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Director - Integration Architecture, WSO2
Microservices for Enterprises
Kasun Indrasiri
Pre-Microservices era
Service 1 Service 2 Service 3 Service 4 Service 5
API Management
Application server
• The foundation of MSA is about developing a
single application as a suite of fine-grained
and independent services running in its own
process, developed and deployed
Microservice Architecture
Evolution of Microservices
Web Portal Mobile Apps Store Admin Web Storefrons Promotion Mgmt
API Management
Product Details Shopping Cart Order Mgt Payment Proc. Payment Proc. Customer Mgt.
Account Mgt Order Tracking Financial Mgt Fraud Detection Tax Mgt Inventory Mgt Allocation-Release
Self-Service Giftcards Promotions Pricing Subscription Credit service CRM Mgt Shipping
Data Warehouse Finance System Shipping Inventory Payment Gateway Cloud ServicesE.g. Salesforce, Paypal etc

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Design patterns for microservice architecture
Design patterns for microservice architectureDesign patterns for microservice architecture
Design patterns for microservice architecture

The presentation from our online webinar "Design patterns for microservice architecture". Full video from webinar available here: If you’re a CTO or a Lead Developer and you’re planning to design service-oriented architecture, it’s definitely a webinar tailored to your needs. Adrian Zmenda, our Lead Dev, will explain: - when microservice architecture is a safe bet and what are some good alternatives - what are the pros and cons of the most popular design patterns (API Gateway, Backend for Frontend and more) - how to ensure that the communication between services is done right and what to do in case of connection issues - why we’ve decided to use a monorepo (monolithic repository) - what we’ve learned from using the remote procedure call framework gRPC - how to monitor the efficiency of individual services and whole SOA-based systems.

microservicesnode.jssoftware development
Introduction to microservices
Introduction to microservicesIntroduction to microservices
Introduction to microservices

This document provides an introduction to microservices, including: - Microservices are small, independently deployable services that work together and are modeled around business domains. - They allow for independent scaling, technology diversity, and enable resiliency through failure design. - Implementing microservices requires automation, high cohesion, loose coupling, and stable APIs. Identifying service boundaries and designing for orchestration and data management are also important aspects of microservices design. - Microservices are not an end goal but a means to solve problems of scale; they must be adopted judiciously based on an organization's needs.

microservicesservice-oriented architecturearchitecture
Microservice Architecture Patterns, by Richard Langlois P. Eng.
Microservice Architecture Patterns, by Richard Langlois P. Eng.Microservice Architecture Patterns, by Richard Langlois P. Eng.
Microservice Architecture Patterns, by Richard Langlois P. Eng.

I presented this talk to Alithya, Montreal on April 2018. This is based on Chris Richardson's recent book "Microservice Architecture Patterns".

• Common Misconceptions
– Lines of Code, Team size, 'Micro' is a bit misleading term
• Single Responsibility Principle(SRP)
– Having a limited and a focused business requirement.
• Scope
– Find the service boundaries and align them with the business
capabilities (aka DDD)
• Miniservices
– “A miniservice is a coarse-grained, independently deployable and
independently scalable application component.”
– “Innovation Insight for Miniservices”
Designing Microservices : Size, scope and
• In Monolithic architecture:
– Function calls or language-level method calls
– SOA/web services : SOAP and WS* with HTTP, JMS etc.
– Web services with several dozens of operations and complex
message schemas
• In Microservices architecture:
– Simple and lightweight messaging mechanism.
Messaging in Microservices
– HTTP 1.x
– OpenAPI/Swagger
Messaging in Microservices
Synchronous Messaging
• gRPC -
– IDL, Protobuf
– Internal service calls
• Other RPC styles : Avro, Thrift
Messaging in Microservices
Synchronous Messaging

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Introduction To Microservices
Introduction To MicroservicesIntroduction To Microservices
Introduction To Microservices

This presentation is conducted on 14th Sept in Limerick DotNet User Group. ( SlideShare Url: In this presentation, new architectural style - Microservices and it's emergence is discussed. We will also briefly touch base on what are not microservices, Conway's law and organization design, Principles of microservices and service discovery mechanism and why it is necessary for microservices implementation. About Speaker: Lalit is a senior developer, software architect and consultant with more than 12 yrsof .NET experience. He loves to work with C# .NET and Azure platform services like App Services, Virtual Machines, Cortana, and Container Services. He is also the author of 'Building Microservices with .NET Core' ( book. To know more and connect with Lalit, you can visit his LinkedIn profile below. This presentation will be useful for software architects/Managers, senior developers. Do share your feedback in comments.

