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Microservices at Amazon
Chris Munns
Business Development Manager - DevOps
About me:
Chris Munns -, @chrismunns
– Business Development Manager – DevOps
– New Yorker
– Previously:
•  AWS Solutions Architect 2011-2014
•  Lead of Infrastructure/DevOps @hingeapp
•  Formerly on operations teams @Etsy and @Meetup
•  Little time at a hedge fund, Xerox and others
– Rochester Institute of Technology: Applied Networking and Systems Administration
– Internet infrastructure geek
The Micro-elephant in the room
“is a software architecture style in which complex
applications are composed of small, independent
processes communicating with each other using
language-agnostic APIs. These services are
small, highly decoupled and focus on doing a
small task, facilitating a modular approach to
system-building.” - Wikipedia
Smart people are talking about it:
•  Sam Newman - book “Building
Microservices” O’Reilly Publishing
•  Adrian Cockcroft – numerous talks,
presentations, blog posts
“Loosely coupled service oriented
architecture with bounded contexts”
•  Martin Fowler – numerous blog posts
•  2 sessions at AWS Re:Invent 2014
•  ~8 sessions at AWS Re:Invent 2015
But is it just a fad?
Phil Calcado(ex-SoundCloud) in his Sept 8th post entitled “How we ended up
with microservices.” highlighted the recent growth of the term:
Data from Google Trends
But is it just a fad?
As they say in dramatic police dramas….Let’s ENHANCE!:
Data from Google Trends
Lots of folks are doing it
• Gilt: “From Monolith Ruby App to Distributed Scala Micro-
Services” NYC Tech Talks
• Nike: “Nike’s Journey to Microservices” – AWS Re:Invent
• SoundCloud: ”Building Products at SoundCloud—Part III:
Microservices in Scala and Finagle”
• Capital One: “Lack Of Legacy Lets Capital One Build
Nimble Infrastructure” –
• Hailo: “A Journey into Microservices” –
Brilliant folks are sharing tools for it
• Netflix: Dozens of tools -
• Airbnb: SmartStack -
• Twitter: Mesos -
• LinkedIn: -
I Love APIs 2015: Microservices at Amazon
Monolith development lifecycle
delivery pipelineapp
•  Single-purpose
•  Connect only
through APIs
•  Connect over HTTPS
•  Largely “black
boxes” to each other
•  “Microservices”
Microservices vs. SOA
Wikipedia: “distinct from a Service-oriented architecture (SOA)
in that the latter aims at integrating various (business)
applications whereas several microservices belong to one
application only”
Martin Fowler: “This common manifestation of SOA has led
some microservice advocates to reject the SOA label entirely,
although others consider microservices to be one form of SOA”
Oracle: “The picture that emerges is not of microservices as an
alternative to SOA, but rather as a way to restore flexibility that
may have been lost in SOAs that became too rigid and
•  Many very small components
•  Business logic lives inside of
single service domain
•  Simple wire protocols(HTTP
with XML/JSON)
•  API driven with SDKs/Clients
•  Fewer more sophisticated
•  Business logic can live across
•  Enterprise Service Bus like
layers between services
•  Middleware
Microservices vs. SOA
•  Two-pizza teams
•  Full ownership
•  Full accountability
•  Aligned incentives
•  “DevOps”
Wait, now we’re
talking about
©2015 Apigee. All Rights Reserved. 
Image By: Chris Munns –
How do Two Pizza Teams work?
We call them “Service teams”
• Own the “primitives” they build:
– Product planning (roadmap)
– Development work
– Operational/Client support work
• “You build it, you run it”
• Part of a larger concentrated org (,
AWS, Prime, etc)
Who Does QA?
The Two
Who Does
On Call?
Image By: Chris Munns –
The Two
What does Ops
What about Ops/QA/Etc?
Everyone exists on a “service team” focused on their
• SDE’s focused on developing
• PM’s focused on product direction
• TPM’s help drive development
• SE’s focused on infra/tooling
• SDET’s focused on test excellence throughout the
Some folks are shared across the org, some on individual

Boy, that sounds like a lot of freedom?
