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Google App Engine: Java Runtime Michael  "Van"  Riper Silicon Valley Code Camp October 3, 2009 Kritter a  twitter  bot written in  Java and deployed on  App Engine
Google App Engine: Java Runtime Kritter Demo Follow @KrillionKritter Two minutes later, check messages d krillionkritter u 883974183913 94041 One minute later, check messages
Google App Engine: Java Runtime Caveats I am a neophyte Eclipse user =) No Google Web Toolkit coverage Dependency on Twitter service
Google App Engine: Java Runtime Getting Started App Engine Docs Kritter Source Code Twitter4J Project

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Twitter APIs - the starter guide

The document discusses Twitter's data APIs, including the Streaming API which provides a 1% sample of all tweets or tracks keywords in real-time, and the REST API which accesses past tweet data. It recommends creating a Twitter app, using optimized calls to the REST API to avoid errors, and leveraging open source libraries rather than re-inventing the wheel.

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Google App Engine: Java Runtime WEB-INF Configuration appengine.xml web.xml queue.xml cron.xml
Google App Engine: Java Runtime META-INF Configuration jdoconfig.xml Kritter Server Configuration
Google App Engine: Java Runtime FollowerServlet Test manually first Automate with cron job later on Uses Datastore to save cron state Uses “followers” Task Queue
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SpringOne Platform 2017 Prasad Bopardikar, Pivotal; Colin Stevenson, Pivotal "We all know Cloud Foundry is a great platform for cloud-native applications. However, what happens when you’re building an app that leverages services from public cloud providers such as Microsoft, Google and Amazon? Service brokers make it easy to spin up service instances and bind to apps. What about the actual code itself? Developers leverage the popular Spring Boot framework to quickly build Java apps to deploy to Cloud Foundry. The Spring Boot Starters and Auto-Configuration eliminate the need to write boilerplate code to consume some services, but not all. We’ve decided to give you a head start. This session is about extending the Spring framework. We’ll use examples from our recent work with Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform and Amazon AWS services. As more services become available, developers will want to consume these on Cloud Foundry. Extend Spring to make it easier for developers to consume those backing services!"

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Google App Engine: Java Runtime MessageServlet Test manually first Automate with cron job later on Uses Datastore to save cron state Uses “messages” Task Queue
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Google App Engine: Java Runtime Datastore: FollowerStat Used by FollowerServlet Stores new follower history Datastore: MessageStat Used by MessageServlet Stores new message history

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This document outlines Daxtra's resume search integration solution. It involves using a candidate feed agent that loads resumes into an AWS SQS queue from various data sources. A resume reader then processes messages from the queue by looking up resumes, adding candidate profiles to Daxtra, and logging the results. A candidate search agent allows for searching candidates and returning results via API calls to Daxtra services.

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This document provides links to resources for developing and deploying Spring Boot applications on Azure. It includes links to tutorials on deploying a first Spring Boot app, a workshop on Azure Spring Cloud, demo videos of Azure Spring Cloud, information on using Spring with Azure services, tutorials for building Java apps on Azure, best practices for deploying Spring Boot apps, and a sample app using Spring Security and Azure Active Directory.

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core framework.netserverless/microservices
Google App Engine: Java Runtime Datastore: Friend Used by FollowerWorkerServlet Stores friends and their preferences Datastore: Reply Used by MessageWorkerServlet Stores messages and replies
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Google App Engine: Java Runtime Additional Resources Building Scalable, Complex Apps Rick Hightower on developerWorks Gaelyk, a Groovy Toolkit Scala on Google App Engine

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So here we have our brand new app, but how about its deployment, autoscale, high availability and so on? We're gonna take a journey from source code posted to GitHub to deployment in Google Cloud Platform which will be capable to take bazillion of requests. Will make our own docker image and see how it is looks like in practice. Will start our first kubernetes cluster and deploy our app. Will have a sneak peak into autoscaler and high availability


Google App Engine (GAE) is a platform that allows developers to build and host web applications in Google's infrastructure. Key points: - GAE provides scalable hosting for web applications built using Python, Java, and other technologies. - It offers APIs for common services like data storage (BigTable), user authentication, mail sending, and image processing. - Applications can scale automatically based on traffic and are subject to resource limits of 500MB of storage and 500 concurrent requests.

