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Square Peg Round Hole
Serverless Solutions For Non-Serverless
My Background
Brought Multi-Touch Input Support To The Linux

Technical Architect of New Relic Browser

CTO and Co-founder of Stackery
What I’ve Seen
Business Impeded Because Infrastructure/
Processes Couldn’t Scale

Engineering Orgs That Don’t Know What Has Been
Deployed Where
Spent Years Figuring Out Best Practices For

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Electron performance and C++ in Mailspring
Electron performance and C++ in MailspringElectron performance and C++ in Mailspring
Electron performance and C++ in Mailspring

High level overview of Electron performance tips and tricks, and a look at the new C++ architecture of Mailspring ( — presented Nov. 1st at the Bay Area Electron Meetup

How to debug slow lambda response times
How to debug slow lambda response timesHow to debug slow lambda response times
How to debug slow lambda response times

One of the most common performance issues in serverless architectures is elevated latencies from external services, such as DynamoDB, ElasticSearch or Stripe. In this webinar, we will show you how to quickly identify and debug these problems, and some best practices for dealing with poor performing 3rd party services.

awsaws lambdaserverless
Denver AWS Users' Group Meeting - July 2018 Slides
Denver AWS Users' Group Meeting - July 2018 SlidesDenver AWS Users' Group Meeting - July 2018 Slides
Denver AWS Users' Group Meeting - July 2018 Slides

This document summarizes the July 2018 meeting of the AWS Users' Group in Denver. It thanks sponsors Eplexity and Prestige for hosting the event and providing food and drinks. The agenda includes discussions on methodology changes when moving applications to the cloud as well as cloud optimization best practices. Attendees are provided WiFi login details and reminded to follow the group on Twitter. Upcoming events and resources are also listed.

awsdenver aws users groupaws strategy
What Are The Most Common Architecture
Challenges For Serverless?
Working With SQL Databases

Rate Limiting

State Machines
Square Peg Round Hole: Serverless Solutions For Non-Serverless Problems

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New Relic .NET Agent Overview
New Relic .NET Agent OverviewNew Relic .NET Agent Overview
New Relic .NET Agent Overview

The document discusses how to monitor .NET applications using New Relic RPM. It explains that the New Relic RPM agent collects performance metrics from .NET applications and sends them to the New Relic service. Users can then sign up for a free RPM account, download and install the .NET agent to begin seeing performance metrics for their application within minutes in the New Relic user interface. The interface provides various dashboards and reports to help users track application performance, errors, database queries and more.

Reactive Streams and the Wide World of Groovy
Reactive Streams and the Wide World of GroovyReactive Streams and the Wide World of Groovy
Reactive Streams and the Wide World of Groovy

This talk offers a description of Reactive Streams, along with example code using the Groovy language and rxGroovy

RabbitMQ 101 : job scheduling, micro service communication, event based data...
 RabbitMQ 101 : job scheduling, micro service communication, event based data... RabbitMQ 101 : job scheduling, micro service communication, event based data...
RabbitMQ 101 : job scheduling, micro service communication, event based data...

Lots of people need job scheduling, micro service communication, asynchronous information… There is a stable and reliable solution: AMQP protocol. Event if it seems to be complicated at the first look, it can solve lots of problem with a stable and battle tested product, great performances, simple access from C, java, python, ruby, node.js, scala, go… This talk is about rabbitMQ, how to start, how to like it, fundamental and various pattern to use it in real world case.

Square Peg Round Hole: Serverless Solutions For Non-Serverless Problems
Square Peg Round Hole: Serverless Solutions For Non-Serverless Problems
Working With SQL Databases
But Why?

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AWS Customer Presentation - Smugmug
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AWS Customer Presentation - Smugmug

Andrew Gibbons, Director of Operations, Smugmug talks about their use of S3 (over a pedabyte stored), EC2, and FPS (Flexible Payments).

Serverless lessons learned #4 circuit breaker
Serverless lessons learned #4 circuit breakerServerless lessons learned #4 circuit breaker
Serverless lessons learned #4 circuit breaker

The document discusses circuit breakers and their importance for distributed systems. It notes that failures are difficult to detect in distributed systems and that retrying calls against an unresponsive subsystem can lead to resource shortages or cascading failures. It then introduces the circuit breaker pattern, which detects failures and prevents retrying the same failing action until the service recovers, in order to avoid cascading failures. The circuit breaker can be in an open, closed, or half-open state depending on success or failure detection.

