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Christian Posta
Chief Architect, Red Hat
Christian Posta
Chief Architect, cloud-native appdev
Twitter: @christianposta
• Author “Microservices for Java developers”
• Committer/contributor lots of open-source projects
• Worked with large Microservices, web-scale,
unicorn company
• Blogger, speaker
New challenges in a cloudy, services world
• Service discovery
• Retries
• Timeouts
• Load balancing
• Rate limiting
• Thread bulk heading
• Circuit breaking

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A microservices journey - Round 2
A microservices journey - Round 2A microservices journey - Round 2
A microservices journey - Round 2

A presentation on why or why not microservices, why a platform is important, discovering how to break down a monolith and some of the challenges you'll face (data, transactions, boundaries, etc). Last section is on Istio and service mesh introductions. Follow on twitter @christianposta for updates and more details

micoservicesservice meshistio
API Gateways are going through an identity crisis
API Gateways are going through an identity crisisAPI Gateways are going through an identity crisis
API Gateways are going through an identity crisis

API Gateways provide functionality like rate limiting, authentication, request routing, reporting, and more. If you've been following the rise in service-mesh technologies, you'll notice there is a lot of overlap with API Gateways when solving some of the challenges of microservices. If service mesh can solve these same problems, you may wonder whether you really need a dedicated API Gateway solution? The reality is there is some nuance in the problems solved at the edge (API Gateway) compared to service-to-service communication (service mesh) within a cluster. But with the evolution of cluster-deployment patterns, these nuances are becoming less important. What's more important is that the API Gateway is evolving to live at a layer above service mesh and not directly overlapping with it. In other words, API Gateways are evolving to solve application-level concerns like aggregation, transformation, and deeper context and content-based routing as well as fitting into a more self-service, GitOps style workflow. In this talk we put aside the "API Gateway" infrastructure as we know it today and go back to first principles with the "API Gateway pattern" and revisit the real problems we're trying to solve. Then we'll discuss pros and cons of alternative ways to implement the API Gateway pattern and finally look at open source projects like Envoy, Kubernetes, and GraphQL to see how the "API Gateway pattern" actually becomes the API for our applications while coexisting nicely with a service mesh (if you adopt a service mesh).

envoy proxyistioservice mesh
Intro Istio and what's new Istio 1.1
Intro Istio and what's new Istio 1.1Intro Istio and what's new Istio 1.1
Intro Istio and what's new Istio 1.1

The document summarizes the new features of Istio 1.1, an open-source service mesh. Some key highlights include improved performance and scalability, namespace isolation, multi-cluster capabilities, easier installation with Helm, and locality-aware load balancing. A new Sidecar resource was introduced to improve performance by configuring resources for individual proxies. The presentation demonstrates performance improvements with the Sidecar resource and highlights additional functionality in Istio like traffic control and metrics collection.

istioservice meshlinkerd
• Routing between services (adaptive, zone-aware)
• Deadlines
• Back pressure
• Outlier detection
• Health checking
• Traffic shaping
• Request shadowing
• Edge/DMZ routing
• Surgical / fine / per-request routing
• A/B rollout
• Internal releases / dark launches
• Fault injection
• Stats, metric, collection
• Logging
• Tracing
A service mesh is decentralized application-
networking infrastructure between your services
that provides resiliency, security, observability,
and routing control.
A service mesh allows your applications to function
without having to know intimate details of underlying
infrastructure, topology, and provider specifics.
Time for definitions:
An open-source implementation of service mesh

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Microservices Journey NYC
Microservices Journey NYCMicroservices Journey NYC
Microservices Journey NYC

Christian Posta is a principal middleware specialist and architect who has worked with large microservices architectures. He discusses why companies are moving to microservices and cloud platforms like Kubernetes and OpenShift. He covers characteristics of microservices like small autonomous teams and decentralized decision making. Posta also discusses breaking applications into independent services, shedding dependencies between teams, and using contracts and APIs for communication between services.

microservicesdistributed systemspromise theory
Microservices Architecture
Microservices ArchitectureMicroservices Architecture
Microservices Architecture

A quick glance into the Microservices architecture and what the architecture offers over its precursor - Monolith Architecture

Intro to Knative
Intro to KnativeIntro to Knative
Intro to Knative

Knative builds on Kubernetes and Istio to provide "PaaS-like abstractions" that raise the level of abstraction for specifying, running, and modifying applications. Knative includes building blocks like Knative Serving for autoscaling container workloads to zero, Knative Eventing for composing event-driven services, Knative Build for building containers from source, and Knative Pipelines for abstracting CI/CD pipelines. While Knative can run any type of container, its building blocks help enable serverless-style functions by allowing compute resources to scale to zero and be driven by event loads.

