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Where is Integration in a Microservices world?
Kim Clark
9th October
MuCon 2015
What do we mean by “Integration Architecture”?
How data and function are shared between applications
within and across enterprise boundaries
Point to
Hub and
Service Bus
Managed File
Business to
Connectors /
Mapping /
Large enterprise landscapes are horrible!
•  Mergers and acquisitions
•  Multiple systems of record for the same data types
•  Non-correlating duplicates
•  Account centric vs. Customer centric
•  Version locked systems
•  There are always 3 versions of a system
–  The one you’re migrating from
–  The one you’re on now
–  The one you’re migrating too
•  Months to add a fix pack
•  Very long lived entities
•  Mortgages, deeds, contracts, pensions, insurance policies
•  Evolved complexity
•  Decades of business logic embedded alongside the data
•  Business Partner interfaces
•  Exceptions are the rule
•  Too important to deprecate
Integration architecture subsets
External (API)
Hub and Spoke
Batch Transfer
Batch Transfer
Hub and Spoke
Point to Point
Direct Access
External Event
Batch-based Event-based Connected

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This document provides an introduction to microservices architecture. It discusses why companies adopt the microservices style, how to design microservices, common patterns, and examples from Netflix. The key points are: 1) Microservices architecture breaks applications into small, independent services that communicate over well-defined interfaces. This improves modularity, scalability, and allows independent deployments. 2) When designing microservices, services should be organized around business capabilities, have decentralized governance and data, and be designed to fail independently through patterns like circuit breakers. 3) Netflix is a leader in microservices and has open sourced many tools like Hystrix for latency handling and Eureka for service discovery that

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Microservice architecture. Short intro into the world of microservices, the talk I gave in VilniusPHP meetup.

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This document provides an introduction to Apache ActiveMQ. It discusses how ActiveMQ is a Java Message Service (JMS) and message-oriented middleware that provides asynchronous messaging. It supports cross-language clients and features high performance clustering of brokers for scalability and master-slave configurations for persistence and reliability. The document uses an example of sending a "Hello World" message to demonstrate basic usage of ActiveMQ.

apacheapache activemqjms
What does a large scale integration landscape look like
Systems of record
•  Older technology
•  Harder to change
•  Challenging integration points
Integration Hub
Integration Hub
Adapter Adapter
“Systems of
Exposure Gateway (internal)
“Systems of
Mature large enterprise
Exposure Gateway (external)
Adapter Adapter
“Hub and Spoke”
Service Bus?”
“Web API
Systems of engagement
•  Modern languages/runtimes
•  Agile updates
•  Simple modern connectivity
Confusions that arise around microservices
Obligatory “What is a microservice” slide
Common misconception resulting from the term “microservice”
Monolithic application Microservices application
Exposed services/APIs
Exposed services/APIs
Microservices are fine grained WSDL operations
APIs are microservices
The “service” in “microservice” refers to the granularity of the
components, not the granularity of the exposed interfaces
x 1 x 3
x 4x 4
Is “microservices architecture” is really
“micro-component architecture”?

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This presentation outlines the benefits of implementing a Microservice over a monolithic architecture.

Hybrid integration reference architecture
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Hybrid integration reference architecture

The ownership boundary of the typical enterprise now encompasses a much broader IT landscape. It is common to see that landscape stretch out to cloud native development platforms, software as a service, dependencies on external APIs from business partners, a mobile workforce and an ever growing range of digital channels. The integration surface area is dramatically increased and the integration patterns to support it are evolving just as quickly. These are the challenges we recognise as "hybrid integration". We will explore what a reference architecture for hybrid integration might look like, and how IBM's integration portfolio is growing and changing to meet the needs of digital transformation. This deck comes from the following article and is also described in this video

esbarchitecturehybrid integration
Api gateway
Api gatewayApi gateway
Api gateway

This document provides an overview of API gateways and their role in microservice architectures. It begins with a brief history of monolithic architectures and how microservices emerged as a solution. It then defines key concepts like APIs, gateways, and how they relate. The main points are: 1) An API gateway acts as a single entry point and centralizes request routing, protocol translation, and provides cross-cutting features like authentication, monitoring and security for internal microservices. 2) Gateways help reduce complexity and overhead by encapsulating microservices and allowing transformations, while also improving reusability and security. 3) Examples of API gateway tools are provided, as well as a proposed activity, before concluding

