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Rehan Qureshi
Canada Practice Manager, AWS Professional Services
“Innovating with AWS:
How Microservices on AWS Can Transform Your Business”
1995, since 1995…
Innovation is behind the increasing number
of business models being
At Amazon, Innovation is not a goal,
It’s an on-going process
Keys to Digital Transformation
 Lean Enterprise
 DevOps
 Agile - Scrum
 Microservice architecture
 Customer centric
 Minimum Viable Products
 Metrics-driven culture
 Failure-embracing culture
 Low-cost experimentation
 Blue-Green and A-B groups
 Machine Learning
 Internet of Things (IoT)
 Mobile
 Big Analytics
Can’t Digital Transformation occur on Premise?
 Global economies of scale
 Immediate access to latest technology
Improved security and risk visibility
 Open – access to industry leading solutions
 Elasticity – capacity alignment
 Improved resiliency – design for failure
 Lower cost of experimentation and innovation
 Quicker global expansion
 Easier to standardize and automate
 Easier to link the supply chain - ecosystems
Easier to digitize in start-ups and companies like Amazon.
Too much legacy in large enterprises that are an anchor.
Monolith development lifecycle
delivery pipeline
Problems With Monolith Software
System operation is a nightmare
(module X is failing, who’s the owner?)
Lack of agility
(very long time to add new
Lack of innovation
(team always busy fixing inefficiencies)
Long Build/Test/Release Cycles
(who broke the build?)
Software architecture is hard to maintain and evolve
Scalability is compromised
(vertical scalability)
Slow development pace
(developers busy fixing issues)
Customers frustrated
(new releases take months)
‘Loosely Coupled’ Systems:
The looser they are coupled, the bigger they scale.
The more fault tolerant they get, the less dependencies, the faster you innovate.
Digital Architecture: decoupling
into smaller building blocks
 Service-Oriented Architecture
 Single-purpose primitives
 Connect only through APIs
 “Microservices”
 Each page on is
an aggregation of 200 to 300
Business Services
Team Structure
• Two-pizza teams
• Full ownership
• Full accountability
• Aligned incentives
• “DevOps”
The Anatomy of a Micro-service
Micro-service = Service-oriented architecture + “small” public API*
Software Modules
(application, libraries, etc)
Data Store
(eg, DynamoDB, RDS,
Cache, S3)
Public API
addProductDetails(ProductId id, ProductDetails details)
removeProductDetails(ProductId id)
getProductDetails(ProductId id) : ProductDetails
*Application Programming Interface
A Micro-service is not a Library, it’s… well, a Service
Product Details
software library
Product Details
• A new version of a micro-service is immediately noticed by its dependent micro-services
• Micro-services relying on libraries will have to be rebuilt and re-deployed upon a new version of the library
Microservice development lifecycle
developers delivery pipelinesservices
Deploying More Frequently Lowers Risk
Smaller Effort
“Minimized Risk”
Frequent Release Events:
“Agile Methodology”
Rare Release Events:
“Waterfall Methodology”
Larger Effort
“Increased Risk”
Deploying More Frequently Increases Learning
Rapid Learning
Frequent Release Events:
“Agile Methodology”
Rare Release Events:
“Waterfall Methodology”
Infrequent Learning
= 50 million deployments a year
Thousands of teams
× Microservice architecture
× Continuous delivery
× Multiple environments
Increased agility enables innovation!