cloud nativeknativeserverless
Come for the traffic management, stay for the security
Fine-grained traffic routing
• Safely test new deployments in production with traffic mirroring
and diff/compare tools
• Controlled release strategy (decouple deployment and release)
• Canary releases
• Graduated releases
• Build A/B testing on top
Fine-grained traffic routing
• Low-risk monolith to microservices Part I/II/III
• Traffic shadowing with Istio: reduce the risk of code release
• Advanced traffic-shadowing patterns with Istio

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Microservices with Spring Cloud, Netflix OSS and Kubernetes

Spring Cloud/Netflix OSS way of building microservices on Kubernetes -- preso from Spring One Platform 2016

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Eight Miles High: Build Cloud-native and Cloud-aware Systems
Eight Miles High: Build Cloud-native and Cloud-aware SystemsEight Miles High: Build Cloud-native and Cloud-aware Systems
Eight Miles High: Build Cloud-native and Cloud-aware Systems

Achieve development agility, improve run-time application resiliency, and deliver highly-responsive applications by adopting cloud-native design patterns and building cloud-aware applications. Forklifting applications into the cloud is relatively fast, but the simple path into the cloud does not create better software. End-users may still complain about your development velocity, operations may still struggle to maintain uptime guarantees, and development iterations may continue at a glacial pace. By iteratively applying cloud-native design patterns and re-architecting applications, teams reduce technical debt, deploy with confidence, and build highly scalable solutions. Cloud-aware applications embrace microservices, actor model interactions, map-reduce processing, shared-nothing architecture, and the thirteen dwarf patterns. Learn about cloud-native design practices and frameworks that help you optimize scalability, foster anti-fragility, and decompose application monoliths into cloud-native microservices. Chris describes how Kubernetes, Akka, Hadoop, Eureka, Hysterix, and other open source projects make cloud-native design and implementation an approachable proposition.

API World: The service-mesh landscape
API World: The service-mesh landscapeAPI World: The service-mesh landscape
API World: The service-mesh landscape

Service-mesh technology promises to deliver a lot of value to a cloud-native application, but it doesn't come without some hype. In this talk, we'll look at what is a "service mesh", how it compares to similar technology (Netflix OSS, API Management, ESBs, etc) and what options for service mesh exist today.

service meshconsullinkerd
So we asked some of our
customers what features of Istio
would be most desired/prioritized
Come for the traffic management, stay for the security
Policy (server) and Destination Rule (client)
Policy (server) and Destination Rule (client)

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Microservices and APIs
Microservices and APIsMicroservices and APIs
Microservices and APIs

The document discusses microservices and APIs. It covers how microservices optimize for speed by shedding dependencies and having dependencies on demand through services and APIs. It discusses consumer contracts for APIs and service versioning. It also discusses using an API gateway pattern for scalability, security, monitoring and more. It promotes API management for benefits like access control, analytics, and monetization of microservices.

Securing the Cloud Native Stack
Securing the Cloud Native StackSecuring the Cloud Native Stack
Securing the Cloud Native Stack

The document discusses cloud-native application architectures and how they enable speed, safety, and scale through approaches like twelve-factor applications and microservices. It outlines the cloud-native stack and where governance is needed to secure different components like code, orchestration tools, containers, services, and infrastructure. The document argues that while cloud-native approaches are well-suited for technology companies, traditional enterprises face challenges in fully adopting these architectures due to differences in priorities, skills, and scale.

trusted cloudcloud networkingbitnami
Service-mesh options with Linkerd, Consul, Istio and AWS AppMesh
Service-mesh options with Linkerd, Consul, Istio and AWS AppMeshService-mesh options with Linkerd, Consul, Istio and AWS AppMesh
Service-mesh options with Linkerd, Consul, Istio and AWS AppMesh

Service mesh abstracts the network from developers to solve three main pain points: How do services communicate securely with one another How can services implement network resilience When things go wrong, can we identify what and why Service mesh implementations usually follow a similar architecture: traffic flows through control points between services (usually service proxies deployed as sidecar processes) while an out-of-band set of nodes is responsible for defining the behavior and management of the control points. This loosely breaks out into an architecture of a "data plane" through which requests flow and a "control plane" for managing a service mesh. Different service mesh implementations use different data planes depending on their use cases and familiarity with particular technology. The control plane implementations vary between service-mesh implementations as well. In this talk, we'll take a look at three different control plane implementations with Istio, Linkerd and Consul, their strengths, and their specific tradeoffs to see how they chose to solve each of the three pain points from above. We can use this information to make choices about a service mesh or to inform our journey if we choose to build a control plane ourselves.

Istio mutual TLS
Istio mutual TLS
Istio Mutual TLS
What policy governs a service How do client’s call a service
Istio end-user identity verification

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Leveraging Envoy Proxy and GraphQL to Lower the Risk of Monolith to Microserv...
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Leveraging Envoy Proxy and GraphQL to Lower the Risk of Monolith to Microserv...