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The document describes two types of high storage data warehouse nodes - Extra Large (XL) and Eight Extra Large (8XL). The XL node has 2 virtual cores, 15GB memory, 3 HDDs with 2TB storage, and moderate network and disk I/O. The larger 8XL node has 16 virtual cores, 120GB memory, 24 HDDs with 16TB storage, 10GbE networking and very high disk I/O. Both nodes are designed for high storage workloads in a data warehouse environment.

Google App Engine: Java Runtime That's All Folks Questions?

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SVCC Google App Engine: Java Runtime

  • 1. Google App Engine: Java Runtime Michael "Van" Riper Silicon Valley Code Camp October 3, 2009 Kritter a twitter bot written in Java and deployed on App Engine
  • 2. Google App Engine: Java Runtime Kritter Demo Follow @KrillionKritter Two minutes later, check messages d krillionkritter u 883974183913 94041 One minute later, check messages
  • 3. Google App Engine: Java Runtime Caveats I am a neophyte Eclipse user =) No Google Web Toolkit coverage Dependency on Twitter service
  • 4. Google App Engine: Java Runtime Getting Started App Engine Docs Kritter Source Code Twitter4J Project
  • 5. Google App Engine: Java Runtime WEB-INF Configuration appengine.xml web.xml queue.xml cron.xml
  • 6. Google App Engine: Java Runtime META-INF Configuration jdoconfig.xml Kritter Server Configuration
  • 7. Google App Engine: Java Runtime FollowerServlet Test manually first Automate with cron job later on Uses Datastore to save cron state Uses “followers” Task Queue
  • 8. Google App Engine: Java Runtime FollowerWorkerServlet Handles “followers” Task Queue Saves new “friends” in Datastore
  • 9. Google App Engine: Java Runtime MessageServlet Test manually first Automate with cron job later on Uses Datastore to save cron state Uses “messages” Task Queue
  • 10. Google App Engine: Java Runtime MessageWorkerServlet Handles “messages” Task Queue Saves new “replies” in Datastore
  • 11. Google App Engine: Java Runtime Datastore: Why I Chose JDO Better documented: Using JDO with App Engine Nice default JDO Support in Eclipse Datastore: PMF PersistenceManager Singleton
  • 12. Google App Engine: Java Runtime Datastore: FollowerStat Used by FollowerServlet Stores new follower history Datastore: MessageStat Used by MessageServlet Stores new message history
  • 13. Google App Engine: Java Runtime Datastore: Friend Used by FollowerWorkerServlet Stores friends and their preferences Datastore: Reply Used by MessageWorkerServlet Stores messages and replies
  • 14. Google App Engine: Java Runtime Deploy & Monitor Local vs Remote Deployment Versions Logs Cron Jobs Task Queue Data Viewer Quota Details
  • 15. Google App Engine: Java Runtime Kritter: Unfinished Business Securing URLs for Cron Jobs Add GWT sample code Add proper command parser Documentation
  • 16. Google App Engine: Java Runtime Additional Resources Building Scalable, Complex Apps Rick Hightower on developerWorks Gaelyk, a Groovy Toolkit Scala on Google App Engine
  • 17. Google App Engine: Java Runtime That's All Folks Questions?