WebHooks in 10 Minutes
WebHooks in 10 MinutesWebHooks in 10 Minutes
WebHooks in 10 Minutes

This is a quick introduction to webhooks I gave at GlueCon 2010. It was also a bit of an ad for a last minute 40 minute talk I was giving immediately after.

Lots of SQL databases are already in use
SQL Databases Provide Two Main Features


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This document provides an overview and introduction to non-relational (NoSQL) databases. It discusses some of the limitations of relational databases and why NoSQL databases were developed as an alternative. It describes different types of NoSQL databases, including key-value, document, columnar, and graph databases. Specific NoSQL database examples like HBase, Cassandra, Riak, MongoDB, and Neo4j are also mentioned.

Serverless lessons learned #5 retries
Serverless lessons learned #5 retriesServerless lessons learned #5 retries
Serverless lessons learned #5 retries

When we started building serverless applications back in 2017, there was quite a lot to learn. So we'd like to share some mistakes, important pieces, and concepts for production-ready serverless projects. This time: Retries. More Information: API-Retries: Lambda-Retries: SQS-Retries:

Dos and don'ts in AWS
Dos and don'ts in AWSDos and don'ts in AWS
Dos and don'ts in AWS

The document provides best practices and recommendations for securing resources in AWS. It advises that users should: 1) Grant least privilege to IAM roles and policies, use private subnets, and avoid public buckets or open security groups. 2) Rely on managed AWS services instead of maintaining resources like databases on EC2 instances directly. 3) Implement infrastructure as code and immutable infrastructure to ensure consistency and reliability of deployments. 4) Keep application state in services like ElastiCache instead of on individual instances to ensure high availability. 5) Leverage AWS services, documentation, and community resources to continuously improve security practices.

awssecuritybest practices
Delete parent

Find all children��

Delete Children
So Many Things
Could Go Wrong
What If There Are
Too Many Records?
What If We Hit
Throughput Limits
After First N

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Reactive programming and Hystrix fault tolerance by Max Myslyvtsev
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Reactive programming and Hystrix fault tolerance by Max Myslyvtsev

Reactive programming is a new paradigm that provides asynchronous event-based flow control. Java implementation is called rxJava and is being developed by Netfix. They have also released Hystrix — a non-functional layer that provides fault tolerance and latency features which also exposes reactive API.

Intro to Netflix's Chaos Monkey
Intro to Netflix's Chaos MonkeyIntro to Netflix's Chaos Monkey
Intro to Netflix's Chaos Monkey

The basics you need to know to get up and running with Chaos Monkey in your Amazon Web Service's Cloud enviornment. Links: CloudFormation Template: Simian Army Quick Start Guide: Chaos Monkey Configuration: Chaos Monkey Army:

awscloudsimian army
Ruby on Rails and AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Ruby on Rails and AWS Elastic BeanstalkRuby on Rails and AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Ruby on Rails and AWS Elastic Beanstalk

This document contains information about deploying Ruby on Rails applications on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. It includes the URLs for the Elastic Beanstalk management console, documentation on deploying Ruby on Rails apps, the AWS Ruby programming language page, and links to slideshows about Elastic Beanstalk.

ruby on railsawsruby
What If We Hit
Throughput Limits
After First N
SQL Schemas Solve
This Declaratively
When Parent Record
Is Deleted,
Automatically Delete
Child Record
No Orphaned

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Craft effective API with GraphQL and Absinthe - Ihor Katkov
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Craft effective API with GraphQL and Absinthe - Ihor Katkov

The document discusses building effective APIs with GraphQL and Absinthe. It covers topics such as preventing overfetching with GraphQL queries, implementing efficient pagination with Relay Cursor Connections, inserting and mutating data with mutations, real-time capabilities with subscriptions, handling errors, versioning schema with deprecations, limiting query complexity, and tools for building GraphQL APIs like GraphiQL and GraphQL Playground. The document provides learning resources and links for documentation, books, and example projects using Absinthe for GraphQL APIs in Elixir.