If you have an existing Java monolith, you know you must take care making changes to it or altering it in any negative way. Often times these monoliths are very valuable to the business and generate a lot of revenue. At the same time, since it’s difficult to make changes to the monolith it’s desirable to move to a microservices architecture. Unfortunately you cannot just do a big-bang migration to a greenfield architecture and will have to incrementally adopt microservices. In this talk, we’ll look at using Gloo proxy which is based on Envoy Proxy and GraphQL to do surgical, function-level traffic control and API aggregation to safely migrate your monolith to microservices and serverless functions.

envoy proxyservice meshgraphql
Continuous Intelligence for Customer Service Using Kafka Event Streams | Simo...
Continuous Intelligence for Customer Service Using Kafka Event Streams | Simo...Continuous Intelligence for Customer Service Using Kafka Event Streams | Simo...
Continuous Intelligence for Customer Service Using Kafka Event Streams | Simo...

Today’s products - devices, software and services - are well instrumented to permit users, vendors and service providers to gather maximum insight into how they are used, when they need repair and many other operational insights. Ensuring that products can rapidly adapt to a constantly changing environment and changing customer needs requires that the events they generate are analyzed continuously and in context. Insights can be synthesized from many sources in context - geospatial and proximity, trajectory and even predicted future states.Customers, vendors and service providers need to analyze, learn, and predict directly from streaming events because data volumes are huge and automated responses must often be delivered in milliseconds. To achieve insights quickly, we need to build models on-the-fly whose predictions are accurate and in sync with the real world, often to support automation. Many insights depend on analyzing the joint evolution of data sources whose behavior is correlated in time or space.In this talk we present Swim, an Apache 2.0 licensed platform for continuous intelligence applications. Swim builds a fluid model of data sources and their changing relationships in real-time - Swim applications analyze, learn and predict directly from event data. Swim applications integrate with Apache Kafka for event streaming. Developers need nothing more than Java skills. Swim deploys native or in containers on k8s, with the same code in each instance. Instances link to build an application layer mesh that facilitates distribution and massive scale without sacrificing consistency. We will present several continuous intelligence applications in use today that depend on real-time analysis, learning and prediction to power automation and deliver responses that are in sync with the real-world. We will show how easy it is to build, deploy and run distributed, highly available event streaming applications that analyze data from hundreds of millions of sources - petabytes per day. The architecture is intuitively appealing and blazingly fast.

apache kafkakafka
What is reactive
What is reactiveWhat is reactive
What is reactive

The document discusses how being reactive is good. It argues that reactive principles like being asynchronous, non-blocking, elastic and resilient help engineers, businesses and enterprises capture opportunities. Being message-driven and responsive to events within the business and market allows systems to scale efficiently. The Lightbend Reactive Platform and tools like Akka and Play can be used to build fully reactive microservices systems that are responsive, elastic and resilient. Reactive architectures allow modernizing existing systems and responding to changes in technology, users and opportunities.

Istio JWT verification
We are just scratching the surface!
Follow up links

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Evolving the Engineering Culture to Manage Kafka as a Service | Kate Agnew, O...
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Embracing open source software for critical platform operations is a tough organizational evolution for a company of any size. This is particularly daunting for technology teams accustomed to a fully supported managed service. Come learn about how we are using OSS to modernize Health Care at UnitedHealth Group as a roadmap to adopt and offer OSS in your own organization! Over the last three years, Kafka as a Service within UnitedHealth Group has gone from non-existent to being centrally managed and utilized by over 200 internal application teams as an essential component to our ecosystem. In this session, I will share how to tactically implement a Kafka as a Service platform offering within any organization with a very lean team and how to get broad adoption from engineers and leadership. I'll discuss the engineering cultural changes needed, both on the DevOps team as well as more broadly, to adopt OSS. Spoiler: Documentation is the key to success. I will talk about some of our "aha" moments, including the importance of internal Terms of Service and how to encourage teams to "Google first." I will include things that haven't worked as well, such as requiring manual review of all topic creation PRs (this doesn't scale!). Attendees will learn how to both stand up their own OSS offering as well as how to be a good internal consumer of other such offerings. Come ready to learn and laugh about my journey to offering OSS to thousands of people!

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Building Reactive Applications With Node.Js And Red Hat JBoss Data Grid (Gald...
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Node.js is a very popular framework for developing asynchronous, event-driven, reactive applications. Red Hat JBoss Data Grid, an in-memory distributed database designed for fast access to large volumes of data and scalability, has recently gained compatibility with Node.js letting reactive applications use it as a persistence layer. Thanks to near caching, JBoss Data Grid offers excellent response times for data queried regularly, and its continuous remote event support means data can get pushed from the data grid to the Node.js application instead of having to wait for the data grid to serve it. In this session, we'll show how to build Node.js applications that use JBoss Data Grid as a persistence layer.

