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The next step in architecture?
mei ’18
• 16:00 – 16:30 Walk-in
• 16:30 – 17:15 Microservices: Roger
• 17:15 – 18:30 Vision and patterns MuleSoft
• 18:30 – 19:30 Dinner
• 19:30 – 20:30 Handson MuleSoft
mei ’18 2
• Definition
• Drivers
• Sizing
• MS vs SOA
• MS Ecosystem
• Decomposition
• Patterns and Anti-Patterns
• Frameworks and tooling
• Reference Architecture
• Microservices Conference Berlin 2018
• Takeaways
mei ’18 3
What is a Microservice ?
mei ’18 4

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Design patterns for microservice architecture
Design patterns for microservice architectureDesign patterns for microservice architecture
Design patterns for microservice architecture

The presentation from our online webinar "Design patterns for microservice architecture". Full video from webinar available here: If you’re a CTO or a Lead Developer and you’re planning to design service-oriented architecture, it’s definitely a webinar tailored to your needs. Adrian Zmenda, our Lead Dev, will explain: - when microservice architecture is a safe bet and what are some good alternatives - what are the pros and cons of the most popular design patterns (API Gateway, Backend for Frontend and more) - how to ensure that the communication between services is done right and what to do in case of connection issues - why we’ve decided to use a monorepo (monolithic repository) - what we’ve learned from using the remote procedure call framework gRPC - how to monitor the efficiency of individual services and whole SOA-based systems.

microservicesnode.jssoftware development
Microservice Architecture | Microservices Tutorial for Beginners | Microservi...
Microservice Architecture | Microservices Tutorial for Beginners | Microservi...Microservice Architecture | Microservices Tutorial for Beginners | Microservi...
Microservice Architecture | Microservices Tutorial for Beginners | Microservi...

( Microservices Architecture Training: ) This Edureka's Microservices tutorial gives you detail of Microservices Architecture and how it is different from Monolithic Architecture. You will understand the concepts using a UBER case study. In this video, you will learn the following: 1. Monolithic Architecture 2. Challenges Of Monolithic Architecture 3. Microservice Architecture 4. Microservice Features 5. Compare architectures using UBER case-study

A pattern language for microservices - June 2021
A pattern language for microservices - June 2021 A pattern language for microservices - June 2021
A pattern language for microservices - June 2021

The microservice architecture is growing in popularity. It is an architectural style that structures an application as a set of loosely coupled services that are organized around business capabilities. Its goal is to enable the continuous delivery of large, complex applications. However, the microservice architecture is not a silver bullet and it has some significant drawbacks. The goal of the microservices pattern language is to enable software developers to apply the microservice architecture effectively. It is a collection of patterns that solve architecture, design, development and operational problems. In this talk, I’ll provide an overview of the microservice architecture and describe the motivations for the pattern language. You will learn about the key patterns in the pattern language.

microservicesmicroservice architecturepattern language
• A group of architects cam together in Venice 2011 to discuss
the common architectural styles recently exploring
• In May 2012, the same group decided on “Microservices” as
the most appropriate name.
mei ’18 5
Wat is a Microservice Architecture?
The microservice architectural style is an approach to developing a
single application as a suite of small services, each running in its
own process and communicating with lightweight mechanisms, often
an HTTP resource API.
These services are built around business
capabilities and independently deployable by fully automated
deployment machinery. There is a bare minimum of centralized
management of these services, which may be written in different
programming languages and use different data storage
-- James Lewis and Martin Fowler
mei ’18 6
“Microservices are small autonomous services that work
together” – Sam Newman
“Loosely coupled service-oriented architecture with bounded
contexts” – Adrian Cockcroft
“A microservice is an independently deployable component of
bounded scope that supports interoperability through message-
based communication.
Microservice architecture is a style of engineering highly
automated, evolvable software systems made up of capability-
aligned microservices.”
mei ’18 7
• Componentization via Services
• Organized around Business Capabilities
• Products not Projects
• Smart endpoints and dumb pipes
• Decentralized Governance
• Decentralized Data Management
• Infrastructure Automation
• Design for failure
• Evolutionary Design Martin Fowler
mei ’18 8

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Microservice architecture
Microservice architectureMicroservice architecture
Microservice architecture

Microservice architecture. Short intro into the world of microservices, the talk I gave in VilniusPHP meetup.

Microservices Design Patterns Explained | Edureka
Microservices Design Patterns Explained | EdurekaMicroservices Design Patterns Explained | Edureka
Microservices Design Patterns Explained | Edureka

YouTube Link: ** Microservices Architecture Training: ** This Edureka's video on Microservices Design Patterns talks about the top design patterns you can use to build applications. In this video, you will learn the following: 1:29 Why do we need Design Patterns? 3:41 What are Design Patterns? 4:28 What are Microservices? 6:00 Principles behind Microservices 10:24 Microservices Design Patterns Follow us to never miss an update in the future. YouTube: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn: Castbox:

microservices design patternsmicroservices architecture patternsdesign patterns for microservices
Monoliths and Microservices
Monoliths and Microservices Monoliths and Microservices
Monoliths and Microservices

Should you choose a microservices architecture over a monolith? What are the pros and cons in reality.

Bounded Context / scope
mei ’18 9
Framework /
Bounded Context / scope
Framework /
Bounded Context / scope
Framework /
Domain Model Domain Model
Domain Model
mei ’18 10
mei ’18 11
Release Speed
What makes a good size?
mei ’18 12

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Microservice Architecture
Microservice ArchitectureMicroservice Architecture
Microservice Architecture

The document discusses microservice architecture, including concepts, benefits, principles, and challenges. Microservices are an architectural style that structures an application as a collection of small, independent services that communicate with each other, often using RESTful API's. The approach aims to overcome limitations of monolithic architectures like scalability and allow for independent deployments. The key principles include organizing services around business domains, automating processes, and designing services to be independently deployable.

