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And, deploying to Kubernetes
Containerizing a
Ashley Roach – Cisco DevNet
Principal Engineer & Evangelist
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• API & Cloud Evangelist
• 10+ Yrs Technical Product Mgmt
• Life-long, self-taught developer
• Denver, CO
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• §1: Why and What
• §2: REST API + Container
• §3: Deploying to Kubernetes

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Kubernetes Immersion

Kubernetes seems to be the biggest buzz word currently in the DevOps world. The Google designed container orchestrator based in their 10+ years of experience running production applications using containers seems to have positioned as the market leader. Open source, available in both Google Cloud and Azure container platforms or as a custom installation, it is ready to receive production loads. During this talk we will discover how does Kubernetes works, its architecture, what components compose a Kubernetes cluster. We will also learn what objects can a developer use to deploy its applications on a Kubernetes cluster. We will see a live demo where we will deploy an application and then introduce changes to it without any downtime.

Kubernetes Architecture
 Kubernetes Architecture Kubernetes Architecture
Kubernetes Architecture

In this session, we will discuss the architecture of a Kubernetes cluster. we will go through all the master and worker components of a kubernetes cluster. We will also discuss the basic terminology of Kubernetes cluster such as Pods, Deployments, Service etc. We will also cover networking inside Kuberneets. In the end, we will discuss options available for the setup of a Kubernetes cluster.

kubernetesconatinerizationcontainer- orchestration
Microservices , Docker , CI/CD , Kubernetes Seminar - Sri Lanka
Microservices , Docker , CI/CD , Kubernetes Seminar - Sri Lanka Microservices , Docker , CI/CD , Kubernetes Seminar - Sri Lanka
Microservices , Docker , CI/CD , Kubernetes Seminar - Sri Lanka

This document discusses microservices and containers. It provides an overview of microservices architecture compared to monolithic architecture, highlighting that microservices are composed of many small, independent services with separate deployments and databases. It then discusses containers and how Docker is used to package and run applications in isolated containers. Finally, it introduces Kubernetes as a container orchestration system to manage and scale multiple containerized applications across a cluster of machines.
§1: Why and What
• Quickly build a REST API using Swagger
• How to containerize it
• How to deploy it
What is this guy talking about?
• It’s faster
• Saves you from writing boilerplate code
• Useful for mocking REST APIs
• More reliable deployment mechanism
Why build a REST API this way
§ 2: REST + Containers

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Apache Stratos 4.1.0 Architecture
Apache Stratos 4.1.0 ArchitectureApache Stratos 4.1.0 Architecture
Apache Stratos 4.1.0 Architecture

The document discusses the architecture of Apache Stratos 4.1.0, including its load balancer architecture, use of Kubernetes resources, and composite application model. Stratos uses Kubernetes services to load balance traffic to pods, which contain Docker containers for each application instance. It also leverages Kubernetes to dynamically manage and scale applications deployed as composite applications.

Managing Docker Containers In A Cluster - Introducing Kubernetes
Managing Docker Containers In A Cluster - Introducing KubernetesManaging Docker Containers In A Cluster - Introducing Kubernetes
Managing Docker Containers In A Cluster - Introducing Kubernetes

Containerising your applications with Docker gets more and more attraction. While managing your Docker containers on your developer machine or on a single server is not a big hassle, it can get uncomfortable very quickly when you want to deploy your containers in a cluster, no matter if in the cloud or on premises. How do you provide high availability, scaling and monitoring? Fortunately there is a rapidly growing ecosystem around docker, and there are tools available which support you with this. In this session I want to introduce you to Kubernetes, the Docker orchestration tool started and open sourced by Google. Based on the experience with their data centers, Google uses some interesting declarative concepts like pods, replication controllers and services in Kubernetes, which I will explain to you. While Kubernetes still is a quite young project, it reached its first stable version this summer, thanks to many contributions by Red Hat, Microsoft, IBM and many more.

