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1 | Copyright © 2019
Lowering the risk of Monolith to
Microservices Migration with
Envoy Proxy and GraphQL
2 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
• Field CTO @
• Author of a few books
• Contributor to many open-source projects
• Architect, blogger, speaker, mentor, leader
3 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
“The existence of more than one possibility. The “true” outcome/state/result/value is not know”
“A state of uncertainty where some of the possibilities involve a loss, catastrophe, or other
undesirable outcome”
- Douglas Hubbard
4 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
An existing large application developed over the course of many years by different
teams that provides proven business value. Its structure has eroded insofar it
has become very difficult to update and maintain.
5 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
A highly distracting word that serves to confuse developers, architects,
and IT leaders into believing that we can actually have a utopian application
6 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
A highly distracting word that serves to confuse developers, architects,
and IT leaders into believing that we can actually have a utopian application
An architecture optimization that treats the modules of an application
as independently owned and deployed services for the purposes of
increasing an organization’s velocity
7 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
Moving monolith to microservices
• Identify boundaries / APIs
• Async or Sync communication patterns?
• What to do with data?
• Need new tools!
• Debugging
• Observability
• Resilience
• Infrastructure optimized for this pattern
8 | Copyright © 2019
Move fast, safely
9 | Copyright © 20199 | Copyright © 2019
Controlling the application network
to strangle the monolith
10 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
Strangler Pattern
“gradually create a new system around the edges of the old”
11 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
12 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
13 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
14 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
15 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
16 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
17 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
18 | Copyright © 201918 | Copyright © 2019
Envoy Proxy
19 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
Meet Envoy Proxy
20 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
Envoy Proxy
• service proxy
• written in C++, highly parallel, non-blocking
• L3/4 network filter
• out of the box L7 filters
• HTTP 1.1/2, gRPC, websockets, Kafka, AMQP, NATS
• baked in service discovery/health checking
• advanced load balancing
• stats, metrics, tracing
• dynamic configuration through xDS
21 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
Envoy Proxy implements:
• zone aware, least request load balancing
• circuit breaking
• outlier detection
• retries, retry policies
• timeout (including budgets)
• traffic shadowing
• rate limiting
• access logging, statistics collection
• Many other features!
22 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
23 | Copyright © 201923 | Copyright © 2019
The API is what we care about
24 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
25 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
26 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
API Gateway Pattern
“A service that’s the entry point into the microservices-
based application … is responsible for request routing,
API composition, protocol translation …
and edge functions like authentication,
authorization, rate limiting, caching, et. al.”
See also:
27 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
API Gateway pattern built on Envoy
28 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
What is Gloo?
● Open-source; ASLv2
● Built on Envoy Proxy
● Routing engine for “function” composition
● SOAP, Swagger/REST, gRPC, HTTP/1, HTTP/2,
● Transformations
● Powerful discovery mechanisms
● Extensible control plane
29 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
What is Gloo?
● Weighted routing, canary releases
● Offload authentication/authorization
● OAuth flows
● Plugin in to platform auth services
● TLS termination, passthrough, mTLS
● Rate limiting
● Dynamic configuration
● Deploy to any infrastructure
● Kubernetes native (when deployed to Kubernetes)
30 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
Gloo composes functions
● Request path
● Method
● Headers
● Body shape/type
● AWS Lambdas
● Google Cloud Functions
● Azure Functions
func updateShoppingCart(custId int, item Item)
31 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
Gloo composes functions
● Request path
● Method
● Headers
● Body shape/type
● AWS Lambdas
● Google Cloud Functions
● Azure Functions
32 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
● Request path
● Method
● Headers
● Body shape/type
● AWS Lambdas
● Google Cloud Functions
● Azure Functions
33 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
Gloo control plane
34 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
Use Gloo to build a API Gateway
Monolith Microservice
Cloud Functions Hybrid Application
35 | Copyright © 201935 | Copyright © 2019
Composing APIs with GraphQL
36 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
GraphQL: provide query API for API gateway
Monolith Microservice
Cloud Functions
37 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
Gloo companion project: Sqoop
Monolith Microservice
Cloud Functions
38 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
Gloo companion project: Sqoop
● OpenSource GraphQL engine built on top of Gloo
● Configure GraphQL Schemas and Resolvers
● Default use Gloo upstreams as resolvers
● Leverage Gloo
○ Caching
○ Transformations
○ Security
○ Routing
○ Observability
● Can extend resolvers
• Part of newly announced GraphQL Foundation
39 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
Check out Gloo!
40 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
41 | Copyright © 201941 | Copyright © 2019

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Leveraging Envoy Proxy and GraphQL to Lower the Risk of Monolith to Microservice Migration

