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Carta presidente salto
Carta presidente saltoCarta presidente salto
Carta presidente salto

Grupos de niños de escuelas primarias en Salto le escribieron al Presidente con ideas para mejorar el país. Propusieron usar energías sustentables, prevenir la violencia de género y doméstica mediante educación, premiar a familias comprometidas, aumentar bibliotecas públicas, tratar adicciones, y expandir escuelas de tiempo completo. Otro grupo se enfocó en detener la violencia, drogas, bullying y pobreza, y asegurar trabajo y vivienda digna para todos.

easywalker duo user manual German
easywalker duo user manual Germaneasywalker duo user manual German
easywalker duo user manual German

easywalker duo user manual German

Asamblarea lagarelor httpbiblioteca.regielive.rodownload-225190.html
Asamblarea lagarelor   httpbiblioteca.regielive.rodownload-225190.htmlAsamblarea lagarelor   httpbiblioteca.regielive.rodownload-225190.html
Asamblarea lagarelor httpbiblioteca.regielive.rodownload-225190.html




¿1 MES



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Liderazgo y dirección de personas con Paco Muro
Liderazgo y dirección de personas con Paco MuroLiderazgo y dirección de personas con Paco Muro
Liderazgo y dirección de personas con Paco Muro

Cursos - Liderazgo y Dirección de Personas con Paco Muro Fechas 1ª Sesión: Jueves, 18 septiembre 2ª Sesión: Jueves, 9 octubre 3ª Sesión: Jueves, 30 octubre 4ª Sesión: Jueves, 20 noviembre 5ª Sesión: Jueves, 11 diciembre Presentación de objetivos: El Programa Executive OW-APD capacita a los directivos para que logren liderar y dirigir mejor mediante un método de transformación y perfeccionamiento de comportamientos profesionales contrastado. El Programa está diseñado para lograr que los profesionales con funciones que impliquen mando directo sobre equipos realicen su cometido de forma más eficaz, y movilicen mejor a los demás mediante la calidad de su trato y su comportamiento profesional. En definitiva, para que se gestionen mejor a sí mismos para así movilizar e influir mejor a sus equipos. Destinatarios: Dirigido a todos aquellos que deseen consolidar y mejorar de forma tangible en el área de DIRIGIR a las PERSONAS que conforman sus equipos. ? Directivas/os (Comités de Dirección, Directores de Unidades de Negocio, Directores de Área/Departamento) de empresas medianas y grandes (de más de 100 empleados), con experiencia mínima de 3 años dirigiendo personas y en funciones de dirección que impliquen mínimo de 5 colaboradores directos a su cargo. Proceso de admisión Este Programa Executive requiere un proceso de admisión, por lo que los datos solicitados serán a efectos de preinscripción. APD se pondrá en contacto con el participante con el fin de garantizar la homogeneidad en el nivel del grupo y lograr el óptimo desarrollo del mismo. La asistencia al Programa está limitada a 12 participantes. Sistema de trabajo: Es una de las piedras angulares de este Programa. Se basa en la puesta en práctica de los conceptos de forma consciente, provocando el cambio real de comportamientos y la adquisición de nuevos hábitos, de forma que se recogen frutos incluso antes de que acabe el ciclo, aspecto que refuerza la eficacia de esta acción de alto impacto. Es un método de TRANSFORMACIÓN y DESARROLLO DE COMPORTAMIENTOS. - 5 sesiones presenciales - a lo largo de 100 días de Experiencia Práctica Consciente (EPC®) Cuándo: jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2014 Hasta: jueves, 11 de diciembre de 2014 Hora: de 9:00 a 18:30 h Dónde: Oficinas APD Zona Centro Pl.1º, Salón Wifi Madrid Si está interesado en inscribirse a este Seminario, hágalo a través de nuestra página web:

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Guía para determinar la viabilidad de digitalizar archivos

1. La guía propone una serie de preguntas para determinar la viabilidad de implementar proyectos de digitalización de documentos de archivo. Estas preguntas se agrupan en 6 series relacionadas con la naturaleza del acervo documental, los usuarios, el uso de la información, la descripción de los expedientes digitales, la entrega y retención del producto digital, y una evaluación de costos y beneficios. 2. El objetivo es facilitar la toma de decisiones sobre qué documentos deben digitalizarse considerando factores como el valor

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This document discusses how managers can better lead in complex environments using agile principles. It introduces agile concepts like value delivery, continuous learning, and self-organizing teams. It also discusses how most "agile" approaches today overly focus on processes and technology instead of the dimensions of flow, complexity, and people. True agility requires aligning assumptions, culture, artifacts, and processes with a complexity mindset.