It is! Teams are empowered and also held to high
• Thorough onboarding/training
• Patterns/practices defined at scale and with 20+
years of organizational knowledge
• Regular technical and business metric reviews
• Regular sharing of new tools, services, technologies,
etc, by internal subject matter experts
Missing tools
developers delivery pipelineservices
•  Self-service
•  Technology-agnostic
•  Encourage best
•  Single-purpose
•  Deployment service
•  No downtime
•  Health checking
•  Versioned artifacts
and rollbacks
•  Continuous delivery
•  From check-in to
•  Automated actions
and transitions
•  >90% of teams
Microservice development lifecycle
developers delivery pipelinesservices
= 50 million deployments a year
Thousands of teams
× Microservice architecture
× Continuous delivery
× Multiple environments
I’m sold, how do
I make my own
©2015 Apigee. All Rights Reserved. 
Image By: Chris Munns –
How to make pizza?
• Yeast
• Water
• Sugar
• Olive oil
• Tomato sauce
• Cheese
• <insert favorite toppings here>
No Chris, I mean in
the organizational/
technological sense
©2015 Apigee. All Rights Reserved. 
Image By: Chris Munns –
The keys to your own Two Pizza teams & Microservices
The keys to your own Two Pizza teams & Microservices
– Ownership & Accountability go hand in hand
– Larger teams typically move slower than smaller teams
– Insist on standards of excellence, but be flexible on the how
– Continuous Integration & Delivery
– Simplify operational tasks
– CI & CD tools
– Infrastructure management
– Metrics/Monitoring/Logging
– Communication and Collaboration
The keys to your own Two Pizza teams & Microservices
– Ownership & Accountability go hand in hand
– Larger teams typically move slower than smaller teams
– Insist on standards of excellence, but be flexible on the how
– Continuous Integration & Delivery
– Simplify operational tasks
– CI & CD tools
– Infrastructure management
– Metrics/Monitoring/Logging
– Communication and Collaboration
The keys to your own Two Pizza teams & Microservices
– Ownership & Accountability go hand in hand
– Larger teams typically move slower than smaller teams
– Insist on standards of excellence, but be flexible on the how
– Continuous Integration & Delivery
– Simplify operational tasks
– CI & CD tools
– Infrastructure management
– Metrics/Monitoring/Logging
– Communication and Collaboration
The keys to your own Two Pizza teams & Microservices
– Ownership & Accountability go hand in hand
– Larger teams typically move slower than smaller teams
– Insist on standards of excellence, but be flexible on the how
– Continuous Integration & Delivery
– Simplify operational tasks
– CI & CD tools
– Infrastructure management
– Metrics/Monitoring/Logging
– Communication and Collaboration
Internal “Service teams”
should own, support,
train, drive excellence
of these tools
Apollo and Pipelines as AWS Services:
launched July 2015
launched Nov 2014
Establishing a pattern for services and clients
It’s important that the organization isn’t reinventing the
wheel on every new service:
•  How are clients going to communicate?
•  What cross service authorization requirements are there?
•  How do services prevent abuse?
•  How do you quickly build clients against a service?
•  How do services handle discovery of others services and resources?
Use an API Gateway!
