SlideShare a Scribd company logo
1 | Copyright © 2022
Reducing Developer Overload:
Moving Auth, Policy, and Resilience to the Platform
2 | Copyright © 2022
VP, Global Field CTO,
3 | Copyright © 2022
4 | Copyright © 2022
Digital Experiences… Driven by APIs and Services
5 | Copyright © 2022
Silos - Conway’s Law
6 | Copyright © 2022
“Ticket Ops” to Drive Changes to APIs and Services
7 | Copyright © 2022
Platform Engineering
● Cross functional team
● Infrastructure integration
● Golden paths for delivery
● Internal Dev Portals
● Tenancy for teams
Platform engineering:
● Accelerate business value
● Improve efficiencies
● Increase compliance
● Reduce costs/lockin
Platform engineering outcomes:
8 | Copyright © 2022
You don’t start with pipes, electrical, doors
and locks, but eventually you need them.
9 | Copyright © 2022
Internal Developer Platforms are like a House
10 | Copyright © 2022
● Kubernetes / containers
● Microservices architecture
● Public cloud
● CI / CD / ArgoCD / GitOps
● Platform orchestration
● Metric collection
(CPU, Network, Memory)
11 | Copyright © 2022
Platform Strategy
12 | Copyright © 2022
T-Mobile: 25% of time spent on non-functional reqs;
75% incidents caused by network misconfiguration
13 | Copyright © 2022
The platform is not finished.
We need to modernize networking.
14 | Copyright © 2022
Outdated Assumptions and Network Control
15 | Copyright © 2022
Policy Bit Rot
16 | Copyright © 2022
Policy Bit Rot
17 | Copyright © 2022
18 | Copyright © 2022
Inefficiencies and Bottlenecks
19 | Copyright © 2022
Build it into the Code!
20 | Copyright © 2022
JWT Unravels your API Gateway!
21 | Copyright © 2022
● Distributed implementation
● Declarative configuration
● Standard interfaces/integration
● Dynamic configuration
● Fine-grained, request-level auth/rate limit/policy
● Traffic control, circuit breaking, routing
● Metrics, logging, distributed tracing
Modern Networking Needs for Internal Dev Platform
22 | Copyright © 2022
The House is not Finished!
23 | Copyright © 2022
Finishing the house
24 | Copyright © 2022
You need Plumbing, Electrical, Locks on Doors, etc
25 | Copyright © 2022
Modern Networking Solves Auth, Policy, Resilience
● Locks on doors
○ zero-trust, workload/request authentication,
authorization, policy enforcement
● Air conditioning / thermostat
○ load balancing, timeouts, retries, circuit breaking
● Electrical / Piping
○ traffic control, load balancing, routing
● CO, fire, smoke detectors, cameras
○ metrics, distributed tracing, logging
26 | Copyright © 2022
Application Networking
27 | Copyright © 2022
Istio Service Mesh
● mTLS, mutual authentication,
● Network, L7 observability
● Traffic control, resilience, failover
● Blue-green, canary release
● Driven by declarative configuration
28 | Copyright © 2022
Istio Ambient Mode
A sidecar-less implementation of Istio Service Mesh
Production ready as of Istio 1.22 (May 2024)
29 | Copyright © 2022
30 | Copyright © 2022
Istio Ambient Mode
Pure L4 mode only, no L7
31 | Copyright © 2022
Istio Ambient Mode
32 | Copyright © 2022
Istio Ambient Mode
L7 goes through “waypoint” proxy, in the network;
L7 policies (retry, traffic splitting, canary, fine-grained authz, etc) applied here.
33 | Copyright © 2022
Istio Ambient Mode
L7 goes through “waypoint” proxy (Envoy), in the network;
Deploy multiple replicas of proxy for traffic sizing, high availability, etc.
34 | Copyright © 2022
Service Mesh For Less!
35 | Copyright © 2022
Istio Ambient Mode
36 | Copyright © 2022
Auth, Policy, and Resilience
37 | Copyright © 2022
Approaching $1B
Digital Banking
From Zero to 4th Largest Bank in
Singapore within 2 Years Requires Trust
A Joint Venture between a Top 3 Bank in the UK
(Operating in Asia) and Singapore Largest Loyalty
Program launched one of Singapore’s first Digital Native
Banks. The ambitious growth goals for the bank meant
there was no time to waste selecting the technologies
that would underpin the business.