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Leonardo Da Vinci - 1485


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Latest News from ZTE, ZTE AXON Elite: Flagship Redefined, Stunning Smartphone Accessories, Get the Most out of Your Space, How to Control Bezel-Free Phones? Highlights from Milan Design Week 2015

Search & Social Marketing Product Proposal - Adways Labs (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
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Search & Social Marketing Product Proposal - Adways Labs (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

This document provides an overview of digital marketing solutions including search engine optimization (SEO), Google AdWords advertising, and Facebook marketing. It discusses the key services offered for each solution including optimizing websites, keyword research, link building, and monitoring competitors for SEO. For AdWords, it explains how advertising on Google can help meet objectives like generating awareness, building brands, and acquiring customers. Case studies are also presented showing successful campaigns for companies across industries that increased rankings, visitors, and conversions.

facebook marketingsearch enginessearch engine optimization

Welcome to Expert Topic, a new feature for International Aquafeed. Each issue will take an in-depth look at a particular species and how it's feed is managed.

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Practicum I
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Practicum I

Este documento presenta un informe de prácticas realizadas en el Colegio Mayol en Toledo. El colegio se encuentra en la urbanización de San Bernardo, en el distrito centro-norte de Toledo. El informe describe el entorno del colegio y la comunidad, incluyendo detalles sobre la población, economía, cultura y servicios sociales del área. También resume la misión, organización y planes del colegio según su Proyecto Educativo, haciendo énfasis en la atención a la diversidad y el apoyo

by Gem
Top 10 training and development interview questions with answers
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Top 10 training and development interview questions with answers

This document provides materials to help prepare for a training and development interview, including sample interview questions and answers, tips for the interview, and additional resources. Some of the key points covered include common interview questions and focused, strengths-based answers, the importance of researching the company beforehand, following up after the interview with a thank you note, and asking relevant questions to learn more about the role and organization. A variety of additional training and development interview preparation materials and resources are also listed.

Inteligencia kinestesica
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Inteligencia kinestesica

La inteligencia corporal o kinestésica se refiere a la habilidad de usar el cuerpo para expresar emociones y aprender a través del movimiento. Al desarrollar esta inteligencia a través de actividades como la danza, los deportes y las artes marciales, los estudiantes aprenden a ser más conscientes de sus movimientos y a comunicarse con su cuerpo. Además, fortalecer la inteligencia corporal ayuda a los estudiantes introvertidos a participar más y mejora la autoestima y la salud física del estudian

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Que Hacer Al Finalizar El Bachillerato Artístico
Que Hacer Al Finalizar El Bachillerato ArtísticoQue Hacer Al Finalizar El Bachillerato Artístico
Que Hacer Al Finalizar El Bachillerato Artístico

Este documento proporciona información sobre las opciones educativas y carreras disponibles después de completar el Bachillerato Artístico, incluyendo grados universitarios en artes, diseño, comunicación, y más en universidades públicas y privadas de la Comunidad de Madrid. También describe programas de formación profesional y escuelas de arte.

becas y ayudasescuelas de artebachillerato artes
Away3d: A million little triangles
Away3d: A million little trianglesAway3d: A million little triangles
Away3d: A million little triangles

3D computer graphics have existed for decades, and these days are almost an accepted ability of any digital platform – from phone to tablet, laptop to desktop pc. Even with the vast amount of power in today’s generation of devices, there has always been some upper limit to work around, made all the more complex by the breadth of GPU processors in circulation. In the multi-platform world of today, consistency is the new holy grail – the ability to maintain a quality of performance across many different devices. In this session, Rob explores some of the tricks of the trade that can help release the 3D developer from their never-ending battle between performance and quality.



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3dfx, nvidia, Moore's Law and more...
3dfx, nvidia, Moore's Law and more...3dfx, nvidia, Moore's Law and more...
3dfx, nvidia, Moore's Law and more...

