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Web Developer at University of Virginia
A.S., Computer Science
B.A., English
M.Ed., Educational Technology
• Full stack
• Business analysis
• Project management
• ColdFusion + ColdBox
• ColdFusion MX
• IT/Tech Support
• PHP, WordPress
• Educator
• Introduction
• Concept: Rules Engine
• Proof of Concept
• Real (Fake) Example
• Tips for Success
• References & Questions

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TLC2018 Thomas Haver: The Science of Testing
TLC2018 Thomas Haver: The Science of TestingTLC2018 Thomas Haver: The Science of Testing
TLC2018 Thomas Haver: The Science of Testing

Thomas Haver discusses lessons learned from a career in research science that can be applied to QA, with parallels to industry product quality models. Testing techniques and product delivery processes from research science will aid not just testers but the entire team in delivering quality software. Presentation at Test Leadership Congress 2018.

sciencescientific approachtesting
A missing link in the ML infrastructure stack?
A missing link in the ML infrastructure stack?A missing link in the ML infrastructure stack?
A missing link in the ML infrastructure stack?

Talk at SF Big Analytics Machine learning is quickly becoming a product engineering discipline. Although several new categories of infrastructure and tools have emerged to help teams turn their models into production systems, doing so is still extremely challenging for most companies. In this talk, we survey the tooling landscape and point out several parts of the machine learning lifecycle that are still underserved. We propose a new category of tool that could help alleviate these challenges and connect the fragmented production ML tooling ecosystem. We conclude by discussing similarities and differences between our proposed system and those of a few top companies. Bio: Josh Tobin is the founder and CEO of a stealth machine learning startup. Previously, Josh worked as a deep learning & robotics researcher at OpenAI and as a management consultant at McKinsey. He is also the creator of Full Stack Deep Learning (, the first course focused on the emerging engineering discipline of production machine learning. Josh did his PhD in Computer Science at UC Berkeley advised by Pieter Abbeel.

machine learning infrastructurejosh tobinchester chen
Scope Management
Scope ManagementScope Management
Scope Management

This document provides an overview of scope management for a project. It discusses planning and defining the project scope, creating a work breakdown structure (WBS) and WBS dictionary, and controlling and verifying the project scope. Key aspects of scope management covered include scope planning, developing a project scope statement, stakeholder analysis, and addressing scope creep. The presentation includes examples and a case study to illustrate scope management concepts and best practices.

• Define a rules engine
• Write rules for RuleBox
• Write tests to verify the rules (TestBox)
• Use RuleBox to handle conditional logic in a web form
• Accommodate multiple versions of a form with minimal code changes
• A massive PDF
• Up to ~80 possible questions
• Sometimes just 1 question
• Annual requirement for all human subject research
• Like doing taxes, but not as much fun
“Can we make this
into a web form?”
— Everyone Who Used The PDF Form
Conditional Logic
• Always required questions
• Sometimes required questions
• Follow-up items, sometimes optional
• External data sources
• Changing questions & conditions
• Multiple versions, simultaneously

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Asking Clarifying Questions in Open-Domain Information-Seeking Conversations
Asking Clarifying Questions in Open-Domain Information-Seeking ConversationsAsking Clarifying Questions in Open-Domain Information-Seeking Conversations
Asking Clarifying Questions in Open-Domain Information-Seeking Conversations

Users often fail to formulate their complex information needs in a single query. As a consequence, they may need to scan multiple result pages or reformulate their queries, which may be a frustrating experience. Alternatively, systems can improve user satisfaction by proactively asking questions of the users to clarify their information needs. Asking clarifying questions is especially important in conversational systems since they can only return a limited number of (often only one) result(s). In this paper, we formulate the task of asking clarifying questions in open-domain information-seeking conversational systems. To this end, we propose an offline evaluation methodology for the task and collect a dataset, called Qulac, through crowdsourcing. Our dataset is built on top of the TREC Web Track 2009-2012 data and consists of over 10K question-answer pairs for 198 TREC topics with 762 facets. Our experiments on an oracle model demonstrate that asking only one good question leads to over 170% retrieval performance improvement in terms of P@1, which clearly demonstrates the potential impact of the task. We further propose a retrieval framework consisting of three components: question retrieval, question selection, and document retrieval. In particular, our question selection model takes into account the original query and previous question-answer interactions while selecting the next question. Our model significantly outperforms competitive baselines. To foster research in this area, we have made Qulac publicly available.

computerinformation technology
How to take the stress out of writing case studies
How to take the stress out of writing case studiesHow to take the stress out of writing case studies
How to take the stress out of writing case studies

Case studies are great sales tools. But how many times have you gotten ready to submit a pitch, and realized you were missing case studies for the projects you want to highlight? You assumed somebody on the team would write one after the projected deployed, but everyone got reassigned to other projects, and it slipped through the cracks, again. And now you are sad. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Learn why we draft our project case studies before writing the first line of code, and how the team uses the case study draft as a quality assurance step to help ensure a successful project outcome.

case studymarketingweb design
06 distance learning standards-qti
06 distance learning standards-qti06 distance learning standards-qti
06 distance learning standards-qti

The document provides an overview of the IMS Question & Test Interoperability (QTI) specification, which describes a data model for representing assessment content and results. QTI allows for the exchange of assessment items between authoring tools, item banks, test builders, and learning systems. It has undergone several versions since 1999 to support additional features like adaptive testing and metadata.