Orchestrating Docker Containers with Google Kubernetes on OpenStack
Orchestrating Docker Containers with Google Kubernetes on OpenStackOrchestrating Docker Containers with Google Kubernetes on OpenStack
Orchestrating Docker Containers with Google Kubernetes on OpenStack

Kubernetes, Docker, CoreOS, and OpenStack for container workload management. No audio, but there are annotations to follow along with the workload. A video accompanies a Microservices Meetup talk that I presented on February 18, 2015 at Acknowledgements to Kelsey Hightower for the workflow that I used, and Google for the example application shown.

• Created background “mini-hacks” activity at
sales conference
• Needed a way for them to submit answers
• Why not make them do it via an API?!
Infrastructure Architecture
Heart of the Matter
OpenAPI Spec (fka Swagger)
• Open specification for describing REST APIs
• A top-down approach where you would use
the Swagger Editor to create your Swagger definition
and then use the integrated Swagger Codegen tools to
generate server implementation.
• A bottom-up approach where you have an existing
REST API for which you want to create a Swagger

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Moving to Kubernetes - Tales from SoundCloud

KubeCon 2015 talk about SoundCloud's container runtime environment history and a few highlighted reasons to migrate to Kubernetes.

Kubernetes 101
Kubernetes 101Kubernetes 101
Kubernetes 101

This document provides an introduction and overview of Kubernetes for deploying and managing containerized applications at scale. It discusses Kubernetes' key features like self-healing, dynamic scaling, networking and efficient resource usage. It then demonstrates setting up a Kubernetes cluster on AWS and deploying a sample application using pods, deployments and services. While Kubernetes provides many benefits, the document notes it requires battle-testing to be production-ready and other topics like logging, monitoring and custom autoscaling solutions would need separate discussions.

Docker & Kubernetes intro
Docker & Kubernetes introDocker & Kubernetes intro
Docker & Kubernetes intro

Docker and Kubernetes provide tools for deploying and managing applications in containers. Docker allows packaging applications into containers that can be run on any Linux machine. Kubernetes provides a platform for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups related containers that make up an application into logical units called pods and provides mechanisms for service discovery, load balancing, and configuration management across a cluster. Many cloud providers now offer managed Kubernetes services to deploy and run containerized applications on their infrastructure.

• Runtime environment that includes Swagger Editor
• swagger project <command>
• Start
• Edit
• node app.js for proper deployments
Swagger Editor
FROM node:5.11.1
# Create app directory
RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
# Establish where your CMD will execute
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
# Bundle app source into the container
COPY ./node_modules /usr/src/app/node_modules
COPY ./api /usr/src/app/api
COPY ./config /usr/src/app/config
COPY ./app.js /usr/src/app/
# Expose the port for the app
EXPOSE 10010
# Execute "node app.js"
CMD ["node", "app.js"]

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Deploying apps with Docker and Kubernetes
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Deploying apps with Docker and Kubernetes

This was a demo of deploying a Koop ( onto Kubernetes using a Docker container.

Hands on docker
Hands on dockerHands on docker
Hands on docker

inovex Meetup: Let´s talk about docker! Speaker: Johannes Scheuermann, inovex GmbH Karlsruhe, 18.12.2014 Mehr Meetups:

Containers in production with docker, coreos, kubernetes and apache stratos
Containers in production with docker, coreos, kubernetes and apache stratosContainers in production with docker, coreos, kubernetes and apache stratos
Containers in production with docker, coreos, kubernetes and apache stratos

Docker's lightweight containers can quickly launch more containers when needed and then shut them down easily when they're no longer needed. Also it gets easier to make lots of small changes instead of huge, big bang updates that leads to reduced risk but more uptime. Saying that huge number of micro services leads to increase in complexity of the application deployment, orchestration and monitoring in production. Apache Stratos is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) integrated with Docker, CoreOS, Kubernetes gives more powerful single tool kit for container orchestration, monitoring, autoscaling and auto healing support. Smart policies and IaaS agnostic support provide capability of runs containers in almost every popular public and private clouds. This session included installing and deploying sample applications using Docker,CoreOS and Kubernetes and a demonstration of app deployment, provisioning, auto-scaling, and more.

by WSO2
dockerapache stratos
docker run --rm --name $(NAME)-$(INSTANCE) $(LINK)
$ make run
$ docker run --rm --name swagger-default -p 8080:10010
§ 3: Kubernetes
• Container Orchestration
• Keeping your containers up, scaling them, routing
traffic to them
• Kubernetes != Docker though K8S uses Docker
(or CoreOS rkt)
What is Kubernetes?