Gary Tarolli's presentation on April 27, 2015 to the Computer Systems Fundamentals class at Middlesex Community College. A great perspective on the history of graphics and Gary's unique role in groundbreaking companies like 3dfx and nvidia.

moore's lawgraphics3dfx
Avatar as innovation
Avatar as innovationAvatar as innovation
Avatar as innovation

James Cameron's 2009 film Avatar broke many box office records through its innovative use of 3D techniques. Cameron had envisioned the film since 1994 but needed to wait for technology to advance sufficiently to realize his vision. Avatar used both incremental and disruptive innovations. It told the story of humans colonizing Pandora to mine the valuable mineral unobtanium, threatening the indigenous Na'vi people. Cameron pioneered new motion capture and 3D filming technologies to fully immerse viewers in the alien world of Pandora.

avtaar as innovationincremental innovationavatar
Disney and technology
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Disney and technology

- 3D technology has been successful for some blockbuster films but some directors have expressed concerns about limitations and studios have pulled back plans for some films in 3D. Audiences are also avoiding bad 3D post-productions. - Shooting films in 3D can be technically challenging requiring specialized equipment. The Fusion 3D camera system was updated to be smaller and more mobile to accommodate filming in difficult locations for Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. - Disney is developing a cloud-based distribution system called KeyChest to make legal movie downloads more appealing by allowing access across multiple platforms and devices, addressing issues with incompatible DRM systems currently used. A demonstration showed the benefits of increased access but it

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10.000 X 7000 PX
70.000.000 PX (TOTAL)
“A 60 FPS”

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Controlling Complexities in Software Development

The document discusses the challenges of controlling complexity in software development. It notes the rise in failed software projects from 19% in 1960 to 35% in 2013. It then provides a brief history of software development methodologies from the 1970s to today. The document suggests that existing methods may not adequately address new challenges like cloud computing, smart contracts, and deep learning. It concludes by asking what approaches might best manage complexity given these emerging technologies.

agileagile software developmentsoftware
Fabricación digital
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Descripción de algunos procesos y máquinas empleados para la fabricación de productos. Ejemplos de aplicaciones de la fabricación digital. Fab Lab Lima_Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería

3d molding and castingmitfabricacion digital
Quotables Quotes
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Quotables Quotes

Idea and presentation by Thibault Weintraub at while42 Singapore (11/7/17). Compendium of diverse insightful or surprising Tech quotes. Expect your geeky audience to react, comment troll and share their related experiences :)

70.000.000 PX

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Culture News from Wired News
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Culture News from Wired News

This document summarizes the first full-length film produced entirely on desktop computers. The film, called Planetary Traveler, is a 40-minute sci-fi film set to music. It was created using the 3D graphics program Bryce and coordination over AOL chat rooms by a team of artists in different states. While on a smaller budget than typical films, the desktop production allowed for collaboration over long distances at a lower cost than traditional filmmaking methods. The techniques used show that desktop filmmaking is now possible instead of just being hypothetical for the future.

Computer Vision con OpenCV y Python
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Computer Vision con OpenCV y Python

Slides de la charla sobre computer vision, python, opencv y pytorch para la comunidad MUG IT de Argentina

opencvpythoncomputer vision
3 d ppt
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3 d ppt

- Avatar was a groundbreaking film that helped popularize modern 3D cinema through its use of motion capture and stereoscopic filming techniques. It became the highest grossing film of all time. - Since Avatar, there has been a large increase in 3D films released but also some signs of fatigue from audiences as not all films are well-suited for the 3D format. - Transformers: Dark of the Moon employed state-of-the-art 3D filming techniques that generated awe in viewers but its plot was seen as secondary to the technology. This highlights ongoing challenges around using 3D solely as a gimmick rather than enhancing the story.

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The document discusses the challenges of responsive web design and creating content that works across different devices and browsers. It emphasizes designing with performance, content strategy, and future flexibility in mind. Key challenges include dealing with a variety of screen sizes, browsers, and connection speeds, as well as unpredictably evolving technologies. The document advocates for progressive enhancement and putting user needs above consistency across platforms.

Adapting to Responsive Design - UXPA2015
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Adapting to Responsive Design - UXPA2015

These are the slides from my talk at UXPA2015 ( in San Diego on June 25 2015. The talk centred on going further with our responsive designs, looking at content strategy, performance, progressive enhancement and more future friendly thinking.

uxresponsive web designuser centred design
Umbrella for MSPs: Enterprise Grade Malware Protection & Containment
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Umbrella for MSPs: Enterprise Grade Malware Protection & Containment

During IT Nation 2013, MSP Product Manager Dima Kumets presented this breakout session, sharing how Umbrella for MSPs can decrease costs, increase revenue, and improve customer retention.

botnetsenterprise securitymsps
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var gridSizeX = 3,
gridSizeY = 3;

for (var i = 0; i < gridSizeX; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < gridSizeY; j++) {

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How the Game Industry shaped the Creative Industry
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How the Game Industry shaped the Creative Industry

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3dcinemaaugmented reality
MMB 3D Printing Overview
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3D printing allows for customized devices like Emma's robotic exoskeleton. Emma has a condition preventing her from lifting her arms. Researchers 3D printed a miniature exoskeleton specifically for her small size and growing body at a fraction of the usual cost, letting her color and paint for the first time. 3D printing is revolutionizing manufacturing by making customized designs easily accessible to individuals.

