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A Microservices Journey
Christian Posta
Principal Middleware Specialist/Architect
Twitter: @christianposta
•  Author “Microservices for Java developers”
•  Committer on Apache Camel, Apache
ActiveMQ, Fabric8, others
•  Worked with large Microservices, web-scale,
unicorn company
•  Blogger, speaker about DevOps, integration,
and microservices
Microservices Journey NYC
Microservices Journey
•  Why?
•  Microservices Architectures
•  Cloud platforms with Kubernetes/OpenShift
•  Demos!
•  Concurrency, Transactions and Data! (time
Q & A throughout!
If change is happening on the outside
faster than on the inside the end is in sight.
Jack Welch, former CEO, GE
S&P company life expectancy
Fortune 500 firms in 1955 vs. 2014;
88% are gone
Microservices Journey NYC
We need to innovate, not just keep up.
(Red Queen’s Race)
Source: Dave Gray, The Connected Company
Source: Dave Gray, The Connected Company
Post industrialism:
Value delivered through services,
not mass production of product.
Microservices Journey NYC
To deliver services which provide value,
we need to listen and react. We need
to deal with variety.
Software is eating the world.
Marc Andreesen
IT as a core competency; a driver
of business value
How to drive innovation and deliver
•  Admit you don’t have all the answers; figure out how
to ask the right questions!
•  Feed back driven adaptation
•  Decentralized decision making
•  Purpose driven
Microservices Journey NYC
Microservices Journey NYC
Characteristics of complex, agile, systems
•  Small teams
•  Autonomy
•  Own their existence
•  Freedom + Responsibility
•  Purpose driven
•  Feedback/data driven
•  Simple rules, emergent results
People	try	to	copy	Net,lix,	but	they	can	only		
copy	what	they	see.	They	copy	the		
results,	not	the	process.	
Adrian Cockcroft, former Chief Cloud Architect, Netflix
“Let there be no more talk about DevOps
unicorns or horses but only thoroughbreds
and horses heading to the glue factory”
Dr. Branden Williams – business security specialist
Microservices Architectures
organizations which design systems ...
are constrained to produce designs which
are copies of the communication structures
of these organizations
Melvin Conway
“The microservice architectural style is an
approach to developing a single application as a
suite of small services, each running in its own
process and communicating with lightweight
mechanisms, often an HTTP resource API. These
services are built around business capabilities
and independently deployable by fully automated
deployment machinery.”
Martin Fowler’s definition
“Microservices is an architectural approach, that
emphasizes the decomposition of applications
into single-purpose, loosely coupled services
managed by cross-functional teams, for delivering
and maintaining complex software systems with
the velocity and quality required by today’s digital
Red Hat’s definition
Break things down (organizations, teams,
IT systems, etc) down into smaller pieces for
greater parallelization and autonomy and
focus on reducing time to value.
•  Single, self-contained, autonomous
•  Isolated and Resilient to faults
•  Faster software delivery
•  Own their own data
•  Easier to understand individually
•  Scalability
•  Right technology for the problem
•  Test individual services
•  Individual deployments
What benefits of breaking this down?
Microservices is about optimizing … for speed.
Quick example
Microservices Journey NYC
Microservices Journey NYC
Microservices is about optimizing … for speed.
How	do	you	go	fast?
Many	things	to	consider:	contracts,	versioning,	
forward/backward	compatibility,	continuous	
integration,	continuous	delivery,	self-service	
automation,	monitoring,	feedback	loops,		
logging,	chaos	testing	,self-healing		
infrastructure,	A/B	testing,	data,		
and	many	others….
Shed	dependencies!
How	to	shed	dependencies?
Shedding dependencies
•  Team self service
•  Organize teams around a service
•  Teams own entire lifecycle (build, test, deploy, debug,
operate, maintain; you build it you run it)
•  Teams communicate via APIs (or you’re fired!)
•  Services own their own data
•  Boundaries establish a “bounded context”
•  Services communicate via promises
•  Make contracts explicit: contract evolution as a first-
class citizen
Microservices Journey NYC
But	we	still	have	dependencies	on		
other	services!