apiapi gatewaymicroservices
SOA relates to enterprise service exposure
Application ApplicationApplication
Service oriented architecture (SOA)
and microservices architecture relate to different scopes
Microservices relate to
application architecture
However, even this simple distinction can be
contentious depending on your definition of SOA
What was SOA really about?
Integration or Components?
“SOA is about how to achieve integration
often to aging complex back end systems in
order to expose services”
In this case SOA is primarily a connectivity
problem with little relationship to
microservices architecture and certainly at a
different scope.
“SOA is about re-factoring your IT landscape into
components that better align with the business
needs and expose the services that it needs”
Here the connectivity problem is pushed down to
the applications and the focus of SOA is on
realignment of to the business needs. The service
components look more like applications, and we
might consider microservices as “more granular
SOA”, or even “SOA done right”.
System of
Integration Hub
Adapter Adapter
Exposure Gateway
Exposed Services/APIs
System of
System of
Exposed Services/APIs
System of
Exposure Gateway
Why such split opinions on microservices vs SOA?
Integration Hub
Integration Hub
Adapter Adapter
Exposure Gateway (external)
Mature large enterprise
Microservices are just one style of application
Exposing services is an integration and data challenge
Green field online start-up
Much of landscape could be microservice based
The landscape is as (micro)service oriented architecture
Exposure Gateway (external)
Exposure Gateway (internal)
Adapter Adapter
SOA principles get a second chance with microservices
Challenges of SOA era Advantages in microservices era
Funding Poor funding model. No
project wanted to pay for re-
usable services.
API Economy provides potential
funding mechanisms. Costs of
integration reducing.
Integration Connectivity was hard.
Standards were immature.
Tools were just emerging.
Integration standards and tools
improved. Modern APIs often
provided as out of the box.
Data Data landscape disjoined.
Duplication common.
Function embedded with
SOA/MDM initiatives rationalised
some landscapes. New data
techniques to handle big data more
Requirements Hard to guess the perfect
service model. Business
needs constantly changing.
Microservices lend themselves to
lightweight agile techniques
enabling more iterative
requirements discovery.
Result Integration led services.
Poor re-use.
Business led API requirements.
Creation on demand.

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Microservice Architecture with CQRS and Event Sourcing
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Microservice Architecture with CQRS and Event Sourcing

This document provides an overview of microservice architecture using CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) and Event Sourcing patterns. It defines CQRS as separating the write and read functions of an application. Event Sourcing records all state changes as a series of events rather than just the current state. The benefits include scalability, simplicity, flexibility and a business focus. Popular companies using this architecture include those needing cost-effective scaling like microservices. The author provides resources and advocates for CQRS and Event Sourcing to solve common architectural challenges.

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SOA vs Microservices vs SBA

Comparing Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), Microservices and Service-Based Architecture (SBA - SOA and Microservices Hybrid) patterns. Also discussing coupling and cohesion concepts in relation to the systems design.

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The microservice architecture is growing in popularity. It is an architectural style that structures an application as a set of loosely coupled services that are organized around business capabilities. Its goal is to enable the continuous delivery of large, complex applications. However, the microservice architecture is not a silver bullet and it has some significant drawbacks. The goal of the microservices pattern language is to enable software developers to apply the microservice architecture effectively. It is a collection of patterns that solve architecture, design, development and operational problems. In this talk, I’ll provide an overview of the microservice architecture and describe the motivations for the pattern language. You will learn about the key patterns in the pattern language.