Regulators in Singapore keep strong standards on
financial institutions, including the need to maintain a
99.95% uptime or greater as well as ensuring strong
security across the banks infrastructure.
With the help of and Gloo, the bank was able to
onboard 100K customers in the first 10 days of operating
Business Goals
Key tenants of the modernization initiative:
● Unified Stack - From Identity to Mesh, to CNI
and GraphQL
● Multi-Cluster Orchestration
● GitOps deployments
● Event-Driven, Real Time Architecture
Benchmark Scale
● 100% Containerized
● 9 EKS Clusters in
● 400 to 600 Concurrent
Pods During Peak
● Mandate to meet 99.95%
Customer Growth
First 10
First 5
● Single Solution providing
significant cost savings
through consolidation of
disparate tools
● Multi-Cluster Mesh Enables
transparent failover and
ability to treat EKS clusters
as “cattle”
● Unified Stack allows Bank to
implement a trust “Defense
in Depth” model from
Identity to Network Policy
38 | Copyright © 2022
Workload Identity and Authentication
39 | Copyright © 2022
Secure Production Identity Framework (for Everyone)
• Intended to solve the “universal workload identity problem”
• Independent of application type, network, or platform/cloud
• Specified with URI strings
• Verified via signed credentials (x509, JWT, etc)
• API and workflow for attestation built into SPIFFE
• Intended to eliminate passwords, other secrets, etc
40 | Copyright © 2022
Who is Service A?
41 | Copyright © 2022
Identity for Workloads
42 | Copyright © 2022
Network Policy Based on Stable Workload Identity
kind: AuthorizationPolicy
name: allow-traffic-between-workloads
namespace: your-namespace
app: your-app
action: ALLOW
- from:
- source:
- operation:
43 | Copyright © 2022
44 | Copyright © 2022
IstioCon (2023)
45 | Copyright © 2022
Traffic Control
Powerful load balancing
● Fine-grained, request-based load
● Region/Zone/Subset aware load
● Retry/Timeout/Circuit breaker
● % based traffic splitting
● Header based traffic splitting
46 | Copyright © 2022
Global Routing / Failover
47 | Copyright © 2022
Circuit Breaker - Degrade gracefully when services are
48 | Copyright © 2022
49 | Copyright © 2022
Tying it all together
50 | Copyright © 2022
Offload Auth, Policy, and Resilience to the Platform!
51 | Copyright © 2022
● Get code into production, safely!
● Increasing the release safety and velocity with:
○ High availability
○ Global routing
○ Failover
○ Resiliency
■ either planned, unplanned
■ migrations, re-deployments
● Canary releasing, blue/green, A/B testing
● Reducing MTTR
○ Metrics, distributed tracing, logging
● Reduce change failure rate
Accelerating Business Value
52 | Copyright © 2022
● Declarative configuration fits IaC automation, tenancy
● Better resource utilization / scale
● Eliminate silos, reduce ticket ops, reduce UI click Ops
● Reduce dependencies on other teams (self service)
● Teams to focus on business logic not complexity of networking
● Integrations with standard interfaces
● Reduce reliance on large proprietary vendor stacks with heavy
license fees
● Smart traffic, networking control for zonal, region, data center
networking costs
Improve Efficiency, Reduce Costs
53 | Copyright © 2022
● Zero trust network
○ Encryption, authentication, authorization
○ Central requirements for PCI-DSS, HIPPA, GDPR, etc
● Eliminate bespoke code for security, routing, load balancing
○ Especially across multiple languages, frameworks, etc
○ Easier to audit and understand
● Eliminate centralized bottlenecks, UI clicking, and
● Drive everything through Git so it’s trackable and auditable
● Organizational policy enforcement based on durable workload ID
○ Not ephemeral IP addresses or network segments
Increase Compliance
54 | Copyright © 2022
● See QR codes in slides!
55 | Copyright © 2022
Please Reach Out!
VP, Global Field CTO,
Thank You!