  • 1. 1 | Copyright © 2019 Lowering the risk of Monolith to Microservices Migration with Envoy Proxy and GraphQL @christianposta
  • 2. 2 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta CHRISTIAN POSTA • Field CTO @ • Author of a few books • Contributor to many open-source projects • Architect, blogger, speaker, mentor, leader @christianposta
  • 3. 3 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta Risk “The existence of more than one possibility. The “true” outcome/state/result/value is not know” “A state of uncertainty where some of the possibilities involve a loss, catastrophe, or other undesirable outcome” - Douglas Hubbard
  • 4. 4 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta Monolith An existing large application developed over the course of many years by different teams that provides proven business value. Its structure has eroded insofar it has become very difficult to update and maintain.
  • 5. 5 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta Microservice A highly distracting word that serves to confuse developers, architects, and IT leaders into believing that we can actually have a utopian application architecture.
  • 6. 6 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta Microservice A highly distracting word that serves to confuse developers, architects, and IT leaders into believing that we can actually have a utopian application architecture. An architecture optimization that treats the modules of an application as independently owned and deployed services for the purposes of increasing an organization’s velocity
  • 7. 7 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta Moving monolith to microservices • Identify boundaries / APIs • Async or Sync communication patterns? • What to do with data? • Need new tools! • Debugging • Observability • Resilience • Infrastructure optimized for this pattern
  • 8. 8 | Copyright © 2019 Move fast, safely
  • 9. 9 | Copyright © 20199 | Copyright © 2019 Controlling the application network to strangle the monolith
  • 10. 10 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta Strangler Pattern “gradually create a new system around the edges of the old”
  • 11. 11 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
  • 12. 12 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
  • 13. 13 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
  • 14. 14 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
  • 15. 15 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
  • 16. 16 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
  • 17. 17 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
  • 18. 18 | Copyright © 201918 | Copyright © 2019 Envoy Proxy
  • 19. 19 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta Meet Envoy Proxy
  • 20. 20 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta Envoy Proxy • service proxy • written in C++, highly parallel, non-blocking • L3/4 network filter • out of the box L7 filters • HTTP 1.1/2, gRPC, websockets, Kafka, AMQP, NATS • baked in service discovery/health checking • advanced load balancing • stats, metrics, tracing • dynamic configuration through xDS
  • 21. 21 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta Envoy Proxy implements: • zone aware, least request load balancing • circuit breaking • outlier detection • retries, retry policies • timeout (including budgets) • traffic shadowing • rate limiting • access logging, statistics collection • Many other features!
  • 22. 22 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
  • 23. 23 | Copyright © 201923 | Copyright © 2019 The API is what we care about
  • 24. 24 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
  • 25. 25 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta
  • 26. 26 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta API Gateway Pattern “A service that’s the entry point into the microservices- based application … is responsible for request routing, API composition, protocol translation … and edge functions like authentication, authorization, rate limiting, caching, et. al.” See also:
  • 27. 27 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta API Gateway pattern built on Envoy
  • 28. 28 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta What is Gloo? ● Open-source; ASLv2 ● Built on Envoy Proxy ● Routing engine for “function” composition ● SOAP, Swagger/REST, gRPC, HTTP/1, HTTP/2, WebSockets ● Transformations ● Powerful discovery mechanisms ● Extensible control plane
  • 29. 29 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta What is Gloo? ● Weighted routing, canary releases ● Offload authentication/authorization ● OAuth flows ● Plugin in to platform auth services ● TLS termination, passthrough, mTLS ● Rate limiting ● Dynamic configuration ● Deploy to any infrastructure ● Kubernetes native (when deployed to Kubernetes)
  • 30. 30 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta Gloo composes functions ● Request path ● Method ● Headers ● Body shape/type ● AWS Lambdas ● Google Cloud Functions ● Azure Functions func updateShoppingCart(custId int, item Item) Cart
  • 31. 31 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta Gloo composes functions ● Request path ● Method ● Headers ● Body shape/type ● AWS Lambdas ● Google Cloud Functions ● Azure Functions
  • 32. 32 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta Functions? ● Request path ● Method ● Headers ● Body shape/type ● AWS Lambdas ● Google Cloud Functions ● Azure Functions
  • 33. 33 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta Gloo control plane
  • 34. 34 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta Use Gloo to build a API Gateway Monolith Microservice s Cloud Functions Hybrid Application
  • 35. 35 | Copyright © 201935 | Copyright © 2019 Composing APIs with GraphQL
  • 36. 36 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta GraphQL: provide query API for API gateway Query Monolith Microservice s Cloud Functions Result
  • 37. 37 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta Gloo companion project: Sqoop Query Monolith Microservice s Cloud Functions Result
  • 38. 38 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta Gloo companion project: Sqoop ● OpenSource GraphQL engine built on top of Gloo ● Configure GraphQL Schemas and Resolvers ● Default use Gloo upstreams as resolvers ● Leverage Gloo ○ Caching ○ Transformations ○ Security ○ Routing ○ Observability ● Can extend resolvers • Part of newly announced GraphQL Foundation
  • 39. 39 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta Check out Gloo!
  • 40. 40 | Copyright © 2019 @christianposta CHRISTIAN POSTA @christianposta
  • 41. 41 | Copyright © 201941 | Copyright © 2019 @soloio_inc

Editor's Notes

  1. …… new challenge….. Let’s come back to that…..
  2. …… new challenge….. Let’s come back to that…..
  3. …… new challenge….. Let’s come back to that…..
  4. …… new challenge….. Let’s come back to that…..
  5. …… new challenge….. Let’s come back to that…..
  6. …… new challenge….. Let’s come back to that…..
  7. …… new challenge….. Let’s come back to that…..
  8. Get back to first principles. Focus on principles, patterns, methodologies. Tools will help, but you cannot start with tools.
  9. Get back to first principles. Focus on principles, patterns, methodologies. Tools will help, but you cannot start with tools.
  10. Get back to first principles. Focus on principles, patterns, methodologies. Tools will help, but you cannot start with tools.
  11. Get back to first principles. Focus on principles, patterns, methodologies. Tools will help, but you cannot start with tools.
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