Digital Transformation
Means innovation across the entire IT value chain
Changing customer
relationship or
Improve internal processes
Create an entirely new
value proposition
Transformational Drivers
Changing customer behavior will continue to fundamentally transform FSI’s
industry and require investments into the overall Customer Experience
New competitors e.g. Fintech’s and disintermediation will put an increased
pressure on the FSI’s and requires investment into innovative solutions
Tighter regulation will put more scrutiny on the FSI’s and business process,
compliance workflow automation will become a key differentiating factor
New technologies e.g. Blockchain will disrupt incumbent business models,
players and require banks to be able to integrate with the larger FSI ecosystem
Cost and operational risk reduction requires FSI’s investment into
simplification programs and drive the adoption of and elastic infrastructures
The Innovation Solution:
An API* approach for FSI
Unbundling FSI Value Chains
Monolithic Platforms Decouple by Layering Modularization
Monolithic Core Banking Platforms
Monolithic Architecture:
• Tightly-integrated core banking platforms
• Inefficient, hard-to-change core banking
• Long, expensive change cycles
• Limited options for effective out-/in-source
business capabilities
• Tight-coupling increases single point of failure
and operational risk
Reference Data
Operations &
Risk &
Customer Experience
Tightly-coupled, hard-to-change legacy core banking platforms result in…
…poor customer experience, slow innovation cycles and expensive IT platforms.
Client Advisor
Core Banking
Decoupling by Layering
Enterprise Service Bus
Client Advisor
Client / eBanking
Enterprise Service Bus Architecture:
• Many companies use an Enterprise Service Bus
(ESB) to decouple front end capabilities from
legacy core banking solutions
• ESBs become critical dependencies
• Unclear business and IT cost ownership for the
ESB - layer
• Performance bottleneck, single point of failure
• Minimal increased efficiency in time to market
• Increased complexity, introducing another layer
Reference Data
Operations &
Risk &
Customer Experience
Enterprise Services Buses are widely used to decouple core banking solutions…
…but resulted in increased complexity, cost and minimal time to market increase.
Core Banking
Adoption of Standard API’s
Component-based, Service-oriented
• Functional and information master components
• Use Application Programming Interface’s (API’s)
to access information objects
• APIs implement functional and data access
• Customer-facing applications become decoupled
from the core banking platform
• Improved time market delivering a client and
client advisor functionality
• No bulky ‘Integration’ layer and clear cost
• Functionality and information accuracy is
constraint by legacy core banking platform
Customer Experience
API’s are an efficient way to decouple client-facing business capabilities however…
…the customer experience is still constrained by legacy core banking systems.
Client Advisor
Reference Data
Operations &
Risk &
Core Banking
Again? What is a Micro Service?
Software Modules
(application, libraries, etc)
Data Store
(eg, DynamoDB, RDS,
Cache, S3)
Public API addProductDetails(ProductId id, ProductDetails details)
removeProductDetails(ProductId id)
getProductDetails(ProductId id) : ProductDetails
Micro service = Service-oriented architecture + “small” API
Adoption of Micro Services – API Banking
Micro Service Architecture:
• Innovate faster by using standard APIs for
application development
• Customer experience is based on a aggregation
of micro services
• Loosely-coupled micro services integrate
through standard APIs
• Elastic scaling of individual micro services
• Enable business to source capabilities in the
most cost efficient way:
• Build business differentiating capabilities
• Source non-differentiating capabilities
• Increase agility by enabling teams to develop
independently – Two Pizza Team
Customer Experience
Provide an integrated customer experience by aggregating micro services…
…every banking service is a Application Programming Interface (API)
Anti Money
Build Your Applications as a Web Of Micro
Position and Transaction
Customer Information
Product Information
Client Report / Monthly Statement
Investment Proposals
Benefits of Micro-services
System operation is simple
(developers can be on-call )
(new features added quickly)
Innovation as its best
(team has time to think big)
Short Build/Test/Release Cycles
(fix problems soon)
Software architecture is easier to maintain and evolve
Scalable Software
(horizontal scalability)
Fast development pace
(developers fully focused on writing code) Customers Excited
(new software releases every day!)
AWS has the Optimal Combinations of Interoperable
Amazon Redshift Amazon Elastic
Data Warehouse Semi-structured
Amazon Simple
Storage Service
Data Storage Archive
Amazon Kinesis
NoSQL Predictive Models Other AppsStreaming
Use Case: Automated Advisory Platform
Benchmark /
Asset Alloc.
