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Frank Corso | @fpcorsoApril 12, 2018
MAINTENANCE | @fpcorsoApril 12, 2018
• Hosting Environment
• Updates
• Backups
• Restorals
• Security
• Monitoring
• eCommerce | @fpcorsoApril 12, 2018
DEFINING YOUR STRATEGY | @fpcorsoApril 12, 2018

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Along with walking you through SAP packages, our experts will share best practices they use to integrate UiPath with SAP. The agenda for this session is: 1. UiPath navigation for SAP automation (recap session 1) 2. Walk through of UiPath SAP packages 3. Tips and tricks for integration with SAP 4. Working demo of SAP UiPath integration 5. Q&A

HOSTING ENVIRONMENT | @fpcorsoApril 12, 2018
• Who is going to keep the server updated?
• Who is going to keep PHP and MySQL updated?
• If you are using a hosting provider, who is going to make sure that
the hosting provider is keeping these updated?
- Millions of WordPress sites are using outdated versions of PHP which
are no longer receiving security updates because their hosting provider
hasn't updated their PHP yet
• Will you have a staging site? | @fpcorsoApril 12, 2018
UPDATES | @fpcorsoApril 12, 2018
• How often will you check for WordPress, themes, and plugin
• How often will you perform the updates?
• Who will perform the updates?
• Who is going to check if the plugin is no longer supported? | @fpcorsoApril 12, 2018

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The document discusses a presentation on creating a successful SharePoint recovery plan given by Paul LaPorte of Metalogix. It provides an agenda for the presentation, which includes discussing why a recovery plan is critical, how to create a successful backup and restore plan, learning objectives such as what peer organizations are doing for service level agreements, and a case study on disaster recovery. The presentation emphasizes that testing recovery plans is essential since the vast majority of organizations fail recovery tests or require changes after testing.

sharepointbackuprecovery planning
Virtual Collaboration
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Virtual Collaboration

Raanan Bar-Cohen gives seven tips for effective virtual collaboration based on his experience working with the global Automattic team. The tips are: 1) Empower your remote team, 2) Use real-time communication tools like IRC, 3) When real-time isn't possible, use semi real-time tools like blogs and group messaging, 4) Meet in person a few times a year, 5) Open source projects, 6) Obsess over metrics to guide decisions, and 7) Break projects into bite-sized tasks. Bar-Cohen also discusses Automattic's various open source projects including WordPress, BuddyPress, and a new group messaging platform called Prologue Groups.

Data Security: Best Practices in the Hybrid Cloud | Fpwebinar
Data Security: Best Practices in the Hybrid Cloud | FpwebinarData Security: Best Practices in the Hybrid Cloud | Fpwebinar
Data Security: Best Practices in the Hybrid Cloud | Fpwebinar

This document discusses best practices for data security in hybrid cloud environments. It begins with an introduction and outlines the topics that will be covered, including a strategy for data security, cloud adoption, challenges, and closing security gaps. There is a discussion of ownership and responsibilities for security controls across on-premises, private cloud, and public cloud deployment options. The presentation cautions that public cloud providers have limitations for security customization and control. It suggests triaging data and considering costs and trust when deciding on deployment strategies. The discussion concludes with a question and answer section.

microsoft sharepointoffice 365data security
BACKUPS/RESTORALS | @fpcorsoApril 12, 2018
• How often is your site going to be backed up?
• Who or what will be performing the backup?
• Where will the backups be stored?
• If the site needs to be restored, who knows how to do that? | @fpcorsoApril 12, 2018
SECURITY | @fpcorsoApril 12, 2018
• What plugins or services will you use to secure your site?
• Who will keep track of file changes on your site?
- How often?
• Will you use any site scanning tool? Who will run the tool and how
• If your site is hacked and taken down, what are the steps to take to
fix it? | @fpcorsoApril 12, 2018

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TIP: Make sure you scroll to the last slide to view the video recording On April 26th, 2017 at 11am PST, Caleb Lane - Firewall Analyst, presented this webinar. Attention spans are getting shorter, and search engines are favoring websites with faster loading times and lower bounce rates. By optimizing your website performance, you can rank higher in search results, increase and retain your traffic and create an optimal user experience. This webinar covered basic principles of website performance and teaches website owners: - What two main metrics you should be focused on when optimizing your website. - Which steps you can take to effectively optimize your website performance. - How to utilize the recommended tools and solutions to accomplish these tasks.