Architecting a global XenApp farm with regional users using Netscaler and Sto...
Architecting a global XenApp farm with regional users using Netscaler and Sto...Architecting a global XenApp farm with regional users using Netscaler and Sto...
Architecting a global XenApp farm with regional users using Netscaler and Sto...

This session documents challenges and solutions when designing an environment that allowed employees to connect from anywhere in the world to applications and data located in a specific region. This project’s objectives were replacing Secure Gateway, improving the user experience and building a future-proof environment. Learn about the use of NetScaler global server load balancing and StoreFront customization, and how they were architected to balance cost and functionality.

Serverless AWS reInvent 2019 recap
Serverless AWS reInvent 2019 recapServerless AWS reInvent 2019 recap
Serverless AWS reInvent 2019 recap

The document is an agenda for a Serverless meetup on January 28, 2020 in Toronto. It includes: 1. An intro and activity update 2. A community open mic session 3. A featured talk by Jonathan Dion on "The state of Serverless after AWS re:Invent 2019" 4. A networking session

Wait, Didn’t DynamoDB Add Transactions Last

Yes, But…
DynamoDB Transactions Ensure All Queries In A
Batch Are Executed Or None Are Executed

But, All Queries Are Performed At Once
DynamoDB-Style Transaction Example
Facilitates Atomicity For Updating
Values Together
Temporal Transaction Example
Facilitates Locking For This Build
Record While We Try Starting Build

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Deferred Processing in Ruby - Philly rb - August 2011
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Deferred Processing in Ruby - Philly rb - August 2011

The document discusses various options for deferred processing and queuing in Ruby, including Delayed::Job, Resque, Amazon SQS, and AMQP. It provides an overview of how each works, how to install and use them, their advantages and disadvantages, and when each may or may not be a good fit for different needs.

resqueruby on railsruby
The 90-Day Startup with Google AppEngine for Java
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The 90-Day Startup with Google AppEngine for Java

The document discusses Google App Engine, a platform for developing and hosting web applications on Google's infrastructure. It provides an overview of App Engine and how to get started, discusses some limitations and tradeoffs compared to traditional web hosting, and recommends frameworks and techniques for building scalable applications on App Engine, including Objectify, Guice, and gwt-dispatch. It also notes that while App Engine is still relatively new, it has significant potential for developing scalable applications with minimal upfront costs.

Synchronous Reads Asynchronous Writes RubyConf 2009
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Synchronous Reads, Asynchronous Writes refers to an architectural approach where data reads are performed synchronously through services, while data writes are performed asynchronously through a messaging system. This allows for decoupling of services, horizontal scaling of reads and writes, and loose coupling between systems. The key aspects are performing JSON RESTful reads through services like Sinatra, and pushing writes to a messaging system like RabbitMQ with routing keys to trigger downstream processing. This approach can help solve issues with monolithic Rails applications that do not scale effectively.

rubyconf ruby rabbitmq sinatra typhoeus
SQL Relationships And Transactions Lower TCO

Less Code

Easier Code
SQL Databases Are Cool

But You Mentioned There’s An Issue?
Three Scalability Concerns For SQL Databases:



Network Connections
AWS Aurora Auto-Scales Storage

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Serverless in production, an experience report (Going Serverless, 28 Feb 2018)
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Serverless in production, an experience report (Going Serverless, 28 Feb 2018)

This document discusses best practices for preparing serverless applications on AWS Lambda for production. It describes the author's experience deploying 170 Lambda functions and 1.2GB of code into production with a 95% cost savings compared to EC2. Key practices covered include testing, monitoring, logging, distributed tracing, CI/CD pipelines, configuration management, and security. The author advocates for building on principles over tools and shares several tools for serverless development.

awsaws lambdaserverless
UnConference for Georgia Southern Computer Science March 31, 2015
UnConference for Georgia Southern Computer Science March 31, 2015UnConference for Georgia Southern Computer Science March 31, 2015
UnConference for Georgia Southern Computer Science March 31, 2015

I presented to the Georgia Southern Computer Science ACM group. Rather than one topic for 90 minutes, I decided to do an UnConference. I presented them a list of 8-9 topics, let them vote on what to talk about, then repeated. Each presentation was ~8 minutes, (Except Career) and was by no means an attempt to explain the full concept or technology. Only to wake up their interest.

