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BoxLang Developer Tooling
Jacob Beers
Jacob is a Senior Developer at Ortus Solutions, Corp. While he has been working as a
programmer for the past 10 years he never intended to make a career out of it. His professional
journey thus far has been marked by a diverse set of pursuits including 3d animation, game
design, fine art, special education, and operating a survival swim school. He likes to think his
unusual combination of experiences provides him with a unique and pragmatic approach to
software development.
Relatable Facts
● Senior Developer at Ortus
● Likes the band CAKE
● Wife and 3 kids
● Credited with “special thanks” on
an official “Dora the Explorer
Video Game”

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This document summarizes a company's journey to implementing Docker containers in production. It begins with using Docker in hackathons and development environments. Early production uses involved deploying individual services as containers but lacked orchestration. They then tried microservices and deploying to a self-hosted registry, which had stability issues. They eventually selected Rancher for orchestration and for the registry. Secret configuration is managed using SaltStack pillars. Templating allows a single docker-compose file across environments. Rancher-compose is used to deploy versions to environments and roll back if needed. This overcomes earlier challenges and provides a smooth path to containerized microservices in production.


This document provides an overview of developing microservices using the Go programming language. It discusses how Go can help reduce the footprint of microservices compared to JVM-based solutions. It then provides background on the Go language, its design goals and pros and cons for development. The rest of the document discusses using Go for microservices, including integrating with services for configuration, logging, distributed tracing, circuit breaking and other concerns. It also compares developing microservices in Go versus Spring Boot and provides code samples.

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This document provides an overview of building an eCommerce site using the MEAN stack. It begins with an introduction to JavaScript and then discusses the key components of the MEAN stack including Node.js, AngularJS, and MongoDB. It provides details on each component, their history, features, and how they work together. It emphasizes how MongoDB is well-suited for eCommerce applications due to its flexible schema and ability to store different product types within the same collection.

express jsangular jsnode js
Our Goals
● Provide a first-party supported extension for VSCode
● Adhere to the latest standards (LSP, DAP)
● Learn from others and implement their features in a way that
makes sense for BoxLang
○ TypeScript - fantastic intellisense
○ Java - great automated test integration
○ Gradle - helpful GUI for executing tasks
Prior Art
● Maintainer: KamasamaK (
● The original
● Maintainer: Gareth Edwards (
● What we forked
Install it like any other VSCode
● Open VSCode
● View > Extensions
● Type “BoxLang” in the search bar
● Install!
Feature Set - What’s in the box?
IDE Tools Debugger LSP

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Lester Parrott is a programmer seeking a job. He has over 7 years of experience programming in C/C++ and over 4 years in C#. He previously worked as a Microsoft Lab Engineer where he created tools to streamline processes using languages like C#, SQL, and Perl. He is currently one of two primary programmers for an indie game called "Highway to the Moon" where he worked on systems like graphics, input, memory management, and the game engine loop. He has a degree in game programming from Digipen Institute of Technology and lists skills in Agile/Scrum methodologies, object-oriented design, and version control systems like Git and SVN.

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This document discusses developing cross-platform native apps using Java with the Intel Multi-OS Engine (MOE). It describes MOE's capabilities like using Java to build iOS apps, its performance compared to other solutions, and how its bindings generator allows full access to native APIs. MOE allows building once and deploying to multiple platforms like iOS and Android without rewriting code.

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GWAB Lyon - Legacy code atelier
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The document discusses a legacy company called OldCompanyWithLegacy that wants to modernize a legacy product by moving it to the cloud and improving its code quality. It hired outsourced developers long ago to create the product, whose codebase and functionality are poorly understood. The company is seeking a developer team that can analyze the code, move it to Azure without breaking functionality, and improve the design for international collaboration. It provides a GitHub link and sample inputs/outputs to the code for applicants to analyze as part of an exercise.

