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6/7/2017 11:30:00 AM
BW1 From Monoliths to Services:
Paying Your Technical Debt
Presented by:
David Litvak
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David Litvak
David Litvak is a Ruby and Python evangelist, agile devotee, frustrated sports
legend, and developer evangelist at Contentful. He spends most of his days
coding and slaying orcs and beasts in his favorite role playing games. For the past
eight years, David has worked as a professional developer using Python, Ruby,
PHP, Java, and .Net in very different areas such as GIS, social media analytics, and
software as a service companies, as both a consultant and full-time employee. At
National Technological University in Buenos Aires for seven years, David has been
teaching Team Conduction Methodologies and Advanced Programming
From Monoliths to Services
Gradually paying your Technical Debt
BY DAVID LITVAK (@dlitvakb)

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Drupal As A Jigsaw
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Drupal As A Jigsaw

This document provides an overview of Drupal as a content management system. It discusses how Drupal can be like a jigsaw puzzle or Lego set, where individual modules can be combined to build different solutions. However, Drupal also has shortcomings like a complex installation process and lack of documentation. Initiatives like distributions, Drolutions, and community projects help bridge this divide by providing pre-built solutions, module combinations, and educational opportunities that make Drupal more approachable and usable for different projects.

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Alfresco Tech Talk Live on WCM to WCS Migration
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Alfresco Tech Talk Live on WCM to WCS Migration

- Alfresco is deprecating its Web Content Management (WCM) features and shifting focus to its Web Content Services (WCS). - Migrating from WCM to WCS involves changes to content modeling, user interfaces, deployment tools, and more. - A high level migration process includes assessing current usage, brainstorming alternatives, prototyping solutions, developing a plan, and executing the migration. Significant resources may be required and there will likely be challenges along the way. - While migrating is not trivial, the process can provide benefits like improved performance, flexibility and a clearer development approach at the cost of reworking existing solutions. Careful planning is needed to minimize disruption.

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Develop a vanilla.js spa you and your customers will love
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Develop a vanilla.js spa you and your customers will love

Do you want to leverage HTML, CSS and JavaScripts APIs to deliver rich user experiences that outlive the framework du jour? Do You want to understand good front-end application architecture and performance principles. Then you want to build applications in Vanilla JS. Despite popular belief Vanilla JS is not as difficult to master and implement as you might think. In this tutorial Chris Love will demonstrate how to apply many common web performance optimization, good architecture and tricks to build a fast, native-like application user experience customers desire without dependency on large, fast food frameworks. This tutorial will demonstrate the following concepts: - Applying the 14kb Rule for Instant Loading - Markup Management - Eliminating Excess AJAX Calls - Working With and Around Application Cache - Applying Service Workers and HTTP/2 For Even Better User Experiences - Leveraging common browser APIs & good architecture

html5javascriptweb performance
“You want to make a “quick change” to
your software […], and it isn’t quick.
Whatever made that happen, that’s tech
Dave Diehl
Senior Developer at Fusion Alliance
From Monoliths to Services: Paying Your Technical Debt
Metaphor explaining difficulties of shipping software
Like financial debt, technical debt comes with interests.
Failing to pay your debt, interests will come back at you.
Why is it called Debt?

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This document discusses top HTML5 features for Oracle Cloud developers. It begins with an introduction to various Oracle Cloud services that use HTML5 extensively, such as Oracle Sites Cloud Service. It then discusses why HTML5 is important for cloud development due to its wide acceptance, rapid development cycles, and cheaper hosting model. The document outlines the top 10 HTML5 features developers should know, including semantic HTML, local storage, geolocation, OAuth2, CORS, advanced forms, WebSockets, WebWorkers, built-in audio/video support, and custom DOM elements. It provides details and examples for each feature.

Integrating ADF Mobile with WebCenter
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Integrating ADF Mobile with WebCenter

This document discusses integrating ADF Mobile with WebCenter to build hybrid mobile applications. It provides an overview of mobile strategies including native, mobile web, and hybrid apps. It then covers using ADF Mobile which allows creating native-like apps using HTML5 and JavaScript. It recommends consuming existing WebCenter and backend services through middleware like WebCenter Mashups and discusses best practices for integrating content and building hybrid apps with ADF Mobile.

adf mobileadfwebcenter
Using alfresco share as a corporate intranet
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Presentation from webinar with the Blue Fish Development Group on using Alfresco Share as a Corproate Intranet.

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From Monoliths to Services: Paying Your Technical Debt
Move one corner and the others
will adjust accordingly
If you want to increase Quality, you
will have to spend more Money
and Time
Money Time
Technical Debt comes when
Quality is not taken into account,
prioritising spending less or
working faster
Debt itself is not a bad thing!
Invest and pay back early!
Don’t leave debt hanging!
But Hey! It’s not always bad!
From Monoliths to Services: Paying Your Technical Debt

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Creating Next-Generation ADF Mobile Applications
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Creating Next-Generation ADF Mobile Applications

This document discusses strategies for building mobile apps. It begins with a history of mobile development and then discusses the pros and cons of native, web-based, and hybrid approaches. It recommends starting with a HTML5/web-based strategy before pursuing native apps, and considering hybrid apps if more functionality is needed. The presentation provides examples of hybrid mobile apps built with tools like PhoneGap and ADF Mobile.

adfmobile webmobile application development
Disrupting the application eco system with progressive web applications
Disrupting the application eco system with progressive web applicationsDisrupting the application eco system with progressive web applications
Disrupting the application eco system with progressive web applications

Progressive Web Applications (PWA) is a comprehensive term describing web applications that implement a base set of browser platform features like HTTPS, Web Manifest and Service Workers. But it bleeds beyond the scope of an application's code because browsers are enabling qualified web applications to offer the same user experiences native application enjoy. This includes prominent home screen placement, push notifications, eliminated browser chrome and app store placement. Become a Progressive Web App expert with my course: Progressive Web Apps (PWA) Beginner to Expert ->

businesstechnologyprogressive web applications
JavaScript front end performance optimizations
JavaScript front end performance optimizationsJavaScript front end performance optimizations
JavaScript front end performance optimizations

No one wants a slow loading, slow reacting application. As page weight has increased so has the dependency on JavaScript to drive rich user experiences. Today many pages load over 2MBs of JavaScript, but is this healthy? Do your scripts and dependencies perform well? In this session we will review common JavaScript performance bottlenecks, how to detect them and how to eliminate them. This session will review common bad coding syntax, architecture and how to replace them with better alternatives. You will also be exposed to caching, code organization, build and deployment best practices that produce the best user experiences. Finally, you will see how to use the navigation timing and performance timing APIs to fine tune your applications to produce a fast, lean application your customers will love.

web performancejavascript
What are the causes?
• Cutting Corners
“I know it looks complicated, but I don’t have time to refactor it.”
From Monoliths to Services: Paying Your Technical Debt
What are the causes?
• Lack of Testing
“We can write tests for it later.”
From Monoliths to Services: Paying Your Technical Debt

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Transform your Intranet with Drupal and Alfresco - by Optaros
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Transform your Intranet with Drupal and Alfresco - by Optaros

View the full webinar recording here: Learn how combining Drupal and Alfresco can give you a powerful platform with everything you need to revitalize your intranet with engaging community features, and rock-solid document management. Optaros content management experts Chris Fuller and Jeff Potts will discuss how a game publisher was able to save time and money by leveraging open source for their intranet. You’ll learn valuable insights that will help you take your Enterprise collaboration to the next level.