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Data is used throughout organizations to help make educated decisions, but why does data seem to fall short when it comes to measuring how your product is actually used after the download? Keith Fenech, Co-Founder of Trackerbird Software Analytics, a V.i. Labs company, will discuss practical tips and tools for measuring end-user application usage, and how you can leverage this data to define and hone your product roadmap. In this session you will learn: •Methods for collecting software usage data •Which actionable metrics you should focus on when measuring application usage •How this data can help you build better products and convert more users to paying customers About Keith Fenech Keith is the Co-Founder of Trackerbird Software Analytics, a V.i. Labs company. Trackerbird provides valuable insight into product runtime and customer usage patterns giving product management the intelligence to make data-driven decisions about their product roadmaps. Prior to founding Trackerbird, Keith held senior product roles at GFI Software and Yellowbit. Keith has a Masters in Computer Science from the University of Malta. He founded and manages the Product Management group on LinkedIn consisting of over 81,000 members.

Figaf SOT SAP PI/PO support tool
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Figaf SOT SAP PI/PO support tool

The Figaf Support Optimizer Tool allows companies to track errors, receive 24/7 support procedures, automate failed message reprocessing, and send notifications. It identifies errors, looks up previous similar issues, and performs actions like restarting, canceling, or ignoring messages while learning from past errors to reduce support time.

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MONITORING | @fpcorsoApril 12, 2018
• How are you going to make sure your site is live and running?
(Uptime monitoring)
• Who is keeping track of comments and spam? | @fpcorsoApril 12, 2018
ECOMMERCE | @fpcorsoApril 12, 2018
• How often will you check to make sure the shopping cart is
• How often will you check that renewals are being processed?
• How often will you check that emails concerning renewals, expired
cards, etc. are being sent out correctly?
• Who is going to check all of this? | @fpcorsoApril 12, 2018

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This document summarizes an AI company that offers recommendation engines and search engines to help customers achieve business objectives using AI tools. It describes the company's mission to leverage customer data to derive insights and pick the right AI tools. Case studies describe building an ecommerce aggregation platform and recommendation engine for a B2C startup that increased user engagement. The typical process involves collecting and analyzing data, testing algorithms, deployment, and evaluation.

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Larry Furr, VP Product, Ghostery Norm Morrison, Sr. Director, Perf. Mngt, & Principal Architect eBay Enterprise

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Monitoring Solutions for APIs
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How to monitor and manage the API experience with Apigee's tools to measure API latencies, manage SLAs, and more. At I Love APIs 2015

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• Ensure you have a host that keeps server, PHP, and MySQL updated
with you occasionally checking to make sure you are updated.
• Use a staging site to perform updates on first to make sure your site
doesn't break
• Log into your site twice a week to perform updates
• Once a month, check all of your plugins to make sure they appear to
be still supported
• Use a backup plugin that can restore from backups and set it to
backup database daily and files weekly to a remote location | @fpcorsoApril 12, 2018
• Use a security plugin that emails discovered file changes
• Use a malware scanning tool to scan your site regularly
• Ensure you have the skills to restore a backup or know someone
you can call
• Use a tool that checks your site every 5 to 15 minutes to ensure it is
up and notifies you if it is not
• Log into your site weekly to address all comments and spam | @fpcorsoApril 12, 2018
• iThemes Security - plugin that ensures your site is secure
• Wordfence Security - alternative to iThemes Security
• Backup Buddy - plugin that backs up your site and allows you to
restore from backup
• Updraft Plus - alternative to Backup Buddy
• iThemes Sync - service that allows you to update many sites at
once plus uptime monitoring
• Manage WP - alternative to iThemes Sync | @fpcorsoApril 12, 2018
• Pingdom - service that checks your site regularly to ensure it is up
• WP Stage Coach - service that creates a staging site for your site
• Sucuri - service that watches your site for malware. Also has plans
to fix your site if hacked
• My WordPress Health Check - plugin that checks various aspects of
your site and shows you if something needs attention. i.e. PHP
version, unsupported plugins, and more | @fpcorsoApril 12, 2018

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Join us as we highlight important topics regarding affiliate program launch and maintenance. We encourage you to bring questions. Experience level: Beginner Target audience: Merchant/Advertiser Niche/vertical: Affiliate Management Geno Prussakov, Founder & CEO, AM Navigator LLC (Twitter @ePrussakov) (Moderator) Amy Ely, Ecommerce Acquisition Manager, Under Armour (Twitter @aely) Karen Garcia, CEO, GTO Management (Twitter @karengarcia) Kim Salvino, Director of Publisher Development, Chateau 20, LLC (Twitter @kim_salvino)