Deep Dive: AWS X-Ray London Summit 2017
Deep Dive: AWS X-Ray London Summit 2017Deep Dive: AWS X-Ray London Summit 2017
Deep Dive: AWS X-Ray London Summit 2017

Instrument production applications (both in AWS and on prem) with x-ray to collect live telemetry and latency metrics on your applications. You can also use it to debug live!

monitoringawsamazon web services
AWS Aurora Serverless Auto-Scales Compute
Still Need A Solution For Network Connections
Still Need A
Solution For
Most SQL Databases Limit Connections

Each DB connection is handled on an independent thread of

Each thread of execution requires memory set aside for it

Switching execution between threads adds overhead

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The Future is Now: Leveraging the Cloud with Ruby
The Future is Now: Leveraging the Cloud with RubyThe Future is Now: Leveraging the Cloud with Ruby
The Future is Now: Leveraging the Cloud with Ruby

My presentation from the Ruby Hoedown on cloud computing and how Ruby developers can take advantage of cloud services to build scalable web applications.

Real-World Pulsar Architectural Patterns
Real-World Pulsar Architectural PatternsReal-World Pulsar Architectural Patterns
Real-World Pulsar Architectural Patterns

This presentation covers Real-World Pulsar Architectural Patterns involving Distributed Caching and Distributed Tracing. We also cover the use of Apache Ignite, Jaeger, Apache Flink, and many other technologies, as well as industry best-practices.

JakartaJS: Serverless in production
JakartaJS: Serverless in productionJakartaJS: Serverless in production
JakartaJS: Serverless in production

This document discusses lessons learned from using serverless functions in production. It begins by defining serverless computing and describing some serverless technologies like AWS Lambda and Backend as a Service. It then details four use cases the author implemented with serverless functions, including video transcoding, data calculations, data fetching, and communication between services. Several issues encountered are explained, such as function timeout errors, database connection problems, and network latency between functions. The document concludes by noting that while some workloads were moved to ECS, most functions remain on AWS Lambda, and that the author continues improving their serverless implementation.

Wait, Didn’t AWS Aurora Add A Data API Last

Yes, But Data API Only Allows Atomic
Transactions, Not Locking

We Still Need A Persistent Network Connection
This Connection Remains Until
The Function Instance Is Terminated
Example Network Connection Scaling Issue
Each Function Has A Set
Of Idle Instances With
Open Connections
20/20 Total Requests: 100
Total Connections: 100
15/20 Total Requests: 100
Total Connections: 120

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Spring Cloud Gateway - Nate Schutta
Spring Cloud Gateway - Nate SchuttaSpring Cloud Gateway - Nate Schutta
Spring Cloud Gateway - Nate Schutta

Spring Cloud Gateway is a gateway that provides routing, filtering, and monitoring capabilities for microservices. It is non-blocking and built on Spring Framework and uses reactive streams. Spring Cloud Gateway offers a simpler and more developer-friendly alternative to other gateway options that are often heavy-weight and difficult to integrate. It provides a Java-based configuration that gives developers control over routing, filtering, and other gateway features without vendor lock-in.

springone tourspring cloudpivotal software
Scalable Web Architectures: Common Patterns and Approaches - Web 2.0 Expo NYC
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Scalable Web Architectures: Common Patterns and Approaches - Web 2.0 Expo NYC

The document discusses common patterns and approaches for scaling web architectures. It covers topics like load balancing, caching, database scaling through replication and sharding, high availability, and storing large files across multiple servers and data centers. The overall goal is to discuss how to architect systems that can scale horizontally to handle increasing traffic and data sizes.