Microservices and APIs
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Microservices and APIs

The document discusses microservices and APIs. It covers how microservices optimize for speed by shedding dependencies and having dependencies on demand through services and APIs. It discusses consumer contracts for APIs and service versioning. It also discusses using an API gateway pattern for scalability, security, monitoring and more. It promotes API management for benefits like access control, analytics, and monetization of microservices.

Switching to Oracle Document Cloud
Switching to Oracle Document CloudSwitching to Oracle Document Cloud
Switching to Oracle Document Cloud

If you use Box, Dropbox, OneDrive, or Google Drive, this presentation will show you why you should switch to the Oracle Document Cloud Service, and how to implement the migration.

oracledocument managementgoogle
What are the causes?
• Assuming “False Positives” are Positives
“The build fails sometimes, but it passes most of the time. Let’s just move on.”
From Monoliths to Services: Paying Your Technical Debt
How to avoid?
• Work Small
Make incremental progress
From Monoliths to Services: Paying Your Technical Debt

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eBay Chief Engineer Randy Shoup's keynote at QCon 2010 outlines several critical elements of the evolving cloud programming model – what developers need to do to develop successful systems in the cloud. It discusses state management and statelessness, distribution- and network-awareness, workload partitioning, cost and resource metering, automation readiness, and deployment strategies

REST - What's It All About? (SAP TechEd 2012, CD110)
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REST - What's It All About? (SAP TechEd 2012, CD110)

This document provides an overview of REST (Representational State Transfer) and its applications in SAP systems. It discusses key REST concepts like resources, representations, and hypermedia as the engine of application state. It also summarizes the capabilities and limitations of SAP NetWeaver Gateway for exposing SAP data and functionality via RESTful APIs. Additionally, it covers approaches for custom REST API development using ABAP code.

integrationrestsap - Ajax security - Ajax - Ajax security - Ajax security

Ajax enables asynchronous communication between the client and server in web applications. While this improves the user experience, it also increases security risks. Ajax applications have a larger attack surface since client-side code can directly access server-side functions. Cross-site scripting attacks are also more dangerous as injected scripts can make authenticated requests without reloading the page. Bridges used to connect Ajax applications to third-party services can act as open proxies and expose vulnerabilities in those other systems if not properly secured. Developers must validate all user-supplied inputs to Ajax functions to prevent attacks.

How to avoid?
• Work Clean
Seek for refactoring opportunities
From Monoliths to Services: Paying Your Technical Debt
How to avoid?
• Work Green
Have a Test Suite - Use Continuous Integration Tools
From Monoliths to Services: Paying Your Technical Debt

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Using Web Standards to create Interactive Data Visualizations for the Web

This document discusses using web standards to create interactive data visualizations for the web. It provides an overview of the JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit, which allows creating multiple graph and tree layouts using web standards and JavaScript. It also discusses upcoming improvements to browser engines and JavaScript that will further improve performance of interactive visualizations. Finally, it introduces WebGL and V8-GL as emerging web standards that bring hardware-accelerated 3D graphics to the web through JavaScript.

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FatWire Tutorial For Site Studio Developers
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This document provides an overview and introduction to FatWire, including: - A comparison of FatWire, WebCenter Content, and WebCenter Portal - An explanation of the typical architecture of a FatWire system with four tiers: development, QA/testing, management, and production/delivery - A description of the different types of assets in FatWire like pages, templates, and content and how they fit together

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Agility and Control from AWS [FutureStack16]
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The document discusses how DevOps practices can help organizations operate at hyper scale with AWS. It notes that software delivery has changed and disruption is faster than ever. It outlines some key DevOps tools needed like CI/CD pipelines for managing releases, testing, and deploying applications. The document discusses how Amazon transformed its development practices using microservices and pipelines to allow for faster delivery. It provides examples of how other companies have benefited from DevOps. Finally, it highlights some key AWS services that can help with DevOps practices like monitoring, infrastructure as code, and continuous integration/delivery pipelines.

futurestack16new relicaws
Grades of Debt - James Higgs
• Grade One: Accumulation due to extrinsic changes
Keep up to date with your dependencies and technologies
From Monoliths to Services: Paying Your Technical Debt
Grades of Debt - James Higgs
• Grade Two: Developer Comfort
Code for readability - your future self and co-workers will much appreciate it
From Monoliths to Services: Paying Your Technical Debt

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The goal of Serverless is to focus on writing the code that delivers business value and offload everything else to your trusted partners (like Cloud providers or SaaS vendors). You want to iterate quickly and today’s code quickly becomes tomorrow’s technical debt. In this talk we will show why Serverless adoption increases the developer productivity and how to measure it. We will also go through AWS Serverless architectures where you only glue together different Serverless managed services relying solely on configuration, minimizing the amount of the code written.

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Making sense of microservices, service mesh, and serverless
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Making sense of microservices, service mesh, and serverless

As companies move to become digital, we can get sidetracked and distracted by some of the changes in the technology landscape. Ideally we will be harnessing technology to solve the problems we have and leverage it to deliver software faster and safer. In this talk, I'll we'll take a look at some new technology trends in the open-source communities and when and how to use them.