Api service mesh and microservice tooling
Api service mesh and microservice toolingApi service mesh and microservice tooling
Api service mesh and microservice tooling

The document provides an overview of microservices and service meshes, and uses Istio as an example service mesh implementation. It discusses how Istio allows microservices to be developed independently while providing capabilities like discovery, load balancing, resilience, metrics and tracing through lightweight proxies. The document then demonstrates what happens at each step of a request's lifecycle as it travels through an application protected by Istio's service mesh. Specifically, it shows how Istio components like Pilot, Envoy, Mixer and Citadel work together to provide control, observability and security for microservices.

microservicesistioservice mesh
Developing applications with a microservice architecture (SVforum, microservi...
Developing applications with a microservice architecture (SVforum, microservi...Developing applications with a microservice architecture (SVforum, microservi...
Developing applications with a microservice architecture (SVforum, microservi...

Here is the version of my microservices talk that that I gave on September 17th at the SVforum Cloud SIG/Microservices meetup. To learn more see and

microservicesevent sourcingeventual consistency
• Propagating changes across multiple microservices
– Single-receiver message-based communication
– Multiple-receivers message-based communication
• AMQP, Kafka, MQTT
Messaging in Microservices
Asynchronous Messaging
Source :
• Asynchronous microservice integration -> enforces microservices
Messaging in Microservices
Synchronous vs Asynchronous Messaging
Source :
• Not all microservices are similar
– Business logic heavy, while some contain a lot of
interservice calls
– Synchronous vs async communication
– Too fine-grained to be exposed as a business functionality
– Some services are exposed as APIs
Do all Microservices similar?
Technologies for Building Composite/Integration
• General Purpose Languages/Frameworks - Java,
Node.js, Groovy, e.g. SpringBoot, Dropwizard
• Bulky traditional ESB architecture -> Not fully
compatible with MSA principles

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Event Driven Microservices architecture
Event Driven Microservices architectureEvent Driven Microservices architecture
Event Driven Microservices architecture

Event-Driven Microservices architecture has gained a lot of attention recently. The trend in the industry is to move away from Monolithic applications to Microservices to innovate faster. While Microservices have their benefits, implementing them is hard. This talk focuses on the challenges faced and how to solve them. It covers topics like using Domain Driven Design to break functionality into small parts. Various communication patterns among Microservices are also discussed. One major drawback is the problem of distributed data management, as each Microservice has its own database. Event-Driven Architecture enables a way to make microservices work together and the talks show how to use architectural patterns like Event Sourcing & CQRS to implement them. Another implementation challenge is to manage transactions that update entities owned by multiple services in an eventually consistent fashion. This challenge is solved using sagas, which can be thought of as Long running transactions that use compensating actions to handle failures. The objective of the talk is to show how to implement highly distributed Event Driven Microservices architecture that are scalable and easy to maintain.

Microservice architecture design principles
Microservice architecture design principlesMicroservice architecture design principles
Microservice architecture design principles

- Microservices advocate creating a system from small, isolated services that each own their data and are independently scalable and resilient. They are inspired by biological cells that are small, single-purpose, and work together through messaging. - The system is divided using a divide and conquer approach, decomposing it into discrete subsystems that communicate over well-defined protocols. Each microservice focuses on a single business capability and owns its own data and behavior. - Microservices communicate asynchronously through APIs and events to maintain independence and isolation, which enables continuous delivery, failure resilience, and independent scaling of each service.