Java Hurdling: Obstacles and Techniques in Java Client Penetration-Testing
Java Hurdling: Obstacles and Techniques in Java Client Penetration-TestingJava Hurdling: Obstacles and Techniques in Java Client Penetration-Testing
Java Hurdling: Obstacles and Techniques in Java Client Penetration-Testing

Testing Java client applications is not always straightforward as testing web applications. Even under experienced hands, there might be obstacles coming your way; what if you cannot use a proxy? How do you MitM? What if you just can't? How do you modify the app to your benefit? Fortunately, Java is still Java. This lecture is based on a true story, and will follow an interesting case of pen-testing a known product; what tools and techniques can be used in order to jump over hurdles, all the way to the finish line. The lecture aims to enrich the pentester's toolbox as well as mind, when facing Java client applications; MitM-ing, run-time manipulations and patching the code are only some of the discussed cases. In addition, a newly developed proxy for intercepting and tampering with TCP communication over TLS/SSL and bypassing certificate-pinning protections, will be introduced during the lecture.

information securityjavahacking
15/20 Total Requests: 100
Total Connections: 140!
Square Peg Round Hole: Serverless Solutions For Non-Serverless Problems
Solution: Create And Destroy
Connection In Every Invocation
Stay Tuned For Even Better Solutions!

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The document summarizes the 2015 Amazon Web Services re:Invent conference. It highlights the growth in attendance from 9,000 to 19,000. It outlines new computing and database services announced as well as analytics, security, and management tools. Examples are given of how Netflix and a content management system benefited from migrating to AWS. Lessons learned focused on not all features transferring directly and the learning curve involved. The document encourages hands-on learning with AWS free services and attending next year's conference.

Starting Your DevOps Journey – Practical Tips for Ops
Starting Your DevOps Journey – Practical Tips for OpsStarting Your DevOps Journey – Practical Tips for Ops
Starting Your DevOps Journey – Practical Tips for Ops

To watch, please see: Starting Your DevOps Journey: Practical Tips for Ops In this webinar, Andreas Grabner, Chief DevOps Activist at Dynatrace, shares practical tips that all IT groups from Dev to Ops can use to start their DevOps journey quickly. With experience from hundreds of DevOps deployments, Andi provides insights it would take your team months or years to learn firsthand. - Learn how everyone on your Ops team can use APM to better understand and monitor SLAs, Performance and End User Impact of their applications. - Foster better collaboration between Ops and architects by extending basic system monitoring to monolith and microservices architectures. - Shift-left your testing and QA by working with metrics that you and the architects agreed on up front, resulting in early relevant feedback and faster code deployments. - Hear why changing the cultural mindset from “fear of change” to “Continuous Innovation and Optimization” is critical for success. Andi is joined by guest speaker, Brian Chandler, Systems Engineer at Raymond James, who shares commonly used Ops dashboards that increase collaboration across IT teams and pro-actively break down silos!

application performance managementend-user experience monitoringapplication performance monitoring
SQL Phone Home: Teaching Your SQL Servers to Call for Help
SQL Phone Home: Teaching Your SQL Servers to Call for HelpSQL Phone Home: Teaching Your SQL Servers to Call for Help
SQL Phone Home: Teaching Your SQL Servers to Call for Help

This document discusses using SQL Server Agent to automate monitoring of a SQL Server instance and alerting when problems are detected. It provides examples of things that could be monitored like server restarts, databases not being backed up, failed jobs, and more. The document advocates the principle of "see something, say something" by having SQL Agent queries check for issues and send emails or log events to call for help if problems are found. It also cautions that any advice found online should be tested before implementing.

Connection Pooled Queries Over HTTPS!
Transactions Too!
Rate Limiting
Last Year I Enumerated Three Hacks To Enable
Rate Limiting

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From Duke of DevOps to Queen of Chaos - Api days 2018
From Duke of DevOps to Queen of Chaos - Api days 2018From Duke of DevOps to Queen of Chaos - Api days 2018
From Duke of DevOps to Queen of Chaos - Api days 2018

You are already the Duke of DevOps: you have a master in CI/CD, some feature teams including ops skills, your TTM rocks ! But you have some difficulties to scale it. You have some quality issues, Qos at risk. You are quick to adopt practices that: increase flexibility of development and velocity of deployment. An urgent question follows on the heels of these benefits: how much confidence we can have in the complex systems that we put into production? Let’s talk about the next hype of DevOps: SRE, error budget, continuous quality, observability, Chaos Engineering.