What's ahead for film and animation with Unity 2020 - Unite Copenhagen 2019
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What's ahead for film and animation with Unity 2020 - Unite Copenhagen 2019

Unity is enabling film and animation studios to revolutionize their pipelines with features developed specifically to empower storytellers who are creating linear and interactive content. Learn more about features such as Python, Shotgun, the Arbitrary Output Variables (AOV) used in Recorder for export, Alembic, and Universal Scene Description (USD). Speaker: Mathieu Muller - Unity Watch the session on YouTube:

unite copenhagenunity technologiesunity3d
var gridSizeX = 3,
gridSizeY = 3,
i = 0,
j = 0;

for ( ; i < gridSizeX; ++i ) {
for ( ; j < gridSizeY; ++j ) {
if (dentroDePantalla()) {
var gridSizeX = 3,
gridSizeY = 3;
var gridSizeX = Infinity,
gridSizeY = Infinity;
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UX Design, Friend of Foe #worldusabilityday
UX Design, Friend of Foe #worldusabilitydayUX Design, Friend of Foe #worldusabilityday
UX Design, Friend of Foe #worldusabilityday

We’ve all heard stories of how UX has been used for good, but what happens when it backfires, or worse, is purposely used for evil? UX Designers have the power to entice and motivate you in a number of directions — and while maybe not always purposefully evil, the effects can be the same. This talk will go over examples of good and evil UX — so you know what to avoid in the future!

uxdark patternsdark ux
2011 3D Technology Trends
2011 3D Technology Trends2011 3D Technology Trends
2011 3D Technology Trends

This presentation highlights some impressions from the 2011 SPAR conference, which was under the theme "Where 3D Innovators Connect".

laser scannersspar3d printing
Applications of 3 d task 1 3d the basics
Applications of 3 d task 1 3d the basicsApplications of 3 d task 1 3d the basics
Applications of 3 d task 1 3d the basics

3D animation has evolved significantly from early 3D games in the 1980s to its current widespread use in films, TV, and games. Some key developments include the first 3D computer animation created in 1972 by Ed Catmull, Pixar's pioneering 1988 short film Tin Toy which was the first CGI film to win an Oscar, and the increasing use of 3D in films starting with Jurassic Park in 1993. Today, 3D animation is commonly used in films, TV, and games through techniques like rigging and motion capture, and it allows for both professional and individual animators to tell stories through interactive 3D worlds.

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var startRow




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(screenWidth / cellSizeX)|0;

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universitédelorraine2018 cours 3 intelligence artificielle
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universitédelorraine2018 cours 3 intelligence artificielle

1) Advances in artificial intelligence and automation will significantly impact jobs and the nature of work in the future. Many existing jobs are at risk of being replaced by machines and AI. 2) However, new types of jobs focused on uniquely human skills like creativity, empathy, and critical thinking will also be created to complement human-machine collaboration. 3) Significant changes to society and education systems will be needed to help workers adapt and thrive in this new landscape where humans and machines work together.

Desarrollo de videojuegos con HTML5, CSS3 y JavaScript en el Mundo Real
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Desarrollo de videojuegos con HTML5, CSS3 y JavaScript en el Mundo Real

This document discusses building video games using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. It notes that these web technologies allow games to be played across devices like PCs, iOS, Android, and Windows without needing plugins. It also outlines various HTML5 APIs that can be used to create games, such as Canvas, WebGL, WebSockets and WebAudio. The document advocates for a progressive enhancement approach to responsive game development that uses the best rendering methods available, such as WebGL, Canvas, DOM/CSS or SVG depending on the device.

javascriptgame developmentargentina

The document discusses JavaScript memory management and garbage collection. It covers the different value types in JavaScript like booleans, numbers, strings, objects and external objects. It explains how memory is allocated to the DOM tree and value graph. The garbage collection process and how unused memory is freed is described. Examples of memory leaks are provided and how to detect and eliminate leaks. Strategies for efficient memory management are suggested.

memorjavascriptfront end


for (var row = startRow ; row < rowCount; row++) {
for (var col = startCol; col < colCount; col++) {
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This document introduces Tracy, a 3D rendering framework powered by CSS. It discusses both the challenges ("dirty bits") of traditional 3D frameworks like browser bugs and complex implementations, as well as the benefits ("good bits") of Tracy like broad browser compatibility and ease of use. The implementation section explains Tracy's techniques like dynamically generated sprite sheets and object pooling to optimize rendering performance across different browsers and devices.

gamesgame developmentcss
Applying Old Videogame Performance Techniques to Modern Web-Based Games
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Applying Old Videogame Performance Techniques to Modern Web-Based Games

The document discusses applying old videogame performance techniques to modern web-based games. It addresses reasons why indie game developers choose Flash over HTML5, such as IP protection, buggy/unreliable components, and low performance. It then provides techniques to improve performance, including using spritesheets and heightmaps, minimizing paint operations, using dirty rectangles, layering and compositing, and object pooling. The document advocates embracing flexibility across DOM, Canvas and SVG and cheating when needed to optimize rendering speed and application responsiveness.