Microservices Architecture & Testing Strategies
Microservices Architecture & Testing StrategiesMicroservices Architecture & Testing Strategies
Microservices Architecture & Testing Strategies

The document discusses Microservices architecture and compares it to monolithic architecture. It covers topics like infrastructure for Microservices including API gateways, service discovery, event buses. It also discusses design principles like domain-driven design, event sourcing and CQRS. Microservices are presented as a better approach as they allow independent deployments, scale independently and use multiple programming languages compared to monolithic applications.

ddddomain driven designmicroservices
Technologies for Building Composite/Integration
• General Purpose Languages/Frameworks - Java,
Node.js, Groovy, e.g. SpringBoot, Dropwizard
• Bulky traditional ESB architecture -> Not fully
compatible with MSA principles
Technologies for Building Composite/Integration
Ballerina -
Organizing Microservices
Microservice Types with Different Granularities
Consumer 1
API Service 1 API Service 2 API Service 3 API Service 4
Consumer 2 Consumer 3
Service 6 Service 7 Service 8 Service 9
Service 1 Service 2 Service 3 Service 4 Service 5 Proprietary &
Web API /
API Services/
Edge Services
Composite Service/
Integration Services
Core Services/
Atomic Services
Organizing Microservices
Microservice Types with Different Granularities
Consumer 1
API Service P API Service Q API Service R API Service S
Consumer 2 Consumer 3
μ Service A
μ Service B
μ Service F
μ Service G
Proprietary &
Web API /
API Services/
Edge Services
Composite Service/
Integration Services
Core Services/
Atomic Services
μ Service I
μ Service H
μ Service J
μ Service E
μ Service C
μ Service D

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Micro services Architecture
Micro services ArchitectureMicro services Architecture
Micro services Architecture

The document provides an overview of microservices architecture. It discusses key characteristics of microservices such as each service focusing on a specific business capability, decentralized governance and data management, and infrastructure automation. It also compares microservices to monolithic and SOA architectures. Some design styles enabled by microservices like domain-driven design, event sourcing, and functional reactive programming are also covered at a high level. The document aims to introduce attendees to microservices concepts and architectures.

microservicesdddevent sourcing
Why Microservice
Why Microservice Why Microservice
Why Microservice

A proper Microservice is designed for fast failure. Like other architectural style, microservices bring costs and benefits. Some development teams have found microservices architectural style to be a superior approach to a monolithic architecture. Other teams have found them to be a productivity-sapping burden. This material start with the basic what and why microservice, follow with the Felix example and the the successful strategies to develop microservice application.

devopsagilemicroservice architect
Architecture: Microservices
Architecture: MicroservicesArchitecture: Microservices
Architecture: Microservices

Kevin Huang: AWS San Francisco Startup Day, 9/7/17 Architecture: When, how, and if to adopt microservices - Microservices are not for everyone! If you're a small shop, a monolith provides a great amount of value and reduces the complexities involved. However as your company grows, this monolith becomes more difficult to maintain. We’ll look at how microservices allow you to easily deploy and debug atomic pieces of infrastructure which allows for increased velocity in reliable, tested, and consistent deploys. We’ll look into key metrics you can use to identify the right time to begin the transition from monolith to microservices.

awsamazon web servicescloud
Microservices Security
Microservice security with OAuth2 and OpenID Connect.
Refer :
• Ability to deploy/un-deploy independently of other microservices.
• Must be able to scale at each microservices level.
• Building and deploying microservices quickly.
• Failure in one microservice must not affect any of the other services.
• Docker and Kubernetes.
Microservices Deployment
• Isolate the legacy and modern systems
by placing an anti-corruption layer
between them.
• Translates communications between the
two systems, allowing the legacy system
to remain unchanged while the modern
application can avoid compromising its
design and technological approach.
Bridging Microservices and Monolithic
Anti-Corruption Layer pattern
• Incrementally replace specific pieces of
functionality with new applications and
• Create a façade that intercepts requests
going to the backend legacy system.
Bridging Microservices and Monolithic
Strangler Pattern

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Microservices architecture
Microservices architectureMicroservices architecture
Microservices architecture

Fundamental and Practice. Explain about microservices characters and pattern. And also how to be good build microservices. And also additional the scale cube and CAP theory.

software developmentdeveloperprogramming
Large-Scale AWS Migrations with CSC
Large-Scale AWS Migrations with CSCLarge-Scale AWS Migrations with CSC
Large-Scale AWS Migrations with CSC