Microservices Architecture - Cloud Native Apps
Microservices Architecture - Cloud Native AppsMicroservices Architecture - Cloud Native Apps
Microservices Architecture - Cloud Native Apps

This document provides an overview of microservices architecture, including concepts, characteristics, infrastructure patterns, and software design patterns relevant to microservices. It discusses when microservices should be used versus monolithic architectures, considerations for sizing microservices, and examples of pioneers in microservices implementation like Netflix and Spotify. The document also covers domain-driven design concepts like bounded context that are useful for decomposing monolithic applications into microservices.

microservicesddddomain driven design
Microservice intro
Microservice introMicroservice intro
Microservice intro

This document provides an overview of microservices and monolithic architectures. It discusses how monolithic applications are self-contained and execute end-to-end tasks, while microservices are small, independent services that communicate to perform tasks. The document outlines characteristics of each approach and compares their advantages and disadvantages, such as improved scalability, deployment and innovation with microservices versus better performance with monolithic architectures. Examples of companies using microservices are also provided.

“Size” of a Microservice
• LOC?
• One “entity”?
• Team size?
• API size?
• Deployment time?
• Sam Newman “small enough and no smaller”
mei ’18 13
mei ’18 14
Example (DDD)
mei ’18 15
Ubiquitous language
Interesting DDD methods
• Event storming
• Domain Story telling
mei ’18 16

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Learn all about microservices from Product Marketing Manager Dan Giordano. We'll cover how to get started, the benefits, potential challenges, and how SmartBear can help.

microservicesmicroservices architectureapis
Introduction to Microservices
Introduction to MicroservicesIntroduction to Microservices
Introduction to Microservices

This document provides an introduction to microservices. It begins by outlining the challenges of monolithic architecture such as long build/release cycles and difficulty scaling. It then introduces microservices as a way to decompose monolithic applications into independently deployable services. Key benefits of microservices include improved agility, scalability, and innovation. The document discusses microservice design principles like communicating over APIs, using the right tools for each service, securing services, and being a good citizen in the ecosystem. It provides examples of how to implement a restaurant microservice using AWS services like API Gateway, Lambda, DynamoDB and containers.

Event-driven microservices
Event-driven microservicesEvent-driven microservices
Event-driven microservices

1) Event-driven microservices involve microservices communicating primarily through events published to an event backbone. This loosely couples microservices and allows for eventual data consistency. 2) Apache Kafka is an open-source streaming platform that can be used to build an event backbone, allowing microservices to reliably publish and subscribe to events. It supports streaming, storage, and processing of event data. 3) Common patterns for event-driven microservices include database per service for independent data ownership, sagas for coordinated multi-step processes, event sourcing to capture all state changes, and CQRS to separate reads from writes.

apache kafkamicroservicesevent-driven
• What is the data representing in a particular domain context?
Boundaries: DDD Entities, Value objects and Aggregates.
i.e. Book in seach context is Title
and in Order is titles+copies, so
entities mean different things !
• Transaction boundaries: smallest
unit of atomicity that you need
mei ’18 17
Microservices “vs” SOA
mei ’18 18
Microservices “vs” SOA
mei ’18 19
SOA Microservices
Layering (utility, entity, task layers) No layering (on service level)
CDM Domain Models
http/soap, XML, WSDL , XSD REST/http, JSON, Polyglot
Composite orchestrations Event driven architectures
ESB Service Mesh
Value chain and business model is
changing the entire business process
Value chain and business model is about
efficiencies, small teams and DevOps
practices while eliminating cilos.
Focus on reusability Focus on usability and speed
Loose Coupling Loose Coupling
Dividing problem domain into services Dividing problem domain into services
Microservices Ecosystem
mei ’18 20

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Microservices in Practice
Microservices in PracticeMicroservices in Practice
Microservices in Practice

Presenting key architectural concepts of the Microservices Architecture(MSA) and how you can use those architectural principles in practice.

Effective API Gateway
Effective API GatewayEffective API Gateway
Effective API Gateway

The document discusses the benefits of using an API gateway to handle communication between client applications and microservices, rather than direct client-to-microservice communication. It notes that an API gateway can reduce coupling between clients and services, minimize round trips for client requests, centralize security handling, and help mitigate deployment risks. However, it cautions that the API gateway should not act as a single aggregator and should be segregated based on business boundaries to avoid violating microservice autonomy. Examples of open source and paid API gateway tools and implementations are also provided.

api gatewayapiazure api management
Api gateway in microservices
Api gateway in microservicesApi gateway in microservices
Api gateway in microservices

A brief overview of the significance of API Gateways in microservices architecture by providing Kong as an example. Slide 2: Monolith Vs Microservices Monolith: Pros- Simple to implement Less integration test - easy to test Easy to ship Fast development Cons- Violates Open-Close principle Nightmare when it comes to managing the code Difficult to enhance Bigger artifacts Hard to replace individual components like DB, Logger etc. Microservices- Pros- Easy to manage One reason to change Dynamic scaling Single responsibility Cons- Multiple points of failure Hard to test - rich integration tests required Heterogeneity in infrastructure Slide 3: API Gateway Pattern It is microservices design pattern. An API gateway is a service which is the entry point into the application from the outside world. It’s responsible for request routing, API composition, and other functions, such as authentication. There are a lot of issues when client is talking to multiple components to get the job done. These include multiple proxies at client side, different logic to handle different calls, client needs to know the implementation details of server. A much better approach is for a client to make a single request to what’s known as an API gateway. An API gateway is a service which is the single entry-point for API requests into an application. It’s similar to the Facade pattern from object-oriented design. Like a facade, an API gateway encapsulates the application’s internal architecture and provides an API to its clients. It might also have other responsibilities, such as authentication, monitoring, and rate limiting. These are also termed as BFF - Backend For Frontend Slide 4: API Gateway in Action It acts as a “backend for the frontend”. The clients do not know which services they are talking to. They communicate with a single interface - API Gateway. The gateway resolves the client requests and distributes them to respective services. Slide 7: Kong Architecture Kong is a cloud-native, fast, scalable, and distributed Microservice Abstraction Layer (also known as an API Gateway, API Middleware or in some cases Service Mesh). Made available as an open-source project in 2015, its core values are high performance and extensibility. Actively maintained, Kong is widely used in production at companies ranging from startups to Global 5000 as well as government organizations.

api gatewaymicroserviceskong
mei ’18 21
• “Small” services
• Domain Drive Design
• Webservices
• CI / CD
• Monitoring
• Automatic testing
• Deployments
Agile /
• Small teams
• Small increments
• Fast delivery
• Culture
• Containerization
• Horizontal scaling
• Deployments
Event Driven
• Loose coupling
• Event sourcing
API Management
• Routing
• API Gateway
• Orchestration
• Transformation
mei ’18 22
Design Patterns
mei ’18 23
Patterns and Anti-Patterns
• Distributed Monolith (hype driven architecture)
• Decoupling Illusion (technical- does not match business separation)
• Micro Platform (standardization internal runtime aspects)
• Entity Service (too wide business entities)
• Anemic Service (solely data encapsulation)
• Unjustifed re-use (extremely generic utility functions)
• Domain-last approach (org structure around technical capabilities, not
business domain)
mei ’18 24

Recommended for you

Introduction to Microservices
Introduction to MicroservicesIntroduction to Microservices
Introduction to Microservices

This is a small introduction to microservices. you can find the differences between microservices and monolithic applications. You will find the pros and cons of microservices. you will also find the challenges (Business/ technical) that you may face while implementing microservices.