“Maybe I can use RuleBox.”
— Me
RuleBox &
Thanks, Ortus!
Concept: Rules Engine
What is a rules engine?

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How to take the stress out of writing case studies
How to take the stress out of writing case studiesHow to take the stress out of writing case studies
How to take the stress out of writing case studies

Case studies are great sales tools. But how many times have you gotten ready to submit a pitch, and realized you were missing case studies for the projects you want to highlight? You assumed somebody on the team would write one after the projected deployed, but everyone got reassigned to other projects, and it slipped through the cracks, again. And now you are sad. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Learn why we draft our project case studies before writing the first line of code, and how the team uses the case study draft as a quality assurance step to help ensure a successful project outcome.

Project Scope Management - PMBOK6
Project Scope Management - PMBOK6Project Scope Management - PMBOK6
Project Scope Management - PMBOK6

The concepts and processes on how to perform project scope management according to PMBOK Guide 6th edition. You'll find key concepts and terms, plan scope management, collect requirements, define scope, create WBS, validate scope, and control scope.

project managementscope
Episode 3 – Classes, Inheritance, Abstract Class, and Interfaces
Episode 3 – Classes, Inheritance, Abstract Class, and InterfacesEpisode 3 – Classes, Inheritance, Abstract Class, and Interfaces
Episode 3 – Classes, Inheritance, Abstract Class, and Interfaces

This document provides an overview of key object-oriented programming concepts in Salesforce including classes, objects, inheritance, abstract classes, and interfaces. It discusses how classes define objects, how to instantiate objects, access specifiers, static methods, inheritance which allows extending existing classes, abstract classes which define common methods, and interfaces which enforce method signatures. Code examples are provided to demonstrate these concepts. The document also recommends books for learning Apex at different skill levels and includes an agenda and rules for the session.

• Not a Business Rules Management System with a UI to create rules (Drools)
• Not a UI for web forms with conditional logic (Qualtrics)
• Not a decision table, control table, truth table, etc.
• Decision table could be useful documentation
• Not low code or no code
What is not a rules engine?
• Extract the business logic
• More readable
• Long-term sustainability
• Best if logic is known
Why use a rules engine?
• Many facts in, one result out
• Simple object result
• Based on RuleBook
• Written as “Given-When-Then”
• Plays nice with TestBox
Features of RuleBox
Proof of Concept

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CodeIgniter for Startups, cicon2010
CodeIgniter for Startups, cicon2010CodeIgniter for Startups, cicon2010
CodeIgniter for Startups, cicon2010

Slides from my presentation at CodeIgniter Conference 2010 in Bristol in August 2010. What I talked about: - Startups: methodologies & techniques - CodeIgniter: applying what we’ve learned - The future: how could things be better

Unit Testing Best Practices
Unit Testing Best PracticesUnit Testing Best Practices
Unit Testing Best Practices

This document discusses best practices for unit testing. It addresses common issues like tests that run slowly, are hard to understand, or test the same thing repeatedly. It provides solutions such as grouping test files by criteria and naming conventions to make tests self-documenting. It advises against over-complex mocks and duplicated logic in tests. Tests should be written clearly so others can easily understand what is being tested when debugging or refactoring code. The key messages are to keep tests focused on specific units, refactor tests that become confusing, and make tests self-explanatory through naming and comments.

Exploratory Testing Basics, Experiences, and Future in SSTC2016
Exploratory Testing Basics, Experiences, and Future in SSTC2016Exploratory Testing Basics, Experiences, and Future in SSTC2016
Exploratory Testing Basics, Experiences, and Future in SSTC2016

Some basics of exploratory testing coupled with experiences, hints and tools for exploratory testing, and wrapped up by a view to the future of exploratory testing. Presentation given 19.10.2016 in Soeul, South Korea in SSTC and TMMi international conference 2016.

software testingagile software developmentquality assurance
Simple example
Primary Color Wheel
Two colors
One color is red
Other color is blue
Result is violet
Two colors (facts)
One color is red
Other color is blue
The result is violet
Struct of ”facts”
Closure that
evaluates to true
a simple value

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ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMSAccess and Data Analytics Test.docx
ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMSAccess and Data Analytics Test.docxACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMSAccess and Data Analytics Test.docx
ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMSAccess and Data Analytics Test.docx

ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMS Access and Data Analytics Test General Instructions. This exam has four parts. Part 1 is in class. Parts 2, 3, and 4 are take-home. Submit all parts to the designated dropbox folder. I expect your individual effort on all parts. Parts 2 to 4 are described in a separate document. Part 1 – Access (50 points). To get full credit, you must set up appropriate relationships among the tables and enforce referential integrity for each link. Your queries must produce the correct values, the fields must by labeled and formatted appropriately, and query designs must not include extraneous tables. In other words, you should follow the list of fundamental rules for Access posted on BeachBoard and included at the end of this document for reference. 1. Download the Fall_2019 database posted in the Access and Data Analytics Test Module under CONTENT on BeachBoard. 2. Ensure that primary keys are set and establish appropriate relationships among the tables: Stores, Vendors, Purchases, and Purchase_Items. Stores and Vendors should be linked to Purchases. Purchases should be linked to Purchase_Items. 3. Prepare the following queries, naming the queries qa, qb, qc, qd, corresponding to the identifying letters below: a. Use the purchase_items table to calculate the dollar amount of each item purchased in an extension query; name your new calculated field purchase_item_amount and format it appropriately. b. Use qa and the purchases table to sum the purchase item amounts for each purchase in an accumulation query; include all fields from the purchases table and the purchase_item_amount field from qa; name your summed field purchase amount and format it appropriately. c. Use qb and the vendors table to sum the purchase amounts from each vendor in another accumulation query; include vendor number, name, city, and state; name your summed field vendor purchases and format it appropriately. d. Use the qb query. Keeping all fields from qb, calculate the month of the purchase; name that field purchase month. BEFORE SUBMITTING, ask me to review your work. After I say that you are done, then submit your file to the BeachBoard DROPBOX. Be sure to close Access before you upload your results. 1 Some Fundamental Rules for Access 1. Look at your tables and think about what information those tables provide before you start linking tables and creating queries. 2. Make sure each table has a primary key designated. 3. Always establish relationships between tables first, before starting queries. 4. Always enforce referential integrity (or understand why you can’t). 5. No “expr1” field names. 6. Do not click on the big sigma to produce totals if the query doesn’t require totals (i.e., an extension query). 7. Avoid “SumOf…” field names in accumulation queries. 8. Include identifying information in addition to the primary key in accumulation queries that provide subtotals. 9. Always format new fields prope.

Building an Applied Science Portfolio
Building an Applied Science PortfolioBuilding an Applied Science Portfolio
Building an Applied Science Portfolio

This document outlines advice for building an applied data science portfolio. It recommends including projects that demonstrate hands-on experience with cloud computing ecosystems, tackle large datasets using distributed computing techniques, integrate different systems to build end-to-end pipelines, and go beyond presentations to write about projects through white papers, blog posts, or books. Specific project ideas are provided in areas like deploying models as APIs, using serverless functions, and building recommendation engines or simulations with big data tools. The goal is to showcase experience and learn new skills through portfolio projects.

Data modeling trends for Analytics
Data modeling trends for AnalyticsData modeling trends for Analytics
Data modeling trends for Analytics

Do we still need a star schema? Should we have a huge data warehouse? This session answers those questions.

sql serverbusiness intelligencedata modeling
Struct of ”facts”
Closure that
evaluates to true
something else is true
Return a simple value
• Add multiple rules in one function
function defineRules(){
• Rules are skipped if the when() evaluates to false
• If when() is true, actions in then() occur and affect the result
• If when() is true and stop() is present, no more rules are checked
RuleBox execution
Build a Complex Web Form with RuleBox and TestBox
Beyond two colors
Rules for Secondary and Intermediate Colors
Option 1: More Specific Rules
• Add rules with facts.color3
• Order matters!
More specific = higher placement
• Strategic use of .stop()

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Running with Elephants: Predictive Analytics with HDInsight
Running with Elephants: Predictive Analytics with HDInsightRunning with Elephants: Predictive Analytics with HDInsight
Running with Elephants: Predictive Analytics with HDInsight

Amazon and Twitter do it, Wal-Mart & Facebook too….What about you? Big Data Predictive Analytics is pervasive and with HDInsight it's never been more approachable. In this session you become part of the demo as your clickstream data at our fictional e-commerce website drives user and product recommendations using the built-in Mahout (Taste) algorithms. In this action pack session, real-world and practical solutions for moving data into and out of HDFS (with Sqoop), using Mongo or HBase as a source/destination and of course handling Mahout processing in distributive mode will all be covered.

recommendation enginemahoutpredictive analytics
Introduction to Unit Testing, BDD and Mocking using TestBox & MockBox at Adob...
Introduction to Unit Testing, BDD and Mocking using TestBox & MockBox at Adob...Introduction to Unit Testing, BDD and Mocking using TestBox & MockBox at Adob...
Introduction to Unit Testing, BDD and Mocking using TestBox & MockBox at Adob...

Introduction to Unit Testing, BDD and Mocking using TestBox & MockBox at Adobe ColdFusion Summit 2018 by Uma Ghotikar

Intro to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Gen AI
Intro to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Gen AIIntro to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Gen AI
Intro to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Gen AI

Sami provided a beginner-friendly introduction to Amazon Web Services (AWS), covering essential terms, products, and services for cloud deployment. Participants explored AWS' latest Gen AI offerings, making it accessible for those starting their cloud journey or integrating AI into coding practices.

Call the Rules
Rules File in
WireBox injection
Inside the component, outside the functions
Build the facts, call the rules
Give a struct, get a component

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How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hoursHow we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours

Explore the rapid development journey of TryBoxLang, completed in just 48 hours. This session delves into the innovative process behind creating TryBoxLang, a platform designed to showcase the capabilities of BoxLang by Ortus Solutions. Discover the challenges, strategies, and outcomes of this accelerated development effort, highlighting how TryBoxLang provides a practical introduction to BoxLang's features and benefits.

