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Micro services at scale with Docker and
9-2-2017 – Amsterdam JUG
Bedankt voor jullie aandacht
“Once you stop learning, you start dying”
- Albert Einstein
Principal Consultant
The Menu
1. Intro Microservices
2. Intro Docker
3. Kubernetes
4. Rolling updates
5. Persisted volumes
6. Stateful services
4 Raspberry Pi 2B
Quadcore 900MHz, 1GB RAM, 16GB SD-card
Pi Stack case
D-Link network switch
Anker USB power adapter
Nice white cables
Total Cost: +/- EUR 300

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KubeCon EU 2016: Multi-Tenant Kubernetes
KubeCon EU 2016: Multi-Tenant KubernetesKubeCon EU 2016: Multi-Tenant Kubernetes
KubeCon EU 2016: Multi-Tenant Kubernetes

Today Kubernetes is mostly employed in single tenant deployment, either private cloud, or as a COE on top of IaaS. By leveraging virtualized container like Hyper, Kubernetes will be the core of multi-tenant Container-as-a-Service. This talk will present Hypernetes, a secure Kubernetes distro focusing on the public container hosting service. Sched Link:

Moving to Kubernetes - Tales from SoundCloud
Moving to Kubernetes - Tales from SoundCloudMoving to Kubernetes - Tales from SoundCloud
Moving to Kubernetes - Tales from SoundCloud

KubeCon 2015 talk about SoundCloud's container runtime environment history and a few highlighted reasons to migrate to Kubernetes.

Platform Orchestration with Kubernetes and Docker
Platform Orchestration with Kubernetes and DockerPlatform Orchestration with Kubernetes and Docker
Platform Orchestration with Kubernetes and Docker

Big companies like Google containerize theirs environments for easier maintaining, scaling, and reliability. This talk gives an introduction how to build such an environment and maintain applications written in distinct programming languages. The container orchestration is done with Kubernetes by Google and Docker containers. For mass deployment CoreOS is used.

Martin Fowler on Microservices:
In short, the microservice architectural style [1] is an approach to
developing a single application as a suite of small services, each running
in its own process and communicating with lightweight mechanisms,
often an HTTP resource API. These services are built around business
capabilities and independently deployable by fully automated
deployment machinery. There is a bare minimum of centralized
management of these services, which may be written in different
programming languages and use different data storage technologies.
Microservices: Scaling is important
Microservices: advantages
● The services themselves are very simple, focussing on doing
one thing well;
● Each service can be built using the best and most appropriate
tool for the job;
● Systems built in this way are inherently loosely coupled;
● Multiple developers and teams can deliver relatively
independently of each other under this model;
● They are a great enabler for continuous delivery, allowing
frequent releases whilst keeping the rest of the system
available and stable.
Microservices: drawbacks
● Complex distributed systems
● Diverse technology stack
● More software projects to manage
● Reliability and performance
● Exponentially more service instances to manage

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Scaling Docker Containers using Kubernetes and Azure Container Service
Scaling Docker Containers using Kubernetes and Azure Container ServiceScaling Docker Containers using Kubernetes and Azure Container Service
Scaling Docker Containers using Kubernetes and Azure Container Service

This document discusses scaling Docker containers using Kubernetes and Azure Container Service. It begins with an introduction to containers and Docker, including how containers improve dependency and configuration management. It then demonstrates building and deploying containerized applications using Docker and discusses how to optimize Docker images. Finally, it introduces Kubernetes as a tool for orchestrating containers at scale and provides an example of deploying a containerized application on Kubernetes in Azure.

Docker & Kubernetes intro
Docker & Kubernetes introDocker & Kubernetes intro
Docker & Kubernetes intro

Docker and Kubernetes provide tools for deploying and managing applications in containers. Docker allows packaging applications into containers that can be run on any Linux machine. Kubernetes provides a platform for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups related containers that make up an application into logical units called pods and provides mechanisms for service discovery, load balancing, and configuration management across a cluster. Many cloud providers now offer managed Kubernetes services to deploy and run containerized applications on their infrastructure.