Dynamic Infrastructure and The Cloud
Dynamic Infrastructure and The CloudDynamic Infrastructure and The Cloud
Dynamic Infrastructure and The Cloud

Keeping an application running at scale can be a daunting task. When do you need to add more capacity? Larger databases? Additional servers? These questions get harder as the complexity of your application grows. Microservice based architectures and cloud-based dynamic infrastructures are technologies that help you keep your application running with high availability, even during times of extreme scaling. We will discuss some of the best practices we’ve learned working with New Relic customers on how you can manage your applications running at scale, and how technologies such as microservices and dynamic infrastructure can help you with this challenge. As presented by Lee Atchison, Senior Director, Strategic Architecture of New Relic at Amazon Web Services Summit, Sydney on April 6, 2017.

awsinfrastructurelee atchison
2017 04-05 aws summit - sydney
2017 04-05 aws summit - sydney2017 04-05 aws summit - sydney
2017 04-05 aws summit - sydney

The document discusses dynamic infrastructure and keeping applications running at scale in the cloud. It begins with an introduction of the speaker, Lee Atchison, and his background in cloud computing. It then discusses various challenges of maintaining application availability, both obvious challenges like outages as well as more subtle challenges like performance degradation. The rest of the document discusses strategies for monitoring applications in dynamic cloud environments, approaches for migrating applications to the cloud, and general strategies for successful cloud adoption.

cloudcloud migrationaws summit
New Solution!
SQS Queues With Reserved Concurrency
SQS Queues With Reserved Concurrency
1. To prevent overloading a system, each minute we add X
number of items to a queue (Here, web pages we intend to

2. The Scraper function is limited to only Y concurrent
invocations (Gotcha: Y must be greater than 5 to work right)

3. Each Scraper invocation retrieves one message at a time and
processes it
Trivial Enough We’ll Move On For Now

(But We’ll Revisit…)

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Microservices? Dynamic Infrastructure? - Adventures in Keeping Your Applicati...
Microservices? Dynamic Infrastructure? - Adventures in Keeping Your Applicati...Microservices? Dynamic Infrastructure? - Adventures in Keeping Your Applicati...
Microservices? Dynamic Infrastructure? - Adventures in Keeping Your Applicati...

Keeping an application running at scale can be a daunting task. When do you need to add more capacity? Larger databases? Additional instances These questions get harder as the complexity of your application grows. Microservice based architectures and cloud-based dynamic infrastructures are technologies that help you keep your application running with high availability, even during times of extreme scaling. We will discuss some of the best practices we’ve learned working with New Relic customers on how you can manage your applications running at scale, and how technologies such as microservices and dynamic infrastructure can help you with this challenge. Speaker: Lee Atchison, Senior Director, Strategic Architecture, New Relic

aws cloudawssummitnew relic
Serverless Modernization Tech Talk
Serverless Modernization Tech TalkServerless Modernization Tech Talk
Serverless Modernization Tech Talk

This document discusses modernizing monolithic applications to microservices architectures using serverless technologies. It notes that monolithic apps can have high costs due to inefficient scaling, and slow development cycles. Serverless computing can help reduce costs by allowing individual services to scale independently and reducing operational overhead. The document provides examples of companies that were able to reduce costs by modernizing from monolithic to serverless architectures and breaking applications into independent microservices. It also acknowledges that modernizing is challenging due to complexity but provides recommendations around refactoring APIs, using cloud-native building blocks, visualizing infrastructure changes, and securely managing environments.

Serverless Development To Production Pipeline
Serverless Development To Production PipelineServerless Development To Production Pipeline
Serverless Development To Production Pipeline

What does the development environment to production pipeline look like? In this presentation we look at all the tools and services needed to effectively build and deploy applications!

State Management
Square Peg Round Hole: Serverless Solutions For Non-Serverless Problems
Concurrency Coordination

State Transitions

Any serverless state machine can be built with a
combination of the above
Concurrency Coordination Requires
External State

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Serverless Development To Production Pipeline
Serverless Development To Production PipelineServerless Development To Production Pipeline
Serverless Development To Production Pipeline

What does the development environment to production pipeline look like? In this presentation we look at all the tools and services needed to effectively build and deploy applications!