Microservices Architecture - Bangkok 2018
Microservices Architecture - Bangkok 2018Microservices Architecture - Bangkok 2018
Microservices Architecture - Bangkok 2018

Microservices Architecture - Infrastructure Architecture - Software Architecture Infrastructure - API Gateway - Service Discovery - Load Balancers - Service Mesh - Kafka Software Architecture - Event Sourcing and CQRS - Domain Driven Design - Functional Reactive Programming - Hexagonal Architecture (Ports and Adapters)

dddservice meshevent sourcing
Oracle OpenWorld 2017 Review (31st October 2017 - 250 slides)
Oracle OpenWorld 2017 Review (31st October 2017 - 250 slides)Oracle OpenWorld 2017 Review (31st October 2017 - 250 slides)
Oracle OpenWorld 2017 Review (31st October 2017 - 250 slides)

The annual review session by the AMIS team on their findings, interpretations and opinions regarding news, trends, announcements and roadmaps around Oracle's product portfolio. This presentation discusses architecture trends, container technology, disruptive movements such as IoT, Blockchain, Intelligent Bots and Machine Learning, Modern User Experience, Enterprise Integration, Autonomous Systems in general and Autonomous Database in particular, Security, Cloud, Networking, Java, High PaaS & Low PaaS, DevOps, Microservices, Hybrid Cloud. This Oracle OpenWorld - more than any in recent history - rocked the foundations of the Oracle platform and opened up some real new roads ahead. This presentation leads you through the most relevant announcements and new directions.

mei ’18 25
Chris Richardson
Anti patterns
mei ’18 26
Distributed Monolith
• Microservices gone bad
• System made up of arbitrarily sized, tightly coupled modules
communicating over network interfaces
(i.e. everything is DCOM object)
mei ’18 27
Decoupling Illusion
mei ’18 28
• Functional changes required by different stakeholders require changes
to overlapping services
• Too much focus on re-use

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This document discusses microservices and their evolution from monolithic applications. It defines microservices as the smallest deployable units that can function independently. The document outlines the benefits of microservices like improved agility, scalability and fault tolerance compared to earlier architectures like SOA. It also discusses some challenges of microservices like integration testing and service discovery. The document recommends approaches like automation, DevOps practices and service meshes to overcome microservices challenges. It advises that microservices are suitable when requirements involve frequent changes, time to market pressure or building cloud platforms.

Micro Services Architecture
Micro Services ArchitectureMicro Services Architecture
Micro Services Architecture

This document discusses microservices architecture. It begins with an agenda that covers current problems with monolithic applications, what microservices are, key concepts, strengths and weaknesses, patterns, and questions. It then discusses how microservices separate concerns into independently deployable services, each focused on a single business capability. Communication between loosely coupled services is discussed as a key challenge. The document contrasts microservices with monolithic and layered architectures, noting strengths like independent scalability but also weaknesses like added complexity.

micro servicesarchitecturemsa
Closer Look at Cloud Centric Architectures
Closer Look at Cloud Centric ArchitecturesCloser Look at Cloud Centric Architectures
Closer Look at Cloud Centric Architectures

The document discusses the cloud architecture of Presence Insights, a service that provides analytics for physical locations. Some key points: - Presence Insights migrated from a traditional on-premises JEE architecture to a cloud-native microservices architecture on Bluemix using 29 microservices and 317 Node.js instances. - The new architecture utilizes various technologies like Node.js, MQLight for messaging, Redis for caching and real-time eventing, and Cloudant for persistence. - Lessons learned include deciding how to break services into actors, testing complex cloud architectures, optimizing for different scaling needs, and choosing the right data store for read/write patterns. - The evolution

mobile lean startup node angular kafka
Micro platform
• Standardization of service internal runtime aspects
• (Perceived ) increased efficiency, but practically shared
dependencies on details, which increases the need for
mei ’18 29
Entity Service
• Service boundaries are chosen to encapsulate “wide” business
• Perceived benefit of canonical models
mei ’18 30
Anemic Service
• Services designed solely encapsulate data, with logic in other
mei ’18 31
Unjustified re-use
• Extremely generic utility functions to reduce logic redundancy
• Leads to more complexity
mei ’18 32

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The Gib Five - Modern IT Architecture
The Gib Five - Modern IT ArchitectureThe Gib Five - Modern IT Architecture
The Gib Five - Modern IT Architecture

How should IT architecture look like in the ages of Cloud and Devops? How do the changes and the technological evolution of the last years affect our systems and processes? Why is innovation and digitalization important? What means 'cloud-native', how should I build my solutions? To anwer these questions we will look at the "Big Five": Microservices and Containers, cloud and DevOps and finally BigData, IoT and last-but-not-least artificial intelligence.

Practical Microservice Architecture (edition 2022).pdf
Practical Microservice Architecture (edition 2022).pdfPractical Microservice Architecture (edition 2022).pdf
Practical Microservice Architecture (edition 2022).pdf

Are you considering Microservice architecture for your next project? Are you planning to migrate an existing legacy / monolithic application to Microservices? Are you curious about Microservice architecture? If the answer to one of the above questions is YES, then this session is for you. Join me to know all about Microservice architecture: - When to adopt it? - When not to adopt it? - How to assess your team’s readiness to adopt Microservice architecture? - Starting a new project with Microservice architecture. - Migrate an existing project to Microservice architecture. - Microservice architecture main anti-patterns and how to fix them. - Are monoliths really that bad?