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What serverless means for enterprise apps
What serverless means for enterprise appsWhat serverless means for enterprise apps
What serverless means for enterprise apps

There’s a new approach to app development ripe with misconceptions and more buzzwords to translate to business sponsors. Industry analysts call it serverless, but it’s also known as backend as a service (BaaS), function as a service (FaaS), cloud-native architectures, or microservices—just to name a few. Whatever you call it, this approach is giving developers new freedom to focus on frontend functionality and deliver better, more innovative user experiences and ultimately establish value faster. Let’s discuss the pros and cons of serverless in enterprise architectures.

serverlessappdevmobile application development
Grades of Debt - James Higgs
• Grade Three: Cost of Pragmatism
Use debt wisely and prototype - throw away if not successful
From Monoliths to Services: Paying Your Technical Debt
Grades of Debt - James Higgs
• Grade Four: The One with the Bite - Impossibility to Move Forward
Point of no return! If you’re here, it may be wise to think about restarting!
From Monoliths to Services: Paying Your Technical Debt

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The document discusses designing cloud-native software to take advantage of cloud platforms. It describes cloud-native software as software built specifically for the cloud that maximizes the cloud's benefits. The document outlines characteristics of good cloud-native applications like high scalability and availability. It also discusses adopting microservices architectures with containers, utilizing platform as a service, and following best practices like the twelve factors of cloud applications. The goal is to design applications that are portable, scalable, and can take full advantage of cloud infrastructure and services.

cloud platform
Smaller is Better - Exploiting Microservice Architectures on AWS - Technical 201
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Smaller is Better - Exploiting Microservice Architectures on AWS - Technical 201

Microservice oriented architectures have been implemented and deployed by many and are on the near-term agenda of many others. However, the distributed nature of microservices is a double edged sword, being the source of many of the benefits, but also the source of the pain and confusion that teams have endured. We will review best practices and recommended architectures for deploying microservices on AWS with a focus on how to exploit the benefits of microservices to decrease feature cycle times and costs while increasing reliability, scalability, and overall operational efficiency. Speaker: Craig Dickson, Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services Featured Customer - MYOB

A Microservice Journey
A Microservice JourneyA Microservice Journey
A Microservice Journey

The document discusses Christian Posta's journey with microservices architectures. It begins by explaining why organizations are moving to microservices and defines microservices. It then covers related topics like cloud platforms, container technologies like Kubernetes and OpenShift, benefits and drawbacks of microservices, and tools for developing microservices like Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift, and Camel.

microservicesspring bootopenshift
Architectural Styles
• Monoliths
Single Application - Multiple Responsibilities
• Microservices
Multiple Applications - Single Responsibilities
“The microservice architectural style is an approach
to developing a single application as a suite of
small services, each running in its own process and
communicating with lightweight mechanisms, often
an HTTP resource API.”
Martin Fowler
Chief Scientist at ThoughtWorks
It's an architectural style that enables us to separate each of our product’s
responsibilities into very small and separate applications
This gives us flexibility

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Cloud Computing101 Azure, updated june 2017
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Cloud Computing101 Azure, updated june 2017

Modelos de Cloud Computing - IAAS - PAAS . SAAS - Arquitecturas Serverless- Nubes Privadas y Públicas - Estrategias Híbridas

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Evolving your Architecture to MicroServices
Evolving your Architecture to MicroServicesEvolving your Architecture to MicroServices
Evolving your Architecture to MicroServices

Once-stable industries are rapidly being disrupted as companies move toward digitalization by embracing software at their core. Deploying cloud-native application architectures is at the center of how these businesses are fueling their disruptive character.

Pros & Cons of Microservices Architecture
Pros & Cons of Microservices ArchitecturePros & Cons of Microservices Architecture
Pros & Cons of Microservices Architecture

Are you jumping on the microservices bandwagon? When and when not to adopt micro services architecture? If you must, what are the considerations? This slidedeck will help answer a few of those questions...

microservicesarchitecturecloud native
Modern development adopted a similar style
Where does it come from?
From Monoliths to Services: Paying Your Technical Debt
Why is it useful?
• Service Independence
Independent from one another - they have “contracts”
Why is it useful?
• Deployability
Have a bug in a component - fix and deploy

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Microservices Journey NYC
Microservices Journey NYCMicroservices Journey NYC
Microservices Journey NYC

Christian Posta is a principal middleware specialist and architect who has worked with large microservices architectures. He discusses why companies are moving to microservices and cloud platforms like Kubernetes and OpenShift. He covers characteristics of microservices like small autonomous teams and decentralized decision making. Posta also discusses breaking applications into independent services, shedding dependencies between teams, and using contracts and APIs for communication between services.

microservicesdistributed systemspromise theory
Measure and Increase Developer Productivity with Help of Serverless at JCON 2...
Measure and Increase Developer Productivity with Help of Serverless at JCON 2...Measure and Increase Developer Productivity with Help of Serverless at JCON 2...
Measure and Increase Developer Productivity with Help of Serverless at JCON 2...

The goal of Serverless is to focus on writing the code that delivers business value and offload everything else to your trusted partners (like Cloud providers or SaaS vendors). You want to iterate quickly and today’s code quickly becomes tomorrow’s technical debt. In this talk we will show why Serverless adoption increases the developer productivity and how to measure it. We will also go through AWS Serverless architectures where you only glue together different Serverless managed services relying solely on configuration, minimizing the amount of the code written.

serverlesscloud computingcloud
Changing the Game with Cloud, Microservices, and DevOps
Changing the Game with Cloud, Microservices, and DevOps Changing the Game with Cloud, Microservices, and DevOps
Changing the Game with Cloud, Microservices, and DevOps

This deck, presented at DevNexus 2017 in Atlanta, describes Chick-fil-A's approach to changing the way we deliver software to our enterprise by shifting to Cloud Native architectures, DevOps delivery models, and microservices. Contact Brian Chambers on LinkedIn at if there are questions

Why is it useful?
• Team Independence
Each can be owned by a different team
What are the downsides?
• Piping
You have to take into account the inter-connections
• Deployability
Orchestration and Versioning
• Infrastructure
Much more complex setup
“If someone asks me what cloud computing is, I try
not to get bogged down with definitions. I tell them
that, simply put, cloud computing is a better way to
run your business.”
Marc Benioff
CEO of

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Convince your boss to go Serverless at serverless week Brazil
Convince your boss to go Serverless at serverless week BrazilConvince your boss to go Serverless at serverless week Brazil
Convince your boss to go Serverless at serverless week Brazil

TCO of Serverless application. How Serverless helps us to be productive, write less code and implement evolutionary architectures. How to measure productivity to see you're on track with Serverless

Disruptive Trends in Application Development
Disruptive Trends in Application DevelopmentDisruptive Trends in Application Development
Disruptive Trends in Application Development

For enterprises trying to stay ahead of the game, having a robust and fast application development program can make or break their market presence. The challenge for developers, however, is to build responsive, devise-agnostic applications in days, not months.

application developmentdockerress
20161220 - microservice
20161220 - microservice20161220 - microservice
20161220 - microservice

The document discusses microservices and provides definitions, examples, and considerations around this architectural style. It defines microservices as small, independent processes communicating via APIs to compose complex applications. It notes microservices allow for increased modularity, independence, and scalability compared to traditional monolithic architectures. The document also shares perspectives from experts on microservices and examples of companies using this approach.