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WSO2Con US 2015 Kubernetes: a platform for automating deployment, scaling, an...
WSO2Con US 2015 Kubernetes: a platform for automating deployment, scaling, an...WSO2Con US 2015 Kubernetes: a platform for automating deployment, scaling, an...
WSO2Con US 2015 Kubernetes: a platform for automating deployment, scaling, an...

Kubernetes can run application containers on clusters of physical or virtual machines. It can also do much more than that. Kubernetes satisfies a number of common needs of applications running in production, such as co-locating helper processes, mounting storage systems, distributing secrets, application health checking, replicating application instances, horizontal auto-scaling, load balancing, rolling updates, and resource monitoring. However, even though Kubernetes provides a lot of functionality, there are always new scenarios that would benefit from new features. Ad hoc orchestration that is acceptable initially often requires robust automation at scale. Application-specific workflows can be streamlined to accelerate developer velocity. This is why Kubernetes was also designed to serve as a platform for building an ecosystem of components and tools to make it easier to deploy, scale, and manage applications. The Kubernetes control plane is built upon the same APIs that are available to developers and users, implementing resilient control loops that continuously drive the current state towards the desired state. This design has enabled Apache Stratos and a number of other Platform as a Service and Continuous Integration and Deployment systems to build atop Kubernetes. This presentation introduces Kubernetes’s core primitives, shows how some of its better known features are built on them, and introduces some of the new capabilities that are being added.

kubernetes docker containers cloud
Platform Orchestration with Kubernetes and Docker
Platform Orchestration with Kubernetes and DockerPlatform Orchestration with Kubernetes and Docker
Platform Orchestration with Kubernetes and Docker

Big companies like Google containerize theirs environments for easier maintaining, scaling, and reliability. This talk gives an introduction how to build such an environment and maintain applications written in distinct programming languages. The container orchestration is done with Kubernetes by Google and Docker containers. For mass deployment CoreOS is used.

Kubernetes with docker
Kubernetes with dockerKubernetes with docker
Kubernetes with docker

Since last DockerCon, Kubernetes has been integrated into both the Desktop and Enterprise editions of the Docker Platform. In this deep dive session, we’ll showcase live demos and explore where Kubernetes fits in the architecture of both the Desktop and the Enterprise editions and which community tools make this integration possible. We’ll be covering topics ranging from hypervisor control, storage and networking all the way to the integration of a custom RBAC system, native Compose file support and providing a rich user interface for Kubernetes.

black belt trackdockercon 2018dockercon
• MiniKube (local workstation)
• Installers (on-prem, hybrid, custom)
• Kops (part of core github)
• Kubespray (Ansible + Terraform)
• Etc, etc…
• Cloud
• Google Container Engine (GKE )
• Azure Container Service
• Etc…
Installation options
• Step-by-step tutorial of how to assemble a
kubernetes cluster
Sidebar: K8S the hard way
Infrastructure Architecture
Kubernetes Registry

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An Introduction to Kubernetes

A Basic knowledge and Introduction to orchestration schema using kubernetes. Follow me on

Deploying WSO2 Middleware on Kubernetes
Deploying WSO2 Middleware on KubernetesDeploying WSO2 Middleware on Kubernetes
Deploying WSO2 Middleware on Kubernetes

This document discusses deploying WSO2 middleware on Kubernetes. It provides an overview of Kubernetes architecture and components, and how various Kubernetes features like pods, replication controllers, services, and overlay networking are used. It also describes WSO2 Docker images, Carbon reference architectures for Kubernetes, and the deployment workflow. Monitoring of Kubernetes cluster health using tools like cAdvisor, Heapster, Grafana and InfluxDB is also covered briefly.