57 | Copyright © 2022
Approaching $1B
Digital Banking
From Zero to 4th Largest Bank in
Singapore within 2 Years Requires Trust
A Joint Venture between a Top 3 Bank in the UK
(Operating in Asia) and Singapore Largest Loyalty
Program launched one of Singapore’s first Digital Native
Banks. The ambitious growth goals for the bank meant
there was no time to waste selecting the technologies
that would underpin the business.
Regulators in Singapore keep strong standards on
financial institutions, including the need to maintain a
99.95% uptime or greater as well as ensuring strong
security across the banks infrastructure.
With the help of and Gloo, the bank was able to
onboard 100K customers in the first 10 days of operating
Business Goals
Key tenants of the modernization initiative:
● Unified Stack - From Identity to Mesh, to CNI
and GraphQL
● Multi-Cluster Orchestration
● GitOps deployments
● Event-Driven, Real Time Architecture
Benchmark Scale
● 100% Containerized
● 9 EKS Clusters in
● 400 to 600 Concurrent
Pods During Peak
● Mandate to meet 99.95%
Customer Growth
First 10
First 5
● Single Solution providing
significant cost savings
through consolidation of
disparate tools
● Multi-Cluster Mesh Enables
transparent failover and
ability to treat EKS clusters
as “cattle”
● Unified Stack allows Bank to
implement a trust “Defense
in Depth” model from
Identity to Network Policy
58 | Copyright © 2022
59 | Copyright © 2022
API Management at Google
60 | Copyright © 2022
Massive outage
61 | Copyright © 2022
Optimize Proxy Placement

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Move Auth, Policy, and Resilience to the Platform

  • 1. 1 | Copyright © 2022 Reducing Developer Overload: Moving Auth, Policy, and Resilience to the Platform
  • 2. 2 | Copyright © 2022 CHRISTIAN POSTA VP, Global Field CTO, @christianposta /in/ceposta
  • 3. 3 | Copyright © 2022
  • 4. 4 | Copyright © 2022 Digital Experiences… Driven by APIs and Services
  • 5. 5 | Copyright © 2022 Silos - Conway’s Law
  • 6. 6 | Copyright © 2022 “Ticket Ops” to Drive Changes to APIs and Services
  • 7. 7 | Copyright © 2022 Platform Engineering ● Cross functional team ● Infrastructure integration ● Golden paths for delivery ● Internal Dev Portals ● Tenancy for teams Platform engineering: ● Accelerate business value ● Improve efficiencies ● Increase compliance ● Reduce costs/lockin Platform engineering outcomes:
  • 8. 8 | Copyright © 2022 You don’t start with pipes, electrical, doors and locks, but eventually you need them.
  • 9. 9 | Copyright © 2022 Internal Developer Platforms are like a House
  • 10. 10 | Copyright © 2022 ● Kubernetes / containers ● Microservices architecture ● Public cloud ● CI / CD / ArgoCD / GitOps ● Platform orchestration ● Metric collection (CPU, Network, Memory) Foundations
  • 11. 11 | Copyright © 2022 Platform Strategy
  • 12. 12 | Copyright © 2022 T-Mobile: 25% of time spent on non-functional reqs; 75% incidents caused by network misconfiguration
  • 13. 13 | Copyright © 2022 The platform is not finished. We need to modernize networking.
  • 14. 14 | Copyright © 2022 Outdated Assumptions and Network Control
  • 15. 15 | Copyright © 2022 Policy Bit Rot
  • 16. 16 | Copyright © 2022 Policy Bit Rot
  • 17. 17 | Copyright © 2022
  • 18. 18 | Copyright © 2022 Inefficiencies and Bottlenecks
  • 19. 19 | Copyright © 2022 Build it into the Code!
  • 20. 20 | Copyright © 2022 JWT Unravels your API Gateway!
  • 21. 21 | Copyright © 2022 ● Distributed implementation ● Declarative configuration ● Standard interfaces/integration ● Dynamic configuration ● Fine-grained, request-level auth/rate limit/policy enforcement ● Traffic control, circuit breaking, routing ● Metrics, logging, distributed tracing Modern Networking Needs for Internal Dev Platform
  • 22. 22 | Copyright © 2022 The House is not Finished!