Mobile Apps
AWS Lambda
API Gateway
Endpoints on
Amazon EC2
Any other publicly
accessible endpoint
This is a big topic that is hard to cover in a single session, day,
week! Key pointers:
•  Microservices patterns are changing how we are building APIs
and our applications in general
•  Team structure plays an incredible role in building, running,
scaling Microservices
•  Focusing on flexible tooling that provides standards can help an
organization focus on what matters
•  Enable the smart people you hire to do great things by giving
them both ownership and accountability on those things
Thank you

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I Love APIs 2015: Microservices at Amazon

  • 1. Microservices at Amazon Chris Munns Business Development Manager - DevOps
  • 2. About me: Chris Munns -, @chrismunns – Business Development Manager – DevOps – New Yorker – Previously: •  AWS Solutions Architect 2011-2014 •  Lead of Infrastructure/DevOps @hingeapp •  Formerly on operations teams @Etsy and @Meetup •  Little time at a hedge fund, Xerox and others – Rochester Institute of Technology: Applied Networking and Systems Administration ’05 – Internet infrastructure geek
  • 3. The Micro-elephant in the room
  • 4. Microservices “is a software architecture style in which complex applications are composed of small, independent processes communicating with each other using language-agnostic APIs. These services are small, highly decoupled and focus on doing a small task, facilitating a modular approach to system-building.” - Wikipedia
  • 5. Microservices Smart people are talking about it: •  Sam Newman - book “Building Microservices” O’Reilly Publishing •  Adrian Cockcroft – numerous talks, presentations, blog posts “Loosely coupled service oriented architecture with bounded contexts” •  Martin Fowler – numerous blog posts •  2 sessions at AWS Re:Invent 2014 •  ~8 sessions at AWS Re:Invent 2015
  • 6. But is it just a fad? Phil Calcado(ex-SoundCloud) in his Sept 8th post entitled “How we ended up with microservices.” highlighted the recent growth of the term: Data from Google Trends
  • 7. But is it just a fad? As they say in dramatic police dramas….Let’s ENHANCE!: Data from Google Trends
  • 8. Lots of folks are doing it • Gilt: “From Monolith Ruby App to Distributed Scala Micro- Services” NYC Tech Talks • Nike: “Nike’s Journey to Microservices” – AWS Re:Invent 2014 • SoundCloud: ”Building Products at SoundCloud—Part III: Microservices in Scala and Finagle” • Capital One: “Lack Of Legacy Lets Capital One Build Nimble Infrastructure” – • Hailo: “A Journey into Microservices” –
  • 9. Brilliant folks are sharing tools for it • Netflix: Dozens of tools - • Airbnb: SmartStack - smartstack-service-discovery-cloud/ • Twitter: Mesos - • LinkedIn: -
  • 12. •  Single-purpose •  Connect only through APIs •  Connect over HTTPS •  Largely “black boxes” to each other •  “Microservices”
  • 13. Microservices vs. SOA Wikipedia: “distinct from a Service-oriented architecture (SOA) in that the latter aims at integrating various (business) applications whereas several microservices belong to one application only” Martin Fowler: “This common manifestation of SOA has led some microservice advocates to reject the SOA label entirely, although others consider microservices to be one form of SOA” Oracle: “The picture that emerges is not of microservices as an alternative to SOA, but rather as a way to restore flexibility that may have been lost in SOAs that became too rigid and monolithic.”
  • 14. Microservices: •  Many very small components •  Business logic lives inside of single service domain •  Simple wire protocols(HTTP with XML/JSON) •  API driven with SDKs/Clients SOA: •  Fewer more sophisticated components •  Business logic can live across domains •  Enterprise Service Bus like layers between services •  Middleware Microservices vs. SOA 14
  • 15. •  Two-pizza teams •  Full ownership •  Full accountability •  Aligned incentives •  “DevOps”
  • 16. Wait, now we’re talking about Pizza? 16 ©2015 Apigee. All Rights Reserved. Image By: Chris Munns –
  • 17. How do Two Pizza Teams work? We call them “Service teams” • Own the “primitives” they build: – Product planning (roadmap) – Development work – Operational/Client support work • “You build it, you run it” • Part of a larger concentrated org (, AWS, Prime, etc) 17
  • 18. Who Does QA? 18 The Two Pizza Team
  • 19. Who Does On Call? 19 Image By: Chris Munns – The Two Pizza Team
  • 21. What about Ops/QA/Etc? Everyone exists on a “service team” focused on their primitive(s): • SDE’s focused on developing • PM’s focused on product direction • TPM’s help drive development • SE’s focused on infra/tooling • SDET’s focused on test excellence throughout the organization Some folks are shared across the org, some on individual teams 21
  • 22. Boy, that sounds like a lot of freedom? It is! Teams are empowered and also held to high standards: • Thorough onboarding/training • Patterns/practices defined at scale and with 20+ years of organizational knowledge • Regular technical and business metric reviews • Regular sharing of new tools, services, technologies, etc, by internal subject matter experts 22
  • 23. Missing tools developers delivery pipelineservices ???
