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Monitoring as Code
How to Integrate App Monitoring Into Your Developer Cycle
A Brief History Of Monitoring
The Boy Who Cried Wolf
Didn’t We Solve This With DevOps?

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Take Action with Forge Triggers
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Take Action with Forge Triggers

This document discusses using triggers to automate actions in Forge apps. It begins with an overview of triggers and then discusses: - Product triggers that are triggered by events in Atlassian products like Jira, Confluence etc. - Web triggers that are triggered by HTTP requests to a Forge function. - How to authenticate and make requests to external services like Opsgenie from Forge functions in response to triggers. - Demos of building a Forge app that responds to Jira issue creation by assigning the issue and notifying Opsgenie. The document provides details on the event payload formats, making authenticated requests, and deploying/managing the Forge app lif

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The New & Improved Confluence Server and Data Center
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Confluence Server is on an exciting yet challenging journey to deliver its latest platform version (7.0) very soon. Platform releases usually provide us an opportunity to make significant and/or breaking changes to Confluence. While these changes may seem fairly inconsequential at times, they do unlock a huge potential for our team to ship massive improvements, that help your teams get work done faster in Confluence. Given we only ship a platform version every 2-3 years, Usman Khalid, Senior Team Lead for Confluence Server, will take this opportunity to present some important upcoming changes to our vendors, developers and administrators so they have enough time to understand and prepare for the plethora of benefits and features that are packed into this new version of Confluence.

atlassianatlascamp 2019
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Slides used for In 2011 we delivered 2 major releases of our on premise enterprise software. Market, technology and customer requirements forced us to change that in order to remain competitive. Now – in 2017 - we are deploying and providing feature releases every 2 weeks for both our on premise and SaaS-based offering. We deploy 170 SaaS production changes per day and have a DevOps pipeline that allows us to deploy a code change within 1h if necessary. To increase quality, we built and provide a DevOps pipeline that currently executes 31000 Unit & Integration Tests per Hour as well as 60h UI Tests per Build. Our application teams are responsible end-to-end for their features and use production monitoring to validate their deployments which allows them to find 93% of bugs in production before it impacts our end users. In this session I explain how this transformation worked from both “Top Down” as well as “Bottom Up” in our organization. A key component was the 4 people strong DevOps Team who developed and “sell” their DevOps Pipeline to the globally distributed application teams. I will give insights into how our pipeline enables application teams to design, code, test and run a new feature for our user base. I will also talk about the “dark moments” as change is never without friction. Both internally as well as with our customers who also had to get used to more rapid changes.

qualitymonitoringapplication performance management
Introducing Monitoring As Code
Getting started
History Of
History of
Single system monitoring
All tools were focused on the wellbeing of their host
system (top, vmstat, syslog). It was a symbiotic mess.
Command-line interfaces
Because... well… does this need explaining?
It makes me feel old.
Application? Say what?
It is hard enough to keep the systems running, who
cares about the actual applications.

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4 Changes We're Making to Help you be Successful in the Cloud

Are you curious about what Atlassian is doing to help you develop and run a successful business in cloud? Come find out in this lightning session with Alexandra Kassab, Senior Product Manager at Atlassian.

atlassianatlascamp 2019
Launch into New Markets with JIRA Service Desk
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Launch into New Markets with JIRA Service Desk

IT, customer service, and business process management are multi-billion dollar industries that you can tap into. How? By building amazing add-ons for the fastest growing product in Atlassian: JIRA Service Desk. In this talk, JIRA Service Desk's Principal Product Manager, Shihab Hamid, covers both the opportunities to solve real customer problems and dive into the new API that's available so you can make it happen! Shihab Hamid, Principal Product Manager, Atlassian

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AI-Powered DevOps: Injecting Speed & Quality Across Verizon’s Cloud Pipelines
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AI-Powered DevOps: Injecting Speed & Quality Across Verizon’s Cloud Pipelines