We	need	boundaries
Book checkout / purchase Title Search
Weekly reporting
Domain Complexity
•  Break things into smaller,
understandable models
•  Surround a model and its
“context” with a boundary
•  Implement the model in
code or get a new model
•  Explicitly map between
different contexts
•  Model transactional
boundaries as aggregates
Microservices Journey NYC
Services	and	teams	make	promises
Services make promises
•  Health checking
•  Autoscaling
•  Self healing
•  Circuit breakers
•  Bulkheading
•  Throttling/rate limiting
•  Fallbacks
•  Apologies
Services make promises
Consumer	contracts?
Consumer	contracts?
Consumer	contracts?	
"request" : {
"url" : "/user/ceposta",
"method" : ”GET”
"response" : {
"status" : 200,
"body" : ([
“first”: “christian”
“last”: 'posta'
“twitter”: '@christianposta'
"headers" : {
"X-Application-Context" : "application:-1",
"Content-Type" : "text/plain"
Consumer	driven	contracts!
Microservices Journey NYC
Do we need integration?
•  Streams/Events(ActiveMQ, JMS, AMQP, STOMP,
Kafka, etc)
•  Legacy (SOAP, mainframe, file processing,
•  Managed file processing
•  Streaming
•  Message transformation
•  EIPs
•  Automatic retries, back-off algorithms
•  Dynamic routing
•  Powerful testing/mocking framework
•  Circuit breakers, fallbacks
•  Idempotent consumers
•  Backpressure mechanisms
•  Beautiful REST DSL with built in Swagger support
Apache Camel for resilient Microservices
Microservices Journey NYC
•  Have self-service infrastructure automation?
•  Have self-service application automation?
•  Have working CI/CD?
•  Have health checking, monitoring,
•  Have logging, distributed tracing?
•  Able to release services independently?
•  Honoring backward and forward compatibility?
Are you doing microservices?
•  Maybe it doesn’t matter so much… What we
really care about is speed, reduced time to
value, and business outcomes.
•  Maybe a data-driven approach is a better way
to answer this question...
Are you doing microservices?
•  Number of features accepted
•  % of features completed
•  User satisfaction
•  Feature Cycle time
•  defects discovered after deployment
•  customer lifetime value (future profit as a result of relationship with the
•  revenue per feature
•  mean time to recovery
•  % improvement in SLA
•  number of changes
•  number of user complaints, recommendations, suggestions
•  % favorable rating in surveys
•  % of users using which features
•  % reduction in error rates
•  avg number of tx / user
Are you doing microservices?
Are there any drawbacks?
•  System complexity
•  Operational complexity
•  Testing is harder across services
•  Security
•  Hard to get boundaries right (transactions, etc)
•  Resource overhead
•  Network overhead
•  Lack of tooling
Drawbacks to microservices
Microservices for Java Developers
Microservices Journey NYC
•  Simple configuration
•  Curated dependencies and
transitive dependencies
•  Built in metrics, monitoring
•  Slim profile for deployment
(…micro even?)
•  Distributed configuration
•  Service Discovery
•  Loadbalancing
•  Circuit Breakers
•  Bulkheading
•  Versioning/Routing
•  Based on AWS
What about non-java?
Container cluster management
•  Distributed configuration
•  Service Discovery
•  Loadbalancing
•  Versioning/Routing
•  Deployments
•  Scaling/Autoscaling
•  Liveness/Health checking
•  Self healing
•  Team self service application deployment
•  Developer workflow
•  Enterprise focused (LDAP, RBAC, Oauth, etc)
•  Integrated Docker registry
•  Jenkins Pipeline out of the box
•  Build/deployment triggers
•  Software Defined Networking (SDN)
•  Docker native format/packaging
•  CLI/IDE/Web based tooling
OpenShift is Kubernetes
Kubernetes is declarative
microservices infrastructure.
Elasticity, resiliency, self healing
Service discovery
Microservices Journey NYC
Microservices Journey NYC
Microservices Journey NYC
Microservices Journey NYC
What about client-side load balancing?
Eg, Ribbon, Zuul, etc
Microservices Journey NYC
Microservices Journey NYC
Twitter: @christianposta
BTW: Hand drawn diagrams made with Paper by J

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