From Monoliths to Services: Paying Your Technical Debt
“Cloud computing is really a no-brainer for any start-up
because it allows you to test your business plan very
quickly for little money. Every start-up, or even a division
within a company that has an idea for something new,
should be figuring out how to use cloud computing in its
Brad Jefferson
CEO & Co-Founder of Animoto
What does it provide us? - Infrastructure
• Cheap
Even with pay-on-demand pricing models

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Can Your Mobile Infrastructure Survive 1 Million Concurrent Users?
Can Your Mobile Infrastructure Survive 1 Million Concurrent Users?Can Your Mobile Infrastructure Survive 1 Million Concurrent Users?
Can Your Mobile Infrastructure Survive 1 Million Concurrent Users?

When you’re building the next killer mobile app, how can you ensure that your app is both stable and capable of near-instant data updates? The answer: Build a backend! Siva Katir says that there’s much more to building a backend than standing up a SQL server in your datacenter and calling it a day. Since different types of apps demand different backend services, how do you know what sort of backend you need? And, more importantly, how can you ensure that your backend scales so you can survive an explosion of users when you are featured in the app store? Siva discusses the common scenarios facing mobile app developers looking to expand beyond just the device. He’ll share best practices learned while building the PlayFab and other companies’ backends. Join Siva to learn how you can ensure that your app can scale safely and affordably into the millions of concurrent users and across multiple platforms.

Webinar : Microservices and Containerization
Webinar : Microservices and ContainerizationWebinar : Microservices and Containerization
Webinar : Microservices and Containerization

- Venkat is the DevOps Practice Leader at NewtGlobal with over 16 years of experience delivering enterprise projects. - The webinar will discuss microservices and include a Q&A session. Questions can be asked in the chat window. - Moving from monolithic to microservices architecture allows individual components to be independently deployed, scaled, and developed using different technologies. This improves agility but also increases complexity.

Sukumar Nayak-Agile-DevOps-Cloud Management
Sukumar Nayak-Agile-DevOps-Cloud ManagementSukumar Nayak-Agile-DevOps-Cloud Management
Sukumar Nayak-Agile-DevOps-Cloud Management

The document provides an overview of Agile, DevOps and Cloud Management from a security, risk management and audit compliance perspective. It discusses how the IT industry paradigm is shifting towards microservices, containers, continuous delivery and cloud platforms. DevOps is described as development and operations engineers participating together in the entire service lifecycle. Key differences in DevOps include changes to configuration management, release and change management, and event monitoring. Factors for DevOps success include culture, collaboration, eliminating waste, unified processes, tooling and automation.

What does it provide us? - Infrastructure
• Replaceable
Changed the service? Drop the server and create a new one
What does it provide us? - Infrastructure
• Scalable
When demand raises, automatically spin up new copies to cope with demand
What does it provide us? - Software
• CDNs
Global content caching - Blazing fast websites
From Monoliths to Services: Paying Your Technical Debt

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#dbhouseparty - Should I be building Microservices?
#dbhouseparty - Should I be building Microservices?#dbhouseparty - Should I be building Microservices?
#dbhouseparty - Should I be building Microservices?

This document discusses whether and how to build microservices. It includes: 1) Presentations by Sanjay Goil, VP of Product Management at Oracle, and Paul Parkinson, Cloud Platform Dev Lead at Oracle on microservices and building a sample microservices application. 2) Recommendations from Oracle ACEs Guido and Rolando on microservices approaches and modernizing existing SOA architectures for microservices. 3) A discussion of how a converged database can simplify building microservices by supporting messaging, multiple data types, and cloud services. 4) A demo of building a microservices application for a food delivery app using technologies like Helidon and a converged database.

oracle databasemicroservices
Failing and Recovering
Failing and RecoveringFailing and Recovering
Failing and Recovering

Isabel Evans stopped drawing and painting after being told she was not very good at it, which led to a loss of confidence in her creative and professional abilities. However, she realized that attempting creative activities is important for cognitive and emotional development, and that making mistakes and learning from failures allows for growth. By reengaging with failure through art and with support from others, Isabel was able to regain confidence in her abilities and reboot her career. The document discusses different perspectives on failure and the importance of learning from mistakes.

techwell presentationstechwelltechnology
Instill a DevOps Testing Culture in Your Team and Organization
Instill a DevOps Testing Culture in Your Team and Organization Instill a DevOps Testing Culture in Your Team and Organization
Instill a DevOps Testing Culture in Your Team and Organization

The DevOps movement is here. Companies across many industries are breaking down siloed IT departments and federating them into product development teams. Testing and its practices are at the heart of these changes. Traditionally, IT organizations have been staffed with mostly manual testers and a limited number of automation and performance engineers. To keep pace with development in the new “you build it, you own it” environment, testing teams and individuals must develop new technical skills and even embrace coding to stay relevant and add greater value to the business. DevOps really starts with testing. Join Adam Auerbach as he explains what DevOps is and how it relates to testing. He describes how testing must change from top to bottom and how to access your own environment to identify improvement opportunities. Adam dives into practices like service virtualization, test data management, and continuous testing so you can understand where you are now and identify steps needed to instill a DevOps testing culture in your team and organization.

software testingdevopstechwell presentations
What does it provide us? - Software
• Content and Databases
Storage servers with multiple architectures
From Monoliths to Services: Paying Your Technical Debt
What does it provide us? - Software
Even sending “Thank You” notes as a Service
From Monoliths to Services: Paying Your Technical Debt

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Test Design for Fully Automated Build Architecture
Test Design for Fully Automated Build ArchitectureTest Design for Fully Automated Build Architecture
Test Design for Fully Automated Build Architecture

This document summarizes a half-day tutorial on test design for fully automated build architectures presented by Melissa Benua of mParticle at STAREAST 2018. The tutorial covered guiding principles for test design including prioritizing important and reliable tests, structuring automated pipelines around components, packages, and releases, and monitoring test results through code coverage, flaky test handling, and logging versus counters. It also included exercises mapping test cases to functional boundaries and categories of tests to pipeline stages.

software testingtechwell presentations
System-Level Test Automation: Ensuring a Good Start
System-Level Test Automation: Ensuring a Good StartSystem-Level Test Automation: Ensuring a Good Start
System-Level Test Automation: Ensuring a Good Start