Customer experience is a top priority for Verizon, so they turned to DevOps best practices to address technical issues. The result was tremendous – 3x faster build times and a 50% drop in reported bugs – all within the first six months! This success evolved to an automated delivery pipeline approach that leveraged cloud and container technology, and teams were able to deploy new features faster, directly into production. With faster releases came vast technical complexity. Using Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered monitoring, Verizon was able to transcend this problem, and today easily manages complex, web-scale DevOps in the cloud. • Learn the DevOps “shift-left” quality model Verizon embraced to find issues before they reached production. • Discover best practices that accelerated Verizon’s build and test cycle times by 3x in just six months. • Understand what AI-powered technology is, and how it can help you master the complexity of DevOps cloud environments. • Learn how Verizon uses DevOps and cloud monitoring as part of one integrated application delivery chain. You’ll gain best practices and insights you can use immediately!

devopsdevops toolsdevops metrics
History of
Systems & network monitoring
Even back then we wanted to make sure
was always online (we ❤ books!)
Web-based interfaces FTW!
Yes, finally, a web-based interface. Who doesn’t love
to configure CGI scripts in Apache 1.3?
Oh right, applications, yes, getting there
Ok, so you created this “website” you want to run on
my system. You want it to ALWAYS work. I get it.
History of
Busy doing other stuff until late ‘00
Yeah sorry, life kept us busy doing other stuff.
Be the change you seek 😉
Agile. DevOps. Right… gotcha
Ops are still using Nagios. Devs spent the entire
decade reinventing almost everything.
What is APM again?
Install what New Relic agent now? JVM level
integration? Oh wow, those graphs are awesome 😍!
History of
Cloud age
Multi-faceted landscape monitoring
We have eyes on our on-prem, multi-cloud, micro
services based infrastructure. We have 200 tools for it.
Still getting notifications at 3am
Oh well… some things never change 🤷
Your application are belong to us
We are using auto-scaling now, don’t really care if
your application is hording resources. We cool.
Boy Who
Cried Wolf

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Why you have to rethink your monitoring strategy when moving or building apps for new stack cloud based environments: #1: Why "the old way" of monitoring doesnt work any longer! #2: How the Cloud and New Stack has transformed Dynatrace! #3: How Dynatrace Redefined Monitoring for Cloud Applications

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Mock Servers - Fake All the Things!
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Mock Servers - Fake All the Things!

Nowadays we all seem to be working with small independent services that need to talk with numerous other services. This is a problem because when developing your service, you need to have a working environment—but bringing up all your dependencies is often not an option. In this talk, I will take you through our journey of creating a mock server to increase dev speed, and how it allowed us to write better tests.

atlassian summit 2016
Designing Forge UI: A Story of Designing an App UI System
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Creating apps with Forge and its UI frontend components is now easier than ever. Join Senior Designer Allard van Helbergen and Product Manager Josephine Lee as they walk through the story of designing Forge UI. What is a declarative UI and why did we choose this paradigm? What are all the considerations that go into defining the set of components to build apps with? And how do you make ‘creating apps’ simple? Walk away understanding the foundations of Forge, how all the different components work together, and where Forge UI is headed in the future.

atlassianatlascamp 2019
(false) positively cruel
fool me once, shame on you;
fool me twice, shame on me;
fool me at 3am and for the love of me
I will know where to find you.
25% believe these
interruptions [..] make their
jobs unmanageable at times
of IT professionals reported 11 – 30 interruptions per week
We are using the wrong
metrics to monitor our
systems and applications

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1. ViaSat implemented a DevOps model and tools like Splunk, xMatters, Jira and HipChat to improve incident response times and enable automated collaboration across teams. 2. Use cases described how full closed loop incidents could be managed from initial alert to resolution. CI/CD pipelines allowed for automated deployments and documentation updates. 3. Benefits included reducing response times from 10 minutes to 30 seconds on average, empowering on-call staff to focus on fixing issues rather than administrative tasks, and enabling seamless escalation to ChatOps teams.