Gartner 2017 London: How to re-invent your IT Architecture?
Gartner 2017 London: How to re-invent your IT Architecture?Gartner 2017 London: How to re-invent your IT Architecture?
Gartner 2017 London: How to re-invent your IT Architecture?

Slides of the Talk "LeanIX: IT Modernization in Action: How to Re-Invent Your IT Architecture?" at the Gartner Enterprise Architecture & Technology Innovation Summit in London by LeanIX Co-CEO André Christ

gartnerit architecturedocker
Domain-last approach
• Major driver for organisational structure is roles and technical
capabilities, not business domain
mei ’18 33
• Decentralized domain focused cells with maximum authority
over all aspects of a set of capabilities
• Cross functional
mei ’18 34
Sizing Patterns (small -> large)
• FaaS (Function as a Service, small, async, serverless)
• microSOA (small, self hosted containerized services, close)
• Distributed Domain-Driven Design (bounded context)
• Self-contained Systems (UI+DB)
• Monolith (1 application is ok)
mei ’18 35
mei ’18 36

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Micro service session 1
Micro service   session 1Micro service   session 1
Micro service session 1

This document provides an overview of microservice architecture, including its key characteristics, benefits, problems, and solutions. Microservices are small, independent services that are organized around business capabilities. They communicate through APIs and can be developed and deployed independently. Benefits include scalability, flexibility, and ease of development and testing. Challenges include configuring and monitoring distributed services. Common solutions involve service discovery, load balancing, centralized logging/monitoring, and externalizing configuration. The document also discusses architectural patterns, anti-patterns, and references further resources on microservices.

Accelerate Delivery: Business case for Agile DevOps, CI/CD and Microservices
Accelerate Delivery: Business case for Agile DevOps, CI/CD and MicroservicesAccelerate Delivery: Business case for Agile DevOps, CI/CD and Microservices
Accelerate Delivery: Business case for Agile DevOps, CI/CD and Microservices

The business case and ROI for MicroServices, DevOps / Agile, adopting CI/CD, and Kubernetes with best practices. (Draft 2)

Modern Architecture in the Cloud of 2018 (IT Camp 2018)
Modern Architecture in the Cloud of 2018 (IT Camp 2018)Modern Architecture in the Cloud of 2018 (IT Camp 2018)
Modern Architecture in the Cloud of 2018 (IT Camp 2018)

Today, the large public Clouds - Azure and AWS - deploy at high-speed a diversity of services and features. Between Azure Functions, Event Grid, Azure VM Scale Sets, or Logic Apps, what to choose? Shall I go on Microservices? Event-Driven? Lambda Architecture? Deploy on Serverless? Containers? Modern Compute? Let's put a bit of order in all that. Enter the Modern Architecture, the foundation of all the new wave of Cloud services and not only. Session focused on application and infrastructure architecture, examples based on Cloud, perspectives and roadmap of the corresponding services at Microsoft.

mei ’18 37
Type of tools
• Development (KumuluzEE , Springboot, NodeJs, Scala, Akka,
Play framework, Lagom, Eventuate)
• API (OpenAPI, WADL, Blueprint, RAML)
• Database (Cassandra, Datomic, Mongo, Neo4J)
• Gateways (Netflix Zuul, Jboss Netty, Twitter Finagle)
• Monitoring (Twitter Zipkin, Netflix Hystrix)
• Container management(Docker, Kubernetes, Mesos)
• Communication (http, Kafka)
• Service Mesh (HAProxy, traefik, NGINX, Istio, Linkerd)
mei ’18 38
Service Mesh
mei ’18 39
No centralized integration/ESB layer but a set of (composite and
atomic) microservices. Service-to-service communication at the
microservices level.
Microservices toolsheet
• Sheet with reference architecture concepts and the
tools/frameworks/products available to fill in those concepts
• Feel free to contribute !
mei ’18 40

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Agility and Cloud Computing - Voices 2015
Agility and Cloud Computing - Voices 2015Agility and Cloud Computing - Voices 2015
Agility and Cloud Computing - Voices 2015

Agility and Cloud Computing Ambs Kesavan, Xilinx Voices 2015 Session Length: 45 minutes The objective of this talk is to share technology trends in cloud computing industry and the opportunities they provide to innovate at scale. The presentation highlights the productivity and economic benefits from adopting this disruptive technology to create a sustained competitive advantage for businesses of all sizes ranging from SMB segment to high end enterprises.

Microservices Architecture (MSA) - Presentation made at AEA-MN quarterly even...
Microservices Architecture (MSA) - Presentation made at AEA-MN quarterly even...Microservices Architecture (MSA) - Presentation made at AEA-MN quarterly even...
Microservices Architecture (MSA) - Presentation made at AEA-MN quarterly even...

Slides from the Microservices Architecture (MSA) presentation made at AEA-MN quarterly chapter event on June 5, 2015, in Minneapolis MN, USA.

enterprise architectureaea-mnmicroservices architecture
Redis and Kafka - Advanced Microservices Design Patterns Simplified
Redis and Kafka - Advanced Microservices Design Patterns SimplifiedRedis and Kafka - Advanced Microservices Design Patterns Simplified
Redis and Kafka - Advanced Microservices Design Patterns Simplified

The adoption and popularity of the microservices architecture continues to grow across a spectrum of enterprises in every industry. Although a consensus on an implementation standard has yet to be reached, advanced design patterns and lessons learned about the complexities and pitfalls of deploying microservices at scale have been established by thought leaders and the development community. With Redis and Kafka becoming de facto standards across most microservices architectures, we will discuss how their combination can be used to simplify the implementation of event-driven design patterns that will provide real-time performance, scalability, resiliency, traceability to ensure compliance, observability, reduced technology sprawl, and scale to thousands of services. In this discussion, we will decompose a real-time event-driven payment-processing microservices workflow to explore capturing telemetry data, event sourcing, CQRS, orchestrated SAGA workflows, inter-service communication, state machines, and more.

technologyarchitectureinformation technology
mei ’18 41
Reference Architecture
mei ’18 42
mei ’18 43
Pace Layer Model
mei ’18 44

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Redis and Kafka - Simplifying Advanced Design Patterns within Microservices A...
Redis and Kafka - Simplifying Advanced Design Patterns within Microservices A...Redis and Kafka - Simplifying Advanced Design Patterns within Microservices A...
Redis and Kafka - Simplifying Advanced Design Patterns within Microservices A...