  • 23. 23 | Copyright © 2022 Finishing the house
  • 24. 24 | Copyright © 2022 You need Plumbing, Electrical, Locks on Doors, etc
  • 25. 25 | Copyright © 2022 Modern Networking Solves Auth, Policy, Resilience ● Locks on doors ○ zero-trust, workload/request authentication, authorization, policy enforcement ● Air conditioning / thermostat ○ load balancing, timeouts, retries, circuit breaking ● Electrical / Piping ○ traffic control, load balancing, routing ● CO, fire, smoke detectors, cameras ○ metrics, distributed tracing, logging
  • 26. 26 | Copyright © 2022 Application Networking
  • 27. 27 | Copyright © 2022 Istio Service Mesh ● mTLS, mutual authentication, encryption ● Network, L7 observability ● Traffic control, resilience, failover ● Blue-green, canary release ● Driven by declarative configuration
  • 28. 28 | Copyright © 2022 Improve Performance Simplify Operations Cost Reduction Istio Ambient Mode A sidecar-less implementation of Istio Service Mesh Production ready as of Istio 1.22 (May 2024)
  • 29. 29 | Copyright © 2022 Demo
  • 30. 30 | Copyright © 2022 Istio Ambient Mode Pure L4 mode only, no L7
  • 31. 31 | Copyright © 2022 Istio Ambient Mode
  • 32. 32 | Copyright © 2022 Istio Ambient Mode L7 goes through “waypoint” proxy, in the network; L7 policies (retry, traffic splitting, canary, fine-grained authz, etc) applied here.
  • 33. 33 | Copyright © 2022 Istio Ambient Mode L7 goes through “waypoint” proxy (Envoy), in the network; Deploy multiple replicas of proxy for traffic sizing, high availability, etc.
  • 34. 34 | Copyright © 2022 Service Mesh For Less!
  • 35. 35 | Copyright © 2022 Istio Ambient Mode
  • 36. 36 | Copyright © 2022 Auth, Policy, and Resilience
  • 37. 37 | Copyright © 2022 Location Singapore Revenue Approaching $1B Digital Banking Industry From Zero to 4th Largest Bank in Singapore within 2 Years Requires Trust CASE STUDY A Joint Venture between a Top 3 Bank in the UK (Operating in Asia) and Singapore Largest Loyalty Program launched one of Singapore’s first Digital Native Banks. The ambitious growth goals for the bank meant there was no time to waste selecting the technologies that would underpin the business. Regulators in Singapore keep strong standards on financial institutions, including the need to maintain a 99.95% uptime or greater as well as ensuring strong security across the banks infrastructure. With the help of and Gloo, the bank was able to onboard 100K customers in the first 10 days of operating Business Goals Key tenants of the modernization initiative: ● Unified Stack - From Identity to Mesh, to CNI and GraphQL ● Multi-Cluster Orchestration ● GitOps deployments ● Event-Driven, Real Time Architecture Region APJ Benchmark Scale ● 100% Containerized ● 9 EKS Clusters in Production ● 400 to 600 Concurrent Pods During Peak Processing ● Mandate to meet 99.95% Uptime Customer Growth 100K First 10 Days 450K First 5 Months 1M+ Today Differentiators ● Single Solution providing significant cost savings through consolidation of disparate tools ● Multi-Cluster Mesh Enables transparent failover and ability to treat EKS clusters as “cattle” ● Unified Stack allows Bank to implement a trust “Defense in Depth” model from Identity to Network Policy Competition
  • 38. 38 | Copyright © 2022 Workload Identity and Authentication
  • 39. 39 | Copyright © 2022 Secure Production Identity Framework (for Everyone) • Intended to solve the “universal workload identity problem” • Independent of application type, network, or platform/cloud • Specified with URI strings • Verified via signed credentials (x509, JWT, etc) • API and workflow for attestation built into SPIFFE implementations • Intended to eliminate passwords, other secrets, etc
  • 40. 40 | Copyright © 2022 Who is Service A?
