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Cilium and Istio with Gloo Mesh
2 | Copyright © 2020
VP, Global Field CTO,
Istio in Action (March 2022)
Discount Code: SOLOIO41
3 | Copyright © 2020
Idit Levine
Founding API gateway WG-Istio
Christian Posta
Founding community member,
Istio Steering Committee,
author Istio in Action
Lin Sun
Founding Istio project maintainer,
Technical Oversight Committee
(TOC), Steering Committee
Neeraj Poddar
Istio Steering and TOC member.
Co-founded Istio Product
Security Working Group
Yuval Kohavi
Renowned security researcher,
Founding API Gateway WG-Istio,
Contributor Envoy
Ram Vennam
Founding Istio Steering
Committee member
Nick Nellis
First to run Istio in production,
current contributor and maintainer
Solo Istio/Envoy Community Leadership
Founded in 2017 by Idit Levine
Based in Cambridge, MA
with multiple locations around the globe
The industry’s leading Cloud-native Application
Networking company.
Open-Core, “Enterprise” Subscription model
Growing fast
with happy customers
Well Funded
growth y/y
venture financing
$1 Billion
Company Overview
Gloo Application Networking Platform
Simplify your application networking with unified control,
reliability, observability, extensibility, and security
3 | Copyright © 2022
Greg Hanson
Founding Istio Maintainer,
Product Security WG Lead,
Istio Release Manager
4 | Copyright © 2020
Gloo Application Networking Platform
Gloo Gateway
API Gateway
Gloo Mesh
Microservices, Security, Observability
Gloo Network
Kubernetes CNI, Network Policy
5 | Copyright © 2020
6 | Copyright © 2020
6 | Copyright © 2020
7 | Copyright © 2020
What is application networking?
● Service discovery
● Load balancing
● Timeouts
● Retry / Budgets
● Circuit breaking
● Tracing, observability
● Secure transport
● Extension
8 | Copyright © 2020
What is application networking?
9 | Copyright © 2020
Previous solutions to these problems
10 | Copyright © 2020
Previous solutions to these problems
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11 | Copyright © 2020
Push enforcement points
down to application
12 | Copyright © 2020
What is application networking?
13 | Copyright © 2020
What is application networking?
14 | Copyright © 2020
Service Mesh Technologies Provide the
L4 & L7 Observability
Traffic Encryption / L7 Identity
L4 & L7 Policies [Canary, RBAC, ….]
15 | Copyright © 2020
15 | Copyright © 2020
16 | Copyright © 2020
What you must build to run service mesh in production?
Istio Service Mesh
API Gateway
Failover Routing
Global Service
Topologies | API | UI | Extensibility
Multi-Cluster Multi-Tenant Web Assembly
UI / Higher-level API
17 | Copyright © 2020
Enterprise Service Mesh for
multi-cluster, cross-cluster and
hybrid environments based on
upstream Istio
18 | Copyright © 2020
Gloo Mesh Enterprise
• Enterprise Istio for single cluster, multi-cluster and multi-platform configuration.
• Focus on ease of us, powerful best practices built in, security, and extensibility.
Installation, upgrade,
takeover and hybrid
Production and long-terms
support (LTS, N-4) with
patches and hotfixes for
validated upstream Istio
Delegate ownership of
configuration and policy
by persona, including:
developers, SREs,
and admins
Discovery services
running across multiple
clusters, clouds, VMs
Operational visibility with a
single pane of glass across
multiple service mesh clusters
Cross-cluster failover and
locality aware routing
Support multiple teams
owning their own resources
across multiple clusters
End to end security across
clusters and meshes for zero
trust networks, integrate with
PKI, CA/RA, etc
Istio Lifecycle
Global Failover
API Gateway Global Service
19 | Copyright © 2020
User Clusters Public cloud
Compliance / DMZ
20 | Copyright © 2020
Consistent API for multi-cluster N/S and E/W Policy
21 | Copyright © 2020
Gloo API Gateway
22 | Copyright © 2020
Team Tenancy (Service Mesh as a Service)
● Tenancy
● Dependency
● More flexible API
● Hierarchy
● Unified NS/EW
23 | Copyright © 2020
Drive everything through GitOps!