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What makes Cloud Foundry the best place to run Java microservices? Looking beyond the Java buildpack—we'll examine what makes a distributed platform such a perfect fit for distributed applications. What could operational automation look like for critical functions like service discovery, circuit breaker monitoring, and configuration services? Application and operations-focused developers, Architects, and IT managers will walk away with a solid introduction to what makes Spring Boot / Spring Cloud workloads exciting on Cloud Foundry.

codemotioncodemotion rome 2019technology
Automate Mission Critical Business Workflows With JIRA
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Automate Mission Critical Business Workflows With JIRA

JIRA is now a mission critical application for Arizona State University. In our quest to become the premiere "Connected University", I will demonstrate several different business use cases utilizing JIRA and its technical capabilities. We use it to receive an email, create an issue, initiate an Enterprise Service Bus flow, and then record the outcome of the transaction and, if the outcome is negative, notify an appropriate resource. You'll learn that JIRA is not necessarily a stand-alone system but can be fully integrated into the menu of enterprise applications and utilized to both receive and invoke business events. This presentation covers the use of Webhooks, JIRA API, and email-to-issue creation. Products covered: JIRA Software

atlassian summit 2016jira software
Monitoring & alerting is the
last remaining silo in our
development process
It’s the tooling, stupid
We Solve
This With
Introducing Monitoring As Code

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At Atlassian, we believe in a simple motto - automate everything that can be automated and streamline everything that can't. Join us on a journey into automation and demystify processes that allow you to supercharge JIRA Service Desk. From the automatic assigning of incidents to the correct team member, to resolving tickets once the linked JIRA software ticket is resolved -- discover how JIRA Service Desk scales with your business. Let the product work for you, so your IT team can work on what matters. Vincent Wong, Product Manager, Atlassian

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The document discusses using cookies to securely store secrets and API keys in Postman. It describes storing encrypted values in cookies rather than environments to avoid exposing secrets. The code examples show how to get, set, and encrypt/decrypt values in cookies to use in Postman sessions and tests. Developers are advised to implement role-based access control, avoid sharing secrets publicly, and carefully manage what data is synced or exposed.

3 Tips to Deliver Fast Performance Across Mobile Web
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3 Tips to Deliver Fast Performance Across Mobile Web

3 Tips to Deliver Fast Performance Across Mobile Web On-Demand Webinar Seems like everyone’s doing Responsive Web Design these days! Are you using React, Angular or others to create a mobile-friendly web experience? Newsflash: Mobile-friendly doesn’t always equal customer-friendly, when it comes to performance. We’re talking about 60% of your traffic—how do you avoid disaster? Learn the basics of high-performance mobile development through the examination of real-world, performance-killing code examples. You’ll also hear about: Why 4.5 seconds on Chrome can be 15 seconds on a Galaxy S5 Chromium How to identify major issues within mobile page construction Best practices for managing CSS and JavaScript Things to consider going global with your Web application Join web performance experts Klaus Enzenhofer and Stefan Baumgartner from Dynatrace to ensure your mobile properties are delighting your customers!

web monitoring user experience testingend user monitoringbehavior analysis
As Code
The problem
We are using the wrong metrics
Reactive monitoring based on thresholds determined
by historic trend analysis is not good enough anymore
We operate with a split brain
Developers write business logic in code, operations
crew recreates this in separate monitoring tooling
The learning curve is too steep
We can’t expect anyone to be a full-stack-devops-
rainbow-unicorn-centaur 🦄 🌈 '
As Code
The goal
Monitoring application state
We need to proactively track the actual real-time
state of the application
Monitoring should be SOLID and DRY
We should implement the same principles for
monitoring as we do with application development
Use modern development methods
There should be no new languages, no new techniques
and no context switching for monitoring
As Code
The solution
Nagios Core+Docker+TypeScript = 🤔😊😍
Create your checks in Typescript and deploy it with
Incorporate monitoring in your application
Ops are still using Nagios. Devs spent the entire
decade reinventing almost everything.
Write checks like you write code
Use your existing skills, your existing CI/CD pipeline
and your existing process to develop monitoring
As Code
But why
Nagios though?
Proven technology
Conceived in the same year Toni Braxton wanted her
heart to be unbroken and Lauryn Hill was killed softly
Lightweight, super fast, fit for purpose
Written in C, focused on one thing. No fancy stuff, just a
very good task scheduler for monitoring & alerting
Active community, well documented
Hosted on GitHub, it is actively maintained with
regular stable releases and thorough documentation