gwab lyon legacy code atelier
Feature Set - IDE Features
IDE Tools
● Powered by BoxLang
● Running a file
○ script execution (.bxs)
○ class with main function (.bx)
● Running a webserver
● Internal tools - AST / Transpilation
● boxlang.json completion
Feature Set - Debugger
● Debug Targets
○ CLI scripts
○ Local webserver
○ Remote webserver
● Implements *most of the DAP
●Official page for Debug Adapter Protocol (
How the Debugger Works
The BoxLang Debugger
is heavily based on the
com.sun.jdi package.
We instantiate and configure JDI
classes to do our bidding and
provide us information about
BoxLang while it is running.
The JDI also gives us the ability
to control the state of BoxLang
apps while they run.
How does com.sun.jdi work?
JPDA - Java(tm) Platform Debugger Architecture
JVMTI - JVM(TM) Tool Interface 17.0.0 (
Debugger attachment strategies -
VirtualMachineManager (Java SE 17 & JDK 17)
JDI - com.sun.jdi (Java SE 17 & JDK 17)
BoxLang Debugger

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How can we effectively develop for the cloud, when we as developers are coding back down on earth? This is where effective cloud-native developer tools can enable us to either be transported into the cloud or alternatively, to bring the cloud back down to earth. But what tools should we be using for this? In this session, we’ll explore some of the useful OSS tools and technologies that can used by developers to effectively develop, design and test cloud-native Java applications.

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This presentations targets students or working professionals. You may know Google for search, YouTube, Android, Chrome, and Gmail, but did you know Google has many developer tools, platforms & APIs? This comprehensive yet still high-level overview outlines the most impactful tools for where to run your code, store & analyze your data. It will also inspire you as to what's possible. This talk is 50 minutes in length.

Crossing the low-code and pro-code chasm: a platform approach
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Crossing the low-code and pro-code chasm: a platform approach

Organizations are now using low-code and pro-code tools to build digital experiences internally and externally. However, not having the right alignment between these two approaches slows down delivery. Different developer personas that work in silos, no connection between low-code and pro-code applications, low-code creating unmanageable shadow IT applications, no single codebase or build pipeline, and interruptions to the professional developer flow are some significant drawbacks. In this session, Asanka will look at a platform approach to bridge the low-code and pro-code chasm.

lowcodeprocodedigital transformation
Feature Set - What’s in the box?
● Speaks fluent BLAST and LSP!
○ Official page for Language Server Protocol (
● The compiler and runtime share their
knowledge with the extension
● Code Formatting
● Diagnostic information (syntax, logic,
● Code outline
How the LSP Works
Language Server
Developer ctrl + right-clicks
a function invocation
Display information in IDE
The Future
● Language Server
○ Improved inline documentation
○ Type hinting
○ Configuration awareness,
datasources, mappings, etc…
○ Module support!
● Debugger
○ Communication with LSP
○ Advanced Java integration
○ Advanced execution state
● Extension Tools
○ Server management
○ Refactoring help
The Future
● Join our slack channel
● Install the extension
○ Tell me what is broken
○ Tell me what you want to see
● Write Code! Send pull requests!

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INTERFACE, by apidays 2021 - It’s APIs all the way down June 30, July 1 & 2, 2021 Crossing the low-code and pro-code chasm: a platform approach Asanka Abeysinghe, Chief Technology Evangelist at WSO2

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FooConf23_Bringing the cloud back down to earth.pptx
FooConf23_Bringing the cloud back down to earth.pptxFooConf23_Bringing the cloud back down to earth.pptx
FooConf23_Bringing the cloud back down to earth.pptx

How can we effectively develop for the cloud, when we as developers are coding back down on earth? This is where effective cloud-native developer tools can enable us to either be transported into the cloud or alternatively, to bring the cloud back down to earth. But what tools should we be using for this? In this session, we’ll explore some of the useful OSS tools and technologies that can used by developers to effectively develop, design and test cloud-native Java applications.

toolingdeveloper toolsoss

This document discusses the emergence and growth of FPGA-based prototyping for system-on-chip (SoC) design. It provides an overview of the history and evolution of FPGA prototyping from early uses of programmable logic in labs to today's sophisticated prototyping platforms. The document also examines strategies for FPGA prototyping, including developing designs with prototyping in mind from the start and moving prototyping to the cloud. A field guide section provides guidance on implementing an FPGA prototyping methodology.