microservicesmicroservice architecturepattern language
Levels of API/service exposure
Just because it’s REST/HTTP, doesn’t mean it’s all the same
•  How different is the APIs
exposure style at each
•  How strong should the
application boundaries be?
Microservices application
Internet exposed
API/service exposure scope
Microservices inter-communication
Aim is decoupling for robustness
Messaging where possible
•  Lightweight messaging
(e.g. AMQP, Kafka)
•  Publish/subscribe
•  Eventual consistency
Direct calls where necessary
Lightweight protocols
(e.g. JSON/HTTP)
•  Load balancing/scaling via service
•  Circuit breaker
•  Caching
Microservices application
/HTTP Publish
Internal vs. External/Partner exposure
– comparing at the level of functionality/capability
Canonical Integration
Data Translation
Traffic Management - Basic
Security - Basic
Visibility - Basic
Partner Management
Account based access
Self Administration
Service level management
Discovery - Basic
Traffic Management
API/Service Gateway
API/Service Gateway
Canonical Integration
Data Translation - Basic
Routing/Distribution - Basic
Composition - Basic
There may be only a handful
of well understood internal
consumer applications
There may 10s of external consumer applications
…and there could be hundreds of “experimenters”
Do todays systems of engagement
become tomorrows systems of record?
1 New engagement application
•  Provides new, engaging, agile presentation tier
•  Cache/subset of data, for temporary and/or low
latency storage
•  Integrates with enterprise services/APIs easily.
2 Aging engagement application
•  Presentation less attractive and agile
•  Data model broadened, with increased integrity
as now used by other applications
•  Struggles to integrate with other systems
3 Becomes system of record
•  Presentation tier no longer used. Logic/data
now accessed and/or replicated to new
systems of engagement.
•  Data model stabilised, and hard to change, with
increased integrity as now used by other
•  Requires external tools to integrate with other
1.  How long before your microservice application
becomes one of the “legacy” systems?
2.  How long before you have more than one
mircoservices platform?
Exposure Gateway

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Event-driven microservices

1) Event-driven microservices involve microservices communicating primarily through events published to an event backbone. This loosely couples microservices and allows for eventual data consistency. 2) Apache Kafka is an open-source streaming platform that can be used to build an event backbone, allowing microservices to reliably publish and subscribe to events. It supports streaming, storage, and processing of event data. 3) Common patterns for event-driven microservices include database per service for independent data ownership, sagas for coordinated multi-step processes, event sourcing to capture all state changes, and CQRS to separate reads from writes.

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Should you choose a microservices architecture over a monolith? What are the pros and cons in reality.

Introduction to Microservices
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Introduction to Microservices

Microservices architectures are changing the way that organizations build their applications and infrastructure. Companies can now achieve new levels of scale and efficiency by disaggregating their large, monolithic applications into small, independent “micro services”, each of which perform different functions. In this session, we’ll introduce the concept of microservices, help you evaluate whether your organization is ready for microservices, and discuss methods for implementing these architectures. We’ll also cover topics such as using API gateways, enabling self-service infrastructure provisioning, and ways to manage your microservices.

cloud computingdevopsstartups
Heterogeneous on the inside, homogeneous on the outside
Freedom to choose runtimes, languages,
datastores etc. may be a birthright with
microservices, but don’t let it become a millstone.
•  Choose runtimes based on their properties,
not the preferences/skills of the team
•  Look for natural convergence on runtimes,
then embrace it.
Seek to push maximum commonality into the
framework surrounding the microservices:
•  Scaling
•  Workload distribution
•  Resilience
•  Service discovery
•  Deployment orchestration
•  Messaging
•  Logging
•  Testing
Microservices application
(Java +
(Go +
But what is an application boundary
in an microservices world?
Similar to application boundaries
today because
•  Group related functionality
•  Enable more coarse grained
ownership and responsibility (in
addition to full ownership at the
microservice level)
Different because
•  Application sub-components
(microservices) are truly
•  Application boundaries can be
easily changed – it’s primarily
about the right ownership
•  Application boundaries can spread
across network boundaries (e.g.
between clouds)…but should they!
Exposure Gateway (external)
Decentralising service/API exposure
In a perfect world…
•  Applications self-administer
exposure of their own APIs
•  API monitoring/diagnostics
would be gathered across the
•  Security models could be
implemented more consistently.
•  No additional team required to
enable integration
•  Application logic is firmly seated
with the application teams
Public API
Private API
API Gateway
In reality, it will be a long haul for many organisations…
Integration Hub
Integration Hub
Adapter Adapter
Externally Exposed Services/APIs
Exposure Gateway (internal)
Exposure Gateway (external)