24 | Copyright © 2020
24 | Copyright © 2020
25 | Copyright © 2020
Gloo Application Networking Platform
Gloo Gateway
API Gateway
Gloo Mesh
Microservices, Security, Observability
Gloo Network
Kubernetes CNI, Network Policy
26 | Copyright © 2020
Kernel-level observability
Security controls
Advanced L3/L4/L7 Network Policy
Container networking / CNI / Overlay built on eBPF!
27 | Copyright © 2020
Cilium: Cloud Networking Overlay
28 | Copyright © 2020
Flexible: Executes custom logic in the Linux kernel.
Safe: BPF code is verified to not crash/hang kernel.
Fast: JIT-compiled to run at native speed.
Humble origins:
Berkeley Packet Filter
$ tcpdump -n dst host
What is eBPF?
29 | Copyright © 2020
with strong safety guarantees and
native kernel performance
“Function-as-a-Service” for kernel events
Execution Stack in the Kernel
submit_bio submit_bh()
BPF Program Source Code
bpf() syscall
llvm / clang
Verifier +
JIT compiler
What is eBPF?
30 | Copyright © 2020
30 | Copyright © 2020
What about conflicting policy at different layers?
(demo maybe?)
31 | Copyright © 2020
Consistent Networking Policies
32 | Copyright © 2020
33 | Copyright © 2020
33 | Copyright © 2020
34 | Copyright © 2020
34 | Copyright © 2020
35 | Copyright © 2020
36 | Copyright © 2020
Cloud Native Stack
Gloo Application Networking Platform
37 | Copyright © 2020
Learn More!!
Free Workshops and
● Envoy Proxy
● Istio
● Cilium
● eBPF
● On demand
● Instructor led
● Service mesh
● Modern API gateway
● eBPF
Solo Academy
1 2
38 | Copyright © 2020
We are hiring!
39 | Copyright © 2020 global presence
40 | Copyright © 2020

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Cilium + Istio with Gloo Mesh

  • 1. Cilium and Istio with Gloo Mesh
  • 2. 2 | Copyright © 2020 CHRISTIAN POSTA VP, Global Field CTO, @christianposta Istio in Action (March 2022) Discount Code: SOLOIO41 Shortlink:
  • 3. 3 | Copyright © 2020 Idit Levine Founding API gateway WG-Istio Christian Posta Founding community member, Istio Steering Committee, author Istio in Action Lin Sun Founding Istio project maintainer, Technical Oversight Committee (TOC), Steering Committee Neeraj Poddar Istio Steering and TOC member. Co-founded Istio Product Security Working Group Yuval Kohavi Renowned security researcher, Founding API Gateway WG-Istio, Contributor Envoy Ram Vennam Founding Istio Steering Committee member Nick Nellis First to run Istio in production, current contributor and maintainer Solo Istio/Envoy Community Leadership Founded in 2017 by Idit Levine Based in Cambridge, MA with multiple locations around the globe The industry’s leading Cloud-native Application Networking company. Open-Core, “Enterprise” Subscription model Growing fast with happy customers Well Funded 500+% bookings growth y/y 98%+ renewal rate $171.5M venture financing $1 Billion valuation Company Overview Gloo Application Networking Platform Simplify your application networking with unified control, reliability, observability, extensibility, and security 3 | Copyright © 2022 Greg Hanson Founding Istio Maintainer, Product Security WG Lead, Istio Release Manager
  • 4. 4 | Copyright © 2020 Gloo Application Networking Platform Manage APIs Data Access Gloo Gateway API Gateway Gloo Mesh Microservices, Security, Observability Gloo Network Kubernetes CNI, Network Policy
  • 5. 5 | Copyright © 2020
  • 6. 6 | Copyright © 2020 6 | Copyright © 2020 Problem
  • 7. 7 | Copyright © 2020 What is application networking? Challenges ● Service discovery ● Load balancing ● Timeouts ● Retry / Budgets ● Circuit breaking ● Tracing, observability ● Secure transport ● Extension
  • 8. 8 | Copyright © 2020 What is application networking?
  • 9. 9 | Copyright © 2020 Previous solutions to these problems
  • 10. 10 | Copyright © 2020 Previous solutions to these problems
  • 11. 11 | Copyright © 2020 11 | Copyright © 2020 Push enforcement points down to application
  • 12. 12 | Copyright © 2020 What is application networking?
  • 13. 13 | Copyright © 2020 What is application networking?
  • 14. 14 | Copyright © 2020 Service Mesh Technologies Provide the Following L4 & L7 Observability Traffic Encryption / L7 Identity L4 & L7 Policies [Canary, RBAC, ….]