The adoption and popularity of the microservices architecture continues to grow across a spectrum of enterprises in every industry. Although a consensus on an implementation standard has yet to be reached, advanced design patterns and lessons learned about the complexities and pitfalls of deploying microservices at scale have been established by thought leaders and the development community. With Redis and Kafka becoming de facto standards across most microservices architectures, we will discuss how their combination can be used to simplify the implementation of event-driven design patterns that will provide real-time performance, scalability, resiliency, traceability to ensure compliance, observability, reduced technology sprawl, and scale to thousands of services. In this discussion, we will decompose a real-time event-driven payment-processing microservices workflow to explore capturing telemetry data, event sourcing, CQRS, orchestrated SAGA workflows, inter-service communication, state machines, and more.

Microserces Architecture
Microserces ArchitectureMicroserces Architecture
Microserces Architecture

The document discusses microservice architecture, providing definitions and comparisons to monolithic and SOA architectures. It describes microservices as independently deployable services that work together to provide business capabilities. The benefits of microservices include evolutionary design, auto-scaling, and increased system resilience. Some challenges are also outlined, such as distributed logging and transaction spanning.

microservicesoftware development
Serverless microservices
Serverless microservicesServerless microservices
Serverless microservices

Presentation created for Third and Final Year students of , The Department of Information Technology, Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) College of Engineering, Pune. Collage has invited myself for a training program on “Recent Trends in Information Technology”. I presented on topic of "Serverless Microservices". It is Level-100 Session.

serverlessprinciples of microservicesacademic presentation
Microservices Conference
Berlin 2018
mei ’18 45
mei ’18 46
• Architecture /design / tools&framework sessions
• Workshops
• Service Mesh
• Micro frontends
• Patterns (i.e. Sagas)
• Kubernetes
mei ’18 47
What’s next
mei ’18 48

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Microservices Architecture, Monolith Migration Patterns
Microservices Architecture, Monolith Migration PatternsMicroservices Architecture, Monolith Migration Patterns
Microservices Architecture, Monolith Migration Patterns

Building Cloud-Native App Series - Part 5 of 11 Microservices Architecture Series Microservices Architecture, Monolith Migration Patterns - Strangler Fig - Change Data Capture - Split Table Infrastructure Design Patterns - API Gateway - Service Discovery - Load Balancer

microservicesmonolithicinfrastructure design patterns
Dutch Oracle Architects Platform - Reviewing Oracle OpenWorld 2017 and New Tr...
Dutch Oracle Architects Platform - Reviewing Oracle OpenWorld 2017 and New Tr...Dutch Oracle Architects Platform - Reviewing Oracle OpenWorld 2017 and New Tr...
Dutch Oracle Architects Platform - Reviewing Oracle OpenWorld 2017 and New Tr...

Not since the rise of Service Oriented Architecture (and the supporting Fusion Middleware technology) over a decade ago have we seen so much rapid change in terms of application and infrastructure architecture. Cloud, Microservices and DevOps are perhaps the most explicit examples – but many other developments in technology, architecture and even the industry at large have an impact on how enterprises consider and employ IT – such as machine learning, IoT, blockchain. In this session for (infrastructure, solution, application, enterprise, security, data) architects – we will present the main stories, roadmaps and technologies from Oracle OpenWorld 2017 (and JavaOne) that influence, shape and enable architecture. We will brainstorm together on the consequences of the new directions outlined by Oracle – and coming our way from other quarters. We are seeing a a lot of change. New opportunities arise – that may become challenges or threats if we fail to recognize and embrace the change in time. This session will help us all to get a better handle on the winds in enterprise IT in general and in Oracle land in particular. Among the topics we will present and discuss are: - The Only Way is Up – the inevitable and imminent move from on premises to the cloud, and upwards in the stack – from IaaS to SaaS - Security and Ops in a hybrid landscape (multiple clouds & on premises, multiple technologies & interaction channels) - Autonomous Database – what, when, how - Oracle’s cloud strategy, High PaaS and Low PaaS, Open [source] technology (star of the show: Apache Kafka) and the commodization of the traditional Oracle platform - Container and Cloud Native at Oracle Cloud (Docker, Kubernetes Container Platform, Wercker, Istio Service Mesh, CNCF) - Serverless - Java Reborn – for microservices and cloud, modularized (highlights from the JavaOne conference) - Disruptive: Blockchain, IoT, Machine Learning

Enterprise Trends for MongoDB as a Service
Enterprise Trends for MongoDB as a ServiceEnterprise Trends for MongoDB as a Service
Enterprise Trends for MongoDB as a Service

Since inception of MongoDB as a NoSQL database system, roughly half of deployments have been on commercial cloud, providing Infrastructure as a Service. Business users have realized benefit of instant, elastic procurement of servers and offloading costs from traditional data center architecture. The next phase of cloud service architecture is Database as a Service, which has been accelerating dramatically the last year among large enterprise customers of MongoDB. We will explore integration with varying enterprise cloud architectural requirements, MongoDB best practices as applied to fundamental architectural choices, and collaboration with the business owners to ensure a good match of needs and value. We will also address accounting, chargeback integration, and quanification of benefits to the enterprise, such as standardizing elastic architecture and offloading database system maintenance costs.