Kubernetes Architecture and Introduction
Kubernetes Architecture and IntroductionKubernetes Architecture and Introduction
Kubernetes Architecture and Introduction

- Archeology: before and without Kubernetes - Deployment: kube-up, DCOS, GKE - Core Architecture: the apiserver, the kubelet and the scheduler - Compute Model: the pod, the service and the controller

Build Ship Run
Virtual Machines vs. Containers
Docker - Architecture
Docker - Layering

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Introduction to Kubernetes
Introduction to KubernetesIntroduction to Kubernetes
Introduction to Kubernetes

Presentation by Ross Kukulinski at the Philadelphia Docker Meetup on September 27, 2016. This talk will introduce Kubernetes, the industry standard system for automatic deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. We'll walk through key concepts and you will learn how to deploy a multi-tier application to Kubernetes in 10 minutes.

Containers in production with docker, coreos, kubernetes and apache stratos
Containers in production with docker, coreos, kubernetes and apache stratosContainers in production with docker, coreos, kubernetes and apache stratos
Containers in production with docker, coreos, kubernetes and apache stratos

Docker's lightweight containers can quickly launch more containers when needed and then shut them down easily when they're no longer needed. Also it gets easier to make lots of small changes instead of huge, big bang updates that leads to reduced risk but more uptime. Saying that huge number of micro services leads to increase in complexity of the application deployment, orchestration and monitoring in production. Apache Stratos is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) integrated with Docker, CoreOS, Kubernetes gives more powerful single tool kit for container orchestration, monitoring, autoscaling and auto healing support. Smart policies and IaaS agnostic support provide capability of runs containers in almost every popular public and private clouds. This session included installing and deploying sample applications using Docker,CoreOS and Kubernetes and a demonstration of app deployment, provisioning, auto-scaling, and more.

by WSO2
dockerapache stratos
Kubernetes and Hybrid Deployments
Kubernetes and Hybrid DeploymentsKubernetes and Hybrid Deployments
Kubernetes and Hybrid Deployments

Hybrid and multicloud deployments are critical approaches for bridging the gap between legacy and modern architectures. Sandeep Parikh discusses common patterns for creating scalable cross-environment deployments using Kubernetes and explores best practices and repeatable patterns for leveraging Kubernetes as a consistent abstraction layer across multiple environments.

google cloudhybridmulti-cloud
Docker at scale with Kubernetes
Everything at Google
runs in containers
Launch over 2 billion
containers per week.
web browsers
link shard
UI shardBorgMaster
link shard
UI shardBorgMaster
link shard
UI shardBorgMaster
link shard
UI shard
borgcfg web browsers
Borglet Borglet Borglet Borglet
link shard
UI shard
persistent store
Developer View
What just
Enter Kubernetes
Greek for “Helmsman”; also the root of
the word “Governor”
• Container orchestrator
• Runs containers
• Supports multiple cloud and
bare-metal environments
• Inspired and informed by Google’s
experiences and internal systems
• Open source, written in Go
Manage applications, not machines

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Kubernetes architecture
Kubernetes architectureKubernetes architecture
Kubernetes architecture

Kubernetes is an open-source system for managing containerized applications and services. It includes a master node that runs control plane components like the API server, scheduler, and controller manager. Worker nodes run the kubelet service and pods. Pods are the basic building blocks that can contain one or more containers. Labels are used to identify and select pods. Replication controllers ensure a specified number of pod replicas are running. Services define a logical set of pods and associated policy for access. They are exposed via cluster IP addresses or externally using load balancers.

The top 5 Kubernetes metrics to monitor
The top 5 Kubernetes metrics to monitorThe top 5 Kubernetes metrics to monitor
The top 5 Kubernetes metrics to monitor

This document discusses the top 5 metrics to monitor in Kubernetes applications. It identifies 5 layers to monitor: 1) the application layer, 2) the services layer, 3) the Kubernetes deployment layer, 4) the Kubernetes internals layer, and 5) the host/node layer. For each layer, it provides example metrics and thresholds to monitor to check that layer is performing as expected. The overall document provides guidance on monitoring all aspects of a Kubernetes application from the application and services down through the underlying Kubernetes infrastructure and hosts.