Migrate your Infrastructure to the AWS Cloud
Migrate your Infrastructure to the AWS CloudMigrate your Infrastructure to the AWS Cloud
Migrate your Infrastructure to the AWS Cloud

Are you wondering how to migrate to the Cloud? At the ITB session, we addressed the challenge of managing multiple ColdFusion licenses and AWS EC2 instances. Discover how you can consolidate with just one EC2 instance capable of running over 50 apps using CommandBox ColdFusion. This solution supports both ColdFusion flavors and includes cb-websites, a GoLang binary for managing CommandBox websites.

BoxLang Developer Tooling: VSCode Extension and Debugger
BoxLang Developer Tooling: VSCode Extension and DebuggerBoxLang Developer Tooling: VSCode Extension and Debugger
BoxLang Developer Tooling: VSCode Extension and Debugger

Discover BoxLang, the innovative JVM programming language developed by Ortus Solutions. Designed to harness the power of the Java Virtual Machine, BoxLang offers a modern approach to application development with robust performance and scalability. Join us as we explore the capabilities of BoxLang, its syntax, and how it enhances productivity in software development.

Results, the value
writedump( theResults.getResult() )
Results, the component
writedump( theResults )
Troubleshoot the rules
writedump( theResults.getRuleStatusMap() )
• NONE: Rule not checked
• SKIPPED: when() was false
• EXECUTED: when() was true,
then() actions executed
• STOPPED: when() was true,
then() actions executed,
no more rules checked
Test the Rules

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How to debug ColdFusion Applications using “ColdFusion Builder extension for ...
How to debug ColdFusion Applications using “ColdFusion Builder extension for ...How to debug ColdFusion Applications using “ColdFusion Builder extension for ...
How to debug ColdFusion Applications using “ColdFusion Builder extension for ...

Unlock the secrets of seamless ColdFusion error troubleshooting! Join us to explore the potent capabilities of Visual Studio Code (VS Code) and ColdFusion Builder (CF Builder) in debugging. This hands-on session guides you through practical techniques tailored for local setups, ensuring a smooth and efficient development experience.

Web Hosting with CommandBox and CommandBox Pro
Web Hosting with CommandBox and CommandBox ProWeb Hosting with CommandBox and CommandBox Pro
Web Hosting with CommandBox and CommandBox Pro

CommandBox was highlighted as a powerful web hosting solution, perfect for developers and businesses alike. Featuring a built-in server and command-line interface, CommandBox simplified web application management. Developers could deploy multiple application instances simultaneously, optimizing development workflows. CommandBox's efficient deployment processes ensured reliable web hosting, seamlessly integrating into existing workflows for scalability and feature enhancements.

commandboxcommandbox procfml
Revolutionizing Task Scheduling in ColdBox
Revolutionizing Task Scheduling in ColdBoxRevolutionizing Task Scheduling in ColdBox
Revolutionizing Task Scheduling in ColdBox

Join me for an insightful journey into task scheduling within the ColdBox framework. In this session, we explored how to effortlessly create and manage scheduled tasks directly in your code, enhancing control and efficiency in applications and modules. Attendees experienced a user-friendly dashboard for seamless task management and monitoring. Whether you're experienced with ColdBox or new to it, this session provided practical knowledge and tips to streamline your development workflow.

Define your test cases
• Does the result exist?
• Is it the expected format?
• Is it the expected value?
• Test at least one wrong answer
red + blue not equal orange
Test case matrix
Test Code in
Tests Folder
Code: 1 unit test, 1 expectation

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Disk to Cloud: Abstract your File Operations with CBFS
Disk to Cloud: Abstract your File Operations with CBFSDisk to Cloud: Abstract your File Operations with CBFS
Disk to Cloud: Abstract your File Operations with CBFS

In this session, we explored how the cbfs module empowers developers to abstract and manage file systems seamlessly across their lifecycle. From local development to S3 deployment and customized media providers requiring authentication, cbfs offers flexible solutions. We discussed how cbfs simplifies file handling with enhanced workflow efficiency compared to native methods, along with practical tips to accelerate complex file operations in your projects.

How to Break Your App with Playwright Tests
How to Break Your App with Playwright TestsHow to Break Your App with Playwright Tests
How to Break Your App with Playwright Tests

In this session, we explored setting up Playwright, an end-to-end testing tool for simulating browser interactions and running TestBox tests. Participants learned to configure Playwright for applications, simulate user interactions to stress-test forms, and handle scenarios like taking screenshots, recording sessions, capturing Chrome dev tools traces, testing login failures, and managing broken JavaScript. The session also covered using Playwright with non-ColdBox sites, providing practical insights into enhancing testing capabilities.

Securing Your Application with Passkeys and cbSecurity
Securing Your Application with Passkeys and cbSecuritySecuring Your Application with Passkeys and cbSecurity
Securing Your Application with Passkeys and cbSecurity

Discover Passkeys, the next evolution in secure login methods that eliminate traditional password vulnerabilities. Learn about the CBSecurity Passkeys module's installation, configuration, and integration into your application to enhance security.