Many organizations invest a lot of effort in test automation at the system level but then have serious problems later on. As a leader, how can you ensure that your new automation efforts will get off to a good start? What can you do to ensure that your automation work provides continuing value? This tutorial covers both “theory” and “practice”. Dot Graham explains the critical issues for getting a good start, and Chris Loder describes his experiences in getting good automation started at a number of companies. The tutorial covers the most important management issues you must address for test automation success, particularly when you are new to automation, and how to choose the best approaches for your organization—no matter which automation tools you use. Focusing on system level testing, Dot and Chris explain how automation affects staffing, who should be responsible for which automation tasks, how managers can best support automation efforts to promote success, what you can realistically expect in benefits and how to report them. They explain—for non-techies—the key technical issues that can make or break your automation effort. Come away with your own clarified automation objectives, and a draft test automation strategy to use to plan your own system-level test automation.

software testingtechwell presentations
Build Your Mobile App Quality and Test Strategy
Build Your Mobile App Quality and Test StrategyBuild Your Mobile App Quality and Test Strategy
Build Your Mobile App Quality and Test Strategy

Let’s build a mobile app quality and testing strategy together. Whether you have a web, hybrid, or native app, building a quality and testing strategy means (1) knowing what data and tools you have available to make agile decisions, (2) understanding your customers and your competitors, and (3) testing your app under real-world conditions. Jason Arbon guides you through the latest techniques, data, and tools to ensure the awesomeness of your mobile app quality and testing strategy. Leave this interactive session with a strategy for your very own app—or one you pretend to own. The information Jason shares is based on data from Appdiff’s next-gen mobile app testing platform, lessons from Applause/uTest’s crowd, text mining hundreds of millions of app store reviews, and in-depth discussions with top mobile app development teams.

mobile testingtechwell presentations
Current Options - Infrastructure
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• Microsoft Azure
• Rackspace
• Google Cloud Engine
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• CloudFront
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• MaxCDN
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Testing Transformation: The Art and Science for Success
Testing Transformation: The Art and Science for SuccessTesting Transformation: The Art and Science for Success
Testing Transformation: The Art and Science for Success

Technologies, testing processes, and the role of the tester have evolved significantly in the past few years with the advent of agile, DevOps, and other new technologies. It is critical that we testing professionals evaluate ourselves and continue to add tangible value to our organizations. In your work, are you focused on the trivial or on real game changers? Jennifer Bonine describes critical elements that help you artfully blend people, process, and technology to create a synergistic relationship that adds value. Jennifer shares ideas on mastering politics, maneuvering core vs. context, and innovating your technology strategies and processes. She explores how new processes can be introduced in an organization, what the role of organizational culture is in determining the success of a project, and how you can know what tools will add value vs. simply adding overhead and complexity. Jennifer reviews critically needed tester skills and discusses a continual learning model to evolve your skills and stay relevant. This discussion can lead you to technologies, processes, and skills you can stake your career on.

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Implement BDD with Cucumber and SpecFlow
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Implement BDD with Cucumber and SpecFlow

We’ve all been there. We work incredibly hard to develop a feature and design tests based on written requirements. We build a detailed test plan that aligns the tests with the software and the documented business needs. And when we put the tests to the software, it all falls apart because the requirements were changed without informing everyone. Mary Thorn says help is at hand. Enter behavior-driven development (BDD), and Cucumber and SpecFlow, tools for running automated acceptance tests and facilitating BDD. Mary explores the nuances of Cucumber and SpecFlow, and shows you how to implement BDD and agile acceptance testing. By fostering collaboration for implementing active requirements via a common language and format, Cucumber and SpecFlow bridge the communication gap between business stakeholders and implementation teams. In this workshop, practice writing feature files with the best practices Mary has discovered over numerous implementations. If you experience developers not coding to requirements, testers not getting requirements updates, or customers who feel out of the loop and don’t get what they ask for, Mary has answers for you.

stareast 2018techwell presentations
Develop WebDriver Automated Tests—and Keep Your Sanity
Develop WebDriver Automated Tests—and Keep Your SanityDevelop WebDriver Automated Tests—and Keep Your Sanity
Develop WebDriver Automated Tests—and Keep Your Sanity

Many teams go crazy because of brittle, high-maintenance automated test suites. Jim Holmes helps you understand how to create a flexible, maintainable, high-value suite of functional tests using Selenium WebDriver. Learn the basics of what to test, what not to test, and how to avoid overlapping with other types of testing. Jim includes both philosophical concepts and hands-on coding. Testers who haven't written code should not be intimidated! We'll pair you up to make sure you're successful. Learn to create practical tests dealing with advanced situations such as input validation, AJAX delays, and working with file downloads. Additionally, discover when you need to work together with developers to create a system that's more easily testable. This tutorial focuses primarily on automating web tests, but many of the same concepts can be applied to other UI environments. Demos and labs will be in C# and Java using WebDriver. Leave this tutorial having learned how to write high-value WebDriver tests—and stay sane while doing so.

stareast 2018techwell
Current Options - Services
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Shopping Cart as a Service
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DevOps is a cultural shift aimed at streamlining intergroup communication and improving operational efficiency for development and operations groups. Over time, inclusion of other IT groups under the DevOps umbrella has become the norm for many organizations. But even broadening the boundaries of DevOps, the conversation has been largely devoid of the business units’ place at the table. A common mistake organizations make while going through the DevOps transformation is drawing a line at the IT boundary. If that occurs, a larger, more inclusive silo within the organization is created, operating in an informational vacuum and causing operational inefficiency and goal misalignment. Sharing his experiences working on both sides of the fence, Leon Fayer describes the importance of including business units in order to align technology decisions with business goals. Leon discusses inclusion of business units in existing agile processes, benefits of cross-departmental monitoring, and a business-first approach to technology decisions.

stareast 2018
Eliminate Cloud Waste with a Holistic DevOps Strategy
Eliminate Cloud Waste with a Holistic DevOps StrategyEliminate Cloud Waste with a Holistic DevOps Strategy
Eliminate Cloud Waste with a Holistic DevOps Strategy

Chris Parlette maintains that renting infrastructure on demand is the most disruptive trend in IT in decades. In 2016, enterprises spent $23B on public cloud IaaS services. By 2020, that figure is expected to reach $65B. The public cloud is now used like a utility, and like any utility, there is waste. Who's responsible for optimizing the infrastructure and reducing wasted expenses? It’s DevOps. The excess expense, known as cloud waste, comprises several interrelated problems: services running when they don't need to be, improperly sized infrastructure, orphaned resources, and shadow IT. There are a few core tenets of DevOps—holistic thinking, no silos, rapid useful feedback, and automation—that can be applied to reducing your cloud waste. Join Chris to learn why you should include continuous cost optimization in your DevOps processes. Automate cost control, reduce your cloud expenses, and make your life easier.