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Kafka pub sub demo
Kafka pub sub demoKafka pub sub demo
Kafka pub sub demo

Apache Kafka is a publish-subscribe messaging system that can be used to build a pub-sub model. It uses a log-structured approach where messages are appended sequentially to files. Messages are categorized into topics which are divided into partitions. Producers create and publish messages to topics, while consumers subscribe to topics and read messages. Brokers receive messages from producers and serve them to consumers. Kafka is scalable, supports multiple producers and consumers, retains messages on disk, and provides high performance even under heavy loads. To build a pub-sub model with Kafka, producers publish messages to topics and consumers subscribe to topics to receive messages.

Microservices architecture
Microservices architectureMicroservices architecture
Microservices architecture

A introduction to Microservices Architecture: definition, characterstics, framworks, success stories. It contains a demo about implementation of microservices with Spring Boot, Spring cloud an Eureka.

architecturemicroservices patternsnetflix
Microservices Design Patterns
Microservices Design PatternsMicroservices Design Patterns
Microservices Design Patterns

This is the video capture of the meetup described at This video includes the two talks the meetup included. The first one is an introductory talk for the topic. The second one covers the SAGA design pattern.

microservicesdesign patternsarchitecture
Caution with comparisons
(or “how to start an argument”!)
Comparisons that make some level of sense
Microservice architecture vs. Service oriented architecture
Trying to achieve many of the same things (enable the creation of re-usable business
functions as isolated components), but perhaps a different scale. SOA evolved to become
focused on the enterprise scale (though some might say that wasn’t the original intent).
Microservices, is primarily at the application scale.
Microservice component vs. Service component
Both describe the actual implementation of a business function. They differ primarily in
granularity, but also arguably in maintainability, agility etc.
Confusing comparisons
Microservices vs. SOA
Microservices are components. SOA is an architecture. What you’re probably trying to
compare is Microservices Architecture with SOA (see above).
Microservices vs. APIs
APIs are a interface. A mechanism for exposing business function. Microservices are the
component architecture used to implement those business functions. It makes no sense to
directly compare them.
Microservice vs. Service
“Service” means different things to different people. Needs to be qualified. Service
Implementation? Service exposure? Service definition? The same could be said for
microservice. Need to be specific.

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MuCon 2015 - Microservices in Integration Architecture