Results: 1 unit test, 1 expectation
Code: More unit tests
Results: More unit tests
Code: Multiple expectations

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Schrodinger’s Backup: Is Your Backup Really a Backup?
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Schrodinger’s Backup: Is Your Backup Really a Backup?

In this session, we discussed the critical need for comprehensive backups across all aspects of our industry—from code and databases to webservers, file servers, and network configurations. Emphasizing the importance of proactive measures, attendees were urged to ensure their backup systems were tested through restoration processes. The session underscored the risk of discovering backup issues only during crises, highlighting the necessity of verifying backup integrity through restoration tests.

Design system: The basis for a consistent design
Design system: The basis for a consistent designDesign system: The basis for a consistent design
Design system: The basis for a consistent design

Participants explored how visual and functional coherence strengthened brand identity and streamlined development in this session. They learned to maintain consistency across platforms and enhance user experiences using Design Systems. Ideal for brand designers, UI/UX designers, developers, and product managers who sought to optimize efficiency and ensure consistency across projects.

ColdBox Debugger v4.2.0: Unveiling Advanced Debugging Techniques for ColdBox ...
ColdBox Debugger v4.2.0: Unveiling Advanced Debugging Techniques for ColdBox ...ColdBox Debugger v4.2.0: Unveiling Advanced Debugging Techniques for ColdBox ...
ColdBox Debugger v4.2.0: Unveiling Advanced Debugging Techniques for ColdBox ...

Explore the latest in ColdBox Debugger v4.2.0, featuring the Hyper Collector for HTTP/S request tracking, Lucee SQL Collector for query profiling, and Heap Dump Support for memory leak debugging. Enhancements like the revamped Request Dock and improved SQL/JSON formatting streamline debugging for optimal ColdBox application performance and stability. Ideal for developers familiar with ColdBox, this session focuses on leveraging advanced debugging tools to enhance development efficiency.

Results: Multiple expectations
Real (Fake) Example
Build a Complex Web Form with RuleBox and TestBox
• Not my project, just a good example of PDF to web
• Some questions are always shown
• Some questions skipped based on prior answers
• PDF and Web Form Prototypes from USDA:
Application for free lunch (USDA)

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How to Make a Living as a (ColdFusion) Freelancer?
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How to Make a Living as a (ColdFusion) Freelancer?

Thinking about freelancing? It's not just about coding solo and avoiding coworkers. Join me as I share insights from my 15-year freelance journey, covering everything from managing invoices to client communication styles. This session blends ColdFusion-specific tips with general freelance and consulting advice, with time for audience Q&A.

What’s New in ContentBox 6 by Ortus Solutions.pdf
What’s New in ContentBox 6 by Ortus Solutions.pdfWhat’s New in ContentBox 6 by Ortus Solutions.pdf
What’s New in ContentBox 6 by Ortus Solutions.pdf

Content templates, CBFS, Redirects, and Coldbox 7, oh my! ContentBox 6 is the game-changing new release for the ContentBox CMS platform. In this session, we'll discuss all of the new goodness added in the release, as well as show the many ways in which your single or multi-site ContentBox instance just became more powerful and flexible.

cbq - Jobs and Tasks in the Background by Ortus
cbq - Jobs and Tasks in the Background by Ortuscbq - Jobs and Tasks in the Background by Ortus
cbq - Jobs and Tasks in the Background by Ortus

Almost every application has tasks or jobs that are better suited to the background, and cbqmakes it easier and traceable to manage those jobs. cbq can scale from simple background tasks to a database to any message queue provider. Come learn how to get started with background tasks in your application.

• Create a form_template
• Create all possible questions
• A form entity for each lunch application
• Each form has answers
• Each form has question_shown
General object map
Build a Complex Web Form with RuleBox and TestBox
• Create new form entity for each submission
• Each form related to a form_template
• A question_shown record for every potential question
• Set showQuestion property for each question_shown (some always shown)
• As answers are saved, re-evaluate the showQuestion properties
• Use RuleBox to do the evaluation
General workflow
• The results will be whether a dependent question is required
• The facts are the answers needed to make that determination
• Example:
Case number is required if any assistance program is true
The question to check is caseNumber
The fact needed is the answer to isAssistance
The result is true (caseNumber is required) if isAssistance is true
RuleBox evaluates conditional questions

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Demonstrating Monitoring Solutions for CF and Lucee
Demonstrating Monitoring Solutions for CF and LuceeDemonstrating Monitoring Solutions for CF and Lucee
Demonstrating Monitoring Solutions for CF and Lucee

Building on his 2021 ITB presentation, "Monitoring Solutions for CF and Lucee," Charlie now focuses on practical demonstrations of these tools. Discover key observations and metrics for troubleshooting, tuning, and receiving alerts. Gain insights into the evolution of these tools since the last talk, drawn from Charlie's extensive experience assisting users with server, container, and CommandBox environments.

Ortus Solutions - Headless Content for the Win!
Ortus Solutions - Headless Content for the Win!Ortus Solutions - Headless Content for the Win!
Ortus Solutions - Headless Content for the Win!

we delve into the power of headless CMS—a versatile solution separating content creation from presentation. Explore its benefits: multi-channel delivery, accelerated time-to-market, content reusability, scalability, technology flexibility, and enhanced security. Discover how headless CMS transforms digital content management, empowering efficient and flexible content delivery across diverse platforms.