Transform Test Organizations for the New World of DevOps
Transform Test Organizations for the New World of DevOpsTransform Test Organizations for the New World of DevOps
Transform Test Organizations for the New World of DevOps

With the recent emergence of DevOps across the industry, testing organizations are being challenged to transform themselves significantly within a short period of time to stay meaningful within their organizations. It’s not easy to plan and approach these changes considering the way testing organizations have remained structured for ages. These challenges start from foundational organizational structures and can cut across leadership influence, competencies, tools strategy, infrastructure, and other dimensions. Sumit Kumar shares his experience assisting various organizations to overcome these challenges using an organized DevOps enablement framework. The framework includes radical restructuring, turning the tools strategy upside down, a multidimensional workforce enablement supported by infrastructure changes, redeveloped collaborations models, and more. From his real world experiences Sumit shares tips for approaching this journey and explains the roadmap for testing organizations to transform themselves to lead the quality in DevOps.

“Serverless architectures refer to applications that
significantly depend on third-party services (knows as
Backend as a Service or "BaaS") or on custom code that's
run in ephemeral containers (Function as a Service or
“FaaS”). […] By using these ideas, and by moving much
behaviour to the front end, such architectures remove the
need for the traditional 'always on' server system sitting
behind an application”
Mike Roberts
CEO & Co-Founder of Fried Gold Software
Unintelligent Client
Server does most of the
hard work
Rich client - Many Frontends
Independent services and

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The Fourth Constraint in Project Delivery—Leadership
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The Fourth Constraint in Project Delivery—Leadership

All too often, the triple constraints—time, cost, and quality—are bandied about as if they are the be-all, end-all. While they are important, leadership—the fourth and larger underpinning constraint—influences the first three. Statistics on project success and failure abound, and these measurements are usually taken against the triple constraints. According to the Project Management Institute, only 53 percent of projects are completed within budget, and only 49 percent are completed on time. If so many projects overrun budget and are late, we can’t really say, “Good, fast, or cheap—pick two.” Rob Burkett talks about leadership at every level of a team. He shares his insights and stories gleaned from his years of IT and project management experience. Rob speaks to some of the glaring difficulties in the workplace in general and some specifically related to IT delivery and project management. Leave with a clearer understanding of how to communicate with teams and team members, and gain a better understanding of how you can be a leader—up and down your organization.

Resolve the Contradiction of Specialists within Agile Teams
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Resolve the Contradiction of Specialists within Agile Teams

As teams grow, organizations often draw a distinction between feature teams, which deliver the visible business value to the user, and component teams, which manage shared work. Steve Berczuk says that this distinction can help organizations be more productive and scale effectively, but he recognizes that not all shared work fits into this model. Some work is best handled by “specialists,” that is people with unique skills. Although teams composed entirely of T-shaped people is ideal, certain skills are hard to come by and are used irregularly across an organization. Since these specialists often need to work closely with teams, rather than working from their own backlog, they don’t fit into the component team model. The use of shared resources presents challenges to the agile planning model. Steve Berczuk shares how teams such as those providing infrastructure services and specialists can fit into a feature+component team model, and how variations such as embedding specialists in a scrum team can both present process challenges and add significant value to both the team and the larger organization.

agile software development
Pin the Tail on the Metric: A Field-Tested Agile Game
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Pin the Tail on the Metric: A Field-Tested Agile Game

Metrics don’t have to be a necessary evil. If done right, metrics can help guide us to make better forward-looking decisions, rather than being used for simply managing or monitoring. They can help us identify trade-offs between options for what to do next versus punitive or worse, purely managerial measures. Steve Martin won’t be giving the Top Ten List of field-tested metrics you should use. Instead, in this interactive mini-workshop, he leads you through the critical thinking necessary for you to determine what is right for you to measure. First, Steve explores why you want to measure something—whether it’s for a team, a portfolio, or even an agile transformation. Next, he provides multiple real-life metrics examples to help drive home concepts behind characteristics of good and bad metrics. Finally, Steve shows how to run his field-tested agile game—Pin the Tail on the Metric. Take back this activity to help you guide metrics conversations at your organization.

agile software development
“If your PaaS can efficiently start instances in 20ms
that run for half a second, then call it serverless.”
Adrian Cockcroft
Technology Fellow at Battery Ventures
“Microservices architecture potentially offers an
easier way to pay down technical debt. Refactoring
a big monolithic application can be the equivalent
of a balloon payment. […] you can pay your
technical debt incrementally by refactoring services
one by one.”
Eric Knorr
Editor in Chief at CNET
Now that we’ve introduced the concepts
Let’s dive into how to apply them in practice

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Agile Performance Holarchy (APH)—A Model for Scaling Agile Teams
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Agile Performance Holarchy (APH)—A Model for Scaling Agile Teams

A hierarchy is an organizational network that has a top and a bottom, and where position is determined by rank, importance, and value. A holarchy is a network that has no top or bottom and where each person’s value derives from his ability, rather than position. As more companies seek the benefits of agile, leaders need to build and sustain delivery capability while scaling agile without introducing unnecessary process and overhead. The Agile Performance Holarchy (APH) is an empirical model for scaling and sustaining agility while continuing to deliver great products. Jeff Dalton designed the APH by drawing from lessons learned observing and assessing hundreds of agile companies and teams. The APH helps implement a holarchy—a system composed of interacting organizational units called holons—centered on a series of performance circles that embody the behaviors of high performing agile organizations. Jeff describes how APH provides guidelines in the areas of leadership, values, teaming, visioning, governing, building, supporting, and engaging within an all-agile organization. Join Jeff to see what the APH is all about and how you can use it in your team and organization.

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A Business-First Approach to DevOps Implementation
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A Business-First Approach to DevOps Implementation

DevOps is a cultural shift aimed at streamlining intergroup communication and improving operational efficiency for development and operations groups. Over time, inclusion of other IT groups under the DevOps umbrella has become the norm for many organizations. But even broadening the boundaries of DevOps, the conversation has been largely devoid of the business units’ place at the table. A common mistake organizations make while going through the DevOps transformation is drawing a line at the IT boundary. If that occurs, a larger, more inclusive silo within the organization is created, operating in an informational vacuum and causing operational inefficiency and goal misalignment. Sharing his experiences working on both sides of the fence, Leon Fayer describes the importance of including business units in order to align technology decisions with business goals. Leon discusses inclusion of business units in existing agile processes, benefits of cross-departmental monitoring, and a business-first approach to technology decisions.

Databases in a Continuous Integration/Delivery Process
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Databases in a Continuous Integration/Delivery Process

The document summarizes a presentation about including databases in a continuous integration/delivery process. It discusses treating database code like application code by placing it under version control and integrating databases into the DevOps software development pipeline. This allows databases to be built, tested, and released like other software through continuous integration, delivery, and deployment.