  • 41. 41 | Copyright © 2022 Identity for Workloads
  • 42. 42 | Copyright © 2022 Network Policy Based on Stable Workload Identity apiVersion: kind: AuthorizationPolicy metadata: name: allow-traffic-between-workloads namespace: your-namespace spec: selector: matchLabels: app: your-app action: ALLOW rules: - from: - source: principals: ["cluster.local/ns/your-namespace/sa/first-service-account"] to: - operation: principals: ["spiffe://"]
  • 43. 43 | Copyright © 2022 Demo
  • 44. 44 | Copyright © 2022 IstioCon (2023)
  • 45. 45 | Copyright © 2022 Traffic Control Powerful load balancing IN THE NETWORK ● Fine-grained, request-based load balancing ● Region/Zone/Subset aware load balancing ● Retry/Timeout/Circuit breaker ● % based traffic splitting ● Header based traffic splitting
  • 46. 46 | Copyright © 2022 Global Routing / Failover
  • 47. 47 | Copyright © 2022 Circuit Breaker - Degrade gracefully when services are overwhelmed
  • 48. 48 | Copyright © 2022 Demo
  • 49. 49 | Copyright © 2022 Tying it all together
  • 50. 50 | Copyright © 2022 Offload Auth, Policy, and Resilience to the Platform!
  • 51. 51 | Copyright © 2022 ● Get code into production, safely! ● Increasing the release safety and velocity with: ○ High availability ○ Global routing ○ Failover ○ Resiliency ■ either planned, unplanned ■ migrations, re-deployments ● Canary releasing, blue/green, A/B testing ● Reducing MTTR ○ Metrics, distributed tracing, logging ● Reduce change failure rate Accelerating Business Value
  • 52. 52 | Copyright © 2022 ● Declarative configuration fits IaC automation, tenancy ● Better resource utilization / scale ● Eliminate silos, reduce ticket ops, reduce UI click Ops ● Reduce dependencies on other teams (self service) ● Teams to focus on business logic not complexity of networking ● Integrations with standard interfaces ● Reduce reliance on large proprietary vendor stacks with heavy license fees ● Smart traffic, networking control for zonal, region, data center networking costs Improve Efficiency, Reduce Costs
  • 53. 53 | Copyright © 2022 ● Zero trust network ○ Encryption, authentication, authorization ○ Central requirements for PCI-DSS, HIPPA, GDPR, etc ● Eliminate bespoke code for security, routing, load balancing ○ Especially across multiple languages, frameworks, etc ○ Easier to audit and understand ● Eliminate centralized bottlenecks, UI clicking, and ● Drive everything through Git so it’s trackable and auditable ● Organizational policy enforcement based on durable workload ID ○ Not ephemeral IP addresses or network segments Increase Compliance
  • 54. 54 | Copyright © 2022 Resources ● ● ● ● See QR codes in slides!
  • 55. 55 | Copyright © 2022 Please Reach Out! VP, Global Field CTO, @christianposta /in/ceposta
  • 57. 57 | Copyright © 2022 Location Singapore Revenue Approaching $1B Digital Banking Industry From Zero to 4th Largest Bank in Singapore within 2 Years Requires Trust CASE STUDY A Joint Venture between a Top 3 Bank in the UK (Operating in Asia) and Singapore Largest Loyalty Program launched one of Singapore’s first Digital Native Banks. The ambitious growth goals for the bank meant there was no time to waste selecting the technologies that would underpin the business. Regulators in Singapore keep strong standards on financial institutions, including the need to maintain a 99.95% uptime or greater as well as ensuring strong security across the banks infrastructure. With the help of and Gloo, the bank was able to onboard 100K customers in the first 10 days of operating Business Goals Key tenants of the modernization initiative: ● Unified Stack - From Identity to Mesh, to CNI and GraphQL ● Multi-Cluster Orchestration ● GitOps deployments ● Event-Driven, Real Time Architecture Region APJ Benchmark Scale ● 100% Containerized ● 9 EKS Clusters in Production ● 400 to 600 Concurrent Pods During Peak Processing ● Mandate to meet 99.95% Uptime Customer Growth 100K First 10 Days 450K First 5 Months 1M+ Today Differentiators ● Single Solution providing significant cost savings through consolidation of disparate tools ● Multi-Cluster Mesh Enables transparent failover and ability to treat EKS clusters as “cattle” ● Unified Stack allows Bank to implement a trust “Defense in Depth” model from Identity to Network Policy Competition
  • 58. 58 | Copyright © 2022
  • 59. 59 | Copyright © 2022 API Management at Google
  • 60. 60 | Copyright © 2022 Massive outage
  • 61. 61 | Copyright © 2022 Optimize Proxy Placement