issues? How many users have authentication issues? Which pages are users trying to access?
  • 22. 21 User Permission Problems? #1: Permission Issue Detected! #2: Related to SocialNavigationControl #3: Here is the problematic page
  • 23. 22 Missing Lists? List not found Exception! Here is the page that references this list!
  • 24. 23 Missing Columns? Somebody deleted a column? Here is the page that shows that column!
  • 25. 24 Bad Filter Settings? Bad filter settings result in Exceptions Here is the page that uses that bad filter!
  • 26. 25 ANALYZE SHAREPOINT USAGE Who is using What, How from Where?
  • 27. 26 How are people navigating through SharePoint? Which browsers do people use? Where are they from? Which Office? How do they navigate through the site? How fast/slow are these pages for them? Maybe impacted by bad network connectivity?
  • 28. 27 Which Lists/Views are Used? How often used? How fast/slow? Time spent in SQL Server? Same information interesting per View High Failure Rate?
  • 29. 28 Which Web Parts are used?
  • 30. 29 WHICH PAGES ARE SLOW How to identify them?
  • 31. 30 What are the top slowest end user pages? How Fast/Slow for the end user? How much of that is Server Time?
  • 32. 31 What makes them slow? How do these pages load? Lots of JavaScript that loads slow? Maybe cache on a Proxy/CDN?
  • 33. 32 REASONS FOR SLOW PAGES Client and Server Side
  • 34. 33 Many reasons for bad performance • Frontend – Overloaded and complex Pages – Too much JavaScript slows down older browsers – Bad content caching • Backend – Bad/Too Much Database Access – Bad Coding of custom code – Overhead due to configuration issues and resulting logs/exceptions – High Memory Consumption – Wrong Deployment Configurations (e.g: worker threads, …)
  • 35. 34 Overloaded Pages 2.6MB for Home Page ! Don’t overload with too much information!
  • 36. 35 Database Impact: too many requests 211! SQLs per Page Request
  • 37. 36 Database Impact: Same SQLSame SQL called many times per page!
  • 38. 37 Database Impact: Whom to blame? • Overloaded Pages with too many Web Parts • Badly implemented custom web parts • 3rd party WebParts or Controls
  • 39. 38 Bad Coding of Custom Web Parts - #1 ALL List Items are retrieved from the Database DO NOT int noOfItems = SPContext.Current.List.Items.Count; Item Count is kept redundant in the AllUserData table and also kept in memory DO int noOfItems = SPContext.Current.List.ItemCount;
  • 40. 39 Bad Coding of Custom Web Parts - #2 DO NOT for (int itemIx=0;itemIx< SPContext.Current.List.Items.Count;itemIx++) { SPListItem listItem = SPContext.Current.List.Items[itemIx]; // do something ... } Every access to Count and Items Property queries the whole SharePoint list We end up with 202 SQL Executions with a total exec time of > 1s
  • 41. 40 Good Coding of Custom Web Parts - #2 DO SPListItemCollection items = SPContext.Current.List.Items; foreach (SPListItem listItem in items) { // do something ... } Only first access to the collection queries the data
  • 42. 41 Telerik Grid Control Going Wild #1: Data Driven Problem Depending on the user input on that request we see up to 493! SQL Calls per request Root Cause: Every Grid Cell executed a new SQL #2: Statements not prepared None of these executions has been prepared
  • 43. 42 High Garbage Collection Memory Heavy Apps result in High GC that impacts Performance
  • 44. 43 High GC Result of High Memory Usage! Long Running GCs! Analyze Memory Patterns
  • 45. 44 High GC: Performance Heap Analysis Which classes stay on the heap? Which have the biggest impact? Who is keeping them in memory?
  • 46. 45 REAL LIFE TROUBLESHOOTING The journey of a frustrated SharePoint User
  • 47. 46 Frustrated User report bad Response Times Frustrated User Slow Page Load caused by Browser JS Time Slow Page Load caused by Server-Side Processing
  • 48. 47 Really slow page 6.8s to deliver Default.aspx page Involved Web Parts Most of the Time spent In waiting
  • 49. 48 WebPart uses multiple parallel Threads Async Threads are busy with I/O
  • 50. 49 First Remote Call is Very Slow Web Service call by ContentEditorWebPart HttpWebRequests uses ServicePoint internally First Web Serivce Requests takes 5.8s to return
  • 51. 50 Thread Limit lets all other Threads wait! We have 10 parallel calls in our background threads The other background threads spend their time “waiting” in the ServicePoint
  • 53. 52 Key Points to Take Home #1: End User Health: Happy or Frustrated? Desktop or Mobile? #3: System Health: CPU, Memory, Process Distribution, … #2: Site Health: Any Errors? Any Performance Issues? #4: IIS Health: Bandwidth? Threads? HTTP 4xx, 5xx? #5: AppPool Health: Memory, CPU, GC, Exceptions, Logs … #6: SQL & Service Health: # Roundtrips, Data Amount, CPU, Memory, I/O #7: Web Parts: 3rd Party & Custom. Bad Coding and Bad Deployments lead to crashes
  • 54. 53 More Links for You • Tools: • More Stories: • YouTube Tutorials: • Follow Me: @grabnerandi • Contact Me:
  • 55. 54 Please Leave Feedback During Q&A Please submit feedback by going to S201547151810 or by scanning the QR code to the right

Editor's Notes

  1. And that’s my professional background
  2. #1: End User Health: Happy or Frustrated? Desktop or Mobile? #2: Site Health: Any Errors? Any Performance Issues? #3: System Health: CPU, Memory, Process Distribution, … #4: IIS Health: Bandwidth? Threads? HTTP 4xx, 5xx? #5: AppPool Health: Memory, CPU, GC, Exceptions, Logs … #6: SQL & Service Health: # Roundtrips, Data Amount, CPU, Memory, I/O #7: Web Parts: 3rd Party & Custom. Bad Coding and Bad Deployments lead to crashes
  3. #1: Geo Location: Where from is SharePoint Accessed? Which Offices? Which Remote Locations? #2: User Environment: Is everyone using IE? How many use Mobile Devices? Bandwidth Issues? #3: Errors: Bad URLs? Bad JavaScript? Missing files?
  4. #1: Load: Which sites are used? #2: Failures: Any functional issues? #3: Performance: Meeting our SLAs? #4: Infrastructure: Servers Healthy? #5: End User Index: Happy users?
  5. Don’t just look at Windows OS Metrics such as CPU, Memory, Disk and Network Utilization Monitor individual SharePoint AppPool worker processes (w3wp.exe) to identify sites that overload this server #1: CPU & Memory: Background Jobs Running? What else is consuming it? #2: I/O: Too much logging? Serving too many static files? Data Sync Jobs? #3: Process Check: Which processes are consuming these resources? Need to RE-DEPLOY processes?
  6. #1: Threads: Enough IIS Worker Threads? Are threads waiting or doing work? #2: Throughput: Enough Bandwidth available? Better Cache Settings? #3: Page Size: Bloated pages? Cache Settings? CDN?
  7. #1: Memory: Indication of bad Memory Access or Leaks? #2: Garbage Collection: Impact on Performance? #3: Worker Threads: Proper Sizing Configuration?
  8. #1: Performance: How long does it take to render? #2: Deployment: Missing any Dependencies? #3: Bad Coding: 211 SQL Calls from a single Web Part
  9. A Telerik Grid C