Reactive CFML with CBWIRE v4 by Ortus Solutions
Reactive CFML with CBWIRE v4 by Ortus SolutionsReactive CFML with CBWIRE v4 by Ortus Solutions
Reactive CFML with CBWIRE v4 by Ortus Solutions

In this session, developers explored CBWIRE, a ColdBox module that simplifies modern, reactive CFML app development without JavaScript frameworks like Vue or React. Attendees learned its usage, benefits, and the new features introduced in CBWIRE version 4, designed based on community feedback. The session catered to developers familiar with ColdBox and CFML, offering practical insights and guidance for leveraging CBWIRE effectively in their projects.

Rules: Case number question
Code: Call the rules
• Abstract code so one function works for all questions
• Only evaluate showQuestion for the conditional questions
Skip questions that are always shown
Skip questions that are constant (external data)
• Only evaluate when the saved answer matters
Skip answers that are not conditional factors
• Put all and only the relevant data in the facts struct
Refined workflow
Analyze the
Conditional Questions

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Building Scaleable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda powered ...
Building Scaleable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda powered ...Building Scaleable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda powered ...
Building Scaleable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda powered ...

Explore how to build scalable, serverless event-driven applications using AWS Lambda powered by BoxLang. This session dives into leveraging Lambda's capabilities to handle event-driven computing efficiently. Whether new to serverless architecture or looking to enhance your skills, join us to learn practical insights and techniques for optimizing application performance and scalability.

ENISA Threat Landscape 2023 documentation
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ENISA Threat Landscape 2023 documentation

ENISA Threat Landscape 2023

Leading Project Management Tool Taskruop.pptx
Leading Project Management Tool Taskruop.pptxLeading Project Management Tool Taskruop.pptx
Leading Project Management Tool Taskruop.pptx

Taskroup is the leading project management tool designed to streamline your workflow and boost productivity. Try it now!

leading project management
• Identify the questions that are conditional
“Show this question? It depends”
• Include all the necessary conditions in the facts struct
“Show this question? It depends on x, y, and z.”
• Look for conditional questions
A question that is only shown depending on answers to other questions
• Look for conditional factors
The answers/other data that influences the conditional question
• Create a related questions object
Option 1: Identify dependent relationships
Conditional Question Conditional Factors
Case Number Assistance Program
Income Frequency Any Income of That Type
• Create question groups object
All functionally related questions – independent and dependent
Include any data from external sources (they’re just questions)
Option 2: Identify question groups
Question Group 1 Question Group 2
is_SNAP has_work_income
is_TANF frequency_work_income
• Combination of related questions and question groups
• Potential conditional question groups
• Analyze the form content to determine the right option
Other Options

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Safe Work Permit Management Software for Hot Work Permits
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Safe Work Permit Management Software for Hot Work Permits

Efficient hot work permit software for safe, streamlined work permit management and compliance. Enhance safety today. Contact us on +353 214536034.

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Explore the craft of program and project management, hearing from Atlassian Program Managers, local thought leaders, and more.

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Algorithm, part 1
Save answer, build facts
• Only after saving an answer that affects a condition question
• Gather all the questions in that answer’s question group in an array
• For each question in question group array
Get the current answer to that question
Append it to facts struct as a struct (struct of structs)
Key Value
Question Slug Answer Value
isAssistance true
Build a Complex Web Form with RuleBox and TestBox
Build a Complex Web Form with RuleBox and TestBox
Algorithm, part 2
Save answer, build facts
• For each question in the questionGroup array (again)
• If it’s a conditional question
• Append to the facts struct
question_to_check : [this_question_slug]
• Call the rules with the current facts struct
• Results tell you if the current question (“question_to_check”) is required
• Update showQuestion property in current question’s question_shown entity

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Build a Complex Web Form with RuleBox and TestBox
Rules are Specific,
Calling Rules is Abstract
Extra credit: determine eligibility
RuleBox can do math!
Tips for Success

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Ansys Mechanical enables you to solve complex structural engineering problems and make better, faster design decisions. With the finite element analysis (FEA) solvers available in the suite, you can customize and automate solutions for your structural mechanics problems and parameterize them to analyze multiple design scenarios. Ansys Mechanical is a dynamic tool that has a complete range of analysis tools.

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• Essential if moving from PDF
• Communicate mental models
• Solidify question format
• Identify opportunities for improvement
Option 1: Same as the PDF
Prototype of assistance question
Option 2: Better than the PDF
Prototype of assistance question
Prototype to M.V.P.
Minimum Viable Product
• Goal is to build a shared mental model
• As low-fidelity as possible
• UX tools support branching, but do you need it?
• Even a PowerPoint will do
• Make the conditionals obvious

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Make the conditions obvious
Use Question Slugs
Question slugs (for brain slugs)
Human-friendly alternate ids
• Short phrase to identify a question
• Property on question object but not the primary key
• Makes the rules and tests more readable
• Reduces cognitive load for developers
• Useful for versioning
Use Form Templates