Social Media
1 4
0 9
Answers &
Automated Investment Proposal
Architecture: Automated Advisory Platform
1 4
0 9
Amazon S3
Data lake
Answers &
BI / Reporting
Amazon Machine
Amazon S3
Use Case: Automated Risk & Compliance
Monitoring and Reporting
1 4
0 9
Answers &
Risk and Compliance Monitoring
Architecture: Automated Risk & Compliance
Monitoring and Reporting
1 4
0 9
Amazon S3
Data lake
Amazon EMR
Amazon RedShift
Answers &
BI / Reporting
Amazon S3
Etc. Amazon
Micro-services are usually part of a bigger strategy
that AWS can make possible!
Rethink your Processes
• Favor small focused development teams
• Move towards a full DevOps model (short feedback cycles, regular
• Adopt an Agile methodology (eg, Scrum, Kanban, XP, etc)
Engage your People
• Embrace the new culture
• Develop new skillsets
• Recruit the right people
Innovating with AWS: How Microservices on AWS Can Transform Your Business

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Innovating with AWS: How Microservices on AWS Can Transform Your Business

  • 1. Rehan Qureshi Canada Practice Manager, AWS Professional Services “Innovating with AWS: How Microservices on AWS Can Transform Your Business”
  • 3. disrupted Innovation is behind the increasing number of business models being
  • 4. At Amazon, Innovation is not a goal, It’s an on-going process
  • 5. Keys to Digital Transformation  Lean Enterprise  DevOps  Agile - Scrum  Microservice architecture  Customer centric  Minimum Viable Products  Metrics-driven culture  Failure-embracing culture  Low-cost experimentation  Blue-Green and A-B groups  Machine Learning  Internet of Things (IoT)  Mobile  Big Analytics Enabled By CLOUD
  • 6. Can’t Digital Transformation occur on Premise?  Global economies of scale  Immediate access to latest technology Improved security and risk visibility  Open – access to industry leading solutions  Elasticity – capacity alignment  Improved resiliency – design for failure  Lower cost of experimentation and innovation  Quicker global expansion  Easier to standardize and automate  Easier to link the supply chain - ecosystems CLOUD
  • 7. Easier to digitize in start-ups and companies like Amazon. Too much legacy in large enterprises that are an anchor.
  • 9. Problems With Monolith Software System operation is a nightmare (module X is failing, who’s the owner?) Lack of agility (very long time to add new features) Lack of innovation (team always busy fixing inefficiencies) Long Build/Test/Release Cycles (who broke the build?) Software architecture is hard to maintain and evolve Scalability is compromised (vertical scalability) Slow development pace (developers busy fixing issues) Customers frustrated (new releases take months)
  • 10. ‘Loosely Coupled’ Systems: The looser they are coupled, the bigger they scale. The more fault tolerant they get, the less dependencies, the faster you innovate. Digital Architecture: decoupling into smaller building blocks
  • 11. Architecture  Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)  Single-purpose primitives  Connect only through APIs  “Microservices”  Each page on is an aggregation of 200 to 300 Business Services
  • 12. Team Structure • Two-pizza teams • Full ownership • Full accountability • Aligned incentives • “DevOps”
  • 13. The Anatomy of a Micro-service Micro-service = Service-oriented architecture + “small” public API* Micro-service Software Modules (application, libraries, etc) Data Store (eg, DynamoDB, RDS, Cache, S3) Public API addProductDetails(ProductId id, ProductDetails details) removeProductDetails(ProductId id) getProductDetails(ProductId id) : ProductDetails *Application Programming Interface
  • 14. A Micro-service is not a Library, it’s… well, a Service Product Details software library Product Details micro-service getProductDetails() • A new version of a micro-service is immediately noticed by its dependent micro-services • Micro-services relying on libraries will have to be rebuilt and re-deployed upon a new version of the library
  • 15. Microservice development lifecycle developers delivery pipelinesservices releasetestbuild releasetestbuild releasetestbuild releasetestbuild releasetestbuild releasetestbuild