Editor's Notes

  1. How many people are familiar with twitter? Explain concepts: followers, friends, tweets, and direct messages. Kritter makes all your followers friends automatically. It responds to certain commands sent from friends as direct messages and sends back responses to friends also as direct messages.
  2. Can I have a volunteer? Anyone on twitter right now? If not, MrVanShizzle will have to fill in. =) Note: the long term vision is third party applications generating the KrillionKritter commands on behalf of users. For now, this is an easy way to test the functionality.
  3. This has been quite the learning opportunity for me as a long time IntelliJ IDEA user. If the plugin for IDEA had not displayed passwords in the clear, I would have probably gone that route instead for this presentation. I highly recommend Fred Sauer's Sunday 9:15am GWT Session for those interested in GWT.
  4. Due to sessions being shortened from 75 to 60 minutes, we won't be able to take time now to get folks setup. Sorry! Java getting started docs are excellent and work well for the Eclipse development approach. Twitter4J has worked flawlessly. Even using the HttpClient class from this project for my Krillion web service calls.
  5. Mention logging setup in appengine.xml. Good idea to set INFO as default logging level for new projects. Nothing special in web.xml. Define my own custom task queues. Cron can be shut off by deploying an empty <cronentries/> element.
  6. In my Eclipse setup, jdoconfig.xml was generated for me with reasonable defaults right out of the box. is where you configure the bot to work with the twitter account of your choosing. Checked in values are placeholders that you must change to some valid twitter account credentials.
  7. Say more about datastore later. Focus on the task queue usage in this servlet: 1. Get named queue from factory 2. Add url to the queue 3. Uses builder pattern for adding parameters to the url. Note: Output a plain text response in parallel to logged information. This was really helpful during initial manual testing phase.
  8. Each worker request provides new follower's ID as request parameter. Use this to verify existing friendship and establish new friendships as necessary. Send twitter direct message welcoming new friends. Persist new friend records in our datastore. You need to be careful with task handlers. If they fail, the task queue management logic will keep retrying them. They can also run more than once. Can you say ... Idempotence? =)
  9. Say more about datastore later. Focus on the task queue usage in this servlet: 1. Get named queue from factory 2. Add url to the queue 3. Uses builder pattern for adding parameters to the url. Note: Output a plain text response in parallel to logged information. This was really helpful during initial manual testing phase.
  10. Each worker request provides message text and the sender as request parameters. Any messages that match our command syntax are handled. Note: We update Friend record early on and add new Reply record at the end. Important to do single close of the PersistenceManager at the very end.
  11. If you go the JDO route, the google documentation on JDO linked to here is a must read. Very well documented. In fact, my implementation of PMF is a copy/paste from the google documentation. This is highly recommended due to overhead associated with PersistenceManager initialization. My datastore may not be very complicated, but, I was extremely happy with how easy persistence was to implement for this application.
  12. By retrieving latest FollowerStat in cron job processing, I can efficiently process only the new followers during each scheduled execution of the /followers job. By retrieving latest MessageStat in cron job processing, I can efficiently process only the new messages during each scheduled execution of the /messages job.
  13. Friend entities are pretty straighforward. It will get more interesting when I add support to store multiple products or multiple zip code preferences per Friend. Reply entities capture the incoming command and the generated answer. Storing the parsed UPC code and Zip code as separate fields for possible future use. For example, looking up in the Reply table all the unique UPC codes searched for in a particular Zip code area.
  14. Demonstrate how simple deployment is from within Eclipse IDE. I confess. I did most of my debugging with the logs and plain text responses during the initial manual testing. In theory, you deploy locally to debug. Get to know the App Engine web dashboard for your application. Deployed version management, log viewing, cron job status, viewing your datastore data, and quota stats are all there. It may not be sexy, but, there is a lot of useful functionality in it.
  15. The kritter cron jobs spawn idempotent tasks, but, it is still a good idea to secure the URLs involved. This is something I will be adding soon I would like to add a dashboard to the webapp that uses Ajax to show a live stream of new followers and new replies. This is a perfect task for introducing GWT to this project. My current RegEx approach will not scale. Kritter code sorely needs to be properly documented. My bad.
  16. First resource, is a Google I/O video that comes highly recommended. I'm a big fan of Rich Hightower's stuff. This is a three part tutorial that looks promising. Gaelyk looked interesting to me. At this point, there is also a Grails App Engine plugin. Of course, we can't leave Scala/Lift out of the equation either. =)
  17. If you are still hungry for more, you can attend Jason Cooper's App Engine 101 session on Sunday at 1:00pm.