Docker containerd Kubernetes sig node
Docker containerd Kubernetes sig nodeDocker containerd Kubernetes sig node
Docker containerd Kubernetes sig node

Docker has extracted its core container runtime component into a new open source project called containerd. This will allow other container systems besides Docker to use containerd as their core runtime. Containerd provides the basic functionality to manage containers on Linux and Windows hosts and uses the OCI standard. Docker has been using containerd internally since 2016 and it will continue to use containerd going forward. Docker aims to donate containerd to a neutral open foundation in Q1 2017 to ensure its open governance.

• Kubectl & ~/.kube/config
• Minikube CLI
• The Real Way™: CI system
Deploying Containers
K8S templates: deployment
# k8s/dev/api-deployment.yaml
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
name: rest-api-swagger
replicas: 2
app: rest-api-swagger
- name: rest-api-swagger
image: ciscodevnet/rest-api-swagger:latest
- containerPort: 10010
K8S templates: service
# k8s/services/api-service-lb.yaml
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: rest-api-swagger
type: LoadBalancer # or NodePort, etc.
- name: http
port: 8080
targetPort: 10010
protocol: TCP
app: rest-api-swagger
Manual kubectl deployment
$ kubectl apply -f k8s/dev/api-deployment.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f k8s/services/api-service-lb.yaml
$ kubectl describe deployment
$ kubectl describe service rest-api-swagger
$ kubectl delete -f k8s/dev/api-deployment.yaml
$ kubectl delete -f k8s/services/api-service-lb.yaml

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We will setup Kubernetes using tectonic in AWS. More details here:

GitLab, Prometheus и Grafana с Kubernetes
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GitLab, Prometheus и Grafana с Kubernetes

Презентация про интеграцию GitLab, Prometheus, Grafana и Kubernetes

Serverless Pune Meetup 1
Serverless Pune Meetup 1Serverless Pune Meetup 1
Serverless Pune Meetup 1

The presentation was made at the first Serverless Pune meetup on 4th Feb 2017 In the first Meetup, we covered most of the basics & a simple demos. Upcoming meetups will dive deeper into technical implementation and various real world use cases

fissionserverlessfunction as a service
Drone CI kubectl deployment
apiserver: https://your-gke-api-endpoint #kubectl cluster-info
token: $$K8S_TOKEN
- 'kubectl apply -f k8s/services/*.yaml’
- 'kubectl apply -f k8s/dev/*.yaml --record’
- 'kubectl describe service ${SERVICE_NAME}’
branch: master
Möar Demo
• Swagger-node provides fast REST API creation
• Prototyping, mocking
• Spec-first development was an adjustment
• Container-based workflows made deployment
super simple
Helpful Links

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Microservices Journey NYC

Christian Posta is a principal middleware specialist and architect who has worked with large microservices architectures. He discusses why companies are moving to microservices and cloud platforms like Kubernetes and OpenShift. He covers characteristics of microservices like small autonomous teams and decentralized decision making. Posta also discusses breaking applications into independent services, shedding dependencies between teams, and using contracts and APIs for communication between services.

microservicesdistributed systemspromise theory
Kubernetes Intro @HaufeDev
Kubernetes Intro @HaufeDev Kubernetes Intro @HaufeDev
Kubernetes Intro @HaufeDev

Kubernetes is an open-source platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations of containerized applications. It provides tools to deploy containers across clusters of hosts, provide mechanisms for load-balancing, monitor health, and update containers. Kubernetes adds functionality to Docker by managing Docker hosts and containers at scale. It uses abstractions like pods, replica sets, deployments, services and ingresses to declaratively define application components and expose them using NodePorts, LoadBalancers or Ingresses. Users can interact with Kubernetes using kubectl to deploy and manage applications on the cluster.

RackN DevOps meetup NYC
RackN DevOps meetup NYCRackN DevOps meetup NYC
RackN DevOps meetup NYC

RackN is a software company based in Austin, TX that provides a unified operational control platform for hybrid cloud and infrastructure. Their platform aims to help operations teams improve productivity and automate lifecycle management of complex technology stacks at scale across multiple platforms like Mesos, Kubernetes, OpenStack, and tools like Terraform. RackN uses intelligent template-based workflows to compose and simplify operations across physical, cloud and platform infrastructures and APIs.