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BoxLang Developer Tooling: VSCode Extension and Debugger

  • 2. BLUE ROOM PRESENTED BY SPEAKER NAME BoxLang Developer Tooling
  • 3. Jacob Beers SPEAKER IN ITB 2024 Jacob is a Senior Developer at Ortus Solutions, Corp. While he has been working as a programmer for the past 10 years he never intended to make a career out of it. His professional journey thus far has been marked by a diverse set of pursuits including 3d animation, game design, fine art, special education, and operating a survival swim school. He likes to think his unusual combination of experiences provides him with a unique and pragmatic approach to software development. Relatable Facts ● Senior Developer at Ortus ● Likes the band CAKE ● Wife and 3 kids ● Credited with “special thanks” on an official “Dora the Explorer Video Game”
  • 4. INTO THE BOX 2024 Disclaimer 🤞
  • 5. INTO THE BOX 2024 Our Goals ● Provide a first-party supported extension for VSCode ● Adhere to the latest standards (LSP, DAP) ● Learn from others and implement their features in a way that makes sense for BoxLang ○ TypeScript - fantastic intellisense ○ Java - great automated test integration ○ Gradle - helpful GUI for executing tasks
  • 6. vscode-cfml INTO THE BOX 2024 Prior Art ● Maintainer: KamasamaK ( ● The original cfmleditor ● Maintainer: Gareth Edwards ( ● What we forked
  • 7. INTO THE BOX 2024 Installation Install it like any other VSCode extension ● Open VSCode ● View > Extensions ● Type “BoxLang” in the search bar ● Install!
  • 8. INTO THE BOX 2024 Feature Set - What’s in the box? IDE Tools Debugger LSP
  • 9. INTO THE BOX 2024 Feature Set - IDE Features IDE Tools ● Powered by BoxLang ● Running a file ○ script execution (.bxs) ○ class with main function (.bx) ● Running a webserver ● Internal tools - AST / Transpilation ● boxlang.json completion
  • 10. INTO THE BOX 2024 Feature Set - Debugger Debugger ● Debug Targets ○ CLI scripts ○ Local webserver ○ Remote webserver ● Implements *most of the DAP ●Official page for Debug Adapter Protocol (
  • 11. INTO THE BOX 2024 How the Debugger Works The BoxLang Debugger is heavily based on the com.sun.jdi package. We instantiate and configure JDI classes to do our bidding and provide us information about BoxLang while it is running. The JDI also gives us the ability to control the state of BoxLang apps while they run.
  • 12. INTO THE BOX 2024 How does com.sun.jdi work? JPDA - Java(tm) Platform Debugger Architecture ( JVMTI - JVM(TM) Tool Interface 17.0.0 ( Debugger attachment strategies - VirtualMachineManager (Java SE 17 & JDK 17) ( JDI - com.sun.jdi (Java SE 17 & JDK 17) ( JPDA JDI JVMTI JDWP BoxLang Debugger
  • 13. INTO THE BOX 2024 Feature Set - What’s in the box? LSP ● Speaks fluent BLAST and LSP! ○ Official page for Language Server Protocol ( ● The compiler and runtime share their knowledge with the extension ● Code Formatting ● Diagnostic information (syntax, logic, etc.) ● Code outline
  • 14. INTO THE BOX 2024 How the LSP Works VSCode textdocument/definition Language Server Developer ctrl + right-clicks a function invocation Display information in IDE
  • 15. INTO THE BOX 2024 The Future ● Language Server ○ Improved inline documentation ○ Type hinting ○ Configuration awareness, datasources, mappings, etc… ○ Module support! ● Debugger ○ Communication with LSP ○ Advanced Java integration ○ Advanced execution state management ● Extension Tools ○ Server management ○ Refactoring help
  • 16. INTO THE BOX 2024 The Future Community ● Join our slack channel ● Install the extension ○ Tell me what is broken ○ Tell me what you want to see ● Write Code! Send pull requests! ○ ○ ○ (debugger)