  • 15. 15 | Copyright © 2020 15 | Copyright © 2020 Demo
  • 16. 16 | Copyright © 2020 What you must build to run service mesh in production? Istio Service Mesh Security | Compliance FIPS-140 Authentication Cert-Mgmt Rate-Limiting API Gateway Failover Routing Global Service Discovery Integrate Observability Routing | Traffic Mgmt Topologies | API | UI | Extensibility Multi-Cluster Multi-Tenant Web Assembly UI / Higher-level API
  • 17. 17 | Copyright © 2020 Enterprise Service Mesh for multi-cluster, cross-cluster and hybrid environments based on upstream Istio
  • 18. 18 | Copyright © 2020 Gloo Mesh Enterprise • Enterprise Istio for single cluster, multi-cluster and multi-platform configuration. • Focus on ease of us, powerful best practices built in, security, and extensibility. Installation, upgrade, takeover and hybrid lifecycle Production and long-terms support (LTS, N-4) with patches and hotfixes for validated upstream Istio Delegate ownership of configuration and policy by persona, including: developers, SREs, and admins Discovery services running across multiple clusters, clouds, VMs Operational visibility with a single pane of glass across multiple service mesh clusters Cross-cluster failover and locality aware routing Support multiple teams owning their own resources across multiple clusters End to end security across clusters and meshes for zero trust networks, integrate with PKI, CA/RA, etc Istio Support Istio Lifecycle (2.1) Global Failover Routing Multi Tenancy API Gateway Global Service Discovery Unified Observability Zero-Trust Security
  • 19. 19 | Copyright © 2020 User Clusters Public cloud Compliance / DMZ
  • 20. 20 | Copyright © 2020 Consistent API for multi-cluster N/S and E/W Policy
  • 21. 21 | Copyright © 2020 Gloo API Gateway
  • 22. 22 | Copyright © 2020 Team Tenancy (Service Mesh as a Service) ● Tenancy ● Dependency ● More flexible API ● Hierarchy ● Unified NS/EW
  • 23. 23 | Copyright © 2020 Drive everything through GitOps!
  • 24. 24 | Copyright © 2020 24 | Copyright © 2020 Demo
  • 25. 25 | Copyright © 2020 Gloo Application Networking Platform Manage APIs Data Access Gloo Gateway API Gateway Gloo Mesh Microservices, Security, Observability Gloo Network Kubernetes CNI, Network Policy
  • 26. 26 | Copyright © 2020 Kernel-level observability Security controls Advanced L3/L4/L7 Network Policy Container networking / CNI / Overlay built on eBPF!
  • 27. 27 | Copyright © 2020 Cilium: Cloud Networking Overlay
  • 28. 28 | Copyright © 2020 Flexible: Executes custom logic in the Linux kernel. Safe: BPF code is verified to not crash/hang kernel. Fast: JIT-compiled to run at native speed. Humble origins: BPF Berkeley Packet Filter $ tcpdump -n dst host What is eBPF?
  • 29. 29 | Copyright © 2020 with strong safety guarantees and native kernel performance “Function-as-a-Service” for kernel events Execution Stack in the Kernel submit_bio submit_bh() journal_submit_commit_record() jbd2_journal_commit_transaction() mb_cache_list() BPF Hook BPF Program Source Code bpf() syscall llvm / clang Verifier + JIT compiler What is eBPF?
  • 30. 30 | Copyright © 2020 30 | Copyright © 2020 What about conflicting policy at different layers? (demo maybe?)
  • 31. 31 | Copyright © 2020 Consistent Networking Policies
  • 32. 32 | Copyright © 2020
  • 33. 33 | Copyright © 2020 33 | Copyright © 2020 Demo
  • 34. 34 | Copyright © 2020 34 | Copyright © 2020 Recap
  • 35. 35 | Copyright © 2020
  • 37. 37 | Copyright © 2020 Learn More!! Free Workshops and Certifications ● Envoy Proxy ● Istio ● Cilium ● eBPF ● On demand ● Instructor led ● Service mesh ● Modern API gateway ● eBPF Solo Academy 1 2 /
  • 38. 38 | Copyright © 2020 We are hiring!
  • 39. 39 | Copyright © 2020 global presence
  • 40. 40 | Copyright © 2020 • • • • • • •