Kubernetes Introduction
Kubernetes IntroductionKubernetes Introduction
Kubernetes Introduction

A basic introductory slide set on Kubernetes: What does Kubernetes do, what does Kubernetes not do, which terms are used (Containers, Pods, Services, Replica Sets, Deployments, etc...) and how basic interaction with a Kubernetes cluster is done.

web browsers
kubectl web browsers
Kubelet Kubelet Kubelet Kubelet
Kubernetes Master
Developer View
What just
Kubernetes - Architecture
Pods, Replication sets & (auto)scaling
Replication Set

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Deploying WSO2 Middleware on Kubernetes
Deploying WSO2 Middleware on KubernetesDeploying WSO2 Middleware on Kubernetes
Deploying WSO2 Middleware on Kubernetes

This document discusses deploying WSO2 middleware on Kubernetes. It provides an overview of Kubernetes architecture and components, and how various Kubernetes features like pods, replication controllers, services, and overlay networking are used. It also describes WSO2 Docker images, Carbon reference architectures for Kubernetes, and the deployment workflow. Monitoring of Kubernetes cluster health using tools like cAdvisor, Heapster, Grafana and InfluxDB is also covered briefly.

Kubernetes Introduction
Kubernetes IntroductionKubernetes Introduction
Kubernetes Introduction

Kubernetes is an open-source container cluster manager that was originally developed by Google. It was created as a rewrite of Google's internal Borg system using Go. Kubernetes aims to provide a declarative deployment and management of containerized applications and services. It facilitates both automatic bin packing as well as self-healing of applications. Some key features include horizontal pod autoscaling, load balancing, rolling updates, and application lifecycle management.


Kubespray and Ansible can be used to automate the installation of Kubernetes in a production-ready environment. Kubespray provides tools to configure highly available Kubernetes clusters across multiple Linux distributions. Ansible is an IT automation tool that can deploy software and configure systems. The document then provides a 6 step guide for installing Kubernetes on Ubuntu using kubeadm, including installing Docker, kubeadm, kubelet and kubectl, disabling swap, configuring system parameters, initializing the cluster with kubeadm, and joining nodes. It also briefly explains Kubernetes architecture including the master node, worker nodes, addons, CNI, CRI, CSI and key concepts like pods, deployments, networking,

Cluster IP:port <>
Node IP:port <>
Kube Proxy
(IP Tables)
API server
PodDeployment Pod
PodDeployment Pod
Worker Node Worker Node
Worker Node
Persistent Storage Node
Persistent Volumes
Persisted Volume
Persisted Volume Claim
Persisted Volume Mount
Microservices at scale with docker and kubernetes - AMS JUG 2017

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Kubernetes basics and hands on exercise
Kubernetes basics and hands on exerciseKubernetes basics and hands on exercise
Kubernetes basics and hands on exercise

This document provides an overview of Kubernetes concepts including architecture, fundamental objects like pods and services, and demonstrations. It begins with an agenda then covers Kubernetes architecture including the master node, worker nodes, and control loop. It describes core objects like pods, replica sets, deployments, services, and labels/selectors. The document demonstrates deploying and accessing the guestbook application using these objects. It concludes with asking for questions and describing goals for educational meetups on cloud native technologies.

kubernetes objectskubernetes podsreplication controllers
kubernetes for beginners
kubernetes for beginnerskubernetes for beginners
kubernetes for beginners

A small introduction to get started on Kubernetes as a user. This explains the main concepts like pod, deployment and services and gives some hints to help you use kubectl command. These slides were presented in Grenoble Docker meetup in November 2017.


An RSVP app designed to be deployed by the dockers on the Kubernetes Minikube Cluster. Front end with flask framework and MongoDB as a backend database. Youtube video:

• Docker - Build, Ship, and Run Any App, Anywhere –
• Kubernetes - Accelerate Your Delivery –
• Creating a Raspberry Pi cluster running Kubernetes –

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