  • 16. Deploying More Frequently Lowers Risk Smaller Effort “Minimized Risk” Frequent Release Events: “Agile Methodology” Time Change Rare Release Events: “Waterfall Methodology” Larger Effort “Increased Risk” Time Change
  • 17. Deploying More Frequently Increases Learning Rapid Learning Frequent Release Events: “Agile Methodology” Time Change Rare Release Events: “Waterfall Methodology” Infrequent Learning Time Change
  • 18. = 50 million deployments a year Thousands of teams × Microservice architecture × Continuous delivery × Multiple environments
  • 20. Digital Transformation Means innovation across the entire IT value chain Changing customer relationship or experience Improve internal processes Create an entirely new value proposition
  • 21. Transformational Drivers Changing customer behavior will continue to fundamentally transform FSI’s industry and require investments into the overall Customer Experience New competitors e.g. Fintech’s and disintermediation will put an increased pressure on the FSI’s and requires investment into innovative solutions Tighter regulation will put more scrutiny on the FSI’s and business process, compliance workflow automation will become a key differentiating factor New technologies e.g. Blockchain will disrupt incumbent business models, players and require banks to be able to integrate with the larger FSI ecosystem Cost and operational risk reduction requires FSI’s investment into simplification programs and drive the adoption of and elastic infrastructures
  • 22. The Innovation Solution: An API* approach for FSI
  • 23. Unbundling FSI Value Chains Monolithic Platforms Decouple by Layering Modularization
  • 24. Monolithic Core Banking Platforms Etc. Monolithic Architecture: • Tightly-integrated core banking platforms • Inefficient, hard-to-change core banking solutions • Long, expensive change cycles • Limited options for effective out-/in-source business capabilities • Tight-coupling increases single point of failure and operational risk Reference Data Operations & Execution Risk & Compliance Etc. Customer Experience Tightly-coupled, hard-to-change legacy core banking platforms result in… …poor customer experience, slow innovation cycles and expensive IT platforms. Client Advisor Capabilities Client-facing Capabilities Core Banking
  • 25. Decoupling by Layering Enterprise Service Bus Client Advisor Capabilities Client / eBanking Capabilities Etc. Enterprise Service Bus Architecture: • Many companies use an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) to decouple front end capabilities from legacy core banking solutions • ESBs become critical dependencies • Unclear business and IT cost ownership for the ESB - layer • Performance bottleneck, single point of failure • Minimal increased efficiency in time to market • Increased complexity, introducing another layer Reference Data Operations & Execution Risk & Compliance Etc. Customer Experience Enterprise Services Buses are widely used to decouple core banking solutions… …but resulted in increased complexity, cost and minimal time to market increase. Core Banking
  • 26. Adoption of Standard API’s Etc. Component-based, Service-oriented architecture • Functional and information master components • Use Application Programming Interface’s (API’s) to access information objects • APIs implement functional and data access control • Customer-facing applications become decoupled from the core banking platform • Improved time market delivering a client and client advisor functionality • No bulky ‘Integration’ layer and clear cost ownership • Functionality and information accuracy is constraint by legacy core banking platform Customer Experience API’s are an efficient way to decouple client-facing business capabilities however… …the customer experience is still constrained by legacy core banking systems. Client Advisor Capabilities Client-facing Capabilities API API API API Reference Data Operations & Execution Risk & Compliance Etc. Core Banking