Sophisticated Incident Response Requires Sophisticated Activity Monitoring
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Are you prepared for a data breach? Are you confident you will find a breach in a timely manner? Facts are over 70% of businesses report a security breach and 75% of breaches are undetected for days or even months. Once discovered, incident response teams are under extreme pressure to close the breach, figure out what happened, what was lost, and calculate the risk. Organizations need a sophisticated incident response plan. View this presentation and learn how to: - Discover sensitive data, risk, and vulnerabilities - Detect and block cyber security events - Investigate incidents and automate remediation - Demonstrate consistent policy application across all sensitive data

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"APIs as a growth tool of your startup" par Nicolas Grenié
"APIs as a growth tool of your startup" par Nicolas Grenié "APIs as a growth tool of your startup" par Nicolas Grenié
"APIs as a growth tool of your startup" par Nicolas Grenié

Par Nicolas Grenié de 3scale. Inscrivez-vous au prochain meetup! Inscrivez-vous à la newsletter pour ne pas rater les prochains évènements ! On adorerait votre feedback & suggestion !

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Q & A | @fpcorsoApril 12, 2018

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Defining Your Maintenance Strategy

  • 3. THINGS TO CONSIDER • Hosting Environment • Updates • Backups • Restorals • Security • Monitoring • eCommerce | @fpcorsoApril 12, 2018
  • 5. HOSTING ENVIRONMENT | @fpcorsoApril 12, 2018
  • 6. QUESTIONS TO ASK • Who is going to keep the server updated? • Who is going to keep PHP and MySQL updated? • If you are using a hosting provider, who is going to make sure that the hosting provider is keeping these updated? - Millions of WordPress sites are using outdated versions of PHP which are no longer receiving security updates because their hosting provider hasn't updated their PHP yet • Will you have a staging site? | @fpcorsoApril 12, 2018
  • 8. QUESTIONS TO ASK • How often will you check for WordPress, themes, and plugin updates? • How often will you perform the updates? • Who will perform the updates? • Who is going to check if the plugin is no longer supported? | @fpcorsoApril 12, 2018
  • 10. QUESTIONS TO ASK • How often is your site going to be backed up? • Who or what will be performing the backup? • Where will the backups be stored? • If the site needs to be restored, who knows how to do that? | @fpcorsoApril 12, 2018
  • 12. QUESTIONS TO ASK • What plugins or services will you use to secure your site? • Who will keep track of file changes on your site? - How often? • Will you use any site scanning tool? Who will run the tool and how often? • If your site is hacked and taken down, what are the steps to take to fix it? | @fpcorsoApril 12, 2018
  • 14. QUESTIONS TO ASK • How are you going to make sure your site is live and running? (Uptime monitoring) • Who is keeping track of comments and spam? | @fpcorsoApril 12, 2018
  • 16. QUESTIONS TO ASK • How often will you check to make sure the shopping cart is working? • How often will you check that renewals are being processed? • How often will you check that emails concerning renewals, expired cards, etc. are being sent out correctly? • Who is going to check all of this? | @fpcorsoApril 12, 2018
  • 17. EXAMPLE MAINTENANCE STRATEGY • Ensure you have a host that keeps server, PHP, and MySQL updated with you occasionally checking to make sure you are updated. • Use a staging site to perform updates on first to make sure your site doesn't break • Log into your site twice a week to perform updates • Once a month, check all of your plugins to make sure they appear to be still supported • Use a backup plugin that can restore from backups and set it to backup database daily and files weekly to a remote location | @fpcorsoApril 12, 2018
  • 18. EXAMPLE MAINTENANCE STRATEGY • Use a security plugin that emails discovered file changes • Use a malware scanning tool to scan your site regularly • Ensure you have the skills to restore a backup or know someone you can call • Use a tool that checks your site every 5 to 15 minutes to ensure it is up and notifies you if it is not • Log into your site weekly to address all comments and spam | @fpcorsoApril 12, 2018
  • 19. SUGGESTED TOOLS/SERVICES • iThemes Security - plugin that ensures your site is secure • Wordfence Security - alternative to iThemes Security • Backup Buddy - plugin that backs up your site and allows you to restore from backup • Updraft Plus - alternative to Backup Buddy • iThemes Sync - service that allows you to update many sites at once plus uptime monitoring • Manage WP - alternative to iThemes Sync | @fpcorsoApril 12, 2018
  • 20. SUGGESTED TOOLS/SERVICES • Pingdom - service that checks your site regularly to ensure it is up • WP Stage Coach - service that creates a staging site for your site • Sucuri - service that watches your site for malware. Also has plans to fix your site if hacked • My WordPress Health Check - plugin that checks various aspects of your site and shows you if something needs attention. i.e. PHP version, unsupported plugins, and more | @fpcorsoApril 12, 2018
  • 21. Q & A | @fpcorsoApril 12, 2018