Starting from your Rails App
• Identify
Models usually travel in families - identify these families
From Monoliths to Services: Paying Your Technical Debt
Starting from your Rails App
• Categorize
Understand the functionality and responsibility of each component family
From Monoliths to Services: Paying Your Technical Debt

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Mobile Testing: What—and What Not—to Automate
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Mobile Testing: What—and What Not—to Automate

Organizations are moving rapidly into mobile technology, which has significantly increased the demand for testing of mobile applications. David Dangs says testers naturally are turning to automation to help ease the workload, increase potential test coverage, and improve testing efficiency. But should you try to automate all things mobile? Unfortunately, the answer is not always clear. Mobile has its own set of complications, compounded by a wide variety of devices and OS platforms. Join David to learn what mobile testing activities are ripe for automation—and those items best left to manual efforts. He describes the various considerations for automating each type of mobile application: mobile web, native app, and hybrid applications. David also covers device-level testing, types of testing, available automation tools, and recommendations for automation effectiveness. Finally, based on his years of mobile testing experience, David provides some tips and tricks to approach mobile automation. Leave with a clear plan for automating your mobile applications.

software testing
Cultural Intelligence: A Key Skill for Success
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Cultural Intelligence: A Key Skill for Success

Diversity is becoming the norm in everyday life. However, introducing global delivery models without a proper understanding of intercultural differences can lead to difficulty, frustration, and reduced productivity. Priyanka Sharma and Thena Barry say that in our diverse world, we need teams with people who can cross these boundaries, communicate effectively, and build the diverse networks necessary to avoid problems. We need to learn about cultural intelligence (CI) and cultural quotient (CQ). CI is the ability to relate and work effectively across cultures. CQ is the cognitive, motivational, and behavioral capacity to understand and respond to beliefs, values, attitudes, and behaviors of individuals and groups. Together, CI and CQ can help us build behavioral capacities that aid motivation, behavior, and productivity in teams as well as individuals. Priyanka and Thena show how to build a more culturally intelligent place with tools and techniques from Leading with Cultural Intelligence, as well as content from the Hofstede cultural model. In addition, they illustrate the model with real-life experiences and demonstrate how they adapted in similar circumstances.

Turn the Lights On: A Power Utility Company's Agile Transformation
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Turn the Lights On: A Power Utility Company's Agile Transformation

Why would a century-old utility with no direct competitors take on the challenge of transforming its entire IT application organization to an agile methodology? In an increasingly interconnected world, the expectations of customers continue to evolve. From smart meters to smart phones, IoT is creating a crisis point for industries not accustomed to rapid change. Glen Morris explains that pizzas can be tracked by the minute and packages at every stop, and customers now expect this same customer service model should exist for all industries—including power. Glen examines how to create momentum and transform non-IT-focused industries to an agile model. If you are struggling with gaining traction in your pursuit of agile within your business, Glen gives you concrete, practical experiences to leverage in your pursuit. Finally, he communicates how to gain buy-in from business partners who have no idea or concern about agile or its methodologies. If your business partners look at you with amusement when you mention the need for a dedicated Product Owner, join Glen as he walks you through the approaches to overcoming agile skepticism.

agile software development
Starting from your Rails App
• Split
Create separate API apps exposing them
From Monoliths to Services: Paying Your Technical Debt
Starting from your Rails App
• Communicate
Integrate different parts of the application through it’s HTTP Interfaces
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NBFC Software: Optimize Your Non-Banking Financial Company

NBFC Software: Optimize Your Non-Banking Financial Company Enhance Your Financial Services with Comprehensive NBFC Software NBFC software provides a complete solution for non-banking financial companies, streamlining banking and accounting functions to reduce operational costs. Our software is designed to meet the diverse needs of NBFCs, including investment banks, insurance companies, and hedge funds. Key Features of NBFC Software: Centralized Database: Facilitates inter-branch collaboration and smooth operations with a unified platform. Automation: Simplifies loan lifecycle management and account maintenance, ensuring efficient delivery of financial services. Customization: Highly customizable to fit specific business needs, offering flexibility in managing various loan types such as home loans, mortgage loans, personal loans, and more. Security: Ensures safe and secure handling of financial transactions and sensitive data. User-Friendly Interface: Designed to be intuitive and easy to use, reducing the learning curve for employees. Cost-Effective: Reduces the need for additional manpower by automating tasks, making it a budget-friendly solution. Benefits of NBFC Software: Go Paperless: Transition to a fully digital operation, eliminating offline work. Transparency: Enables managers and executives to monitor various points of the banking process easily. Defaulter Tracking: Helps track loan defaulters, maintaining a healthy loan management system. Increased Accessibility: Cutting-edge technology increases the accessibility and usability of NBFC operations. Request a Demo Now!

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• Move Static and Read-first content to a CMS
Marketing, Blogs, Product and non-user generated content moved
From Monoliths to Services: Paying Your Technical Debt
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• Decouple your Front-End from your business logic
Your HTML or Native app shouldn’t be tied to your server code
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Use cloud based authentication, messaging, mailing, payments to remove burden
from your code
From Monoliths to Services: Paying Your Technical Debt
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across 4 credit cards at $2500 each than 1 card at
the full $10,000.”
Jim Plush
Sr Director of Engineering at CrowdStrike

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• Create single responsibility applications
• Test your code
• Keep it safe
Demo Time
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We’re Hiring!
Twitter: @dlitvakb

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From Monoliths to Services: Paying Your Technical Debt