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The Four Principles of Atlassian Performance Tuning
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The Four Principles of Atlassian Performance Tuning

There are typically four primary variables that influence the performance of an Atlassian application: users, application admins, add-on developers, and system administrators. Each plays a different role and its impact on performance can be profound at scale. Dan Hardiker, Chief Technical Officer at Adaptavist who's advised Fortune 500 companies on their Atlassian implementations, will share best practices and demonstrate how to use the process of "monitor, measure, mitigate" to identify key performance bottlenecks and provide data that your organization can use to optimize performance. Dan Hardiker, CTO, Adaptavist

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Jira Cloud has launched next-gen projects for Software and Service Desk intending to make our products simply powerful - easier to configure, but even more flexible. Join Peter Grasevski, Developer for Jira Service Desk Cloud, to discover the differences between next-gen and classic projects, how Jira projects will change over the coming years, and what you need to know to keep your app compatible.

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From Duke of DevOps to Queen of Chaos - Api days 2018
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You are already the Duke of DevOps: you have a master in CI/CD, some feature teams including ops skills, your TTM rocks ! But you have some difficulties to scale it. You have some quality issues, Qos at risk. You are quick to adopt practices that: increase flexibility of development and velocity of deployment. An urgent question follows on the heels of these benefits: how much confidence we can have in the complex systems that we put into production? Let’s talk about the next hype of DevOps: SRE, error budget, continuous quality, observability, Chaos Engineering.

Show me some
code already

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Prometheus is an open-source monitoring system that allows for whitebox monitoring through metrics collected from inside systems and applications. It provides the ability to alert on high-level symptoms, debug issues through customizable dashboards, and perform complex queries across metrics. Prometheus empowers building monitoring that matters through alerting on important business metrics, gaining insight via dashboards, and integrating with other systems via open interfaces.

Code instrumentation
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Code instrumentation

The document discusses code instrumentation and its importance. It provides three types of instrumentation: 1) Adding trace information, 2) Adding debug information, and 3) Adding performance counters. It emphasizes that instrumentation makes code easier to debug, tune, and maintain over time. It notes that production code should always have instrumentation enabled via configuration settings. Overall, the document promotes instrumentation as a best practice for monitoring code behavior and performance.

code instrumentation; software quality; developmen
An Introduction to Prometheus (GrafanaCon 2016)
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An Introduction to Prometheus (GrafanaCon 2016)

Often what you monitor and get alerted on is defined by your tools, rather than what makes the most sense to you and your organisation. Alerts on metrics such as CPU usage which are noisy and rarely spot real problems, while outages go undetected. Monitoring systems can also be challenging to maintain, and overall provide a poor return on investment. In the past few years several new monitoring systems have appeared with more powerful semantics and which are easier to run, which offer a way to vastly improve how your organisation operates and prepare you for a Cloud Native environment. Prometheus is one such system. This talk will look at the monitoring ideal and how whitebox monitoring with a time series database, multi-dimensional labels and a powerful querying/alerting language can free you from midnight pages.

… there are more examples on Github
Monitor what matters to you
Make sure to identify which parts of your application
landscape require monitoring & alerting
Determine ownership
Who will be alerted when things go south? What do
you expect will happen at 3am?
Adjust your definition of done
Make sure to include writing monitoring checks as
part of your DoD, just like you’d do with tests

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Mirco Hering is a DevOps and Agile lead with over 10 years of experience improving IT delivery through automation, methodology, and innovation. The document discusses applying DevOps principles to systems of record like packaged software, non-custom code, and older custom code. It outlines challenges in automating builds, deployments, testing and integrating these systems. It provides examples of automating merges and traceability for a Siebel system to help systems of record adopt DevOps practices and continuous delivery.