Thank you!
Containerizing a REST API and Deploying to Kubernetes

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Similar to Containerizing a REST API and Deploying to Kubernetes

Building a REST API Microservice for the DevNet API Scavenger Hunt
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Building a REST API Microservice for the DevNet API Scavenger Hunt
Ashley Roach
Coding 102 REST API Basics Using Spark
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Cisco DevNet
Moving to Containers: Building with Docker and Amazon ECS - CON310 - re:Inven...
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Amazon Web Services
Azure Bootcamp 2016 - Docker Orchestration on Azure with Rancher
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Karim Vaes
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Cisco DevNet
Docker AWS TechCONNECT Boston, 28-July-2015
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Docker, Inc
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Amazon Web Services
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OpenFaaS KubeCon Zero to Serverless in 60 seconds anywhere
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Alex Ellis
MesosCon - Be a microservices hero
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Dragos Dascalita Haut
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Dragos Dascalita
Docker module 1
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Liang Bo
#dddsw - Modernizing .NET Apps with Docker
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Elton Stoneman
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Patrick Chanezon
#SDD2017 - Modernizing .NET Apps with Docker
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Elton Stoneman
Running Microservices and Docker with AWS Elastic Beanstalk
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Amazon Web Services
0507 057 01 98 * Adana Klima Tamir Servisi
0507 057 01 98 * Adana Klima Tamir Servisi0507 057 01 98 * Adana Klima Tamir Servisi
Docker Container As A Service - JAX 2016
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Patrick Chanezon
Containers as a Service with Docker
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Docker, Inc.
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Docker Container As A Service - March 2016
Patrick Chanezon

Similar to Containerizing a REST API and Deploying to Kubernetes (20)

Building a REST API Microservice for the DevNet API Scavenger Hunt
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Building a REST API Microservice for the DevNet API Scavenger Hunt
Coding 102 REST API Basics Using Spark
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Coding 102 REST API Basics Using Spark
Moving to Containers: Building with Docker and Amazon ECS - CON310 - re:Inven...
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Moving to Containers: Building with Docker and Amazon ECS - CON310 - re:Inven...
Azure Bootcamp 2016 - Docker Orchestration on Azure with Rancher
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Advanced Postman for Better APIs - Web Summit 2018 - Cisco DevNet
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Docker AWS TechCONNECT Boston, 28-July-2015
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GPSTEC304_Shipping With PorpoiseA K8s Story
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Making a small QA system with Docker
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OpenFaaS KubeCon Zero to Serverless in 60 seconds anywhere
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OpenFaaS KubeCon Zero to Serverless in 60 seconds anywhere
MesosCon - Be a microservices hero
MesosCon - Be a microservices heroMesosCon - Be a microservices hero
MesosCon - Be a microservices hero
ContainerCon 2015 - Be a Microservices Hero
ContainerCon 2015 - Be a Microservices HeroContainerCon 2015 - Be a Microservices Hero
ContainerCon 2015 - Be a Microservices Hero
Docker module 1
Docker module 1Docker module 1
Docker module 1
#dddsw - Modernizing .NET Apps with Docker
#dddsw - Modernizing .NET Apps with Docker#dddsw - Modernizing .NET Apps with Docker
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Docker Container As A Service - Mix-IT 2016
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Docker Container As A Service - Mix-IT 2016
#SDD2017 - Modernizing .NET Apps with Docker
#SDD2017 - Modernizing .NET Apps with Docker#SDD2017 - Modernizing .NET Apps with Docker
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Running Microservices and Docker with AWS Elastic Beanstalk
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0507 057 01 98 * Adana Klima Tamir Servisi
0507 057 01 98 * Adana Klima Tamir Servisi0507 057 01 98 * Adana Klima Tamir Servisi
0507 057 01 98 * Adana Klima Tamir Servisi
Docker Container As A Service - JAX 2016
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Containers as a Service with Docker
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