  • 27. Again? What is a Micro Service? Micro-service Software Modules (application, libraries, etc) Data Store (eg, DynamoDB, RDS, Cache, S3) Public API addProductDetails(ProductId id, ProductDetails details) removeProductDetails(ProductId id) getProductDetails(ProductId id) : ProductDetails Micro service = Service-oriented architecture + “small” API
  • 28. Adoption of Micro Services – API Banking Trade Execution Micro Service Architecture: • Innovate faster by using standard APIs for application development • Customer experience is based on a aggregation of micro services • Loosely-coupled micro services integrate through standard APIs • Elastic scaling of individual micro services • Enable business to source capabilities in the most cost efficient way: • Build business differentiating capabilities • Source non-differentiating capabilities • Increase agility by enabling teams to develop independently – Two Pizza Team Customer Experience Provide an integrated customer experience by aggregating micro services… …every banking service is a Application Programming Interface (API) API API API API Corporate Actions Anti Money Laundering Etc, Payment API API API API Client Information Suitability Rules Trade Capture
  • 29. Build Your Applications as a Web Of Micro Services Position and Transaction Customer Information Product Information Client Report / Monthly Statement Investment Proposals
  • 30. Benefits of Micro-services System operation is simple (developers can be on-call ) Agility (new features added quickly) Innovation as its best (team has time to think big) Short Build/Test/Release Cycles (fix problems soon) Software architecture is easier to maintain and evolve Scalable Software (horizontal scalability) Fast development pace (developers fully focused on writing code) Customers Excited (new software releases every day!)
  • 31. AWS has the Optimal Combinations of Interoperable Services Amazon Redshift Amazon Elastic MapReduce Data Warehouse Semi-structured Amazon Glacier Amazon Simple Storage Service Data Storage Archive Amazon DynamoDB Amazon Machine Learning Amazon Kinesis NoSQL Predictive Models Other AppsStreaming
  • 32. Use Case: Automated Advisory Platform Customer Profile Position &Transaction Research Information Benchmark / Asset Alloc. Social Media Investment Proposal Investment Proposal Investment Proposal Portfolio Assessment Investment Proposal Suitability Checks Ingest/ Collect Consume/ visualize Store Process/ analyze 1 4 0 9 5 Data Answers & Insights Automated Investment Proposal Customer Bank Client Advisor Portfolio Assessment Investment Opportunities Investment Proposal Customer Internet Etc.
  • 33. Architecture: Automated Advisory Platform Ingest/ Collect Consume/ visualize Store Process/ analyze Data 1 4 0 9 5 Amazon S3 Data lake Amazon EMR Amazon Kinesis Amazon RedShift Answers & Insights BI / Reporting Investment Proposal Investment Proposal Investment Proposal Customer Bank Client Advisor Internet Amazon Machine Learning Amazon DynamoDB Amazon S3 Portfolio Assessment Investment Opportunities Investment ProposalAmazon QuickSight
  • 34. Use Case: Automated Risk & Compliance Monitoring and Reporting Client Information Securities Transactions Payment Transactions Transaction Monitoring AML Monitoring Suitability Monitoring Ingest/ Collect Consume/ visualize Store Process/ analyze 1 4 0 9 5 Data Answers & Insights Risk and Compliance Monitoring Etc. Order Manager Settlement System Etc. Bank Transaction Regulatory Suspicious Transactions Transaction Report Suitability Report Suspicious Transactions Etc.
  • 35. Architecture: Automated Risk & Compliance Monitoring and Reporting Ingest/ Collect Consume/ visualize Store Process/ analyze Data 1 4 0 9 5 Amazon S3 Data lake Amazon EMR Amazon RedShift Answers & Insights BI / Reporting Order Manager Transaction Report Suitability Report Suspicious Transactions Etc. Amazon S3 Settlement System Etc. Amazon QuickSight Bank
  • 36. Micro-services are usually part of a bigger strategy that AWS can make possible! Rethink your Processes • Favor small focused development teams • Move towards a full DevOps model (short feedback cycles, regular deployments) • Adopt an Agile methodology (eg, Scrum, Kanban, XP, etc) Engage your People • Embrace the new culture • Develop new skillsets • Recruit the right people