Cloud migrations are hardly one size fits all. It can be challenging to migrate from a large-scale data center to an optimized AWS environment without draining IT resources. By leveraging CSC, organizations are able to determine exactly what they need from their IT infrastructure and efficiently migrate to a customized cloud environment on AWS that meets those needs. With 400+ AWS certified architects and 30+ experts with AWS professional-level certification, CSC helps organizations experience seamless, results-oriented migrations. Register for the upcoming webinar to hear speakers from CSC and AWS discuss the ins and outs of a successful large-scale migration to AWS. Join us to learn: How CSC helped a large federal systems integration company migrate their workloads to the AWS Cloud in less than three months How CSC has facilitated customers split from their shared IT environment in less than 3 months The step-by-step process of an efficient data center migration Who Should Attend: IT Manager, IT Security Manager, Solution Architect, Cloud App Architect, System Administrator, IT Project Manager, Product Manager, Business Development

aws cloudaws
API Governance
API Governance API Governance
API Governance

The document outlines an API governance framework consisting of 6 key components: 1) API Organization to establish guiding principles, roadmaps, funding models, roles and responsibilities. 2) Policies, procedures and standards for operating models, best practices and API development guidelines. 3) Risk controls for regulatory compliance, security controls and risk adjudication. 4) Technology and platforms including service gateways, registries and reference architectures. 5) Vendor management for 3rd party relationships and data ownership implications. 6) Change management to address business impacts, communications and API marketplace updates. The framework provides governance for API teams to deliver solutions within organizational risk appetite.

policyfinancial servicestechnology risk
Data Management
Database per service
• Keep each microservice’s persistent data private to that
service and accessible only via its API.
• Create composite services to retrieve data from multiple
• Eventual consistency between microservices through
event-driven communication and a publish-and-subscribe
Decentralized Governance
• Decentralized governance of Service Design, Deployment
and Execution
– Give the teams the freedom to develop software
components using different stacks
– Define some ‘global standards’ that apply to the
methodology behind the software
Service Registry
• Central component which
– APIs to publish service
information (service endpoints,
contract, message models,
available service versions)
– APIs to query/discover service
– Pull and push models to
retrieve service information
– Service ownership/consumers
source :
Service Dependencies
• Managing/tracking and tracking
dependencies and associations
between services
• Derive service dependencies and
associations automatically, ability to
monitor/visualize them.
• Netflix Vizceral :

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( Microservices Architecture Training: ) This Edureka's Microservices tutorial gives you detail of Microservices Architecture and how it is different from Monolithic Architecture. You will understand the concepts using a UBER case study. In this video, you will learn the following: 1. Monolithic Architecture 2. Challenges Of Monolithic Architecture 3. Microservice Architecture 4. Microservice Features 5. Compare architectures using UBER case-study

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The document provides an overview of Kubernetes concepts and architecture. It begins with an introduction to containers and microservices architecture. It then discusses what Kubernetes is and why organizations should use it. The remainder of the document outlines Kubernetes components, nodes, development processes, networking, and security measures. It provides descriptions and diagrams explaining key aspects of Kubernetes such as architecture, components like Kubelet and Kubectl, node types, and networking models.

developmentprocesskubernetes concepts and architecture
Integration Microservices
Integration MicroservicesIntegration Microservices
Integration Microservices

- Integration microservices are used to compose other microservices and APIs to create new services, similar to the concept of "miniservices". They help integrate web APIs, legacy systems, and microservices. - Technologies for building integration microservices include frameworks like SpringBoot and Dropwizard, Apache Camel, and the Ballerina programming language. Ballerina is designed specifically for integration and allows graphical composition of services and connectors. - Integration microservices are an important part of microservices architecture as they handle service compositions and orchestration between multiple microservices and external APIs.