Is Serverless The New Swiss Cheese? - AWS Seattle User Group
Is Serverless The New Swiss Cheese? - AWS Seattle User GroupIs Serverless The New Swiss Cheese? - AWS Seattle User Group
Is Serverless The New Swiss Cheese? - AWS Seattle User Group

How to manage the Holes In The Serverless Development Lifecycle. Updated for the AWS Seattle User Group Presentation on 1/29/2019.

awscloudcloud computing
Is serverless the new swiss cheese? ServerlessDays NYC 2018
Is serverless the new swiss cheese? ServerlessDays NYC 2018Is serverless the new swiss cheese? ServerlessDays NYC 2018
Is serverless the new swiss cheese? ServerlessDays NYC 2018

This document discusses some challenges with serverless development including managing infrastructure as code, collaboration mechanisms, testing, and monitoring. It outlines gaps in these areas such as permission scoping when deploying infrastructure, parameterization to avoid hardcoding secrets, testing approaches, and ensuring consistent instrumentation. The author advocates using frameworks that can automate tasks like instrumentation to help address these gaps and enable high performance serverless teams through configuration management, collaboration, and consistency.

awscloudcloud computing
Concurrency Coordination Example: Map / Reduce

1. Add a record to a database with count of concurrent invocations

2. Perform invocations

3. At completion, invocations atomically reduce concurrent count

4. If no more concurrent invocations, transition to next state
State Transitions Require Local State
State Transitions Example: Custom Retry Logic

1. Attempt to execute function

2. On failure, check “retries” property of the input message

3. If retries > MAX_RETRIES, then report failure

4. Otherwise, increment “retries” property in message, then
reinvoke self
Can We Make This More General?

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CloudFormation Dark Arts
CloudFormation Dark ArtsCloudFormation Dark Arts
CloudFormation Dark Arts

This document discusses best practices for infrastructure as code (IAC) when building serverless applications. It covers permission scoping, namespacing resources, parameterization to avoid hardcoding secrets, using custom resources to integrate with external systems, and reusing existing resources between environments. The overall message is that IAC allows developers to consistently deploy serverless applications at scale by managing infrastructure as code.

Square Peg Round Hole: Serverless Solutions For Non-Serverless Problems
Square Peg Round Hole: Serverless Solutions For Non-Serverless ProblemsSquare Peg Round Hole: Serverless Solutions For Non-Serverless Problems
Square Peg Round Hole: Serverless Solutions For Non-Serverless Problems

Serverless is the new hotness. It works great for parallelized workflows and event-driven systems. But what happens when your boss comes along and needs you to build a serverless system that works with a SQL database? Or you need to scrape a website, but you need to rate limit your scraping? For that matter, how can you build a serverless state machine?

L-3536-Cost Benifit Analysis in ESIA.pptx
L-3536-Cost Benifit Analysis in ESIA.pptxL-3536-Cost Benifit Analysis in ESIA.pptx
L-3536-Cost Benifit Analysis in ESIA.pptx


AWS Step Functions And Azure Logic Apps

But… They’re Expensive For High-Throughput
We Can Build It Ourselves!

(Let’s Go Back To A Rate Limiting Example!)
Recently, We Were Hit With A SPAM Bot On Our
Sign-up Form
Real SPAM Values

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Understanding Cybersecurity Breaches: Causes, Consequences, and Prevention
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Understanding Cybersecurity Breaches: Causes, Consequences, and Prevention

Cybersecurity breaches are a growing threat in today’s interconnected digital landscape, affecting individuals, businesses, and governments alike. These breaches compromise sensitive information and erode trust in online services and systems. Understanding the causes, consequences, and prevention strategies of cybersecurity breaches is crucial to protect against these pervasive risks. Cybersecurity breaches refer to unauthorized access, manipulation, or destruction of digital information or systems. They can occur through various means such as malware, phishing attacks, insider threats, and vulnerabilities in software or hardware. Once a breach happens, cybercriminals can exploit the compromised data for financial gain, espionage, or sabotage. Causes of breaches include software and hardware vulnerabilities, phishing attacks, insider threats, weak passwords, and a lack of security awareness. The consequences of cybersecurity breaches are severe. Financial loss is a significant impact, as organizations face theft of funds, legal fees, and repair costs. Breaches also damage reputations, leading to a loss of trust among customers, partners, and stakeholders. Regulatory penalties are another consequence, with hefty fines imposed for non-compliance with data protection regulations. Intellectual property theft undermines innovation and competitiveness, while disruptions of critical services like healthcare and utilities impact public safety and well-being.