EVA 2011 - Desarrollo de Videojuegos con HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript
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EVA 2011 - Desarrollo de Videojuegos con HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript

El documento describe cómo HTML5, CSS3 y JavaScript pueden usarse para desarrollar videojuegos que funcionen en múltiples plataformas. Explica las APIs clave de HTML5 como Canvas y WebGL que permiten gráficos 2D y 3D, así como Audio, Video y otras APIs para incorporar sonido e interactividad. También discute cómo las limitaciones de Flash y Silverlight están impulsando el desarrollo de videojuegos basados en HTML5.

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El documento describe el presente y futuro de la web. Actualmente existen diversos dispositivos como computadoras, teléfonos, tabletas y consolas de entretenimiento. Sin embargo, todos comparten la capacidad de navegar en la web. El documento argumenta que HTML5 y las nuevas especificaciones relacionadas permitirán crear aplicaciones multiplataforma que funcionen en todos los dispositivos a través del navegador, superando las limitaciones del pasado.

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JSConf Argentina 2012 - Como el Desarrollo de Videojuegos puede ayudarnos a ...

Una charla explicativa de como podemos transladar ténicas y patrones de diseño utilizado en el desarrollo de videojuegos en el ámbito del desarrollo web apuntado a dispositivos móviles.

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論文紹介:A Systematic Survey of Prompt Engineering on Vision-Language Foundation ...
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論文紹介:A Systematic Survey of Prompt Engineering on Vision-Language Foundation ...

Jindong Gu, Zhen Han, Shuo Chen, Ahmad Beirami, Bailan He, Gengyuan Zhang, Ruotong Liao, Yao Qin, Volker Tresp, Philip Torr "A Systematic Survey of Prompt Engineering on Vision-Language Foundation Models" arXiv2023


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Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry

Are you interested in dipping your toes in the cloud native observability waters, but as an engineer you are not sure where to get started with tracing problems through your microservices and application landscapes on Kubernetes? Then this is the session for you, where we take you on your first steps in an active open-source project that offers a buffet of languages, challenges, and opportunities for getting started with telemetry data. The project is called openTelemetry, but before diving into the specifics, we’ll start with de-mystifying key concepts and terms such as observability, telemetry, instrumentation, cardinality, percentile to lay a foundation. After understanding the nuts and bolts of observability and distributed traces, we’ll explore the openTelemetry community; its Special Interest Groups (SIGs), repositories, and how to become not only an end-user, but possibly a contributor.We will wrap up with an overview of the components in this project, such as the Collector, the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP), its APIs, and its SDKs. Attendees will leave with an understanding of key observability concepts, become grounded in distributed tracing terminology, be aware of the components of openTelemetry, and know how to take their first steps to an open-source contribution! Key Takeaways: Open source, vendor neutral instrumentation is an exciting new reality as the industry standardizes on openTelemetry for observability. OpenTelemetry is on a mission to enable effective observability by making high-quality, portable telemetry ubiquitous. The world of observability and monitoring today has a steep learning curve and in order to achieve ubiquity, the project would benefit from growing our contributor community.

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This presentation, delivered at the Postgres Bangalore (PGBLR) Meetup-2 on June 29th, 2024, dives deep into connection pooling for PostgreSQL databases. Aakash M, a PostgreSQL Tech Lead at Mydbops, explores the challenges of managing numerous connections and explains how connection pooling optimizes performance and resource utilization. Key Takeaways: * Understand why connection pooling is essential for high-traffic applications * Explore various connection poolers available for PostgreSQL, including pgbouncer * Learn the configuration options and functionalities of pgbouncer * Discover best practices for monitoring and troubleshooting connection pooling setups * Gain insights into real-world use cases and considerations for production environments This presentation is ideal for: * Database administrators (DBAs) * Developers working with PostgreSQL * DevOps engineers * Anyone interested in optimizing PostgreSQL performance Contact for PostgreSQL Managed, Consulting and Remote DBA Services



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