  • 1. Where is Integration in a Microservices world? Kim Clark 9th October MuCon 2015
  • 2. What do we mean by “Integration Architecture”? How data and function are shared between applications within and across enterprise boundaries 1 Application Application Application Application Application Application Point to point Hub and spoke Service Oriented ArchitectureEnterprise Service Bus Messaging APIs Managed File Transfer Business to Business (B2B) Extract Transform Load Connectors / Adapters Mapping / Transformation Enterprise Application Integration Application Microservice application µService µService µService µService
  • 3. Large enterprise landscapes are horrible! •  Mergers and acquisitions •  Multiple systems of record for the same data types •  Non-correlating duplicates •  Account centric vs. Customer centric •  Version locked systems •  There are always 3 versions of a system –  The one you’re migrating from –  The one you’re on now –  The one you’re migrating too •  Months to add a fix pack •  Very long lived entities •  Mortgages, deeds, contracts, pensions, insurance policies •  Evolved complexity •  Decades of business logic embedded alongside the data •  Business Partner interfaces •  Exceptions are the rule •  Too important to deprecate 2
  • 4. Integration architecture subsets External (API) Exposure Enterprise (Service/API) Exposure Batch-based Hub and Spoke Batch Transfer Direct Batch Transfer B2B Event-based Hub and Spoke Event-based Point to Point Real-time Direct Access External Event Management LocalEnterprisePublic/Partner Batch-based Event-based Connected
  • 5. What does a large scale integration landscape look like Systems of record •  Older technology •  Harder to change •  Challenging integration points Integration Hub Integration Hub Adapter Adapter “Systems of Engagement” Applications Exposure Gateway (internal) “Systems of Record” Applications Mature large enterprise (simplified) Exposure Gateway (external) Adapter Adapter “Hub and Spoke” integration “Enterprise Service Bus?” “Web API Gateway” Systems of engagement •  Modern languages/runtimes •  Agile updates •  Simple modern connectivity
  • 6. Confusions that arise around microservices 5
  • 7. Obligatory “What is a microservice” slide Monolithic application Microservices application Silo Microservice (component) Microservice (component) Microservice (component) Agility Scalability Resilience
  • 8. Microservice component Common misconception resulting from the term “microservice” Monolithic application Microservices application Exposed services/APIs Microservice component Microservice component Exposed services/APIs Silo component Microservices are fine grained WSDL operations APIs are microservices The “service” in “microservice” refers to the granularity of the components, not the granularity of the exposed interfaces x 1 x 3 x 4x 4 Is “microservices architecture” is really “micro-component architecture”?
  • 9. Application SOA relates to enterprise service exposure Application ApplicationApplication Service oriented architecture (SOA) and microservices architecture relate to different scopes Microservice application µService µService µService µService Microservices relate to application architecture However, even this simple distinction can be contentious depending on your definition of SOA
  • 10. What was SOA really about? Integration or Components? “SOA is about how to achieve integration often to aging complex back end systems in order to expose services” In this case SOA is primarily a connectivity problem with little relationship to microservices architecture and certainly at a different scope. “SOA is about re-factoring your IT landscape into components that better align with the business needs and expose the services that it needs” Here the connectivity problem is pushed down to the applications and the focus of SOA is on realignment of to the business needs. The service components look more like applications, and we might consider microservices as “more granular SOA”, or even “SOA done right”. System of Record Integration Hub Adapter Adapter Exposure Gateway Exposed Services/APIs System of Record System of Record Adapter Exposed Services/APIs System of Record Adapter Service Component Exposure Gateway 9 Service Component Service Component
  • 11. Why such split opinions on microservices vs SOA? 10 Integration Hub Integration Hub Adapter Adapter Engagement Applications SaaS Application BusinessPartner Systemsof Record Business Partner Exposure Gateway (external) Mature large enterprise Microservices are just one style of application Exposing services is an integration and data challenge Green field online start-up Much of landscape could be microservice based The landscape is as (micro)service oriented architecture Exposure Gateway (external) Microservice application µService µServiceµService µService Exposure Gateway (internal) µService µService µService µService µService µService µService µService µService µService µService EnterpriseBoundary EnterpriseBoundary Adapter Adapter
  • 12. SOA principles get a second chance with microservices 11 Challenges of SOA era Advantages in microservices era Funding Poor funding model. No project wanted to pay for re- usable services. API Economy provides potential funding mechanisms. Costs of integration reducing. Integration Connectivity was hard. Standards were immature. Tools were just emerging. Integration standards and tools improved. Modern APIs often provided as out of the box. Data Data landscape disjoined. Duplication common. Function embedded with data. SOA/MDM initiatives rationalised some landscapes. New data techniques to handle big data more flexibly. Requirements Hard to guess the perfect service model. Business needs constantly changing. Microservices lend themselves to lightweight agile techniques enabling more iterative requirements discovery. Result Integration led services. Poor re-use. Business led API requirements. Creation on demand.