cybersecurity breachesdata securityphishing attacks
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Pre-trained Large Language Models (LLM) have achieved remarkable successes in several domains. However, code-oriented LLMs are often heavy in computational complexity, and quadratically with the length of the input code sequence. Toward simplifying the input program of an LLM, the state-of-the-art approach has the strategies to filter the input code tokens based on the attention scores given by the LLM. The decision to simplify the input program should not rely on the attention patterns of an LLM, as these patterns are influenced by both the model architecture and the pre-training dataset. Since the model and dataset are part of the solution domain, not the problem domain where the input program belongs, the outcome may differ when the model is trained on a different dataset. We propose SlimCode, a model-agnostic code simplification solution for LLMs that depends on the nature of input code tokens. As an empirical study on the LLMs including CodeBERT, CodeT5, and GPT-4 for two main tasks: code search and summarization. We reported that 1) the reduction ratio of code has a linear-like relation with the saving ratio on training time, 2) the impact of categorized tokens on code simplification can vary significantly, 3) the impact of categorized tokens on code simplification is task-specific but model-agnostic, and 4) the above findings hold for the paradigm–prompt engineering and interactive in-context learning and this study can save reduce the cost of invoking GPT-4 by 24%per API query. Importantly, SlimCode simplifies the input code with its greedy strategy and can obtain at most 133 times faster than the state-of-the-art technique with a significant improvement. This paper calls for a new direction on code-based, model-agnostic code simplification solutions to further empower LLMs.

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What If We Build Our Own State Machine?
1. Signup Invokes enqueueFunction, Enqueues Message To Queue
2. Enqueued Message Is Delayed 1 Minute
3. dequeueFunction Receives Messages; If More Than N Messages In
Queue (Or DeadLetter), Throws An Error To Send Messages To
DeadLetter, Sends Alert
4. Otherwise, dequeueFunction Sends Welcome Email
Normal Signup Process
5. Human Invokes drainDeadLetter To Move All Caught Messages To
Holding, Unblocking dequeueFunction
6. Human Filters Out SPAM From Holding
7. Human Invokes approveAll To Move Messages From Holding To
8. dequeueFunction Processes All Approved Messages From Approved
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The rapid advancements in artificial intelligence and natural language processing have significantly transformed human-computer interactions. This thesis presents the design, development, and evaluation of an intelligent chatbot capable of engaging in natural and meaningful conversations with users. The chatbot leverages state-of-the-art deep learning techniques, including transformer-based architectures, to understand and generate human-like responses. Key contributions of this research include the implementation of a context- aware conversational model that can maintain coherent dialogue over extended interactions. The chatbot's performance is evaluated through both automated metrics and user studies, demonstrating its effectiveness in various applications such as customer service, mental health support, and educational assistance. Additionally, ethical considerations and potential biases in chatbot responses are examined to ensure the responsible deployment of this technology. The findings of this thesis highlight the potential of intelligent chatbots to enhance user experience and provide valuable insights for future developments in conversational AI.

The Sky is The Limit!
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Chase Douglas
CTO @ Stackery
Link To Slides Will Be Shared By @txase

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The project "Social Media Platform in Object-Oriented Modeling" aims to design and model a robust and scalable social media platform using object-oriented modeling principles. In the age of digital communication, social media platforms have become indispensable for connecting people, sharing content, and fostering online communities. However, their complex nature requires meticulous planning and organization.This project addresses the challenge of creating a feature-rich and user-friendly social media platform by applying key object-oriented modeling concepts. It entails the identification and definition of essential objects such as "User," "Post," "Comment," and "Notification," each encapsulating specific attributes and behaviors. Relationships between these objects, such as friendships, content interactions, and notifications, are meticulously established.The project emphasizes encapsulation to maintain data integrity, inheritance for shared behaviors among objects, and polymorphism for flexible content handling. Use case diagrams depict user interactions, while sequence diagrams showcase the flow of interactions during critical scenarios. Class diagrams provide an overarching view of the system's architecture, including classes, attributes, and methods .By undertaking this project, we aim to create a modular, maintainable, and user-centric social media platform that adheres to best practices in object-oriented modeling. Such a platform will offer users a seamless and secure online social experience while facilitating future enhancements and adaptability to changing user needs.

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