An evolution of application networking: service mesh
An evolution of application networking: service meshAn evolution of application networking: service mesh
An evolution of application networking: service mesh

A quick overview of application networking and microservice resilience and how a service mesh like can help alleviate some of this pain.

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Editor's Notes

  1. This concept of defining language, developing models to describe a domain, implementing those models, enforcing assertions, etc all happen within a certain context, and that context is vitally important in software. In common language, we are smart enough to resolve these types of language conflicts within a sentence because of its context. The computer doesn’t have this context. We have to make it explicit. And any context needs to have explicit boundaries. This model needs to be “useful” ie, it should be able to be implemented. Try to establish a model that’s both useful for discussion with the domain experts and is implementable. There are infinite ways to model/think about something. Balance both masters with the model you choose. Large complex domains may need multiple models. And really the only way to understand a language and model is within a certain context. That context should have boundaries so it doesn’t bleed or force others to bleed definitions and semantics. Bounded context: within this space, this is the context of the language. This is what it means and it’s not ambiguous. Central thing about a model is the language you create to express the prblem and solution very crisply. Need clear language and need boundaries. Anti corruption layers are translations between the different models that may exist in multiple bounded contexts. They keep an internal model consistent and pure without bleeding across the boundaries. Bounded contexts tend to be “self contained systems” themselves with a complete vertical stack of the software including UI, business logic, data models, and database. They tend to not share databases across multiple models.
  2. This concept of defining language, developing models to describe a domain, implementing those models, enforcing assertions, etc all happen within a certain context, and that context is vitally important in software. In common language, we are smart enough to resolve these types of language conflicts within a sentence because of its context. The computer doesn’t have this context. We have to make it explicit. And any context needs to have explicit boundaries. This model needs to be “useful” ie, it should be able to be implemented. Try to establish a model that’s both useful for discussion with the domain experts and is implementable. There are infinite ways to model/think about something. Balance both masters with the model you choose. Large complex domains may need multiple models. And really the only way to understand a language and model is within a certain context. That context should have boundaries so it doesn’t bleed or force others to bleed definitions and semantics. Bounded context: within this space, this is the context of the language. This is what it means and it’s not ambiguous. Central thing about a model is the language you create to express the prblem and solution very crisply. Need clear language and need boundaries. Anti corruption layers are translations between the different models that may exist in multiple bounded contexts. They keep an internal model consistent and pure without bleeding across the boundaries. Bounded contexts tend to be “self contained systems” themselves with a complete vertical stack of the software including UI, business logic, data models, and database. They tend to not share databases across multiple models.
  3. This concept of defining language, developing models to describe a domain, implementing those models, enforcing assertions, etc all happen within a certain context, and that context is vitally important in software. In common language, we are smart enough to resolve these types of language conflicts within a sentence because of its context. The computer doesn’t have this context. We have to make it explicit. And any context needs to have explicit boundaries. This model needs to be “useful” ie, it should be able to be implemented. Try to establish a model that’s both useful for discussion with the domain experts and is implementable. There are infinite ways to model/think about something. Balance both masters with the model you choose. Large complex domains may need multiple models. And really the only way to understand a language and model is within a certain context. That context should have boundaries so it doesn’t bleed or force others to bleed definitions and semantics. Bounded context: within this space, this is the context of the language. This is what it means and it’s not ambiguous. Central thing about a model is the language you create to express the prblem and solution very crisply. Need clear language and need boundaries. Anti corruption layers are translations between the different models that may exist in multiple bounded contexts. They keep an internal model consistent and pure without bleeding across the boundaries. Bounded contexts tend to be “self contained systems” themselves with a complete vertical stack of the software including UI, business logic, data models, and database. They tend to not share databases across multiple models.
  4. Get back to first principles. Focus on principles, patterns, methodologies. Tools will help, but you cannot start with tools.
  5. Get back to first principles. Focus on principles, patterns, methodologies. Tools will help, but you cannot start with tools.
  6. Get back to first principles. Focus on principles, patterns, methodologies. Tools will help, but you cannot start with tools.
  7. Get back to first principles. Focus on principles, patterns, methodologies. Tools will help, but you cannot start with tools.
  8. Get back to first principles. Focus on principles, patterns, methodologies. Tools will help, but you cannot start with tools.
  9. Get back to first principles. Focus on principles, patterns, methodologies. Tools will help, but you cannot start with tools.
  10. Get back to first principles. Focus on principles, patterns, methodologies. Tools will help, but you cannot start with tools.
  11. Get back to first principles. Focus on principles, patterns, methodologies. Tools will help, but you cannot start with tools.