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An introduction to reactive
applications, Reactive Streams, and
options for the JVM
Steve Pember
CTO, ThirdChannel
Software Architecture Con, 2016
• The Problem
• To Be Reactive
• What are Reactive Streams?
• Rx in Depth
• An Overview of JVM Options
• Demo Time!
The Problem: The Need to go
Really, it’s Two problems
1) Performance Demands
Are Always Increasing
An introduction to Reactive applications, Reactive Streams, and options for the JVM (SACon SF 2016)
We Use Technology from the
Beginning of Web Development
An introduction to Reactive applications, Reactive Streams, and options for the JVM (SACon SF 2016)
Things Slow Down
Users get
–Johnny Appleseed
“Type a quote here.”
Let’s Keep Our Users Happy
And Engaged
2) The Rise of Microservices
It’s Not Only Users That Use Up
An introduction to Reactive applications, Reactive Streams, and options for the JVM (SACon SF 2016)
So… what to do?
Reactive Applications
• Responsive
Reactive Applications
• Responsive
• Resilient
An introduction to Reactive applications, Reactive Streams, and options for the JVM (SACon SF 2016)
Embrace Failure
An introduction to Reactive applications, Reactive Streams, and options for the JVM (SACon SF 2016)
Independent Things Fail
Reactive Applications
• Responsive
• Resilient
• Elastic (Scalable)
An introduction to Reactive applications, Reactive Streams, and options for the JVM (SACon SF 2016)
Reactive Applications
• Responsive
• Resilient
• Elastic (Scalable)
• Asynchronous / Message Driven
Free up resources
with Async
Operations & Non-
Blocking I/O
Now do all of this at every level
of your app…
All the Way
An introduction to Reactive applications, Reactive Streams, and options for the JVM (SACon SF 2016)
• User Interface: What the user interacts with (JS, iOS, Android)
• Inter-Service: Distributed application topology + service
communication design (e.g. Kafka for async messaging)
• Intra-Service: The code! (well designed with bounded contexts)
• Framework: Structures your code + provides external
communication, DI, etc
• Execution Environment: Broad area, but includes how your
code is executed (e.g. in JVM: Tomcat, Jetty, Netty)
Mostly talk about this…
We’ll talk a little about this…
And a little more about this
There’s not enough time!
Writing Reactive Code is the
best method of introduction…
Async is Hard for Humans
One Excellent Tool is (are?)
Reactive Streams
But Wait…
An introduction to Reactive applications, Reactive Streams, and options for the JVM (SACon SF 2016)
• The Problem
• What are Reactive Streams?
“Reactive Streams”, “Reactive
Extensions”, or “Rx”
Collections + Time
An introduction to Reactive applications, Reactive Streams, and options for the JVM (SACon SF 2016)
Single abstraction over data
from many sources
Observer Pattern
Push (not Pull)
based Iterators
Functional Programming
Streams with Extensions for
Reactive Programming
Rx makes Async behavior easy!
(Reactive Pull) Backpressure
An introduction to Reactive applications, Reactive Streams, and options for the JVM (SACon SF 2016)
What is Rx?
• Collections + Time
• A Single Abstraction over data from different sources
• Observer Pattern with Push-based iterators
• Stream Based Functional Programming
• … with Extensions for Reactive Programming
• Async is easy
• Backpressure
Rx Simplifies Complex Work
…Once you
of course…
Story Time!
Story Time
Story Time
Story Time
Story Time
2012 - MS Open Source’s RX!
Story Time
2012 - MS Open Source’s RX!
An introduction to Reactive applications, Reactive Streams, and options for the JVM (SACon SF 2016)
An introduction to Reactive applications, Reactive Streams, and options for the JVM (SACon SF 2016)
• The Problem
• What are Reactive Streams?
• Rx in depth
Key Terms:
An Observable is like Promise ++
(Observable: aka ‘Publisher’)
Observables are most powerful
when wrapping external input
An Observable pushes items to
Subscribers receive and
operate on emitted data
Observables and Subscribers
operate on a Scheduler
The following
examples use
rxJava 1.x
Also, try out rxGroovy
• Dynamic Language for the JVM
• Less Verbose (Reduce Java Boilerplate)
• Ruby/Python - esque Collections
• Run Time Meta Programming
• Optionally Typed
• AST Transformations
• Powerful Annotations
• Multi - Inheritance via Traits and @DelegatesTo
Basic Usage
Thankfully, there are shortcuts
Streams are Composable
You can get much power from 5 functions
• filter
• map
• reduce
• groupBy
• flatMap
First Mental Leap: An
Observable of Observables
–Johnny Appleseed
“Type a quote here.”