Runtime Policy Enforcements and IAM
• Throttling, Caching, Security, Identity management
• Centrally applied at API Gateway level
Governance in Microservices
Service Observability
• Metrics
• Monitoring
• Distributed logging
• Distributed tracing.
• Visualization
• “The most complex challenge in realizing
microservice architecture is not building the
services themselves, but the communication
between services.”
Service Mesh
Why Service Mesh?
Service Mesh
Why Service Mesh?
• With MSA, business logic
+ network communication
logic are dispersed across
independent services
Microservice X Microservice Y Microservice Z
Microservice P Microservice Q Microservice R Microservice S
JAVA Node.js Python

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by WSO2
wso2con usa 2017wso2 api managerdigital transformation
Service Mesh
Inter-service communication
Service Mesh
What is a ‘Service Mesh’?
Service Mesh in Action
• Istio :
• Linkerd:
Service Mesh

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by WSO2
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Cloud Native Camel Design Patterns
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Cloud Native Camel Design Patterns

This document discusses design patterns for running Apache Camel applications on Kubernetes. It begins with an introduction of the presenter and an overview of trends driving cloud native application development. It then discusses what cloud native means and reviews popular container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes, Docker Swarm and Mesos. The remainder of the document focuses on deployment patterns for Camel applications on Kubernetes, including packaging, health checks, configuration, service discovery, circuit breakers and retries.

MicroServices at Netflix - challenges of scale
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MicroServices at Netflix - challenges of scale

Microservices at Netflix have evolved over time from a single monolithic application to hundreds of fine-grained services. While this provides benefits like independent delivery, it also introduces complexity and challenges around operations, testing, and availability. Netflix addresses these challenges through tools like Hystrix for fault tolerance, Eureka for service discovery, Ribbon for load balancing, and RxNetty for asynchronous communication between services.

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• Use a pragmatic approach for adopting microservices architecture
for enterprises.
• Select the appropriate patterns and technologies based on your
business requirements.

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12월 16일 Meetup [Deep Dive] Microservice 트래픽 관리를 위한 Istio 알아보기 | 강인호 컨설턴트, 오라클12월 16일 Meetup [Deep Dive] Microservice 트래픽 관리를 위한 Istio 알아보기 | 강인호 컨설턴트, 오라클
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Microservices for Enterprises