  • 24. •  Self-service •  Technology-agnostic •  Encourage best practices •  Single-purpose services
  • 25. •  Deployment service •  No downtime deployments •  Health checking •  Versioned artifacts and rollbacks
  • 26. •  Continuous delivery •  From check-in to production •  Automated actions and transitions •  >90% of teams Pipelines
  • 27. Microservice development lifecycle developers delivery pipelinesservices releasetestbuild releasetestbuild releasetestbuild releasetestbuild releasetestbuild releasetestbuild
  • 28. = 50 million deployments a year Thousands of teams × Microservice architecture × Continuous delivery × Multiple environments
  • 29. I’m sold, how do I make my own pizza? 29 ©2015 Apigee. All Rights Reserved. Image By: Chris Munns –
  • 30. How to make pizza? • Yeast • Water • Sugar • Olive oil • Tomato sauce • Cheese • <insert favorite toppings here> 30
  • 31. No Chris, I mean in the organizational/ technological sense 31 ©2015 Apigee. All Rights Reserved. Image By: Chris Munns –
  • 32. The keys to your own Two Pizza teams & Microservices Culture Practices Tools 32
  • 33. The keys to your own Two Pizza teams & Microservices Culture – Ownership & Accountability go hand in hand – Larger teams typically move slower than smaller teams – Insist on standards of excellence, but be flexible on the how Practices – Continuous Integration & Delivery – Simplify operational tasks Tools – CI & CD tools – Infrastructure management – Metrics/Monitoring/Logging – Communication and Collaboration 33
  • 34. The keys to your own Two Pizza teams & Microservices Culture – Ownership & Accountability go hand in hand – Larger teams typically move slower than smaller teams – Insist on standards of excellence, but be flexible on the how Practices – Continuous Integration & Delivery – Simplify operational tasks Tools – CI & CD tools – Infrastructure management – Metrics/Monitoring/Logging – Communication and Collaboration 34
  • 35. The keys to your own Two Pizza teams & Microservices Culture – Ownership & Accountability go hand in hand – Larger teams typically move slower than smaller teams – Insist on standards of excellence, but be flexible on the how Practices – Continuous Integration & Delivery – Simplify operational tasks Tools – CI & CD tools – Infrastructure management – Metrics/Monitoring/Logging – Communication and Collaboration 35
  • 36. The keys to your own Two Pizza teams & Microservices Culture – Ownership & Accountability go hand in hand – Larger teams typically move slower than smaller teams – Insist on standards of excellence, but be flexible on the how Practices – Continuous Integration & Delivery – Simplify operational tasks Tools – CI & CD tools – Infrastructure management – Metrics/Monitoring/Logging – Communication and Collaboration 36 Internal “Service teams” should own, support, train, drive excellence of these tools
  • 37. Apollo and Pipelines as AWS Services: CodePipeline launched July 2015 CodeDeploy launched Nov 2014
  • 38. Establishing a pattern for services and clients It’s important that the organization isn’t reinventing the wheel on every new service: •  How are clients going to communicate? •  What cross service authorization requirements are there? •  How do services prevent abuse? •  How do you quickly build clients against a service? •  How do services handle discovery of others services and resources?
  • 39. Use an API Gateway! Internet Mobile Apps Websites Services API Gateway AWS Lambda functions API Gateway Cache Endpoints on Amazon EC2 Any other publicly accessible endpoint Amazon CloudWatch Monitoring Amazon CloudFront
  • 41. FIN, ACK This is a big topic that is hard to cover in a single session, day, week! Key pointers: •  Microservices patterns are changing how we are building APIs and our applications in general •  Team structure plays an incredible role in building, running, scaling Microservices •  Focusing on flexible tooling that provides standards can help an organization focus on what matters •  Enable the smart people you hire to do great things by giving them both ownership and accountability on those things success 41