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Splunk Presentation

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Form templates for versioning
• New form version = new form template
• New template = new question entities
• Minor question change? Same question slug
• Same slugs = same rules, same tests
• Examples:
One form is a subset of another form’s questions
Minor change to wording of a question (“minors” vs “minors and neonates”)
Helpful links
• RuleBox:
• TestBox:
• Rules Engine vs. Machine Learning:
• USDA Lunch Application Prototype:
• Demo Code:
This is the end
Annette Liskey
BOX 2024

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Build a Complex Web Form with RuleBox and TestBox

  • 3. ANNETTE LISKEY SPEAKER EN ITB 2024 Web Developer at University of Virginia A.S., Computer Science B.A., English M.Ed., Educational Technology Current • Full stack • Business analysis • Project management • ColdFusion + ColdBox Previous • ColdFusion MX • IT/Tech Support • PHP, WordPress • Educator
  • 4. INTO THE BOX 2024 AGENDA • Introduction • Concept: Rules Engine • Proof of Concept • Real (Fake) Example • Tips for Success • References & Questions
  • 5. INTO THE BOX 2024 LEARNING OBJECTIVES • Define a rules engine • Write rules for RuleBox • Write tests to verify the rules (TestBox) • Use RuleBox to handle conditional logic in a web form • Accommodate multiple versions of a form with minimal code changes
  • 6. INTO THE BOX 2024 PROJECT ORIGIN STORY • A massive PDF • Up to ~80 possible questions • Sometimes just 1 question • Annual requirement for all human subject research • Like doing taxes, but not as much fun
  • 7. INTO THE BOX 2024 “Can we make this into a web form?” — Everyone Who Used The PDF Form
  • 8. Conditional Logic • Always required questions • Sometimes required questions • Follow-up items, sometimes optional Plus • External data sources • Changing questions & conditions • Multiple versions, simultaneously INTO THE BOX 2024 FORM REQUIREMENTS
  • 9. INTO THE BOX 2024 “Maybe I can use RuleBox.” — Me
  • 10. INTO THE BOX 2024 RuleBox & TestBox Thanks, Ortus!
  • 12. What is a rules engine? I m p e r a t i v e P r o g r a m m i n g R u l e s E n g i n e M a c h i n e L e a r n i n g See: INTO THE BOX 2024
  • 13. INTO THE BOX 2024 • Not a Business Rules Management System with a UI to create rules (Drools) • Not a UI for web forms with conditional logic (Qualtrics) • Not a decision table, control table, truth table, etc. • Decision table could be useful documentation • Not low code or no code What is not a rules engine?
  • 14. • Extract the business logic • More readable • Long-term sustainability • Best if logic is known INTO THE BOX 2024 Why use a rules engine?
  • 15. • Many facts in, one result out • Simple object result • Based on RuleBook • Written as “Given-When-Then” • Plays nice with TestBox INTO THE BOX 2024 Features of RuleBox
  • 16. Proof of Concept INTO THE BOX 2024
  • 17. Simple example Primary Color Wheel Source: INTO THE BOX 2024 PROOF OF CONCEPT
  • 18. • GIVEN Two colors • WHEN One color is red Other color is blue • THEN Result is violet INTO THE BOX 2024 PROOF OF CONCEPT
  • 19. • GIVEN Two colors (facts) • WHEN One color is red Other color is blue • THEN The result is violet INTO THE BOX 2024 PROOF OF CONCEPT
  • 20. • GIVEN Struct of ”facts” • WHEN Closure that evaluates to true • THEN Return a simple value INTO THE BOX 2024 PROOF OF CONCEPT
  • 21. • GIVEN Struct of ”facts” • WHEN Closure that evaluates to true • EXCEPT Unless something else is true • THEN Return a simple value INTO THE BOX 2024 PROOF OF CONCEPT
  • 22. • Add multiple rules in one function function defineRules(){ …. } • Rules are skipped if the when() evaluates to false • If when() is true, actions in then() occur and affect the result • If when() is true and stop() is present, no more rules are checked INTO THE BOX 2024 RuleBox execution
  • 24. Beyond two colors Rules for Secondary and Intermediate Colors Option 1: More Specific Rules • Add rules with facts.color3 • Order matters! More specific = higher placement • Strategic use of .stop() INTO THE BOX 2024
  • 25. Call the Rules INTO THE BOX 2024
  • 27. WireBox injection Inside the component, outside the functions INTO THE BOX 2024
  • 28. Build the facts, call the rules Give a struct, get a component INTO THE BOX 2024
  • 29. Results, the value writedump( theResults.getResult() ) INTO THE BOX 2024
  • 30. Results, the component writedump( theResults ) INTO THE BOX 2024
  • 31. Troubleshoot the rules writedump( theResults.getRuleStatusMap() ) • NONE: Rule not checked • SKIPPED: when() was false • EXECUTED: when() was true, then() actions executed • STOPPED: when() was true, then() actions executed, no more rules checked INTO THE BOX 2024
  • 32. Test the Rules INTO THE BOX 2024
  • 33. Define your test cases • Does the result exist? • Is it the expected format? • Is it the expected value? • Test at least one wrong answer red + blue not equal orange INTO THE BOX 2024
  • 34. Test case matrix INTO THE BOX 2024
  • 35. Test Code in Tests Folder INTO THE BOX 2024
  • 36. Code: 1 unit test, 1 expectation INTO THE BOX 2024
  • 37. Results: 1 unit test, 1 expectation INTO THE BOX 2024
  • 39. Results: More unit tests INTO THE BOX 2024
  • 42. Real (Fake) Example INTO THE BOX 2024