  • 1. Director - Integration Architecture, WSO2 Microservices for Enterprises Kasun Indrasiri
  • 2. Pre-Microservices era SOA/ESB with APIs Consumers ESB System Service 1 Service 2 Service 3 Service 4 Service 5 API Management Application server
  • 3. • The foundation of MSA is about developing a single application as a suite of fine-grained and independent services running in its own process, developed and deployed independently. Microservice Architecture
  • 4. Evolution of Microservices Microservices Web Portal Mobile Apps Store Admin Web Storefrons Promotion Mgmt API Management Product Details Shopping Cart Order Mgt Payment Proc. Payment Proc. Customer Mgt. Account Mgt Order Tracking Financial Mgt Fraud Detection Tax Mgt Inventory Mgt Allocation-Release Self-Service Giftcards Promotions Pricing Subscription Credit service CRM Mgt Shipping Data Warehouse Finance System Shipping Inventory Payment Gateway Cloud ServicesE.g. Salesforce, Paypal etc
  • 5. • Common Misconceptions – Lines of Code, Team size, 'Micro' is a bit misleading term • Single Responsibility Principle(SRP) – Having a limited and a focused business requirement. • Scope – Find the service boundaries and align them with the business capabilities (aka DDD) • Miniservices – “A miniservice is a coarse-grained, independently deployable and independently scalable application component.” – “Innovation Insight for Miniservices” Designing Microservices : Size, scope and capabilities
  • 6. • In Monolithic architecture: – Function calls or language-level method calls – SOA/web services : SOAP and WS* with HTTP, JMS etc. – Web services with several dozens of operations and complex message schemas • In Microservices architecture: – Simple and lightweight messaging mechanism. Messaging in Microservices
  • 7. • REST – HTTP 1.x – OpenAPI/Swagger – JSON Messaging in Microservices Synchronous Messaging
  • 8. • gRPC - – IDL, Protobuf – HTTP2 – Internal service calls • Other RPC styles : Avro, Thrift Messaging in Microservices Synchronous Messaging
  • 9. • Propagating changes across multiple microservices – Single-receiver message-based communication – Multiple-receivers message-based communication • AMQP, Kafka, MQTT Messaging in Microservices Asynchronous Messaging Source :
  • 10. • Asynchronous microservice integration -> enforces microservices autonomy Messaging in Microservices Synchronous vs Asynchronous Messaging Source :
  • 11. • Not all microservices are similar – Business logic heavy, while some contain a lot of interservice calls – Synchronous vs async communication – Too fine-grained to be exposed as a business functionality – Some services are exposed as APIs Do all Microservices similar?
  • 12. Technologies for Building Composite/Integration Microservices • General Purpose Languages/Frameworks - Java, Node.js, Groovy, e.g. SpringBoot, Dropwizard • Bulky traditional ESB architecture -> Not fully compatible with MSA principles
  • 13. Technologies for Building Composite/Integration Microservices • General Purpose Languages/Frameworks - Java, Node.js, Groovy, e.g. SpringBoot, Dropwizard • Bulky traditional ESB architecture -> Not fully compatible with MSA principles
  • 14. Technologies for Building Composite/Integration Microservices Ballerina -
  • 15. Organizing Microservices Microservice Types with Different Granularities Consumer 1 API Service 1 API Service 2 API Service 3 API Service 4 Consumers Consumer 2 Consumer 3 Service 6 Service 7 Service 8 Service 9 Service 1 Service 2 Service 3 Service 4 Service 5 Proprietary & Legacy Systems Web API / SaaS API Services/ Edge Services Composite Service/ Integration Services Core Services/ Atomic Services
  • 16. Organizing Microservices Microservice Types with Different Granularities Consumer 1 API Service P API Service Q API Service R API Service S Consumers Consumer 2 Consumer 3 μ Service A μ Service B μ Service F μ Service G Proprietary & Legacy Systems Web API / SaaS API Services/ Edge Services Composite Service/ Integration Services Core Services/ Atomic Services μ Service I μ Service H μ Service J μ Service E μ Service C μ Service D
  • 17. Microservices Security Microservice security with OAuth2 and OpenID Connect. Refer :
  • 18. • Ability to deploy/un-deploy independently of other microservices. • Must be able to scale at each microservices level. • Building and deploying microservices quickly. • Failure in one microservice must not affect any of the other services. • Docker and Kubernetes. Microservices Deployment
  • 19. • Isolate the legacy and modern systems by placing an anti-corruption layer between them. • Translates communications between the two systems, allowing the legacy system to remain unchanged while the modern application can avoid compromising its design and technological approach. Bridging Microservices and Monolithic systems Anti-Corruption Layer pattern Source:
  • 20. • Incrementally replace specific pieces of functionality with new applications and services. • Create a façade that intercepts requests going to the backend legacy system. Bridging Microservices and Monolithic systems Strangler Pattern Source:
  • 21. Data Management Database per service • Keep each microservice’s persistent data private to that service and accessible only via its API. • Create composite services to retrieve data from multiple microservices. • Eventual consistency between microservices through event-driven communication and a publish-and-subscribe system.
  • 22. Governance Decentralized Governance • Decentralized governance of Service Design, Deployment and Execution – Give the teams the freedom to develop software components using different stacks – Define some ‘global standards’ that apply to the methodology behind the software
  • 23. Governance Service Registry • Central component which supports: – APIs to publish service information (service endpoints, contract, message models, available service versions) – APIs to query/discover service information. – Pull and push models to retrieve service information – Service ownership/consumers source :
  • 24. Governance Service Dependencies • Managing/tracking and tracking dependencies and associations between services • Derive service dependencies and associations automatically, ability to monitor/visualize them. • Netflix Vizceral :
  • 25. Governance Runtime Policy Enforcements and IAM • Throttling, Caching, Security, Identity management • Centrally applied at API Gateway level
  • 26. Governance in Microservices Service Observability • Metrics • Monitoring • Distributed logging • Distributed tracing. • Visualization
  • 27. • “The most complex challenge in realizing microservice architecture is not building the services themselves, but the communication between services.” Service Mesh Why Service Mesh?
  • 28. Service Mesh Why Service Mesh? • With MSA, business logic + network communication logic are dispersed across independent services Consumers Microservice X Microservice Y Microservice Z Microservice P Microservice Q Microservice R Microservice S JAVA Node.js Python
  • 30. Service Mesh What is a ‘Service Mesh’?
  • 31. Service Mesh in Action
  • 32. • Istio : • Linkerd: Service Mesh Implementations
  • 33. • Use a pragmatic approach for adopting microservices architecture for enterprises. • Select the appropriate patterns and technologies based on your business requirements. Conclusion