Skynet project: Monitor, analyze, scale, and maintain a system in the Cloud
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The goal of Skynet is to avoid human doing repetitive things and make a system doing them in a better way. System automation should be the way to go for any system management so that human can focus on stuff that really matters. Related blog post for more informations

Your data is in Prometheus, now what? (CurrencyFair Engineering Meetup, 2016)
Your data is in Prometheus, now what? (CurrencyFair Engineering Meetup, 2016)Your data is in Prometheus, now what? (CurrencyFair Engineering Meetup, 2016)
Your data is in Prometheus, now what? (CurrencyFair Engineering Meetup, 2016)

Prometheus is a next-generation monitoring system with a time series database at it's core. Once you have a time series database, what do you do with it though? This talk will look at getting data in, and more importantly how to use the data you collect productively. Contact us at

Write your checks
Add a folder called ‘monitoring’ (next to tests) and
initialize it:
$: mkdir monitoring
$: cd monitoring
$: npx @remie/nagios-cli init
This will install an example project that you can use to
start writing your checks.
Run it with `npm start` and check the results here:
Write unit tests for your checks
Remember, we’re dealing with Typescript. You can
write unit tests for it.
Run locally with Docker
You can run the checks against your local
development environment with Docker
Deploy to staging environment
By leveraging environment variables or IoC, you easily
deploy to your staging environment
Include monitoring in your CI/CD process
Build & compile your Typescript code and build the
Docker container in your existing CI/CD pipeline
Deploy to your Kubernetes/ECS cluster
Because containers, AM I RIGHT?
No but seriously, deployment is that simple
Connect with existing alerting solutions
Integrate with Slack, OpsGenie, PagerDuty or
StatusPage to receive alert notifications
Thank you!

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Life of an event - A never ending tool chain

Monitoring must evolve from a reactive to proactive approach based on unusual behavior. This requires a DevOps approach including systems thinking, amplifying feedback loops, and continuous learning. A central event handler should collect all events and alerts to enable dashboards, trend analysis, and complex event correlation to identify issues and their root causes across related systems. Predictive analytics on the historical monitoring data can produce models to send early warnings when patterns indicate future problems.

Life of an event - A never ending tool chain
Life of an event - A never ending tool chainLife of an event - A never ending tool chain
Life of an event - A never ending tool chain

A story about Continuous Monitoring, which takes you as an engineer through the various aspects of monitoring to survive high competitive business and demanding customers by applying the DevOps approach.

software eventdevoteammonitoring
WoMakersCode 2016 - Shit Happens
WoMakersCode 2016 -  Shit HappensWoMakersCode 2016 -  Shit Happens
WoMakersCode 2016 - Shit Happens

Aspect oriented programming (AOP) allows developers to separate cross-cutting concerns from the main application code. This helps keep code organized and focused on single responsibilities. AOP works by defining points in the program execution, called join points, where additional behavior can be inserted. This additional behavior is defined through advice that runs before, after, or around join points. Pointcuts are used to identify which join points specific advice should apply to. Aspects group advice and pointcuts to encapsulate a concern.


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Monitoring As Code: How to Integrate App Monitoring Into Your Developer Cycle