• Microservices Maturity Model
• Consumer Driven Contracts
• Frontend modularisation needs innovation
• Organisational structures (team sizes)
• Event Sourcing
• Handling data (sharing / transactions (Sagas))
• Security (OpenID, OAuth2, JWT)
• Serverless (AWSLambda, functions, deployment model)
mei ’18 49
mei ’18 50
• Microservices is (still) not the holy grail !
• Don’t fall into trap of the anti-patterns
• Don’t fall into the trap of hype and available tools and
• Microservices is no mainstream and commodity. Tools are not
always production ready
• Microservices architecture is NOT easy
• Define what you try to achieve
• Add it to your bag of architecture tools
mei ’18 51
Backup slides
mei ’18 52

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Microservices Patterns with GoldenGate
Microservices Patterns with GoldenGateMicroservices Patterns with GoldenGate
Microservices Patterns with GoldenGate

Deep-dive into Microservices Patterns with Replication and Stream Analytics Target Audience: Microservices and Data Architects This is an informational presentation about microservices event patterns, GoldenGate event replication, and event stream processing with Oracle Stream Analytics. This session will discuss some of the challenges of working with data in a microservices architecture (MA), and how the emerging concept of a “Data Mesh” can go hand-in-hand to improve microservices-based data management patterns. You may have already heard about common microservices patterns like CQRS, Saga, Event Sourcing and Transaction Outbox; we’ll share how GoldenGate can simplify these patterns while also bringing stronger data consistency to your microservice integrations. We will also discuss how complex event processing (CEP) and stream processing can be used with event-driven MA for operational and analytical use cases. Business pressures for modernization and digital transformation drive demand for rapid, flexible DevOps, which microservices address, but also for data-driven Analytics, Machine Learning and Data Lakes which is where data management tech really shines. Join us for this presentation where we take a deep look at the intersection of microservice design patterns and modern data integration tech.

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Presented at Gartner Data & Analytics, London Maty 2024. BT Group has used the Neo4j Graph Database to enable impressive digital transformation programs over the last 6 years. By re-imagining their operational support systems to adopt self-serve and data lead principles they have substantially reduced the number of applications and complexity of their operations. The result has been a substantial reduction in risk and costs while improving time to value, innovation, and process automation. Join this session to hear their story, the lessons they learned along the way and how their future innovation plans include the exploration of uses of EKG + Generative AI.

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mei ’18 53
mei ’18 54
Componentization via Services
A component is a unit of software that is independently
replaceable and upgradeable.
libraries are components that are linked into a program and
called using in-memory function calls
services are out-of-process components who communicate with
a mechanism such as a web service request, or remote procedure
One main reason for using services as components (rather than
libraries) is that services are independently deployable.
mei ’18 55
Organized around Business Capabilities
Conway’s Law:
Any organization that designs a system (defined broadly) will
produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization's
communication structure.
-- Melvyn Conway, 1967
mei ’18 56

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Organized around Business Capabilities (2)
The microservice approach to division is different, splitting up
into services organized around business capability. (including
user-interface, persistant storage, and any external collaborations)
mei ’18 57
Products not Projects
• A team should own a product over its full lifetime
• “You build, you run it”
mei ’18 58
Smart endpoints and dumb pipes
• NO smart within communication mechanism (i.e. ESB)
• The smarts live in the end points that are producing and
consuming messages; in the services.
mei ’18 59
Decentralized Governance
• So less standardization on platforms and technology
( costs !)
• Use right tool for the job
mei ’18 60

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We are honored to launch and host this event for our UiPath Polish Community, with the help of our partners - Proservartner! We certainly hope we have managed to spike your interest in the subjects to be presented and the incredible networking opportunities at hand, too! Check out our proposed agenda below 👇👇 08:30 ☕ Welcome coffee (30') 09:00 Opening note/ Intro to UiPath Community (10') Cristina Vidu, Global Manager, Marketing Community @UiPath Dawid Kot, Digital Transformation Lead @Proservartner 09:10 Cloud migration - Proservartner & DOVISTA case study (30') Marcin Drozdowski, Automation CoE Manager @DOVISTA Pawel Kamiński, RPA developer @DOVISTA Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 09:40 From bottlenecks to breakthroughs: Citizen Development in action (25') Pawel Poplawski, Director, Improvement and Automation @McCormick & Company Michał Cieślak, Senior Manager, Automation Programs @McCormick & Company 10:05 Next-level bots: API integration in UiPath Studio (30') Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 10:35 ☕ Coffee Break (15') 10:50 Document Understanding with my RPA Companion (45') Ewa Gruszka, Enterprise Sales Specialist, AI & ML @UiPath 11:35 Power up your Robots: GenAI and GPT in REFramework (45') Krzysztof Karaszewski, Global RPA Product Manager 12:20 🍕 Lunch Break (1hr) 13:20 From Concept to Quality: UiPath Test Suite for AI-powered Knowledge Bots (30') Kamil Miśko, UiPath MVP, Senior RPA Developer @Zurich Insurance 13:50 Communications Mining - focus on AI capabilities (30') Thomasz Wierzbicki, Business Analyst @Office Samurai 14:20 Polish MVP panel: Insights on MVP award achievements and career profiling

Decentralized Data Management
• Conceptual model of the world will differ between systems ->
Bounded Context
• Polyglot Persistence
mei ’18 61
Infrastructure automation
• Automated test
• Automated deployments
mei ’18 62
Design for Failure
• Applications must be able to tolerate failures of services
• Real-time monitoring (latency, throughput)
mei ’18 63
Evolutionary Design
• Service decomposition as tool for flexibility and change
• The key property of a component is the notion of independent
replacement and upgradeability
• If you find yourself repeatedly changing two services together,
that's a sign that they should be merged.
• Avoid versioning (be tolerant)
mei ’18 64

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The presentation showcases the diverse real-world applications of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) across multiple industries: 1. **Manufacturing**: FDM is utilized in manufacturing for rapid prototyping, creating custom tools and fixtures, and producing functional end-use parts. Companies leverage its cost-effectiveness and flexibility to streamline production processes. 2. **Medical**: In the medical field, FDM is used to create patient-specific anatomical models, surgical guides, and prosthetics. Its ability to produce precise and biocompatible parts supports advancements in personalized healthcare solutions. 3. **Education**: FDM plays a crucial role in education by enabling students to learn about design and engineering through hands-on 3D printing projects. It promotes innovation and practical skill development in STEM disciplines. 4. **Science**: Researchers use FDM to prototype equipment for scientific experiments, build custom laboratory tools, and create models for visualization and testing purposes. It facilitates rapid iteration and customization in scientific endeavors. 5. **Automotive**: Automotive manufacturers employ FDM for prototyping vehicle components, tooling for assembly lines, and customized parts. It speeds up the design validation process and enhances efficiency in automotive engineering. 6. **Consumer Electronics**: FDM is utilized in consumer electronics for designing and prototyping product enclosures, casings, and internal components. It enables rapid iteration and customization to meet evolving consumer demands. 7. **Robotics**: Robotics engineers leverage FDM to prototype robot parts, create lightweight and durable components, and customize robot designs for specific applications. It supports innovation and optimization in robotic systems. 8. **Aerospace**: In aerospace, FDM is used to manufacture lightweight parts, complex geometries, and prototypes of aircraft components. It contributes to cost reduction, faster production cycles, and weight savings in aerospace engineering. 9. **Architecture**: Architects utilize FDM for creating detailed architectural models, prototypes of building components, and intricate designs. It aids in visualizing concepts, testing structural integrity, and communicating design ideas effectively. Each industry example demonstrates how FDM enhances innovation, accelerates product development, and addresses specific challenges through advanced manufacturing capabilities.