Let’s get a
little crazy
Hot vs Cold
Cold Observable: finite data, on
Hot Observable: infinite data, as
it’s ready
Cold Observable: only starts
emitting data on .subscribe ()
Hot Observable: emits data
whenever it’s ready
Asynchronous Streams
Can only Mitigate Hot Streams
• throttle
• sample
• window
• buffer
• drop
Stream Interaction
Don’t Unsubscribe from Observables
Programmatically complete them
when another Observable fires
An introduction to Reactive applications, Reactive Streams, and options for the JVM (SACon SF 2016)
AutoComplete Requirements
• Wait 250 ms between keypresses before querying
• If no keys are pressed, no query
• Successful queries should render movies
• Any new queries should kill in-flight queries
An introduction to Reactive applications, Reactive Streams, and options for the JVM (SACon SF 2016)
But what’s
going on?
keyPress stream creates a sub-
stream which is reacting to
subsequent data from the
Ok, what about 2.0?
API hasn’t changed much
An introduction to Reactive applications, Reactive Streams, and options for the JVM (SACon SF 2016)
RxJava 2.0
• Completely rebuilt for 1.0 spec
• Decreased resource usage
• No nulls allowed
• New Publisher types
• Observable - classic. In 2.0: no Backpressure
• Flowable - new to 2.0. Use this for Backpressure
• Single - only one item will be emitted or signal error
• Completable - only signal success or error
• Maybe - new to 2.0: one item emitted, signal success, or signal
error (think, Promise)
• The Problem
• What are Reactive Streams?
• Rx In Depth
• An Overview of JVM options
Intra-Service Options
An introduction to Reactive applications, Reactive Streams, and options for the JVM (SACon SF 2016)
An introduction to Reactive applications, Reactive Streams, and options for the JVM (SACon SF 2016)
ReactiveX JVM Family
• rxJava
• rxJavaFX
• rxGroovy
• rxClojure
• rxKotlin
• rxScala
• And many more (beyond JVM):
Akka & Akka Streams
• Library
• Definition of Reactive System
• Created by LightBend
• Actor-Based Concurrency
• Implemented Streams on Top of Actor Model
An introduction to Reactive applications, Reactive Streams, and options for the JVM (SACon SF 2016)
An introduction to Reactive applications, Reactive Streams, and options for the JVM (SACon SF 2016)
An introduction to Reactive applications, Reactive Streams, and options for the JVM (SACon SF 2016)
–Johnny Appleseed
“Type a quote here.”
–Johnny Appleseed
“Type a quote here.”
• Pivotal Project
• Library
• Reactive Streams
• Built on LMAX Ring Buffer / Disrupter
• Multiple libraries to extend Disruptor in multiple ways
Java 9 will have Flow
Framework Level
• High Performance Web Framework
• Non-Opinionated
• Non-Blocking Network Stack
• Built on Reactive Streams, Netty, Java 8, Guice
• Deterministic Asynchronous Execution
Take a Look at Ratpack
Includes rxRatpack module, but
we’ll talk about that later
An introduction to Reactive applications, Reactive Streams, and options for the JVM (SACon SF 2016)
… specifically, Spring 5
Spring Web Reactive vs
Spring Web MVC
Spring 5
• spring-web-reactive instead of spring-mvc
• Same @Controller programming model
• Different underlying API
• Based on Project Reactor
• Can run within Tomcat, Jetty, or Netty (e.g. can fallback to use
An introduction to Reactive applications, Reactive Streams, and options for the JVM (SACon SF 2016)
Play Framework
• Part of the Lightbend family
• Built on Akka and Netty
• Async I/O
• Lightweight and stateless
• Encourages RESTful design
• Focus on JSON
An introduction to Reactive applications, Reactive Streams, and options for the JVM (SACon SF 2016)
• Event-driven & Non blocking
• lightweight, non-opinionated, and modular
• integrates with rxJava
• support for additional languages (like JS and Ruby)
• Can be used as a library embedded in an existing app
Demo Time
Any Questions?
Thank You!
More Information
• Reactive Groovy & Ratpack Demo:
• Jafar Husain: RxJS:
• Reactive Streams Spec:
• Reactive Manifesto:
• Akka:
• rxJava / ReactiveX libraries:
• Ratpack:
• Reactor:
• The Introduction to Reactive Programming you’ve been missing:
• Martin Fowler: Stream / Pipeline programming:
• Or Just on Groovy (Groovy the Awesome Parts):
• Ratpack Web Presentation:
• Advanced RxJava Blog:
• Martin Fowler LMAX breakdown:
• Reactive Web Apps with Spring 5:
• Empty Pool:
• Juggling:
• Directing Traffic:
• LMAX Disrupter:
• Mailman:
• Actors Diagram:
• Cheetah:
• Dominoes:
• Spartans:
• Stampeding Buffalo:
• Turtles (Cosmic):
• XkCD turtles:
• Simpsons “Old Coot”:
• Meditation:
• Death Star Architectures:

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