  • 44. • Not my project, just a good example of PDF to web • Some questions are always shown • Some questions skipped based on prior answers • PDF and Web Form Prototypes from USDA: e-school-meals INTO THE BOX 2024 Application for free lunch (USDA)
  • 45. • Create a form_template • Create all possible questions • A form entity for each lunch application • Each form has answers • Each form has question_shown INTO THE BOX 2024 General object map
  • 47. • Create new form entity for each submission • Each form related to a form_template • A question_shown record for every potential question • Set showQuestion property for each question_shown (some always shown) • As answers are saved, re-evaluate the showQuestion properties • Use RuleBox to do the evaluation INTO THE BOX 2024 General workflow
  • 48. • The results will be whether a dependent question is required • The facts are the answers needed to make that determination • Example: Case number is required if any assistance program is true The question to check is caseNumber The fact needed is the answer to isAssistance The result is true (caseNumber is required) if isAssistance is true INTO THE BOX 2024 RuleBox evaluates conditional questions
  • 49. Rules: Case number question INTO THE BOX 2024
  • 50. Code: Call the rules INTO THE BOX 2024
  • 51. • Abstract code so one function works for all questions • Only evaluate showQuestion for the conditional questions Skip questions that are always shown Skip questions that are constant (external data) • Only evaluate when the saved answer matters Skip answers that are not conditional factors • Put all and only the relevant data in the facts struct INTO THE BOX 2024 Refined workflow
  • 53. • Identify the questions that are conditional “Show this question? It depends” • Include all the necessary conditions in the facts struct “Show this question? It depends on x, y, and z.” INTO THE BOX 2024 Goal
  • 54. • Look for conditional questions A question that is only shown depending on answers to other questions • Look for conditional factors The answers/other data that influences the conditional question • Create a related questions object INTO THE BOX 2024 Option 1: Identify dependent relationships Conditional Question Conditional Factors Case Number Assistance Program Income Frequency Any Income of That Type
  • 55. • Create question groups object All functionally related questions – independent and dependent Include any data from external sources (they’re just questions) INTO THE BOX 2024 Option 2: Identify question groups Question Group 1 Question Group 2 is_SNAP has_work_income is_TANF frequency_work_income is_FDPIR case_number
  • 56. • Combination of related questions and question groups • Potential conditional question groups • Analyze the form content to determine the right option INTO THE BOX 2024 Other Options
  • 57. Algorithm, part 1 Save answer, build facts • Only after saving an answer that affects a condition question • Gather all the questions in that answer’s question group in an array • For each question in question group array Get the current answer to that question Append it to facts struct as a struct (struct of structs) INTO THE BOX 2024 Key Value Question Slug Answer Value isAssistance true
  • 60. Algorithm, part 2 Save answer, build facts • For each question in the questionGroup array (again) • If it’s a conditional question • Append to the facts struct question_to_check : [this_question_slug] • Call the rules with the current facts struct • Results tell you if the current question (“question_to_check”) is required • Update showQuestion property in current question’s question_shown entity INTO THE BOX 2024
  • 62. Rules are Specific, Calling Rules is Abstract INTO THE BOX 2024
  • 63. Extra credit: determine eligibility RuleBox can do math! INTO THE BOX 2024
  • 64. Tips for Success INTO THE BOX 2024
  • 65. • Essential if moving from PDF • Communicate mental models • Solidify question format • Identify opportunities for improvement INTO THE BOX 2024 Prototype!
  • 66. Option 1: Same as the PDF Prototype of assistance question INTO THE BOX 2024
  • 67. Option 2: Better than the PDF Prototype of assistance question INTO THE BOX 2024
  • 68. Prototype to M.V.P. Minimum Viable Product • Goal is to build a shared mental model • As low-fidelity as possible • UX tools support branching, but do you need it? • Even a PowerPoint will do • Make the conditionals obvious INTO THE BOX 2024
  • 69. Make the conditions obvious K.I.S.S. INTO THE BOX 2024
  • 70. Use Question Slugs INTO THE BOX 2024
  • 71. Question slugs (for brain slugs) Human-friendly alternate ids • Short phrase to identify a question • Property on question object but not the primary key • Makes the rules and tests more readable • Reduces cognitive load for developers • Useful for versioning INTO THE BOX 2024
  • 72. Use Form Templates INTO THE BOX 2024
  • 73. Form templates for versioning • New form version = new form template • New template = new question entities • Minor question change? Same question slug • Same slugs = same rules, same tests • Examples: One form is a subset of another form’s questions Minor change to wording of a question (“minors” vs “minors and neonates”) INTO THE BOX 2024
  • 74. Helpful links • RuleBox: • TestBox: • Rules Engine vs. Machine Learning: g/ • USDA Lunch Application Prototype: e-school-meals • Demo Code: INTO THE BOX 2024
  • 75. This is the end Annette Liskey INTO THE BOX 2024