  • 1. REMIE BOLTE | COLLABSOFT | @RBOLTE Monitoring as Code How to Integrate App Monitoring Into Your Developer Cycle
  • 2. Agenda A Brief History Of Monitoring
  • 3. Agenda The Boy Who Cried Wolf
  • 4. Agenda Didn’t We Solve This With DevOps?
  • 8. History of Monitoring Pre-historic Single system monitoring All tools were focused on the wellbeing of their host system (top, vmstat, syslog). It was a symbiotic mess. Command-line interfaces Because... well… does this need explaining? It makes me feel old. Application? Say what? It is hard enough to keep the systems running, who cares about the actual applications.
  • 9. History of Monitoring ‘90s Systems & network monitoring Even back then we wanted to make sure was always online (we ❤ books!) Web-based interfaces FTW! Yes, finally, a web-based interface. Who doesn’t love to configure CGI scripts in Apache 1.3? Oh right, applications, yes, getting there Ok, so you created this “website” you want to run on my system. You want it to ALWAYS work. I get it.
  • 10. History of Monitoring ‘00s Busy doing other stuff until late ‘00 Yeah sorry, life kept us busy doing other stuff. Be the change you seek 😉 Agile. DevOps. Right… gotcha Ops are still using Nagios. Devs spent the entire decade reinventing almost everything. What is APM again? Install what New Relic agent now? JVM level integration? Oh wow, those graphs are awesome 😍!
  • 11. History of Monitoring Cloud age Multi-faceted landscape monitoring We have eyes on our on-prem, multi-cloud, micro services based infrastructure. We have 200 tools for it. Still getting notifications at 3am Oh well… some things never change 🤷 Your application are belong to us We are using auto-scaling now, don’t really care if your application is hording resources. We cool.
  • 13. (false) positively cruel fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me; fool me at 3am and for the love of me I will know where to find you.
  • 14. 25% believe these interruptions [..] make their jobs unmanageable at times 2018 SURVEY OF OVER 800 IT PROFESSIONALS, PAGERDUTY
  • 15. 49% of IT professionals reported 11 – 30 interruptions per week
  • 16. We are using the wrong metrics to monitor our systems and applications BOLD STATEMENT #1
  • 17. Monitoring & alerting is the last remaining silo in our development process BOLD STATEMENT #2
  • 18. It’s the tooling, stupid BOLD STATEMENT #3
  • 21. Monitoring As Code The problem We are using the wrong metrics Reactive monitoring based on thresholds determined by historic trend analysis is not good enough anymore We operate with a split brain Developers write business logic in code, operations crew recreates this in separate monitoring tooling The learning curve is too steep We can’t expect anyone to be a full-stack-devops- rainbow-unicorn-centaur 🦄 🌈 '
  • 22. Monitoring As Code The goal Monitoring application state We need to proactively track the actual real-time state of the application Monitoring should be SOLID and DRY We should implement the same principles for monitoring as we do with application development Use modern development methods There should be no new languages, no new techniques and no context switching for monitoring
  • 23. Monitoring As Code The solution Nagios Core+Docker+TypeScript = 🤔😊😍 Create your checks in Typescript and deploy it with Docker Incorporate monitoring in your application Ops are still using Nagios. Devs spent the entire decade reinventing almost everything. Write checks like you write code Use your existing skills, your existing CI/CD pipeline and your existing process to develop monitoring
  • 24. Monitoring As Code But why Nagios though? Proven technology Conceived in the same year Toni Braxton wanted her heart to be unbroken and Lauryn Hill was killed softly Lightweight, super fast, fit for purpose Written in C, focused on one thing. No fancy stuff, just a very good task scheduler for monitoring & alerting Active community, well documented Hosted on GitHub, it is actively maintained with regular stable releases and thorough documentation
  • 25. Show me some code already
  • 30. … there are more examples on Github
  • 32. Getting Started Identify Monitor what matters to you Make sure to identify which parts of your application landscape require monitoring & alerting Determine ownership Who will be alerted when things go south? What do you expect will happen at 3am? Adjust your definition of done Make sure to include writing monitoring checks as part of your DoD, just like you’d do with tests
  • 33. Getting Started Create Write your checks Add a folder called ‘monitoring’ (next to tests) and initialize it: $: mkdir monitoring $: cd monitoring $: npx @remie/nagios-cli init This will install an example project that you can use to start writing your checks. Run it with `npm start` and check the results here: http://localhost:8000
  • 34. Getting Started Test Write unit tests for your checks Remember, we’re dealing with Typescript. You can write unit tests for it. Run locally with Docker You can run the checks against your local development environment with Docker Deploy to staging environment By leveraging environment variables or IoC, you easily deploy to your staging environment
  • 35. Getting Started Deploy Include monitoring in your CI/CD process Build & compile your Typescript code and build the Docker container in your existing CI/CD pipeline Deploy to your Kubernetes/ECS cluster Because containers, AM I RIGHT? No but seriously, deployment is that simple Connect with existing alerting solutions Integrate with Slack, OpsGenie, PagerDuty or StatusPage to receive alert notifications