  • 13. Levels of API/service exposure Just because it’s REST/HTTP, doesn’t mean it’s all the same •  How different is the APIs exposure style at each level? •  How strong should the application boundaries be? 12 Microservices application Microservice Microservice Within-application Enterprise-wide Internet exposed API/service exposure scope
  • 14. Microservice MicroserviceMicroservice Microservice Microservices inter-communication Aim is decoupling for robustness Messaging where possible •  Lightweight messaging (e.g. AMQP, Kafka) •  Publish/subscribe •  Eventual consistency Direct calls where necessary Lightweight protocols (e.g. JSON/HTTP) •  Load balancing/scaling via service discovery •  Circuit breaker •  Caching Microservices application Microservice Subscribe JSON /HTTP Microservice Microservice Message Hub API Microservice Publish API JSON /HTTP Publish Service Discovery
  • 15. Application Internal vs. External/Partner exposure – comparing at the level of functionality/capability Firewall Canonical Integration Data Translation Routing/Distribution Composition Exposure Traffic Management - Basic Security - Basic Decoupling Visibility - Basic Partner Management Account based access Accounting/Billing Self Administration Service level management Discovery - Basic Exposure Traffic Management Security Decoupling Visibility Discovery API/Service Gateway API/Service Gateway Canonical Integration Data Translation - Basic Routing/Distribution - Basic Composition - Basic There may be only a handful of well understood internal consumer applications There may 10s of external consumer applications …and there could be hundreds of “experimenters”
  • 16. Do todays systems of engagement become tomorrows systems of record? Engagement Application Logic Systemsof Record Presentation Data Logic Presentation Data Logic 1 2 3 1 New engagement application •  Provides new, engaging, agile presentation tier •  Cache/subset of data, for temporary and/or low latency storage •  Integrates with enterprise services/APIs easily. 2 Aging engagement application •  Presentation less attractive and agile •  Data model broadened, with increased integrity as now used by other applications •  Struggles to integrate with other systems 3 Becomes system of record •  Presentation tier no longer used. Logic/data now accessed and/or replicated to new systems of engagement. •  Data model stabilised, and hard to change, with increased integrity as now used by other applications •  Requires external tools to integrate with other systems. 1.  How long before your microservice application becomes one of the “legacy” systems? 2.  How long before you have more than one mircoservices platform? Exposure Gateway
  • 17. Heterogeneous on the inside, homogeneous on the outside Freedom to choose runtimes, languages, datastores etc. may be a birthright with microservices, but don’t let it become a millstone. •  Choose runtimes based on their properties, not the preferences/skills of the team •  Look for natural convergence on runtimes, then embrace it. Seek to push maximum commonality into the framework surrounding the microservices: •  Scaling •  Workload distribution •  Resilience •  Service discovery •  Deployment orchestration •  Messaging •  Logging •  Testing 16 Microservices application Microservice (Node.js) Microservice (Java + MongoDB) Microservice (Go + CloudantDB)
  • 18. But what is an application boundary in an microservices world? Similar to application boundaries today because •  Group related functionality •  Enable more coarse grained ownership and responsibility (in addition to full ownership at the microservice level) Different because •  Application sub-components (microservices) are truly independent. •  Application boundaries can be easily changed – it’s primarily about the right ownership •  Application boundaries can spread across network boundaries (e.g. between clouds)…but should they! 17 SaaS Application Business Partner Exposure Gateway (external) µService µService µService µService µService µService µService µService µService µService µService EnterpriseBoundary
  • 19. Traditional Engagement Application System of record System of record SaaS Application Decentralising service/API exposure In a perfect world… •  Applications self-administer exposure of their own APIs •  API monitoring/diagnostics would be gathered across the organisation •  Security models could be implemented more consistently. •  No additional team required to enable integration •  Application logic is firmly seated with the application teams 18 Business Partner EnterpriseBoundary Public API Private API API Gateway Microservice Engagement Application
  • 20. In reality, it will be a long haul for many organisations… 19 Systems ofRecord Integration Hub Integration Hub Adapter Adapter Engagement Applications Microservice applications SaaSApplications (external) Adapter Externally Exposed Services/APIs Exposure Gateway (internal) Exposure Gateway (external) BusinessPartners
  • 21. Caution with comparisons (or “how to start an argument”!) Comparisons that make some level of sense Microservice architecture vs. Service oriented architecture Trying to achieve many of the same things (enable the creation of re-usable business functions as isolated components), but perhaps a different scale. SOA evolved to become focused on the enterprise scale (though some might say that wasn’t the original intent). Microservices, is primarily at the application scale. Microservice component vs. Service component Both describe the actual implementation of a business function. They differ primarily in granularity, but also arguably in maintainability, agility etc. Confusing comparisons Microservices vs. SOA Microservices are components. SOA is an architecture. What you’re probably trying to compare is Microservices Architecture with SOA (see above). Microservices vs. APIs APIs are a interface. A mechanism for exposing business function. Microservices are the component architecture used to implement those business functions. It makes no sense to directly compare them. Microservice vs. Service “Service” means different things to different people. Needs to be qualified. Service Implementation? Service exposure? Service definition? The same could be said for microservice. Need to be specific. 20