  • 1. BW1 Projects & Teams 6/7/2017 11:30:00 AM BW1 From Monoliths to Services: Paying Your Technical Debt Presented by: David Litvak Brought to you by: 350 Corporate Way, Suite 400, Orange Park, FL 32073 888-­‐268-­‐8770 ·∙ 904-­‐278-­‐0524 - -
  • 2. David Litvak David Litvak is a Ruby and Python evangelist, agile devotee, frustrated sports legend, and developer evangelist at Contentful. He spends most of his days coding and slaying orcs and beasts in his favorite role playing games. For the past eight years, David has worked as a professional developer using Python, Ruby, PHP, Java, and .Net in very different areas such as GIS, social media analytics, and software as a service companies, as both a consultant and full-time employee. At National Technological University in Buenos Aires for seven years, David has been teaching Team Conduction Methodologies and Advanced Programming Techniques.
  • 3. From Monoliths to Services Gradually paying your Technical Debt BY DAVID LITVAK (@dlitvakb)
  • 5. “You want to make a “quick change” to your software […], and it isn’t quick. Whatever made that happen, that’s tech debt.” Dave Diehl Senior Developer at Fusion Alliance
  • 7. Metaphor explaining difficulties of shipping software
  • 8. Like financial debt, technical debt comes with interests. Failing to pay your debt, interests will come back at you. Why is it called Debt?
  • 10. THE SOFTWARE COST TRIAD Move one corner and the others will adjust accordingly If you want to increase Quality, you will have to spend more Money and Time Money Time Quality SOFTWARE COST Technical Debt comes when Quality is not taken into account, prioritising spending less or working faster
  • 11. Debt itself is not a bad thing! Invest and pay back early! Don’t leave debt hanging! But Hey! It’s not always bad!
  • 13. What are the causes? • Cutting Corners “I know it looks complicated, but I don’t have time to refactor it.”
  • 15. What are the causes? • Lack of Testing “We can write tests for it later.”
  • 17. What are the causes? • Assuming “False Positives” are Positives “The build fails sometimes, but it passes most of the time. Let’s just move on.”
  • 19. How to avoid? • Work Small Make incremental progress
  • 21. How to avoid? • Work Clean Seek for refactoring opportunities
  • 23. How to avoid? • Work Green Have a Test Suite - Use Continuous Integration Tools
  • 25. Grades of Debt - James Higgs • Grade One: Accumulation due to extrinsic changes Keep up to date with your dependencies and technologies
  • 27. Grades of Debt - James Higgs • Grade Two: Developer Comfort Code for readability - your future self and co-workers will much appreciate it
  • 29. Grades of Debt - James Higgs • Grade Three: Cost of Pragmatism Use debt wisely and prototype - throw away if not successful
  • 31. Grades of Debt - James Higgs • Grade Four: The One with the Bite - Impossibility to Move Forward Point of no return! If you’re here, it may be wise to think about restarting!
  • 34. Architectural Styles • Monoliths Single Application - Multiple Responsibilities • Microservices Multiple Applications - Single Responsibilities
  • 35. “The microservice architectural style is an approach to developing a single application as a suite of small services, each running in its own process and communicating with lightweight mechanisms, often an HTTP resource API.” Martin Fowler Chief Scientist at ThoughtWorks
  • 36. It's an architectural style that enables us to separate each of our product’s responsibilities into very small and separate applications This gives us flexibility
  • 37. KISS / UNIX Modern development adopted a similar style Where does it come from?
  • 39. Why is it useful? • Service Independence Independent from one another - they have “contracts”
  • 40. Why is it useful? • Deployability Have a bug in a component - fix and deploy
  • 41. Why is it useful? • Team Independence Each can be owned by a different team
  • 42. What are the downsides? • Piping You have to take into account the inter-connections • Deployability Orchestration and Versioning • Infrastructure Much more complex setup
  • 44. “If someone asks me what cloud computing is, I try not to get bogged down with definitions. I tell them that, simply put, cloud computing is a better way to run your business.” Marc Benioff CEO of
  • 45. 2017
  • 47. “Cloud computing is really a no-brainer for any start-up because it allows you to test your business plan very quickly for little money. Every start-up, or even a division within a company that has an idea for something new, should be figuring out how to use cloud computing in its plan.” Brad Jefferson CEO & Co-Founder of Animoto
  • 48. What does it provide us? - Infrastructure • Cheap Even with pay-on-demand pricing models
  • 49. What does it provide us? - Infrastructure • Replaceable Changed the service? Drop the server and create a new one
  • 50. What does it provide us? - Infrastructure • Scalable When demand raises, automatically spin up new copies to cope with demand
  • 51. What does it provide us? - Software • CDNs Global content caching - Blazing fast websites
  • 53. What does it provide us? - Software • Content and Databases Storage servers with multiple architectures
  • 55. What does it provide us? - Software • And EVERYTHING Else Even sending “Thank You” notes as a Service
  • 57. Current Options - Infrastructure • Amazon Web Services • Microsoft Azure • Rackspace • Google Cloud Engine
  • 58. Current Options - CDNs • CloudFront • Akamai • MaxCDN • Fastly
  • 59. Current Options - Services • Contentful Content Management as a Service
  • 61. Current Options - Services • Snipcart Shopping Cart as a Service
  • 63. Current Options - Services • Auth0 Authentication as a Service
  • 66. “Serverless architectures refer to applications that significantly depend on third-party services (knows as Backend as a Service or "BaaS") or on custom code that's run in ephemeral containers (Function as a Service or “FaaS”). […] By using these ideas, and by moving much behaviour to the front end, such architectures remove the need for the traditional 'always on' server system sitting behind an application” Mike Roberts CEO & Co-Founder of Fried Gold Software
  • 67. TRADITIONAL APPLICATION Unintelligent Client Server does most of the hard work Source:
  • 68. SERVERLESS APPLICATION Rich client - Many Frontends Independent services and infrastructure Source:
  • 69. “If your PaaS can efficiently start instances in 20ms that run for half a second, then call it serverless.” Adrian Cockcroft Technology Fellow at Battery Ventures
  • 71. “Microservices architecture potentially offers an easier way to pay down technical debt. Refactoring a big monolithic application can be the equivalent of a balloon payment. […] you can pay your technical debt incrementally by refactoring services one by one.” Eric Knorr Editor in Chief at CNET
  • 72. Now that we’ve introduced the concepts Let’s dive into how to apply them in practice
  • 73. Starting from your Rails App • Identify Models usually travel in families - identify these families
  • 75. Starting from your Rails App • Categorize Understand the functionality and responsibility of each component family
  • 77. Starting from your Rails App • Split Create separate API apps exposing them
  • 79. Starting from your Rails App • Communicate Integrate different parts of the application through it’s HTTP Interfaces
  • 81. Moving away from Rails • Move Static and Read-first content to a CMS Marketing, Blogs, Product and non-user generated content moved
  • 83. Moving away from Rails • Decouple your Front-End from your business logic Your HTML or Native app shouldn’t be tied to your server code
  • 85. Moving away from Rails • Profit from 3rd party Services Use cloud based authentication, messaging, mailing, payments to remove burden from your code
  • 87. Moving away from Rails • Leverage Static Sites and Static Assets Using Static Site Generated websites + CDNs to deliver fast and increase conversion
  • 88. “It’s much easier mentally to tackle $10,000 of debt across 4 credit cards at $2500 each than 1 card at the full $10,000.” Jim Plush Sr Director of Engineering at CrowdStrike
  • 89. Keep Security in Check • Validate Validate on your Client side code - specially on payment transactions
  • 91. Keep Security in Check • Validate Validate on your Middleware - specially on payment transactions
  • 93. Keep Security in Check • Validate Make sure not to expose your internals
  • 95. Keep Security in Check • Validate Make sure you have retry and fallback mechanisms
  • 97. Rounding up • Prototype and test ideas • Create single responsibility applications • Test your code • Keep it safe
  • 100. We’re Hiring! Twitter: @dlitvakb Email: Thanks!