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API Gateway vs Service Mesh
mei ’18 65
Monolith sv Microservices
mei ’18 66
1. Hardware
Bare metal, AWS EC2, Google Cloud Platform,
Resource abstraction: Docker, Apache Mesos
Configuration management, Provisioning,
monitoring and logging
2. Communication
Network, DNS, service discovery, service
load balancing, messaging
3. Application platform
Development tools, test/package/build/release,
deployment pipeline, logging and monitoring
4. Microservices
Microservice itself and corresponding
mei ’18 67
Layer 4: Microservices
Layer 3: Application platform
Layer 2: Communication
Layer 1: Hardware
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This presentation explores the practical application of image description techniques. Familiar guidelines will be demonstrated in practice, and descriptions will be developed “live”! If you have learned a lot about the theory of image description techniques but want to feel more confident putting them into practice, this is the presentation for you. There will be useful, actionable information for everyone, whether you are working with authors, colleagues, alone, or leveraging AI as a collaborator. Link to presentation recording and slides: Presented by BookNet Canada on June 25, 2024, with support from the Department of Canadian Heritage.

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mei ’18 70
How to decompose?
• Business Capabilities
Guides the decomposition according to the way the business is
structured (Conway’s law)
• Domain-Driven Design (DDD) subdomain
Provides a suite of tools and methodologies to reason about the
underlying domain at hand. DDD Strategic Patterns guide the
creation of a context map which forms the foundation of the
mei ’18 71

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Introduction to Microservices

  • 1. Microservices The next step in architecture? mei ’18
  • 2. Agenda • 16:00 – 16:30 Walk-in • 16:30 – 17:15 Microservices: Roger • 17:15 – 18:30 Vision and patterns MuleSoft • 18:30 – 19:30 Dinner • 19:30 – 20:30 Handson MuleSoft mei ’18 2
  • 3. Microservices • Definition • Drivers • Sizing • MS vs SOA • MS Ecosystem • Decomposition • Patterns and Anti-Patterns • Frameworks and tooling • Reference Architecture • Microservices Conference Berlin 2018 • Takeaways mei ’18 3
  • 4. What is a Microservice ? mei ’18 4 Resilient Business Capability Container DevOps Loose Coupling Strong Cohesion Polyglot Bounded Context Scaling EDA API Cloud
  • 5. History • A group of architects cam together in Venice 2011 to discuss the common architectural styles recently exploring • In May 2012, the same group decided on “Microservices” as the most appropriate name. mei ’18 5
  • 6. Wat is a Microservice Architecture? The microservice architectural style is an approach to developing a single application as a suite of small services, each running in its own process and communicating with lightweight mechanisms, often an HTTP resource API. These services are built around business capabilities and independently deployable by fully automated deployment machinery. There is a bare minimum of centralized management of these services, which may be written in different programming languages and use different data storage technologies. -- James Lewis and Martin Fowler mei ’18 6
  • 7. “Microservices are small autonomous services that work together” – Sam Newman “Loosely coupled service-oriented architecture with bounded contexts” – Adrian Cockcroft “A microservice is an independently deployable component of bounded scope that supports interoperability through message- based communication. Microservice architecture is a style of engineering highly automated, evolvable software systems made up of capability- aligned microservices.” mei ’18 7
  • 8. Characteristics • Componentization via Services • Organized around Business Capabilities • Products not Projects • Smart endpoints and dumb pipes • Decentralized Governance • Decentralized Data Management • Infrastructure Automation • Design for failure • Evolutionary Design Martin Fowler mei ’18 8
  • 9. Bounded Context / scope mei ’18 9 Microservice Framework / Language Database REST REST API Bounded Context / scope Microservice Framework / Language Database API Bounded Context / scope Microservice Framework / Language Database API Domain Model Domain Model Domain Model
  • 11. mei ’18 11 Agility Safety Release Speed ScalabilityExperimenting Flexibility Replaceability Microservices Drivers Decentralized Governance
  • 12. What makes a good size? mei ’18 12
  • 13. “Size” of a Microservice • LOC? • One “entity”? • Team size? • API size? • Deployment time? • Sam Newman “small enough and no smaller” mei ’18 13
  • 15. Example (DDD) mei ’18 15 Entities Aggregates Object Values Business Capabilities Ubiquitous language
  • 16. Interesting DDD methods • Event storming (See eventstorming) • Domain Story telling (See contexts) mei ’18 16
  • 17. Data • What is the data representing in a particular domain context? Boundaries: DDD Entities, Value objects and Aggregates. i.e. Book in seach context is Title and in Order is titles+copies, so entities mean different things ! • Transaction boundaries: smallest unit of atomicity that you need mei ’18 17
  • 19. Microservices “vs” SOA mei ’18 19 SOA Microservices Layering (utility, entity, task layers) No layering (on service level) CDM Domain Models http/soap, XML, WSDL , XSD REST/http, JSON, Polyglot Composite orchestrations Event driven architectures ESB Service Mesh Value chain and business model is changing the entire business process Value chain and business model is about efficiencies, small teams and DevOps practices while eliminating cilos. Focus on reusability Focus on usability and speed Loose Coupling Loose Coupling Dividing problem domain into services Dividing problem domain into services
  • 22. Microservices Platform SOA • “Small” services • Domain Drive Design • Webservices • CQRS DevOps • CI / CD • Monitoring • Automatic testing • Deployments Agile / Organisation • Small teams • Small increments • Fast delivery • Culture Cloud • Containerization • Horizontal scaling • Deployments Event Driven Architecture • Loose coupling • Event sourcing API Management • REST API • Routing • API Gateway • Orchestration • Transformation mei ’18 22
  • 24. Patterns and Anti-Patterns Anti-Patterns • Distributed Monolith (hype driven architecture) • Decoupling Illusion (technical- does not match business separation) • Micro Platform (standardization internal runtime aspects) • Entity Service (too wide business entities) • Anemic Service (solely data encapsulation) • Unjustifed re-use (extremely generic utility functions) • Domain-last approach (org structure around technical capabilities, not business domain) mei ’18 24
  • 25. mei ’18 25 Source: Chris Richardson
  • 27. Distributed Monolith • Microservices gone bad • System made up of arbitrarily sized, tightly coupled modules communicating over network interfaces (i.e. everything is DCOM object) mei ’18 27
  • 28. Decoupling Illusion mei ’18 28 • Functional changes required by different stakeholders require changes to overlapping services • Too much focus on re-use
  • 29. Micro platform • Standardization of service internal runtime aspects • (Perceived ) increased efficiency, but practically shared dependencies on details, which increases the need for communication mei ’18 29
  • 30. Entity Service • Service boundaries are chosen to encapsulate “wide” business entities • Perceived benefit of canonical models mei ’18 30
  • 31. Anemic Service • Services designed solely encapsulate data, with logic in other layer mei ’18 31
  • 32. Unjustified re-use • Extremely generic utility functions to reduce logic redundancy • Leads to more complexity mei ’18 32
  • 33. Domain-last approach • Major driver for organisational structure is roles and technical capabilities, not business domain mei ’18 33
  • 34. Patterns • Decentralized domain focused cells with maximum authority over all aspects of a set of capabilities • Cross functional teams mei ’18 34
  • 35. Sizing Patterns (small -> large) • FaaS (Function as a Service, small, async, serverless) • microSOA (small, self hosted containerized services, close) • Distributed Domain-Driven Design (bounded context) • Self-contained Systems (UI+DB) • Monolith (1 application is ok) mei ’18 35
  • 38. Type of tools • Development (KumuluzEE , Springboot, NodeJs, Scala, Akka, Play framework, Lagom, Eventuate) • API (OpenAPI, WADL, Blueprint, RAML) • Database (Cassandra, Datomic, Mongo, Neo4J) • Gateways (Netflix Zuul, Jboss Netty, Twitter Finagle) • Monitoring (Twitter Zipkin, Netflix Hystrix) • Container management(Docker, Kubernetes, Mesos) • Communication (http, Kafka) • Service Mesh (HAProxy, traefik, NGINX, Istio, Linkerd) mei ’18 38
  • 39. Service Mesh mei ’18 39 No centralized integration/ESB layer but a set of (composite and atomic) microservices. Service-to-service communication at the microservices level.
  • 40. Microservices toolsheet • Sheet with reference architecture concepts and the tools/frameworks/products available to fill in those concepts • Feel free to contribute ! • q7qDyKM7xYlt3uhoHAmlnsau0gdw mei ’18 40
  • 47. • Architecture /design / tools&framework sessions • Workshops • Service Mesh • Micro frontends • Patterns (i.e. Sagas) • Kubernetes mei ’18 47
  • 49. • Microservices Maturity Model • Consumer Driven Contracts • Frontend modularisation needs innovation • Organisational structures (team sizes) • Event Sourcing • Handling data (sharing / transactions (Sagas)) • Security (OpenID, OAuth2, JWT) • Serverless (AWSLambda, functions, deployment model) mei ’18 49
  • 51. • Microservices is (still) not the holy grail ! • Don’t fall into trap of the anti-patterns • Don’t fall into the trap of hype and available tools and frameworks • Microservices is no mainstream and commodity. Tools are not always production ready • Microservices architecture is NOT easy • Define what you try to achieve • Add it to your bag of architecture tools mei ’18 51
  • 55. Componentization via Services A component is a unit of software that is independently replaceable and upgradeable. libraries are components that are linked into a program and called using in-memory function calls services are out-of-process components who communicate with a mechanism such as a web service request, or remote procedure call. One main reason for using services as components (rather than libraries) is that services are independently deployable. mei ’18 55
  • 56. Organized around Business Capabilities Conway’s Law: Any organization that designs a system (defined broadly) will produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization's communication structure. -- Melvyn Conway, 1967 mei ’18 56
  • 57. Organized around Business Capabilities (2) The microservice approach to division is different, splitting up into services organized around business capability. (including user-interface, persistant storage, and any external collaborations) mei ’18 57
  • 58. Products not Projects • A team should own a product over its full lifetime • “You build, you run it” mei ’18 58
  • 59. Smart endpoints and dumb pipes • NO smart within communication mechanism (i.e. ESB) • The smarts live in the end points that are producing and consuming messages; in the services. mei ’18 59
  • 60. Decentralized Governance • So less standardization on platforms and technology ( costs !) • Use right tool for the job mei ’18 60
  • 61. Decentralized Data Management • Conceptual model of the world will differ between systems -> Bounded Context • Polyglot Persistence mei ’18 61
  • 62. Infrastructure automation • CD/CI • Automated test • Automated deployments mei ’18 62
  • 63. Design for Failure • Applications must be able to tolerate failures of services • Real-time monitoring (latency, throughput) mei ’18 63
  • 64. Evolutionary Design • Service decomposition as tool for flexibility and change • The key property of a component is the notion of independent replacement and upgradeability • If you find yourself repeatedly changing two services together, that's a sign that they should be merged. • Avoid versioning (be tolerant) mei ’18 64
  • 65. API Gateway vs Service Mesh mei ’18 65
  • 67. 1. Hardware Bare metal, AWS EC2, Google Cloud Platform, Azure. Resource abstraction: Docker, Apache Mesos Configuration management, Provisioning, monitoring and logging 2. Communication Network, DNS, service discovery, service load balancing, messaging 3. Application platform Development tools, test/package/build/release, deployment pipeline, logging and monitoring 4. Microservices Microservice itself and corresponding configurations mei ’18 67 Layer 4: Microservices Layer 3: Application platform Layer 2: Communication Layer 1: Hardware
  • 71. How to decompose? • Business Capabilities Guides the decomposition according to the way the business is structured (Conway’s law) • Domain-Driven Design (DDD) subdomain Provides a suite of tools and methodologies to reason about the underlying domain at hand. DDD Strategic Patterns guide the creation of a context map which forms the foundation of the decomposition mei ’18 71